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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight

It is a difficult thing to grasp, the concept of the multiverse. Frankly this is new to Fluttershy, something she’s only heard once but if there are more versions of her, what are they like? Perhaps one might be just like the version of herself corrupted by Discord… that’s an unsettling thought. 

“So, these universes and multiverses, you or anypony with powers like Discord’s can interact with them? Not just observe? This is something Twilight will find interesting! I bet she would have a questionnaire ready, probably write a dissertation on it!” 

The pegasus chuckled at that last part, mostly because there is a fairly good chance Twilight might actually do it. The odds of it happening are still moderately low, but given how much free time she has despite being a princess, she might consider it. 


@Blitz Boom

“We haven’t considered it, not yet at least. We’ve had so many things happen to us recently that we didn’t have time to ourselves to consider what to do next. But you’re right, what you said about Omen is accurate. Even if we wanted to put her through an educational program, we couldn’t afford it.”

Sen looked to his empty pouch, the last of the bits he had on him was spent. He had a second stash back in the village but it wouldn’t cover any expenses like putting Omen through school, much less afford three meals for three individuals in a restaurant in Equestria. That includes the more common hayburger fast food chains he saw in his travels. Ponyville has one and rumor is, Princess Twilight frequents that place. How much do educational programs cost, though? Back in the village, the children would usually have about five to six years' worth of basic lessons taught to them before deciding which path they wish to continue on. What they learn from there is only related to their profession; the only exception to this is when it comes to being an elder. Those lessons are only taught by experience, and by shadowing a former elder. Ghilan would have a hard time adjusting because of that. The last elder didn't set an admirable example for him to follow.

“Discord calls on Omen every now and again if ever he needs messages delivered. For the most part, she stays with us.” Sen replied, looking to Rosa though noticing Lin feeling a little uneasy after the mention of “hybridization.” It seems the procedure to ensure she still lives is still a sore topic for her, possibly since only she can answer it to any satisfying degree but still has some bad memories lingering from it. 

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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk knew that getting this translation business was going to come down to practice.  He was starting to get pretty use to the combination of screeches that referred to him as 'Interloper' though.  It wasn't a bad start, all things considered.  Learning the language to speak to spider, well mechanical ones anyways, was a small price to pay in doing his best to make sure Felicia follows rules that'll keep her and the Boom siblings out of trouble.

"I believe that's a fair enough deal Felicia."

The stallion agreed, extending out his hoof to her in an attempt to shake on it.  There was no guarantee Felicia had the foggiest idea what Dusk was doing or attempting to do, but hopefully she'd see enough interaction with ponies to have a vague idea.  Or at least hopefully Molotov was a good enough teacher to have passed on the common deal making gesture as a hoof shake.

Looking over in Molotov's direction as he came out fresh from his shower, free of the doodles that marked him earlier.  It appears he wasn't that far off though.  Blitz's attempt to pack snacks for another trip to the scrapyard lasted about as long as it took her to take a breath.  Oh well, probably for the best rather than get the filly's hopes up to go to the scrapyard again.  Molotov and Dusk had some work there were suppose to get done.

"Oh, you know, making friends." 

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"You could enroll her in the Equestrian school system. Considering her special circumstances, I can think of a few scholarships or programs that is likely still going on that she could apply for. Unless they prove ineffectual, Equestria changes their laws at a snails pace, so I doubt they have removed that."

It was likely not a good thing to tell the two siblings that he knew this, because spies from his old home occasionally used said program to infiltrate the schools in Equestria, and had a good enough success rate with it that it was deemed important to include this tactic in their spy education. It was seen as something that shouldn't be done if there were other options though, as you then risked the chance of exposure, and if you needed to, then only for a little while.

Rosa were starting to get that what he had been told were just the company line. The far more likely thing they feared were that getting too exposed to how Equestria works, would make those like Rosa question if they were doing the right thing in infiltrating the pony nation. That could lead to deserters, and as he had found out first hoof, they didn't take kindly to that.

And speaking of kindness, it seemed as if the talk of paying for an education had made Sen look to his own bit situation, which were apparently somewhat abysmal. Another problem to be fixed, though a solution to this could come far more directly than what else had been spoken of thus far.


He threw the pouch that Scarcity had given him earlier to Sen, who would either catch it, or it would land in front of him. Unless he sat near fire, in which case, it would go to the side. Scarcity had no interest in setting fire to the pouch, even if the bits would be okay.

"There should be between 100 bits leftover from both our supply and food purchases. I am not truly getting away from the changeling kingdom anytime soon, and bits carries no value there, so I have no use for them."

It were not entirely true that he couldn't use them, as he did still sneak into other countries - such as he had done to get started hunting for Filigree - but he had enough of a reserve to not need it. His purchases were limited to begin with, and he mainly sustained himself from things he got in the wild, to avoid as much exposure as possible. Sen and Lin would have a better use of them than him, as they needed things from the towns, and actively seemed to seek them out.

With that handled, and the Omen situation seemingly turned, he awaited responses and questions from the longma's themselves now. If not in regards to Rosa himself, then likely to what he meant with scholarships, and the potential of Scarcity not liking others keeping the leftover bits. Both topics which should be fairly easy to answer, with the second one honestly being somewhat self-explanatory. If she wanted these back, she would have asked for receipts when they met up with her, or for what were left. She had done neither, and it was obvious to Rosa that nothing Scarcity did were without reason. Current one being what he had told Sen earlier: To show that she could pay well for any special skill-sets that could be useful for her..



@Dji @Moonlit

@Seamore Sandwich

"So Gretchen and Serenade? Good, follow me."

Some rather odd names, but the hidden siren made sense, A singing name to a singing creature, though she should likely not start busting a tune out here. They wanted to not draw attention after all. As for the griffon... What even did Gretchen mean? Perhaps it was a griffon word, or just their naming conventions The brief encounters they had with griffons at the shrine didn't tend to include names, or at least not many that Last heard. She wasn't among the ones dealing with them, as they weren't among their attackers most of the time.

Not that it mattered. A griffon didn't seem like a problem for the princesses, and this one weren't overtly aggressive currently, so it might work out. She'd still have to be ready though, just in case, but for the time being she could lead them back to the main chamber, whilst thinking over what might come next from the princesses. Hopefully just simple questions that the two outsiders wasn't gonna mess up.



@Rising Dusk

Molotov looked on as Felicia raised a leg, and poked Dusky on the hoof with the tip, then slowly shook it up and down. Pretty much the worst hoofshake the engineer had ever seen, but he got the gist of it. Felicia had some issues regarding her joints that didn't make it possible for her to go about this the normal way anyway, and it were better than when he tried to teach Carmen. She tended to grab hold in a hoof reached her way with her small teeth, and shake it around like a dog toy. Tended to weird folks out.

"Making friends you say? What've you lot messed with?"

"Where is my power?"

It wasn't meant as a distraction from Felicia's side as much as it were simply her not caring about Molotov's idiocy right now. She wanted those accursed wires out of her, and she wanted it now.

"I'm still drying. You really want me to mess with that stuff when I can drip? I mean hay, just look at me. Not even geared up yet. Makes me feel all exposed and... Normal like this. Gives me the itches."

Technically speaking, Molotov's tech wasn't prone to taking water damage, but the clothing parts of his outfit did get annoying when damp, and his wings tended to give a squishy sound of too if he hadn't gotten dry before setting them in. Plus, he wanted to rush out here to make sure the lot of 'em hadn't messed something up. Everything seemed in order, but you never knew with snoopers, like Dusky inherently were, and the spiderbots. He used to think that Carmen was still all set and straight with him, though after a few showings of the bond between mechanical family members, he was thinking that Felicia had the small one more on her side than he did. And he wasn't sure what Felicia would do when there wasn't any oversight, considering how her AI seemed to have expanded far beyond what he had expected, and wasn't overtly friendly to him or this place.

"Anyway, with a brief window of time to work with before I'm whipped off to serve her highness here again, do you wanna go over what we're gonna do with the actual work we were supposed to get done, Dusky? Thinking working on the skeleton, or figuring out the pressure first, from the magic involved? You know, so the whole thing doesn't collapse on us halfway through."



@BloodDrops @Moonlit @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @EQ_Theta @Lucid_Nightlight @Storm Shine

"It's a sphinx made sandstorm, what do you think? It's headed for your town, and it's going to turn everything it touches into a fine power if you don't stop it. If anypony doesn't."

She glanced around at the collected powers here. She could see two draconequui, two princesses, and an assorted flock of ponies and animals. Whilst Nerzhei didn't put stock in the last two groups, the first two should be able to do something. Unless all she had heard about them had been false advertisement.

"I can disperse the storm, but if there is truly a sphinx, then it will not be the last of its kind. there must be others who ventures in and deal with the sphinx. Perhaps it can be negotiated with."

Nerzhei rolled her eyes at this. Ponies and their want for diplomacy at every turn... Sometimes that wasn't going to cut it.

"She overtook the forest and already turned a pony into dust. You can't negotiate with that kind of creature. Swift action is needed, or this town is gone."

Celestia would want to know what had brought a sphinx to their area, since they mostly were situated in areas with deserts, and what the dragoness had of connection to this, but it would have to wait. It were time for her to focus her magic and direct it towards the storm. It would likely not be instant that it were dealt with, but sooner or later, the princess should overcome it, and make the winds fall silent again. The sphinx should likely feel the interference soon, as the beam shot from Celestia's horn towards the feline's creation.

Meanwhile, Nerzhei looked down on the princess.

"We barely made it away alive, and I can hardly walk. I can't fight her anymore, and neither can Lyriel. You'll need to find somepony willing to deal with this, princess. I will share whatever information I can when this place is in less calamity."

"I wanna go, sounds fun. Just hold on a sec, weird pony here needs help."

Anomaly had been focused on Lyriel since the pair had gotten here. Well, transfixed honestly, if you wanted to be technical. To see a pony made out of nature magic and plant material were gleefully fun to her, but man were she drained, and weak in it. Also crying for some reason, though the draconequus had no idea why. Perhaps because of the first two? Could also be because the forest was getting demolished, and she felt it? Anomaly barely met any nature ponies, so it was hard to say. And she was gonna meet one less if this one wasn't helped.

So a snap of her tail, and a patch of highly fertile soil, next to a small body of water came up, at which point Anomaly pushed the mare over to try and plant her. Worth a shot, right? And hey, it worked! Not the way she had expected though. Anomaly had kinda thought Lyriel would just slump down on it and just feel a bit better, not step down and turn into a large bush.

"Not my fault, I think."

"Lyriel plants herself when needed. I can explain about her later too."

"Sweet. Come on Lucid, you're joining fight the team too. Adventure tiiiiiiime! And a great story to tell your smoochy friend later, hehe."

Sure it sounded fun to meet Lucid's special some...Quu? Whatever. Lucid's crush. It sounded fun to meet her, but there was a literal call to adventure now, against a large feline magic user who were on a war path. everything could wait when that was an option.




"I have to believe that there's good in everypony, and it can get out if they just get help. Standing alone with something like must be uhm... Well, kinda impossible? Very tough anyway."

With the tension settling somewhat, Hogweed began to wander back into her more half-bumbling self, which wasn't helped when Warlock said that he admired her dedication. It wasn't like she were fawning over him for a comment - Celestia no - but compliments tended to make her feel a bit giddy, no matter who it came from. She wasn't even sure if the one she had just gotten were genuine, or just manipulation, but the effect were still there.

"You have to believe in something in this world, right? After all, who- I mean, what, can you do without any kind of belief, or somepony who believes in you? Did I just say that? Oh Celestia that was cheesy..."




Chow's ears perked when he heard things were about to go down, and put the book aside for the time being.

"If things are heating up 'round the gals, we gotta be ready. Think you can magic up a new stick for this thing, or should I just try and stab Emerald up close?"

He took up the spear end and part stick that were left on it. Got pretty destroyed by Warlock after Chow had been given it earlier, but the good part were still left at least. He could do a solid for them all if he could get in close to Emerald, who weren't as strong as the old stallion were.

"And don't gimme any dirty looks. She'll just repair her vessel, or run out of it. Either way's a distraction, and I'm not gonna aim for anything important. Ain't fair for the vessel, whoever the poor sap is this time 'round."



@FanOfManyShows @Dji

Tidal raised an eyebrow at the notion.

"Me being that chick? Be thankful there's a field keeping us docile, or that would've earned you a smacking."

Seriously, if she had been Emerald, why not just attack the witches when their guard were down and they were busy meddling with Zhu? Of course, she could understand to the point that her constant asking if they kept watch over Zhu could be interpreted as if she wanted what he had, but still, it... Actually, that was a fair point. Better to be paranoid at that point.

Meh, them about that. The sisters didn't seem like they were tearing eachother up just yet, so Tidal might as well talk with the third being in this room she wanted to get a hold of: Karmic.

"When this is over, the two of us are gonna have a chat. Aiding a fugitive and breaking into the relic chamber is a serious thing. Brownie points for keeping this in check though, so I'm not closed off for the idea of us being able to work something out."

"...I forced... Her... She didn't want to... Go in there..."

Tidal's attention went towards the slowly talking Zhu. Sounded like a few things had broken from how he spoke, or he was just pinned down well. With some luck, both of those things.

Meanwhile, Emerald faced her family. The sister that killed her, and the niece she had tried to break earlier. Not the best gathering, and under normal circumstances, they should be frothing at the muzzles, and bashing at one another. Astral and her at least would. Sapphire always had an unnerving calm about her, even back when Emerald and her had faced off, and Sapphire had destroyed her body.

"Talk? I don't remember the last time we just talked anymore. It have always been fighting, grudges, and vengeance. We couldn't just talk anymore. Not even at the end.

I hate you for what you did Sapphire. I was dying, desperate, and had nopony to turn to, and you just left me. Wandered off to try and redeem your crimes and play hero, while I was forced to stay alone in the shadows. I needed you, sister, and you turned your back on me.

How would I even begin to get past that? You killed me, and left me to rot in a bauble, when all I wanted was for you to come back to me. Couldn't you tell that I didn't want to hurt you? I had so many open chances to do to you what happened to me, but I... Wait. Something is wrong."

In the midst of the honesty that the calming aura allowed Emerald to have, she began to take notice of the magic emanating from Sapphire's eye. In fact, the more she looked, it began to seem like it might only be the eye that had any energy from it in the first place. This wasn't right.

"Is this just an illusion? Another trick? Why do you mock me like this?"




The nurse at the counter turned around as she got addressed, and faced the odd couple at the desk. Perhaps on other days she would've found it weird, but honestly, with the sort of patients they had in today, this didn't even make her flinch. Bending down to look closely at the picture, she turned it around a little, seeing if she could recognize the filly in the photo.

"...No, I'm sorry, we don't. She reminds me of a patient in room 7 though. Does she have an older sister perhaps?"

The nurse hadn't been told that this were an old photo, so to her, it just seemed a little worn down. As such, she thought they were looking for a filly, and not somepony nearing marehood instead.




Briar saw the claw and hesitated in his movements.

"Be calm my friend, I seek not to hurt you. This is simply a remedy I learned on my travels."

It were a risk now, especially with the large claws running across the dirt, but he had come so far. So, in for a bit, in for a diamond, as the ponies said. It was time for him to apply the salve, though by all accounts, it was best if he just used the vine - not the parts with the spikes though - and went at this very carefully. Wouldn't want an accident now, would they?


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine @BloodDrops @Dji @Seamore Sandwich

This was rather sudden. One second he was talking about Novia, the next... some sort of adventure. Lucid had no idea what was happening.

"Um... I'm not sure what just happened, but sure."

He grabbed the his bearded dragon pet and the blizwolf, which will later be a gift for Novia and went with them. He also put some invisible shield thingy around Pringle so that the bearded dragon would not be hurt. The blizwolf would probably be able to defend himself.

"So, who are these guys exactly?"


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@Blitz Boom

"Err... No? Oh... Well, that's uh, alright." Mike said, turning back with a look of Sorrow on his face. 

"well, you can't win them all. Let's go do that other thing, with the library?" He said to sorrow. Stepping out of the hospital, Mike looked up and down the street for any library-eqsue place.

"Hey, Sorrow? Isn't the library in a tree or something?"

My original character page!  -Critique Wanted!-

Click Me!

Jennifer has a page too!

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@Blitz Boom @Dji

Sapphire closed her eye. "I had killed you, knowing your soul would pass on. But I had no idea that your soul would go into that bauble. It just happened to be there, cursed to hold your soul inside it, I would've fixed it, but then I died before I could." She opened her eye, expressing a bit of surprise. "Surprised you only notice the magic my eye gives off just now, having worn it before I took form." Her expression was sly, although there was a flaw about it, Her eye was the wrong color. Sapphire backing off and holding her gem as it sparked again.

Astral backed off, the aura feeling more like that of the element of deceit than before. "W-well, if it's an illusion, you've still, not told me." She stood back, forming a sword construct, frustrated now at Sapphire, for keeping these things a secret "Why are you keeping so many things secret now?!"

"I need to do it to keep you all safe, and with these secrets, I die before I can tell you the truth. This thing here." She said, pointing to her gem. "Is the only way I can ensure It, is with this." Emerald, being the previous wielder, would recognize the color the gem now took, the element of deceit. "And now, I have been given the chance to tell you all everything I have held from you, and fix what I have done."

"I doubt Emerald will feel very confident with knowing what you have." Astral stated pointing to the element. "Neither would I, in fact." She stood stern, the distrust she felt over powering the fact Sapphire wasn't actually alive and in front of her.


@Blitz Boom

It was then that Iron Star looked to Chow. "I think it'll be, harder on us. With what I can see." He formed a sword in his hold, looking to Chow. "I have a feeling we won't just be fighting Emerald." He sighed to himself, a circle of flames surrounding the group. "Be wary, Emerald is more skilled in magic though, so attempting to damage her would be, difficult." With a sigh, he looked down, Misty running into the circle. And then they teleported to confront Emerald.


@Blitz Boom

There was an odd chuckle and genuine smile from him. Recalling how he'd met ponies who really did care about his well being, most of which were his family. Which he planned to get back. But if there was a way to gain back some form of care, he'd take it. "I would need to see the good inside me to know I have it. Believing in others, after what I did, would be difficult. For all I know you're just buttering me up for something else entirely."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

The Sphinx glanced down at the newcomer and flew down till she was infront of her temple entrance, she twisted her head and frowned at the newcomer. She sat herself down into a sitting position and blinked at her letting out a low yawn. "Well come along deary, we don't have all day. I'm sure your willing to come to some sort of agreement. You sure won't be leaving without one" she purred amused. 

She glanced up as a magical beam hit the sandstorm, she shook her head at the magic that was now within her realm. "Silly ponies, when will they learn, they can't use magic in here without my permission. If you will excuse me one second" she apologized. She levitated a large lump of sand and put it in front of the beam turning the sand to a glass orb that was now collecting the magic leaving the sandstorm to rage within her realm unopposed. 

She then turned back to the new comer, "Now then where were we? Before that rude interruption" she asked the blue cloaked mare. "I will have your name as well, powerful things they are they are also useful in there way" she remarked.


@Blitz Boom @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @EQ_Theta @Lucid_Nightlight @Storm Shine


The Sandstorm had grown to a large vortex that went up many meters and was centered around the Sphinx's temple though it stayed within the Sphinx's realm which was the Everfree Forest. Though more likely it was the Everfree Desert now. The Glass gem was in front of the large Sandstorm absorbing the magic that came from one of the Princesses that had halted the advance of the Sandstorm, though it was still a eyesore unless you happened to like giant raging sandstorms and oddly shaped temples which cold be occasionally seen within.

The meaning of the storm was clear. While the Sphinx was entertaining her guest she didn't want anymore unwanted visitors, though it was possible to get though the sandstorm it was more of a deterant rather then a barrier. You could walk though it with no harm to yourself however you would have a bad mane day if you did, plus sand just gets everywhere. 


Edited by BloodDrops






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@Blitz Boom, @Moonlit, @Seamore Sandwich


"What kind of questions will the princess ask?" 'Gretchen' whispered to Serenade. She flapped her wings in agitation and nervousness, never for once believing that she would actually meet one of the princesses. This all felt like a strangely lucid dream to her and wondered if she would even wake up from it if it was a dream.

@Blitz Boom, @FanOfManyShows


Karmic looked over to the pony who spoke to her with cloudy eyes. She stood up and walked forward, not saying a word until she got close enough to be heard. "I was actually staying in the cell overnight to nurse a bad hangover. Zhu did some magic mumbo jumbo and freed me before I was meant to be released in the morning. So yes, I went with Zhu but only because I didn't want to spend anymore time in that cell. Got that?"



Watts hummed to herself as she kept her balance steady, glancing around at the buildings as slow as she could in case she got an upset stomach.

@Blitz Boom, @Moonlit, @Seamore Sandwich, @BloodDrops, @EQ_Theta, @Lucid_Nightlight, @Storm Shine


Twilight had no idea what was happening at the moment, with all her attention being focused on the sandstorm that was threatening to destroy Ponyville. She didn't exactly know any spells that could stop sand from getting through and did the one thing she always did in this situation. "We've got to go in the eye of the storm and stop that Sphinx but I don't exactly see how that's possible."


Edited by Dji



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

Sen acted quickly upon hearing the sound of Rosa and the pouch of jiggling coins tossed his way, catching it before it landed in the fire. He wasn't sure about it. It was a kind gesture, no doubt, but wouldn't Rosa also need this? Also, if Omen were to go into an educational program, this might not be enough. He heard about these things needing regular payments and this probably won't even come close to getting a shot at a program for her. Weren't the ponies in charge of these things picky about who they let in? It might be the same story with everyone rejecting her because of her affiliation with Discord. 

"I... thank you," Sen gratefully replied. "But, wouldn't ponies charge to get anyone into their school programs? What would they teach Omen? I must admit, it's not an easy thing for me to imagine just exactly what happens in a school. I also heard there might be some screening procedures for that? Like a test to see how much she knows and just how good she is before they decide to accept her? This is all so new to me."

Just hearing about this system is enough to get Lin's head spinning. Confused doesn't even begin to describe it. A test to see if anyone can be permitted to learn? How would that work? Then again, Lin is getting ahead of herself. She's just as clueless about this as Sen but right now, she only wants to bring this up to Omen once she knows a bit more. Maybe she could pay these schools a visit before coming to a conclusion. Afterwards, the decision will fall to Omen. Lin doesn't want to force this choice on her, and neither would Sen. As much as they want the best for Omen, it was her choice that determines what they would do. Perhaps they'd also consult with Mother on this if they have some time. 

"Can you tell us more about the schools you have in mind? Names, how it works, the like? How do they choose who to let in to their school?"


@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @BloodDrops @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit

Sandstorm? The suddenness of this whole situation spooked Fluttershy, and spurred her to hide behind something sturdy, but not before grabbing the dracolisk and putting it in the vacant pouch of her saddle bag. All of this didn't make sense, a little terrifying that something might be out for her or possibly walking into a situation not meant for her. Whatever it is, she's now part of it. 

Looking up on the tree she back herself to, she noticed a few other animals cowering in cover like her. Even the bird nest above is barely holding on before it fell. Quickly, she climbed up and picked up the nest before landing. Angel peered out and ran to the animals. The pegasus and the bunny gave each other a look of agreement and began directing the animals away from the area. 

"Come on now, friends. Follow Angel. He'll lead you to safety. Go while you still can!" 

The bunny drew attention to himself as the animals moved to him and away. Meanwhile, Fluttershy returned to find Twilight in the area as well. What is she doing here?

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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk could agree that the hoofshake was indeed rather awkward, giving the limitations of the spider's joints and just plain ability to perform such an act.  It was the thought that counted though and Felicia seemed at least willing to play along with Dusk for now.  Hopefully such cooperation would continue as she works to go out on her own.  It would be nice if Felicia could see the side of ponies that she would co-exist with just fine.  It would be a long road, but if ponies could make friends with dragons, this shouldn't be too much of a more difficult step.  Miss placed confidence?  Maybe, but a pony can dream.

Lowering his hoof, he turned to face the still wet Molotov while the creator and his daughter exchanged words.  The other stallion did indeed look a little strange without all the gizmos and gears that he'd been use to seeing Molotov wearing.  He could only imagine how look it took to first remove and then reattach all of that.  All he had to do was pull a hoodie on and off, and that was still more than what most ponies actually wore in their day to day lives.

Listening to Molotov try and steer the conversation in a different direction while he dried off and finally wanting to get to work on the project Dusk had been invited here to embark on in the first place.  Still though, he part in the equation was still rather small overall, as all he was doing was correcting and improving the spell formula already designed by the former acquaintance, Turntable. 

"Well, we are here to put our heads together.  You work on the structural part and I'll do the spell.  We'll meet in the middle.  I will suggest we try something small scale first.  Maybe... a cage big enough to fit Carmen in?" 

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Sorrow just looked in disbelief at Mike as he wandered off, then asked the nurse to hold on for a moment whilst she went out after him. He were starting to ramble on about the library at that point, and by Celestia, she were so close to bopping his head to see if there was anything loose in there it was staggering she didn't.

"Helloooo, Equestria to Mike? Are you awake? She said there was somepony in there who looked like the filly in that photo, but older. And weren't you the one who said that it was an old picture, and that I had to imagine her older too? Come on little fellah, you can figure this one out."

Okay, perhaps it wasn't nice teasing him there at the end. Neither were it to giggle and make a *mlem* face. But come on, this was just too silly of a situation to not poke fun at.



@FanOfManyShows @Dji

You could see the anger on Emerald's face, fighting against the spell keeping them all calm.

"I should have known, even if these weak forms I have had have been less than stellar. You wouldn't need for me to know how to bring you back, if you could just do it yourself. This version of you is just an illusion. A presentation by the Element of Deceit, who tells no truths, but only painful lies."

Emerald's eyes wandered towards Astral. A mare/teenager who she had a dark history with already, even if they had barely known one another for a day and a half.

"We have no reason to even tolerate one another, but heed my words, child: If you believe this illusion, you will only be brought to ruin. The Element of Deceit promises power and solutions, but it brings nothing but heartache and regrets. If you want Sapphire back, it will be through the spells we taught one another, in case the other died. Though for that, I need to have my magic unlocked again."

Her gaze returned to *Sapphire*, calm, but showing the emotions bubbling beneath.

"Which means that I will be taking back wheat belongs to me, and regain what was taken. As for you, illusion, I am done listening to you. I know more than anypony, that you can't trust deceit, even when you wear it. You're nothing but smoke and mirrors, and I am not falling for the lies of that tool of a gem once more."

Behind her, whilst Emerald began to get ready to walk over and take back the gem that were mockingly presenting itself as her sister, Tidal Wave looked between Karmic and Zhu, as the former wandered on about her part in all of this.

"So what, he bailed you out from a night in the drunk tank, and you figure *Hey, I'll follow*? Breaking out isn't exactly gonna give you any less time in the slammer."

"I told her that... She would take the blame... If she stayed. Guided her on... As a distraction. The guards... They wouldn't hurt a kidnapped... Civilian."

"Still sounds hokey, but alright, I can see it being somewhat plausible. You can skedaddle off when this is done then girly. And Zhu, or whatever it was? You're under arrest for prison breaking, theft, endangerment, kidnapping, attempted murder, and destruction of government property. I'm sure that soon as we start poking you, we'll find around six hundred more things to charge you with."

"Only... Six hundred?"

Zhu would have given a flat laugh, but his injuries beneath the pile of rocks made that a painful endeavor, that he wasn't going to indulge in again. Tidal would be able to see the extend of the most obvious injuries soon enough, as she'd wander towards the serpanther, with a pair of cuffs gotten from inside her armor, ready to slap on him. Fortunate that she had picked up a pair of the repressive kind, after what had been told in regards to Warlock. Though honestly, if she saw even the inkling that the serpanther were about to use magic, she'd clock him our regardless. No reason in taking the chance.

As for Karmic, Tidal wasn't really gonna just let the girl go into nothing when this was all over. She'd have some guys on her, to make sure that the mare wasn't planning on trying to break Zhu out. They couldn't have that kind of thing happen, and while Tidal would prefer to put the mare in the slammer as a precaution anyway, the evidence against her just being forced to join up weren't convincing enough for a judge. Karmic would be out in less than an hour from them booking her, so what was the point? Better to have her tailed.

It was about then that the peace were broken further, with the arrival of Chow and the gang. The former lounged forward towards Emerald, ready to literally take a stab at her-

And then had the biggest mood killer ever, as he just stopped dead in his tracks, confused and increasingly mellowed out.

"What the hay? Why can't I bring myself to stab Emerald? This some sort of trick?"

"It is, but not mine. Otherwise, you would currently be enjoying"

"I... Can't even make a threat back? What's dulling this party?"

Emerald ignored him from there, and instead turned to face Iron, briefly.

"Sapphire's taste in stallions is staggering. Are you here to talk with her? Because she's not here. This is just an illusion made by the Element of Deceit. As hollow and empty as her promises were."




"I know that it can be hard to trust others, especially since... Well, with everything that happened, you're not exactly the uhm... How do I say this... Most popular prisoner we've ever had. I can understand that you'd think every guard wouldn't want to help you because of that. I mean, I won't lie, I find it... Difficult, to offer help considering how many friends I've had to patch up today. But I'm supposed to help anypony that's hurt, no matter what I think about it. It's an oath, and I won't betray that.

And well... I don't know what should happen to you afterwards. I mean, I don't have a deeper meaning, beyond wanting to help you. But you're a strong magic user. Perhaps there'd be something there, where you could end up helping others too, and spread awareness of earth pony magic?

A-Anyway, that's hypothetical. There's a lot of work to go through before that, like helping you see the good in the world, and yourself."



@Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit

"It's pointless being nervous. Princess Celestia wants to meet you, not interrogate you."

Last saw the way that Gretchen fidgeted around as they neared the main room where the princesses had been before. Might be that most expected her to not see all that much, with one of her eyes closed near constantly, but Last had gotten used to this lack of depth perception a long time ago. She wouldn't have lasted this long through the battlefield that were her home if she hadn't, not would she still be alive if she didn't remain aware of what went on around her.

Sure, it was peaceful here, but that didn't mean that she could just turn off that kind of thing like a switch.




"I can attempt to explain it."

So now they were going into a large, potentially far reaching political discussion. The amount of things that Rosa could tell about the school systems, why it was there, after-school programs and such would likely be too much for the longma all at once though. It would be the wiser option to put it as simply as possible for the time being, then explain details another time.

"To put it simple, what Omen would be eligible for normally is not an enrollment in a school as such. It would instead be one of three programs, which is the Long Distance Program, Night School, or the more recent Integration Classes.

The third of those were made mainly with Changelings in mind, as a way for Celestia to offer education to the friendly changelings, who are mostly without any bits to use. Omen could be enrolled in that, as she is a non-pony with no monetary backing, though I would advise against it. It is mostly for changelings, and she needs more dedicated attention from what I have seen.

As for the others, Long Distance programs is mostly a mail back and forth program. She will need to cover postage, but it is a way to gain an education for beings not comfortable in schools, like arachnaphobia's, or highly contagious individuals. it is an option, but yet again, I wouldn't advise it. It doesn't help her learning how to read or write as an example, and that can be an issue.

Night School is a good option, mostly used by bat ponies. As the population of us are low in Equestria, and generally spread out, it have become state funded. In part as a push from Princess Luna, who wishes our kind to have more options than dock workers, movers, or palace guards. It would be sporadic what attention Omen could get, and the lessons will take place at nighttime, but if she can keep herself awake during those hours, she could gain some appropriate materials and work her way upwards as time goes on.

A private tutor would be the best option of course, but whereas the other programs are state funded through taxes, a private tutor will cost a good deal of bits for long term tutoring. This is a thing she would either need to pay for herself, or something you would need to bring up with her legal guardian. Normally, she is too old for that, but considering her circumstances, Discord is legally speaking her guardian.

So, Night School, or Discord supporting a private tutor, either through monetary support, or by asking some favors from one of the princesses he is chummy with. Those are the options.

And in case you don't know what tax is, it is a percentage of each working being's salary that goes to the kingdom, which is then used to fund programs, building, disaster relief, reparations of the kingdom, payment to the Royal Guards, schools and so on.

Does that answers things well enough?"

Perhaps it wasn't as simple as he had set it out to be, but still, he could have gone on for far longer. Politics and the workings of a government were a slow, very tiring process to even talk about frankly.



@Rising Dusk

"No trap me."

Carmen whirred and skittered further into Molotov's mane to try and hide.

"Don't worry Carmen, I would never put you in a cage. He just means your measurements. I have those on a schematic so you won't need to get anywhere near something unstable this time."

He put his hoof back and patted the fuzzy little thing, which made Carmen give off a metallic purring sound.

"Guess I should've seen it coming with Felicia, considering how Carmen doesn't like feeling trapped anywhere, but hindsight is 20/20, right? I'll start working on a prototype cage in Carmen's scale, then we can see if it can handle the pressure of the spell you're conjuring up. And before you start mouthing off Felicia, I'll get your power source as soon as I'm dried up, alright? Hold your horses."

The spider didn't seem amused by the pun, but just starred at him in silence.

"Jeez, somepony have no sense of humor. Anyway, shall we get to it? You can use the right side of the workbench if you need it Dusky, there's room enough for both of us, with a big space in between. Just try to not melt through anything. It's more likely 'round the Boom family than you might expect."

It was gonna be somewhat annoying to work without his glass, but eh, he'd work around it for now. Besides, first stage was forging. He didn't need them for that. He had a regular pair for that situation right next to the forge.

Felicia - thinking that the more time spent near the forge, the quicker Molotov would get dry - went over and dragged some pieces of metal out of the wagon they had arrived in. It was somewhat unnerving for even Molotov to see her crawl up on it, then fish out some fitting pieces and spin a little web between the pieces, then throw it on her back to keep them there, but it was informative at least. Like for example, Molotov would know she could spit out small threads of web, and not just use the thick lines from her abdomen, but it would likely not have been obvious to Dusky so far.

One of several pros to crafting an intelligent *animal* rather than genetically producing one, in Molotov's mind. it was easier and less cruel to fiddle with the base design nature had given, instead of having them end up with another genetic mistake such as pugs. Here, it was just redirecting a tube through a throat not needing air to breathe with.




So this was a sphinx? Somehow, she had imagined something more... Intimidating.

Yet Onache wasn't going to complain currently. She had a chance now to make quite an interesting, yet obviously weak, partnership with a being who she assumed had much the same wants as her, if the stories held true. If not, a deal could still be beneficial for her. And if it came to deceiving and running from a deal through a loophole, she could do that wit the best. There was a reason that whilst she were the most despised of the queens among her kind, Onache were still called into the few hive meetings running around sometimes. And she were all too happy providing some assistance, in exchange for a little reimbursement.

"A moment."

Onache looked towards the mare that had remained silent since meeting the sphinx, yet had smiled like a blissful fool towards the large feline regardless. An annoying sight, but it wasn't as if Onache could really use this mare much longer. She would soon be drained completely, and then the queen would require a new, hapless fool to infiltrate. Seeing as she had found her one loyal servant in this dingy little town, perhaps she could get him to bring her somepony more worthwhile.

Yet for the time being, the mare would once again hear the fluttering of moths in her head as Onache worked her magic, and would then sit down to the side and rest her head. The queen would spend a small amount of magic to encase her in a small shield normally, but she had to thread cautiously here. At least for now, so she had the mare rest up against one of the pillars that gave some shelter from the sands.

Afterwards, she would enter the temple and wander towards the sphinx.

"I left the filth at the door. Lesser beings shouldn't have the right to listen in to what we discuss."

With that said, Onache let go of her disguise, and soon stood in her natural, holed state. A delicate form of onyx colored exoskeleton, with blue markings, eyes and the short hair that her disguise had as well, though now in the right color and with the appropriate holes within them. Queen's usually had it longer than this, but the Slaver Queen were one to rule over a hive of fighters. Even if she didn't physically deal with anypony herself more often than not, she were still to be shown in the field of battle among her warriors, and long hair got in the way.

Frilly things like dresses and crowns weren't worn on her person either, though now that the illusion were dropped, a rather gruesome looking blade were seen to be strapped to her left. Ceremonial in most eyes, but to her, the jagged, elegant blade - carrying much the same shape as a changeling queen's horn - cut from sturdy, dark crystal, had shown itself to be far more, the few times when it was needed. She loathed getting into fights herself, yet she were forced these days, as her hive were all but gone. For now anyway.

"I am Queen Onache, the Slaver Queen. I would ask of your name, but I doubt you would give such power for nothing.

Shall we skip these tired formalities then and get on with the situation at hoof? I have some information I believe you would find valuable, as well as access to as many hapless fools as you could ever want for, willingly offering everything to you for nothing. Are my offerings worth your time, or am I simply wasting my breath?"

She knew some of how it went with Sphinx's. For example the fact that they made willing deals, and then took advantage of it to further their own gains. Somepony who could manipulate others ever so slightly to accept anything, should have some value. if not, then the information she had might.

As for what she wanted... One thing at a time. First, she would see if the large feline would be interested in what she could give first, as Onache were not going to offer herself, what remained of her hive, or her powers for some measly gain. She were not an idiot like the lesser races, who in this case would become her currency.



@BloodDrops @EQ_Theta @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Storm Shine

The dracolisk did not like being drawn away from his meal, so the second he found the ground under his claws again, he would wander over and grab what was left of it before following the other animals. It seemed to be what he were supposed to do, yet it would not be without his fish remnants.

Nerzhei in the meantime, took  deep breath and looked at the ponies and such around her.

"I am Nerzhei, a dragon scholar, and this is Lyriel. She is a dryad. Ask her what it means when everything have been resolved."

Celestia suddenly stopped with her spell, and took a step back.

"The sphinx have stopped my spell from dispersing the storm, but it is held in place. I must remain here in town in case the creature flies to us, or the sandstorm begins to move once more. It will have to rely on all of you. On behalf of Equestria, please stop this creature."

Anomaly made a small salute towards  the princess, with a huge grin on her face.

"Yep yep princess, we're on it. Especially Lucid, he'll go all super pony and Rawr!"

She snapped her tail, and Lucid got a bright green cape, with the logo of Anomaly on the back. A text beneath went *President of Anomaly's Fan Club*, though she doubted he'd keep it. It was just for laughs.

"Are you done with your antics? The storm is withering your forest away, and if it moved to town again without being dealt with, this whole place will be a mess of loose bricks, sand, and ponies fleeing for their lives."

Nerzhei looked them all over, seeing if they understood the gravity of the situation. The pumpkin-headed draconequus didn't seem to, as she went over to the one seemingly called Lucid, and leaned up against him like they were best friends. Draconequui were strange creatures, but Nerzhei didn't have the time to dwell on that.

Sitting down on the steps to the palace, she instead locked eyes with Twilight if possible, though if not, she would at least look towards the small princess.

"I had wanted to meet you as a scholar, Princess Twilight, and in that regard I will try to help you, since my body lacks the strength to follow you.

Sand is nothing but small rocks, pelted around by wind. Either use magic to tap into the school of earth to spread them out, or use wind to form a small barrier where the wind blows around, rather than into. Here, these might help."

She grasped into her bag, and withdrew the two earth, four wind, two fire, two water, and the single one filled with prankster-based pixie magic.

"Think of these as batteries. When you need it, draw the magic from them towards your horn, then reapply the same magic to add elemental force in a pinch, or change it to raw power and use it to strengthen what you already started. It might seem little, but it can be the deciding factor between winning and losing.

The sphinx herself is largely swallowed up by her own ego. Use it against her, and distract her with attacks from multiple sides. I have found her to only focus on what she can see headed for her, and not the actual plan of engagement, so keep distractions as a part of your approach f you want to succeed. And do not, for anything, make a deal with her. It will only make things worse than what it already is."

Nerzhei wanted to do more, but right now, this were all that she could do. She had stretched her strength too much already, and had barely been able to stand. Her arm still hurt too, and her magic was all but gone for now. It would have to fall on the shoulders of these creatures.

And speaking of creatures, Angel might find that he had an onlooker as he went about directing the other animals with Fluttershy. A pink bunny, with a tuft of hair spiked up on the top of her head, stood on Nerzhei's shoulders and kept a good eye on the feats he was pulling off. Lotus didn't usually meet interesting bunnies, just boring, scared forest ones, but this was the second time she had seen Angel - the first were a few days past, when she had snuck into town - and both times now, he had done something not regular ones did.Though this were a good deal nicer than the first thing she saw, and therefor a little less fun, but still impressive.

She'd have to follow him later and make contact, but right now, she were staying with her dragon. And in case anyone tried to harm Nerzhei, Lotus would kick them right in the jaw.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine @BloodDrops @Dji @Seamore Sandwich

"Powerful kitty? On a scale from continent level to beyond multiverse level, exactly how powerful is it?"

He had no clue how powerful that thing was, but if it's a threat, Lucid will do what he can to help.

Even though Lucid has the power to destroy a large continent, he's still severly inexperienced, which could cause him quite a lot of trouble regardless of the power the sphinx may have. It's a good thing he's on a team.

The cape that Anomaly summoned has disppeared, likely stored somewhere in his house.

"I should also mention that Anomaly's antics might be quite useful and fun."

He turned to the pumpkin head draconequus.

"Isn't that right Anomaly?"


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@Blitz Boom


The Sphinx blinked as she was told to wait, she lashed her tail but allowed it watching the exchange though curious eyes. She watched the Changeling deal with the docile pony and smirked and got herself comfortable on her throne. She glanced at the smiling pony and frowned at it, she wouldn't allow such a thing in her temple, though if it did walk in it would no longer be affected by the Changelings magic and she could give it a riddle she supposed. Though it didn't look like it had anything left to offer so she ignored it for the time being.

She looked up from her thoughts as the Changeling entered. She tilted her head at the remark. "You could have brought her in, I would have had the amusement of you wondering why she no longer listens to you after you had done so. I do like to be amused" she stated letting out a small yawn. "You really need to think about what you are saying, you are smaller then myself, does that make you a lesser being? It's all a manner of perspective, though you are correct in one statement, I wouldn't enjoy being interrupted by one as native as your 'filth'" she finished.

She watched amused as the Changeling revealed herself as a Changeling, she was amused at the small weapons she had on her, was rather quite cute in its own way, though she had known she was armed as soon as she stepped though the temple arch, one of the many magical spells within her temple were slowly being activated, after all once she resided in her temple it gained power. She however wouldn't tolerate any transgression however small or petty, though she would hear this 'Queen' out before she passed judgement upon her.             

She waited until the Queen has introduced herself then she stood up and stared down at her, ignoring the query of her own name. She didn't give that out for nothing "Well Queen Onache, I hope the information you hold is worth more then the insult you offer me by trying to deceive me by hiding your weapons and appearance." she stated with a toothy grin. "you should know the penalty of offending a Sphinx is death, deceiving me or trying to trick me is also Death. For your own sake you better hope you are not wasting your own breath" she snorted amused. She flicked her tail, "why would I want hapless fools? If your meaning that empty shell outside, the only thing that husk wants is your own death. She doesn't have anything to offer for such a deal apart from her own life. I suppose I could use her to clean and bring me food but that would be the full extent of her usefulness" she said with a snort. 

The Sphinx began thinking on the matter and decided on a course of action. She flicked her tail and the mare outside suddenly got up and picked up a brush that had appeared beside herself. She slowly started working removing the sand from the entrance steps. The Sphinx turned her attention back to Onache and purred amused at her cunning, "I accept your gift, your servant might be at the end of her use for you but she has just began being useful for myself. Unless she keels over from the heat but then you would have to find me another gift before then, after all didn't you promise me access to as many hapless fools as I could ever want?" she stated with a grin

"Though I will hear what information you have for me, and if it is worth a deal then I might consider making one with yourself. Otherwise you can just continue to just bringing me servants until i'm feeling much less offended by your weapons and lack of honesty. Or if you feel that I'm demanding too much there is also a life payment that is owed by yourself" she finished watching the Changeling amused at the situation she was now in. 







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@Blitz Boom

"I think you answered it really well, too well I think..." Sen sat there a little slack-jawed at how much he just took in. It's all simple enough with Rosa offering suggestions. Even Lin is a little dumbstruck by Rosa's reply. A little strange for her considering the whole thing with Mother is coming off a little more normal than how a school system works. Even that may come of as a little too generous. 

"I guess the night school option might sound like something we can work with. I doubt a private tutor would be willing to come to the village, possibly stay. Arranging for accommodations for Omen outside of our village might be a nightmare considering we can only turn to one pony for help on that, and she might already have too many occupants in her home. At least with the night school, the schedule isn't going to be an issue. Omen doesn't need to sleep after all."

Suppose that last line is going to get Rosa a little curious. How would a creature regain its energy if it didn't need to sleep? Lin doesn't seem to know and yet she just goes along with it. There's no explanation for it, mostly just something to do with energy being stored and recycled. But the siblings were still bothered by some things Rosa mentioned. It probably comes off as prying if they aren't sure how to word their queries but someone like him staying with the changelings and having a strange getup is raising some flags. 

"Rosa," Lin began, a little slow as she tries to word her questions right. "You've got that outfit that covers your face, you're staying with the changelings, and you seem to know a lot about the workings of this politics stuff. If you don't mind me asking, why do you do what you do?"


@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @BloodDrops @Dji @Seamore Sandwich

With most of the animals already evacuated, Fluttershy grabbed Angel and joined up with the rest of the group now gathered. It seems trying to hold back the sphinx will take all of their strength. Well, maybe the magic wielders could but the pegasus is a little too under equipped to handle something like that. Compared to them, she doesn't exactly have anything on her that could be of use. Still, she'd stay ready in case someone needed her to do something, perhaps as a distraction. She's not the best at it but if it helps stop the sphinx, she'd give it a shot.


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@Blitz Boom @Dji

Sapphire rubbed her eye, groaning a little. "My soul is bound to the element, I am here."

"An illusion, can still say that!" Astral exclaimed, tearing up, Looking as she then saw Chow, Iron Star and Misty come in. Here eyes laid on Chow more than the rest.

"I am not an illusion, I know things only I would know. Just ask me"

Iron Star narrowed eyes at Sapphire after she spoke. "What evil has conjured this illusion?"

Sapphire looked to him with a frustrated appearance. "I have conjured it myself!" She extended a sword, pointing it to Emerald, but her sword was shaking, nervous. "I am no illusion! This body may be fake, but my soul is still inside the gem!"

Astral sighed, extending her own sword. "You wouldn't be threatening your sister in that case, right?" She looked to Sapphire, a tear managing to go down her face.

"She is going to take the only way I have to live at this point!" She looked to Emerald, her sword shaking, great regret held in even just the action of threatening her sister. but with thought of Astral's words, she sighed, lowering her sword. "But, if you need some proof, No illusion could cast magic." She said, a circle of fire surrounding her, encasing her as she prepared to teleport away, with plenty of seconds for Emerald to leap in to stop her, but she'd be taken with Sapphire if that occured.


@Blitz Boom 

Shivers went down Warlocks spine, feeling an odd sensation. as if an element had revealed itself. But he was locked in this chamber, and had no way of getting it, letting out a soft chuckle at the idea of getting a hold of it. "Depends how the ponies interpret the way this magic can be used, especially if it came from a past villain, they could assume it's innately evil."


@Blitz Boom @Dji

Crystal chuckled at the opportunity for a jokey way of answering it. "Well it is on the, tip of my tongue." She chuckled a bit. "It's a tongue." 

In the distance would be spotted Zealous and Watts, Crystal though, her attention was absorbed by the sphynx, this creature far to interesting to ignore. But Zealous took note of it, since the way to the pharmacy would pass the creature, and Crystal. "Well since we're going to be walking together, we might as well exchange names." Zealous looked back to Watts. "I'm Zealous Enigma, ponies call me an Enigma, often." He said, chuckling a little.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@BloodDrops @Moonlit @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @EQ_Theta @Lucid_Nightlight @Storm Shine

Discord munched on some cake off to the side. A small tornado formation of sugar that had popped into existence suddenly, swirling around nearby, was somehow giving off a vibe similar to a eager puppy as it nudged up against him, occasionally getting some of its sugar onto the cake. "Yes Swirly, you can have the rest of my cake." The chaos spirit said with some fond exasperation, seemingly ignoring the sandstorm situation as he tossed half of the cake to the sugary sweet vortex and watched it get shredded to form more sugar for the oddly sentient whirlwind. Discord was certainly paying attention to the situation however, at least enough to be able to respond or step in if he felt the need.

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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So Omen didn't need to sleep then? Interesting. Was it the chaotic energies from Discord that had an influence on that, or were it her original essence? If it was the latter, Lin would likely suffer from the same affliction. A curious, racial quirk that had some logistic issues right off the bat, yet these Ki'Nathar's seemed to defy logic in many ways thus far, so why not that?

There would be time to think of it later though. As expected, the questions did eventually land on him, and it seemed to begin with his work. Not the first thing he had thought would get attention, but it would have to be talked about sooner or later. Might as well be done now, and then hope they were not going to chase him off.

"My father used to be a spy, so I followed in his hoofsteps to make him proud. Throughout the years of training and indoctrination, I began to think like he did: That everything we did, and everything we found, were going to be used for a greater purpose, so it didn't matter if we were despised in other countries, and had to cloak ourselves in shadows to avoid being seen.

A year ago, when I first found the diaries that my mother left behind, I began to see the larger truth through the pages. Much as she is irredeemably evil to me, Filigree are a clever one, and she had no issue seeing through the hypocrisy and lies that we were all fed. I began to see if the things in it were true, and after months I found that this were one of the few things she had not lied about.

What we gathered were simply used to go after high ranked politicians, royalty, business owners and the like, to line the high council's pockets. One way or another...

There was nothing important or good in our actions, so I infiltrated our own storage facility, stole as many incriminating papers and important information as I could get away with, and fled town. I couldn't seek shelter in any country near us, since I had done much in gathering from them, so I spent long on the run on my own, until I heard of King Thorax's takeover of the changeling hive.

He is a naive ruler, who needed all the advantages he could get now that his new hive and the ponies were talking together, and I could provide him with information and guidance. So I were offered political asylum, in exchange for teaching him of politics, general governmental systems, and getting the information that I stole back to the original owners of Equestria, Saddle Arabia, and so on.

I have cast aside my old masters, but it doesn't change what I have done, or the consequences of what the theft caused. Thousands have been hurt financially or physically, because of what I did, and I find no pride in that era of my life. Only shame, that makes me reluctant to face anypony without this outfit to hide in.

Does that answer your questions sufficiently?"

So there it was. The big picture of his actions, reasons, and what it had all lead to. Now it remained to see how the two of them would react. Potentially they'd try to run him away, disgusted that he had caused so much pain, or simply not trusting that he wasn't still a spy, that were going to hurt their village if he were given any kind of access to it. It was hard to say how they would take it really.




Onache were not impressed by the theatrics of the sphinx, nor her threats of the changeling queen being a deceiver who should be punished for not showing herself to begin with. Hollow words, as if the sphinx had truly believed that she had been offended, the changeling would have been punished right there and then. No, the feline still had some use for her, so as long as Onache didn't step out of her boundaries too much, she would remain unharmed.

"Do what you want with the mare, I care not for her well-being. Ponies are nothing but tools and food, and I can sway as many as them as needed to replenish your work force by not a single pony, but by several hundreds at a time. All happy to come, and none of them thinking a second time of pleading their lives to you for little to nothing in return for them. Such is the power of the slaver queen, to rewrite the memories of useless fools who crosses my path.

You are easily further up the food chain than one such as myself, yet I think that we both agree that we are higher life forms than ponies, who are only meant to do as told. Food and slaves in my world, and for you, a horde of servants, catering to your every whim, and maintaining a vast number of fields to provide you with all the food that you could ever want for. Such physical labor is beneath you, yes?

As for the information I bring, I know of how the town works, who lives within, and more currently, who is going to gather to come here and face off against you. You are a powerful being, but how efficient would you be at handling the former carrier of the Element of Magic, potentially a squadron of the guards currently in Ponyville, and two draconequui? One of which is the self proclaimed lord of chaos, Discord, himself?

It wouldn't be a simple fight, though what if they were to turn on themselves? I wonder how effective they would be in hurting you, in they had to face swayed fools who would either attack them at the same time, or jump in front of you, as if they were your shields. Equestrians are so pathetically predictable when it comes to hurting their precious *innocents*."



@FanOfManyShows @Dji


Emerald stormed forward and tackled the illusion of her sister, and ending up getting transported to somewhere else. Even if she were convinced that this were nothing but an illusion, potentially powered by a tiny fragment of Sapphire's soul, she couldn't risk it. Sapphire were not getting away from her again. Not when she were so close to regaining the power she would need to be whole again, or to get reunited with the sister.she both hated and needed.

Seeing them disappear, Chow let the spear piece fall to the ground. It had been tough enough keeping hold of it in this *non-aggression* field, but now that Emerald had vanished yet again, it just didn't seem worth fighting for it.

Instead, he'd turn and go over towards Astral, who he were frankly worried about right now. Seeing her mother and aunt vanish like that, and seemingly thinking that Sapphire was just an illusion - he were so going to need some clarification on this later - couldn't be easy for her.

"Astral? Please don't start watering up. We'll find 'em, alright? One way or another, we're gonna get everything sorted. I swear it on my hide."

There was the distinct possibility that she'd just slash against him instead out of whatever emotions must run through her right now, or him saying the wrong thing, but Chow didn't care much right now. She were one of his very few friends, and she had just had to draw a blade on her own mom. Even if it would turn out that Sapphire was just an illusion, that couldn't be easy. Especially not after she had thought that Sapphire were back for good again.




"Public opinion can change. If they eventually see you reformed, then showing how this magic can be used to help others, Equestria will begin to grow more tolerant. It's not the easiest thing to do, but it's likely easier than it is to integrate the changelings into Equestria. That one is... Tough, to put it mildly."

Even if the attack on Canterlot hadn't shown everypony the bad side of changelings, several other attacks everywhere throughout the years, and the changelings' known ammo of infiltrating, stealing others away, and them eat their love until they were little more than a husk of their former self, were huge obstacles to pass. Not so much for the new, more colorful kinds, but more the regular drones and warriors who had either abandoned their hives, or whose queens were trying to integrating into pony society.



@FanOfManyShows @Dji

"Correct. Accept your price for this minute victory."

In front of Crystal, several strips of papyrus in varying colors and sizes appeared and slammed around one another, eventually forming a small replica of the pony Enzo looked at currently. The style and even the colors seemed to match well, though this were far more flammable, and even though it were pressed together to be more sturdy, not as heavy as the original either.

"You seem capable with riddles, little one. Let me hear you attempt one yourself, and I shall answer."

It were pretty sad what he were doing right now honestly, but it kept the boredom at bay, and right now that were one of the only three things he thought much about.



@Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @Moonlit @Storm Shine @BloodDrops @Seamore Sandwich @EQ_Theta

"Sphinx are much like draconequui, if the stories I've read are true. Their powers work with most elements, and can be formed seemingly without issue to powerful spells. Supposedly though, draconequui will still be stronger. Chaos is a powerful unpredictable force. If harnessed right, it is nearly as strong as harmony magic.

For specifics, I don't know her power level. But if she had been strong enough to level a continent, I doubt I would have managed to both anger her and get away, plus more of the forest would currently be desert. She have limits to some degree."

"So we annoy her and mess her up until she goes down? Sounds like I'll have lots of fun with her, hehe."

A desert wasn't a stop for Anomaly's powers of growth and mutation. Even in the barest of landscapes, something could grow. And if not... Well, lot's of sand to twist too. Been a while since she had truly messed up a place beyond her home island, or had permission to have unrestricted fun with her adversaries. This was going to be a great show.

"And you bet Lucid. I'll twist the entire desert area into my personal playground, and the sphinx will be my very bestest playmate."

Not exactly a threatening thing for most to say, but Anomaly were a draconequus. Her saying she were going to make somepony her playmate should be met with the appropriate level of disturbance.

Meanwhile, Lotus perked her ears when she saw that the yellow pony returned, and that she had Angel with her. Perhaps she could have a little chatter with the forceful bunny quicker than she had thought after all, even if they were going to leave soon.

She licked her paw and groomed her hair with it a little, before taking a jump and landing on the pumpkin-headed one, who stood closer to Fluttershy and Angel. Anomaly were pretty surprised at that honestly, as animal's tended to only be interested in her head if it were to eat it, but hey, this could be fun, so she let the little one meddle around for now.

"Hello, Angel. I am Lotus. Do you like to fight?"

She had seen a few things that convinced her of it, but she weren't entirely sure, so best to ask. She likely shouldn't fight him just now though, but setting up something for later could be fun too. Others of her kind never wanted to brawl, and Lotus had been around dragons for too long to feel connected to beings who met danger with a shriek and cowardice every time. Plus, a little brawl was a great way to make friends, at least among the dragons, and this was a trait that Lotus had attained whilst growing up around them. Wasn't her fault that wildlife barely wanted to make friends that way.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom, @Lucid_Nightlight, @Moonlit, @Seamore Sandwich, @Storm Shine, @BloodDrops, @EQ_Theta


"I think we can go through the sand storm towards the Sphinx and hope they can give us a riddle before anything bad happens," Twilight told the group that had gathered at her castle's front yard. She looked towards the Sphinx and took a deep breath after Celestia had been forced to stop her spell. "Magic isn't obviously going to work. Seems like our only option is to head through the sandstorm to the centre to face the Sphinx."

@FanOfManyShows, @Blitz Boom


"I'm Watts Mechano," Watts grinned at Zealous and glanced over at some papyrus scrolls fluttering around a single pony. "I'm an inventor and I run my own stall in Ponyville. I can make anything from a mechanical toothbrush to a coal compactor but I generally make day-to-day items that ponies find interesting enough to buy," she explained who she was and what she did before pointing out the weird papyrus phenomenon. "If Enigma is what I call you, can you tell me what the answer is to a riddle inside of an enigma?"

@FanOfManyShows, @Blitz Boom


"What just happened?" Karmic asked in confusion, looking at the spot where Emerald and Sapphire used to be.

"They teleported, stupid," Atzy grumbled, causing Karmic to shake her head and lose her focus, the tension in the area returning almost immediately.

@Seamore Sandwich, @Moonlit, @Blitz Boom


"Sorry, ma'am," Aurora apologised to last and tried to get her wings to settle. She managed to do so and upon looking outside through a window they passed by, she stopped walking to get a proper look. "Why is there a sandstorm in the Everfree? It's a forest, not a desert."



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk could have probably worded that better so as not to scare the little spider bot.  She was just easier to use as a size comparison considering it didn't really want waste the Deep Iron they collected yesterday from Rusty.  Working in the small scale would help should his spell work fail.  It was rather ironic really, as his destiny was at actually undoing these types of spells.  Yes, that did give him a unique perspective in understanding how to improve it, but imbuing things was really the realm of his sister.

It even looked like Felicia was getting into the spirit of things.  Okay, well she was probably doing it more to hurry the two stallions along so they could then attend to her own agenda.  Sure enough they would eventually get to it, or at least be reminded of it in what he would guess could be some sort of rough manner.  Better to focus on the task at hoof though.  While Felicia went about collecting up the Deep Iron they needed for the small cage.

Dusk made his way over to the space he'd been offered on the bench he guessed was going to end up being where this would all come together.  Clearing a space to expose the wood of the bench, he ignited his horn and a piece of chalk came floating out of the pouch of his hoodie.  Now, he needed to take the information he gathered from the files left for him by Turntable, well the information he had to alter and fix of course.  Floating the chalk to the table, he started drawing a magic circle.  Elegant designs started to take shape as he infused his magic into the circle that he was creating.  Reinforcing containment here, strengthening suppression fields there.  For a first draft, he wasn't half bad, he could admit.  He really had to fight those urges though every step of the way.  The urge that for every layer of the spell he built, was one that he wanted to Dispel away.

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@Blitz Boom

Victoria made a gesture with her hoof and huffed upon hearing Pop's concern for Heather.

"Ahh, she'll be fine. She's got a thick skull."

It dawned on Vicky what that meant and she was quick as usual to correct herself.

"U-uh n-not that that says anything about her intelligence, she's doing fine in the brains department... even if they're a little scatty... I uh, mean in a more literal sense, that girl has bumped herself into so many things I'm not even sure if she even feels pain anymore."

Perhaps Victoria had used this phrase in the past to make fun of her cousin, calling her thick skulled in both a literal and metaphorical way in the past when she had been less of a nice pony.

"You two should definitely come, I don't think they'll mind a dragon when they see even mum is ok with you."

"And Aunty Raspberry won't be scared of you at all... probably"

Rasberry Drizzle liked to talk a big game and to show off her abilities, nobody was quite sure how true to life the character she had created for herself actually was.

"Yes, it's only really Strawberry you need to look out for, Sprinkle's mother, she's a lot like mum, very quiet, doesn't like to talk a lot, which is probably why they get on so well."

Lemon chuckled at Pop's concern for formalities.

"Don't worry about it dear, tea is tea. It's just a little gathering to catch up with one another, nothing fancy."

Victoria chimed in.

"You can make yourselves look all pretty if you want though, it's nice to see ponies make an effort to look nice, shows you want to make a good impression and ponies like it when they're considered worthy of a good first impression!"

"Vicky's just in make up mode, it's up to you two, I wouldn't personally bother, nobody there will mind."




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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Dji @Seamore Sandwich

"So, it's probably less powerful, but it's safe to say that it's way more experienced than I am. I'm nowhere near as experienced as reality warpers such as Discord, which makes it hard to do certain things."

This was pretty much true. Over time he has learned a lot and wilk continue to learn new tricks. He only recently learned to make creatures by watching Anomaly make the dracolisk.

"Hey, Anomaly! If that sphinx has similar power to a draconequus, does that mean it could just conjure up iron or silver?"



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@Blitz Boom

Sapphire should've expected this to occur, the scenario enacted in her mind as she anticipated that her sister would find out should've clued her in to plan further than this. The two sisters were sent through the teleportation, the disturbance sending them into a location Sapphire had not intended, nor one the two would recognize. Sapphire fell out, tumbling on the sand of the desert they landed in. Sighing, Sapphire looked up to Emerald and stood up, only having one thing on mind to hopefully get herself out of the situation. "This body is my only hold on this world now, same for you. Our real bodies are dead." She pointed to her gem, with a stern look. "And by take this gem and you'll be doing what I did to you."


@Dji @Blitz Boom

Astral just stood there, anger boiling up inside her. Her eyes glowing with magic as she stomped the ground, cracking it. "Nothing can be sorted, everything is back where it started! Emerald on the loose, my mother gone and Warlock in imprisonment, all I can expect is this whole thing to start over!" She threw her hoof in the air, pointing to where Sapphire previously was. "And I am not even sure if she was telling the truth, because she's the wielder of deceit!" Panting, Astral just sat down on the floor. Holding her sword, glaring at Zhu. "This is all your fault!" She threw it at him at great speed, aimed straight for his head.

The sword would stop just before it hit Zhu: inches from his face with a gray aura around it. "It would've been Sapphire's. there's no way Zhu swapped it with your gem when you haven't met before now." Iron said as the sword was placed gently on the floor, a good distance from Zhu, to prevent him from using it. "She would've needed to hand Celestia the fake from the start." He sighed deeply at the thought, before Astral interjected.

"Of course she would've!" Astral exclaimed, huddling up on the floor. "She's just as deceitful as Emerald."


@Blitz Boom

He looked to her with a questioning look, unsure what to respond with. Thinking about how the public would act around him, but she was right, opinions would change if they saw him acting differently, which was one true, nopony had to see what he really had planned... He shook his head a bit as he chuckled. 'You want to be better, no secret evil stuff' He thought, looking at Hogweed. "If your so certain that I can change, sure I can try to, but is this conversation the only part of that process you had planned?" He said, tilting his head a bit, with a light chuckle.


@Dji @Blitz Boom

Crystal chuckled to herself. "A prize? Do you usually hand these out after easy riddles?" She asked with a light chuckle, considering the riddle easy despite being smarter than most. Thinking about the riddle she'd give, It'd have to be hard, to stump the sphynx, and it'd need to be one they don't know the answer to. Then recalling a riddle she'd heard once before when she was younger. "I speak without a mouth, and hear without ears, I have no body, but come alive with the wind, what am I?" 

He looked at her, his eyes showing his frustration at hearing the joke about his name. "A puzzle Watts, like the puzzle that I need to solve, involving how to get ponies to not joke about my name sake." Seeing her glance off to Crystal, he did the same, tilting his head at the pony made of papyrus. "You better make a origami machine to rival that. Besting magic is always quite fun." He said, chuckling a little as his frustrated appearance vanished.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom


The Sphinx blinked and listened carefully to the changeling queen. She agreed that ponies were meant to serve not lead themselves though she didn't like ponies that much after being kicked out of her true home. She let out a low rumble "The mare will stay here and be a servant. Though I will want more to grow my food and look after my temple that has been built for myself." she remarked to the changeling, thinking about making a deal with her after all.

She let out a low snort, "Flattery will get you nowhere. I want information, however I suppose its better then plane rudeness on your part." she commented before listening to the information she had to bring. She narrowed her eyes at what she heard and thought on it somewhat. "This is indeed new to me, did you come by this information yourself or another source? I do not want to be mislead or informed incorrectly. The consequence would be quite severe" she informed the queen.

The Sphinx thought on the matter, she had no problems dealing with guards, though draconequui were annoying however there chaotic and rash nature could be used to her advantage. Or the Element bearers would be another annoyance however she was a being based purely on magic, the ponies and guards were not though the draconequui were in there own way. "My power does not come from outside factors, its based upon my connection with my temple along with the deals that I make within it. If for example you made a deal that meant they all turned into ice cubes. Then that would be so" she stated.

"I am limited in what I'm able to do magically without making deals or leaving my temple and realm, however they will probably wish to face me in person within my temple grounds. That is too our advantage, I have a plan in mind that will allow me to use my full power without the usual limitations that I face." she explained to the changeling queen, she had finished the planning and smiled at the cleverness of it, she tilted her head and stared at the changeling queen.

 "You came here for a purpose and it seems to have been fulfilled. I am willing to make a deal with yourself for the information you have provided. If you would like to make a deal with myself before our guests arrive then it would be now or never" she finished staring intently at Onache. 


@Blitz Boom @Lucid_Nightlight @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Storm Shine @EQ_Theta @Dji


The sandstorm continued to rage however now there was a neat sandstone path that lead towards the Sphinx's temple. Occasionally tropical palm trees lined the paths and in the distance there seemed to be hidden oasis's. If one would venture towards it then it would disappear into the bleak landscape that was the everfree desert. At regulat intervals there were different statues, many of the Sphinx and her looking down on ponykind, her servants bringing her many offerings to please her after all she was a god in her own right.  

On the large courtyard surrounding the pyramid that was her temple and her home. There were many statues of old rulers, though they were all in the shadow of the temple. The final ruler was smashed to fragments, if you looked close enough you might be able to figure out that they were actual rulers from a actual place. This was part of the Sphinx's riddle, the reason why she hated ponies so.

The next riddle would be something much more fun, meeting the Sphinx herself. 






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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @Moonlit

Angel perked up upon seeing the pink bunny, and the idea of fighting. It wasn't because of some drive to actually hurt something, or someone, but he was a little too cooped up back at Fluttershy's cottage doing mundane things. He wanted action, or to just stretch his limbs a bit. The only bit of violence he does is mostly comical, or slapping the pegasus to get a message across, but even frequencies of that has lowered. 

The bunny thumped his left leg quickly, getting antsy about wanting to fight. Then paused himself for a bit and nodded and squeaked positively. He didn't speak, but he didn't know there were other bunnies that could speak, or want to fight for that matter, and didn't see the need to try. He hoped that his "yes" could come across clear enough for Lotus to understand.


@Blitz Boom

Sen had some idea of what Rosa mentioned. Not the spy parts but the parts about having to work towards a goal, training, making someone in the family proud. He saw himself in those parts, and for a moment, sympathized. He imagined himself in his place. But upon reaching his crimes, what he did to other nations and what effects those actions had... what did they hope to gain? It was unsettling, even Lin had a hard time imagining Rosa as the pony before they met. They were assured that he might have been exaggerating but hearing the truth. It was expected but their reaction wasn't.

Still, they reached the part where Rosa learned about Filigree, changed, and moved on to help the changelings and their king. Even he offered to teach Elder Ghilan about politics, a goal the two hoped they could assist with in any capacity. He understood what changing and shedding his old ways behind him. Not many would admit to that and actually do something about it. 

Lin looked at the fire, then to Rosa, lacking any look of malice or disappointment. "You changed, you're better now. You saw what was wrong and turned from it. If that's not showing how different you are now from the pony you were, I don't know what will convince me." 

"Here, a sign of good faith," Sen pulled out some of the makeshift weapons he created back at the quarry, all packed and bound. A bola, some pouches with small, jagged stones, all wrapped up in a pouch. "Though if you decide you to rob something from our village, you won't find anything of value. Mind as well give you something you can use." 

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