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Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom, As Ponyville came back into view, terror struck her just as before. This time it went away quickly when she recalled the fact she had just recast the warding spell. "Misty, I would still prefer if you stay somewhere safe; away from the battle that is."


Misty walked up to look at Ponyville, she turned her head to Astral and asked: "Then what can I do?"


Astral sighed and lowered her head, she pointed out her right hoof to Void; the same one that held the magic sword and raised her head. "Help Void save ponies, and remember, stay far away so that the warding spell isn't deactivated."


Misty nodded. "What about you?"


Astral looked to the fly hippo and pointed her sword to it. "I will fight that thing there."


Misty turned her head to the hippo. "That sounds awesome, I'll be sure to help Void." Misty ran off to Void, running up a few feet next to her. "Hey!" She called out to catch her attention. "How can I help?"



Meanwhile; Astral was still nearby Null staring out at Ponyville, she lowered her head again and combed her mane back as she raised her head back up. "I don't know if I could defeat that thing, even with a warding spell to protect me." She sighed and turned to Null. "Maybe you could help."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom Cyan Flare was startled and pulled from her world of anxious, drifting thoughts when Happy chimed in to say that something appeared to be happening to the strange storm dome surrounding Ponyville. She felt her hoofs press more firmly into the ground, as she stood rigid and watched the barrier fall. As the dust cleared, she heard Golden Spell gasp, clearly shocked, but then scream - obviously even more scared by something else. Cyan, too, had caught sight of Happy Hour's disguise faltering for little more than a fraction of a second (or were their eyes playing tricks on them? How did she see that?), although that didn't bother her as much either as soon as she spotted what had all of the other ponies terrified.

"De-demon!" Golden Spell shouted, instinctively preparing his bright green magical powers to defend himself. Otherwise, he froze in horror. Cyan simply mirrored his nervous stance, as her pulse raced so fast that she could barely discern one heartbeat from the last.

Edited by Wolves



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@@Blitz Boom


Lin's eyes flitted and slowly came to. She groaned as the pain she endured continued to cause her lost of discomfort but she managed to keep her vision trained on everyone present. Her eyes spotted Omen's mother first, then Omen, then finally her brother. She smiled and acknowledged each one with simple greetings. 

"Hello again, everyone. Did I miss anything important? Seems like we're no longer in that cavern with the nice spectres."

Sen noticed something off with his sister: she looked older than she previously was. About a few years older, to be exact. He didn't seem too concerned about it, dismissing it as having his vision tampered by Malvernis.

He ran up to her and calmly replied, "It's so good to have you back, sister! We had to leave the guardian spectres behind because Malvernis was still a risk. They send their regards and hoped that if you ever returned, they asked if we could keep their story a secret. Having the rest of the clan look for that place isn't in their best interests."


She nodded and closed her eyes in contemplation for some time, noticing a change in her brother. She couldn't point out what it was but she could look into it later. Lin said to Omen, eyes opened and focusing on her "It's good to see you again, Omen. I was really starting to wonder if I'd be stuck in that place forever. The flow of time in the wellspring does not flow like that of the real world."

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"...How long were you there, Lin?"


Omen hadn't said anything for about a half minut after being addressed, but had just kept her unblinking gaze on Lin's face, noticing the changes and tilting her own head slowly from side to side whilst she tried to go through what were different. She looked older somehow, and with the things she said about time flowing differently it fitted, but exactly How much older? It usually took years to see differences in age on ponies, but Longma wasn't ponies, and likely didn't age the same. Could be that this was for a few weeks, or it could be centuries.


Regardless, it seemed important to ask, so she had, whilst Mother towered behind her and chuckled a little under her breath at the interaction.


"She is happy to see you in her own way dear, and so am I. I would show you a little affection if it were, but you still seem so very tired, amongst other things. Are you sure that I could not convince you to rest a little before answering questions?"


It wasn't everything she wanted to do. She wanted to have a closer look at how she were put together now, so to speak, and see if she could identify which traits from her old self and this realm she had with her, and perhaps a glance at what were added. She didn't speak to minds like Omen, so that was a good thing at least, as it made it unlikely that they had killed her in there to rebuild her from scratch, life energy and all. Not impossible, certainly, but less likely.


Still, as curious as they likely all were, she would still prefer that everything waited whatever time it would take for Lin to get some more energy into her system first. Whatever she had gone through seemed to have taken its toll, which were one of the reasons why she had manifested the bed that Lin now were in beneath her. Though, she couldn't force Lin to sleep. Or well, she could, but it didn't seem like it was needed. Not yet anyway.







"Demon sounds about right yeah... Hehe-he."


The nervous, vague laughter at the end was not hiding in the slightest how close he were to just turn around, run, and then never come back again in fear of facing this thing again.


Now, he had been faced with a lot of stuff in his time in this world. Chimeras, Timberwolves, the whole *changeling army that turned him and made him love the atrocities he committed in his queens name* and so forth, but even the worst kinds of experiences hadn't involved a beast that looked like it had risen from hell to wreck havoc. Not enough to make him think there was nothing that could be done about it at least. Not before now.


"So uhm... W-Who's up for leaving town and hide in the forest for awhile? Or anyplace that further away from that thing in general? Please?"


Happy hadn't the faintest idea that his disguise had briefly flickered and that the others in the room likely had an inkling to the fact that he were a changeling now, but all in all, that would be a minor issue anyway. Heck, he'd likely let them take him to Canterlot in chains if it were if they just got far, far away from this place, and more specifically, the demon within.







Null looked at the hippo-thing that was seemingly leaving the town right now, then looked at what else was happening, before giving a sigh and returning her gaze to Astral.


"Look, Astral, I don't know what the deal is with that one, but it's going away, whilst these other ones are causing mayhem. It might be getting away, but it's not a current issue anymore. We gotta stay focused to actually help here.


I'd suggest we help with the citizens too. There's all sorts of creatures fighting eachother right now -"


She pointed towards the demon, and the creatues that seemed to be fighting it like the large fox, the changeling queen, the spiders and so on. There wasn't any telling if all that fought the demon was enemies or they were just fighting between eachother to get more of the spoils from the battle, but it was better to just leave 'em be as it looked right now.


"- And there's no telling if the big monster is the only problem amongst them. We should let them fight it out until the big one's gone, then take if from there, Right now, we need to get everypony out of this place though, before they become collateral."


Null had pretty much the same idea about thwat to do as Void did, minus the fact that the later didn't exactly know what to do at first when Misty was suddenly over at her. She had hoped that the filly would have stayed in the forest, but unfortunately, it didn't seem to be that simple.


"W-Well, uhm... D-Do you think you could find a doctor amongst t-the others that have run o-out already? I need somepony to h-help this one, and I think there w-was a doctor a little time ago. Please?"


Void pointed towards the section of the forest she were headed towards, and where a chunk of other ponies had gone towards too. If she went forward, she'd eventually find a small portion of ponies, with a few rummaging between them to check wounds before sending them further along the outskirts of the forest, which would eventually lead them to the hospital and some safe rooms near it. Seemed like there were a few doctors near after all.





@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


Blitz didn't say anything when Frosty started to wonder what she was doing, trying to grab his tail. She just began speeding around again, jumping a little and such between the group, but not getting in the way really. For all intents and purposes, it seemed that she, as many foals, just had a low impulse control. However, coupled with her scatterbrained personality and hyperactivity, it made her a little more random than was normally healthy.


Lyriel just smiled at it and turned her head to face Summer as she asked if the dryad could tell a story of her own.


"I'm afraid I don't have many tales to tell. Most of my time have been in the valley, and the only story of the past I know of tend to involve my family..."


Lyriel seemed to dim a little as the associated memories that always came when she thought of her family started to lurk at the edges of her mind. The memories were demons that she had to confront eventually, but right now was not the time. Especially not as most of her tales involved the one who grew up the closest to her, and the feeling of betrayal from what he had done would gnaw at her bones too much when telling that.


"Most others involve me simply watching, though there was one time when I began to toy around with a small gathering of ata- No, dragons. I have to try and remember that.


Regardless, at some point a group of them were in the woods searching for good trees to harvest. I were still too scared of them to go near, but as I saw them eye a certain tree and pull forth an axe, I couldn't help myself from having a little fun. So I used a little magic and every time the axe came near for a swing, the tree would bend some, making them miss.


They began to argue a little, then picked another tree, same thing, and so forth for a little while before eventually, surrounding the tree and each taking a swing. At which point I made it uproot itself and sway it's branches around vaguely to seem menacing. It wasn't long after that that I let them have the lumber that had come for in eace, but I had some fun toying around with them, even if I felt somewhat bad from seeing the paranoid looks on their faces while they went for more trees."


She chuckled a little to herself. it wasn't much of a story, nor much of a memory really, but it had been one of the few that she could point towards bringing her some joy without also bringing sorrow in its wake. A good deal of her past were like this, which were why she looked forward to write some new, happier stories in a forest far from here.


Nerzhei didn't say anything to the story, nor the question from Summer, she just went onwards. Until Lotus started to poke her on the side of her face that were.


"Forget it Lotus, my stories aren't for this sort of company. Not kid friendly."


The bunny visibly rolled her eyes, slowly, just to rub it in, then started to point at herself and jump up and down.


"Fine, I can tell them that I guess.


Look, most of the things I can tell involvesa good chunk of violence, or tedious paperwork, and I'm not much for sharing the personal ones beyond that. Lotus here on the other hand, seems to want me to share one of hers.


Some years ago, I were looking for ruins of the coast we're headed towards now. I had just found my book there a few months before that and were trying to find more clues. After a handful or hours with no luck, I started to go back towards the camp I was then in, when I stumbled over a vendor.


He was one of those that travel between pony and dragon country to sell wares of the other sides for high prices, though most of it was trash. Amongst them though, were a small cage with this pink little thing in it. He didn't want to say where he had gotten it from, but he seemed eager to get rid of the cage and the bunny within, so he made me a deal with a book he had and Lotus here to sweeten the deal.


I wasn't really interested in the book though. Storybook with little to no facts that I didn't see much of a point in, but I felt sorry for the bunny. She were scrawny, didn't look like she got fed much, and from the looks of things, whatever he had been trying to feed her, he hadn't the brain to see that she wasn't old enough to consume that.


So I took her off his hands, and went a bit away before I opened the cage and took a hold in her. I didn't want a pet and where I was wasn't suitable for small, furry things to live in on their own, so I figured I would do the humane thing and make it quick."


Lotus punched Nerzhei when she reached that part of the story, clearly being a bit miffed at the thought that she had been destined for a short and rather abrupt end.


"I couldn't do it. Much as I had aimed to do it, I just felt too much pity with her. I mean, she had been taken away, sent to another country in a cage and were badly treated on the way, and I was going to just make it end with noone haven given her a chance too? Where was the humane part in that?


So I put her in my bag, and crushed the cage into pieces before getting back to camp. and began trying to nurse her back to health. I didn't want to others to try something, so I kept her a secret until one time, when I came back after a small dive, and the leader of the camp stood outside my tent.


Turns out he had found out when he heard the noises of her the night before when there was a little accident, and apparently, he wanted her for himself. Gave me an offer that if I would gift her to him, as a sign of good faith, he would let me have something I wanted. What it was isn't important, but let's just say that it could have been crucial to my research. I don't know if it would, but I do know that it made a satisfying sound when I broke it on his thick skull.


Hadn't thought much about it before that point, but I was getting quite happy with having Lotus around. She was, and is, a nuisance and a troublemaker, but for some reason I like her company. More than I liked the chance at getting to the bottom of my research, or the valuable papers I left behind, which to that point where all I told myself I wanted."


She rose a claw up and scratched the little pink nuisance on her head, which made Lotus' left leg tap a little.


"We've been through much since then, and I've even tried to set her free in some forests a few times since then, because I thought that she'd lbe happier around other bunnies instead of me, yet it never was something for her. Don't know if me raising her have messed her up or something, but she feels as much of an outsider around the other bunnies as I do the other dragons. I can see it in the way she and they act, and eventually, she didn't want us to try anymore.


I'm happy she didn't go away really. Much as we get on eachothers nerves at times, I can't really imagine what it'd be like without her. Except for quieter, but i could always just put a muzzle on her to fix that already."


The last words were clearly meant to tease, and it got the response from Lotus that she expected as the pink bunny began punching her on the side of the head rapidly whilst giving off some small critter-noises.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Lin smiled and calmly replied first to Omen's mother, then to Omen.

"Resting is very much welcome, thank you. It felt like about five or six years in the wellspring. Can't believe I lasted that long in that place but I guess all that pain and cleansing must've kept my mind off the time until I passed out."


It was only now did Lin begin to get a feel of her new form, her new image scared her a bit but she liked the color and the newer changes to her body. The webbing running across the back of her body were wisp-like and she could consciously flare them up to make herself appear larger. She was very much eager to see any new changes but she was too weak at the moment. Resting was a relief.


"The golem didn't tell me more about the process other than the cure works by tapping into the memories and thoughts of those who enter. Whatever was in the water knew this was what I will look like once I step out. It's amazing how much of Equestria is unknown; shame those had to be kept away but I understand why." 


As Lin was talking, Sen's excitement faded and stepped back, feeling unsure how to approach his sister about what happened in the cave. He wasn't sure if he should even tell her about it out of fear that he was partly responsible for worsening her condition prior to being cured.

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"Six years. Must have happened much."


"And we will hear about it in due time. For now, I believe that we should let the dear child rest. There will be plenty to do and things to find out when she is fresh. Come please, my daughter, and we will find something else to do in the meantime."


"What of Sen?"


"Oh, he haves other things to see to, I'm sure of it. Rest well dear children."


Mother send Sen a knowing smile and a small blink as her and Omen took a step back and a wall grew silently up, separating the room in two, with a pair on each side. Without the globe in the middle that had given some light before, as Mother had kept that on her side, it was darker for a moment before small, pale-glowing orbs started to pop up and appear around, floating in a lazy pattern to give some light to the two. The bed that Lin were in had increased in size at the same time too, leaving plenty room for the both of them to rest separately or closer if they'd prefer, with a blanket laying in a little pile next to the newly added side.


She wished for the two of them to have their privacy to discuss what weighed Sen down, and after that were done, the right to sleep in peace, without her watchful eye glancing over them. Lin needed it for sure, and Sen could likely use some rest as well after the day that they had been through. There were a limit to how much mortals could handle after all without dealing some kind of damage to themselves, and she'd rather not it came to that.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Astral resumed staring out at Ponyville, letting out a hefty sigh. "I'll keep them safe." She walked into Ponyville for the first time in years, unfortunately the smell of flowers that she was so used to wasn't there anymore, it was probably covered by the smell of smoke. She approved Void slowly, with a whisk of wind as Misty ran past her. "AH!" She fell over, the sword she held position itself towards her chest, but right as it hit her chest; It broke in two with a loud crack.


She laid on the ground, glad she wasn't so close to Void that the warding spell was disabled. "Astral!" Misty yelled as she ran to her. "I'm so sorry!" She hugged Astral.


Astral sat up with a stunned look on her face, she turned her head to look at Misty. "It's okay, just be careful next time alright?"


Misty smiled and backed away. "I will." Misty saluted Astral and continued running to the forest.


Astral stood up and looked down at her sword, she sighed and put both pieces together and fused them back into one. "Void, I've come here to help you escort ponies out of the town." She walked up to the right of Void as she spoke.


Misty turned around for a moment remembering something. "Astral can heal ponies by the way!" She yelled, still within hearing range of Void and Astral.


Astral turned to Void and nodded lightly. "I don't know how many I can heal at once, but I can." She said with a small smile appearing on her muzzle. "Why did Misty say that anyways?"

Edited by Frannis

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


Sen lay down and watched as his sister drifted off, though calling it sleeping wouldn't be accurate; she was unable to sleep given her new form but she doesn't seem to show any ill reservations towards the transformation. It gave him some sense of confidence in her, and now that she is better, it didn't seem like it was necessary for him to watch over her. 

But beyond these thoughts, Sen didn't appear all too happy about recent developments. He knows his fears are now compounded ever more and he is no closer to finding any answers for them. 

"Omen?" He called out to her, wanting to get something off his chest and hoping to feel somewhat at ease. "I want to say thank you for what you did, accompanying sister to the wellspring and I wanted to ask you about something. The guardians told me Malvernis and sister fought but it drained her of so much energy. Was she really going to use the last of it for me? I couldn't picture her doing that and she needed it more than I did."

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@Blitz Boom

@Summer Breeze



Frosty regained his composure when he heard Summer mention Lyriel or Nerzhei telling a story. He would looove to hear a story from Nerzhei, the spooky dragon. Any story from her would probably be either scary or sciency, and he liked both.

When he considered all this, his face split into a wide grin.


"Yeah, yeah, Nerzhei! Tell a story!"


Frosty was a little disappointed when Nerzhei didn't tell a story, but Lyriel did. He had looked forward to something spooky or smart.

But after Lyriel finished, he didn't mind as much. Lyriel's story was good too. Spooking people that way seemed like a really good prank. He was going to remember that one.


And then to his surprise, Nerzhei told a story anyway! Today was truly a good day.

But the story wasn't scary nor sciency. It was actually kind of...heartwarming? Frosty never really listened or read stories, and the ones that he did read were almost always either science related, or Daring Do books. Nothing really ever tugged on his heartstrings, so this was something new for him.


"Woah, Nerzhei, this is really...um..."


Frosty fell silent for a few seconds, with a puzzled look on his face.


"It's really...um...great? I don't know what it is about this story, but I like it. It's nice. Sort of a fuzzy feeling. It's nice."


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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"No, that's impossib-"


"U-Uhm sir? With all due respect, look behind you."


The pony Void were carrying cringed a little at the thought, then gave a painful sigh. She were right, if they were talking impossible it was the thing behind them, and frankly, any help that could be gotten should be appreciated. If it made sense or not wasn't important.


"I'm sorry. Could you *gasp* help? Please? I'm having trouble *gasp* breathing..."


The pony could likely go through the other pains, but he really needed help with some bent ribs that were pushing in on his lungs and limiting his ability to breathe. If Astral could heal that, the group of them would be able to get towards the forest on their own again and the four of them could return to help the next ones they found.


A small scream were heard behind them before Astral would have the chance to react to the pony's pain. The scream came from a mare that had stumbled under a crumbling house some way behind and from the looks of things, one of the larger rocks above her were about to fall down and crush her.


Then all of a sudden, something small flew through the air to their side and towards the rock, hitting it just as it got loose and started to stumble down and... Got reduced to dust. It was a quick process, but from the looks of things, it had been withering rapidly after whatever had been shot at it impacted. Didn't matter to the mare below, who just scrambled to her hooves and started running to the forest again, yet if either of the others searched quickly, they could see it went back towards Null, standing with her blowgun a little further into town before getting on her way again.


It seemed that they had seen a little of wehat her cursed weapon could do, though one could hope that it only worked on non-sentient beings. If it did the same to everything... Well, it would really not be safe to keep existing.


"...D-Do you think you could help him quickly? P-Please?"


Void knew, but she had more important things on her mind as she made sure that the pony she had helped stood somewhat stable, before stepping away from him so that Astral could get to him without her magic being interrupted. She really hoped that Misty had been telling the truth and their forest-dwelling companion here could help this one though. It would save time, and with everything going on in town right now, time was a luxury they couldn't afford.







The room was silent as Sen spoke his words. Mother had made sure that Omen would be out of earshot of things, as she figured the siblings would need a little time to themselves - she hadn't expected Lin to pass out as soon as she had - but she on the other hand... Well, she did not want to pry, but she kept a background sort of presence that would pick up if a few key phrases would be mentioned for a few reasons. Privacy were a good thing, and she did want to give that to them, but it wasn't good to keep children completely unsupervised. Not in her experience.


Like when Mother had first spoken to them, a small wind blew gently through the room and carried words from one place to another before a small section of the wall between the groups opened to reveal Omen, looking at Sen, but not moving forwards.


"She wanted to clear your dream of the nightmares. I don't know why she did that instead of hurrying as the guardians said she still had a day though. It was illogical, and would just leave her gone, and you in more pain, but perhaps she had her reasons. Only she knows."


A very slight edge had come to her whispering voice as she had confirmed that Lin had wanted to use her last energy to *help* Sen, without realising that her being dead would just leave him with far worse things than just nightmares. Even she had understood that, in some capacity, and Omen barely understood the concept of death as it were.


"She chose to give it another chance, but it wouldn't have mattered if she didn't. I were about to make her go, if she wanted to or not. I don't fully know why. The feelings when thinking about it is confusing. Uncomfortable. But many thing have been since I met you. Both of you confuse me greatly, and the more I understand, the more questions there seem to be.


You two remind me of him really. Illogical and confusing, yet fragile and needing others to help you when you can't help yourselves. Guess the big difference is that I will do things for you, even if I'm told no."


She tilted her head a little to the right and fell silent for a few seconds.


"That went off topic. Did you have more questions about what happened?"


Omen didn't respond to the thanks as much, if at all, because she still wasn't completely sure how to handle praise. She could have said thank you back, but it would have sounded unsure and doubting again, and she wasn't close to him, so she couldn't try to awkwardly hug him for it, as she had seen so many other ponies do throughout the ages. Seemed easier just to pass by it, at least for the time being.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Hazard Time@@Seamore Sandwich,@@Blitz Boom,  Serenade slept like the rock she has in her pool. Wincing as she stretched, she trotted over to the front door to check for any mail, there wasn't any. Leaving the door open, she trots back over to the kitchen and starts dragging pots and pans down, turns the stove on and starts cooking. Serenade hums to herself then hops over to her desk. Searching she finds a record, pulls it out and puts it on her gramophone. 


She makes it over to the stove just as the first sounds echo out of the speaker. Her eyes closed, she starts dancing, almost perfectly choreographed to the music. Each step see's her within reach of an ingredient, and soon, the smell of banana and cherry muffins fill her house. 

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@@Blitz Boom,  Astral nodded while putting on a serious look, she had never been more serious than now. "I can help you." She looked at where Void stood checking if she was far enough away. "Now this will feel weird, possibly painful but that depends on the injury. But it well help." She placed her hoof against his head, lightly pressing against it.


Misty walked up to him and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Don't worry about her." Misty stated this knowing what would happen to Astral if she tried to heal him, she would succeed in casting it, but it could severely exhaust her.


Unfortunately- both Astral and Misty knew fully of this -the spell would drain Astral's life force, and the stallions injuries would consume to much of it. luckily the warding spell prevented it from being fully drained and killing her, but it caused Astral to be very exhausted. "Are, you, alright, now?" She asked, before falling over.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


"I think that's all I have to ask at the moment," Sen calmly replied, feeling a little better now than before. "Which reminds me, there is something else I'd like to help you out with. If it's all the same to you, I want to help you find Discord. You've been good to me and my sister, and I believe in always paying back someone's kindness."


It wasn't exactly how Sen imagine what his new life would be like, being the tracker he grew up to be. There is some application to his old skills and at least it takes his mind off his insecurities. Lin would likely be learning about her new powers but Sen is certain she'd be in a safe place. Like Omen said, he's illogical but somehow, he still made it through and that is something he is very much satisfied with. Besides, it is about time to move on and see more of the world and prove to Omen that his friendship was genuine. 


Though Lin was dozing off, she could hear the faint sounds of Omen and Sen talking. The cure inadvertently heightened her sense of hearing as a side effect though she wasn't sure if this was only temporary. She didn't budge, though; she smiled at the thought of being illogical as well and waited until the sores and pains faded away. 

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With sunrise, so too did Succulent arise. After a quick search of her cottage, however, she hadn't found anything to eat. Well, fair dues.


Wiping the sleep from her eyes, she made her way outside and next door to her hostess' residence. From inside wafred the sweet smells of breakfast and the even sweeter sounds of music. Not as upbeat as she would have liked, but she could still dance to it, which is what she did as she raised her hoof and knocked on the door.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time, Serenade looks up at the knocking and smiles, "Good Morning" She keeps in time, moving about. She's using the song to keep in time with the cooking and baking, "Sleep well?". Two trays of muffins are set on their cooling rack, and soon a plate appears in front of Succulent, it's filled with Baltimare-style hay fries, a muffin, slices of apple and a glass of water. A second plate appears on the table just as the song finishes. 

Serenade turns the gramophone off, walks over and sits down, "oh, I'm sorry, did you want breakfast?"

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"Good morning!" Succulent cheerily chirped, walking in and having a seat at the table. "I slept very well, but really, I can sleep most anywhere."


As soon as the plate was in front of her, the crystal mare cocked her head. Hay fries for breakfast? Well, she couldn't exactly going to turn them down.


"Isn't this breakfast?"

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@@Hazard Time"It is. I just gave you food without asking if you wanted anything." Serenade breaks her muffin in half, and sniffs...banana, "I tend to do that, especially when cooking to music." She takes a bite of the muffin, "It's been ages since I made muffins, I need to do it more often...So what are your plans for today?"

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@@Hazard Time,


The two of them wasn't alone for long after Succulent had placed herself at the table, though it wasn't Ziggy that trotted in, wondering where the smell came from. No, the only sound from her were a thump outside indicating that she had fallen down from her cloud again. That, or gotten pushed out by Fah'lina that tried to wake her up, which wouldn't have worked as she were still sleeping, though now flat on the ground.


The mimic herself however, hadn't been so far away in dream land that she music and smell didn't reach her nose. She wasn't exactly sure what it were, as prior to hanging out with these ponies she had mostly been in the forest and kept her distance from the town as she hadn't much interest in the equines - Well, not until she had found out how easy most in town had been to toy with - but it smelled sweet, and she were curious.


So she skittered in the slightly opened door and climbed up the wall, clinging on with her little clawed hands and feet, until she hit a higher point where she could look down on the two ponies. Or well, the pony and the predator non-pony, as Serenade essentially were in her eyes at this point. Not in a way of someone she couldn't be near without becoming a snack, but enough for her to know that it was a very possible outcome if something went wrong.


She smelled the air again, sniffing in the mixture of smells where only a few where kinds that she recognised from the forest, but kept up on her little place, watching, and waiting to see what were going on beneath her.


Serenade would likely have taken notice of Fah'lina easily, but it wasn't easy to say if Succulent had taken notice of the small sounds of claws climbing up on the wall. This time of day it seemed unlikely, yet you never knew if the perfume seller were a morning pony or not. Those that wasn't tended to not have all their senses settled in for the first time after resting.







"We will go when Lin is okay. And I think we have the time to wait for that now."


With that, the wall closed again and the room fell silent.


She wouldn't respond to things more for several hours, regardless if she got called out or not, and neither would Mother. The reaper had resigned herself and her daughter to leave the two alone, and as such had left her home for a time to wander through their uneasy world and hear the many other children out. It would leave the two siblings in the most secure place they could likely be, yet as there was no doors and the gates of their kind did not work in here, they would also be incapable of leaving. They could potentially explore though, yet otherwise, it wouldn't be until 6 hours or so ahead that they would be able to receive any responses again. A good time to sleep if it were, though it were up to them.


If they decided to, at some point during that time, to have a look around, there would be two doors to chose from. The one that they had entered through the first time they came here, and another one on the other side of their section of room.







"Yeah, thank y-Hey!"


The pony wasn't fully restored, but he felt quite a bit better, and could breathe without complications again. Something he were about to thank this mysterious pony for before she suddenly collapsed in front of them and he instinctively went forward and took a grip in her, trying to shake some life back into her.




You could hear the worry in Void's voice well as she took a few steppes closer to try and help, until she remembered what would happen if she actually did and took a step back,turned her head to the side and started biting her own lip and looking... Well, frankly not too good. Guilt, concern, fear and depression was showing on her face, for a little until she looked back at the group in front of her with the things still rummaging in her head, but knowing what she should tell them at least.


"Go to forest... F-Find the doctors, and let them help."


"I'm not sure if she's safe to mo-"


Void slammed the base of her naginata hard into the ground and stopped his words.


"Go. Now."


She had a certain hard look over her briefly, and her voice took a very commanding tone that the pony she were speaking to finally started listening to, and if Astral hadn't gotten up again, the pony she had healed would take her up, put on her on his back and then go towards the forest with the rest of his group.


"That means you too. You're the only one that knows what's happening with her."


Void pointed at Misty as she spoke, before turning her back again and going towards the city to look for others. There was nothing more she could do with the group other than make things worse for Astral than she already had, and she wouldn't do that. She had already hurt her enough.


She'd have to answer for that eventually, like a few questions likely about why she had been like she had been just now, but for now she would try to help what she could. And that meant, for the time being, finding more ponies and send them towards the others. Hopefully, she would actually end up being able to help them at least.


The visage of Void as she walked away looked rather depressed in it, but she went on at least. Though likely, the graveness of what was happening around her would soon overtake the feeling.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Moonlit @@Blitz Boom


"Alrighty then!"  Succulent certainly wasn't about to argue as she dug in.  She took bite after bite out of her muffin, humming in delight with each mouthful.  "These muffins are amazing!"


After she had finished her muffin, she started nibbling on her fries.  "Probably just going to set up in the main square and do some business.  If business is good, I might stay for more than a day!  If not, then don't worry, I promise to visit again some time when I'm not working."


Succulent continued to munch on the delectable platter before her, oblivious to the mimic staring down at her and Serenade from the ceiling.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Blitz Boom


Sen nodded in affirmation before excusing himself to rejoin his sister, still struggling to get some sleep. Or that may be the case when she realized she can't doze off at all. Just as she was warned about when the transformation has taken place, she couldn't exactly find that tried and tested method of getting some rest. Counting imaginary leaves drifting to the ground or numbers passing by her eyes didn't work. She felt her brother's presence beside her and she was simply calmed. 

"Feeling better? I didn't think you were going to make it." Sen whispered in Lin's ear. 

"Me neither. I still got to do something about those nightmares you've been having. Just let me-"


Sen reflexively placed one claw over Lin's mouth and gestured her to hush for now. He added "Not now, sister. You've been through a lot and you need to rest. I talked to Omen about what comes next and when you're ready, we'll be heading out to look for Discord. She's done a lot for us and I think we should help her out the way she helped us."


Lin returned to a more relaxed state, closing her eyes and tried once again to find a way to comfortably rest and replied: "Agreed." 

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@@Hazard Time, Serenade nods, "My dad's recipe. He cooks all the time, he's the one that taught me to bake to music" She indicates the gramophone. "I'm sure you'll find Ponyville will be good for business. In any case" Serenade slides a key across the table, "Even if it doesn't, you have a place to rest here. Like I said, I rarely use the place."

@@Blitz BoomSerenade had heard the claws, and smiles to herself. She's still not 100% sure what the mimic eats, but she does know that Ziggy, when she wakes up will be ravenous. 

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@@Blitz Boom Golden Spell felt an uncontrollable shivering take over his body, but was otherwise frozen with his fearful eyes fixated on the demon creature. He barely even registered what Happy said as he struggled to turn away.

"Golden? I think Happy may be right!" Cyan Flare tapped her brother on the shoulder, causing him to flinch and instantly break his stance.

"Wh-what?" Golden stuttered.

"It might be a good idea to get out of here!" Cyan told him.

"Y-yes! That is most certainly a wonderful plan!" the unicorn agreed with a hasty nod. Then, he added, "I suppose that there is clearly is not very much we could do to defend against such a demon!"



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@@Blitz Boom,@@Frosty Frost,


summer triet to follow blitz with her gaze, that little filly surely was crazy, but running around a bit would maybe exhaust her a little bit so then she wouldn't be so hyper anymore.


While trying to keep track of where blitz was summer listened to lyriel's story, it was a funny story. "good job, lyriel, I never thought you would be a prankster." she said with a grin. "and it's pretty cool that you can make trees bend, can you still do that?" she then asked curiously. She wasn't a big fan of magic but this sounded fun and innocent.


then nerzhei told a story, which summer hadn't expected at all, and many expressions appeared on summer's face while listening. When nerzhei told that she wanted to end lotus' misery as quick as possible summer looked angry and scared but then when she said that she would safe lotus and nursed her back to health a big smile appeared on summer's face. then, when the leader wanted lotus, summer looked angry again but when nerzhei told that she rejected the offer, which could have been really importand for her research, and kept lotus, summer made a little 'aaahw' sound. she hadn't expected nerzhei to actually be able to care so much for something. 


when she finished summer trotted towards the dragoness "that's such a cute story!" summer said happily.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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It didn't seem like anypony/thing-you know what, Lonk doesn't even care anymore. He's seen so much crazy stuff now that all of this madness has been desensitized to him. Flying spiders? Pbbbbbffffffffffffffffhhhhhhhhhhhht, that's nothing compared to flower ponies, invisible beings from another dimension, or anything like that! He wonders if this is what he was supposed to feel about all of this. Probably not, but apparently finding out you're not only capable of seeing in the dark but also being told you're important to this... "fight" may have had some negative consequences on Lonk's psyche.


He keeps walking to the door. Hope this building doesn't get destroyed anytime soon.

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Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Lonk Chase



@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy




Quill awakens to see a demon pony lying on the ground beside him and Ink shaking him and yelling, "Wake up!" He quickly gets up and the two begin running away from The Forgotten One.


Last's attack hit its mark, though it only left a deep gash in the side of the foot, nothing compared to the loss of its hand. Two of its other three hands reached forward in an attempt to grab the chocolatier that had taken it.


Meanwhile, Sylar dodged the debris from the falling clock tower as best he could, but there was too much. The minute hand of the clock had come off and severed his left hind leg. A large gear rolled off and crashed into the side of the house Lonk had been hiding in, going about halfway through the wall.


Sissilia ignored Meeko swiping at her tail and just wrapped her tail around and on top of the bucket to hold it down. She pushed her head into Ginger's chin again, just as any cat would do when it's begging for attention.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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