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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Radiance64

  1. The show is actually getting good again, was boring as heck for a while but I'm glad they figured out how to get stuff happening again
  2. Not too disappointed it's still on 3DS, just hope they can just sort out that engine better... Gen 7 already though, awesome! More new Pokémon is always an exciting time!
  3. I downloaded Blue & Yellow, but have been too busy with the new Fire Emblem lately to really play them lol
  4. Onl if it's as good as Friendship Games... hopefully it will be.
  5. After replaying it very recently, I'm inclined to say Metroid Prime- it's just a perfect videogame. I've replayed it quite a few times and didn't necessarily feel that way before, but the feeling of knowing what to do and just stomping the yard for 100% and getting a final time of about 8 1/2 hours really did something for that game for me this time, it's weird... man, what a goddamn awesome game.
  6. The last thing I'd call Nintendo lately is cheaper lol... their products are worth it for me but I can see their pricing being a barrier for some people, heck the Wii U's pricing was a barrier for me but eventually I did decide to get one and don't really regret it.
  7. I literally spent all day on Chapter 10... hoo boy it was rough, but somehow made it through without losing anyone(Hard/Classic). I enjoy the challenge though, so far a solid Fire Emblem/strategy RPG title in general.
  8. I've got Conquest and it's freakin' great, classic style kick your ass Fire Emblem! Also, love Corrin, couldn't bring myself to change anything about his default design/name. Way stronger design than Robin ever was. So you want to marry your adoptive sister
  9. Yes and no. I mean, if I'm playing Dark Souls and die twice before retrieving my bloodstain I will NOT be a happy camper. But if I'm playing Smash and lose to a good player, I'd just be happy to have seen someone that good in action. I have been told I'm a yeller either way tho lol
  10. I have probably been playing too much damn Dark Souls, but I am near the end of it. Afterwards, I intend on playing... Dark Souls II.
  11. I'm not as big into things like the fandom and using pony avatars for everything as I used to be, but I still love the show and I always will. I am fairly quiet about it lately tho.
  12. SBB64rrt Please PM or status message if you want to add me so I know who you are, or say you're from here in your add request message, or I'll probably decline. Don't be mad if I don't get to you right away, I don't use Skype all that often atm. Text chat only please, at least to start with. Thnx
  13. NNID: SBB64rrt 3DS FC: 4554-1397-3995 PSN: Radiance64 Steam: Radiance64sbb PM or status message if you add me on any of these please(especially for 3DS since it requires adding on both sides). PSN is for PS3 and PSTV, and also keep in mind I don't play many PC games, but I have a Steam now anyway so why not put it up lol Also, may not be available at all times(my current wifi is not unlimited yadayadayada)
  14. In a fighting game I usually go for a balance between characters I personally like and some of the top characters. In like an RPG or something I go for power usually.
  15. Been playing through the Metroid series in chronological order- have beaten Zero Mission, Prime, and Prime Hunters and am now on Prime 2! Although, Hunters was a rather tedious and repetitive experience, going from the pure greatness that is Prime to that was terribly jarring but I got through it lol. At least I'm back to an amazing game in Prime 2, the Metroid series may have a couple lows but that's a small price to pay when its highs are some of the best games ever made.
  16. It's the lowest selling console this generation, which is going to come with hate at times. People also dislike the gamepad I guess, but once you get used to it it's not much different than a traditional controller despite it being bigger and shaped differently... and although it lacks third party support, well, the exclusives are second to none, so there might be some jelousy there? I dunno, the console might not be for everyone, but it's definitely not the worst console ever.
  17. I'd say the Wii is the last great one since it can play the vast majority of games released on past Nintendo consoles not to mention having a damn good library of its own. Not to say their modern ones aren't good too, in fact 3DS is pretty great, Wii U could just have been better in its library.
  18. Fire Emblem Fates Zelda Twilight Princess HD Star Fox Zero Pokken Tournament The eventual new Pokémon game That TMNT Platinum game Zelda U
  19. Bad weather Racism Smoking Console wars Mean people Dangerous people Getting frustrated in games Disease Death House centipedes Dangerous animals Most country music Making hard decisions Writing lists about things I hate eeyup.
  20. Metroid Banjo Kazooie Bomberman ;-; Mystical Ninja Timesplitters Legacy of Kain Earthbound/Mother F-Zero There are tons.
  21. Nope, Other M is right after Super and before Fusion actually: Has a ton of flashback cutscenes though to god knows when, so I can see how it can be confusing.
  22. It's the babby, an alicorn babby. Surprised they changed it from Skyla, rather pleasantly actually. Can't wait to see her more in action.
  23. I needed a copy of Metroid Other M, so I got one... been playing through the Metroid series chronologically and that one's second to last so I thought why not buy it to get to it eventually(have only rented it before). Besides, I like the game, may not(definitely not) be best game ever worthy like the Prime titles but it's a game I like for what it is- a fun action game with weird MGS-style cutscenes that just happens to be in a series where there have been way better games is all.
  24. I have just finished the pacifist run actually. Certainly a very unique game, I love that you never have to kill anything and the characters turn out to be totally worth sparing, since the writing is so top notch. The weird monster designs, memorable areas, and sense of organic choice definitely make this a unique game to remember and worth cherishing.
  25. I have a few gaming shirts, a couple of Amiibos, and quite a bit of Pokémon memorabilia(I even have two of those Pokéballs with the solid gold cards that Burger King sold in a bygone era). Have a collector's/special edition of a few games as well, and probably way too many Nintendo Powers(including the very last on previously mentioned here). I could still use way more gaming stuff tho
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