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You read Homestuck, don't you? I can just tell, those colloquialisms are ever so common among the MSPA fandom. Awesome pictures, though, I especially agree with your perception of Fluttershy!

keep it real .

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You read Homestuck, don't you? I can just tell, those colloquialisms are ever so common among the MSPA fandom. Awesome pictures, though, I especially agree with your perception of Fluttershy!


I do, but I've been using the term/heard it used LONG before I got into Homestuck.


man i wonder how it even got started tho :Y

blood guts and chocolate cake


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It's rather annoying how quite a few folks seem upset or annoyed that Pinkie Pie could be imagined as fat, as though it's OMGnotcuteandtotallyweird! And of course the best way to combat that is make fat/food jokes. Nice guys.


I like these renditions, although my own interpretations vary slightly. If I had to choose one preference to alter on yours it would be changing the heights on Pinkie and Dash. I can't help but image Dash as a lot like AJ, and Pinkie as the shortest as she's the youngest, plus with all her jumping around and on top of everyone it seems it would be easier if she were petite (is that canon? I'm not sure, I do know she's a year younger than Fluttershy but maybe that's once again my own interpretation of her speaking).

Edited by Inky Milk
  • Brohoof 3


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Of course Pinkie Pie is fat. Let's face it: she eats a huge amount anytime she's near food onscreen, and she lives in a bakery. Sure, she has a ton of energy, but she's going to be fat anyway. It's just how things would work out for her.


Anyway, I really like the Twilight and Rarity body types as well. They're pretty much exactly what I pictured for both of them too. I'm wondering if you're planning on doing full humanizations based upon these body types, or if you're just sticking with the outline images we've seen thus far.

  • Brohoof 2

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Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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I would like to counter the opinion of Pinkie Pie being chubby or large with this: yes, Pinkie does eat quite a bit of sweets and white bread. In most cases, that would be detrimental for your health and your weight. But let us remember that there are individuals with heightened metabolisms who can consume more calories without immediately gaining weight. Furthermore, Pinkie is extremely active---hyperactive, even---often running around and dashing about town to throw parties or see her friends. She is deceptively active, even though she is not an athlete like AJ or Dash. I could easily imagine her burning a lot of calories just by being a bundle of energy who can't stay still for very long.


If anything, Pinkie's character is inherently deceptive: whereas she seems to be little more than a bubbly party girl, she is also capable of incredible insight; where much of her activities may seem to be single-minded, Pinkie is a master of improvisation. So, I think of her as the last girl you'd expect to be eating so much; it just so happens that the body types of the ponies are rather limited, so this isn't much of an issue in MLP: FiM. To me, it is more of a character issue than it is some visceral fanboy reaction to her being portrayed as physically large.

Edited by Thereisnospoon303
  • Brohoof 1


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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While I agree that there are a number of factors as to why a character may or may not overweight, what I find more upsetting is rather the fact that so many seem disturbed at the very possibility of any of their favorite ponies being portrayed that way. Twilight doesn't seem to do a lot of physical activity, and while she seems to eat healthy, what if she's one of those folks who doesn't have a fast metabolism or she's naturally stocky? That could make her look heavyset as well, and I wonder if her fans would be just as upset and up in arms about interpreting her that way, as if that is honestly the worst way she, or any other pony, could be humanized as.


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Twilight Sparkle is Stocking from PSG.

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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I would like to counter the opinion of Pinkie Pie being chubby or large with this: yes, Pinkie does eat quite a bit of sweets and white bread. In most cases, that would be detrimental for your health and your weight. But let us remember that there are individuals with heightened metabolisms who can consume more calories without immediately gaining weight. Furthermore, Pinkie is extremely active---hyperactive, even---often running around and dashing about town to throw parties or see her friends. She is deceptively active, even though she is not an athlete like AJ or Dash. I could easily imagine her burning a lot of calories just by being a bundle of energy who can't stay still for very long.


If anything, Pinkie's character is inherently deceptive: whereas she seems to be little more than a bubbly party girl, she is also capable of incredible insight; where much of her activities may seem to be single-minded, Pinkie is a master of improvisation. So, I think of her as the last girl you'd expect to be eating so much; it just so happens that the body types of the ponies are rather limited, so this isn't much of an issue in MLP: FiM. To me, it is more of a character issue than it is some visceral fanboy reaction to her being portrayed as physically large.


Active people can be fat, too. I'm a pretty big gal myself, and I'm FAR more physically active than my friend who weighs at least 40 pounds less than I do. Fat =/= lazy or weak. I would also like point out that I never personally justified my portrayal of Pinkie by mentioning her diet. I am very well aware that there are some people out there that can eat and eat and still be pretty slim. I chose to portray Pinkie as being overweight because I think she looks cute that way.


That being said, there's no problem with seeing any of the characters different than I do! If you wanna draw human Pinkie Pie as a smaller girl, great! I love seeing the wide variety of character designs people use when humanizing a character. No one's really "right" here, it's all just a matter of personal taste.

  • Brohoof 6

blood guts and chocolate cake


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Gross! They're all naked and stuff!


Seriously though, good work! They're not exactly how I would've imagined them, but they look pretty nice!

Edited by Marshmallow
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MAN TALK TIME!!!!! jkjkjkjk


On a more serious note... Your humanizing stuff, in my opinion, does reflect the characters and stuff(and pinkie pie is my favorite, but i'm not mad...). I think Rarity's and Fluttershy's are the most accurate, though.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Active people can be fat, too. I'm a pretty big gal myself, and I'm FAR more physically active than my friend who weighs at least 40 pounds less than I do. Fat =/= lazy or weak. I would also like point out that I never personally justified my portrayal of Pinkie by mentioning her diet. I am very well aware that there are some people out there that can eat and eat and still be pretty slim. I chose to portray Pinkie as being overweight because I think she looks cute that way.


That being said, there's no problem with seeing any of the characters different than I do! If you wanna draw human Pinkie Pie as a smaller girl, great! I love seeing the wide variety of character designs people use when humanizing a character. No one's really "right" here, it's all just a matter of personal taste.


Fair points all around. I am no means dogmatic on the issue, so it wasn't in any way, shape, or form an attack on your concept or art style. Just a few thoughts I felt were appropriate to the topic at hand. :)


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Fair points all around. I am no means dogmatic on the issue, so it wasn't in any way, shape, or form an attack on your concept or art style. Just a few thoughts I felt were appropriate to the topic at hand. :)


It's all good man, sorry if I sounded defensive. It's a subject I can get a little sore on, is all.

blood guts and chocolate cake


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   Pinkie Pie has been seen diving face-first into a four or five tier cake larger than herself that was comprised of... at least four to five different sweets. It had eclairs as sprinkles. She's also bathed in chocolate milk. A self-professed pastime of hers is smearing chocolate cake into her own, and likely other's, faces. I feel it's sufficiently accurate to describe her as at least gluttonous! I suppose that a certain resiliency and over-exaggeration can be implied via cartoon physics but coming anywhere near that level should imply at least some girth to the gal! Hah, I wouldn't doubt that she'd be borderline morbidly obese if it weren't for the fact that we she spends most of her day zipping around town by going 80 miles an hour from a dead stop! Pinkie doesn't have a metabolism, she has a motor!

  Hahah! If anything I'd be grumpy if she didn't have at least some chubbiness to her from that lifestyle! But I totally agree with the Original Poster on that Pinks be just cuter that way as a fluffy ball o' wonder! 

  Though, aesthetically speaking, think its the way her knees are pinched together that makes her look a bit top-heavy to some. That's such a Pinkie Pose though, so I wouldn't change that!

  Don't know why it caught on that Dash would be the shortest of the group. Sure, I've always had the idea that pegasai just had a naturally lighter & more athletic frame, but think there's always been that vibe that she's a muscular sort too, the sort to hoof-wrestle, you know. Like, smaller ya make her the harder it gets for her to pilodrive others. And you know that's something she's at least tried to do!

  And if that were the case with pegasai being smaller... then I don't get why Fluttershy is always portrayed as not only the tallest but most... well-endowed of the group. But just as tall, if not taller, than Applejack the OutdoorsMare? She does seem taller than Dash & lanky, but... I like what you did there! It's like... hmm, how to put this? It's like the same body type as the troll race from Warcraft. They typically look not much different from any other regular humanoid... until they stop slouching & stand up taller than most anyone you've seen! An' slouching seems totally Flutters!  Who knew a bad habit of cowering would play into something as unequivocally signature as your body type! :P

    Which brings me to Twi-Twi! You know, can't help but think that Twilight-Alicorn would have a different posture/frame than Twilight-Unicorn. No doubt that wasn't a concern back when this was originally done, but Twilicorn seems just a bit taller, like she's taken to trying to appear a bit bigger and more important now that she's a prin-... Leader. But I like that idea that she's average at best, if not nerdy. She's always been a bookworm & librarian at heart! Though I imagine suddenly growing wings makes you more active in learning how to use them & more aware of how your back is positioned.

  ...did I leave somepony out? Oh, Rarity! Aye! I imagine she's put as much effort as possible into her posture what with constant... ...  Wait, what's the female version of Man-Scaping? ...Primping? Aye, think we all know and love her for the primpy lil' pony she is!

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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I really enjoy the bodies you've given them- they seem to really genuinely fit their unique personalities and lifestyles. I know some people have complained about pinkie pie, but given her particular diet I really think you've chosen a good style. Being a little thick or chubby doesn't mean you can't be energetic or muscular underneath that extra fluff.

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@Shadow Beam   If I may add just a caption to your little pic there...

  "No, Madame Bon-Bon... I expect you to die!"


   And hey, be that as it may, still gives us something to talk about, right?

Aaaaand, if there's a Wonderbolt of equal rank on either side of this argument... well, I'll side with the adorable mare then!

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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