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What do you think of closet bronies?


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So I have only been a brony for about 4 months now, and when I let all my friends know, I got mocked a lot. But one of my friends was really curious as to why I liked the show, and after giving it a shot, he decided he liked it and thus became a brony. However, he made me promise to never tell any of my other friends and to keep it a secret. I appreciate that he's joined the herd, but whenever I get into a situation where I'm being derided for watching MLP, he is silent and scared to be uncovered.


What do you think of bronies that you know are closet bronies? Do you find them cowardly? Does it annoy you that they sit on the sidelines whenever MLP comes up in conversation to protect themselves?


Personally, I don't really mind. If they were insulting me to save face, then I would mind, but that situation currently hasn't come up with any of my friends.


What do you think?

  • Brohoof 2

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I can't say anything against closet bronies. I was one for a longtime. Now, I don't care who knows, but I don't go telling everyone. I even tried to get my grandmother to figure it out when my brother was watching it. It was the S3 finale, and I yelled "Good job, ya killed Twilight!"

I've even said it and mentioned Fighting is Magic as she doesn't get it. Honestly, whoever knows can know. Closet bronies might just not feel like its safe for their friends/family to know. (Even though usually you will be fine)

It was hard to get back on topic in the end.

  • Brohoof 2


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I can't say that i feel anything towards closet bronies. 


Everyone's situation is different so while i think it may be right to not be closeted about being a brony,their situation may have them come to a different conclusion which i cannot fault them for.

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm one myself but am working on making less of a deal out of it and trying to be more brave about it.


So, as I am one, I know how scary it can be with the way people are and it's not easy for us to get a grip on "Don't care what others think." I respect closet bronies and understand why they're one. However, if it gets to the point where they protect themselves by joining those who hurt other bronies in order to be less of a suspected target, that's not okay.


But yeah. They're just a little afraid. I don't think they should be scared their whole lives though. I encourage others and myself to be who they really are all I can. It's okay to be scared (in this case specifically) but you can't let it stop you from being who you are, because I've seen that before, and it's painful to watch them destroy themselves.

Edited by Felix
  • Brohoof 5


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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I guess I mostly just feel bad for them and try to empathize.  But it really depends on the individual and their personal situation.  If someone is a closeted Brony because there are people around them that would outright flip out and make their lives a living hell...  I can understand that being a difficult situation.  And someone not wanting to risk said "hell" merely so they could openly enjoy cartoon ponies.  But if it's someone that's just embarrassed that they like something that wasn't originally aimed at their demographic...  I lean more towards that being something that should be "gotten over."  I'm not saying it's easy; it's taken me years to become the mostly shameless idiot that I am lol.  And I had to work a bit to shake some awkward feelings regarding MLP.


Once I embraced the show, however, it was just a part of me.  You should be able / allowed to be yourself, provided that your "self" doesn't moonlight as a serial killer.  And it shouldn't matter so much what other people think.  Not saying you have to go door-to-door announcing your Brony-ness or anything.  I'm fortunate in a lot of ways, though.  I'm the most accepted by the ppl that matter to me most.  I've always been kind of a weirdo with eclectic interests, so I doubt my being a Brony / ponylover surprises anyone I know that much.  And if someone I know were to avoid me because of the ponehs...  I'll clearly be better off without them playing an active role in my life.  You accept me for who I am, or you get out of my little circle.  Step #1, though: you have to accept yourself for who you are.  If you're a closeted Brony and that's your primary obstacle...  That's something only you can change.

  • Brohoof 4

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I respect closet bronies for their own reasons, as I had a reason to be one for some time. My dad actually found out accidentally when I went crazy at the Season 3 finale. He came in and found me watching it, so I forced myself to admit it and show him the brony videos. I think I prefered him to find out rather than me telling him, so it wouldn't be so awkward. Personally I feel it wasn't a choice to tell him or not because he found out himself, but I feel that I made a choice of admitting it rather than playing it off, and it was a great choice. He still doesn't accept my liking of the show, but he tells me that I shouldn't feel ashamed of it if I like it. And that's also my message to all closet bronies out there, even though I know you hear this alot (I sure did when I was closet...) *You shouldn't feel ashamed for anything if you like it.*

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I suppose I could understand why people don't want to admit they like a show about colorful ponies- they have family who would be freaked out, they live in a close-minded town, they don't want to get bullied. But at the same time, it seems a bit silly to me. It's just a show. I don't get why people care about what someone watches. There shouldn't be such a thing as a closet brony, people should feel free to watch whatever show they want without judgment. Yet, here we are.

  • Brohoof 4


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I like to think of them as assassins, hiding in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to stand up for a bullied brony.

Edited by Solid Scorpion
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Like many have already said, I think that it depends on the personal situation. Most of the time the fact that anyone can even be "in the closet" about MLP annoys me, as I think attributes too much meaning to being a 'brony' in the first place. It irks me that some people treat liking a show about pastel-colored ponies as a sort of 'movement' or something. It just seems pretentious.

THAT BEING SAID, if someone is in a situation where letting someone know they like MLP would put them in physical or emotional diress (bullies, REALLY close-minded parents, etc.) then I can understand not bringing it up or advertising their cartoon preferences. Still, using terms like "in the closet" or "coming out as a brony" will always rub me the wrong way.

Edited by TenorSounds
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Only my closest friends know and accept me for what I like. I was a closet brony for 3 days when I began to like the show. I haven't met any other bronies in real life though... what gives? :/ 

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I think the pure concept of keeping such a thing a secret is closer to being childish but if someone is afraid of bullying or is very shy about their interests, it makes sense for them to avoid disclosing it to others. Everyone is different in that regard. And I don't know anyone personally that does keep their interests a secret.

:wub: Silver Letter!!! :kirin:
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I was a closet Brony for quite some time, I was bullied most of my life though so really didn't want that to happen again but I slowly came out of my shell. Now everyone knows and all of my friends have been really cool about it. c:

  • Brohoof 1
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i am pretty much a closet brony,in my social environment it would be suicide to tell people that i like MLP.

not to mention that they would not even care to believe that im not being sarcastic about it.

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I was a closet pegasister for a time, which I know is a bit different, but I can understand those who are one. Thankfully, it seems like most (including me) eventually come clean. I was mocked a bit by my ex-bff about it for a while, but I don't care what others think anymore. It makes me happy, so what more is to it? XD

  • Brohoof 2


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Well considering I am more or less half a closet brony at this point I would have to say that I can perfectly understand why someone would hide it, especially if a lot of people around you can tend to be a bit close minded and ignorant. In other words it just save a lot of people for a lot of ridicule.


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Some people just aren't comfortable with telling others they're a brony, then if they want to keep it a secret, then let them

  • Brohoof 2
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I have nothing against them as I am one myself. As others have said its not so easy to just not care what people think. Sure being a brony should not be a big deal but coming out as a brony to the people you spend your life around such as family or people at school, they can make your life a living hell which makes it hard to ignore if your become a target for harassment and bullying. If it was easy as avoiding these people I would not have a problem with it but thats hard when you live with such people or see them every day at work or school.

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I'm going to be blunt, so please don't be TOO offended by this.

"Closet Bronies" annoy me.

I don't think they should be scared or ashamed to admit being a brony.

Just come out and say it. It isn't that difficult.

The thing is, it is actually for some people. Some people don't have very a very accepting family. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal to you, and I believe it shouldn't have to be, but some people just aren't ready to accept the fact that their family member or friend watches My Little Pony.
  • Brohoof 1


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I understand where you're coming from. I honestly do.

However, I just get irked when people will not come out and say something as simple as being a brony. It's not like you're coming out as homosexual or transgender.

Now, I can understand it being extremely difficult for someone to come out as gay, lesbian, or bi. That's different because it can affect your life choices. That's a big thing to come out and do.

(I have nothing wrong with homosexuals, by the way. I, myself, am bi).

I can see the difference. I know, this isn't even as close of a big deal. Some people just don't want to deal with being annoyed by family or friends over such a little thing
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My opinion is 100% I don't care.


I am a "Closet Brony", and I have been for two and a half years. I honestly don't see the point in telling anyone. I'd have nothing to gain, only lose. Maybe for somebody who wants to go to conventions and buy merch it makes sense, but I have none of those desires, so here I am.


Edit: Also unlike what most closet bronies say, I have a very accepting family. If they knew of this interest they probably wouldn't care, but why bother if I have nothing to gain?

Edited by -Stargazer-
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Well, I don't openly deny and hide the fact i like MLP and related materials, but I don't flaunt it either. If someone asks, i let them know. I'm not scared of anyone. My friends don't like the show, and that's fine. Told some of my co-workers and one of them said he'll give the show a try, but i didn't see him since so i don't know how well that went.

  • Brohoof 1
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It always makes me sad when I hear that someone is a closet brony.  Everypony should be able to be who they are, be proud, and not let fear stop them from liking what they want to like, and doing what they want to do.  Do I need to post Fluttershy's speech from the end of Filli Vanilli?  Ok, ok, I won't.


But I certainly understand why some people feel the need to hide it.  I would never resent someone for hiding it if they are sourrounded by a circle of intolerant, closed minded people.  What blows my mind is that the brony issue often really is that big of a deal.  We all like to believe and say that it isn't a big deal.  It certainly shouldn't be a big deal.  It's just a harmless cartoon show.  But the fact is, it is a big deal.  Us being here right now is proof enough of that.  Every thread asking for advice on how to tell one's parents, or whether or not to wear a shirt is proof.  As completely insane, shocking, and utterly flabbergasting as it is, the fact is that the response towards bronies often seems to be the same type and magnitude as the responses to LGBT issues.  I mean, neither issue should be a big deal, but holy sh*t dude, it's just a cartoon!  But it is a big deal, and it often takes a lot of courage to be open about it.


Whenever possible, we should all try to be open about it, and show by example that it's not a big deal.  But this isn't always feasible for everyone.  I am very lucky to have wonderful, accepting friends and family.  My mom is even a pegasister now.  I'm very thankful.  Not everyone is so lucky.  I hope that one day there won't be any hate.  Just remember: every time you wear an MLP shirt, you may well be helping to inspire a closet brony out there.

  • Brohoof 3


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