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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom @Wolves


Cyan spoke up first so War remained silent until she had explained, animals or photography? She mentioned her cutie mark so he looked back at it with a tilt of his head, naw he still couldn't see it.


"Wildlife sounds interesting wouldn't mind looking into it myself but otherwise." He looked back at his armor covered cutie mark and thought on if he should answer fully or not. He didn't have a normal one so he wasn't sure if ponies ever got talents like his, he didn't want to worry them but at the same time didn't wish to be ashamed of his mark. "Well I enjoy battle," he watched for their reaction and whatever they may be he continued. "My talent is in combat but I don't think their are many savory career options in that field." He gave a light chuckle trying to ignore the tingling in his cutie mark at the thought of a good fight.


"If there is nothing to be found there maybe something physically demanding, I'm a rather strong pony and do enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with hard labor." He gestured to his size which was larger then that of the common earth pony even though he was a Pegasus.


"While on the topic of careers it sounds like you and your brother have an interesting setup, care to explain? I mean based on what I have observed Ponyville is a farm town and tends to provide farmed goods to other places in Equestria including the capital. I have never seen any farm land near Cantorlot, it's rather interesting to do the opposite. Is it hard to make a profit selling goods to ponies that usually grow stuff themselves?" War hoped that question would distract from his own always career goals, though he had to admit he had been curious about that anyways it was just equally good timing.

Edited by PonyOfWar

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@@Blitz Boom


Sen tumbled down to the pitch-black interior of the cave. Strangely, it wasn't pitch-black all through the complex, or what it was further down a tunnel. There was light coming from somewhere but he didn't mind where it was, more of what it was illuminating. Several pedestals surrounded by a larger central one, each with a stone orb. Some had light emanating from them. The one in the middle had some cracks but nothing suggesting it was close to breaking.


"Hey, sister," Sen said. "is this what you were talking about? These orbs, they might be the ones you stumbled upon?"

Lin was carefully advancing further and felt the ground slope downwards when she heard her brother asking about what he found. She was surprised to hear she didn't have to go looking further for their lead. 

"Just our luck, Omen," she said. "Sounds like my brother found the foci!"  

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@@PonyOfWar @@Blitz Boom Cyan was slightly taken aback when she heard that War liked combat, although considering his name and his appearance she felt like she shouldn't have been so surprised. He wasn't being hostile toward them, however, and aside from that he seemed like a decently friendly pony, so she moved on to answering his question - well, Golden Spell did.

"Oh, I see clearly the point you are making," her brother said with a nod. "But I grow these crops and fruits in a very specific way, using greenhouses and such, in my back garden. These special conditions can lead to fruits and vegetables of any kind growing up pristine!" A flash of pride sparkled in his eye, Cyan Flare spotted. She slowly shook her head, and then continued herself.

"I do sometimes have trouble with selling goods in Ponyville, yes," she explained. "For that reason, I guess. I manage to make a living, though... My store isn't exactly Sweet Apple Acres, but it's got variety going for it, I guess." She smiled again.



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@Blitz Boom


Rapid Wind feared Stargazer would push more for answers despite his answer because Rapid knew he had lied. So, to get it off his mind and put a bit of distance between him and Stargazer, Rapid Wind trotted faster toward Twilight's castle. In general, Rapid didn't like to lie because lies in general had a habit of coming back to haunt you at a later date.

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"A variety of wares at top quality sold by a mare who's able to keep it going even when she's barely able to stand. Plenty going for you against them, even if apples tend to be the big seller 'round pony towns."


Happy grinned at Cyan, thinking once more over how the meeting had gone when he ran into her shop earlier. A fortunate meeting before this town had gone straight to Tartarus, and if everything wasn't going to go horrible wrong, something that he'd cherish for the next few weeks at the least. Likely not the same he'd have felt if she had stayed home and he had to work with sub-par greens and - heavens forbid - apples. He wasn't making cider,and the apples were hard to get into something on their own that wasn't that swill.


"That being said, your other plans sound like they could be good for you too. Could get you around the world, see some places that might have a need for your skills there. A good, fun, life on the road working with your passion's a grand way to go."


Well, mostly, but it felt like a bad time to mention the looters, random animals, nature itself giving you a hard time, the occasional loneliness etc. etc. Better to glorify it a bit in the moment he'd think.


"Could even work for you War, though I'm gettin' the impression that you're set to stay here. A pity, sine lot's of folks could use the occasional hired hoof out there to stand around and look menacing or guard 'em, or had some labour work to get done depending on the season. Heck, in this town, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a want for somepony that can knock around too. The forest is a mighty tricky thing far as I heard, and it could always pay off to guard somepony going out there or take on some bounties for nasty stuff lurking around. Most towns tend to run a bounty board out west at least, though not sure about this town to be fair.


Ever thought about using your skills for battle like that? I mean, bounty hunting ain't a bad thing if you get a little picky y'know."


Time to test War a bit more, to see where his morals were. Bounty Hunting was seen as amoral by a good chunk as they thought of it as a *do everything for bits* kind of business, so hearing his thoughts on that could help gauze a little bit more direct exactly How worried he'd have to be about him.








Null and Void looked at the zebra foal with sympathy in their eyes.


"Sorry to hear that little one. I can't imagine fully how it must've been to go through something as horrible as... That."


It wasn't all true, as her and Void had lost others in their time, but to loose everypony like that was above what they had felt. They still had eachother after all, while the zebra only had herself left and the earth pony that was now making more sense as her guardian/step parent. Lucky kid to at least have found that, but still, not the same as what would've been lost.


"I-It's good you have somepony watching over you after t-that though. And..."


Void looked down to the earth after trying to say more to the crying filly, but finding that she couldn't. Nothing she said would suddenly make something like that better, and in fact she'd likely end up picking in wounds that shouldn't be touched. Frankly, it was better if she stopped there now that she stopped to think over it, and instead tried to focus elsewhere. Like on the changeling princess and her friend.


"...What uhm, s-sort of books?"







Omen rose up from the ground next to Lin and shook some dirt of her coat before answering.


"He sounds safe too."


Omen had not gone down the hole with much grace, or any to be honest. Having rushed too much she had pretty much fallen down and tumbled a good deal of the way before she stopped and she could get up again, at which point Sen's voice came through a little up ahead.


It was a relief to hear that he were okay - or at least, she thought this feeling were relief - and as she got closer he didn't seem to be harmed either. He must've landed well amongst these...  Strange things. She wasn't exactly sure what they were, but she felt tingly being this near them.


"It feels strange in here. Magic, but not normal ones. Somehow feels... Wrong."





@@Rapid Wind,


It wouldn't be long before they reached the outskirts of the castle and Stargazer stopped up, looking at the construction in awe.


Every princess had their own mark to the castles they owned. Princess Celestias was large and light, as the sun itself, whilst Luna's residence carried with it the subtle beauty of the night, and the shadow of the warm glow of the sun palace. Far as he knew, Cadence had not done much to the castle she had taken over in the crystal kingdom, but it likely too had started to carry her influence in at least the interior, and showed the warmth of the heart there.


This castle did not show much in the way of friendship on the outside, that were certain, but the princess of friendship were also something else. She were the element of magic, and that, this place showed off well from the imposing, intricate crystalline tree form this were. Something that seemed to have grown from magic itself fitted well, and in its own right, he would call this a somewhat friendly exterior. Had some nice, mellowed out colours, and despite being crystalline, didn't have that spark of a mad-mare palace.


He hadn't been this close up before, as he had made his appointment with her dragon, Spike, when he were at the post office, so the impact of being up close were fresh. Kinda like when he first was invited to Princess Luna's chambers for a talk, but a bit less as he had seen this from a distance at least and had time to brace himself.


"...Impressive place."

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Lin felt it too, familiar and fleeting at the same time. She knew that feeling when something crept up her back and got her hair to stand on edge and feel the shivers go down her spine. That was the feeling of the dark magic flowing through her and twisting herself, her personality and everything that made her what she is. 

"It's very wrong," Lin replied, her voice trembling ever so slightly. "I can feel it too. We need to get to get to brother fast. Those who don't have magic can't sense it like we do and I fear what it could do to my brother. Let's hurry."

Lin led the way, carefully advancing through the descent and into the illuminated cavern. It was just like the last time she was there, the surroundings looked untouched. Even the foci themselves were fine but then she turned to her brother who was staring at the central pedestal and the foci that rested on it. Something felt off about it and him. 

"Brother, is something wrong? You don't seem this quiet." Lin reached out to turn Sen around and quickly jerked her claw away from him. His eyes... they pitch-black and lifeless; his mouth left hanging open and trembling at something looking at him. He looked like he was staring into something and couldn't look away. Lin was scared. She tried to get Sen back to reality but to no avail.


"I don't recall something like this happening! Something's got hold of him! What now?" 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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"..:There's something here."


Omen had been silent, trying to search her memory for anything like this or any idea of what to do, but all she had were *try to shake him out of it* and something told her that wasn't going to work. Especially not with that wrong feeling pouring around them. Something that felt like it was switching places, or just got more focused in some other part. It was hard to say what, but... It felt like something was here, and whatever it were, she would look at that creature for blame.


The thought that something made this happen began to stir in her, as she looked between where in the darkness she felt the presence and her friend, looking like everything he were had been torn out of him and a shell was all they had to glance at. A bubbling, warm sensation that seemed to turn warmer, as if it were slowly boiling in her.


"Whatever is out there, stop this. Leave my friend alone!"


Anger was a new feeling for her, but it was seething in the projected words that came from her, filtering in the whispering voice a little by little as what happened to her friend got more ingrained into her head. Anger that might not have a target if it turned out that there was nothing out there and the energy were just messing with her ability to feel out things, though she were sure something was there that had set this trap, or just hurt him. And the more time passed, the more she wanted to make whoever or whatever it were stop.








Many things could be said about the strange weather over the Everfree Forest that took no pegasi to control, but one thing tended to really stand out at times like now: The weather could sometimes be brutal.


Wind roared through the trees and would make anypony not weary of themselves stumble around, if the lightning strikes didn't make them jittery enough to fall over a random root as it were already. Up here in the cave that was stationed at a hillside in the deeper parts of the forest it was even worse, as the rain crushing down made some of the rocks slippery and hard to traverse, even if you used the old lane leading to the once abandoned mineshaft that was inside.


It was not all that were in this cave however. As the path went on to where there had been crushed rock after rock to search for gems and ore that might still be in this place, seeking deep would also begin to show a strange, glowing light at a branch of the mine that had been blocked by heaps of rock and earth for centuries, but now had a clear hole through, as if somepony had imploded the blockage and spread the dust on the floor


It wasn't a place that were known to many. Even when Celestia and Luna had lived in the old Castle of the Two Sisters, this had been a part that were barely discovered before the alicorn of the sun had decided to block all kinds of passage into the deep part, both through natural means and powerful wards, and it had barely been mentioned in any books. Even in those mentions, it had not gotten much said about it either, other than *it contained something powerful that was better off sleeping with its guardian.*.


Yet, even the best wards go down with time, and with no reports of anything happening for over a thousand years and no want to be near the old castle, it had been forgotten by even Celestia herself. Something that let the old magic slowly weaken until somepony had come around and dispersed them in their depleted state, and destroyed/dispersed whatever rock, ore and earth had stood in the way.


Inside, a low voice could be heard at the end of a long road where several more holes had been made and dust laid thick on the ground, showing the process that the intruder had gone through several times.


"- but don't you see? This is why the work have to go on! I must-"


A loud, though short, high pitched scream were heard from deep within, before it went completely silent.


If anypony would follow the sound, they would find at the end of the tunnel a room lighted by small, floating baubles that lit the old, inscribed altar in the pretty unimpressive room. If you ignored the pillars set around to make sure the room stayed up, also covered in strange writing that wouldn't be possible to make out for any sane mind, and the fractured, multi-coloured staff that seemed mostly made of interlocking parts, with some kind of mechanism run by gears. At the end of it, there were nothing, though it were clear that there were once supposed to be.


Likely, it was whatever were the ball of pure silver with small windowss that each glowed in a different colour that were held in the tiger-coloured paw of the only creature in this room. It were impossible to say who or what it were, as a thick robe covered its body, the hood it's face, and even the very long tail behind it with a section specially sewn into the fabric to make it have its own , close cover, so it didn't accidentally reveal the creature if the tail were moved.


The tail seemed the same length as the body from flank to hear of the creature too, whom were somewhere in the size between one of the taller, regular ponies, and the two main princesses.


Whoever this were, didn't say anything, or made any attempt of moving around. It/he/she just rotated the bauble in its paw, with the covered face appearing to be looking at it.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Moonlit @@Blitz Boom @@Seamore Sandwich


As Serenade and Ziggy speak about auroras, Succulent finds herself transfixed.  As common as they were in the Frozen North, she felt that too few ponies truly acknowledged them.  For a moment, she attempted to listen to what Serenade was saying, only find that a good portion of it was flying straight over her head.




"I liked it better when everypony said that Iridia was visiting," she sighed.  "Science might hold the truth, but it takes away all the awe and wonder.  No offense intended, just feeling a bit nostalgic."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Blitz Boom, Astral backed away from the hug. "You okay now?" Misty nodded and with that Astral stood up.  "I don't have any good books to recommend." She said a bit awkwardly. "They aren't that good to read to be honest." She started rubbing the back of her head. "So!" She exclaimed loudly causing a some birds to fly away. "Anything else you need our help with?" Astral asked walking over to them.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


Leave! This does not concern you, creature! A booming voice echoed around the room replied to Omen. It seemed this one is detached from any physical body as the voice itself originated from every direction in the room and yet the source is still unknown. 

Meanwhile, Sen's blackened eyes faded, revealing only the whites and faded pupils, resembling those who have gone blind. His body jerked up and straightened up before grabbing Lin and tossing her aside, the latter hitting the cavern wall hard. He quickly readied himself and charged straight for his sister, and the resulting impact pushed her already weak body straight into the rocks. All the while he retained a blank expression on his face. 


"Sen, please stop this," Lin pleaded, weakened from her injuries. She gripped her chest hard and felt a rib or two broken. "This isn't like you! Snap out of it!" Sen didn't reply and prepared himself for another charge. 


Halt! The same disembodied voice ordered and Sen stood at attention. Another figure appeared in the room, standing next to the central orb's pedestal. This one took the shape of a hooded cloak floating in the air with piercing red eyes glaring from the empty void that the hood keeps hidden. As much as I enjoy toying with your brother, this is no proper introduction. I am Malvernis, your magic made manifest. It is good to see your kind again.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Summer Breeze

@Blitz Boom


They were going to die, 100%. Suggestions about crushing had been already made, and everything was horrible. Aaargh.

Summer giggled, and said that she would've bonked the dragon if the other dragon hadn't done it. Oh please no. That would mean slow painful death. Aaargh.

"I reaaaally don't think would've been a good idea." Frosty whispered back. He would whisper more, except he was scared that they were going to do something bad to him if he whispered too much.


And then Summer flew up to the dragons and told them no.

Oh the horrors.

Frosty was getting mentally ready to fight or flee (but mostly flee), because there was no way that they were going to just let that slide. NO way. Game over, man, Game over.


But then they apparently let it slide. This obviously meant that they were waiting for a time where they could do more elaborate punishments. Obviously. Hot wax was probably going to be involved. And lots of eating afterwards.


Frosty was really nervous. Everything was going wrong. They were all going to get eaten, roasted, dunked in pools of fiery wax, and they were all going to be pony-shaped no more. This was going really badly. Really, really badly. 

They did say that they were allowed to leave, but that was probably some weird mind-game to get them to think they were safe.


Choval mentioned Lyriel also getting out, if she gave information. This only made Frosty believe that they were going to die more. First get all the information, and then go in for the fry. He knew how these sort of things work. Yeah, they were not getting out.


Then, Cronk leaned forward as if to eat them all in one big bite, letting out lots of warm scary breath. Frosty flinched, thinking that this was probably the end, the scary, hot, fiery end.

But instead of getting eaten, they...actually got Lyriel back? Huh. Maybe he had been wrong about this whole eating, flaming, wax dunking thing. These dragons weren't all bad, only something like 66.6% bad. Two-thirds bad. Yeah. Bad enough to scary innocent ponyfolk, but not bad enough to fry them as well.


Frosty's mood was improving greatly. They weren't gonna get eaten, or fried, OR dunked in wax. Truly this was a good day.


But then Blitz hugged Cronk's face. The slight smile that had slowly appeared on Frosty's face froze (get it?), as he stared in horror at the huge dragon that didn't look very happy about all this.

He let out a sigh of relief when Cronk didn't smash all their faces into the ground. That was far too close. He was going to have a serious talk with Blitz once they were somewhere more safe. This sort of behaviour looked like it was getting close to being suicidal. Hugging a dragon after being told to absolutely not do that?! No one could do such a thing and think it was a good idea, right?


Before they could leave, Cronk stopped Nerzhei. Frosty had no idea why they wouldn't be done Nerzhei, as she hadn't done anything wrong. If anything she should be rewarded, because the elders got some valuable information out of this.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Blitz Boom


Copper was lost.


Ever since losing his way from Ponyville, he didn't know what to do.  It wasn't like he hated the town, he was just homesick, and he wanted to go back to his home in Appaloosa.  But he didn't let homesickness deter him from the present, and certainly not this storm he was in.


When he heard a scream, he got a little scared.  It seemed he was too late to save somepony, but he had to find the source, anyway.  He went inside a cave that had the sound from earlier, and found a creature.  He didn't know what to make out of it, he just knew that this might've been responsible for the cry.  He looked at the creature and said, with a hint of anger in his voice, "Who are you?"

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Hazard Time,


@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Well, yeah. Science can be a real downer sometimes when it gets all noisy like to mysteries. But science can't explain everything, and sometimes it's wrong, so who's to say that you aren't right? We have ponies dragging the sun and moon across the sky, and that's not science, so who's to say that all the pretty light shows is what they say either?"


Ziggy grinned at Succulent before zooming over to her, and were quickly stood beside to perfume seller and leaned her head down so she could talk to her a bit more eye to eye.


"Oh, oh! But who's Iridia? I haven't heard of that one before. Is she a goddess? I believe in gods you know, even when science says phooey to it, and knowing about more is fun!"







"Bad creature. Wrong magic and foulness, hurting my friends."


Omen didn't have any respect or even much curiosity about this thing as she stepped between it and Sen, and Lin, separating them from hurting her other friend even more.


She hadn't been fast enough before as she had tried to focus on where the voice came from too much to notice what Sen had done before it were too late, and he had been forced to hurt Lin. Hopefully it wouldn't be something too bad, but she wasn't going to let it happen again now that she had her focus on things.


Her kind were not fighters, as Mother wished for them to be good parts of their worlds instead of violent things, but they had their way of passively fight and protect their master via their gates. So in case Sen would try to go for Lin again, or go after Omen, a gate would appear and swallow him up, then close, and reopen somewhere in the same room to drop him off. A process that would repeat itself for as long as it took for him to stop. A tactic that also tended to work against magical attacks, as blasts of fire etc. were guided things that could also be swallowed up, and it wasn't like it hurt her siblings. They had no forms, and were magically absorbent before getting a master, so it would be akin to cut into a river with a sword.


They were also curious, and generally speaking, so were she, but this thing wasn't something she were curious about. She felt... Anger, towards it, and what it were doing, and had just resigned it to be a bad creature, with no interest right now in learning more from or about it.


"Leave them alone."








"An interesting question with many answers, as many names have been given to me. Some call me the Stranger, though I know them more than they wish, whilst of my true name, the first I don't care to mention, as it belongs on the lips of the one to whom my heart belongs, though the second is what I call myself. A name that is Zhu."


The slightly growling voice of Zhu was the only, convoluted response that were given to Copper, as he didn't even flinch or make an attempt to turn. He just kept observing the thing in his paw, uncaring about the one behind him for a good deal of time before he even spoke again.


"I did not foresee anypony showing up here. Who are you, and what brings you here to this place? Do you seek the power of the old master by chance? Cause if so, you have wandered here in vain."

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Lin pondered on the name, a familiar one, no doubt. Malvernis... She thought about it for a while and something clicked in her mind. Malvernis, the magic she carried within her, the destructive applications of such power. 

"Malvernis. I know you," Lin replied, still clutching her chest tightly. "You're the Rot, the being whose power slowly empties any being that comes into contact with you. Please, leave my brother be!"

The mystic creature looked at Lin, then back at Omen, wondering what he would do to give himself the advantage. I'll leave this one alone, but that won't cure him of what ails him. And trust me, if you need to put the blame on someone, blame her. Malvernis replied, the enthralled Sen responded with his right limb raised and a single digit on his claw pointing to Lin. 


Put it simply, if she didn't take the magic here, none of this would've happened. If she didn't abuse her powers, this one wouldn't have been so desperate. She only had three days to live and needed a cure to stop the magic from destroying her. It's amazing what lengths he would go to ensure your safety, and you'd do anything to save her right? Even make a deal with me?

Sen nodded his head in compliance. Lin knew just how twisted Malvernis could be, what with some of the tomes she read detailing the ancestors' limited information on him. But seeing her brother unable to resist the compulsions set upon him was too much for her to bear. "I'll bargain for his freedom with my own if I must! Just release him!"

Oh, I know you'll do anything. I know you too well, but what of this creature that keeps pestering me with demands? The dark entity turned to Omen, eyes squinting at her in focus. You certainly care a lot about him. What would you do to ensure his freedom? If you try anything funny, I'll turn your friend on her.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom


Copper was intrigued by this being.  He didn't know who it was, but he seemed dangerous.  He spoke in a more serious tone than the first time.  "My name is Copper Strikes.  I did not come here because of searching for the powers of the old master.  I came here because I heard a scream, a scream of terror.  All signs point to you, since you are the only one I know here who had done something to a poor soul."

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Hazard Time,


@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Well, yeah. Science can be a real downer sometimes when it gets all noisy like to mysteries. But science can't explain everything, and sometimes it's wrong, so who's to say that you aren't right? We have ponies dragging the sun and moon across the sky, and that's not science, so who's to say that all the pretty light shows is what they say either?"


Ziggy grinned at Succulent before zooming over to her, and were quickly stood beside to perfume seller and leaned her head down so she could talk to her a bit more eye to eye.


"Oh, oh! But who's Iridia? I haven't heard of that one before. Is she a goddess? I believe in gods you know, even when science says phooey to it, and knowing about more is fun!"


Succulent's smile once more beamed upon the cultural question.




"Oh, where to begin with her!" she exclaimed.  "Iridia is the eternal celestial alicorn who created the heavens, the earth, and all ponies in her image.  Others believe it was just the Twinkle-Eyed ponies and, by extension, the Crystal ponies that she created, while the Equestrian tribes were created in the image of another deity.  I personally don't think that matters, but that's a tangent that I don't want to really delve into, what with the schism it's caused.  Anyway, upon created ponykind, Iridia dispatched fourteen angels to watch over her creations and administer her will.  Over time, seven of them became corrupted by the power they held, and so became the Seven Sins, while the remaining seven became the Virtues.


"As for what she looks like, everypony has a different interpretation.  The one that everypony can agree upon, however, is that she's as brilliant as the auroras that light up the cold, dark nights of the Frozen North."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@Blitz Boom

@Sonia Spikes


Nix's night stroll was rudely interrupted by a scream that sliced through the thick veil of night like a knife to butter. "Somepony hurt!?" she called into the hot muggy air. She heaved a sigh "The weather is dreadful tonight..." and grumbled to herself as she galloped of, casting about for the origin of the sound.


Basket in her mouth she came to a rather ominous cave. Mumbling incoherently, about what is anyone's guess, she trotted into the mouth of the cave, wishing she had a pair of those tinted lenses she made with her...

Holding the basket with her wing a moment; she called out again. "Anypony in here?! Any pony hurt...?" She continued into the curious cave regardless of response.

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And now there were two. He had expected there to be none as this place were abandoned a long time ago and he had ensured that he did this on a night when the weather was an abysmal thing to wander in. A pity, but it considering what brought him here, it were impossible to predict who might show as simply as usual.


Very well, if more had come, he supposed he might as well see who it were that had found themselves in his presence.


Zhu turned casually, ignoring the somewhat more stern tone in the voice of the first one that had shown, and looked them over. All the two of them would be able to see from the shadows that covered his face beneath the hood of his robe, were two yellow, glowing, serpentine eyes looking between them with slight interest, and the tip of a long snake tongue that slithered out to taste the air before returning to his obstructed face again.


"A soul screams loudly when its vessel is broken, yet when it is too far to see reason, it must be helped along to the life beyond. For some it hurts more than others, such as ones who would want to finish things not done in their lifetimes, and now instead of letting go would attempt find a new body to work with so that the project may continue."


He lifted the orb in his paw and turned it a little by little to show it, though his eyes stayed on the ponies.


"Strange how an orb so small, can hold so much good for the world. A master work in its own right, yet one that can never be allowed to be, even if it could spread blessed words. A pity, yet I have little choice but to interfere when the good of this world could gain too much power. It would lead to things that should not be. A little like what you may have in mind young one."


His eyes settled on Copper for a little.


"I wouldn't suggest many of the option you could chose. They would not work to wrestle this from me, even the ones including help from this other one. The paths ahead may be fickle and many, but I am not blind to what they can unfold into. Not now, and not later, and I see well what would happen if this was given to you, or to this other one. Noble goals, but ultimately, not something that can be allowed to pass."


The options that this one could go through with showed on the potential futures that he were cursed to lay his eyes upon, though not all went like that. Some were better, and would include understanding, though this did seem like one who would prefer to simply do what must be done for the good of things. At least, so it seemed from the glance that he now took, though he did not intend to watch too much yet, as his look went back to the mare whom he did not know.


"I am one who is called Zhu. Who are you, winged mare? And what brings either of you out in weather such as this?"


Some direct, some going in circles, and some potential assumptions, seemed to be the base of what Zhu were. Many words spoken that hadn't a need to be, without answering exactly what he did here and only briefly going over what seemed like him saying that the scream were him forcing the spirit of whoever had made the broken staff and this orb to the next world. All of this, whist still being *masked* in a sense, and speaking with a slightly growling, but neutral tongue.







Omen tilted her head from side to side, trying to figure out what to say to what the strange creature were saying about wanting something. Master had a few times said that those that wanted something badly would do anything to get it, and the worse it were, the more they'd do for it. Looking at what had happened thus far, this bad one wanted something for sure, and he wanted it badly. Something that she did not want to help with, though... Sen...


A few seconds more passed by before a small sentence were projected from her and to the ones near, including Malvernis


"...What do you want?"


There were limits to what she could and would do, but these were her friends. The only ones she ever had, that had helped her when she had questions or looked for master. They should stay safe, and be able to count on her when they needed her. Like now, where she found that the only way she could help were to help something else she didn't like. Distasteful, but whatever would work to let her friends loose.








"There's one thing actually. Do you know the way to a town with a working train station? We're trying to get to a princess so we can seek asylum here in Equestria, but we're seriously, hopelessly lost. You seem like locals, so worth a shot to ask you."


Null wasn't sure if they would help them, considering the cursed items and such, but she hoped they would at least. The two of them needed to get to the two princesses as soon as they could to talk their case so they could hopefully end with some kind of a stable life for once. One where they weren't hunted by just about anypony because of what they could.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom@@BabylonSister,


Copper simply stared, not moving, ignoring the other pony that came along, as Zhu explained what was happening.


But was he explaining?  Copper didn't know.  But he could understand what the orb was for.  "I see.  If that orb falls into the wrong hooves, who knows what kind of disaster would unfold?"


Though he didn't move, his next question would be an indication for him to do so.  "May I have a look at that orb?  Or am I forbidden to touch it?"

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@Blitz Boom


 "Yeah," Rapid Wind agreed with Stargazer and admired the crystalline tree structure a bit more as he and Stargazer were now close enough to it. As he trotted closer to the ground entrance, he expected a guard to show up as he didn't expect Princess Twilight to let just any pony wonder into her castle without taking some security precautions.

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@Blitz Boom

@Sonia Spikes


Nix listened intently while the curious creature explained, and likewise ignoring Copper, trotted forward. Before the mysterious sage could respond to Copper she rudely butt in

"Youve speculated on our intentions with that thing, but you haven't stated your own very clearly." She sat with a furrowed brow, even with Copper, "Oh right, the name's Nix. Sorry about that I'm not the best with social conventions, but I do appreciate a fair trade. Speaking of fair trade, you can see us clearly, but you cloak yourself. At the moment I'm far more interested in your identity than that object... Besides, its only fair."

She turned to Copper and continued quickly "Doesn't that seem fair to you? Ah. You seem a bit cross with me. I suppose you posed your query first. I apologize for interrupting your exchange I just get so excitable sometimes! And tend to ramble..."

The torrent of words was suddenly silenced and she sat, shuffling her hooves and staring at the ground while the other two conversed.

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@@Blitz Boom@@Seamore Sandwich@@Hazard Time


Serenade kept quiet as Ziggy and Succulent spoke. The last time she spoke about those types of things, blows had nearly been traded in the halls of Canterlot Castle itself. Not her proudest moment, and she did regret it afterwards, but that had been the start of her attempt at a Canterlot-based career spiraling down into Tartarus. Once the two finished, she turns to Succulent, "What about the constellations? I mean Equestria has their own.....stories about how they formed". 

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@@Blitz Boom


Your brother made a deal. In exchange for his freedom, I will cleanse you of hostile magic. He held up his end of the bargain and in return, I will uphold my end as well. But you say you will bargain for his freedom? Then I have a deal of my own.

Lin wasn't happy with what she heard but she had no choice. She'll listen and agree to the deal if it means Sen walks free; it feels right that she would be the one to take the fall. After all, Malvernis was right: none of this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for her actions. She would have to be the one to pay the price sooner or later.  


"Speak then."


Malvernis floated to the first of six stone orbs surrounding the central pedestal and drew Omen's and Lin's attention to it. What you see here is one of six stone guardians who keep me from escaping this place. They were once your kind, ambitious longma who stole the magic of their kind and used them to seal themselves in here to stop me from leaving. All I ask is that both of you use your magic to weaken them and set me free. 

And there is a catch... 
Lin listened intently, worried about what this might entail. Malvernis looked at both Lin and Omen and showed that she isn't exempt from the deal. I still need a companion to show me what is out there and if I let this one go, one of you must take his place. But don't worry about that until your task is over. I will keep my word and cleanse you.


Malvernis' aura emanated from its own body and a dark beam directed towards Lin flew straight and true. It didn't harm her in any way and she even felt a healing surge flow heal her broken body. Once the surge has passed, she was rejuvenated. "It seems we don't have much of a choice, Omen," Lin said. "What do you think?"

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom @@Seamore Sandwich @@Moonlit


With Serenade joining the conversation, Succulent turned her attention to her.  "That's where politics come in, I'm afraid.  Some ponies reason that Iridia only made the Twinkle-Eyes and Crystal ponies in her image, so some have taken that to indicate that we're superior to the southern folk.  I don't believe that, though.  You girls are alright."  She giggled and wrapped her hooves about Ziggy, pulling her close into a hug.

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Blitz Boom@@Seamore Sandwich@@Hazard Time,  "Ah yes, Politics." Serenade rolls her eyes, "I know that pit far far too well." She rolls over onto her stomach, "Having to deal with Canterlot Nobles who think that just because you say no to them telling you to name a star after their firstborn, or some of them who think that being....a mare should count against me for the position of Astronomer Royale." Serenade takes a deep breath, then grabs one of the extra chocolate bars and chomps down on a piece. 

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