Bought 6 blind-bag ponies today. Got special edition Pinkie Pie, two special edition Twilight Sparkles, special edition Rainbow Dash, an Applejack (that my son promptly took from me) and Lilly Blossom, because I read the number on the bag wrong. I could have sworn it was Fluttershy. It was disappointing.
When did you start using the internet?
I was about 12 when we first got AOL. It was the most amazing thing ever, at the time.
Would you have rather started using the internet at another age?
Are you addicted?
Definitely. It's like crack to me.
Anything you wish you could have unseen?
Many, many things...
Are you for censorship?
No, but I am for supervision and parental controls. There are things on the internet that no child should see.
Any funny internet stories?
Oh, yeah.
I'm pretty open about it. There are a few family members that I would prefer didn't know, but other than that, I don't really care. I'm me, people can take it or leave it.
I'm an atheist. I believe what science can show me. I don't hate or discriminate because somebody believes something else, though. My wife is Catholic.
Is anybody here going to Canterlot Gardens next month? I want to go, but I can't drive and (apparently) the Greyhound doesn't run to Strongsville. I'm hoping a friend of mine will be able to go, I'll be able to catch a ride with him. Anyway, who are you most excited to see? I'd love to see Tara Strong and Grey DeLisle, they're two of my favorite VAs, but Andrew WK is the icing on the cake for me.
Not to mention I'd actually get to interact with other Bronies. We're not a large crowd in West Virginia.
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes for the Nintendo DS. I would have gotten it for the 360, but our power was out when I bought it, and I was going through hard gaming withdrawal.
Man, we go to Target all the time, and I've never even thought about looking for Pony shirts there. I got the one I have at Hot Topic, but it's pretty rare for them to stock anything I like in 2XL, so that was sheer luck. I plan on getting several more from redbubble and welovefine in the near future. One of the two has Pony polo shirts, which I can get for work.
Bob Ross. I love watching him paint. It just sort of calms me down listening to him talk about his animal friends and encouraging people to paint along.
I get kissed by the woman I like (love) everyday, and I typically ask her what she's done with my soda. Or threaten to unleash the pimp hand if she doesn't go bake a cherry pie.
And then she kicks my ass/
I'm a fairly intelligent individual, though I do seem to lack common sense. I have no idea what my IQ is, but I'd like to think it's above average. I'm definitely no genius, that's for sure. I don't know, though. I just like SCIENCE!
Well, my NAME is Jeremiah, but people usually call me Redbeard, Captain, J, Miah, or Crispy.
Not to be confused with the Crispy that's here. I got my name by working a deep fryer for 3 and a half years.
Coheed and Cambria- The Second Stage Turbine Blade
The Dear Hunter- Act I: The Lake South, The River North
Nirvana- Bleach
Silversun Pickups- Carnavas
The Shins- Oh, Inverted World
The Prize Fighter Inferno- My Brother's Blood Machine
A Perfect Circle- Mer De Noms
Gorillaz- Gorillaz
Slipknot- Slipknot
Between the Buried and Me- The Silent Circus
I know that feel. Kinda. I'm an old man who likes to yell at kids to stay off the lawn. Trapped in the body of a dude in his mid-twenties. MIND BOGGLING!
I don't understand this, myself. Nobody tried to "convert" me into liking it, despite living with a brony. It just kind of happened because I don't care what's on the tv when I'm not watching. I've not really tried to "convert" anybody else either, other than maybe saying "you might like this show."
I like to sit on the front porch and give out candy to the children. And by give out candy, I mean take all the good candy that my wife has forbidden me from eating and stick it in my pocket...