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Rosy Moonlight

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Everything posted by Rosy Moonlight

  1. My favorite EQG special is Forgotten Friendship. It shows psychological fear of people treating you like the monster/bully you aren't or you used to be. It gave development to Trixie in her interactions with Sunset, and they even showed that she knows how to raise frogs for her tricks. I like the ending in the way it reminds me of a school shooting which is way too familiar in real life. Sunset reconciles with Celestia!
  2. My favorite Equestria song is We've Come So far. It not only shows how magic of friendship lasts forever but also the development of the mane cast from their previous adventures.
  3. These episodes set a strong and open foundation for a world that eventually grew beyond what anyone could've imagined when they first aired. Big open shots, simple but strong moments, and a funny yet awesome change-of-hearts.
  4. This is beautiful.


  5. I really like this episode, though I don't love Izzy's actions or the fact they used the "Mane Melody" song for the end. I do like how this episode shows Pipp's sentimental side, how deeply she appreciates good moments outside of fame.
  6. I find it to be a very lovely episode. It is relatable in the way it show that even if an episode/special/whatever doesn't match up to our expectations, we still got each other's company to enjoy amidst the chaos.
  7. For me, it's not the best episode but I do like it for how it showed how Spike is a young child, for the early seasons at least.
  8. This episode introduced "Pinkamena" and that is beyond amazing. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.clipartmax.com%2Fmiddle%2Fm2i8Z5N4N4K9Z5N4_pinkamena-by-jazzthetwilightgaia-vector-mlp-pinkie-pie-party-of-one%2F&psig=AOvVaw3oU87yz09oWlinav8k5cVU&ust=1653638831791000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAwQjRxqFwoTCMCk3PLa_PcCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
  9. This episode is one of the best backstory episodes I've seen in any show.
  10. Not only was this episode awesome for Rarity, it was awesome for everyone who is feminine and spirited like her.
  11. My favorite parts were the song "Winter Wrap-up" and its instrumental version.
  12. The fact that they made the "fake friend" a griffin and the only griffin we see for the rest of the season still rubs me the wrong way, even after I watched The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone.
  13. I love this episode. I am a little sad that for the rest of the show, we didn't get more of magical butterfly wings, elderly pegasi, and Cloudsdale in general.
  14. Yes, those are that person's opinions, and my opinions are very similar to them. Please do not act like people can not share opinions because it can be quite hurtful.
  15. I found it cute when Hitch acted like a worried overprepared pony.
  16. This is what I tell myself when I regret not being into a show or fandom, like how I was with MLP.

  17. One reason could be that G3 impacted MLP in such a way that it gave it an inaccurate reputation of having only fluffy cuteness. Seriously, what were they thinking? Even G1 had Spike threatened with beheading twice. The first time with a satanic centaur, and the second time was with a young boy. I don't find G3 stupid but I find it as wasted potential. I think if the stories with the most fluffiness parts were used in a fairytale book format, it would have brought more freedom to the storylines.
  18. In Escape from Midnight Castle, Tirac needs 4 ponies to bring eternal darkness. https://www.britannica.com/topic/four-horsemen-of-the-Apocalypse Could this be inspiration or just a coincidence? What do you think?
  19. I love the show but I don't love how much I missed in the fandom.
  20. I love this. Such a gem.

  21. For me, its Cozy Glow in School Raze. She wasn't given any backstory, wasting a lot of potential, just because she was created to be a twist villain. That is very strange for an evil child character, and that is made worse by the fact her main enemies work in the School Of Friendship, and they did not even search for her parents or try to reach out at all.
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