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Everything posted by Carolina

  1. Lol, what a silly video! Three things: 1) Why would you ask for a drawing inside of a pizza box? It just seems kind of pointless since you are going to throw away the box anyway and even if you don't, the picture will probably get all ruined by grease, cheese, sauce, etc...Just seems like a silly request 2) It's a good thing Pizza Hut wasn't busy at the moment because that's an awful lot of extra work to ask someone to do. I guess the employees were okay with wasting their time like that, but it's still a lot to ask. I sure hope they gave the "artist" a big tip. 3) If you are going to sing something at the top of your lungs and record it for a Youtube video, it's probably good to actually know all the words. Just saying.
  2. 1. Burgers? Buger King. I really like their mushroom/swiss one, especially 2. Fries? McDonalds, definitely. I often go there just to get fries 3. Chicken? Not sure...I guess Arbies's chicken sandwiches are pretty good 4. Salad? Psh. Lol. I've only ever gotten a salad at one fast food resteraunt (McDonalds), and it wasn't very good. 5. Other side items? Does ice cream count as a side item? If so, then, Dairy Queen, of course! 6. Service? Well, none of them, really, but isn't that kind of expected? 7. Overall? McDonalds, overall. I go there more often than the others. I really like Arbies and DQ too, though.
  3. This might sound like a weird choice, but my favorite kind of animal is actally...human beings! I mean, what other creature comes close to being as complex and facinating? There are no other species with as much variation. If you think about it, although there are billions of us on the planet, no two are going to be exactly alike! As a species, we are capable of amazing acts (both of cruelty and kindness). As someone who has studied film, anthropology, archeology, history and psychology, as well as just being a people person in general, I am just interested in other people. Of course, that isn't to say I like everyone. There are certainly some people who I hate, but as a species in general, I think we are pretty damn cool.
  4. Before, I would have easily said Cookies n' Cream, but recently, I tried Ben and Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie, which combines my two favorites (Cookies n' Cream and Mint Chocolate Chip), so I think I will have to go with that for my top favorite. Top five would be: 1) Mint Chocolate Cookie 2) Cookies n' Cream 3) Mint Chocolate Chip 4) Moose Tracks 5) Dulce de Leche I also like chocolate, vanilla, Cherry Garcia, Americone Dream and Triple Chocolate.
  5. I am definitely a dog person. I have two German Shepherds and they are the best dogs ever, IMO, equal parts cute and badass and fairly smart to boot. Dusty, my older Shepherd acts more like a Golden Retriever, though, in that she loves everyone but isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Dusty and Zoe (Dusty is the bigger one) <3
  6. Hm, seems like a fun topic! I think, at the moment, I would give myself a 7.5/10. There are still quite a few things I need to work on, but I actually think my best trait is that I am self-aware and willing to change my behavior and work on flaws. Positives: Sociable Creative/imaginative Like to learn new things Generally open-minded and tolerant Have a good sense of humor Hard working when I want to be Usually easy going Self-aware Passionate Generally cheerful/bubbly Negatives: Sometimes gossipy Dishonest at times Easily jealous Worry about dumb shit Say stupid things without thinking Messy/disorganized Complain a lot Often try too hard, which can be annoying Annoying Sometimes lazy As for looks, eh...not too bad, either. I could certainly lose some weight and I wish I was taller, but I'd say I'm kind of pretty-ish.
  7. I would totally watch it! Especially if one of the major companies like Dreamworks or Pixar was behind it. Hey, even if it isn't good, at least it would be one of the very few CGI animated movies out there with female protagonists!
  8. I really didn't like "May the Best Pet Win." Rainbow Dash can certainly be a jerk upon occasion, but I thought she was in rare form in that episode. And despite her being so mean, rude and condesending to all of the animals (though Tank, especially), it bugged me that they still wanted to "honor" of being her pet. Why would anyone try so hard to please someone who treats them so badly? It just didn't sit well with me at all. I appreciated that Rainbow at least learned her lesson in that one, though, although I would like to see more of Tank in the future, just to see if she has remained kinder/more respectful of him.
  9. As you can probably dicern from my new avatar, Hercules! It is so funny but epic and heartfelt too and Meg's song is one of my favorites. I also like The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and Hunchback of Notredame . Finding Nemo is my favorite Pixar movie. Everyone in it is crazy!
  10. So, it's fall now, right? Any word about the release date? The poster just says "Fall 2012." As a film student/asipiring film maker, I'm really looking forward to seeing how this comes out!
  11. Hmm..."Party of One" or "Lesson Zero"? Can't really decide. They are both crazy good (yes, pun intended Lol). I think I've seen both of those episodes like, ten times.
  12. Yeah, it's a bummer that Rarity seems to be the least liked among bronies, but not really that surprising, as she is the most girly and the majority of bronies are male. She's actually my favorite (tied with Pinkie and with Fluttershy as a close second) because I find her prissy, drama queen, OCD behavior very funny - then again, I'm a girl, so maybe that's why I can relate to her a bit more than some bronies. Yes, she can be stuck-up, but I see that as just part of the character and not necasarily a bad thing as it is evened out by more positive traits (like creativity and generosity). Lots of likably characters can be stuck-up at times. I'd even say that Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are stuck-up at times, too, but in a slightly different way.
  13. I think I am an ENFP (?) I can't really remember. It has been such a long time since I took that test. Anyway, I don't really believe in labeling people or putting them into rigid categories like that, because everyone is different and people can always change! ETA - And like Rainbow Dashey said, you can act like a completely different category around different groups of people.
  14. I think Chimchar is probably my all time favorite. I also really like Lopunny, Absol, Heracross, Lapras, Ninetales, Torterra, Floatzel, Espeon and Vanilluxe.
  15. I think she's awesome! At the moment, she and Rarity are tied for my favorite pony. Not only is she fun, hilarious and random, she's also a pretty deep character (especially for a children's cartoon!). As I think I've mentioned before, "Party of One" was the episode that got me hooked. Pinkie's breakdown because of her fear of abandonment is still one of the deepest, most disturbing, and at the same time, most realistic things I've seen on the show. I was like, "wow, that pony is a MESS!" But, of course, I mean that in the best possible way.
  16. Four other Buddhists on the site? Cool! Who are they? Anyway, I became Buddhist in undergrad after I joined a campus club and just found that it made the most sense to me. It's not really a "religion" per se, so much as a philosophy as of how to live. The sect of Buddhism I practice is called Nicherin Daishonin Buddhism/SGI and it is the most practical branch of Buddhism. Instead of discussing mystic ideals, such as Enlightenment and/or reincarnation, we focus on making our own lives the best we can, believing that everyone has a Buddha nature inately in them. The whole "goal" is to win in life. I think the best explanation I've heard from a fellow member is that it's like "getting a PhD in Happiness." Other beliefs focus on turning obstacles into opportunities, taking responsibility for one's actions, developing self-awareness and learning to tolerate others. It's kind of, sort of like the Brony fandom in a way! That said, it's not perfect and there are some things that bug me at times. For example, like all organized religions, the SGI organization tends to over-complicate things, when it's really a pretty simple philosophy as far as I'm concerned. I'm also not a huge fan of chanting (yes, chanting!). It's just never really appealed to me. Still, all in all, I think it's a great belief system and one that I strive to live by.
  17. It seems like I'm the exact opposite of most people on here. I'm very friendly IRL and usually confident and often speak without thinking. However, I'm kind of a scardy-cat online. I'm always worried that someone is going to insult what I type, so I rarely start new topics and really think about what I am writing when I post replies (even reading it over many times and editing so I don't sound dumb). I think it's because a while ago, the first time I got involved in a forum (I think it was a Survivor related one, but I can't quite remember), I posted a new topic and everyone came in and ripped everything I said into shreds - and in the very meanest way possible, too. It's kind of silly, but that kind of traumatized me and made me feel really bad. I know not everyone on the net is like that (and in fact, a lot of posters I've met since have been very kind, friendly and helpful), but I guess I'm still a bit gunshy about posting. Maybe its the anonymity of online conversation that allows people to insult more readily wherein real life, they would probably not say anything. Also, there's the fact that people can be much more articulate online than IRL, so their words can be even more scathing at times.
  18. So, I'm currently working on a (longish) short story and thought I would post it here to get people's opinions. As I discuss on my profile page, I have this idea for a TV series and this story is from that universe, using it's characters...Originally, I had planned a novel revolving around the characters, but I thought a series would be more interesting. Anyway, quick background: It's about female super heroes called Konoiche (basically the Americanized version of "kunoichi" meaning "dangerous flowers") The original six use the names of the states they are from as codenames, but their daughters (the second generation) are named actually after states (or corruptions there of) as their actual names (so, you know, Virginia, Georgia, etc)... It takes place in the very near future in a world that is pretty much exactly like ours. People with powers are called "Magepaths" and abilities come from slightly different brain chemistry, so it's pretty common. People without powers are called "neurotypical". Anyway, so in case anyone asks, the main character (of the story - the whole series doesn't have one protag) is not a self insert. It's entirely coincidental that her name is similar to my screenname on this site (which is not my name IRL btw, if anyone was wondering). That's not to say I don't relate to her from time to time, though. So, warnings: drugs, swearing, under-aged drinking, lesbians and some violence. So, if any of that bugs ya', don't read...
  19. This is a good character you have so far. Even though it's only the prologue, I feel like I know quite a bit about your narrator: depressed and lonely (but desperately wants companionship) and a bit quirky (though, yes, I agree - everyone talks to themselves!). In short, just the kind of character I like the read about! I'd like the see where this goes.
  20. Wow, this is great so far! I can't wait to see what is going to happen! How old is the main character/narrator when his (her? I can't actually tell ) mother dies? The voice is really strong. You can tell this is someone detached from his/her situation who longs for something more. Actually kind of reminds me of a short story I wrote awhile back in creative writing class.
  21. No, it's actually pretty coincidental that I drew them as Earth Ponies. I don't want to go too much in detail about my series I'm making up, because this thread isn't about that and I don't want to get off topic (though PM me if you are interested), but I basically drew them as Earth Ponies b/c I drew their mothers as Earth Ponies and I figured pony race is basically genetic. And I drew their moms as Earth Ponies b/c I felt it fit their personalities better. As for why they are my two least favorites, nothing against them, really, just I don't relate to them as well as some and well, someone had to be ranked last!
  22. I don't have any OC's, but I do sometimes like to draw the (human) characters I made up for a book/TV show thing I'm working on in pony form. There are 12 of them all together, so I spread it out pretty evenly when I ponified them (four unicorns, four pegasi and four earth ponies). Now that I think about, my two least favorites of my characters (although I like all of them!) are both earth ponies. Then again, one of my favorites is also an earth pony, so :shrug: I agree though, you don't see many OCs that are Earth Ponies, perhaps because they are seen as less "special."
  23. True, heh. Middle school might be pushing it. I guess I stopped liking that show when I was in fourth or fifth grade. It started airing when I was in third grade (I think?), the same as the kids in the show. (Although, I still check out the TWOP Arthur thread from time to time for nostalgia-sake, which is how I knew about the disability episodes, etc). Hard to believe it is still on today! It used to be a pretty good show, IIRC, but it does sound like they are running out of ideas, kind of like the Simpsons. I hope MLP has that good of a run (although not to the degree that it runs itself into the ground, of course). Back on topic, I wonder if Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell know that Scootaloo is handicapped (that is, if the writers choose to take that path). It would be interesting if they started looking at her differently because of this. Not saying that they would be prejudiced against her, but they might either be upset that she didn't tell them sooner or they might start thinking they have to be careful around her and act super nice to her all the time.
  24. Yeah, that's true. Arthur's plot stucture (if you could call it that) is more slice-of-life and it is meant to be much more realistic than MLP (aside from the fact that everyone is an anthropomorphic animal, it is basically set in the "real world" and as such, real life problems exist there). I actually think it goes a little over-the-top with its quantity of "very special episodes," (aside from the two disability episodes mentioned, they also had one about cancer, one about Buster's asthma and one in which the kids' school was burned down) but this could just be because it is a really long-running show and they are running out of ideas. I think having Scootaloo confront her disability (even though it isn't a real world one) might be a good lesson for kids. Also, about the age of the audience, I'm not entirely sure, but I think Arthur mostly appeals to grade school/middle school kids, while MLP, although it can appeal to anyone, is suited for even younger kids.
  25. I think those episodes sound like pretty good ideas, actually. Having a character with a handicap and an episode focusing on it could work really well, provided they approach it in a sympathetic, sensitive manner. Other children's shows have focused on disabilities, as well. I know the show Arthur has several characters with disabilities and episodes dedicated to them. I suppose Arthur might be intended for a slightly older audience than MLP (maybe? Not sure...), but both are rated TV Y and both air on educational networks, so if Arthur could do it (multiple times and with actual real world disabilities such as Autism and Dyslexia), I don't see why FiM can't do the same. It certainly would give Scootaloo much needed character development.
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