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Captain Derp M.D.

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Everything posted by Captain Derp M.D.

  1. I have never posted on THIS forum while drunk. It's likely to happen at some point, though. At least it will only be noticeable because I don't care about typos.
  2. I would make them like that, but I'm pretty sure I'd end up with the diabeetus from all that jelly. I mean, really... that was an insane amount of jelly.
  3. I ate like that once, then I died. Still haven't lost the weight from such a feast, either. But oh well, I'm not mad.
  4. Can you remember when there was no wrong in what I could do?

  5. Luckily I've not had to deal with anyone giving me trouble for it. The worst I got was a girl at work, who said "Oh, dear God... not another one!" and then laughed and offered to introduce me to some friends of hers who are bronies. I know some people who think it's weird, though. We just don't discuss ponies.
  6. Anybody here from West Virginia? We need our own convention!

  7. 360 all the way. My GT is KlingonFishbeat, but I don't really play anything multiplayer. I'm not opposed to some Minecraft on multiplayer, though.
  8. This forum is full of adult males who watch My Little Pony... I'm pretty sure that qualifies as weird to most people. I dig it.
  9. NONSENSE! Join us in the awesomeness of having a beard. My beard has long since consumed my face, and it feels legit.
  10. Claudio sounds so different in this song, and I love that Travis gets to sing, too. Travis's voice is never showcased and it's pretty amazing.
  11. You've got my vote. I'll vote for anything that involves bronies and rocking out, especially if it makes me laugh. Seems legit, bro. Good luck!
  12. That is possibly the creepiest doll I've ever seen, and I love it. If there was one of Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy, I would totally purchase it with my hard earned money. Of course, I'd buy one of Derpy, as well.
  13. Between Domino the Destitute and Sentry the Defiant, I'm dying for the new Coheed albums. The Afterman Vol 1 and 2 are gonna be legit.

  14. Hot Topic was great 10 years ago, but now there's not much I go in there for. I buy my records at a local store, I get my ear gauges from a shop that custom makes them, and Hot Topic just stopped selling most of the stuff I like. Not to mention, 90% of the time, the local store doesn't even have the shirts I like in my size (which is XXL.) Fat bronies need pony shirts, too! I did manage to get a Doctor Whooves shirt from there about two months ago. That was a pleasant surprise. I really do wish they carried more in my size without me having to ask them to order it. It's somewhat embarrassing to walk up to the counter and say "Yeah... your shirts range in size from YL to L.... dafuq? I'm gonna need you to order one in fat size..."
  15. Five Guys is pretty amazing, but the best hamburger I have ever had was from The Thurman Cafe on Thurman Avenue in Columbus, OH. I will go there and Schmidt's every time I go to Columbus for the rest of my life. Definitely recommended, especially if you're really hungry. If not, you can expect to take home food, because the burgers are HUGE.
  16. Super Mario Brothers Three and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I also loved making custom tracks on Excitebike.
  17. I'm pretty sure it won't be coming back up. I found this article while reading another one an Italian beer that uses pictures of Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Che and others on their labels. http://hypervocal.com/news/2012/dub-the-dew-update-mountain-dew-lost-to-the-internet/ THANKS, 4CHAN! You've ruined it for us all!
  18. THIS. YES. I used to play all the time before my son was born. I miss it. BACK ON TOPIC: My mom used to play the Mario games with me, especially 3 and Super Mario World. Both of my In-Laws are into games, though, just nothing that most would consider "quality." I'm a gaming parent, though. Morgan likes to sit and pretend he's playing (because we gave him a busted controller.) We played Skyrim together, along with Fallout 3 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Ultimate Alliance 2. Gaming with a two year old is legit.
  19. McDonald's. I worked for female Hitler at Burger King for three and a half years. I will never eat Burger King again. NEVER!
  20. I subscribed and became a bro about six months ago. I'd have to say my favorite thing about him is that he seems to be really in touch with his fans, and he plays a lot of fan-made custom stories. I don't like that he never finished Silent Hill 2. That's one of my favorite games of all time, and I was so excited to see him play it!
  21. I really like the Friday movie night, and I love lurking threads until I find something I can relate to. I like to give advice, if possible, but I don't know if any has ever been helpful. I wish I could contribute more quality-wise to the threads, but at least I have fun. It's nice to talk to other bronies. The ones at work are really quiet and never look away from their computers, even outside of a call. I might get a random brohoof when a new one comes around, but that's about it.
  22. I want this site to re-open so bad. I must have Applejack Mountain Dew. Although, I have to admit, I do like Dat Apple, but AJ will still get my vote.
  23. They're just so cute! I want to hug and cuddle them until I explode, they are that cute. I have no problem with the eyes, either.
  24. I'm Jeremiah Christian. I have an ironic name, because I am an atheist. I'm twenty four, and I've been through Hell and back with my life. I've been poor all my life. I've got a father who is a redneck and hates everything I stand for, he used to beat the hell out of me when I was a teenager. My mother is insane, as she thinks that god speaks to her. She used to sit for hours on end and have conversations with herself/god. I don't care if you believe or not, there's something odd about a woman who will seemingly talk to herself for two hours. I've battled drug addiction and came out on top. I have a pretty cool wife and an amazing two-year-old son. He likes to watch the ponies with me. I work in tech support for Frontier, and things are finally starting to look up. My wisest advice? Keep your chin up, things get better. Stay off drugs.
  25. I am mildly obsessive-compulsive, I have really bad depressive bouts followed by short manic bursts. I eat to make myself feel better. I have carpal tunnel syndrome. I've got a really high stress level. I have mood swings. I've got a tendency to over-analyze and over-think simple situations. And I have no life outside of my family.
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