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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. I was uploading videos onto my computer from an SD card. They’re old.
  2. I feel trapped. Trapped within myself, or trapped by natural laws. …What does that even mean? I can’t explain it, I guess.
  3. I’m guilty of a lot of things, but I don't think any of them are a crime.
  4. This is at least a year old, but I want to honor the buggo. :twismile:


    1. RaraLover


      This is an awesome drawing, my friend! :squee:

  5. Thorax is best buggo
  6. I’m a pretty bad liar, but lying isn’t usually worth it anyway.
  7. I don’t know. Cats? Or something like cats.
  8. I have more than it feels like I do. I just don’t spend it productively.
  9. Curiosity killed the cat. Curiosity killed the cat. Curiosity killed the cat. Why do I feel like being curious?
  10. Yes, especially when it’s not my own money and the person doesn’t want me to pay them back.
  11. Always. And a friend of mine was surprised by that.
  12. I’m scared of everything, so yes.
  13. I’m incredibly out of shape, but I don’t look like it.
  14. You know you’re a brony when your friends look at you after you quote the show and flatly say, “That’s a My Little Pony quote, isn’t it.”
  15. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I’m done socializing for the decade.
  16. Yes, a few random YouTubers seem like they would make great friends, although one should keep in mind that they might appear that way only on camera.
  17. I’m sorry if I smothered you I'm sorry if I smothered… you
  18. I play the ukulele and bass guitar. I did percussion in school when I was around eleven.
  19. Never be able to draw. I value writing too much. Would you rather be a member of the furry fandom or the Sonic fandom?
  20. Physically uncomfortable.
  21. I’ve found myself in a pickle. Or something along those lines.
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