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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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"...Okay. I yield."


Omen hadn't been as inactive as he had been when Sen had been taken. As Lin had gone forward, she had tried to pull her friend back by extending her tongue and wrapping it around her leg, which unfortunately had done little to nothing, as she hadn't the time to try and pull her back before the longma had assaulted her, though her tongue did currently lie down on the ground in a line, hard to distinguish from just a shadow unless you really focused. Which were something that they didn't entirely, as their focus were on Lin, an as it turned out, had also been on pulling Sen upwards into the tree-crowns when she hadn't watched. Something which was a failure she had to stand judgement for later, when this were all over, as she should have kept her focus on him too to stop this.


However, she could still do one thing.


The gates around the longma started to close as she stepped forward, seemingly having given up, before one opened in a downwards angel basically just below and behind Lin, and grew wide enough to accomedate her form, which shouldn't have been something they would be prepared for. Omen were though, as she at the same time, stopped walking forward, and instead yanked back whilst her tongue fastened and pulled back violently in Lin. It would not be something that would have been able to compete with the ropes in the long run, but Lin were bound, not dragged along as it were right now, so it would do the trick to get her the few inches back she needed to fall down into the gate, which closed directly behind her, which were an idea that Omen got from seeing the pit-trap before.


If the longma were quick, they might be able to get some of their ropes back if they pulled her themselves, and perhaps even get Lin to bash up against the other side of the gate, but they wouldn't be able to get her back.in time before the gate were closed and Lin were sent to the shadowy realm from where Omen originated, preferably alone. Depended on if some of the longma were clingy and had been dragged along, like Xin, but if that were the case, whoever would be taken away would find themselves on a home-turf that did not yield to them, and a mother who did not take kindly to others attempting to harm her children.


"But she won't."


This would ruin the chance of her using said tongue again another time, as they would know of it now and likely put a muzzle on her or something. She didn't breathe and didn't need her mouth to speak, so it wouldn't harm her, just like these beings wouldn't be able to either. They might try, and for example attempt to knock her out, but master had made her tough so it wouldn't get them far, though it'd hurt if they went far enough.


She wasn't going to try more though. Not yet. More gates would likely be expected by them on the road there, and she didn't want to chance opening one for Sen now that they'd know better. Later, she would get him away, but for now, she laid down, rolled her tongue back into her head, and awaited them likely tying her up and dragging her along too. She had done what she could.


That is, unless Lin struggled against Omen's attempt to getting her free, nullifying the action enough for the Longma to drag her away from the gate and securing her further, but why would she claw her way towards her captors?  Even if Sen were here, there would only be harm that could come from staying, and surely she'd be able to see that the best she could do was to be free from this?


Then again, the siblings were hard to decipher, and it might just be that she did this regardless to stay around for whatever reason. Likely to try and help Sen and potentially Omen. Though if that were the case, it wasn't just Omen that had to stand judge for her actions later. Lin's judgement might just be regrettably faster than that, and involve less confrontation of words and more physical harm from her former people.







"Ah yes, that. Well you see, amongst the evergrown, there are certain variations of what you can be, Much like with ponies and your sections of unicorn, earth pony, pegasi and zebra, depending on if you count zebras as being part of the regular, equine cycle, but that's not that important currently.


In our case, one can sometimes be grown to be an abnormality instead of one of the regular races. Us who are like this are called snaproots, and though we are highly varied in shape and size, we can always be recognized by our sharp teeth, our need for protein, and of course, how we are grown without eyes.


And before I continue, I must clarify that whilst I do eat meat, my feasts are of insects and fish, with the rare bird if I'm desperate. I would never even consider eating a higher sentient being, such as a pony."


It were something he had gotten used to saying when it came to how he ate meant sooner or later, so he might as well get it out of the way now, before he were considered some kind of cannibal, or monster, depending on how you looked on things.


"In any case, in my time since my exile, I have wandered the world thin in search of ways to do something about the final thing that defines me and my fellow lowborn, and finally, after over a decade of wandering, I found my answer here in Equestria, via a mare called Vivid Loss. She made me a deal, and a dozen or so days ago fulfilled her part when she outfitted me with a pair of eyes of my own.


Let us just say that going from having only eyelids, and otherwise having a head like a wooden doll behind them, to having eyes requires some degree of... Space managing and outfitting that I hadn't expected."


A grimace went over his face as he recalled the pain from that part of his *operation* which had been something that he would likely never forget. Vivid had apologized to him as this went on, yes, but when you started to rethink whatever it was really worth it after looking for a way for so long, things were too bad for an apology to last. At least whilst it had been in progress.


"Regardless, she put these bandages on my head and said to leave them for seven days, and not attempt to take them away or something bad might happen. So I have been wandering around and waited for... Well, whenever the moon's glare falls upon me next.


Heh, oh dear, listen to me ramble on again. I do apologize for this, but it is hard to understand the why without knowing more of what came before it in my opinion. I hope I am not boring you with this, miss Phoenix?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Phoenix stands and listens to his story quite attentively. a curious one, she was. learning knew things was always something that she liked "no, not at all. it's quite interesting, actually" she responded to his question. 


after listening to all that she had even more questions she wanted to ask, but she figured it might be best to stop for now. after all, how can she expect answers about someones past when she herself would refuse to tell anyone hers? however, now she was unsure of what to do next "well, good luck to you" she said, as if she was trying to give an awkward goodbye. she felt a little bad for him, but she also had to think of herself. could she believe him about his dietary habbits? she wanted to think about what would be better to keep herself away from danger. 

Edited by ~Phoenix~
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@@Blitz Boom




Succulent kept up her cheerful smile as Ziggy began counting out her coins.  








Wow, she had a lot of them.








No 5 bit coins, huh?  Were they that rare in Equestria?  The Crystal Empire used gems, perhaps Equestria could benefit more from that currency?








How was she going to carry all those coins?

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Blitz Boom



As more and more confused ponies appeared, Celestia flew in on her royal chariot, landing on a clear section of road. She was accompanied by many Royal Guards. Hiding her slight confusion well, she quickly devised a plan to temporarily care for the sudden increase in population. "Send word back to Canterlot, tell them to send tents, food, water, and other provisions. We'll be constructing a temporary settlement to the North of Ponyville. ," she told one Pegasus guard, who gave a quick salute, then flew off toward Canterlot at a rapid pace. She then turned to an Earth pony guard and said, "I need you to lead a team in gathering the uninjured and bringing them to the North," and to a unicorn guard, "Gather the wounded and treat their injuries. Also, contact the hospital and tell them to send any doctors they can spare." The Traveler turned and began to walk away from Ponyville once more, his work here was finished. Before he would disappear once more into the trees, he projected a thought to Zhu, "Find me again when you are in need of answers." Celestia noticed The Traveller walking away, but she did nothing to try to stop him. The newcomers needed help, so her questions would have to wait .

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Oh look. Right on time...after the disaster has been dealt with." She made a click with her tongue. "Typical princess." She turned around. "Welp. Thanks for coming bat fox lady. Ponyville sure owes a debt to Subterranea for blowing that huge bucking monster up" she said as she walked away.


"You're welcome citizen." Reverie said, as she looked over to the west to see the Revocation approaching from half a mile out.  

Edited by Denim&Venom

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The look on Vivid's demeanor soured as the name of Tartarus were mentioned.


"I am not bound in your Tartarus, and I don't appreciate being told I belong amongst those prisoners. I might a demonicly infused soul to the point where there is little that separates me from my former masters anymore, but I pride myself in knowing that I'm better than them and their constant, violent schemes. I don't want to see Equestria, my home of several millennia, burn anymore than you, or the princess of dreams would."


There were things that Vivid had done in her time that were horrendous, and yes, though her masters had controlled most of her actions, knowing how easily it had come to her to do such things even then made her know well that the depravity had seeped deep into her being too. Yet through it all, she would never willingly hurt the equine world, or the beings within it, and as such resented being called out as some kind of monster that needed to be locked up, even if it wasn't specifically said that she should be by this entity.


She let out a sigh and relaxed herself again, trying to get this away from her mind. It wouldn't lead anywhere to let this fester in her mind, and especially not witht he unfortunate day she had had thus far. It would simply fuel the fire.


"I mean not to go up into hooves over this, and I know well what I look like these days, compared to what it was like so very long ago "


A glance were given to a nearby window, where her reflection showed the more non-descript, normal, somewhat happy mare that once were. Nothing special or evil looking there in the slightest.


"- but it does not mean that I am as horrible as I look. I am simply marked by a choice I should have never made. A horrible, stupid choice by a delusional and scared old mare...


I don't expect you to trust or believe me, and in here, I cannot show the seal I carry from the royals I serve to prove anything, but if it helps, I will direct my questions away from the princess at least. So let me try this instead: You say you were made in a dream? So I take it you're not one of the Everfree spirits that tends to linger here in this case, but a genuine dream apparition? How does that even work?"


The being bumping against the wall fruitlessly stopped for a moment, looking at her with a curious, intrigued expression. Before suddenly hurling towards her at what most would call breakneck speeds, he stopped just short of her; swirling around her body the moment afterwards, a moving ring of a blur, before stopping in front of her once more. 


"...Eh, I'll believe you. And to be honest, I've seen far, far worse. You wouldn't believe the fantasies of some of those changelings. I don't know if the limitations of reality can provide some of them with what they wanna see..." He grinned, flopping upside down to once again float freely, as if he were in space. But almost immediately after she asked the question, his grin faded. "...No, no I'm not one of those spirits. And honestly, I have no idea how it works--Luna hasn't told me anything if she knows something, and..."


He paused.


"I just don't understand. And really, I'd prefer if I never achieved sentience in the first place." 


Another, longer pause. 


"...It's scary."


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@@Blitz Boom

"Stop and think for a second, Omen," Xin exasperatingly said. "Both Sen and Lin are tied up and held at spear point. You're surrounded by hunters and even if you could escape from this, they can't. Just surrender and turn yourself in. I know Sen willingly agreed to this; I need to make sure he isn't going to back out of the agreement."

Xin turned around to look at Sen and Lin with the former brandishing a face of disappointment and the latter with rage. They had every right to feel that way but he can't let emotion tangle with his duties to the clan, not when he's so close. Deep down, however, he is close to breaking. His conscience tugged on him little by little as the deception slowly unraveled itself into reality. He knew his friend's already fell into despair long ago and hasn't fully recovered from it. Now he'll remember him as a traitor and forgiveness lies in the realm of hope and impossibility.

"I wanted this to be over quickly because it pains me to do this to all of you! I didn't want to do it but I made a promise to the clan. I can't break that promise."

"I thought you were better than this, Xin. Turns out I was wrong. I hope you're happy with what you've accomplished." Sen, breaking hold of his captor's claw from his face, calmly yet angrily expressed his disappointment.

Xin stayed silent for a while in contemplation. He already knew his reply to his old friend's words but chose to hold back on what he wanted to hear. "When your meeting with the elder is over, feel free to come to my home to chew me out. Or don't. You're better off forgetting just another face in a long line of disappointments. Everyone else, we're moving out."

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom


Sissilia hopped down off the roof to where Ginger was. Just then, the hooded figure that had taken the demon's tail bones approached. The cloak did well to disguise them. As the figure came closer, Sissilia backed away and hissed. It was clear that whoever this was made her uncomfortable. Her instincts were telling her this creature was nothing but trouble. They paid no attention to the strange group of creatures as they passed by, interested only in leaving the scene with their prize.



@@Blitz Boom


@@Hazard Time


"I have no idea what cookies you're talking about," the princess said, blushing slightly. Luna headed back downstairs greeting the others with a smile (taking some of Twilight's advice), then she informed them, "I must bid you farewell. There are other matters that need my attention."

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@@Blitz Boom, Astral happily walked over to the cleared area with a chalk in hoof. "It's been awhile since I've transmuted gold, so this'll be exciting." She said quickly drawing a circle on the ground pausing to turn to Misty. "Should I draw the complex one? I'm not sure if I'd need it for this."


Misty shrugged. "I think you should stick simple so Chow could understand, unless you would like to show off."


Astral chuckled. "Simple it is." She completed the circle by drawing a square at an angle, placing another square inside. Resulting in the most basic form of transmutation circles:





Astral stepped away with a smile. "Normally it's against the law to transmute gold, so you better be glad you aren't the one doing this."


"I'm pretty sure he'd still be guilty through association." Misty pointed out. "But don't worry Chow, she can perform a brainwash spell."


Astral wore a look of worry and confusion. "I'd rather not use that on anypony, not even to escape capture." She walked over to the tree. "This branch looks thick enough." She grabbed it, and it's thickness proved to be no problem to Astral as she tore it off easily with a loud crack, that show was probably enough to make Chow jealous, probably. Taking the whole branch to the circle and breaking it into smaller pieces so it'd fit into the circle. She placed the pieces in the circle, and her hooves to both sides.


There was a woosh sound, Misty smiling gleefully at the resulting pile of bits. "Woah." She reached over picking up a bit. "I had no idea you could you could make this much out of a branch."


Astral wiped the sweat off her brows. "Yeah, me neither." She glowed green as she started to float up into a standing position.


"Are you tired?" Misty asked sounding rather concerned.


Astral shook her head. "No, why do you ask?"


"You don't normally use a levitation spell to stand up."


Astral's eyes widened at that comment, she was still exhausted from those hours ago when she gave away her life force. She just never showed it, but that transmutation brought it forth again. "I am still tired, and I want to sleep. But we still have some way to go." She said pointing to Canterlot.


Misty walked to Astral and patted her shoulder. "We don't have to far to traverse, the rails for the train are right there."


Astral sighed and hung her head. "Right." She placed a leg next to the circle, and swept it across the ground to destroy it. "Chow, you can hook the wagon up again. And we can get going."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Seamore Sandwich,
@@Mentis Soliloquy,

The cloaked figured might have made Zhu interested in what they did there too, but he had barely even noticed that there were others there as soon as Celestia had shown up, much less them

Whilst the glory of the sun-princess filled many of the local ponies - both those here already and those on their way from various hiding spaces - with hope and awe after this horrendous attack, for Zhu it was not as simple as that.

He felt the light if her being, heard the powerful, though caring tone in her voice, and he felt warmth fluster within him. Yet at the same time, her voice also brought him memories of the last time he had heard it, and about the choice he had made all those years ago when he left her behind.

The memories of the first made him take a step towards her without thinking, yet the others made him stop in his tracks and instead turn away, without even looking at her.<br />

He wanted to. By the ancients how he longed to stand forth and remove his hoof to show himself to the princess that haunted his dreams, but he couldn't. Not yet.

She needed to tend to this town, and he had to get the mare of demons away from this, and towards the Creator that beckoned him near. Much as he longed to let this be over, and face the judgement for his actions, he had to leave, and thus he slipped into the shadow between some buildings with the barrel in tow, and slipped away from town on hasty winds.

It was not as if the princess had ever seen him robed as it were, far as he knew, so she shouldn't be able to recognize anything even if she managed to get a short glance. Back when he knew her, he had only, at times, had his eyes bound, but nothing like this.


He would be at the Creator eventually with the barrel floating next to him. Roughly the same time as Null returned from her trip towards the hospital, where the other pony she went there with had stayed behind to help get more things prepared for the ill and hurt. She did come back with a half dozen doctors though that had been ready, though more should hopefully soon follow.


"Alright, the doc's are on the way to handle things then. Now we ju- Holy macaroni, is that Princess Celestia?"

Her jaw seemed to drop as she looked at the tall, elegant princess with her multicolored, flowing mane and tail some way from her. A look that her sister, Void, shared as they, for the first time in their life, actually saw one of the Canterlot royals.


They had seen some posters around, so they knew what she looked like, but seeing her on a flat piece of paper and seeing the princess of the sun in person was two very different things, and frankly, the reality had them both stumped and gawking like they had seen an alien.





"Thank you miss Phoenix. Though truth be told, I must admit that I am rather nervous about this.

I have lived my life in complete darkness, and though I have longed for sight since I could think, finally standing at the doorway, ready to open up and seeing the world for the first time, is a rather... Daunting experience."

He would lie if he said he wasn't more excited than he had been in years, but at the same time, it was a step that were going to change his life a lot, and stepping out of ones safe zone were not the easiest thing in most being's lives.


He were no different, and had several times over the last six days thought about the things that might go wrong from this, how he would react if it turned out it hadn't worked and so forth. Yet, for all the worries and concerns, in the end, he craved the chance to see more than his worries could get close to, so he wouldn't stop himself, even if his heart were bound to skip some extra beats when the moment arrived.


"But I feel that perhaps I divert too much of our conversation over on me right now, and leave you out. I do not wish to silence your voice if you have something of your own that you wish to add, though if you don't feel like sharing, it is of course not something I will demand. I understand that some ponies prefer to keep their cards close, so to speak."







"Yeah, if I can cast a vote against being brainwashed that'd be swell."

Chow chuckled a little, but he did get a nervous look along with it as the talking the two gals were having started to sound like it wasn't a joke. Usually he'd think it just a funny tone, but these two had a sort of vibe over them that made him think that they could, and if it were, would do it.


He'd much rather follow what went on as the circle on the ground was made, with a little stab towards what sort he'd be able to understand tossed into it, and he eventually saw how their work came to fruition when they rightly so transmuted something else into gold. Something which certainly made him curious and his eyes go wide.

"Well I'll be a diamond dog's uncle, it actually worked. How'd y-"

His words stopped as he got focused back on Astral, and saw that she was both the wrong color and kinda floaty in it. That and tired, but he supposed that wasn't a tough one to crack why either. As she said, there had still been the situation back when he first ran into her, and then came along this little magic display and her attempt at trying to make him jealous strength wise when she broke the branch. That last one had been pretty cute really, but it'd take more than that to impress him, and a good chunk more to surpass. Sure, he was no superpony, but him holding back so he had some muscle to use when it counted didn't mean he were a wimp, and something told him that he had to show the lass one of these days.


Still, for another time. Right now, they had to get down to the tracks as the others packed their stuff together and he hooked himself up to the wagon again.


"Right, up in the wagon with both of you, and I ain't taking no for an answer. You're tired Astral, and since we can see the tracks a bit on there, I think it's about time we can speed up a bit. And I ain't risking leaving you behind or Celestia forbid, accidentally hit you with the wheels Misty. So up you go too. Besides, I gotta show Captain Green over there something before she starts to think I only got a lil' colt's worth of muscle."


He wouldn't budge until the two were there, and beyond the joke, looked sorta sternly at them.

When they eventually were settled in, he then took a deep breath, looked at the sorta straight road down towards the tracks, and then followed it further on for a while until where he were sure the 'station* were. Somewhere along there at least he was sure before exhaling, and then go into a gallop with a big grin plastered over his face as they'd get a move on now and towards the tracks, where he'd eventually slow down and into a slow walk again as they reached a better spot.


"Hah, spot on. Welcome to the station in the middle of absolutely nowhere."


He weren't panting for air, though he could feel his lungs burn some after this. He weren't gonna show it though, not now. Even though he really wanted to just let it out and relax his muscles more than they were right now, any sort of sign that this had been a bother would result in the taunting never ending, and he weren't gonna have it that easy. They had to work for it more if they wanted to paint him as a weak-leg.

As for where they were now, it was pretty unimpressive. There was the tracks, there was a ramp near it for when you had to get on, and then there were a bench that looked solid enough, but had seen better days. Beyond that, there weren't really anything.




@@Seamore Sandwich,
@@Hazard Time,


Ziggy turned around on the spot when she heard the princess and Serenade coming back to them again after their serious talk, and waved at them both enthusiastically. Especially to Princess Luna, who said she had to get going right away, which was a little boring, but the life of a princess had to be full of all sorts of things to get done it seemed. Perhaps another time she'd have the chance to sit down and talk? Could be fun, but they'd see. For now though, the princess were going to do... Princess stuff.

"Okay, take care princess, and have fun."


Soon as she were gone, she fixed her attention over to Serenade and held the three bottles she had bought up like they were cards and she were making a *pick a card, any card* sort of magic trick.


"I bought some perfume! There's one for me, one for mum, and then one more for me. They smell really good. Especially the mint one. Smells like it would taste yummy."






Vivid were close to, per instinct, swat the creature that she were speaking with away when he had gotten close to her at a speed she had not seen many beings able to do before, and doubly so when he had started to swirl around her, but she had to gnash her teeth and hold this back. She had a long rest ahead of her where she'd regain some small bits of energy and could begin on the task of resurrecting herself, and fighting her only real company away wasn't going to make her rest feel any shorter. Rather the opposite she'd say.</p>


"Perhaps it is, but perhap-"


Her words were interrupted when a strange, tingling sensation went through her and a surge flowed along with it. Not one of pain, or of power, but more like some kind of... Life?. It was a familiar energy that rummaged through her see-through being and slowly began to give her substance again, and she could pinpoint its purpose, though where had it come from? Usually others couldn't do this. At least not when they weren't something akin to her, and that held consequences. This here didn't. Or at least, not the sort she knew of.


"Strange, it seems like somepony is trying to resurrect me. How peculiar.


Anyway, as I were saying, perhaps sentience is a terrifying thing, but that is one of several emotions that comes along with the package. You might feel sad, afraid, or angry, but in sentience is also happiness, love and excitement, just to mention a few from the wide spectrum of life. It might be terrifying in some ways, but at the same time, the good tends to outweigh the bad. Unless you are really unlucky though, but I would still say that sentience is better than being a glorified puppet, no offense."






Seemed like somepony had seen after all, as a hunter had stomped down on her tongue when she moved closer. She could still do what she came here for though, she just had to pull a little harder in Lin and hope that this would work. Something which it appeared as if it might not, as the ropes in Lin got claws grasping tightly in them to stop her from pulling in her all of a sudden. Still, she could just open a gate beneath them and take them al down at once perhaps...


She were pondering this for a second when Xin started to talk, though honestly she didn't care much for what he had to say anymore. He had lied to Sen and Lin, and had gotten them trapped now. He was a traitor, and if it wasn't because he stood where her friends were tied up, she would have completely ignored him and not given him the time of day. Yet, she were forced to listen to him as he went on now, at which point she tilted her head to the side and looked at him much like you would a lava lamp for a few seconds.

"...You were wrong Lin. They are not better than I thought."


She let go with her tongue of Lin, and pulled back which would either make the hunter remove his claw, or get his legs pulled away under him. Afterwards, she'd go slowly towards Xin, and if anypony tried to toss a rope at her as she did this, she'd open a gate and let it pass in there instead, not wanting to be stopped before she stood a little from Xin, now with her head held correctly again and looking at him with her big, pale, unblinking eyes.


"Every time you, or the others, hurt them, I will send away a longma. Not you though. Not yet."


With that, she stopped looking at Xin and ceased trying to protect herself anymore and would either willingly follow, or be bound up, depending on what the longma would want end up doing.

She would remain true to er words if any of them tried something during their travel. If somepony harmed her friends in any sort of way, she'd send a random one down a pit-gate, and she wouldn't respond to why she did it, and wouldn't get them back. She would just keep watch, fixated on Sen and Lin, and waiting for the next time somepony got frisky.


It were unlikely that the entirety of the trip to the village, or when they reached the village itself, was going to end without her having to prove her words, but they'd see. She wouldn't do anything unprovoked at this point in time at least.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


Phoenix stands there for a moment, trying to think "not that much worth knowing about me" she fibbed. However, it wasn't entirely a lie. other ponies might take interest in the details of her past, but Phoenix certainly didn't think her story was worth telling.


she didn't want to seem like she was avoiding anything though, so she lied just a bit to cover it up "i was just out on a camping trip" She says, avoiding eye contact. thank goodness Briar couldn't see, or else he might see through her. she looks over the remains of her current camp sight. after all, camping was something ponies did for fun, right? perhaps she could build upon that little detail to help her fly under the radar. 

Edited by ~Phoenix~
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@@Moonlit @@Blitz Boom @@Seamore Sandwich


Succulent eyed the mountain of coins with trepidation, her smile sagging on slightly.  28 two bit coins and 1 one bit coin...she should have enough room.


She retrieved her coin purse and held it at the edge of the table by her mouth, using her foreleg to try and sweep the coins into the bag.  After about two dozen coins, her jaw was starting to grow tired as the purse continued to sag.  Finally, after all of the coins were collected, she carried it outside and heaved it into her cart, panting and wiping a bead of sweat from her brow as she stretched her jaw.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Hazard Time, @@Blitz Boom, Serenade smiles, waits for Succulent to return "I find myself in a good mood today, perhaps purchasing some perfume is a good idea. Any suggestions?" She waves a foreleg around, "As you can see, most of the smells in this house revolve around the sea, beyond that..I leave in your capable hooves"

  • Brohoof 1
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But consider your *encouragement* aknowledged. I have my doubts it would be something to worry about regardless though, but you never know. I will add though, that if they attack me without reason, I reserve the right to defend myself I didn't get this far to be turned away again. Not now.."
The batpony relaxed after that "good, and ya I did get you out so I gusse I did fufill my contract....sorry" he said sitting back down on the chair sitting opposite from the table. "look don't think im mad at you or anything like that you have a life here in this world. I cant promise no attack will happen as some consider my kind monsters as well. but my tree house will be open to you if you need shelter, now drink the rest of that blood bottle so I don't keep feeding you" the thestral said with a smile.




"I never even got to the sink."
The zebra's expersion only had a look a mother would have "now now youngster, the past can hurt. but looking into it will always make you strong cus in the long run for every trile we have will make us strong and then fun will always be around the corner. This quest wont be easy but fret not as I know a fellow who could be a bit cheesy." the zebra looked over at cresent getting ideas then back at the youngster "now then, do you know where to begin or has this old zebra just twisted your head? she asked playfully hoaping to get a smile or a giggle out of the youngster for her rhymes.  
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@@Blitz Boom


"You're making this difficult, Omen! Do you think the hunters like it when you toss them to some unknown location without any way to get back? They're just following orders and want to get this over with, just as much as I-"

Xin's pleas for Omen to stand down as a much larger group arrived. In the middle of the group is a gruff longma surrounded by unarmed hunters. The hunters who were first in the area dropped their weapons and surrendered to the newly arrived group. Some looked terrified of them while the others quietly resigned to their fate. It is said when this bunch would appear, all present would shudder at their sight, a sign of the worse things to come. Sen and Lin remained silent but were picked up by two of the new arrivals. They were longma just like the hunters, but reactions to their presence made them seem more detached and somewhat otherworldly. The gruff one approached the cowering Xin.


"Y-you're here. I-I was just about to- HEY! WHAT ARE YOU-"

Xin was picked up and slammed to a nearby tree, shattering the trunk and leaving a large hole in the middle. Granted, the tree itself was hollow and Xin's breaths and groans could be heard from the inside but the sight left Lin shuddering in fear. 

"A fool and a liar... I heard the whole thing. Punishment awaits you when you return to the elder's presence."

His baritone voice pierced the air and all noise faded, even the ambient sounds of the forest fell silent at his command. He turned to Sen, Lin and Omen and continued.

"As for you three, those inept hunters will not bother you any longer. Come with us and I will personally ensure no more harm will come to you. Just like what the fool said, a longma is sworn by oath to uphold a promise. I am making one before you and I don't intend to break it. Will you come with us peacefully?"  

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Hazard Time,



"Yey. I bet she'll have something good for you too that fits the sea smell. Like the smell of... Fish? Sand? BBQ? Though that's more the beach, but what else would work with a salty smell... Pepper?"


She really hadn't a clue as she listed off some random things that seemed vaguely related, but it wasn't her that was good at it either. That was Succulent's speciality, who could likely help Serenade now that she were done from taking the bits Ziggy had paid with outside to her cart. Honestly, it didn't seem that much to her, but not everypony had the same idea about what was and wasn't too many bits to carry around at once, so eh. She was back now, and that was the important thing.







Zinthar eagerly grabbed for the half-finished blood bottle with a slow paw before taking it to his mouth and gulping every last drop in it down, whilst small surges went through him by the intake of the crimson liquid.


When the bottle was done, he put it down and hesitantly slid down the table and landed on his paws. He still felt drained, but his limbs didn't ache that much anymore when he tried to move, and since the light in his middle eye had grown and filled the socket with one of the pale eyes that were seen earlier by Crescent, which were enough tor at least this eye to function properly, and he could finally have a limited look around the rather unimpressive place.


He hadn't any idea how long he had been away from Equestria. Could be a year, could be a thousand, but regardless, he had expected that when he did eventually return, he'd see homes that were more advanced that back in his days. This however, looked like a... Zebra hut...


He grimaced as his eye fell on Zecora, who stood in the other room with some kid. He were not an overly large fan of zebras as frankly, they tended to know too much for his taste, and the stories he had heard about being in debt to them weren't all that comforting. Which were something he likely were now, as this were likely her blood deposit he had drunk from, though why she had that sort of thing was anypony's guess. He hadn't a clue at least, but zebras had all sorts of things, so it might be for some kind of potion.


"Heh, I think that when you know the story, your hospitality will be put to a test Crescent. That is, if the zebra haven't already ratted me out?"


Meanwhile, Cover-up barely noticed Zecora even said anything as his eyes went over the show that he had been part of those years ago, but hadn't seen the outside of before. he had just heard stories, which were vague and nearly told him nothing.


"I see it now. The fire they said fell on town... I didn't think it was real, but I see it. It's."


He winched as the first of several balls of fire from above fell soundly on his house, leaving it instantly in ruin as more started to rain down. Each hit a building, leaving either the inhabitants trapped or forced into the street where they had to witness their town reduced to rubble. And then... Something happened.


"I-Is that... A shadow? What is it doing?"


He took a step closer to the crystal ball as he saw the black mass slither across the ground and a little by little flow under the feet of his friends and with black tendrils pull them down into... Something, or somewhere. Plenty tried to get away, but it caught up to them all, dragging them down, including - as he could now see - his family.


They were at the outskirts of town, and had likely tried to escape after visiting old farmer Prune and being forced out too. He hadn't seen, but wasn't this possible? And did it even matter? They were caught up just like the rest, and pulled down, slowly disapearing along with everypony else.


And then, as quickly as it had spread, the shadow retracted itself, and vanished from his sight into the nearby woods. Leaving only a ruined town, and deep within one structure, a severely hurt foal who would forever be scarred by this moment.


"I-It took them. It took them all..."


The tears kept flowing from his cheeks as his head sunk along with his mood. He had gotten some answers, but in the process, he had been left with only more questions, and these he didn't know if there could even be found an answer to. Much less if he could now explain how his family, that he had seen taken as well, had suddenly shown up again somewhere.


He didn't even know if this were real, of it was just a metaphor of some kind. That the shadow weren't even that, but a gang of dragons or something else that had captured everypony, and he just saw something less horrifying because his mind couldn't handle what actually happened.







Omen looked indifferent as the other group showed and the other longma - who seemed to be more of an alpha, judging by his physique - showed up along with another group of hunters that made Xin and his followers seemingly surrender on the spot, before Xin himself was slammed into a hollow tree. Literally.


She might have had some things to say about that, but this turn of event were puzzling, and as far as she were concerned, Xin had not proven that he didn't deserve what happened to him. Not unless it would suddenly turn out that he had tried to get them away before this one found them, but considering the trap, the spears, nets, and threats, the outlook didn't appear positive when it came to him currently.


This new one were granted, also followed by a lot of other longma, of which some had taken Sen and Lin to carry, but they didn't poke spears at them, or appeared to be ready to drag them along, and this one even came over and asked if they would follow. A hollow questions really since he already had 2/3 of their group bound to follow - no pun intended - but it was something at least. Though, Omen didn't count on his word about not hurting any of them as currently, her view on longma the tribe member's trustworthiness were rather low in it.


So she turned to this new one, and starred at him with her pale-grey, unblinking eyes for a few seconds before slowly nodding and projecting a response into the heads of those nearby. Something which were oddly neutrally received by their kind thus far, now that she thought about it. Perhaps they had mind-mages of some kind here?


"Keep your word, and I'll keep mine, yes?"


She weren't sure if he even knew what that were as she wandered a little closer to Sen and Lin so that she could keep them better in sight, though she'd likely be stopped from getting too close, but it didn't matter to her much. If he was curious he could ask, if he didn't, she would suppose he knew.


He couldn't take it much worse than Xin at least without taking physical actions, but then again, Xin's reaction had also seemed like it would spell out his refusal to make Sen and Lin show up safely. Otherwise, why would he start to go directly towards saying she were difficult and would get his hunters sent away? If Sen and Lin were kept safe after all, nothing would happen to anypony in the end but him, and that were a more personal thing.


But they'd see soon enough what would happen, both here and later on in this hostage situation. Hopefully not something bad though, for all of their sake.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Heh, I think that when you know the story, your hospitality will be put to a test Crescent. That is, if the zebra haven't already ratted me out?"
"if ratted out meaning don't save you, ya me and her already had that talk. Hence why I said what I said. unless you did some harm to her she hasn't told me I doubt you'll be getting into trouble in the woods at least. Theres plenty to hunt here in the woods and few ponys come into it"


Zeccora seeing the tears and the scean unfold in front of her felt pitty for the youngster shemoved to him giving the colt a hug as he cried "let it out youngster, what ever monster who did this will be brought to justice." the zebra looked over at the crystal ball sadend but not showing it to the youngster. She honestly had no idea how to began as cresent was still recovering from where ever he brough in zinthar which she looked towards the two of them as they seemingly keept talking calmly...for now.  

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Vivid were close to, per instinct, swat the creature that she were speaking with away when he had gotten close to her at a speed she had not seen many beings able to do before, and doubly so when he had started to swirl around her, but she had to gnash her teeth and hold this back. She had a long rest ahead of her where she'd regain some small bits of energy and could begin on the task of resurrecting herself, and fighting her only real company away wasn't going to make her rest feel any shorter. Rather the opposite she'd say.</p>


"Perhaps it is, but perhap-"


Her words were interrupted when a strange, tingling sensation went through her and a surge flowed along with it. Not one of pain, or of power, but more like some kind of... Life?. It was a familiar energy that rummaged through her see-through being and slowly began to give her substance again, and she could pinpoint its purpose, though where had it come from? Usually others couldn't do this. At least not when they weren't something akin to her, and that held consequences. This here didn't. Or at least, not the sort she knew of.


"Strange, it seems like somepony is trying to resurrect me. How peculiar.


Anyway, as I were saying, perhaps sentience is a terrifying thing, but that is one of several emotions that comes along with the package. You might feel sad, afraid, or angry, but in sentience is also happiness, love and excitement, just to mention a few from the wide spectrum of life. It might be terrifying in some ways, but at the same time, the good tends to outweigh the bad. Unless you are really unlucky though, but I would still say that sentience is better than being a glorified puppet, no offense."


He blinked, and frowned, beginning to float away from her. "...Oh, darn. I suppose that means you'll be waking up soon? And I was really enjoying our talk, too..."


"...As for the sentience...I won't lie, it's fun being alive, every day is a new world of possibilities, anything is possible, I can meet and talk with anyone I like! But..." He shrugged, "tell me. What happens to an illusion when it dies out? Does it go to Heaven? Tartarus? Honestly, Tartarus sounds fun. But...No. As an illusion, I don't have a soul. I don't have anything that makes me 'real'. What happens when a being with no soul dies? That's what's scary to me. That's why sentience is frightening."


He had managed a smile through his little speech, making a little wave as he floated off. "When Ponykin ends, I poof. When everyone wakes up at the same time, I have nowhere to inhabit, and I go poof. When I tick off Luna more then I should've, poof. But the result is the same: nothingness." 


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@@Blitz Boom


"Then we have an agreement." The gruff longma gestured his companions to untie both Sen and Lin. The two of them still don't feel any safer than before but were willing to go without a fuss. Xin's group of hunters, meanwhile, picked up Xin and hurriedly carried him off back to the clan. His moans haven't subsided yet but he appears to still be able to walk with some difficulty but that is to be expected when someone is slammed into a tree.


There was a rustling in the bushes around the group just as they were about to depart. The deep forest obscured much of the daytime sun but the lights of many eyes emerged from the shadows and locked their gaze on the group. Sen quickly noticed this and readied himself, the gruff longma and his group did likewise with their leader remarking: "Looks like I might have to eat my words. The animals have heard the commotion as well."

Just as he finished, the first of the many figures emerged and in the light, they were revealed to be large and feral timberwolves. The pack leader revealed itself first followed by the smaller ones all eyeing their next hunt. Their numbers are easily doubled that of the remaining group's, at least sixteen or seventeen of them. 

"Take caution here. Outrunning the pack won't do us much good. These wolves are tenacious and will not back down unless their pack leader is taken out."

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@@Blitz Boom,


"And I'm out." Ponified Miko said as she slinked away, listening for voices or heartbeats in the wreckage, smelling for survivors on her way through the massacred town. Reverie took flight and flew west to the hills on the edge of town. The Revocation would drop anchor in a sense a quarter mile out in the next half hour, setting up for the shuttles & rafts to descend w/ medical personnel and rescue crews. 


@Mentis Soliloquy


Back at the castle, a chirp could be heard from one of the wooden saddle baskets containing Miko's brood of Kits and Kitlings.  

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(in case anyone is wondering, I've made my return but in a different context)



New OC in this RP Don't kill me @Blitz Boom



Star walked over to the basket and picked up the chirping kitling. "Hello little one, how are you today?" Before nuzzling this little cute thing. "Hello, how are you?" Again she repeated just for the sake of entertainment to the little on, she knew they just liked the sound of her voice, so repeating would be an easy way to do that. 

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
My various Roleplay Characters

Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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So it would appear that perhaps Phoenix did not like to share too much information on herself? Interesting. Certainly, it could just be because he were a stranger, and it would be understandable that not too many wanted to share their life stories with those they didn't know, but most still tended to find it okay to say some things. At least in his experience.


But, it wasn't his place to judge on this, or dig into it if she did not desire to share. She were entitled to her privacy after all, and having simple, mundane discussions that didn't involve a lot of *Once upon a time, I-* moments were fine for him as well. It still passed the time, and you never knew. Could be that it would involve something later on, though, for the time being, he wouldn't set that as a goal.


"The great outdoors is a fantastic place to visit too, and it seemed a good night for camping prior to this. Rather silent in it from the timberwolves for once, great weather and the feeling of the gentle moonlight falling down. I can see why you would want to take the chances for a small camping trip, though I suppose the timberwolves wouldn't have stopped you anyway if they were roaming. They're simplistic things, but they seem to learn danger fast enough, and a user of fire would most assuredly be something to worry about for them.


A pity in some ways that beings of nature have such an obvious weakness, unless you count certain elemental creatures, but I suppose that around here, being prepared for a brawl with what I assume is usually the top predator in these woods is a blessing."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


Phoenix listened to Briars words. he was certainly right about the timber wolves. she's been around these parts so much that they quickly learned to avoid her. she hadn't even thought about the beauty of this place. not until Briar mentioned it anyway. she'd been living out here, moving from camp sight to camp sight quite a while, and never once did she look at the bright side. it wasn't easy to do for someone in her place, after all. 


she looked over at Briar and simply said "yeah..." as she trailed off and actually looked around, taking his words into consideration. 

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@@Blitz Boom, Astral looked at Chow, she felt like turning it down. But decided that the boxes would have to do as beds for the moment. "Fine, but the state I'm in. Don't expect it to be easy to convince me to wake up or move." She climbed on to the wagon, it sagging to her side, she laid down groaning as the boxes poked at her back.


Misty looked up to Chow with a smile as he spoke of her getting on as well. "Well, I was enjoying the view. But I suppose I can rest on the wagon." She said proceeding to climb the wagon as well. "I wouldn't want to get squished under a wheel." She said shivering a bit at the thought.


Astral looked to the side as Misty climbed one. "Don't lay down, it would be more comfortable to sit." She was laying down as she said that.


Misty took not of this. "Aren't you lying down right now?"


Astral chuckled. "I'm tired, so I have a reason to. And I can endure the uncomfortableness of the boxes."


Misty opened, pulling a pillow out of it. "Here. It'll make it easier to nap." Misty shifted around to look ahead.


Astral placed the pillow under head as she looked to the skies, she smiled, seeing the clouds taking familiar shapes. "I wish my mother could see me now, if only she could see how far I've made it."


"Me too, they would enjoy it to hear that I went to Canterlot." She clenched her jaw, trying to hold back tears. "But their gone, everything I had is gone. Except this world." She turned around to Ponyville as she wipped away her tears. "It's the only thing I have." She looked down to Astral.


Astral smiled at Misty. "You have me too." Misty smiled brightly, her tears going away. "I may not have much reason to help Ponyville, but at least we have each other."


Misty turned around to Chow. "I do, it still leaves me emotional about them even with that knowledge." She pulled out a pillow, laying it down next to Astral, laying down next to her. "You know what? Lying on boxes isn't as uncomfortable as I thought."


Astral chuckled. "We need to stop bringing up our dead families, It might bring Chow down." She looked to Misty with a wink.


Misty nodded. "Agreed." Misty turned her head to the side. Misty's ears perked when Chow said they were at the station.


"Can you find a way to get on without me getting up? I would like to rest a bit." Misty looked to Astral with a smile. "What? The pillow's comfy."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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