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Everything posted by GoneForeverBye

  1. Tonight was one weird night... =.=

  2. I would like to... simply because I am kind of an adrenaline junkie... I would be the one who just stands there looking really epic-ly, and he will be the first one to throw a punch. I'll just use my awesome ninja powers to make him fall over, or something. Then I'll dramatically offer my hand to him and offer him a chance of redemption. I'll probably say something really cool, in a really cool voice. He will see the light, and turn good. Then I shall walk away without a word, and all the girls shall wonder who this cool, enigmatic character was... Either that or I get beat up horribly and cry. And now the reality: Anyhow, I kind of am a loser when it comes to this. It's kind of a shame, because I can have a terrible short fuse, so it usually would be me who would throw the first punch (although I never managed to get near them before I realize that I'm an idiot). However, I grew out of this, and by now I can regain my composure fairly well.
  3. One day my parents temporarily removed the ornamental swords from the wall, so I stole one and swung it 'round - best day ever. : p

  4. Say, is this USA-exclusive? I tried looking myself up, but I'm nowhere to be found. Well, whatever the reason, I'm not a fan of this. It's just... ugh... it creeps me out thinking about it. Also, what's this bull crap about "pay us, and you'll get their address and number lol"? That's just going too far, in my opinion.
  5. Oh god, all of my yes... On a more serious note, I have a love for outlandish things I'm not able to experience myself. Straight purple hair is one of those things. However, I'll probably get used to it, and then I'll be all like "gosh, I sure wish I had short curly hair derp" (and yes, my forum avatar IS misleading). It will also be very weird looking. I'll probably get it cut and dyed to something more believable
  6. Updates my "About Me" section. I sure do love talking about myself.

  7. Wow, I really like the Luna pic. :>

  8. Here are a bunch I found is the only one I found: Can't find anything else though. Not of what the OP asks for, though. Oh well, I suppose this is good enough.
  9. I'm a complete failure compared to everyone else here.Yes, that's a bragging right now. God, I loathe myself sometimes... : p Well, whatever.
  10. I have a low post:brohoof ratio. Too bad I have nothing productive to contribute.

  11. I got a keyboard thing that plays music and I have no idea how it works. : D (WK-1600)

  12. Hi. I just came by to say that your avatar is really creepy imo. That is all. Bye.

  13. Tried riding bicycle - tire broke :c

  14. I find it absolutely amazing that the media allows bullying and such to be an actual job. SARCASM!! But anyhow, I guess I can't say anything about it, because he insults for the lulz, and I like that kind of humour. However, his show isn't even funny to begin with. And by the way, my main issue with this is that somewhere, there are people who actually believe everything he says, unfortunately. :c
  15. Naw. I was just joking. I can understand that school can take a lot of time. And now you mention it, I also have trouble with Pokemon games. >.> I am really terrible at RPG-sorta stuff. And now that's brought up, I have a lot of RPG games that I just can't play because they are too difficult for me, even though they are considered "easy". Examples include: Chrono Trigger Tales of Symphonia Xenoblade Uh... yeah, I really don't play a lot of RPG games. Question: Can someone recommend me some good RPGs with a nice story? I would really appreciate it.
  16. And yet the first game is only like 3-4 hours. : p Anyhow, I would really like to play some of the PS1 games like: Ape Escape Spyro trilogy Final Fantasy 7 Not to mention the many good PC games that are too demanding for my laptop. Actually, my laptop CAN run a lot of games, but the problem is that I have a crappy charger, and the games consume more energy than the charger can supply. : p
  17. I'm going to be honest here, and say no. Simply because I do not consider myself part of the fandom, and more of someone who sits on the sidelines and just pops in once or twice. Then again, I visit these forums quite often... but in my defense I rarely care about mlp/fandom related threads. Edit: But if I'm going to be even more honest, I do have my times where I wish to get more into the fandom. So far, I have tried looking at the RP section, but I don't think I'm cut out for that yet. And I have drawn some mlp fanart. Mostly sketches, though.
  18. Never ever seen you before ever in my life... and yet I'm inclined to believe you're sorta well-known due to being a moderator 6/10
  19. Your profile background is F***ING CREEPY... 0.o

    1. Moonlight


      Obviously changelings. :P

  20. Hah. That does kind of remind me of an instance where I saw one. ^^ I did this lucid dreaming stuff, and one technique involved you going into sleep paralysis without losing consciousness. It kinda failed, and I woke up by accident before I got in. Here is a very accurate representation of what happened: But anyway, what was the scariest thing that happened to me? Can't really think of anything, really. I didn't really have anything scary happen to me.
  21. ​There are plenty of words I dislike. Let's see... Gay/Fag/Faggot/whatever immature insult people want to come up with. Autism - I kinda feel hollow whenever it is brought up. I kind of take it seriously. YOLO and SWAG - I do not need to explain. Stupendous - because it sounds a bit like "stupid". Any offensive swear words when taken up to extremes in usage.
  22. This post serves as a bump to notify of the update on the project - more information in the original post, all the way at the top. Cheers.
  23. Mario Kart Wii's luck-based races just aggravate me - I have been unable to win any races due to blue shells and storm clouds and whatever else decided to f*** me. >:(

  24. You seem to put a lot of effort into this. I kind of admire that. You know, its hard to tell you what to change, considering both times you put up an impressive work above my initial expectations. But if there is something I would say, then its that canon Tingle (as well as mine, depending on whether I'll pull of another stupid change-of-mind) seems pretty flamboyant, or something like that.
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