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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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"I usually r-restock supplies when I'm in town. Got some things yesterday back in Ponyville, in my saddlebag. Should last me a little under a week, but with all of us here, p-perhaps a few days? Not sure, never had anypony to travel with before."
Cresent nodded at the answer realizing a back bag for cover up might be needed. Looking over the provisions he noticed that the only real ones that needed gear was himself and cover up as zinthar would only need a box to sleep in. And the feline proved he could fend for himself in terms of food...yet bringing dried fish could help if they find themselves no food for zinthar. As the got done eating cresent looked at the 3 bags giving one to cover up.


"your back up bag, just to be safe" the batpony said handing the youngster the bag of supply's


"emergency fish for you zin and a good box" cresent said handing the feline a back pack to slip on himself before taking his on saddle of supplys and map stuff.


"all ready then?" he asked the two once brekfest was cleaned up.

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@Blitz Boom

Draco saw the stitches as he walked by and said simply "Your wounded. I wouldn't fight you. It goes against what my father taught me," Draco stated simply. "I'm a courier yes but make no mistake," Draco said as he looked at the mare. "I will lay you out if I need to," Draco stated as he gently placed Long Stare onto a bench that was nearby. He hummed slightly as he stretched his wings slightly. "you don't know me ma'am," Draco stated simply with a grin on his face. "There is a saying that few of my friends say 'Don't mess with the guy that delivers your packages' " he stated simply with a shrug. "Plus being condescending isn't a good look for you my dear," he stated simply.

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@@Blitz Boom,


Astral nodded. "I still have my father though, Misty might not be able to handle it." She glanced up the stairs, wondering why Misty was still up there, deciding Misty might have just fallen asleep. "I'll have to get Misty before we go on a tour." She wandered up the stairs, and down the halls, spotting a door slightly open, she peeked inside. Seeing Misty laying on the bed, cuddling the plushie tightly. Astral tilted her head. "Aw..." She wondered what Misty was dreaming of. Slightly wanting to enter Misty's dream, but she decided against it, Since she had no idea how. "Misty."


Misty jerked awake. "Yeah?" She looked to Astral, really tired. "I was sleeping."


Astral shrugged. "I saw that, you were cute." Misty blushed lightly, with a frustrated look. "Chow suggested we go on a tour with him around Canterlot, I was waking you up so you could go."


"Oh, well that's nice of him." Misty climbed up and off the bed. "Can you fix my braid?"


Astral walked over. "Sure." She moved her hooves around Misty's mane, as the hair floated around into a braid. "How did you do this originally?" She asked stepping away from the braid.


Misty turned to Astral. "I did it, I thought I mentioned that."


Astral sat down. "Oh right, you did mention it." She stood back up, waving a hoof out the door. "Come on, Chow's waiting for us."


Misty and Astral made their way down stairs, Misty went down first, looking at Chow. Her new braid laying on her shoulder. "Where do you plan to take us on the tour?"

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"Are...there still any gardens here? Those were her favorite place to be, so it makes sense she'd rest there while we worked on the raft.." Deadpan explained, looking like he was already about to start crying again.




"Yes. anti-magic is a rather...peculiar thing, but it has its uses. Such as this." Zen mumbled softly.

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Void Crawler hopped off his train from the Crystal Empire and smelled at the fresh grass and such, the Empire lacked a large amount of plant life, and really the only smell was snow rolling in from the mountains so grass was pleasant as it had ever been, his armour swinging varying large bags around as he had hooked them on, he didn't take much on holiday but he felt good to be back, his cheeky yet cheery smirk showing his emotions clearly.

He began to walk towards his home, it was on the opposite side of the Everfree to Ponyville so it was quite a journey but he didn't mind walking, it was tranquil and calm and he liked it like that for once in his life as he trotted around the edges of the Everfree and made quick course for his home

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@@Blitz Boom


"I really hope the coming task doesn't spiral down to barbarism but I will do all I can to ensure things go smoothly. If elder Ghilan's words ring true, then maybe a few worries will be eased."

Lin smiled then turned to Omen and attempted to open a gate back to the village. Once more, she channeled her focus and began visualizing the way to the other side growing larger and larger, always keeping her mind on the destination. The entrance grew larger and without her seeing it with her own eyes open, the path was ready. It was an exhausting task but she felt somewhat more confident now, even noticing she wasn't as exhausted as previously expected. Whether or not she opened a gate back to the old hut or if the magic wards will send her anywhere but her destination is still unknown. Lin looked back at Omen's mother and cheerfully picked up from where she left off. 

"Thank you for your time and maybe once the problem has been taken care of, I could bring you a present or two. A bouquet of flowers without the bad news to go with it? Omen and I will look after Sen and keep him from straying from his good nature, you have my word." 

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@@Moonlit, @@Blitz Boom


After being released from Ziggy's gleeful hug, Trinket listened to the two's conversation whilst attempting to fix her mane; which was damaged from the knight squirrel's 'intervention' from earlier. It was always an adventure to meet with new species, let alone befriend them. Still, the toy maker did receive the most unexpected costumers from time to time in her store back in Baltimare: Griffons, Diamond Dogs, and even Changelings had already come looking for some old-fashioned toys to buy. With a warm smile on her face, she continued to listen to their talk, and was about to ask a question, until she happened to notice the mess she had made back at the kitchen area.


"Oh! Oh no, I'm so sorry! I must've crashed against the table during all that confusion!" She began picking up the muffins scattered across the floor and placing them back onto the table. "Well... Given, I was... You know... Blinded. But still! I'm sorry."

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@@Blitz Boom,

Ginger Lightning kind of spaced out while staring at the last three pins lodged in Meeko's bark...Soon Meeko would be fine and they could go home... The wound from the battle earlier kinda hurts...it's kinda neat that her bones are pitch black... The wound actually started to itch...She -tried not to scratch it as to not open it back up...

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@@Blitz Boom,@@Driz,  "A....simple...letter to Princess....Luna...detailing....the loss...of my...jewel...please" She floats on the surface of the water, with her head resting on her rock. "If you...address with...my name...it's gets...fasttracked". Serenade looks over at Trinket, "You are...forgiven..Fah'lina..can get...the best of any pony...when she's excited. But...you had...a question?"

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@@Blitz Boom, @@Missklang,


Blood Drops dropped the firework she had been chewing, she glanced at Blitz and then back at the newcomer. She didn't like another pony to know about her, or her zombiefication. She would be worse then Trixie after her magic performance nightmare. She blinked at him and frowned, he had a red mane, she liked red. "I want to lick him" she told Blitz. She kicked the firework aside, this was more interesting then fireworks, it was a blood red mane pony. SHE JUST LOVED RED COLOURS.


"HES RED, IM GONNA TOUCH HIM" she squealed. She got excited, and when she got excited and wanted to do somthing, she was going to do it. She moved closer to him and began sniffing him, "HIIIIIII, RED PONY" she screamed at him, she contiued to go closer, she was very close to his mane. She held her hoof out to touch it. She after all just wanted to touch it, and maybe lick it. Though that would prove fatal to the stallion.


(Yeah you won't want me to touch you Misskland, unless you want to be zombified)

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"Sadly, I don't know where Discord is. If I did, I would try to convince him to snap the town back to how it were before the monster attacked.


He shows up at random intervals and leaves with little trace again if that's his want, so keeping track on him is near impossible, and frankly, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised to hear he lived in another dimension or something. Hard to say with him."


He did know something more, that being that Fluttershy had contact with him through letters, but quite frankly, he didn't trust this alicorn enough yet to give that sort of information out. Their kind were powerful, and though he did appear nothing but helpful thus far, he had also spoken of things he had done in the past , and... Well, what if Discord decided to have some fun by reverting him back? Nothing good would come from him being Discorded, or whatever he had heard the term were when he started to mess with the heads of others.


"As for Lu- Her majesty, she have returned from her imprisonment in the moon, and gotten cleansed of the darkness that besieged her some time ago now. And thank the moon for that. Her majesty did not deserve to be under such a dark influence."


it were one of the things he didn't speak to Luna about unless she felt like it herself. if it were because she felt guilt over what she had done as Nightmare Moon or if it were just something that she tried to put behind her were hard to tell at times, but regardless of which one it were, he wouldn't dig into the situation. She were his friend after all, and when she felt like talking at times, it shouldn't then be used on him acting more like an investigator. Even if he did think at times that it might help her to speak about it.


"As for a mud bath, I think the spa in town is still intact, so there might be some hope there. Haven't checked it myself so I can't be sure of course, but there is a chance they might have something like that."







Void gave a glance over and saw all the food that did indeed seem to be done, with a surprised look on her face. She hadn't expected him to be done without her taking notice of things, and yet, there were several delicious looking dishes steaming and ready for ponies to show up and eat. It was really impressive, and not just the look of the food, which almost made her mouth water.


The thought began to fizzle out though as he went on and began to speak of being nice to somepony that were nice too, which made sense she supposed, but... Well, when he finished his sentence with something that she weren't used to hearing, she had a moment of *slacked jaw syndrome*. Or you know, the biological version of a 404 error.




The word sounded weird in her muzzle once it finally escaped her.


Even before her and Void had to run away from Troy, neither of them had been able to make friends. What they did kept them mostly isolated by their parents for a while to try and keep them safe, and when they were let out, they kept their distance because they knew what they could do, and saw how others began to react to it once they figured out it was because of them, so they never got a friend. Something which the twenty years of running away from various places where they tried to settle down hadn't changed either, and yet here stood a pony who had know her for less than an hour, and called her that?


A small tear ran down from her normal eye, before she managed to wipe it away around halfway down.


"I-I'm sorry, it's just... N-Nopony have ever called me their friend before and... T-Thank you."


It was a bit hesitant and somewhat awkward, but Void did go the few steps over towards him and gave him a hug anyway. It didn't last long, and she looked like a tomato had been streaked over her cheeks when she let go and started to try and get back to her pots again, but it still felt like something she didn't regret too much.


"I hope I can be there t-too, in case you need it sometimes Storm."


She had a few more things to say really, like asking who this *Fluttershy* were, but she couldn't manage to say it all right now, so it had to stay cluttered in her throat until further notice. All in due time though.







"...You see plenty of strange things in Ponyville, but never have I gazed upon a sight like this."


Alonsus had only been here for a few years, but in that time, he had seen plenty of strange, horrible, goofy and downright confusing things. Seeing building materials being transported by tornado though? That was a new one for him, and frankly,  it was so bizarre that he didn't know what to make of it, which caused him to be blank on what to say a´for about 15 seconds before answering.


"I guess others have, as they keep working? Or perhaps they have simply seen too much strange things in this town to make them care much? I would not be surprised if the princess had something to do with that, considering her magic outbursts, but I don't know if it is she who does this. Princess Twilight, and her magic, is hard to try and understand sometimes."







Cover-up looked at the bag that were presented him, but didn't say anything for a time as he tried to think about how to put his response to Crescent in a nice way. He had been helpful and hospitable after all, and a really friendly sort, so he couldn't outright say that he wasn't perhaps thinking things through, but...


"I-I'm sorry, but I can't take that. The saddlebag haves enough space and... Well, I can't really carry this.


Using his magic, he put on the gear he usually did, which were first the saddlebag on the right, and the large ink well in to the left in the throw-over sort of *harness* that gave stability between the two of them. After that, the large paint brush he used floated over and laid down on his back at a slight angle, but enough to show that he were actually quite full up here on things, and couldn't carry anything on his back without ditching the brush, which weren't going to happen. It were a gift, and the only tool he really knew how to use his tattoo skills with, so he couldn't leave that behind.


"If there something important in there, I can see if it can be in the saddlebag? Maybe?"


"I'll take it. I just need to put the fish into it. The box simply takes up space, and is something which I don't know why I would need, Crescent."


He gave a narrowed look to the bat pony, trying to convey via the gaze alone to not mention anything about his affinity for that particular kind of sleeping space ever again. It was a matter of dignity, which had also been one of the reasons why he had whispered it yesterday instead of blurting it out, and he had told Crescent this because he trusted the bat pony somewhat. It seemed though, that he had to train the thestral in what to say about the things he shared though.


After the gaze, he started to put the dried fish in the bag before sliding into it. It were meant for a pony, but he were essentially the same size, though a little longer and sleeker, so it wasn't so bad. And Cover-up was looking a bit scrawny anyway, so it weren't as bad as if this had been one of the bulky earth ponies. It would have slid right off then.







"Condescending made you listen. Stop being blind to things and I won't need to do it again."


She examined him as he wandered around, put down the mare that still didn't seem close to waking up, and still, she felt unimpressed. She wouldn't underestimate him if it came to a fight, as that would be foolish to do with anypony, but she didn't initially think it were going to be much of a struggle if it came to it frankly.


"And save your threats. Might be you hide some kind of impressive fighting style, but I'm not here to battle. I did that enough yesterday, and today is meant to be a time to get things fixed up before the next attack shows up."


It was really *cute* of him to judge her for not knowing him, when he were just as guilty about it as she were. The more he talked, the more it seemed like he thought that she were only there to create trouble, and that was about as far from what she actually wanted to do as possible. Sure, she threatened Clayton a small bit before this, but-


Her line of thought were interrupted when she looked up, and saw a line of the materials that were needed for their construction work flying through the sky on what looked like a controlled air stream, and going towards the clock tower. Considering she didn't hear anypony yelp out in pain, it seemed like nopony got hit, but... What in the world were this?


"Clayton, is this a trick of yours?"


The earth pony stood and looked as well at the line, unaware of what exactly were going on except this looking like it were speeding up the process quite substantially. He would have calculated exactly how much, but he would rather answer Last and avoid another episode of her getting to him.


"I-I don't think so, but I will find out. I'll find you when I have answers, yes?"


"Good. If neither of us is here when you get back, go that way until you find a food parlor. Likely a gathering place for many over the next few hours."


She pointed in a direction, and he nodded before taking off in the direction of the train station, which left Last back with Long Stare and Draco.


"As for you, I would suggest that you follow me there, and bring her. It's even more dangerous to stay unconscious now that there's things flying through the air, so finding something that can wake her up, such as smelling salts, seems like an idea. That, or take her home. I don't want anypony hurt out here, and the bench is too exposed."







Chow shook his head a little ad chuckled when he saw Astral go upstairs to fetch Misty. He had said that this sort could wait until tomorrow, after the two had settled in properly, but he had forgotten how impatient about things Astral seemed to be. Always wanting to rush off and do something, heh. Some day, she were going to make one stallions life into a hectic mess if this kept up, though somehow, he were thinking it would be alright regardless. She were a nice lil' lass at the heart of things after all, and that sort should count for a good deal. Heck, he wouldn't mind if the situation were on his side of the court, so whoever were going to be the lucky one could hopefully see that it was what were beneath the skin that counted in the end.


Missing the obvious way this thought could have gone quite severely - along with a self inflected hint at what he could do - Chow didn't do much else whilst waiting for the two mares to come back down. He figure he wouldn't have a lot of time to work with, so checking the basement didn't seem like something he could feasibly get done before they'd be back, and there wasn't a lot to look at in here anyway besides...


When the two of them would get down, Chow would be standing with his head down into a box of books, looking around at what were in there, seemingly looking for something entertaining. Nothing like a diary though, as he'd deserved to be mauled for reading that sort, but more like a photo album or something like that.


At the sound of their voice however, he popped his head up and blurted out the first thing that came to mind.


"Whelp, no spiders there. Must've been seeing things."


Considering what he tended to blurt out as the first thing on his mind, he seemed to actually have gotten out of this fine this time. Well, it was less thin in it than his usual excuses at least.


"Hey, look who's rocking a new braid. Looking good there Misty, though I do get the urge to see what'll happen if I poke at your mane a bit again."


He grinned at her, not really thinking on messing with her manestyle again, but just having a bit of a laugh.


"Anyway, been thinking on it, and whilst you could use a look at most places, I figure that showing you were you can buy food here in town would be the best start. I'll show you some cafe's, restaurants and of course the market where you can buy the ingredients to make stuff yourself. Or okay, I'll show you where these things used to be, and we'll take it from there. Hopefully things haven't changed around too much."







"I think I saw one nearby were nopony were right now, but we'll need to get them a bit of way then. Think you'll be okay here whilst I go find some discreet transportation for them?"







"For every one good thing you can find about this, I can mention a hundred horrid ones. Believe me, this aura is a miserable punishment, even if I can pick up something like a simple cursed object. I'd frankly rather be normal and then just learn how to cleanse these things. At least then I'd only have to worry about getting possessed, not hung."





@Handsome Changeling


"Another changeling. Interesting."


The voice would come from a mare that would soon get into sight, wandering slowly out from inside the Everfree Forest




Her stare showed interest, but also a somewhat bored expression that were slowly veering off. It appeared as if she hadn't been doing something outright exciting and fun in the forest until she found this one. It appeared as if she wasn't some savage, but actually had manners, as she corrected her monocle and brushed a bit of dirt of her shoulder to appear a bit more more presentable.


"No disguise, and the way you wander this near to town doesn't make it appear as if you are afraid of the locals taking notice of that. Makes me think you make your home either here or near it, yes? Fascinating."


A bag floated next to her as she walked, and kept that way as she stopped herself and rose a hoof to grab hold of her monocle so she could polish it with a piece of cloth she withdrew from somewhere under her... Cape or dress, one of those things. Though it could be both in a sense.


She absolutely abhorred having this glass be dirty in any sort of way, and she had spotted a minor stain there when she had been glancing over the changeling that were starting to irk her as she spoke.


"Your armor seems interesting too. Looks sturdier than the ones I have seen before, and well taken care of. Says something about a pony if they don't let their things fall into decay."







Mother observed closely when she saw Serenade open a gate. It seemed to strain her somewhat more than she would have hoped, but she were still new to this life and those abilities. With time, she'd be able to do things more smoothly, surely. Besides, it were not a bad gate. A little rough in the metaphysical aspects, but functional certainly.


"The only present I wish for, is to hear that you all make it through this without getting hurt. Though if you insist, I wouldn't say no to some books perhaps. The more I can learn of your world, the better I can potentially help another time after all. Besides, it might be quite fascinating."


She leaned back once more into the bed that she had been laying on when they had appeared before, and smiled warmly at the two of them as they began their trip away from home once more.


"I will pray that your word holds true then Lin. And please, bring my best to Sen, and let him know that I will be here if he needs to talk to me. Just as I will be for you Lin."


She didn't need to tell Omen, as she already had the message imprinted into her brain from being told many times over the years, but Sen and Lin were new children of hers - or adopted, if you wanted to be technical - and could do well in being told now and again, just to make sure.







A pin went away in relative silence, then another, and then finally, the last one escaped the back of the timerpup and floated into her bag along with the rest of them. He didn't move though, seemingly unsure of what to do before Belladonna nudged to him a little.




More wasn't needed before Meeko bolted out of the basket, nearly tripped, and then jumped at Ginger whilst barking and wagging his tail with great intensity. If she had any doubts about how much the pup had missed her, this should tell the story well.


As for the mare... She just kept watching them, and the interaction between timberpup and hybrid. It was a fairly unusual sight, so there were potentially something to learn there. Or she could just focus on a few memories this sprung up too, it were hard to say what went on in her head really.








"Awh, she just tried to help. She didn't know how Trinket would react and likely wanted to just protect Serenade. Didn't you?"


The rodent had flown up on a shelf when this went on and now looked down upon them, and vigorously nodding yes to the question.


"Hehe, starting to get better at this. Anyway, time to write a letter."


Thankfully for them all, Ziggy had never been that effective at writing like a doctor, so the message written should be possible to decipher instead of making Luna think that somepony were asking her for aspirin. It wasn't near Serenade's hoofwriting though, but they had to work with what they had, which included putting the siren's name on the letter like she asked. Hopefully it would draw the princess' attention like she had mentioned.


"Okay, all done and looking sorta official. I just need an envelope then and I'll zoom like a bee to the mailmares. You use a special kind and a seal of some sort? I can't remember right now how the last letter looked like when it got sent."








"Jump back!"


There wasn't enough time for her to craft an actual spell from this distance, so she had to hope that the stranger would react on this and jump back, otherwise this were going to end badly. And not just because this meant that he would end up getting infected.


When she had followed the other two, after realizing that the forge would be at least a half hour to get to the right temperatures and making sure that it were a little more safely contained, she had thought that all she had to do were trying to save them from themselves. Blood from being blown up, and Blitz from becoming another struck by a necrotic disease. What she hadn't expected was seeing what essentially counted as personalized teleportation of a kind she hadn't heard about before, that ended with a pony popping out that struck a few bells in her head.


Not because she had seen him, no. Far as she knew, she had never seen this one in her life. No, what actually were was a little hard to put a claw on, but he seemed... Different, from the ponies she had met and read up about, and not just because of the magic.


If she had been closer, the energy and smell would have clued her more into things, but from this distance, Missklang's secret were somewhat intact, even though the tall dragoness didn't seem to want to hurt him currently. Quite the opposite in fact.


As for Blitz... Well, she just giggled when he popped out of the air and jumped a little in place, barely noticing the rocket being laid down by Blood in the process.


"Yey, more guests. Hi telepony!"

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"Sadly, I don't know where Discord is. If I did, I would try to convince him to snap the town back to how it were before the monster attacked.


He shows up at random intervals and leaves with little trace again if that's his want, so keeping track on him is near impossible, and frankly, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised to hear he lived in another dimension or something. Hard to say with him."


He did know something more, that being that Fluttershy had contact with him through letters, but quite frankly, he didn't trust this alicorn enough yet to give that sort of information out. Their kind were powerful, and though he did appear nothing but helpful thus far, he had also spoken of things he had done in the past , and... Well, what if Discord decided to have some fun by reverting him back? Nothing good would come from him being Discorded, or whatever he had heard the term were when he started to mess with the heads of others.


"As for Lu- Her majesty, she have returned from her imprisonment in the moon, and gotten cleansed of the darkness that besieged her some time ago now. And thank the moon for that. Her majesty did not deserve to be under such a dark influence."


it were one of the things he didn't speak to Luna about unless she felt like it herself. if it were because she felt guilt over what she had done as Nightmare Moon or if it were just something that she tried to put behind her were hard to tell at times, but regardless of which one it were, he wouldn't dig into the situation. She were his friend after all, and when she felt like talking at times, it shouldn't then be used on him acting more like an investigator. Even if he did think at times that it might help her to speak about it.


"As for a mud bath, I think the spa in town is still intact, so there might be some hope there. Haven't checked it myself so I can't be sure of course, but there is a chance they might have something like that."



"Oh... Well he could be taking a nap somewhere I guess. He. So you say your Princess was imprisoned IN the moon? Hows that possible? How could she have been IN the moon? Strange... Well. Would you mind if I ask what she is like? Well how long are we going to be out here? I'd rather us just go to the castle and have a chat with the 2 rumored Alicorns."


Stargazer noticed his choice of words. It was obvious that this Alicorn isn't from around Equestria. He is from a village of sorts in the mountains far away from prying eyes. In fact.

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@@Blitz Boom,

Void let out a slight hiss in instinct at the sudden approach, but he sighed in relief that it was none of the more racial and still single minded ponies who despised his race for what they did, did being a key word inside Voids mind everytime he has to argue with a pony on such a delicate matter, his eyes giving off their glowing fluorescent pink light as he looked the 'mare' down and up. Taking in each piece of her appearance and memorising it for future interactions.

"Hmmm...  How come you say another Changeling?" This was the first question he had, and it being the more apparent one out of the things he says, he was more interested in the fact this random encounter was so sudden and how this mare seemed well kept for coming out of the Everfree, even Void himself could traverse the Everfree reliably but still managed to gain some sort of grubby mud or leaves on his body somewhere with each journey.

"Yeah of course, I live on the adjacent side of the Everfree to Ponyville, more peace and quiet that way... I am proud of my appearance I don't need a disguised form, I do have one of course for more formal journeys but no I don't use it much... As for my armour, yes it is well looked after, my hives keep sake after all... Now a question for you? How come you look so tidy and clean when you came out of the forest there?" His voice slightly wary of this new pony but his attitude being quite polite and positive through his insectoid voice.


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@@Blitz Boom


Lance was still in a state of shock when Alonsus spoke again. "Interesting..." Lance squeaked. He did know somewhat about magic. He read a book on it a few years back, and it did mention stuff about how 'magic can do amazing things', but he never saw more than an average levitation spell. I feel this may be an interesting town to live in.

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"Yeah, yeah, I think I'll be good..." Deadpan nodded, his voice more...hollow than the light-hearted jovial pony he was before the mess. If there was one thing that could be taken out of this, its that he certainly wasn't the same pony.




"Ah, my apologies then, Null.. Well, what do we do now?" Zen asked, looking around absent mindedly.

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@@BloodDrops,@@Blitz Boom

Hello indeed.


Missklang looked at the curious pony approaching and smiled. Judging by the eyes and the smell, faintly covered by the smell of sulphur in the air, as well as the black stains in her aura, she was ill. And that the disease wasn't common cold.


Please, how can I refuse a hug? You ask the impossible from me. Perhaps you worry? Rest assured, as If a toxin, virus or a poison could kill me, I would be dead centuries ago...


It could be contagious, though. That wouldn't be good. Hmm, perhaps this one time, the hug could indeed be delayed. Even if he was almost certain he wouldn't get affected, getting others infected with a potentially deadly disease was bad. Hugs weren't supposed to be deadly and he didn't want to play the role of the plague-spreading rat either. 


Well, I guess I will spare you the worry miss dragon.


He looked at the green pony


I'm sorry, in other circumstances, I would indeed let you poke me. 


His eyes glowed a faint red as he levitated himself at a height where he would be just beyond the reach of the pony and slowly floated towards the dragon just to stop around a meter away and put himself down.

Edited by Missklang
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@Blitz Boom

Draco looked up in the air as his eye twitched uncontrollably. oh boy some pony was taking the materials to rebuild the town? For the love of his ancestor. "Well if it's going to be a fight," Draco stated as he looked at Clayton. "I can't fight if I have Long Stare on my back,"

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@@Blitz Boom


Lin nodded in understanding and turned to Omen, gesturing to the gate. It was time to go back and Ghilan and Sen would be waiting for them somewhere on the other side. The council was to meet and talk about the proposition to begin an investigation into Solasan's whereabouts and bring him to justice. Or that was the plan; having the council meet had Lin thinking not everyone was open to the idea of starting one immediately. Lin stepped through the gate, leading her to the old hut's interior. The dusty abode remained with no signs of life, not yet until she got her whole body through the gate and found elder Ghilan just making his way in. 

"Well, I guess that explains your sudden disappearance." He began. "The council will be ready to meet soon, and they'll be more than eager to meet you. I should warn you about them, though. They can be difficult, if not legalistic, about the whole process."

"Great, and just when I thought things couldn't get any more difficult." Lin exasperatingly replied while pulling herself a stool from the far end of the room. "Where's Sen, by the way? Wasn't he with you?"

"He was, but he says he needed some time alone. Last thing he told me was he wanted to meditate in peace, so I left him at my hut and he agreed to meet us by the communal hut with the council. While we're here, I'd like to ask you and your friend some questions, if you don't mind me asking. How did you all meet and what led to, well... your appearance?" 

Ghilan pulled up two more stools and offered one to Omen before taking his seat by the exit. He wanted to learn about them as much as he could, and there was much to the story that he didn't know. As much as he would like to say he knew the details, he was young back then, and he thought he had everything he needed to plead his case on behalf of his guests. His younger self would proudly say he did, but he is no longer young or proud. He thought about the words his uncle once told him: if he ought to aspire for something, it would be wisdom. It would be a while before the council convened, and now is good a time as any to learn more about his guests. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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(The day The Forgotten One attacks Ponyville)

((We'll catch up quickly))


Early in the morning, before the sun would rise and before the rooster's call, everyone at Sweet Apple Acres would be awoken by the sound of pots banging together, if the sound of Timberwolves hadn't already woken them like it had Granny Smith. As per the norm, she was banging the pots together shouting, "The Timberwolves are howling! The Timberwolves are howling!" Wiping the tiredness out of her eyes, Applejack replied, "I'll go get the others. They said they'd wanna lend us a hoof the next time we'd get a Zapapple harvest," and with that, she got her hat and was out the door. Big Mac however was preparing for the day's work.



@@Blitz Boom


"We'll have to go back because any other changes we make will ripple outward. This is a vital moment, with little room for error. This time, balance the bit on her nose before taking the berries, then throw one of the berries at my eye." Only moments after the Traveler spoke, they would be back where they were on the hill, with the Earth Pony approaching like before. "You two look like you could use a snack. Might I interest you in some nuts or berries?"




@@Blitz Boom


"I'm just stopping in to grab some assortments. I made a sale already. I'll be right back if I can get the buyer to come back with me. Please take care of our guest while I'm gone," Penny said to the Unicorn mare behind the counter who had a green coat and a bright yellow mane in two pigtails that reached down below the edge of the counter where nopony could see the ends. "Yes ma'am," she responded with a voice that sounded both sweet and sophisticated. Penny then took out another bit shaped chocolate and ate it, teleporting herself back to where she and her guest teleported from to meet with the antiques dealer. ((Yes, they had teleported after eating the chocolates. I probably could have communicated that better.))

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@@Blitz Boom,


"Of course!" Storm exclaimed with a happy grin, "And it's not just me either, you've got at least three friends here in Ponyville!" He added cheerfully. "Me, Grey, Pinkie, and I'm sure even Mr. and Mrs. Cake would be happy to call you a friend!" He took a thoughtful pose, "In fact, if you told them what you could do, they might even ask if you can help Pinkie watch the twins sometimes. It would certainly let those foals cause a lot less trouble without Pumpkin's magic, and if it applies to Pegasi too than maybe they wouldn't have to work so hard to keep Pound off the Ceiling either!" Storm smiled kindly at his newest friend, "Plenty of friends already, and plenty more to come I bet!"

Edited by Shineling
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@@Seamore Sandwich,


    The spare rooms on the side of the carrot-topped storage building were not far from the main buildings of the Sweet Apple Acres. They were, however, close enough for most of Granny Smith's usual morning ruckus to be heard, albeit somewhat garbled. To add to this a loud thump was heard inside one of the rooms, quickly followed by another, closer & louder thump as a pony-sized mass hit the door, stopped for a few moments to remember how doors worked, then burst through the door to tumble into a heap not a few steps past the door outside.


    As Ambie laid there with his face & chest run into the dirt & his rump in the air his sleepy mind slowly caught up to his body. As the blue in his coat from his restful slumber quickly gave way to a panicked streak of white, Ambie remembered that he had agreed to work on this farm he had aimlessly wandered onto a few months ago in trade for free room and some spending bits for food. As another screech resounded from the barn rooftop several more things caught up in Ambie's mind. Pouting into the dust as a green blush overtook his white, he also remembered how Granny had also repeatedly mentioned something the other day about these things called Zap Apples, how it seemed somehow natural for farm ponies to be able to work hard labor without any sleep, and how in Equestria a mare that old could carry her shrill voice the several acres to the storage room he had cleaned out to stay in.


   Picking himself up & dusting off, the thought quickly came to Ambie about bringing up whether work could wait while he took a morning shower, but that was quickly countered by him remembering how rare running water on tap was out here in the country. With another pout, he placated himself with the thought that he might be able to try several of these Zapple things while the family went about whatever convoluted process they used for this sort of thing. Having sufficiently cheered himself up now at the prospect of potential breakfast he left his room, with the door still swinging open, to weave his way among the orchard towards the farm in hopes of finding one of the Apples to help.


   "Hmmph, ...convoluted..."

   Ambie sighs to himself outloud as he absent-mindedly nips a few leaves off a passing apple tree & chews worriedly to himself about how much physical labor he may have to endure today before he can get back to his bed.

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 @@Blitz Boom,


Misty's ears perked at the mention of spiders, she hid behind Astral. "Spiders!?"


Astral chuckled lightly, she turned her head to Misty. "He's just joking."


Misty walked out from hiding. "Oh yeah, I hope." She went from terrified to almost angry at Chow, when he mentioned possibly wanting to mess her braid up. "You better not mess my braid up up." Her eyes started intently at Chow, turning away to Astral with a smile. "Did we have a mirror? I'd like to look at the braid through one."


Astral walked to a box, swiping her hoof to the right, the top untapping itself and the box unfolding. "Here." she levitated the mirror over it Misty.


Misty grabbed the mirror with her hooves, looking at her braid. "You did a great job."




Misty looked at Astral, who was now blushing, with a chuckle. She looked back at the mirror, with glowed grey as it started to float above her hooves. "Woah." Her eyes grew in happiness, she let the mirror fall into her hooves but not with much force. She walked it over to Astral, who looked confused at Misty.


"What were you doing?" Astral asked putting the mirror back into the box, folding the box shut.


Misty looked up to her. "I levitated the limbs of my plushie often, so I tried levitation briefly on that mirror."


Astral chuckled lightly. "Nice to see you're developing those magic skills." She reached a hoof over, and scratched Misty's mane. But making sure the braid stayed intact with a little levitation. Misty was laughing during it. "Anyways.." She let Misty away, turning to Chow. "Don't mess the braid up, I put a lot of work and magic into it." She walked over to Chow, standing behind him at the door. "So what will our first stop be?"



@@Seamore Sandwich,


Francis followed Penny to the front counter. Surprised when Penny suddenly vanished. Looking at the unicorn, nervous. "Uh, hi." He said waving his hoof at her. He put it down, letting out a sigh. "I was brought here so I could get some chocolate, I think." He glanced around the shop. "Although looking at it, that's the only thing that's sold here. So, how much would it be for a box?"

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@@Moonlit, @@Blitz Boom


Trinket finished cleaning up the mess she'd made, doing her best not to leave any crumbles behind. After that, her attention returned to the Siren resting above the water. She tilted her head in slight confusion, trying to remember whether she did mention that she had a question to ask or not. It wouldn't be much of a shock if Serenade turned out to be able to read minds: sort of creepy in a way, but nothing the mare wouldn't be able to grasp mentally. Soon, Trinket approached them.


"Oh, it's just that, uhm... you said you had a meeting with Princess Sparkle?... If you don't mind me asking, what is it about? Also... does Princess Luna know about this true form of yours? Is she the only one?"

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@@Driz,@@Blitz Boom,  "To answer you..no...Princess Luna is not. Besides...her...you and Ziggy....four or five...others know" Serenade pulls herself farther up onto the singular rock, getting a better position to lie in. Then takes a deep breath, "Magic...to Sirens....has smells.." She takes another deep breath, before looking at Trinket directly, "Princess Sparkle....reeks of...Siren Magic...and of...Siren magic I....recognize....She has encountered...the Three Sisters."   She motions to Ziggy to grab one of her book. 

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@Summer Breeze

@Blitz Boom


Blue nodded sadly.


"Yes, I hope so too."


Ooh, lying here was far too easy. These ponies (and weird tree thing) were far too gullible.


Once she saw Summer flying back, Blue pretended that the sight made her a bit happier. Playing sad is quite boring. You just kinda sit there, looking down with a distant look in your eyes.


"Hey hey! Welcome back."




Frosty's eyes lit up when Summer came back. He had gotten a bit bored. He wasn't allowed to try to shock Blue's memories back, so he didn't have anything to occupy his mind at the moment.


"So, is the camp ready? Are we going to head on over there now?"


Frosty jumped up and down a few times, stretching his legs a bit.


Blue's eyes widened a bit when Summer said that the dragon wouldn't be too happy to see her. Had the dragon somehow seen through her disguise? Hmm. Best to be extra careful.


"A dragon, huh? Well that's interesting. She won't smack me, I hope? And no, I won't get into trouble, don't worry."


Blue said the last part with a friendly wink. She had to try pretty hard to keep a straight face. Of course she was going to get into trouble. She was a changeling, for Chrysalis' sake. They were pretty much designed for mischief-making. Sorry Summer, trouble incoming.

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