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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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After looking around the internet, it seems that people hate snips and snails for the same reason they love derpy, and people have said how come those that had a problem with derpy speaking did not have a problem with snips and snails as well. And I thought bronies were kind and loving...

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Just a suggestion for the poll, you could make a few more polls, including this one (don't change it in the slightest), most hated Princess and the Most hated of the Mane 6.


Also, I hate Diamond Tiara, largely because she's mean because she can be. I mean, there's no redeeming qualities about her. Just a spoilt, snooty brat.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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I would blame bad parenting for Diamond Tiara except Filthy Rich is actually implied to be a fairly responsible father. When he finds out about DT insulting Granny Smith in class he marched her ass down to Sweet Apple Acres and made her help with the zap apples. That was a good thing to do, so he knows the value of discipline.


I think she's just naturally a bitch.

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After looking around the internet, it seems that people hate snips and snails for the same reason they love derpy, and people have said how come those that had a problem with derpy speaking did not have a problem with snips and snails as well. And I thought bronies were kind and loving...


I think the difference is though that many find Derpy to have been either 1) too harshly treated by Rainbow Dash and thus qualifies as somehow more sympathetic, 2) Derpy is simply a more lovable "village idiot" than Snips and Snails, or, for the sake of argument, 3) people really only see Derpy as clumsy and not necessarily idiotic.


On topic, I've always had a negative opinion of Fancypants (I shouldn't have to delve in this again) and Featherweight-- the latter because he, out of all the "cog in the machine" members of the Foal Free Press under Diamond Tiara, should have expressed real guilt over his actions, but he strikes me at the same time as a pony who would only defend himself with the "I was only following orders" line. It disturbed me somewhat that he got promoted to editor-in-chief, although one theory I've read (and have tried to reconstruct) is that it is justified by him calling to attention Diamond Tiara's tyranny to Cheerilee because he was told to "document everything" but this I call into question because his role was merely to take pictures, not to interpret them, which I presumed was the job of the CMC.


But of the characters on the poll, I just put Jet Set and Upper Crust because I thought that their reactions to Rarity were just over-exaggerated. Everyone else I can kind of feel sympathetic for.

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At least you can laugh at Snips and Snails' stupidity or Trixie's boasting, but Flim and Flam are incredibly smart, don't care how many lives they ruin and they act so damn friendly it's insulting.


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  • Brohoof 1



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Why all the hate? And who hated on Owliscous?


I don't hate any character from the show. In fact, although I am pretty sure this has already been argued in the previous six pages, isn't hating characters (not thinking that they were a bad addition to the show, not subjectively finding them somewhat annoying, but simply hating them as if they were real) contrary to the principles of love and tolerance that the community is supposedly based on?


There's nothing wrong with thinking that you would dislike a character if (s)he existed in real life, but how can simple hate be reconciled with love and tolerance? No, that's not rhetorical. I actually want someone to try to explain.


Oh, and I'm surprised that the 2 part episode villains (Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis) and the princesses aren't up there. Seems like a lot of people would vote for them.



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I hate diamond tiara. She is a bully and a hypocrite. She makes fun of the CMC because they don't have cutie marks but she got her cutie mark from her name she has the stupidest cutie mark ever.

  • Brohoof 1


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At first I was going to vote for diamond tiara because she's just a complete bitch but after consideration, I've decided she gets a little forgiveness due to being young. Prince Blueblood on the other hand thinks himself far too above every pony else, so if I have to choose, i choose him. I don't hate any character though, I dislike some but I tolerate them.


However I will not tolerate anyone who chooses either apple bloom, scootaloo or sweetie belle. They are just too adorable!

  • Brohoof 1

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I have to chose Rainbow Dash, not Diamond Tiara because she's to young and spoiled to know anything yet, and not any other Snobby Pony like Prince Blueblood as "Lost" stated because they're either Rich so the power of money and well... Power corrupted them, or that they havn't met a realization point to where they learn their mistake. and that Rainbow Dash is one of the Magical elements of Harmony!


Rainbow does hang out with very positive friends who have a very strong positive influence on every pony around them, so you'd expect the gabberstaggingly positive influence hit her somewhat. I dislike Rainbow dash because she's so Stubborn, considers cheating, always want's to be first, and expects to makes the Wonder Bolts, but doesn't have, if not the most, valuable part of the Wonder Bolts which is Team Work. Rainbow Dash is alright because the's very Loyal ofcourse, but that could also mean she could be tricked into joining evil and bieng Loyal to the bad side as so I could believe, because she doesn't have the best personality to resist a powerfull enough magic or very influential villain. I know Rainbow Dash is the most loved Pony, and no i'm not hating the RD fans AT ALL, just Rainbow Dash herself.

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I voted for Snips. I couldn't help it, but he is just so friggin annoying and ugly. I mean his voice sounds childish. He looks really, really fat and the buck teeth just makes it worse.

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I'm going to have to say "The Great and Powerful" Trixie... The nice part of me wants to just say she is lonely and wants friends, but the not so nice part of me wants to say she is just a terrible pony...

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I would blame bad parenting for Diamond Tiara except Filthy Rich is actually implied to be a fairly responsible father. When he finds out about DT insulting Granny Smith in class he marched her ass down to Sweet Apple Acres and made her help with the zap apples. That was a good thing to do, so he knows the value of discipline.


I think she's just naturally a bitch.


Yeah, but she's just a kid. People aren't born with empathy - they're taught it. If you've ever been around kids, you'll see that they can be total jerks sometimes for really no good reason. That Filthy Rich has the good sense to try and instill this in her means that she might have a chance at becoming a good person when she grows up. So this might be a phase that she'll either grow out of or be taught out of.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This poll...

This poll and the people talking in this topic make me really really recall sad.


I'm not even gonna put in a vote to this poll.

  • Brohoof 1

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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it's a tough decision; I dislike Skootaloo cuz she's just not nearly as cute as the other cutie mark crusaders, Angel cuz he's more stuck up and selfish than Ranbow Dash (no offence to Rainbow Dash), and Owlowiscious (got one heck of a name, I'll give him that).


but ultimately, I went with Gilda. she thinks she's so cool, but everything she says makes her feel more and more like a hippie trying to play the role of a gangster in a 1980s parody renactment of The Outsiders. but the thing that I hate the most, the thing that makes me want to superglue her tailfeathers to the bottom of a bridge while boats below billow smoke onto her face...


she made Fluttershy cry! D':

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I absolutely HATE Diamond Tiara. How DARE she make fun of Applebloom! She's so stuck up, self centered and... and... GRRR! I swear, ponies like her make me so mad! :angry:

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Diamond Tiara. I have absolutely no love for people like that in real life. Ponies are no different.

I can understand why people would hate Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie but how could ANYONE hate Owlowicious?!



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