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Everything posted by Carolina

  1. Just saw The Avengers again for a class. It is so epic on the big screen (although, I imagine its pretty good on the small screen as well). After the movie, I got to thinking about how I would rank the Avengers as characters, but it was really difficult because I really like them all! I think if I had to, though, it would be: 1) Iron Man - I mean, come on, duh. It's Iron Man! 2) Thor - His hammy/cocky personality and way of talking is funny/cool to me and I love his relationship with Loki 3) Hulk - Quietly awesome in his human form and hilarious as "the other guy" too 4) Black Widow - Scarlet Johanson is great in everything and Black Widow kicks butt, even without super powers! 5) Captain America - I enjoyed most of his "fish out of water" scenes and his earnestness is a fun contrast to Tony Stark and company. He's also really hot, IMO 6) Hawkeye - Really kickass and totally holds his own with his superpowered teammates. I like his relationship with Nat, also. 7) Nick Fury - Not sure he counts as an Avenger per se, but he's Samual L. Jackson. Need I say more? And I liked Coulson too ( RIP) It's too bad the sequel is years away now, but I can't wait for Thor 2, Captain America 2 and Iron Man 3, though.
  2. Yeah, I like spiders! I used to want a pet taratunla, in fact. They are kinda' cute with all their fuzz, plus really cool. I don't really understand why people generally think spiders are so scary (except for the poisonous ones, I suppose. That I understand). Plus, spiders always remind me of Spider-Man
  3. Can't believe I forgot to mention "Do you Hear What I Hear?" in my first post! Of course, after reading Cracked's recent article about its weird origins, I see it quite differently... http://www.cracked.com/article_20104_6-popular-songs-you-didnt-know-have-dark-hidden-messages_p2.html
  4. Wow, I'd never heard that song before, but I really like it! I love Celtic music. Very cool sounding and just so warm and happy. It's too bad this one doesn't seem to show up on Christmas compilation CDs much (at least, not that I've ever seen!)
  5. So, it's getting to be that time of year again. November is almost over and people are starting to count down the shopping days til Christmas (unless of course, they started their shopping and preparation a few months early, in which case, freaks!) Normally hearing Christmas songs on the radio or at every store gets on my nerves (especially before December!), but I have to admit, there are a couple of holiday tunes I really like. In no particular order, these are: 1) "Silver Bells" - Christmastime in the city! Love the tune and love the atmosphere it invokes. 2) "What Child is This"/"Greensleeves" - I guess it isn't technically an Xmas song at all, so much as Greensleeves with words tacked on, but I have liked this one since I learned to play it on the piano. It was always a staple at every piano recital and just has a nice midevil type of sound. 3) "Baby, It's Cold Outside" - Not necesarily a Christmas song, so much as a winter song, but it's so damn catchy and funny. I have really liked it since it's appearance in my favorite Christmas movie, Elf. 4) "Sleigh Ride" - I love how most versions have sound effects that sound like hoofbeats. Do people even go on sleigh rides anymore? Because they sound epic! 5) "Carol of the Bells" - This one also has an epic feel to it and is just really pretty. 6) "We Three Kings" - Any version of this one is good - it has a unique oriental (for lack of a better word) tune, but the Roaches version is especially interesting and has a haunting quality So, how about the rest of you? What are your favorite Christmas/holiday songs?
  6. Yeah, I watch a lot of girly things, but I'm a girl, so... Anyway, three of my favorite movies are Mean Girls, Bridesmaids and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and I also like most Disney Princesses (especially The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast), plus Grey's Anatomy, Gilmore Girls and Gossip Girl. Suppose I should probably list the "boyish" stuff I watch instead: - Most Judd Apatow movies (Superbad, Forty-Year-Old Virgin, etc) - Pulp Fiction (definitely a dude movie, but I think it's great) - TMNT (especially their newest cartoon)
  7. 1) Check email 2) Check Cracked.com 3) Check Television Without Pity 4) Check MLP Formus 5) Check Cheezeburger/Memebase 6) Check Serebii.net and/or Equestria Daily 7) Check FMLs 8) Check Survivor Sucks I really should break out of this routine! Never realized how monotonous it is. Lol
  8. Hm, this is a pretty good point! Don't forget Flim and Flam, either (although, I guess they aren't so much "evil" as con artists, but they still used their magic to cheat).
  9. I always liked Shady from G1. Her negative, poor me attitude was such a refreshing contrast from all the happy happy HAPPY! I think she would make a good addition to FiM, if only just for an episode (or, if Hasbro no longer has the rights to the name/character, than another pony with a similar personality). I'd like to see Pinkie Pie interacting with an Emo pony.
  10. This is kind of random, but it bugs me to no end when people claim to like ponies better than humans (saying that their society is so much better and hating even the thought of a human character appearing in MLP). I see a lot of negativity about the human race in this fandom, which makes me kinda' sad. IDK, this has always been a peeve of mine in general. How can you hate your own species? Just seems really counterintuitive to me. It's like when you see people eagerly give money to animal shelters, while ignoring the charity for the homeless. Don't get me wrong, I like animals, but shouldn't we put our own first? Besides, I don't see the ponies as acting much different than human society. Yeah, it's a Y-rated kid's show, but as a society, ponies are shown on multiple occasions to be cliquish followers (look how the Ponyvillans gang up on anypony who is different, whether it be Zecora, Trixie or Apple Bloom when she was infected with Cutie Pox) mean (see the episode "Putting Your Hoof Down" and bullies like Diamond Tiara), and prejudiced (as seen in "Hearth's Warming's Eve," they only overcame their differences between the 3 races because they were afraid the Windigoes would get them otherwise!). But to me, this is one of the reasons I like this incarnation of MLP much MUCH better than G1-3. The ponies are shown to have human-like flaws, both in terms of individuals and group mentality. Yah, there are no major wars, but I think that has more to do with the fact that it is a kid's program. It's not a Utopia and thank god for that! I think I would majorly dislike the show if it approached group behavior less realistically.
  11. Since I am a Film Studies student, I am always exposed to new movies. However, I think my top favorite list has remained fairly consistant over the years (although, I have added a few recently). In no particular order, my random group of favorites are: Mulholland Drive Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Little Miss Sunshine Elf Black Swan Donnie Darko Bridesmaids Mean Girls Sunset Blvd Harold and Maude Finding Nemo Hercules Spider-Man 2 A Letter to Three Wives Alol. I told you it was random! Runners-up? American Beauty Superbad The 40-Year-Old Virgin Melancholia Inception Charlie Bartlet Carrie Where the Wild Things Are Spirited Away Miss Congeniality Parenthood The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants And a few movies that USED to be my favorites but upon rewatch sort of suck... Grease The Babysitter's Club The Lion King 2 Rent
  12. 1) Lesson Zero 2) Party of One 3) The Best Night Ever 4) Bridal Gossip 5) Dragonshy Runners up: Secret of my Excess, Applebuck Season, Cutie Mark Chronicals, Sisterhooves Social and Hurricane Fluttershy
  13. I like a BLT with a few extra ingredients: 1) Bacon 2) Lettuce 3) Tomato 4) Avocado 5) Mayo 6) Thinly sliced mozzerella cheese 7) Fried egg - All on toasted bread. It's amazing!
  14. Live Action/Scripted: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Breaking Bad Everwood Grey's Anatomy Gilmore Girls Konoiche Flight of the Conchords - mostly stuff that isn't on anymore...Yay for Netflix Instant Live Action/Reality TV/Documentaries: Survivor (at least, the older seasons) Mystery Diagnosis Taboo Dark Matters Monsters Inside Me Chopped Catfish (I've only seen one episode, but I LOVE the premise! I could see it getting a bit exploitive in the future, but for now I think it's pretty sympathetic and well done) True Life - This is what most of my TV watching generally entails. I'm a sucker for these kind of shows. I hate the ones that go out of their way to make their subjects look horrible, though (looking at YOU Honey Boo Boo, Jersey Shore and Jon and Kate +8!!!) Toons: The Simpsons Bob's Burgers Family Guy Adventure Time Regular Show Total Drama Island Sailor Moon X-Men Evolution
  15. Interestingly enough, I just wrote a paper for a class I'm taking on the sacred and the profane in art about why bronies are considered profane/taboo/strange/pedophiliac to some. I think it has to do with the fact that our society treats childhood as sacred and likewise, adulthood. Most cultures have Rites of Passage ceremonies which initiate a person into adulthood. Although modern day culture lacks specific ceremonies like these, we still believe in a sense that this dichotomy between childhood/adulthood holds a kind of sacred importance. Therefore, it is odd to some when they see someone who has crossed over into adulthood, but chooses to retain childlike characteristics - because it suggests that they are either neglecting the importance of the theoretical Rite of Passage, or, even weirder, never actually crossed into adulthood at all! I think Bronies might seem especially strange to some because, if an adult male started liking a show from his own childhood again, he could be seen as regressing, but with bronies, it's kind of like they are experiencing a completely different childhood - but as adults! I probably explained this a lot better in the actual paper. Heh. But yeah, I also talked about how American culture in general is just too focused on the idea of pedophilia. I mean, you can't even volunteer at a library anymore without getting a background check.
  16. I guess I'm not too pleased about my weight at the moment. I try to eat healthy and excercise, but pretty much always fall back into old habits. I don't want to be size zero, or anything, but I think I would be much happier with the way I look if I lost five, maybe ten pounds ETA - Although a friend of mine who hasn't seen me for a few weeks just told me I looked like I lost some weight, so I guess I'm doing better than I thought
  17. I LOVE the Mystery Dungeon games and have played Explorers of Time, Explorers of the Sky and Blue Rescue Team several times each, each time using a different team. Right now, I'm playing "Time" and naming all of my Pokes after characters from comedy movies. Our team is called Team Bridesmaid (after the movie Bridesmaids, of course - although I couldn't fit the whole name). The hero is Annie, a Squirtle and her partner is Helen (Torchic). If you haven't seen the movie, you should, btw. It is definitely not just for girls (not unlike MLP, actually)...
  18. Caught the second episode on youtube and am quite liking the direction this show is taking. I think Zoe and Penny Ling are my favorite pets so far, but I like all of them. Blythe is a pretty fun character, too, kind of like a nicer version of Rainbow Dash. I also like that they are starting to establish different personalities for the Mean Girl twins with Whitney (?) being the Alpha Bitch and Brittany her ditzy beta sidekick. One thing that bugs though: in what universe would someone have a pet panda? Isn't it illegal to own them? And even if it isn't, wouldn't they be ridiculously expensive? I mean, aside from being (probably dangerous) wild animals, they are also extremely rare. All of the pets (besides Zoe) are somewhat exotic, but I've at least heard of people owning hedgehogs, monkeys, geckos (if that's what Terrio is) and even skunks (there was an episode of Pets 101 that talked about it) and mongooses (mongeese?) are sort of like ferrets, so I could kind of see that. Eh, whatever. I guess I will just have to accept this as a universe where pandas can be bought in petshops. Btw, personally, I would love to have a pet panda, especially one like Penny Ling!
  19. Where's episode two? I want to find out if they save the pet shop! Nah, I'm sure they do, but I would like to know HOW they save it! Pretty good so far. The animals are very cute and quirky. In other news, though: One of the twins: "Are those your clothes?" Um...no...? What a dumb question!
  20. Brunette hair and hazel eyes (sometimes brown, sometimes greenish). Brunettes have more fun, anyway, in my experience. Lol. I think it'd be cool to be a readhead too, though, just because they are so rare.
  21. I know of a movie about Depersonalization called Numb. It's pretty good, but I'm not sure how realistically it portrays the disorder, since I've never encountered it IRL. Maybe checking out the movie would help you, though, just to see how someone else deals with it and how it is represented in fiction. It's quite a funny film, actually and stars Mathew Perry (Chandler from Friends).
  22. Hmm... Most to least mature: 1. Applejack 2. Twilight 3. Rarity 4. Fluttershy 5. Rainbow Dash 6. Pinkie Pie Most to least social: 1. Pinkie Pie 2. Rainbow Dash 3. Rarity 4. Applejack 5. Twilight 6. Fluttershy Most to least mentally stable: 1. Applejack 2. Rainbow Dash 3. Rarity 4. Fluttershy 2. Twilight 1. Pinkie Pie Most relatable to least (IMO) 1. Pinkie Pie 2. Rarity 3. Applejack 4. Twilight 5. Fluttershy 6. Rainbow Dash
  23. Carolina

    movies/tv Trix Rabbit

    How does he even know he likes Trix cereal if the kids never let him have it? I've always found it kind of odd that the cereal's mascot has never actually tried the cereal he is advertizing.
  24. I think my biggest one is that I really don't want to have kids. I actually like children, in general, but I just don't think I would be a very good mother. I think the worst thing to do would be to let society pressure you into having children if you don't want them, because those kids would know. It's a human life we're talking about and a very HUGE commitment. Also, most parents I know (that is, my parents' age) do nothing but complain about their children and seem to really regret having them in the long run. Other, more minor ones: I don't really think lying is all that big of a deal. I mean, sure, you shouldn't do it, but I think it's silly when people place it in the same category as murder. To put it more simply, I think you can lie a lot and still be an overall good person. Kind of strange, but I don't actually consider "annoying" as a necessarily negative term. I think one can be annoying in a good way. I also think being annoying is much better than being boring and/or snobby. There are no Pokemon that I legitetely dislike I think bacon is overrated I like watching the movie Elf when it isn't even Chirstmas-time. I think the following movies were better than the books they were based on (though just by a little bit): Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (even though PoA is my favorite HP book, I still think the movie is slightly better, but both are awesome), The Hunger Games and About a Boy. I think euthenasia should be legalized because in some cases, it is the best solution to ending someone's pain And also, I liked The Hangover II. It wasn't as good as the first one, but I still thought the characters were funny.
  25. Dayum, dude, that is one catchy song! I'm going to have it stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Anyway, looks pretty cool, I guess. Kind of weird to have a mongoose/skunk/panda as potential pets, but ehh, whatever. And I like that the dog's name is Zoe, since its my dog's name too.
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