I find it to be an quite an appropriate episode to watch around Christmas time.
It would be nice if the colorful fruit bats (the race) would come back in G5.
I honestly hated this movie.
It leaves so many more questions than answers, the tone is condescending, and it feels like the executives and creators wrote themselves into a corner.
I like Tell Your Tale much more than this movie.
My favorite G2 character is Bon Bon.
She loves food and she really wants to be a model when she is older.
This evokes possibilities of her having conflict between what she currently loves and what she wants to become.
That is something that would more than relatable, and I think that makes her one of the deepest characters of the show.
Do you currently see people doing something you used to do all the time when you were younger, but you now hate your younger self for it, and you now hate it when people do it?
Yeah. I used to hate the LGBT community big time when I was younger. But now I don't, and absolutely haaaaate it when someone else does that sin I did when I was younger.
I love the mystery element.
I love the big cameos.
I love that Hitch learned to appreciate the animals more.
I loved how the animals, Zipp, and especially Hitch, were in the episode.
I would probably just use the color theme of the new MLP:FIM logo for the party.
Hello. You can use Rosy Moonlight for your project.
Please don't forget the green streak in her mane and tail.
She would be sweet, rather rosy-eyed and spacy, and somewhat selfish.
Considering how ponies in G1 reproduced, and how the witches are evil, there are some rather fantastical or disturbing ways they could have had their daughters.
But she's cute with her mane like that!
I hope she will end up wearing that hairstyle for real, and with a sassy-smart suit.
Why do I keep seeing Zipp in cool hairstyles!?
I can't say the same for Izzy.