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Twi Rubix

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Everything posted by Twi Rubix

  1. Hi! It's going pretty great! I got all my friends some presents, and I'm just so excited to see how happy they will be when they see what they got from me! Twilight, my present looks alot like the one from last year... What do you mean, Spike? And like the one I got on my birthday... Umm... Did you get me ANOTHER book? Err.... Wow, that's so cool! But I think that power grid is not factual enough. If they are going to tell the status of somepony, at leasy make it detailed then just having some blue bars. You gotta be accurate!
  2. Celestia. But only to survive the whole ordeal. She has amazing powers that can easily stop whatever apocalypse that's gonna happen! ...And then I'll tell her I want to go live in Equestria xD If survival is 0%, then Rainbow Dash. We can take on whatever obstacle comes towards us, and just keep fighting until we're finished.
  3. Didn't I say... I'm not looking for a special somepony now!
  4. Pretty much got it down, Chaotic Discord. In my opinion, It's a hard decision. All of the ponies have their different kind of "Cuteness" But maybe if I just break it down for myself between these three... -Fluttershy is really just the definition of cute. Most people to find her to be the cutest, and I really can't argue there. -Twi is just cute in the smart/clueless sense. It's funny when she tries to figure out how something works when she doesn't know what's goin on. -AJ is cute in the "honest/hard working" sense. I can't really explain why, she just... Is. I guess I'll go with Twilight. I find her kind of cuteness the most adorable.
  5. I suppose this would be a possible episode, and I'd like to see it. Granted, not a very original idea, but... Hey, nonetheless, It would be nice to see it. I was thinking the time Discord turned the Mane 6 gray becoming their own characters would be the idea of the episode. But as the others said, the opposite/rival of one of the characters can work too. Iron Will probably isn't much on an enemy since he really has nothing against Fluttershy or anything. He just wanted some profit for his program. In the end, he was fine with Fluttershy refusing to pay.
  6. I am! It's just the most wonderful time of the year! ...But usually, I'll need to think of what to get everypony for Hearth's Warming Day, and it gets stressful... Hang on, I need to think. (Okay, I gotta get Pinkie her Party Cannon Mk. II, Applejack her new recipes for apple treats... Oh, you know the holidays... Very busy time!
  7. (Oh my... I've disappeared again. I'm very sorry... I will now resume answering questions after this post. Ask away! And... Twi shall answer.)
  8. I've love to apply... I play TF2 all day with 1230+ hours played as of this post... I also would like to be an admin... But I got no experience with SRCDS
  9. I can see Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, and AJ for multiple reasons. Rainbow = Some don't like her personality since she's pretty cocky and all. Pinkie = She can come off as very annoying at first sight. Even I thought that when I first started seeing the show. Rarity = Being a drama queen and being into fashion, I can see why some wouldn't like her. AJ = Well, most say she's one dimensional. Out of the four, I think AJ suffers the most in terms of people liking her. I for one think she is one of my favorite characters, but like I said, many think she is just bland.
  10. Hmm.. Interesting topic. Twi = Any mystery movie like Sherlock Holmes. Dash = Since Daring Do greatly resembles Indiana Jones, then... Indiana Jones. Pinkie = Any comedy movie should bring her into the theater. Fluttershy = Something that involves animals and nature, like Pocohauntus?
  11. I would actually... Be interested in that option. I say Equestria. But! Only because you are going to die again, and then return to heaven. So why choose one option when you can have both? (Plus, being a pony, I can make friends with all the Mane 6. ) Now, if the option was to completely stay in Equestria, I'd probably say no, as tempting as it sounds. But if God would be alright with it, then...
  12. What's this? MvM stuff in the christmas update? Do Want!

  13. In terms of their personality and thinking how they would look in real life... I mean, rainbow hair is one thing I like, and even though I'm not athletic, I like her headstrong personality, and blue is my favorite color. So, I saw she is the most attractive. Twilight would be a close 2nd for me. Being my favorite pony and all.
  14. If I were to compare the two... Let's just think for a second. Superman. (Even though my knowledge is limited.) He... +Has the ability to fly +Relies on his strength and superpowers. +Is super strong +Is pretty much a tank in terms of defense. -Has a weakness to kryptonite. Celestia. She... +Is an alicorn +Has tons of magic on her side +Can also fly +Has been living for thousands of years, and therefore is probably very intelligent. +Is a princess, so she has got an army if that counts. +Is essentially a sun goddess. -She really isn't built for battle being a ruler. -Can be fragile in battle herself. I think I'll place my bets on Celestia. She's more likable than Superman anyway. Who agrees?
  15. Well, I think your onto somethin there. I did feel the twins were pretty intelligent for their age. Aside from their constant crying and such, they did feel guilty for making Pinkie cry, and they wanted to make her feel better, which I'm pretty sure babies a month old wouldn't think of doing. As for other baby ponies in general, well I can't really say anything about that since I've yet to see another baby pony in the show. (At least one with more than 10 seconds of screen time.)
  16. Hmm, now you got me thinking xD Well, I think I will say for sure that they were an illusion conjured by Nightmare Moon. They were made with the weird... Purple... Magic... thing that Nightmare had. But Spring Storm, I think you do have a point... That could point that they are real, but it can be a number of things... Rainbow could've had Rarity make the costume after her encounter with them, or the Shadowbolts are some kinda mythological thing from way back when. It could also be an April Fools joke by The Wonderbolts to play pranks on others... Somehow.
  17. I was going to reply to this topic with some kinda funny joke like the rest of the people on here... But unfortunately, I'm not a funny person.
  18. Hoo boy, that'd be the day... No, I don't think that kinda thing should be in the show if it's direct. Noticed how I said "direct". I mean, the closest thing I saw to alcohol was the Super Cider Squeezy episode, and alot of fans seems to reference the cider to alcohol. (Judging by fan art and such.) also, there was a salt bar of a pony looking intoxicated almost. Not to mention "The punch has been spiked" joke. So, I guess subtle references are fine. Basic point, it shouldn't be anything that closely resembles beer or anything like that. Could be bad for the rep. of MLP if certain people see it.
  19. This old topic of mine is still up, huh? Well, I just need to say my opinions on this matter has changed recently... Looking back, I wrote that post because I just like seeing the Mane 6 in the show, and not much of anyone else. But I've grown to equally like all 3 of the CMC, (Even though Apple Bloom is still my favorite.) and I watched all CMC episodes again, and I actually do like them alot rather than any other episode. Those kinds of episodes keep going strong with "One Bad Apple" and "Sleepless in Ponyville" at S3. That really made me sound like I hate everything girly xD To tell ya the truth, I never saw both those episodes when I posted that, so... yeah, +1 for me! Even though I don't like those episodes too much, I still think they're alright. Nothin too special, but they're good. Now, as for my least favorite for now, It's "Mare Do Well" my god, I really can't stand that episode,
  20. Well, one thing is... I have anger issues. Like seriously, if you were there, and I do terrible at a video game, I just go all over the place. I wrecked my closet door by punching it so much. ...Yes, I'm pathetic... But a real confession that I don't really wanna say to anyone is this...
  21. It's funny, I was just going to reply "She lives in Cloudsdale", but then I noticed she seems to be all over the place. But I think she does live in Cloudsdale since we see her actual bedroom in "Read it and Weep" But I'm guessing she always likes to take naps in random spots like trees and small clouds. Makes me wonder if Rainbow even uses her bed to sleep...
  22. I think I said this somewhere before, but I didn't like Pinkie when the show was in season 1 because she was nothing but a hyperactive, annoying character to me. But throughout season 2, she's gained alot more character with episodes like "Baby Cakes" and she really is one of my favorite ponies. I for one never felt she was being a complete moron, she just tries to have all the fun she can, and help her friends in any way. I see where your getting at there, but I wouldn't expect Pinkie to be the kind of pony to think about "How to fix it if it gets outta hand". What she wanted to do was spend time with all of her friends at the same time, which is impossible to do unless they're all together. She just didn't want to be apart from any of them, and that was her intention of going to the pond, so she wasn't too reckless about that. As for the clones, yeah they were pretty annoying saying "Fun! Fun! Fun!" the whole time. But the clones didn't have the personality that Pinkie did, and the clones probably just adapted her main attribute, which is having fun. Even Pinkie herself found the clones annoying. Yeah, Pinkie was pretty random in that episode. I do wonder why she sat on the couch to read a magazine while she was supposed to drive the float. Also, the "Veggie Salad!" thing was a bit odd, but I think it was her just being silly as usual. But other than that, she was fine.
  23. Whoops, there I go. I disappeared again. But I'm back now! ...Again.

  24. I can imagine some earth ponies jealous of not flying or using magic, but they do have some special connection with the earth, since AJ can grow food easily and what not. Not to mention most ponies planting the food during the Winter Wrap Up were earth ponies. (Well, that was probably because the 2 others had other jobs...)
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