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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

Lance nodded and began to write. He tried to think of anything useful about himself, and wrote it down. Most of it was basic stuff telling about how he had never commit a crime (he never mentioned how he was a victim of a crime) and how he had taken on one-time jobs before this one, mostly being a courier for construction supplies. It took a couple minutes to fill out, plus a couple more for reading the rules page. Multiple times. I can't afford to mess something up. Again, most of it pretty standard things that really didn't have to be there if everypony knew what 'common sense' was. When he finished, he put the pen down and looked up.

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@Blitz Boom

"Sure but I don't care about it much anymore. Besides it still will be a few days before it's back up." Her house wasn't huge, though she'd imagine it wouldn't be finished soon. Especially since there were still many others that needed repairing too. The town was still recovering, physically and mentally. Foxy wondered what would have happened had she been there during the incident. She was glad she was away at the right time.


"I'm guessing you two have had many homes. I travel too, though I mainly live here now. It is always nice to have a place to go back to. But I'd imagine you enjoy your own styles of living I'm guessing?" 

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 @Dji, @Blitz Boom and... I guess,  @Lloyd too?

   Continuing on in his usual elitist tone, and rather clear that the young drake knew little of bears or Ursa Majors for that matter:

 "Pah, I'm sure a bear isn't all that much more impressive than I. No doubt its become yet another pet* like it has to so many of you ponies with your need to constantly-..."

Kaltrops is suddenly cut off from a yell from up ahead. Despite his claws having tensed their grip onto the roof of Spicy Rolls's carriage, it seems to have done little to keep him anchored there. Halted abruptly by the guard up ahead of them and Spicy's sudden stop, Kaltrop is thrown bolt-forward off of his perch to land unceremoniously in a heap some several yards in front of where the red pegasus is currently trying to catch her breath. 

  Crumpled up and sitting upside down ontop of his own neck in the middle of the road, so far Kaltrop has not done much to distract from Spicy Rolls's alibi about him being a large, elaborate puppet of hers. His wings drooped down over his body pretty much sitting on his own face a small groan somewhere between a grunt of pain and a grumbled sigh emerges. Very likely from his position, Kaltrop has not and isn't hearing anything General Screecher has said so far.


   To B.B. again:

   That night, after some direction from Happy Hour, Ambie S. Valence had correctly delivered his load to the right house. Admittedly having unintentionally parked it right in front of the front door, Mr. Filthy Rich would start his day off with a somewhat annoying start having to roll it off his front porch, but nonetheless... mission accomplished.

  That night, soon as he had gotten back to his rented room in the carrot storage building** Ambie started a letter to his parents somewhat, and finished it the next morning after once more awkwardly getting up to the usual Apple Family very early morning alarm. After breakfast, the pinkish stallion spent most of his morning walking into town to try to mail off his letter and finally succeeding in giving it to a very eager, gray, pegasus mare who sped off immediately afterwards with a snappy salute.

  Ambie then began slowly walking back towards Sweet Apple Acres, wondering along the way back what his day might yet entail for him, and if he could bum a few apples off the trees again for a quick morning snack... despite having been warned against this several times already by the tree-protective Applejack. It would be fine, she had said before, if it was just one or two instead of the close to a half-dozen and several branches that usually resulted from Ambie's aimless grazing. But today, he figured that maybe he could curb that... but more then likely not, if history had proven anything by now.


   * Lest we forget Barry the Bear, the biggest friend of Fluttershy's close circle of animal friends, in both meanings of the word!

   ** You know? The orange tower with the big spinny carrot weather vane that you always see off in the distance on the Apple Farms? What is that even? Pretty sure they don't even grow carrots! 

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@Blitz Boom

Invictus looked at the purple pony like the world had gone mad. He was curious: why was this pony so estranged to him?

"Peculiarly enough, I don't remember how I became an alicorn. I wasn't an alicorn in the Insurgency war, so I don't know how it happened."

He got up, ignoring the pain of his injuries, and began pacing the room nervously. Finally, he decided that he should make acquaintances with this new pony. Several times, he had almost collapsed from weakness, but he kept going, partly due to his military training, partly due to sheer willpower. He eventually sat back on his hospital bed and said,

"My name is Invictus Revel, former General of the Royal Army. And your name is?"

Edited by The Resident Brony
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  @Blitz Boom

     The pancake Anomaly had made splats square on the side of Widdershins's face and sticks firmly there for a while, yet unnoticed by it* for a while. Mostly likely from him being his usual unaware self and still gazing deep into Anomaly's neckhole.  ...the turns of phrasing you two make me type...

   Neato!  But, ah, that kind of Order is every bit Chaos as versa vice! A drastic upset & dramatic turn of events to make the world so much more dissimilar to what it once was! But Order is Sister to Chaos... but I'm sure Discord doesn't want me dredging up his old history!  ...which is good, since I have no idea how I know that!

   Eyes wide from having once more pleasantly surprised itself with knowledge he wasn't previously aware of, intermittent intelligence being a hallmark of the Spirit of Confusion, Widdershins then looks back down at the picture to regard the large, looming shape in the background.

   Can't say I don't am not unacquainted with the tactics though!Who's the big feller there? He seems a bit familiar.

  Oh...and one other thing...

   Without looking up and Anomaly's pancake beginning to throb a bit in place from where it lies on Widdershins's face; a large swirl of pancake batter begins coalescing behind and parallel behind the longer draconequus, gradually getting larger like some sort of small galaxy. 

  ...while suitable for splatter effects, that was a little soft in the center. Really need to brush up on proper baking-summoning magics. Oh...

   And I'm quite good at foodfights...



    *I prefer to use the pronouns It & He interchangeably when it comes to Widdershins. He technically fits into "neither" as categories like this go.

   * Yes, I know tactics! Yadda, yadda, past history or something. Also, Quadruple Negative score! AH'M DA WINNAH! DA WINNAH IS MEH! 

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@Blitz Boom

Seeing the bizarre unfolding of events before them, the siblings slowly backed away and tried to make sense of everything that had just happened. The drake already showed them that whatever they just brought in wasn't Omen and it only aggravated their worries. Now they seem to be back at square one with them unsure of where to even start. Lin sat down, picked up the drake from her head, and cradled it close to her chest while stroking it along its back for her comfort. Sen stepped closer to the mess and examined it, still unable understand how they could still hear Omen but not see her. The sound of her asking for help only made the urgency of the situation more apparent. 

"Sen, where do we even start? I'm worried for Omen. That was her voice just now and she's clearly in trouble. If that was her trying to communicate with us, do you think it could work the other way?"

Hearing Lin's suggestion, Sen stood up and looked at the mess on the floor thinking it was some kind of medium for Omen to communicate with them. Lin had the idea but to both of them, it was still fairly ridiculous and within that context, it made sense. At least no one else was around to watch them and the sound of the storm outside would muffle their voices from anyone who could potentially hear them. 

"Omen? Could you hear me?" Sen raised his voice hoping Omen could hear him and lead them to wherever she is. "Where are you?"

Sen continued this but the more he repeated his words, the sound of his voice cracking became more noticeable. Just like Lin, his worries are beginning to get the better of him but any lead he gets would immediately set him and Lin on the path to getting their dear friend and sister back to safety. 

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Winter Bolt listened intently to his new found benefactor. Getting to know new ponies and places was one of the few perks of being a nomad. He hardly ever had to worry about getting bored because he was usually gone before that could set in. Watching the various ponies around them he wondered if he would ever settle down anywhere. As he wondered about what location to visit first his stomach chose for them letting out a loud rumble. It appears his flight here took more energy than he thought 

Edited by Jedishy
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On ‎9‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 11:40 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Sorry. L-Let's find Zinthar, okay?"

Of all the things a cockroach wasn't something the batpony expected to fear, hate or be annoyed at understandably but down right fear he didn't expect. Then again to what the youngster has been through Cresent knew coverup had years ahead of most pony's his age. Glad he covered his sneeze the batpony nodded "agreed" he said simply getting up with his saddle on his back.

"Zinthar were heading out!" he called out to the woods soon focusing on his hearing. One of the many good things with being a vamp was tracking others by how their 'blood beat' sounded. Zinthar being the only three eyed cat cresent had known wasn't to hard to listen for the felines as he was the last of his kind in a world full of ponys, dragons and more. Cresent hoped zinthar wasn't but from what zeccora had said it still didn't sit well with him, what else was he to do leave the one being who helped him out of that headache of a maze?

say what you want cresent knew he wouldn't feel the best about leaving zinthar in their after all that.

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The yelling from Crescent sure got attention around. A few woodland creatures nearby started to move in a wider angle away from the noisy creatures, cautiously peek out through the bush, or like the birds above, hauled their posteriors quickly away from the area.

There wouldn't be anything from Zinthar however. Not at first, though eventually a few branches above the ponies rustled, before the feline stuck his head out and looked down on them.

"Stop yelling. You're scaring away lunch."

He sounded a bit grumpy, but how would the bat like it if his food started to get out of reach of him? It was annoying.

An outsider might think that Zinthar was eating too much anyway. He had just eaten a bird before Crescent woke up after all, but the feline wouldn't hear it if anypony tossed that at him. He hadn't had anything to eat in centuries, so excuse him for gorging when he finally had the chance.

But, he didn't say that. Not yet anyway. And considering lunch in the trees were gone now, he might as well jump down and follow them.

"Remind me to laugh if your sandwich ever runs off."



@Moonlit @Widdershins @Seamore Sandwich

Since Ziggy had been floating and Cherish didn't leave hoofprints, Serenade would have to rely on smells, and what direction she had seen them go off to. It was unlikely she'd spot the anomality that the pair and pet went through before it was too late, but in case she did, she'd be faced with a choice. Follow in and risk it, or leave them to their fates.

It wasn't looking too god inside the castle in the past right now though. After Ziggy had been knocked out and Cherish approached, Fah'lina had jumped in her unconscious friend and started to hiss at the ghost. Something she didn't care much about at first, but as the mimic had unhinged her jaws and started to really show off her enormous mouth, Cherish couldn't exactly ignore it anymore. She didn't seem further scared than she already were, but there was a definite odd look given to the fuzzball, right after she had jumped back a few steps.




They called and they called, hoping for answers, but there wouldn't come anything. Wherever Omen's voice had come from, it had stopped just as abruptly as the scene with the scarecrow had.

The drake looked at Sen the more desperate as he grew. At first it had sinply enjoyed being cuddled with Lin, but a time came when the voice of this other one couldn't escape her attention anymore.

The two of them still had their moments. Yesterday, the drake had bit him in the foot for example, though it were not hissing at him if he got too near, and didn't mind crawling on him to get higher up.

Saying they were friends though, were taking it a little too fast. However it didn't mean the drake couldn't be a little concerned with what were going on. Desperation like this were infectious, and with no more words or false appearances from Omen, it eventually affected the little one too, who started to squirm and let out confused yelps as the siblings hoped for a clue that didn't seem to be there.

Though... Was it really true that there wasn't anything to go by? The sighting and the voice might be gone, but what of the scarecrow? Was there really nothing hiding within the muddy, filtered mess of its clothes and body they could go by?




"I have no idea. Some sort of order demon thingie.

So it sounds like you don't know a lot of things then? Phooey. I had hoped an old draconequus would know old, fun stuff. Perhaps even who I u-Uuuuh, you're on!"

You do know that fighting him on his turf, with weapons he's better at making, is stupid. Right?

Peh, only if there was rules.

What are you... Did you seriously just make your pancake into a giant squash?

With a strawberry filling.

Of course... Well, good luck I suppose. You're going to need it.

"You face Anomaly. Veggie lord of the crazy garden!"

With that, she'd start swinging, figuring she'd score an easy win against her more fleshy brethren.

Good luck fighting without your head...

Having a brain is overrated anyway. You humans should know, since you clearly don't use yours anyway. Zing!



@The Resident Brony

"My name is Vivid Loss. I work for Princess Cadence and Shining Armor."

So the stallion did not know why he was an alicorn then? How peculiar. She would think such a thing as alicornification would be impossible to forget, but somehow he had managed it. Perhaps it were not as intrusive as she had expected?

"I know not of your name, or this incursion you speak about. How long ago were it? A few centuries perhaps? I have been absent for long, long time, so it's likely that I slept through it."

Technically she were trapped in crystal, but most of her time in that state had been spent sleeping, so it were technically not a lie. More of a small diversion to skip over a few details until she knew more of this youngster. Couldn't put all her cards down on the table first now, could she? Not unless she had no choice, though she had doubts that this one would try something stupid like attacking her to spill the beans. If he had truly been a general at some point, he should know better than to use methods like that to begin with.



@Widdershins @Lloyd @Dji

"Uhm... M-Mr. Dragon? Are you okay?"

Void wandered a little closer to the sizable dragon, though she was too nervous to actually try to touch him. Sure, he hadn't been arrested on the spot, so he couldn't be all bad hopefully, but still... He was a dragon, and they didn't really have a good reputation. Better than changelings, but that was a pretty low bar to be compared to.

Null kept an eye on her siater talking to the dragon. She didn't care how much bigger than her their scaled guest were, if he tried to swing at Void, she'd jump him without a second thought. Her sister had already been in the middle of enough for today.




Alright, so he had managed to find some wheels after all.

Happy were still in a pretty foul mood at the early wakening, but he had somehow managed to be productive regardless. Left him with an axe, and some discarded wheels that hadn't been as badly damaged as he would've thought considering they were trashed. Guess the previous owner just didn't like the idea about replacing the few cracked places of the frame. Pretty dumb considering how easily Happy had found something to fix that, but eh, one ponys loss was anothers gain.

Now he just needed to get a frame going, but for that he was going to need wood. Since he wasn't going to pay up for some planks, that meant he had to prep something himself. Hence the axe, though right now, he could use a sucker to do the heavy hitting there along with him.

And considering this was for Ambie, he knew just the hapless minion to go fetch for this. Wasn't like the lazy halfling was doing anything right now anyway, right?

So with little more done than securing the things he had gotten to his wagon, Happy went in his not-so-merry way towards the Apple estate.



@Foxy Socks

"I wouldn't dismiss the workers so soon. They seem large in numbers and determined to listen to their draconian lord. They may well end up surprising you with the speed they can get this done."

It was a little sad to Briar how little Foxy seemed to care for her home. As one who had not had one for many years, he would think that the chance to settle down and have a place of your own would be something most ponies would be thrilled about, yet Foxy seemed like one who did not care much for it.

Certainly, she had her reasons for that, but it still seemed like a sad thing to the evergrown that she did not seem to care much for her residence. He had been certain that she cared after hearing her finding it in ruins yestersay after all, but perhaps he had simply misinterpreted that.

"I don't believe either of us could actually say we had a home really. Brittle only knew the circus after her... Transformation, and that should surely not count. And the only home I once had were in a town treating me like a worthless object meant for nothing but labour. A place I can assure you I would not count as a home either.

Ah, but it is a nice thought to find that perfect place to reside. Dirt holes, caves and abanoned buildings can have their charm, but it hardly compares to have a base to return to I would think.

But a wanderers life is not one that offers much stability, is it my friend? However it does give a lot of fascinating stories. Please, would you perhaps indulge us with a tale from your travels, as we approach your humbled home?"




"Alright, let's see what we're dealing with then.

No criminal history, that's good... Courier experience seems useful for deliveries... Basic information and understanding of the rules... Some fluff..."

Straw went through it a little by little whilst mumbling audibly. A bad habit of his, which sometimes got on his wife's nerves when he read the paper, but in the case of Lance, potentially a good thing. Made it easier to hear what tge boss thought of him, and overall it didn't sound negative.

After reading through a second time, this time more quietly, Straw put down the file and went silebtly over to a closet. Within, he drew out another big straw har, like the one he was wearing, and... Put it to the side so he could reach a pile of blank name tags.

"Well kid, you seem solid enough, so let's get you to work. Just have to fill out your name tag and I'll think of something you can do. I'd say cleaning the store, but I think Alonsus already did that."

Much as Alonsus were annoying at times, Straw couldn't say he wasn't a good worker. Not that it was any surprise, as with that past of his he wouldn't want to dissapoint the only pony who seemed willing to give him a chance, but that was an entirely different issue.

Had been quite the chance to take for Straw back then really, but he likes to fancy himself one who knew ponies, and he hadn't seen a criminal step into his office as much as a lad who had made some mistakes and wanted to move past it, so he had given him a chance. Never sid put him at the counter though, just in case, though these days that was more because he were more useful elsewhere. A handyman weren't something to sit behind a desk when there were physical work to be done.

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@Blitz Boom & @Lloyd & @Widdershins


When the cart came to a sudden halt, an audible bang sounded at the back of it. Aurora had managed to slam into the cart, effectively rendering her dazed and confused. She slumped to the ground with a whimper and held her talons on her head, eyes closed to try and combat the pain.

Dawn did back up from the dragon and took a few deep breaths through her nose, deciding to look at the ground as she listened to the other conversations. "It's Null, right?" Dawn asked quietly, keeping her voice low, sidling over to the pony keeping an eye on the dragon. "If you're looking for whatever these Elements are, do you mind if I tag along?"



Watts looked down at Jedishy, the grumbling stopping her rant of the town. She chuckled sheepishly and then looked in the direction of Sugarcube Corner. "Sugarcube Corner it is," Watts laughed. She barely talks to her customers beyond the usual customer greeting and the like so this was a nice change of pace for her.

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@Blitz Boom

"The Insurgent War was about 4 years ago. Several towns had banded together to rebel against Princess Celestia. It was a very dark time for Equestria. I led the Royal army against the insurgents."

"Anyways, what's your story? I have buisness to attend to elsewhere, and I would like your help getting me out of here. Whaddya say?"

Invictus began pacing, waiting for Vivid Loss' answer.

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@Blitz Boom

Lance grinned from ear to ear.

"Awesome! Alonsus said he was going to show me around, I'd guess that he'd find something for me to help with. It doesn't seem like that would be an impossible task, seeing as half the town is destroyed."


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@Blitz Boom

Before either sibling could say a word, the drake's yelping caught their attention as it tried to break free of Lin's grip. She, however, wouldn't let go and instead tried to calm it down while approaching Sen and the wet mess of sticks and mud. Only then did she set the drake down to see if it knows something they don't. Sen would still look at the mess and wonder if there was something else he hasn't thought about looking for but the drake could be on to something. Either that or it really is worried sick and is making its concerns known. 

"We'll find her," Sen quietly said while reaching out to the drake and stroking the back of its head. "We're not giving up on Omen."

The siblings went about slowly rummaging through the sticks and the mud, and the threadbare clothes looking for anything that could give them a hint. What they're after, however, is anyone's guess. If they only knew exactly what they needed to see...

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Winter Bolt grinned and made a beeline for the Sugarcube Corner. The scent of the baked goods elicited a loud snarl from his stomach. He did not realize how badly he needed a meal. Having flown all day from sun up had taken more out than he expected but then he realized that he forgot to fill up his water pouch so he had not even had anything to drink since he took off at dawn. 

Looking back at Watts " Hey who runs this place? The food smells amazing. Also, where could I get something to drink. I just realized I took off at dawn to get here and have not had anything to eat or drink since then. It's not like me to be so hasty to get going...." 

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@Blitz Boom

In reality Foxy did feel much about her home, though she tried to act like she didn't care. She liked to travel though, and didn't mind leaving it for a while. She did feel down about it being demolished though. 

"I prefer to go to more rural areas that are more quiet. Sometimes I go without much reason, though I try not to spend too much time. I like to explore the wilderness, though that has it's risks. I have already told you about being in the Everfree a few times, though I try not to go there often. I have been hurt before, bitten on the leg by a timber wolf, and a few other minor injuries, but I don't mind. I went where I wasn't welcome and startled them. They aren't the friendliest animals, but I wanted to study them. Plenty of close calls too, and I am not an avid flier."

Foxy was fearful of timber wolves, but she didn't let that get into the way of her studying. Unwise it was likely, though she never felt anything against them for biting her, even if it took months to heal.


"I explore other places too, and have been lost a few times. Once, I spent an entire day just trying to figure out where I was. I did have a few close encounters with venomous snakes too, though that was because I was intentionally getting close to them to study them too. A timber rattlesnake's bite can be just as bad if not worse than a timber wolf's. I don't fear snakes though, never had. I do have caution for the dangerous ones, but there are plenty of harmless ones too."

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@Blitz Boom 

It was hard to read Victoria's expression after this, she was smiling but was it one of smugness, kindness or guilt? She had her right hoof raised slightly off the ground, maybe she was preparing to make up or maybe she was trying to act elegant after being slightly put down by the dragon. She stood for this for a couple of seconds before lowering her hoof again. "No. I refuse to apologise when I'm not even in the wrong, especially since all she's done is wipe the dust off her hoof." 

She turned sharply, causing her tail to flick in their general direction, almost hitting pop in the face but not quite (whether that was to keep her tail clean, to avoid causing injury or to keep her non-violent high ground was unclear). 

It was at this moment that Battenberg reappeared in the doorway, it wasn't entirely impossible that Victoria had been considering accepting the hoofshake but had rejected the idea upon seeing her sister approaching as if she wanted Battenberg to think that she would never do such a thing. The two sisters seemed to have a very odd relationship and it was almost surprising that they hadn't disowned each other yet.

Battenberg sighed, still in the doorway, "What did I miss? She wasn't being too much trouble was she?"

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@Dji @Widdershins @Lloyd

"I don't care about what these things are, just what I'm supposed to do while the guards mess around with the wacko who had it before. If you wanna follow and see for yourself, then do whatever."

Null didn't have more against griffons than she had with ponies, but considering her experiences with her own kind had not been good during the years, that didn't really say much. She weren't trusting the feathered newcomer more than she did that general who might try and lead her into a trap, so she could be secured in a cell.

"Who are you even? One of those noisy courier twits that have been rushing into town? Or are you three some kind of circus act?"

"Exactly that. Usually she wears a glittering tutu and juggles flaming knives though."

The comment from Spicy got nothing but a narrowed glare from Null, who in turn rolled her eyes and started to dust herself off from the run. Those two were going to have issues getting along.




@The Resident Brony

"4 years ago you say? Hmhm, I have only been free for a few months, so I'm afraid I've missed that."

So there had been an uprising in her absence, against Celestia of all ponies? Interesting, yet she wasn't certain if it was true. Even the best rulers had opponents, surely, but Celestia was a well beloved ruler from what she had been told, and she seemed like one who would be kind to ponies. She had even been mostly civilized about her arriving with Cadence when the time had come, though you could see it strained her a little at times as a few details about the demonic mare were dropped.

"As for my story... I suppose, since you seemed honest, I can share some of it.

I used to be a pony, nearly four thousand years ago, tasked with sending the lingering spirit to the next world.I made some... Questionable choices in the last days of my life that let me embrace immortality and strength in exchange for a few things, such as my freedom.

Things happened, and in the end, Discord trapped me until the princess and prince of the Crystal Empire unearthed me. I work for them now in whatever capacity they wish, and otherwise roam as I please. For example to seek out spirits.

I am aware this is not as informative as you may have wanted, but I won't give the more sensitive details this easily. Not before I know more about who I'm speaking with. Now then, you said you wished to leave this place? Does this have something to do with you wanting to speak to the actual generals of Equestria? Tell me the truth, and I'll get you out of here unseen."




"We had a few out helping yesterday, but with the couriers arriving this morning, we would just be in the way, so we're here and handling the business. Might be there's a free buffet in town, but there's still ponies who likes what we're doing and will come around. Also, the workers needs coffee, and if there's one thing we have going for us, it's that."

Putting things back, he signed the tag and put it on Lance, then nodded.

"Alright, looks fine. So, let's start at the counter, so you can see where the magic happens. You first, so I can lock the door."




The drake slithered away from Lin as it were let go off, though it didn't go towards the scarecrow. It smelled foul to it, and with what had happened before, it didn't trust it. It just wanted to get away a little so it could calm down. It would be easy to see though, as it went to a space on a shelf where it usually his behind a book if something was wrong. If they couldn't find it, tempting it with a banana or something would likely make it come forth, or int he case of a gem, would make it rush out.

They might have bitten notice in gems needing to be handled carefully with the drake though, since the episode at Mother's place. They seemed to make it soar with energy, and too many would make that energy needing to be expelled somehow. It also seemed to make it grow a little by little, which were more of a good thing, and had caused it to get a few inches bigger from the episode in the shadowy realm. I good thing in some ways, but could also be a thing to make one hesitant to feed it too fast with these things.

When it came to the scarecrow though, it were not as easy to predict the results of what might happen as the drake were. Layers would be rummaged through and spread around the place as much as they wished to, but as the layers went and nothing seemed to be within the somewhat rotting thing, it appeared as if this might be a bust.

The more they would dig in though, something would start to show. A few slivers of something like glass at first, too small to really get anything from, but they would increase in frequency the closer any of them would get to where the heart would have been if this were a living creature.

In the middle of the chest, they would find a mostly clear gem with swirls of blue, cyan and yellow going random through it. Nothing else would be here beyond this lump though, but a gem of this kind could well be a clue. It didn't grow around their village, and there was no reason why it would be sitting in a scarecrow normally, right?

Perhaps it was a clue as to where they could find Omen. Though of course, they'd have to find out what this strange gem were first.



@Foxy Socks

"Timber wolves. In a way I can understand why you ponies are fearful of them, but in another, I do carry a good deal of respect for them. They acknowledge those who are stronger than them and leave them alone after a time, and what I felt of them before I got my sight... The raw, natural energy that came from them were quite intriguing."

"By the way, why aren't your eyes open?"

"Because with everything going on in town, I think it would be too much for me currently. I'm still amazed with colors, how would it not be to see so many individual beings in one place? I prefer to ease into things currently. I hope you can understand that."

Brittle nodded and looked around, whilst moving a little closer to Briar. It seemed the spell still worked, but it was starting to slowly wear off.

"But I digress. Your caution is understandable Foxy, I simply wished to add my own take on these intriguing creatures. Might I suggest that you could use Anomaly's take on them too actually? She seems well in line with nature, and understands animals, whilst also being able to fend for herself. Perhaps she can help you mediate a truce that can assist you in gaining some insight peacefully?

Snakes is another matter entirely, and I don't know if she would be of any help there. I certainly wouldn't though, as whilst they might not be able to poison me, they seem to think of me as little more than a branch most of the time and either ignore me, or just slithers across my being. One time I woke up and they had started try and make a home out of me. They didn't leave me alone for days."

A small frown spread on his face as he recalled that episode. Quite an irritating experience honestly, but it could have been worse he supposed. They could have hidden eggs somewhere on him. That would have been a rather unpleasant experience.

"I am curious though. What is the hardest animal thus far for you to examine? You seem to enjoy a variety of beings for your examinations, but are Timberwolves as hard as it gets?"




Benny shakes his head in disappointment as the mare declines a simple way to calm the air in here a little. It seemed like this were going to be one of those times where he wouldn't be able to do much to help them sort things out, as one of the parties were hostile to the idea.Or well, both of them were now, as Pop narrowed her eyes and opened her muzzle to say something- only to be interrupted before she got started by the return of Battenberg.

"Let's just say that these two are never gonna be friends and then just hope they'll keep it civil. Your sister really haves her way with other ponies, heh."

The small laugh at the end sounded more hopeless than actually amused, but he just couldn't hide his disappointment over this going down as it had. He had hoped for some kind of solution to things, but Victoria had just brushed the attempt off like it had been nothing, and done so in a rather condescending way too. Some ponies just couldn't get along he supposed.

"I think it's best if we don't put a claw in that hornet nest though, so... How did your trip go ma'am? Found what you were looking for?"

He sniffed the air some times, hoping to catch a whiff of something, but there wasn't anything yet. Not that had reached him at least, though any spice vendor worth their salt would likely have the bag closed up so the wares didn't go stale. It'd be kinda sad if they hadn't at least in his mind, or they'd just end up with something like... Soggy pepper or something. Yuck.

Edited by Blitz Boom
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@Blitz Boom

Ancalagon looked at his couriers working hard some were going to get something to eat while the rest continued to work. Ancalagon's eyes scanned for those that were slacking off. And using his whip like tail making a whipping sound next to their ears causing them to get back to work. He hated when his couriers were being lazy. Every so often he would whip his tail to get them to work. each had their jobs to do. Each were singing.


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@Blitz Boom

Foxy laughed as Briar mentioned the snakes making him into a "home." It gave her quite a funny mental picture, and wondered what Anomaly would think if she were there.


"Well, they would be the most dangerous animal I see often, though I have seen and heard signs of potentially more dangerous animals around, so I have had to proceed with caution. I haven't had much time to study them though, and it may be to risky right now. Luckily the timber wolf bite was as bad as it got for attacks, though I have had stumbled and fell down a few times. I sprained two of my hooves once that way. I have learned to be more careful since then." Even though Foxy was a pegasus, her flying was not as strong as some, and by the time she was falling, it was usually too late, especially since she lost sense of direction that time.




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@Blitz Boom

"I was sent here because the Guards are constantly fighting for political control. Im here as an unbiased agent to make sure they don't kill each other over political power. Celestia also thought that it would be good to have her former general controlling the Guard."

Invictus thought that the look Vivid loss had implied that she wanted more details. But what good would it do to tell her everything if she could report my actions to Lady Cadence? Well, whatever.

"Well, will you help me out of here? I already have housing arranged here. Will you shake on this?"

Invictus holds out his hoof expectingly.

Edited by The Resident Brony
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@Blitz Boom Alright, but whooo could be the person? Stingler, in his fake Earth pony form, looked all around Ponyville. A bunch of ponies talking to each other, sure, but nothing seemed too special. Eeexcept for two of them.

A stallion with pale blue coat and a mare with a yellow coat. They were both eating two muffins and talking outside of the Sugarcube Corner. Great! He just needed to somehow make them away from each other, trap one in a cocoon and impersonate them. Good gosh.

But before anything, he needed a way to approach them without looking like a weirdo. Now what would be a good alley to turn into a bunny in?

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@Blartz Blurb, @DJ-Eye & @La-La-LuhLloyd    (LookwhatIcando!!!)

     With his body slowly flopping back over in the direction he fell, Kaltrop grumbles out another line of grumpy admonishment, low enough to be intended to be rhetorical but loud enough for Void to Dawn to anypony in between to hear his notable displeasure.

   "Oh no. Don't worry about me. Don't bother trying to help me out, its not like I landed on my crumpled neck or anything.

     'Cha. Just like a stupid pony to ask stupid questions and be stupid by standing all stupidly instead of helping a stupid dragon.





   Ducking movement! I told you to stop narrating yourself!

  Widdershins gets squarely planted in the face from the vaguely plantoid projectile due to his usual self-distraction from his own theatrics. Ooh! Plantoids! That reminds me of another thing you've got in- No, no, you're limited to projectiles as per usual, no idea parading. I'm bad enough at that as it is.

  Pausing once more to dramatically mull over an idea while tiny seeds drip off his furred face, it regards Anomaly's somewhat distracted question.

     Whaaaat? Nooo... I wouldn't disappoint a faithful audience member! I know everything by virtue of having been everywhere & been most things! I know everything, even the Nothing! That makes the everything I know be part of that Nothing which makes the nothing a Something and the something I know of nothing be the nothing of the something, so I know nothing! Ya follow?

    By knowing something, I know nothing. By knowing nothing, I know everything!

  But! Digression! Your answer is Stagelights! ...Or possibly Limelights. I forget if those are synonyms.

   But thou art WHounded me, with your baleful doubt in my capabilities! I shall give thee a TASTE! Of my knowledge! OF REALMS BEYOND COMPREHENSION! BEHOLD!

       "Not this again... it took forever to get the stains out from last time..."

  With a practiced flourish and an unaimed turn, Widdershins spins to his left while holding out Anomaly's head. In a swift jab, he points her metallic head snoutfirst into the mostly pristine white wall behind him and with a loud sound of a pen through paper held tight, a hold is punctured through it. Letting go of her head to rear up dramatically with a wide-eyed expression while a bulging pressure builds behind the wall, Widdershins proudly stands as Anomaly's head blows free into the room as a torrent of black goo very slowly floods the room.


                                                                                                              Yes, It is an entire universe of nothing but molasses. 


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