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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Radiance64

  1. Just got done replaying 999 and replayed Virtue's Last Reward watching some of the endings(most of that game is pretty much burned in my memory anyway, and I still had my save file so why replay the whole thing it's 40 damn hours lol). Bet ya can't guess what I'm playing now. It's Zero Time Dilemma Have also been playing Resident Evil remake HD Remaster on PS4.
  2. Resident Evil remake, no contest, in terms of how the zombies work that game is probably the best imo.
  3. Zootopia- blew me away to my surprise, easily the best DAS film since Wreck-it Ralph 10 Cloverfield Lane- probably the most tense movie about 3 people in a fallout shelter I've seen, John Goodman was quite a masterful creeper lol
  4. Dis show's pretty good breh Don't think Steven is annoying at all, he reminds me of my nephews kinda actually Pearl is my favorite character so far though, I do like girls who are motherly Not too far in yet though, last episode I watched was Steven and the Stevens so I'm almost at the end of season 1 I think?(according to Google Play anyway so what they consider season 1 might just be half of it I dunno lol) But yeah it's a great animated show. *warps out to avoid any spoilers*
  5. Yep, already knew about that. Just finished that last ending actually, that mechanic definitely made it all feel incredibly symbolic so I found it to be brilliant. Incredible game.
  6. Decided to shift focus on finishing a few games I had already started, first off Nier and getting all the endings. Just finished the second ending and am already depressed and hating myself... can't deal bro Yoko Taro y u make me feel so bad already
  7. I actually like all 3 of them, so which one I pick will certainly be a last minute decision to make for me.
  8. Joel from The Last of Us And I mean that in the best way possible. The game is amazing and I did like playing as him, but in the end I absolutely hate him as a person lol
  9. Franklin is my personal favorite, not really sure why. Michael is alright too. Trevor is fun to rampage with, but I guess I don't find him terribly relatable..?
  10. The Legend of Korra, and not too long ago Steven Universe as well. On the first seasons of both, and I don't binge very fast unless I have to.
  11. Played the Resident Evil 7 teaser a bit, really like it, sure the games where you kick bioterror ass are nice, but I've always wanted an RE game from the perspective of a more regular person amidst terror like that and it looks like we're getting it. The potential for secrets in the demo is killing me though! Also almost done with my first Bloodborne playthrough I think, and have started playing Dying Light and Batman Arkham City a bit. And a little more Pokémon.
  12. Radiance64

    gaming Death Stranding

    Probably the most interesting new game out of E3, so glad Kojima is back. Hope we don't have to wait an eternity to play it though...
  13. Oh Breath of the Wild hunt Looks amazing, Zelda with more freedom and clear influence from others(seriously that weapons system is straight outta Dark Souls lol) I'm sure it will come into its own well enough though, and be an amazing game. Can't wait to play it.
  14. Man I'm pretty damn glad I bought a PS4 now

    1. GenderIsAnIllusion


      Just wait a bit longer..... it will wear off XD

  15. Thinking back I guess the song in this episode wasn't really that bad, had a nice rhythm to it. The lyrics left a little to be desired though (yo it's gon wurk, gon wurk I tells ya ) and I still don't like how Rarity was portrayed during it, but that's just me.
  16. Dude, seeing Wes & Rui pop up in a modern Pokémon game... that'd be the dopest Anything else from Colosseum though, eh... can stay in that game imo. The mechanics in the game worked to make it more limiting, and I think putting snagging and and Shadow Pokémon in a traditional Pokémon game would make things too haphazard.
  17. Oh Rarity, why did they temporarily have to turn you into a bad character during that song... it's okay darling, hopefully they won't ever do that to you again Other than that, the episode was alright I guess. I liked the new characters, though I can't really remember their names right now... and we haven't had a map episode in a while, so that was nice. Can't say I expected the restaurant rater pony to full-on just screw off either, what a twist I guess! For a send off to a hiatus though, it could've been a little bit better though. Just sayin'.
  18. Best Friends Play Bloodborne, since I'm playing it myself Most of my YouTube time is pretty much just watching SBFP actually
  19. Interesting titles, haven't seen them before myself... Sounds like Discord, Changeling, and another shout out-ish episodes are incoming, not sure what to make of the rest.
  20. Indiana Jones series... but I will try and rectify that eventually. Tons of others too I guess, like Citizen Kane and most horror or most kids movies of today, but hey, if I see 'em I see 'em and if I don't I don't, it's just movies.
  21. Rotom Pokédex is really cool imo, tho if that form can be used in battle or if there will be any other forms remains to be seen, getting a new one for every type could be cool however. Nothing will probably beat Wash form for competitive play though, such a beast
  22. Whoa, does this mean there's a Ganon in Equestria? Has Twilight been with him on a Twilight Princess adventure? How does this Link even rolllllllllllll?! lol but really that is amazing, didn't even notice it meself. Love that he's carting a stash of rupees too, nice touch.
  23. Fluttershy has a family my mind is blown! But yeah despite that, the episode was just alright. Zephyr is a huge idiot but I did at least enjoy how Fluttershy was trying to deal with him. And hey, at least he turned out slightly less annoying in the end right? I did really find him flirting with Rainbow Dash hilarious though... kinda rooting for that ship because it would be so stupid yet perfect lol
  24. Metroid Prime- explore a cool frigate, escape, oh NOW YOU'RE ON AN EVEN COOLER PLANET Resident Evil 4- hey sir you seen dis gurl 'Nah I'm gon try to kill ya (rough Spanish translation) and so will erryone else' oh a cabin OH A CHAIN SAW Xenoblade Chronicles- sets up the world with both showing AND telling how it came to be as it is now, and then gets you right into the man vs machine war, which I find to be a beautiful contrast to what the rest of the game is like Dark Souls- kickass metal-as-heck lore dump intro telling you who you gotta fight, and then the Undead Asylum will tell you how it's gonna be right away, with HARD AND FAST LESSONS, and you either accept it or you don't, if you can even make it out through these challenges. Bayonetta 1&2- possibly the most gameplay centric intros I've ever seen in a cinematic action game, dumping you right into a random fight with little context other than a narration dump playing over probably the best music in both games, followed by a real prologue chapter that surpasses the intro in awesomeness (especially Bayo 2's). I mean, a lot of games' intros aren't half bad cuz they gotta sell it to you but these stick out most to me.
  25. I need to see Rainbow Dash and Sonic race And that should be the extent of the crossover.
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