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Your OC's Way Of Living

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My OCs family is basically identical to my own, except for one detail - I have a younger sister, not older.


He lives on the edge of Vanhoover, near the woods that he likes to hike and camp in, and enjoys traveling when he can.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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My OC Comet Streak lives in the outskirts of Manehattan so he can get away from the city lights and noises when he needs sometimes to just relax and get away from it all. He gets warmed up for the day by flying to work...since his job involves delivering mail....and he just explores wherever when he has his time off, spending it with Starshine, preferably :).

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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My OC tends to spend his time traveling around in search of adventure. Usually, his hidden agenda constitutes of him trying to learn new and powerful magic or some long lost magic to record it for future generations, generally making them a bit better or trying to make them easier for other unicorns to use them without much of the hassle he goes through. Other than that, he spends his time studying the stars and skies from his cave in the Canterlot Mountains and sometimes his home in Ponyville. He works in Canterlot as Princess' Luna's assistant during the night time and for now sometimes during the daytime he works as a substitute teacher at the school in Ponyville.

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My OC's work as the leaders for Sunset, a group of cities that have declared independence from Equestria, identifying as a government in exile for the original Equestrian empire that was in power for thousands of years before Luna & Celestia took the throne from it's previous owner, Alicorn empress Silhouette Dusk. 


Proxy, son of Tirek & Chrysalis, is the military governor of Sunset, and husband to the fallen Empress Dusk. His day consists of overseeing the training of his armies, fortifying the cities for war, overseeing his network of spies, meeting w/ representatives from the various political districts and workers unions, overseeing management of resources, going on patrols of the region. But most importantly, finding ways to keep up the morale of his subjects, to have them remain unified in their goal of avenging their ancestors, unveiling Equestria's hidden history, the legacy of their forebarers, and keeping them happy and proud, despite their difficult lives building and maintaining an industrialized city at the fringes of Equestria's borders. And he often does this by working very long hours, despite requests from his staff to take some of the load themselves. Most ponies in Equestria know him by his guise as Black Night, the radical, stone faced Thestral w/ the gall to brand the royal sisters as plunderers. But most are surprised that the sisters are taking the threat of a succeeding province so lightly. 


Their almost whimsical tone at the prospect of the Sunset region breaking away took a complete 180, when it was revealed that Silhouette Dusk herself had returned, and would be leading her empire's descendants in reclaiming their homeland. After being set free by the energies of the Crystal Empire, Dusk returned to the remnants of her proud home, reuniting w/ her husband after 1000 years, and inspiring the Sunset ponies to revolution. She spends her time learning all that she can about the new Equestria, studying every text, readign every book and watching every film. She leads the development of Sunsets war machines, aids in the planning and arrangement of the cities, supervises weather patterns and agricultural growth for the region, and acts as the figurehead for Sunset, leading her subjects in an almost spiritual like capacity.


When not in Sunset, she tries to maintain her ties w/ the Crystal empire, a nation whose denizens she shares a strong kinship with, both them and she being ponies forgotten by time, struggling to adjust to a new world.  But while sympathetic to Sunset's cause, Empress Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor would rather have the Crystal empire remain neutral in this issue, something that is proving more and more difficult as the Crystal ponies show their support for Dusk and their old allies in Sunset. Dusk's clear attempts to sway the royal couple, backed by her fervent charm & intellectual charisma, aren't making the decision any easier for them.

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My OC has a fairly boring life, but that's the way she likes it, too.

She works as a milkmaid during the morning hours and then works at a daycare in the evening.


She spends most of her free time having nice, long walks with her dear mother who she loves very much.

She doesn't have any siblings. However, I'm thinking of giving her a baby sister some time in the future.


She sleeps in the barn at night but spends most of her time in a nearby meadow where she examines the flowers and takes short naps.

Best Pony:  :)

Next Best Pony:  ;)

Third Best Pony:  :D



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for Parso, growing up was tough. his mother died during his birth and his father was off the charts, growing up with a foster family to which the stepdad was abusive. making him leave and live with his girlfriend who died of cancer a year later, sending him into a deep depression. he was told to move to ponyville to start again

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My OC (which happens to be my avatar) is shy around other ponies, but can be very adventurous at times. She works as a cartographer, mapping out lands within and beyond Equestria.

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My OC Aerial Shot is an amateur film-maker who grew up in Cloudsdale. She moved out of her family's home to start her career and she's currently living in Ponyville. She wants to travel around Equestria to make films and eventually get her big break in Applewood, Las Pegasus someday

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My OC lives in a laboratory a mile out side of ponyville due to causing frequent explosions. Nopony really knows what she's up to, or where she is from. She goes in to town riding some sort of wheeled contraption on occasion to get food and random supplies. Covered in soot or grease half the time with a singed mane and permanently soot stained horn.

I fart rainbows of unicorn magic with glittery flakes of iron and chrome...

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Well, I have a whole team of OCs, so...


Pathfinder, Sojourner, Stargazer:


These three pretty much work and live in the Derbyshire Academy of Pony History; and this is possible because Sojourner & Pathfinder own the museum in a partnership AND there is a lack of residence in the small town of Derbyshire. XD


Sojourner (earth) is an archeologist and the main curator of the museum, while Pathfinder (unicorn) specializes in mapping & cartography. I'm still brainstroming over Stargazer (crystal), BUT I'm having her as an astronomer specializing in how ancient cultures viewed the stars.


Corsair, Spirit, Opportunity:


Corsair (pegasus) is the leader of a band of mercenaries called the WingHearts. Their main purpose is to help out anyone & everyone in the land...for a profit. I'm still working on some of his finer details, but he will take residence in the wild, more than likely.


The twins Spirit & Opportunity (pegasus) were originally with my museum characters, but I think they may be more interesting with the mercenaries. Right now, I don't have much with them other than that they love tinkering with gadgets, though they can serve as mechanics; I guess.


Professor Black Hole:


He's my only antagonist pony. An elderly pony based off of a cartoon villain (Professor Screw Eyes, cookie to the one who remembers him), he was an earth pony with magical properties thanks to the unicorn horn lodged in his eye.


I don't know if I would ever try him out for EqE, BUT he would likely require some changes from that. XD

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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  • 2 weeks later...



"Well, I live in a terraced-at-both-sides house in Manehattan with my dog named Cookie. I named him that because he's a beige-ish colour with brown spots. I invite my family and/or friends over to my place on a fairly regular basis."


"I have a job at Manehattan Novelty Store, which is a joke shop. It pays decently, and it's a lot of fun! Especially for a prankster pony such as myself. My parents often tell me that I need to 'grow up' and 'get a real job', but excuse me, it's my life and I'll do with it as I wish, thank you very much."


"I make regular trips to Ponyville. About once a month. I'm good friends with Pinkie Pie, by the way!"


"Yes indeedy!"


Pinkie? What are you doing here?


"My Pinkie Sense told me that a friend was saying good things about me!"


Right... well, can you please leave until Riley's done in the recording room?


*slides out through a closed door*


"I have a Super Neightendo and a Game Colt, from when I was a kid. I make a habit of playing them while eating chips and sitting in the butt-groove in my couch. Only I'm allowed to sit in that spot, and I doubt anypony else would want to sit there anyway..."


"Most of my visitors ask me why I own a double bed even though I'm the only pony living in my house. Well, I'm saving the extra spot for Anala when we're finally a couple!"


...And you don't find that creepy at all?


"Nope! Now, while we're on the topic of Anala... I love her. She stood up for me in school, she has a great personality, and did I mention she's a total badflank? I'm just waiting until I think I've won her over before I confess my feelings to her..."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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My OC is a bartender and owns an Inn on the outskirts of Baltimare, so he lives in a room set aside for himself at the Inn. Not particularly rich, not particularly poor. He just does what he's best at, making cocktails and helping other ponies have a good time.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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My oc is a slightly cocky but generous stallion. He lived in cloudsdale most of his life but after losing a big race he had been training hard for he felt to ashamed to stay. He than moved to ponyville and met rainbow dash who he had always herd about but never actualy met before, after getting to kn ow her he fell in love with her but even being as confident as he is he never has said anything about it. his parents died when he was just a filly and he dosnt remember them to well, after they had passed he lived with his grandma who was a sweet old lady who had originally lived in manehaten despite being a Pegasus. He got a job in ponyville as a co race coach to rainbow dash at the school, he hopes one day to feel redeemed enough to visit cloudsdale again


thats kinda a ROUGH draft

Just live life bro

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Sole is a magical griffon who lives with his unicorn wife Stone heart in a small house in Canterlot, but he's not home very often. He's mostly out adventuring, or doing his part time job as a mercenary. He loves both traveling and fighting, and lives life on the edge. He is a champion of the Dark tournament. He may have kids soon, but I'm not sure yet. Also, he can currently be found deep in a forest outside of Canterlot, receiving training from a retired martial arts/offensive magic master.


I'd also like to add that Most people (in real life) dislike him because he's Discord's son, but I could honestly care less.

Edited by ~LoSt SoLe~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Silverhoof is traveling Equestria. He funds his travels by selling two spells.

The New You:

This spell can change the color of anything, reverting back to its true colors 24 hours later. If cast on a pony, it will reinvigorate the skin, cleanse the coat and mane, and refresh the recipient. It can make any color, even luminous colors. Silverhoof can make colored lights bright enough to read by. It has a range of 300 feet, and can cover a 40 foot radius area in a single spell. Duration: 24 hours.


The New You is the first spell young Silverhoof learned. His family is based in Canterlot and has a shop catering to vain socialites there, In Canterlot it makes decent money...out in then real world, not so much. Still he's sold a few glow in the dark signs for various merchants. The New You is a family secret and Silverhoof will not teach it to anyone.

Cleansing Gaze
This is a spell all unicorn cadets learned 800 years ago (today, the cadets use elbow grease). It can clean everything in a 10’ cubic area, and can be used to sweep whole rooms. It removes all filth, stains, liquids, and leaves a sparkling luster. Against the living, it cleans as well, even removing offensive smells. Manes and tails are brushed and groomed until they shine. Hooves are polished. Even teeth are white and clean.
--insects and the like vaporize into little puffs of smoke. All manner of vermin are forced out of the area and unable to return for 12 hours.

The royal guard considers this spell too soft and doesn’t teach Cleansing Gaze anymore.


Interestingly Silverhoof earns much more money as a magical janitor. He can clean a tavern in just a few minutes. Silverhoof found this spell in an ancient textbook for young recruits. He thinks he maybe the only one who knows such a spell, He will sell Cleansing Gaze to anypony who wants to learn. But he has also taught young unicorns the spell for free. It depends on one's ability to pay.


Silverhoof is an adventurer wannabe. He spends a lot of time researching rumors and exploring old ruins. He is always eager to team up with others and explore really dangerous places, After several forays into the Everfree forest, Silverhood is convinced there is a major ruin inside, and in the ruin is an artifact that emanates the magic chaos that defines the forest. As a result, he has been hanging around Ponyville a lot...and the shops there are especially clean.

Edited by Silverhoof
  • Brohoof 1
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My OC is a mailmare in Manehattan. She's a relatively fast flier, so she mostly works on express deliveries. Occasionally she delivers things to Canterlot. After work, she snacks on some tea with a hefty helping of carrots on the side, then she wanders the city until a bit after nightfall before heading to her apartment. Pretty simple schedule

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My OC lives on the outskirts of Ponyville in a small, halfway rundown shack with a stone hut a little from it where she haves her workshop.


She's new in the area and living alone, but she is a smart little colt, and have plenty to get her day to go with. Mostly she spents it in her workshop making new things, but when she's not there she usually runs around, looking for materials she can make stuff out of or takes trips into Ponyville to see what people are doing. She especially loves hanging around other colts, but everyone is a friend in her eyes.


She does have a fan thing going with Pinkie Pie though, as she likes the party pony the most of the new ponys she's seeing in Ponyville, and often when she makes new firecrackers, she will drop a batch of at her home as a gift. She havn't yet spoken with Pinkie Pie, but that is in part because mostly when she sees her she gets new idears and starts running home giggling.


If someone asks her what she does, there is a good chance she'll just stand and giggle before rising sligtly on her hind legs, spread her front legs out and loudly go *Boom*. She usualæy dosn't carry any stuff with her unless it's a gift or something she's gathering though, so if she wants to show, you'll be halfway dragged towards her place. :)


What time she dosn't spend in town or in her workshop tends to go to gathering up some foods. She's not picky, so she'll pick up most edible things and keep it in her shack next to her bed. Usually from the forest.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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My Oc is a Taxidermist that specializes in the most life like dead animals anywhere. He has a hard time doing buisness in Ponyville after he had a bit of an altercation with a local by the name of Fluttershy who wad not particularly thrilled with his line of work (and by not particularly thrilled I mean no one has ever seen her rage so hard before or since that fateful day).

Edited by Buck Testa
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My OC is a bartender and owns an Inn on the outskirts of Baltimare, so he lives in a room set aside for himself at the Inn. Not particularly rich, not particularly poor. He just does what he's best at, making cocktails and helping other ponies have a good time.

So that explains your character in the Fallout RP.
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So that explains your character in the Fallout RP.


Kind of. The thing is, I mostly can't be arsed to make a second character so Malt moves around from universe to universe, keeping a similar backstory and style the whole time for consistencies sake.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Well I have a rough draft of my OC -_-

My OC lives on the outskirts of Baltimare near Hayseed Swamps and has established a pest control business there. Because she fights pest with pest so to speak. She has devoted to bring out her full cutiemark potential....a Ladybug or Lady beetle whichever you prefer. She has nice "farm" of ladybugs living there.


With a spell she created she can control their minds to do her bidding......like getting rid of apple aphids in Appleloosa :D Yes those are real things.


Made by MiniKirby123

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Ponyville. Small house. Video games. Yep.

Silverhoof is traveling Equestria. He funds his travels by selling two spells.

The New You:

This spell can change the color of anything, reverting back to its true colors 24 hours later. If cast on a pony, it will reinvigorate the skin, cleanse the coat and mane, and refresh the recipient. It can make any color, even luminous colors. Silverhoof can make colored lights bright enough to read by. It has a range of 300 feet, and can cover a 40 foot radius area in a single spell. Duration: 24 hours.


The New You is the first spell young Silverhoof learned. His family is based in Canterlot and has a shop catering to vain socialites there, In Canterlot it makes decent money...out in then real world, not so much. Still he's sold a few glow in the dark signs for various merchants. The New You is a family secret and Silverhoof will not teach it to anyone.

Cleansing Gaze
This is a spell all unicorn cadets learned 800 years ago (today, the cadets use elbow grease). It can clean everything in a 10’ cubic area, and can be used to sweep whole rooms. It removes all filth, stains, liquids, and leaves a sparkling luster. Against the living, it cleans as well, even removing offensive smells. Manes and tails are brushed and groomed until they shine. Hooves are polished. Even teeth are white and clean.
--insects and the like vaporize into little puffs of smoke. All manner of vermin are forced out of the area and unable to return for 12 hours.

The royal guard considers this spell too soft and doesn’t teach Cleansing Gaze anymore.


Interestingly Silverhoof earns much more money as a magical janitor. He can clean a tavern in just a few minutes. Silverhoof found this spell in an ancient textbook for young recruits. He thinks he maybe the only one who knows such a spell, He will sell Cleansing Gaze to anypony who wants to learn. But he has also taught young unicorns the spell for free. It depends on one's ability to pay.


Silverhoof is an adventurer wannabe. He spends a lot of time researching rumors and exploring old ruins. He is always eager to team up with others and explore really dangerous places, After several forays into the Everfree forest, Silverhood is convinced there is a major ruin inside, and in the ruin is an artifact that emanates the magic chaos that defines the forest. As a result, he has been hanging around Ponyville a lot...and the shops there are especially clean.

My OC could really use some of that. ;)

  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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My ponysona lives in Canterlot. He is a writer but has yet to pen a selling book. To support himself financially, he works as a private security provider to the Canterlot elite. He's entered into a more permanent partnership with Fancypants, and the two share a strong friendship.

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