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Everything posted by Carolina

  1. Just saw this on netflix yesterday, so I know I'm late to the party. But why couldn't we have gotten a CMC (or I guess they are just "the Crusaders" as humans) song? They were dressed exactly the same as their pony counterparts in "Show Stoppers," but they seemed to be advancing, which suggests they might have actually been good (or at the very least, decent) competitors. They couldn't have done a new version of the CMC song with Sweetie Belle on lead vocals? It certainly would have been more entertaining than Snips and Snails' stupid rap. Here's hoping the human "Crusaders" actually get to do something if they make another one of these things.
  2. Yes! Definitely see it! I would recommend watching it in theaters too, as the visuals are absolutely stunning (I saw in 2D, but I imagine 3D is pretty cool too). I would watch the whole first one, as well, because it's also great .I actually think HTTYD2 is a near flawless movie. The one thing I would have liked more of is Hiccup's friends, but that's just a personal thing (also Thornado, but whatever).
  3. Pinkie: Gemini? Rarity: Aquarius? Twilight: Scorpio? Fluttershy: Virgo? Rainbow Dash: Leo? Applejack: Taurus?
  4. The part in Baby Cakes where Mr. Cake picks up a diaper with his mouth. Actually, everything diaper related in that ep. Actually, EVERYTHING in that episode, now that I think about it.
  5. Saw it on Tuesday and loved it! The Rottentomatoes reviews were spot on! This is a great summer movie. I'm not sure if I like it BETTER than the original per se, but it is definitely a worthy follow-up. Now, lets hope the third rises to the challenge, too, since it's pretty common for trilogies to "trip at the finish line" as it were (especially given the situation we find Hiccup and Toothless in at the end of this one). Anyway, a few random thoughts (avoiding spoilers) - I liked Astrid much better this time around. Her attitude in the first one (and the series - which is good, but not great, btw) annoyed me, but she seems to have grown up. Her treatment of Hiccup has mellowed a lot, but I like that they kept her spunkiness. - Ruffnut's quest for romance was a highlight for me. I've always liked Hiccup's classmates and their interactions and the twins are my favorites. On another note, though, are there any other twenty-somethings in Berk? If not, someone is going to be left in the dust. Lol. - I remember at one point in the series, they mention that "Hiccup" is a name they give very small babies. The movie confirms Hiccup was a preemie. Kind of a neat detail and a nice call-back to the show. - On the other hand, where was Thornado? I haven't watched every ep of the TV series, but I do remember Stoick tamed/trained/owned a Thunderdrome named Thornado. Maybe he released him or something? His dragon in the movie (Skull Crusher?) was cool, but not the dragon I expected him to have. - Toothless remains the coolest dragon ever (sorry, Spike!)
  6. Saw X-Men: Days of Future Past yesterday. Was AWESOME! 9.5/10 because some stuff wasn't explained as well as it could have been
  7. I like going with friends and/or family, but going by myself might be okay, too as many of my friends tend to talk during the movie and get us in trouble LOL
  8. 1) Pinkie Pie 2) Rarity 3) Applejack 4) Fluttershy 5) Twilight 6) Rainbow Dash
  9. Thanks! For some odd reason, though, I found the idea of being put all the way to sleep much, much scarier. I wanted to have my wits about me and some control. Plus, general anasthesia causes nausea, I hear.
  10. Yeah, that one in "Trade Ya" seemed like one of the few that was taken more "seriously" (as in, not just a gag). Fluttershy at least seemed legit worried (as she probably should've been).
  11. That's good to hear! Glad your recovery went well. Do you remember how long it took?
  12. Nah, not arthritis, because he said the bone itself looked nice and smooth. I think it was actually the old ACL after it was ripped up. There was some other cottony looking stuff too, though, IIRC, but don't recall what it is. Maybe fat?
  13. Lol, someone needs to make a compilation vid or all of her fainting scenes (if it hasn't been done already).
  14. Oh yeah, I hear meniscus surgery is much worse because you cannot be weight-bearing. I had a really small tear on mine that wasn't even picked up on in the initial MRI, so they left it alone. From a non-medical standpoint, I thought the inside of the knee looked really "pretty" - lol. It was kind of like being underwater and everything was pink and sparkly. Some of the tissue looked like cotton candy when it was drilled into. The ACL itself was kind of pretty, too. It kind of looks like it's made of shiny, metalic pastic. Heh. I think my surgeon liked that I stayed awake and watched. Not many people choose it, so I think he enjoyed explaining the surgery, as he is very passionate about what he does.
  15. Haha, forgot about "Dragonshy!". Fluttershy too in that episode. Weirdly, I don't think Twilight ever has, even though you would think draining her energy from magic would be common. Plus, she has panic attacks.
  16. This is an extremely random observation I've made over the course of the series, but these ponies seem to faint an awful lot. For example: Applejack in "Apple Buck Season," Rarity in "Bridle Gossip" (like six times), Rarity in "Sweet and Elite," Rarity in "A Canterlot Wedding," Rarity in "Simple Ways" (Lol, poor Rarity...I know she's a drama queen but YEESH!), Pinkie Pie in "Too Many Pinkie Pies," Rainbow Dash in "Trade Ya," Spike in the pilot episode, Princess Cadance in "Crystal Empire" and probably lots more. Why do you think this is? It's kind of weird.
  17. So earlier today (at 7:30 in the morning), I had surgery for the first time in my life. I was skiing last month and fell and tore my ACL. I stayed awake for the entire thing and watched the surgeons poking around my knee on the screen. It was actually pretty damn cool and I liked that they explained everything that was going on. In a lot of pain now, though, which makes sense given that the put screws in there, obliterated the old ACL and cut into my hamstring to make a graff. Overall, though, the whole experience was nowhere near as bad as I expected. Anyone else ever have surgery? Which ones? Any good horror stories?
  18. I mostly like it, but it definitely looks better on the outside than on the inside. The inside is a bit boring.
  19. I sort of like Rainbow Power in that it serves as sort of a nice callback to how the Mane 6 got their Cutie Marks and what brought them together in the first place (that is, the Sonic Rainboom). So yeah, I guess the ponies have been united through rainbows since day one. Not sure if this was purposefully meant to relate to the Rainboom, but it feels natural to me just the same. I like the toy designs more than the ones in the show, though. They were okay, but a few were a little over-the-top.
  20. I have quite a few wishes for S5. 1) Pairings in the Mane 6 - Rainbow Dash/Rarity: I know it has been said before, but, yeah: those two really don't have much screen time together - Pinkie Pie/Rarity: Weirdly enough, neither do these two...Rarity seems to have the fewest connections with the rest of the Mane cast - Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy: They have some, but an episode about the two of them would still be fun - Applejack/Fluttershy: Bats! was awesome. Lets have some more conflict between these two! 2) Return of previously-seen characters - Babs Seed - Gilda - Maud Pie - Chrysillis/Sombra/Sunset Shimmer - Scorpan (I know he wasn't actually SEEN per se, but he's been hinted at.) - Twist (what the hell ever happened to her? She was Apple Bloom's BFF before meeting the other CMC! Maybe we could have an episode that addresses this?) 3) Characters from previous gens - Smooze -Sea ponies -Minty or Toola Roola (main characters from Gen 3)
  21. I don't mean to sound insensitive or anything, but what does "highest level of autism" even mean? Lets argue some semantics, shall we? As someone with an autistic sibling, I know that autism actually does have "levels," but usually, when you say "high" in reference to autism, it means "high-functioning" (like Asperger's Syndrome). So does this insult mean that Bronies = the highest functioning form of autism? Or did they mean that Bronies = the worst kind of autism (a.k.a: low-functioning autism)? Doesn't sound like a very well-thought out jab to me. Learn to insult people better next time, guys!
  22. For me, "Maud Pie" was probably the best/funniest episode, although "Equestria Games" is very close. "Testing, Testing, 1...2...3" was my least favorite. I thought RD was way too much of an entitled brat that episode, who sat back and let everyone else do absolutely everything to ensure she succeeded, when she didn't even care about the test (despite being a huge fan of the Wonderbolts since episode one) LOVED Maud Pie Pinkie Apple Pie Equestria Games Bats! Flight to the Finish Leap of Faith Three's a Crowd Filli Vanilli LIKED Twilight Time Somepony to Watch Over Me For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils Rarity Takes Manehatten Power Ponies Trade Ya' Pinkie Pride Inspiration Manifestation MEH Princess Twilight Sparkle (1 and 2) Castle Mane-ia Rainbow Falls Daring Don't Simple Ways DISLIKED It Aint Easy Being Breezies HATED Testing, Testing, 1...2...3...
  23. I loved it, personally. I always kind of like seeing people embarress themselves, though. It always strikes me as funny. Always love Spike, too, and enjoy most of his episodes. I also thought this had one of the most mature morals to date (only you can make this okay with you, or however Twilight put it).
  24. I liked it, but I kind of hope that they focus on some different groupings in the future. Much as I like the dynamic between Rarity and Applejack, we've seen them together three times now, not counting Saturday's episode ("Look Before you Sleep," "Sisterhooves Social" and "Simple Ways.") Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have had a lot of screen time together, too ("Hurricane Fluttershy" being the most prominant) and so have Twilight and Pinkie Pie ("It's About Time," "Feeling Pinkie Keen.") I think it would have been interesting to see Rainbow Dash and Rarity, since they hardly seem to interact one on one. The same is true for Applejack and Fluttershy. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie could have been a nice contrast, too. Other than that, it was a nice episode. It kind of reminds me of most "dramadies" in that it cut between several plotlines. I personally wouldn't mind seeing more eps set up that way in the future.
  25. I think Pinkie is probably an ENFP like me. I agree that the types are pretty open-ended and don't pigeonhole because everyone I've seen who is an ENFP (or probably one) is pretty different. ENFPs I know (other than myself) Pinkie Pie (MLP) Cheryl (Konoiche - ok, it's my made-up series and she's kinda sorta based on me, so I guess that one makes since) Jessa (Girls) Lily (Black Swan) Bright (Everwood) Buddy (Elf) Ron (Harry Potter) Rapunzel (Tangled) Simba (The Lion King) Okay, so I realize not everyone knows all of those characters, but think how different Pinkie is from Ron Weasly! But they both fit the discription anyway.
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