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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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If I can say one thing in defense of Rainbow Dash: Watch her relationship with Scootaloo. If anypony is gonna humble Dash the most, it's gonna be Scoots. I can't wait to see what they do with those two.


Oh, and Twilight's my least favorite, but I still like her, just not as much as her friends. She and Fluttershy might switch spots soon, though.

  • Brohoof 5
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for me I have always had a problem liking Pinkie Pie. I don't hate her but liking her is too strong of a word. the only times I've likeed her is when she is well written during some Pinkie focused episodes A la' Party of One, To Many Pinkie Pies and Pinkie Pride. other than that she (to me) is a total spaz and tends to annoy the dickens outta me.

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If I can say one thing in defense of Rainbow Dash: Watch her relationship with Scootaloo. If anypony is gonna humble Dash the most, it's gonna be Scoots. I can't wait to see what they do with those

You hit the nail on the head. Those two together hit all the right notes for me. It's a gold mine of theme and character building.

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People disliking Pinkie for being Pinkie.


People disliking Rainbow Dash for being Rainbow Dash.


People disliking Applejack for being Applejack.


People disliking Rarity for being Rarity.


People disliking Fluttershy for being Fluttershy.


People disliking Twilight for being Twilight. 


The wonderful world of plain ol' 'dislike' topics,polled too non the less. :maud:


These topics are like rocks: You're going to see one. But it's a rock. And chances are its going to do nothing for you.  :maud:


..unless you're Maud. Because Maud reasons.  :nom:

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For me, that would be Fluttershy. Honestly, I don't hate her. Heck, I really like her!


But compared to the rest of the Mane 6, she is just the least interesting for me. As interesting as some of her episodes are, they end up retreading the same material with little deviation; it seems.


Again, that's not entirely bad, but it just doesn't make her as interesting as her friends.

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Ah so what if 19 people aren't too fond of Dash? That's nothing compared to the well over 550 people who voted her their favorite on the other poll. Glad most people see the soft side to her. :wub:


As for me, Applejack is my least favorite. I don't care about her or her boring family.

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I dont really understand the hate on Dashie, to be honest, in my opinion she has a lot of room for expansion and has quite a complex character *cough*hidden softie*cough*, unlike the others, say, Fluttershy.


My least favourite is Rarity - I know she is there to be a drama queen but sometimes she can get a bit too irritating. Hate on me if you like.

Edited by Zeusking19dev
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Used to be Rarity, but then I began to appreciate her character a slight bit more. So now, it's Fluttershy. 'Hi, I'm shy, love me I'm cute' is the most cliche of the personalities to me, it's also the weakest of the cuteness types, so she's last place for me. You'd think I'd like her more after she reformed my favorite character Discord, but it surprisingly had no effect on her character and its appeal to me.


Doesn't mean I don't like her, I just like the other five more.

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Can't believe I am posting this, I hate putting myself on the spotlight...


"Least Favorite Mane 6" Huh...? Hm... I don't hate any of them... So I'll list all their flaws


Flutters; I wish she would stand up for herself. She is timid, yes, but can overdo it at times & I would love for her to be brave enough to stand up for herself.


Rarity; Too whiny, can be heavily focused on causing issues, & is waaaaaay to fashion-y for my tastes.


Twilight; Overly panicky (yes I know the irony). It gets soooooo annoying when even I notice when she is overdoing it.


Rainbow; Bit too brash & blunt for my liking.


Applejack; Can't hate something I don't see enough characterization for, but I certainly can say that she can be way to stubborn at times (again I know the irony).


Pinkie Pie; Stop. Being. So. CHEERY! Relax, focus on when things need to be taken seriously, & stop putting rubber horse shoes on or you are going to jump to the moon.


*Re-Reads what I said* Wait a minute... Why even bother? Flutters is timid because she doesn't want to hurt her friends' feelings, Twilight is just being a good student, Rarity is heavily passionate & a bit of an actress, Rainbow is straight-forward, AJ is an amazing example of perseverance, & Pinkie brings a smile to my face. See? I just listed everything I find wrong with the mane 6 but was able to look at their problems in a good light. Why? Because THERE ISN'T ANYTHING WRONG WITH THEM! This is all a bunch of pointless bashing, with no real rhyme or reason. These characters are characters that, if any one of them was taken out, we would be missing something important. We should love their positives, not hate their flaws. Besides, I personally find Flutters' flaws (for example) to make me like her even more. Her flaws make her positives shine harder than if there weren't. Everyone complains about "Mary Sue" this or "OP" that, without realizing the only reason that we have Mary Sues is BECAUSE they aren't flawed. So instead of complaining about the flaws of everypony, praise them for their issues, & let those flaws make their positives shine harder.

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I like all 6 of the Mane 6, but because Fluttershy is always kind (Besides in Putting Your Hoof Down) that is the only reason why I think.


That moment when someone dislikes a pony not because of something negative,but something positive. :maud: 


And before you bother with Ain't Easy Being Breezie,she learned the difference between being 'kind' and being 'kindly detrimental' which is what she basically explained at the end of the episode.  :maud:

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I'd go with RD. People think Twilight is a Mary Sue, but just look at Dashie. She's fast, talented, has the best friends anyone could ask for, and she's already grown enough to have attended the Wonderbolts Academy, flown with the Wonderbolts, competed against the Wonderbolts, and even save the Wonderbolts. All that's left is for her to join them.


I feel like she gets a lot of stuff handed to her on a silver platter, and she's got possibly the largest fanbase of any pony (although the Rarity fanclub numbers disagree.)


It's not that I don't like Rainbow Dash, because I do. I love her just like I love the rest of the group. I just feel like Rainbow Dash is Equestria's version of Superman. She has too much going for her, and I feel like she hasn't developed much since the beginning of the show. 

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Okay this topic has somehow evolved from needless hate / attention-seeking hyperbole to...  Disliking characters for their virtues lol?  Really???  I'm just going to get this out of the way before someone else beats me to it:


Keep in mind that I'm being as sarcastic as sarcastic can be while standing in a big pile of sarcastic.  There will be many exclamation points.


I dislike Rarity because she has a talent for fashion and ambition in the industry!  And omigosh - she made beautiful Gala dresses for all of her friends.  What kind of awful pony does that?!?!


I dislike Applejack because she's hard-working and reliable!  And loves her family!  Booooo, family together-ness!


I dislike Fluttershy because she is considerate of others' feelings and good with animals!  And because she puts the needs of others ahead of her own!


I dislike Twilight Sparkle because she is intelligent and increasingly adept with magic!  Not to mention that she's...  WELL-READ!


I dislike Pinkie Pie because she attempts to make the lives of other ponies brighter!  And I absolutely HATE it when she makes me smile and / or laugh!  Laughing is painful for me.


I dislike Rainbow Dash because she's f****** awesome!  And has - wait for it - been personally responsible for preventing the deaths of several ponies.  I mean, she prevented a baby from flying off a cliff!  What.  Kind.  Of monster...  Would actually rescue a frightened filly from a well?  Maybe that filly LIKED it in that well!  Rainbow Dash, how tremendously inconsiderate of you!


All of it.  All of my sarcasm went into this one post.  There isn't anymore.

  • Brohoof 11
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Okay this topic has somehow evolved from needless hate / attention-seeking hyperbole to...  Disliking characters for their virtues lol?  Really???  I'm just going to get this out of the way before someone else beats me to it:


Keep in mind that I'm being as sarcastic as sarcastic can be while standing in a big pile of sarcastic.  There will be many exclamation points.


I dislike Rarity because she has a talent for fashion and ambition in the industry!  And omigosh - she made beautiful Gala dresses for all of her friends.  What kind of awful pony does that?!?!


I dislike Applejack because she's hard-working and reliable!  And loves her family!  Booooo, family together-ness!


I dislike Fluttershy because she is considerate of others' feelings and good with animals!  And because she puts the needs of others ahead of her own!


I dislike Twilight Sparkle because she is intelligent and increasingly adept with magic!  Not to mention that she's...  WELL-READ!


I dislike Pinkie Pie because she attempts to make the lives of other ponies brighter!  And I absolutely HATE it when she makes me smile and / or laugh!  Laughing is painful for me.


I dislike Rainbow Dash because she's f****** awesome!  And has - wait for it - been personally responsible for preventing the deaths of several ponies.  I mean, she prevented a baby from flying off a cliff!  What.  Kind.  Of monster...  Would actually rescue a frightened filly from a well?  Maybe that filly LIKED it in that well!  Rainbow Dash, how tremendously inconsiderate of you!


All of it.  All of my sarcasm went into this one post.  There isn't anymore.

Cool joke, bro! You get a cookie for your efforts. Nicely put.
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jeric.exe has had a logical system failure!


<enter any 'not sure if serious' meme>


Well, I ... I honestly don't know how to respond.



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jeric.exe has had a logical system failure!


<enter any 'not sure if serious' meme>


Well, I ... I honestly don't know how to respond.



I think some people (including me) are just getting sick of the bashing lol. So they are trying to turn it around a bit to poke fun at it all

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Twilight Sparkle, mostly because I want her to do do less in big time two part episodes/movies and deal with more day-to-day anxious nerd problems. Or managing conflicts between people and having to make difficult princess decisions, and doing it in her dorky Twilight way.  I loved Twilight in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3, but I felt like I hadn't been able to connect with her that way in a long time. I even remember thinking to myself "Twily, you're back :D"


Basically, less Fate of Equestria problems, more Twilight problems. That would make me a happeh boy :)



Am I the only one who noticed that a lot of Trixie fans find Dash's ego grating? This is at least the 4th person who considers themselves to be a fan of Trixie that I've seen think that way about RD, myself included :please:



Funny enough, I'm kind of the opposite way. @Stellafera made a good post earlier that sums up my thoughts on Dash's ego very well.




the tl:dr version of why I disagree with you




Rainbow Dash is certainly talented in athletics. She can very honestly be confident in that. Which is wonderful, because it makes a great cover for her insecurity and general lack of actual self confidence.

It wasn't said outright, but I say that what was in the brackets is pretty heavily implied. But, you know, those bullies didn't get to her nearly as bad as Fluttershy, right?


But that's before her character development. No biggie!




I find Rainbow Dash's brashness interesting because she's faking it nearly as much as Trixie. She does have so much to be proud of, she really does. She's saved her friends' lives, she inspired all of them to find their passions, she achieved a feat of flight many thought impossible! But it's hard for her to see that. She only thinks that she's awesome if others tell her she is, because she doesn't think of herself as an inherently awesome person. 


Obligatory Mare Do Well reference. HAHA ARROGANT DASH


oh wait she wants to know because she bases her self worth upon your answer

she also bases her self worth on something as superficial as her mane

because that's how shallow her confidence is in Season 2



I mean, if she really thought she was all that, why was she so self-effacing at the start of that episode? Why does she spend most of Wonderbolts Academy downplaying her concern about Lightning Dust out of a misplaced sense of humility? Why did the entire third act of Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 happen? Why did the entire episode of Sonic Rainboom happen?


Rainbow Dash was a failure academically, and told that she was a failure by her peers. She's desperate not to be, but she's not entirely sold that she isn't. So she's got to be cool. Because cool ponies aren't failures. 


Or, in the words of the person who made that picture above on Rainbow Dash:


I'm not scared of anything.
I'm too awesome to be scared.
What's there to be scared of, anyway? 
Nothing, except for...failure.
I'm scared of being humiliated.
I don't want to be a failure.




Overall, I think Dash has a comparable problem with a lack of self-confidence than she does with arrogance and self-centeredness, as strange as it might sound. I get the sense that when she's saying she's awesome/the best/the fastest/(insert Rainbow boast here), she's trying to convince herself as much as anypony else. She's crumbled into a pathetic, nervous, desperate, defeated wreck too many times under pressure for me to say that her problem is as simple as being overconfident. I find the whole dynamic to be really interesting. And to Rainbow's credit, she's been showing a lot more of her caring, mature and kind side in recent seasons as opposed to the arrogant one. Yay growth :D


Whereas with Trixie, showmareship aside, she seemed to be enjoying what she did to Applejack, Dash and Rarity a little too much, and that rubbed me the wrong way. Which isn't to say that those three were faultless angels in that episode, but Trixie's behavior in that scene reminded me a bit of Dash in Fall Weather Friends. That being one of the times where I found Dash's attitude particularly grating instead of enjoying it for the cute bluster that it is. Dash's had some terrific character development that washed the taste of that episode out of my mouth a long time ago, though, and Trixie hasn't been as lucky.


To clarify, I'm more neutral on Trixie than anything and I'm sure I'd like her more if she got more screentime. Kathleen Barr has an amazing voice and I'm all about ham, which Trixie can produce in spades ^_^. I also think it's unfair of me to be hung up on one little thing that happened so long ago, especially since it tends to irritate me when others to that to Rainbow Dash :derp:, but I thought I'd throw it out since the subject came up.

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If I can say one thing in defense of Rainbow Dash: Watch her relationship with Scootaloo. If anypony is gonna humble Dash the most, it's gonna be Scoots. I can't wait to see what they do with those two.


Oh, and Twilight's my least favorite, but I still like her, just not as much as her friends. She and Fluttershy might switch spots soon, though.

Even in the future, when the two's relationship has gotten more depth, I sincerely doubt that RainbowDash's attitude will change for the better.


In 'Sleepless In Ponyville', even though RainbowDash said that she would be like Scootaloo's big sister, one particular line caught my attention.


RainbowDash says that she'll deny any of her childhood fears if Scootaloo even brings them up in front of ANYONE else.

That tells me that RainbowDash's attitude still hadn't changed, and probably never will.


Just because RainbowDash is trying to help Scootaloo, that doesn't make her that less arrogant or rude, because she STILL acts the same way.

Edited by Royal Samurott
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I dont have permission to vote in polls yet but, I have to say Rarity. I do not hate Rarity, she simply is my least favorite pony. I guess I'm just not a huge fan of fashion. I know all you rarity fans will be like :mlp-dfacehoof: .

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Okay this topic has somehow evolved from needless hate / attention-seeking hyperbole to... Disliking characters for their virtues lol? Really??? I'm just going to get this out of the way before someone else beats me to it:


Keep in mind that I'm being as sarcastic as sarcastic can be while standing in a big pile of sarcastic. There will be many exclamation points.


I dislike Rarity because she has a talent for fashion and ambition in the industry! And omigosh - she made beautiful Gala dresses for all of her friends. What kind of awful pony does that?!?!


I dislike Applejack because she's hard-working and reliable! And loves her family! Booooo, family together-ness!


I dislike Fluttershy because she is considerate of others' feelings and good with animals! And because she puts the needs of others ahead of her own!


I dislike Twilight Sparkle because she is intelligent and increasingly adept with magic! Not to mention that she's... WELL-READ!


I dislike Pinkie Pie because she attempts to make the lives of other ponies brighter! And I absolutely HATE it when she makes me smile and / or laugh! Laughing is painful for me.


I dislike Rainbow Dash because she's f****** awesome! And has - wait for it - been personally responsible for preventing the deaths of several ponies. I mean, she prevented a baby from flying off a cliff! What. Kind. Of monster... Would actually rescue a frightened filly from a well? Maybe that filly LIKED it in that well! Rainbow Dash, how tremendously inconsiderate of you!


All of it. All of my sarcasm went into this one post. There isn't anymore.

If someone doesn't like PinkiePie for being ecstatic, AppleJack for being bland, or Twilight because she's intelligent, doesn't mean that people are disliking them for the wrong reasons.

Someone could very well dislike PinkiePie for the one fact that she has a zaniess attitude and outlook, or FlutterShy because she's timid. Some people may find those qualities to be quite irritating.


Also, I just wanted to say this...

I feel that RainbowDash only didn't care about how the aftermath of that experience had possibly affected the baby.

She tried to make a very mean-spirited joke by saying "There's something wrong with the baby!


She isn't cheering for me because I'm a hero!"


Before that cruel punch line, she probably struck unnecessary panic to the crowd AND the baby's mother. That shows that she cared more about fame than the baby's safety at the moment.


Now THAT'S terrible.

Edited by Royal Samurott
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That tells me that RainbowDash's attitude still hadn't changed, and probably never will. Just because RainbowDash is trying to help Scootaloo, that doesn't make her that less arrogant or rude, because she STILL acts the same way.





Scootaloo: But flying's what Pegasus ponies are supposed to do! You flew when you carried the flag in the games!




Rainbow Dash: But that was me! You're you! And it just doesn't matter if you can fly or not. Your routine was amazing 'cause it represented exactly what makes Ponyville special. You do still know what that is, right?

Sweetie Belle: Friendship.

Apple Bloom: Three kinds of ponies livin' together as friends. Just like us. Earth ponies...

Sweetie Belle: ...unicorns...

Scootaloo: ...and Pegasi. But Rainbow Dash... what if... what if my wings never grow? What if I never fly?


Rainbow Dash: Listen, Scootaloo. Maybe you'll fly someday, or maybe you won't. You're all kinds of awesome anyway. Who's the toughest little pony in town?


All that arrogance and rudeness though. Nobody's saying that Rainbow Dash is perfect or that she's going to be an amazingly selfless and humble horse overnight (that'd be boring, after all  -_-), but she's definitely moving in the right direction.

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