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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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Rarity is too posh and pampered for my taste


Trixie is an egomaniac and makes Rainbow Dash look disarmingly humble


Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon are your stereotypical mean-girls that you grew up with in school

hXc i ain't like you and i don't wantyour love and i don't need your respect!!!! hXc






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NUUU! why does everyone dislike Rarity so much? she's in my top favorites! I like rarity because she's just so hilariously sassy and classy! There really is a lot more to her than meets the eye, and i love characters like that.

Now, i voted RD for least favorite mane, but don't get me wrong. Rainbow dash is okay and i love all the mane 6, but i never was a fan of her "i'm cooler than you" attitude. I can't stand people who are cocky and full of themselves like that in real life.

The same goes for Trixie as well, i hate arrogance. And don't even get me started on Blueblood. HE is the epitome of PRICK.

As for snips and snails, i actually don't dislike them as much as other people would, but they are still among my least favorites, mostly because they have imo the most annoying voices on the show. Sometimes i genuinely felt bad for their characters because they are always the butt of ridicule and jokes, especially by Trixie.

Edited by crazitaco
  • Brohoof 2


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For me, as you may have seen from my thread, I'm not too fond of Scootaloo, this is of course incredibly weird however, since my favorite is Rainbow Dash.

To me it's a tie between Snips and Snails. The only school age colts,in Ponyville and they're portrayed as brain dead! How will the ponies continue to populate their world with males like THAT?


All I can say is... I really hope that these cartoon ponies can repopulate with the same sex. I just don't want to imagine a world, where all the kids are spawned from them... Other than Gilda, I hate these two tertiary characters the most.

  • Brohoof 1


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For me, as you may have seen from my thread, I'm not too fond of Scootaloo, this is of course incredibly weird however, since my favorite is Rainbow Dash.

All I can say is... I really hope that these cartoon ponies can repopulate with the same sex. I just don't want to imagine a world, where all the kids are spawned from them... Other than Gilda, I hate these two tertiary characters the most.

One can hope that Celestia will institute a special, uh, seeding program. I'd say that the ranks of her guards, the Wonderbolts, (If Spitfire permits!) and good hard working ponies like Big Macintosh and Pony Joe would provide enough genetic diversity to offset any possible gene pool contamination from Snips and Snails. I have just one more word for those two...



                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Ok so I brain farted and didnt see/remember diamond tiara. I dont feel the need to elaborate too much on my dislike for her mostly because it is very apparent. Shes a jerk.

With Prince Blue Blood its similar but also a bit different. Hes very full of himself and thinks hes above everything and everyone. Hes above treating others well and above eating certain things. I really do not like that attitude. 

It was really hard picking a least fav main character. I like all of them and could go into great detail as to why as I'm sure most here can. It really just came down to who's episodes I liked more. Spike had my least fav episode of season three, and two episodes which are kinda meh to me. So I picked him. I do however still like him as a character. 

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NUUU! why does everyone dislike Rarity so much? she's in my top favorites! I like rarity because she's just so hilariously sassy and classy! There really is a lot more to her than meets the eye, and i love characters like that.


I agree! Rarity's my favorite of the Mane Six, if only by a hair. There is alot more to her than meets the eye. One example: when it actually comes time to get down to business and dirty her hooves a bit, she does an excellent job. Kicking a manticore in the face ("Friendship Is Magic: Part 2") is pretty hardcore. She's also pretty defensive of Spike, which is sweet in an older sister sort of way. Another example: she's always careful to behave in a dignified, upstanding manner, putting up with Prince Blueblood's rudeness longer than most people would, trying to see the good in him before losing her temper and soiling his good looks with cake. They also give her alot of the funniest lines. 


*hugs Rarity*  

  • Brohoof 3

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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Why so much hate on Rarity? Sure she can be a girly stereotype at first, but she is a great character with an exquisite personality and goals. Also I have a weakness for fancy or well respected characters like octavia! ;) 


Applejack is great, but she already achieved her goals, unlike other characters, making her slightly not interesting to see what's she up too.


I HATE GILDA! Hands down, anyone can agree, her attitude, disrespect to pinkie pie, and personality really made me hate her. Also because of what she did with fluttershy... :angry: 


Diamond Tiara just irritates me on how mean she is to the crusaders just cause she thinks she's better than everyone else. 

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cuteycindyhoney, on 11 Mar 2013 - 17:43, said:

One can hope that Celestia will institute a special, uh, seeding program. I'd say that the ranks of her guards, the Wonderbolts, (If Spitfire permits!) and good hard working ponies like Big Macintosh and Pony Joe would provide enough genetic diversity to offset any possible gene pool contamination from Snips and Snails. I have just one more word for those two...


Seeing as Ponyville doesn't seem to have a definitive population, or at the very least one which is unknown to us and subject to cartoon logic(hearts and hooves day). We really have no way of knowing how many stallions/colts are in Ponyville. I mean we didn't know of that chubby colt or that photographer colt until season 2. Then you have Little Pip who is cute and British so I would hardly be concerned about this. especially since its a cartoon.


Also having stupid parents does not automatically make you stupid. I have met some whose parents I would consider very very stupid who came out great, brilliant even. Also what if they get...you know....smarter as they grow, I've known that to be the case, even in very dysfunctional people. How does one objectively determine stupidity? Any test wont be enough as even some brilliant people just suck at taking tests. I've known some who I would consider not that bright excel at tests. Does social functionality count? Even if you could absolutely objectively determine who was and wasn't "stupid", what degree of stupidity would warrant such a horrible action. Does someone like Derpy count? Its seems absolutely abhorrent to even consider it. It almost seems like a form of eugenics movement. Lets label children either superior or inferior and depending on that label we will take away their ability to reproduce. Never will they ever be able to raise a child of their own no matter how capable they become as adults.


I don't like them that much either but that's a tad extreme with horrible moral implications.



edit: I should note in Massachusetts(maybe elsewhere too) we have a test called the MCAS which determines if your smart enough to graduate high school or receive a GED. I have known and known of quite a few really smart people who just cant get past it because the suck at taking tests. One of them after his third attempt finally was able to apply and go to college to become a biologist, he still sucks at tests but apparently the environment enables him to do very well there. So the subject does hit me rather personally. Though I actually found the MCAS pretty easy though. That doesnt make me a genius though by any means.

Edited by Anadu Kune
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Out of all of them I would have to say Fluttershy is by far the worst.


I remember back in season 1 when Fluttershy actually did something, now she is just there so bronies can d'aww all over themselves, she has only two modes, super useless and super bitchy.


I thought that maybe she would make a comeback after Keep Calm and Flutter On, but the writers seem determined to keep any character development squashed into the dirt.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)
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Out of all of them I would have to say Fluttershy is by far the worst.


I remember back in season 1 when Fluttershy actually did something, now she is just there so bronies can d'aww all over themselves, she has only two modes, super useless and super bitchy.


I thought that maybe she would make a comeback after Keep Calm and Flutter On, but the writers seem determined to keep any character development squashed into the dirt.

As much as I hate to admit it she is pretty useless... most of the time she has to be dragged into situations. Fluttershy is not on my top three anymore. Flutterb-ch (look it up to know what I mean) is more entertaining than her normal self at least then she actually does something without having to be told so :P.


Current top 3:


1) Scootaloo - well she is just fun to watch when the CMC are around.

2) Rarity - smart and fun.

3) Twilight - I always like to watch her and Spike together.

Edited by ~Scootaloo
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If I had to choose one character that I just cant stand...it would be Snails. I hate him...I hate him so much. And I hate Snips just as much but I hate Snails even more. GAAAAAAAAH.

And I can't choose between the mane characters. I love them all so much and I cant decide.

I chose prince Blueblood for the secondary character thing...for obvious reasons.


(I really hate Snips and Snails.)

Something something something something


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If I had to choose one character that I just cant stand...it would be Snails. I hate him...I hate him so much. And I hate Snips just as much but I hate Snails even more. GAAAAAAAAH.

And I can't choose between the mane characters. I love them all so much and I cant decide.

I chose prince Blueblood for the secondary character thing...for obvious reasons.


(I really hate Snips and Snails.)

Ya. You couldn't really get rid of Fluttershy without pissing off a large amount of the fanbase. Snip and Snails? lets face it they were made to be tools in the first place. They were made almost exclusively to be the two idiots who supported and promoted Trixie.

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Ya. You couldn't really get rid of Fluttershy without pissing off a large amount of the fanbase. Snip and Snails? lets face it they were made to be tools in the first place. They were made almost exclusively to be the two idiots who supported and promoted Trixie.


Fluttershy is my favorite mane six...but I cant choose my least favorite. They're all awesome.

And yes...they were made to be idiots but that doesn't stop the fact that I hate them with a fiery passion of ten thousand suns.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Ugh... Trixie is so annoying! I don't see anything interesting about her, and even though a antagonist is supposed to be disliked towards a protagonist and the audience, just... every time she even speaks it's like a tick on my face. I don't know... It's just that... I don't get what's so good about her and why all these Bronies want her back. She's not interesting enough at all! I thought at least Gilda had more potential when it came to background stories, and I actually liked her a little bit. (I would like her a lot better if she disn't act like the people who pick on me at school...) I hope this came across... okay.  :ph34r:

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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1. Uh, I guess Twilight when her "OMG! a letr from princes Celestia1? is dis a test!?" attitude shows up. It's the only part of her I extremely hate. Other than that, I pretty much like her and the rest of the Mane 6 + Spike


2. Trixie. Never liked her in the beginning, still don't like her after her "redemption" episode


3. Background? Um...not much to go by since hardly any of them have canon personalities. I don't know why you're including characters like Snips and Snails when you listed Soarin' and Braeburn as secondary characters


Fanon-wise, I guess Lyra. Not much a fan of her "human obsession"

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1. Uh, I guess Twilight when her "OMG! a letr from princes Celestia1? is dis a test!?" attitude shows up. It's the only part of her I extremely hate. Other than that, I pretty much like her and the rest of the Mane 6 + Spike


2. Trixie. Never liked her in the beginning, still don't like her after her "redemption" episode


3. Background? Um...not much to go by since hardly any of them have canon personalities. I don't know why you're including characters like Snips and Snails when you listed Soarin' and Braeburn as secondary characters


Fanon-wise, I guess Lyra. Not much a fan of her "human obsession"

The background characters are included because if characters were to be dropped (not saying any will though) the background ones would be the first to be considered to be cut. This is most likely because the background characters have a much smaller fan base and cutting them when not cause as much of a back lash.




If Fluttershy were to get dropped there would be hell to pay because she has a massive fan base.

If Trixie were to get dropped a small percent may be angry and may even stop watching show (less impact).

Edited by ~Scootaloo
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Seeing as Ponyville doesn't seem to have a definitive population, or at the very least one which is unknown to us and subject to cartoon logic(hearts and hooves day). We really have no way of knowing how many stallions/colts are in Ponyville. I mean we didn't know of that chubby colt or that photographer colt until season 2. Then you have Little Pip who is cute and British so I would hardly be concerned about this. especially since its a cartoon.


Also having stupid parents does not automatically make you stupid. I have met some whose parents I would consider very very stupid who came out great, brilliant even. Also what if they get...you know....smarter as they grow, I've known that to be the case, even in very dysfunctional people. How does one objectively determine stupidity? Any test wont be enough as even some brilliant people just suck at taking tests. I've known some who I would consider not that bright excel at tests. Does social functionality count? Even if you could absolutely objectively determine who was and wasn't "stupid", what degree of stupidity would warrant such a horrible action. Does someone like Derpy count? Its seems absolutely abhorrent to even consider it. It almost seems like a form of eugenics movement. Lets label children either superior or inferior and depending on that label we will take away their ability to reproduce. Never will they ever be able to raise a child of their own no matter how capable they become as adults.


I don't like them that much either but that's a tad extreme with horrible moral implications.



edit: I should note in Massachusetts(maybe elsewhere too) we have a test called the MCAS which determines if your smart enough to graduate high school or receive a GED. I have known and known of quite a few really smart people who just cant get past it because the suck at taking tests. One of them after his third attempt finally was able to apply and go to college to become a biologist, he still sucks at tests but apparently the environment enables him to do very well there. So the subject does hit me rather personally. Though I actually found the MCAS pretty easy though. That doesnt make me a genius though by any means.

No offense, but did you miss the part where I was joking about two cartoon characters that have no actual existence in the physical world? You may as well track down the writer of "Cupcakes" and charge them with murder for killing cartoon characters, if you're going to act like I would maim or sexually brutalize someone because I don't like a character in a TV show. 

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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1. Uh, I guess Twilight when her "OMG! a letr from princes Celestia1? is dis a test!?" attitude shows up. It's the only part of her I extremely hate. Other than that, I pretty much like her and the rest of the Mane 6 + Spike


2. Trixie. Never liked her in the beginning, still don't like her after her "redemption" episode


3. Background? Um...not much to go by since hardly any of them have canon personalities. I don't know why you're including characters like Snips and Snails when you listed Soarin' and Braeburn as secondary characters


Fanon-wise, I guess Lyra. Not much a fan of her "human obsession"


I know! And everything that has to do with Lyra is about humans! There's pretty much no fan-fictions, art, nor role-play that has to do with her main cannon talent! Playing the lyre! What's up with that? mellow.png

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No offense, but did you miss the part where I was joking about two cartoon characters that have no actual existence in the physical world? You may as well track down the writer of "Cupcakes" and charge them with murder for killing cartoon characters, if you're going to act like I would maim or sexually brutalize someone because I don't like a character in a TV show. 

It just seemed a rather strange and just kinda dark suggestion is all. I wasn't angry just kinda pointing it out and its potential implications. As for cupcakes its been ranted about to death so I really cant add anything new.Though maybe it was because I came out of a discussion with an acquaintance that really follows this dude called James Randi and he kinda had similar serious sentiments on "stupid people" . 

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I don't have a least favourite...

While I prefer RD and FS...

I love the others equally ^_^

Just couldn't find it in mah heart to tell anypony they are my least favourite

everypony Equal /)

  • Brohoof 1


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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