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Twi Rubix

Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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Why choose a Mane 6 character when you can choose Blueblood? He's a !@#$ and no-one discriminates you for hating him because he deserves to hated.



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I don't get how you can dislike a mane 6 it's their faults that make them amazing

If pinkie wasn't bouncing off the walls like she does her fanbase wouldn't be big

If RD was all "sappy" and modest

To sum it up the flaws are what makes these characters amazing <3 I can't chose:/ lol

Although scumbag blueblood...

Also,Are any spike fans feeling insulted?

Edited by OdinForced



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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The only ones I really don't like to see any screentime with are Snips, Snails, and Diamond Tiara.

In addition to the above 3, the voices of Photo Finish or that one other fashion star that comes to watch Rarity's fashion show are kind of annoying.

Out of the main 6, If I had to choose, I might either go with Twilight or Rainbow, only because I like the others more, not because I actually dislike them.

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We already have pretty good indicators of which character we like the best or think is the coolest.

But out of all the characters in show, who does everypony think is the biggest meanie? I mean some villains threatened to do some pretty bad stuff, but others didn't do anything particularly evil, just mean-spirited or impolite.


Who do you think is the worst?


Princess Celestia: Manipulative enforced-method relations with Twilight and her friends


Princess Luna: Almost gobbled Pipsqueak, scared residents of Ponyville


Diamond Tiara: Spread gossip and libel causing grevance from every one of the Mane cast, Big Macintosh and Miss Mayor. Also made Fluttershy cry


Silver Spoon: Insulted the Cutie Mark Crusaders on multiple occasions


Snips: Brought an Ursa Minor to Ponyville


Snails: Brought an Ursa Minor to Ponyville


Nightmare Moon: Threatened to keep Equestria in a new age of darkness and evil, potentially could have harmed Mane cast


Gilda: Bullied members of Ponyville and the Mane cast, made Fluttershy cry


Trixie: Bullied members of the Mane cast


Diamond Dogs: Kidnapped and forced slavery on Rarity


Discord: Almost destroyed harmony and order in Equestria forever


Flim Flam Brothers: Nearly caused a coercive monopoly on Ponyville Cider, forcing the Apple Family to leave


Garble the Dragon: Encouraged Spike to destory an egg, threatened members of the Mane cast


Queen Chrysalis: Successfully invaded Equestria, theatened peace and harmony in Equestria, imperilled the Mane cast and relatives


Photo Finish: Caused derision, confusion and envy between Fluttershy and Rarity


Prince Blueblood: Behaved like a moron in front of Rarity


Ahuitzotl: Almost killed Daring-Do, is implied to have done so repeatedly (and failed repeatedly)


Windigos: Almost encased Equestria and its inhabitants in ice forever


Parasprites: Threatened to destroy Ponyville, partly succeeded


Hydra: Threatened members of the Mane cast


Cockatrice: Turned Twilight Sparkle into stone, almost did so to Fluttershy


Changlings: Threatened members of the Mane cast


Iron Will: Imperilled Pinkie Pie and Rarity, intimidated Fluttershy


Surf & Turf: Told Fluttershy to 'Get a life' and made her out to be a doormat


Twist isn't on this list because what are you gonna gripe her about: her lisp? You prejudiced unbecoming oaf. Featherweight would be a better candidate seeing as it was his photographs that ended up in the Ponyville Express.

Edited by Blue
  • Brohoof 1
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Trixie's crimes against Rarity's beautiful hair puts her at the lowest possible level. She should be burnt at the stake.


If it wasn't for Trixie's actions against Rarity I'd say Gilda.

  • Brohoof 1



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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Diamond Tiara is worst pony, why? She is a bully, and probably the second most evil character in the whole show. (After Nightmare Moon.)
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Diamond Tiara is just a plain b*itch, no getting around it. She is the worst. After her I have to say Gilda though I wish we had seen more of her so I can better judge her, but I digress.

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This is all a matter of opinion really. I actually think characters like Diamond Tiara are good characters, because they do their job well. They make you hate them. In my opinion, that makes for a very good antagonistic character.


But, I just have to say that Snips and Snails are just ridiculous. They are the village idiots and their actions have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. But that's just me...

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Silver Spoon.


Sure, Diamond Tiara is the main bully who gets kicks from annoying and saddening others but I hate how Silver Spoon just watches on from the sidelines, capable of doing something to help but is instead sucked into the whirlpool of hate that Diamond Tiara produces and turned into an aggressive bystander.

  • Brohoof 1
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Silver Spoon.


Sure, Diamond Tiara is the main bully who gets kicks from annoying and saddening others but I hate how Silver Spoon just watches on from the sidelines, capable of doing something to help but is instead sucked into the whirlpool of hate that Diamond Tiara produces and turned into an aggressive bystander.


Wow. Good point actually. All Silver Spoon is is just a follower. Like a lamb to slaughter as they say.
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I have to say the Flim Flam Brothers. They think it's their right to go on someponys apple farm that they don't even own, when it's cider season, and want to take away they're right to live in Ponyville? Who does that?! Thais cruel, mean, and selfish. They didn't stop, they didn't care. They're simply evil.

Edited by Resolution

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Look at Gilda scream at Fluttershy, and send Pinkie's copter flying to the ground. Diamond Tiara is all talks and bullying, but Gilda isn't afraid to scream at them or put them in pain.

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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I dislike Snails and Snips.

So annoying especially with there voices, not to mention I don't think they've done anything worthwhile for the series besides try to ruin the town.


However i'll defend Diamond Tiara, while she is a meanie.

She's definetly at leas for me, the villian you love to hate.


For example when Filthy Rich made her go and jump over the pitchers of water, that was just pricesless.


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This is an obscurely worded question. 'Worst character' made me think 'who do you hate the most?' not 'who caused the most harm in the show?' So I'll be answering both of these.


Snips and Snails are the most pointless, 'worst' characters. They're obnoxious, do nothing for the show but provide the village idiots factor, and while that's understandable, they do it in an obnoxious way for me.


As for 'who is the baddiest bad guy that caused the most harm', Discord. He effected EVERYTHING in an afternoon, while every single person on that list was after an individual, group, large group, city, or was only attacking by circumstance. Some of them on there don't even fall under categories. But Discord fucked up the entire region in twenty minutes, AND tore apart the friendship of the main cast all for his amusement, and because he could. Even the other two super villains, Chrysalis and nightmare Moon, didn't accomplish as much. NMM didn't succeed at all, she was defeated before she did any real harm, and though Chrysalis attacked Canterlot and messed with love, it doesn't go to the scale that Discord went.

  • Brohoof 1


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Snip, Snails > They aggro'd a freaking Ursa Minor to Ponyville, for god's sake!


Diamond Tiara > Should be served as a stew with some jewelries on top


Cockatrice > We should drive them to extinction as soon as possible.


Thanks for my Bon Bon for the awsum sig

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