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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@Lonk Chase @GingerLightning @Melke @Blitz Boom @Mentis Soliloquy @Quinch


"Oh horse apples, oh horse apples!" Allure said as she galloped towards the collapsing building where penny was, trying to ignore her throbbing headache, renewed by the forgotten ones hate. She saw an overturned flower cart. Adjusting her course, she ran towards it, leaping and bounding off of it and getting enough distance between herself and the ground for a buzzing take off, flying towards the pony handing by a board. 


"Oh sweet baby Tsukiyomi... You are one, ugly, mother bucker!" She finally saw The full scope of the forgotten one in all it's infamy, as she nearly reached the clock tower.




@Blitz Boom @Mentis Soliloquy

"Brrrrit?" The foxling chirped after sniffing Xeno.


"Okay wait, so what's wrong with this changeling?" Reverie asked. 

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@@Blitz Boom


@@Mentis Soliloquy


"Well, he was zapped by an Everwood tree, which could mean his soul was separated from his body," Seamore replied. "Basically, we can't wake him up until we're sure his soul is in there. Otherwise... Well, I'm not really sure what would happen, but it's not anything good. There are certain safety protocols that say we shouldn't move him or try to wake him, and that anything that needs to be done by medical professionals must be done on site. That way the soul can find its way back to the body."

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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Although no one could see it under the mask, Bill's jaw dropped.

"Am not undead! Am MAGIC HORSE!" He grated.

Bill was a little angry to say this least, he'd just arrived, no one had offered him a drink, and... oh yeah...

"Regardless, am hungry... am also thirsty. Long walk will take a lot out of LIVING being." He approached her to put the LIVING across.

"What would you like? Am running out of time to be doing other things."

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@@Frosty Frost,@@Blitz Boom,


summer was speachless, something that didn't happen often. she had no idea how to react after hearing blitz' story. she didn't have parents but she didn't seem to worry too much about it so summer guessed that it was okay but still, a young, and explosive, filly like her shouldn't wanter around in the forest alone. she knew that blitz could handle herself pretty well but she was still a bit worried.


"say, blitz, how did you know how to make explosives if you don't remember anything from before the big explosion?" summer finaly managed to get out. "and have the ponies from ponyville never tried to bring you back to the orphanage? and who is the cat snake thing? I know many of the creatures that live in the ever free forest but I've never seen a cat snake


then frosty told his story, it was such a typical frosty story and she grinned and shook her head. "that's what you get from messing around with magic" summer said and gave him a friendly stump and a wink. 


"I know a story too, the story where I got lost in the everfree forest and came across timberwolves but saved myself with cookies. do you guys wanna hear that?" summeer then asked the others.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom


Typical of the golem. That was what happened the last time I was there. The guardian replied with a tone of fondness in his voice, though he also tried to express it together with some annoyance. This was in jest and he didn't want to make things sound bad. 


It didn't say anything about what to prepare for when the worst was to come but I was certain it was another test. I understood what it meant when it told me to always be vigilant. I True tests will never end, and it can come from anywhere. If there is anything I can offer you, it would be those words. I'm curious about something else. What happens next for you? 


He didn't want to pry but it was something that puts anyone off if they didn't know what to do next. Every one of the guardians never expected to get help from the most unlikely allies and guidance is his way of giving back, in a limited capacity of sorts. Guidance wasn't for everyone, but if it helps give perspective, then it will have to suffice. The rest lies with the listener.

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"Very well then, let us go someplace you can feed yourself, and see who admits being wrong first."


It weren't going to be her, that was for sure. Not unless she found some kind of evidence that having him realise the truth would send him into a frenzy. In that case she might just stand down from the truth to allow him his delusions. It wasn't a normal thing to happen to undeads, as it was typically spirits that refused to believe they were dead because they were scared of the beyond or had things keeping them in this world, but anything were possible she supposed.


"Likely would be easier if we knew what to call to other. I am Vivid Loss, and you are?"







"As we said, we were just trying to get to a town with a train, and-"


"N-Null thought going through the forest w-would be a shortcut."




"And we were a-already pretty lost after she said that w-we shouldn't ask the ponies in the last t-town for directions."


"Hey! They don't need to know that sis."


"W-What? It's not like I-I told them about t-"


Null clasped her hooves in front of Void's mouth, not wanting her to finish that sentence and completely destroy whatever dignity she had left. Though considering the slight blush - it was hard to see because of her coat colour, but it were there - it could have been a rather good line.


"Just... We got lost, looking for a way to Canterlot, okay? We're not trying anything bad here, regardless of stuff, we just want to try and be allowed to be somewhere in this land. I don't even care if it's in a cave somewhere, just..."


"We just w-want to stop running."


The two of them exchanged looks and fell silent for a bit as they moved along, thinking over things that they didn't speak of, but seemed to weigh them down some, until finally Null looked back at the two forest ponies and spoke again.


"How far away from town are we?"






@@Hazard Time,


"Serenade's super smart about stars. Speaks with a passion about all sorts of things happening in the sky."


Granted, she didn't understand all of it, and a few things had slipped her mind already, but she did know that Serenade was very knowledgeable about pretty much everything she had said or been asked about since Ziggy met her. Might be her questions were limited perhaps, but she thought of Serenade as knowledgeable to a point where books might fall out of her ears about like... Star pictures and stuff. Constellations too.


However, right now she wasn't in a position to be sharing much. Serenade was yawning a lot and was barely able to keep walking as it were, so she really should preserve her energy more than she were by speaking. Might be that not a lot of energy were spent on that, but considering how she seemed right now, every bit would help.


"But, plenty of time to speak about things later. We need to get you home in bed. Think you can walk the last bit or should I carry you there? I'll fly straight, promise."





@@Seamore Sandwich,



@@Lonk Chase,



@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Zhu followed Sisilia with his eyes as she slid down the Creator's face and walked towards the halfling a little away from them.


It was a curious sight to see the carefree little spirit at work, but he wasn't sure if this were a result of her age, or simply being able to accept things around her as they were and not freak out as so many ponies had done about the whole thing.


in a sense he believed it to be the second, even if there was likely more to it than he could tell, but you never knew if it was an age thing. Though he wasn't a good one to ask about that really, as he had been alive for so long past his natural limit that he couldn't really tell what age another were anymore. To him, most were little more than children or infants, and he had to judge mostly on what age he were told, size, or what stage in life they seemed to be in. Serpanthers were hard to judge on sizes and stages, so he had little idea about Sisilia compared to, for example, ponies. That race had easier signs to tell what stage they were at at least.


But, it mattered little. It was simply one of many things that time had taken from him, and he could speculate on things later. For now, the next part in the battle were going on and he had to observe this, to make sure that things progressed as they should be.


Over near Ginger, another being had some focus on the halfling, and pushed the large bucket it was in towards Ginger and Sisilia.


Meeko had had a turn around after bumping into a strange pony with sharp teeth and closed eyes that were huddled in a corner of a porch with his hoofs to his ears. he were mumbling something about *too many sensation* but Meeko had just turned around and tried to find Ginger again. He did bit notice in the pony smelling like a strange forest, but it wasn't as important as it were when he did spot his friend and could begin to go towards her.


It wasn't the only one he saw, as the Sisilia were also headed there, but as he got closer and the clanging of his tail wagging against the insides of the bucket could be heard near the two, it didn't see like he minded right now. or he did, and just showed that he liked Sisilia too. It was hard to tell with timberpups sometimes.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Brittle took a cautious step forward and tried a few times to open her mouth and say something, but her voice failed her until the third time.


"W-What happens i-if his s-soul can't find his b-body? Will he...D-Die?"


She didn't feel safe getting any way away from Seamore and the spot where Briar had said that she would be okay, but she wanted to know what would happen here because Xeno had been hit by the trees, and if that would end up killing him, then the trees could do it to all of them. It would be one of the least safe spots in the forest then, surely?


A question had tried to come over her muzzle about the small changeling, but it didn't want to come out right now. The thoughts about the potentially, soul-ripping trees were making her too nervous to think about that right now without getting overridden by something like that. At least for the time being.





@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


Blitz giggled at the story that Frosty told them. The mental picture of him going around an icy house and cracking off pieces of ice all over the place and slipping was amusing to her, even if he had mentioned that he had gotten some puncture wounds. She had gotten to a point where she imagined him skating around whilst humming when the questions from Summer started to come around and she remembered that Frosty had asked some things too. She really should have had more focus on that, but there were ice story! Couldn't keep focus on all of it, right?


"I don't know. I just sorta... Know some things? Doctors said something like parts of my memory were crushed? Never made sense, but there was a lot of funny words."


She jumped a little in place, not caring so much about what they had said as she didn't think it made any sense, and she couldn't remember anyway, so she had just moved on with her life and just rolled with it. There was too many things happening all the time anyway to worry about that sort of thing.


"And the cat-snake man was weird. He was big, and covered in a robe. Just saw paws and his snake head. Big glowy eyes, and talked about weird things. More weird than the doctors.


Oh, almost forgot! They tried to put me back to the orphanage once, but I just got back from Canterlot and back out here. They didn't try again after that for some reason. They tried to put me into the school in Ponyville though, but Miss Cheerilee didn't find it funny that I replaced some of the chalk with firecrackers. Or the time I chased the bullies around with an unlit bomb. They have pretty much left me alone for a few weeks now I think? Something like that."


"I'm sorry for interrupting, but could I perhaps ask that we hear the story that Summer had? I think I'd like to hear that one."


Summer and Frosty would perhaps be able to see that Lyriel was looking a little uncomfortable about what Blitz were telling and wanted to try and get the conversation to move onwards. It wasn't because of the sad backstory so much as the crazy vibe that Blitz were starting to give off the more she spoke. It wasn't normal to hunt anypony around with a bomb, lit or not, and no matter how well she wanted to think about the ponies, Blitz were starting to sound like one that most had pushed away because she were a danger to those around her.


She did hope that Summer's tale was a little more calm than Frosty's story though. Covering your own living space in sharp ice and hurt yourself because of it were something that wasn't as worrying as potentially burning down a forest, but perhaps a story with a little less accidental self harm would be nice. Though, any story involving any sort of wolf would perhaps also include some harm now that she thought about it.







"When there is nothing else for me to do, I will go back to searching again. Perhaps with help, I can find Master Discord this time."


She turned to look towards where Sen had headed off to again before returning her gaze to the spirit, thinking on what he had told her about perhaps the stoneman putting her on another test. It was a little confusing to try and make sense of, since she didn't get why there would be tests out here, but it had been a weird place full of cryptic talk. Might well be she were set on a test, though were the test to see what she'd do if Lin didn't show within the next few days, or was it something else? Questions with no answers perhaps, but something she'd have to think about sooner or later.


There was something else that came to mind when she heard the spirit here talk though: His mentioning of having met that guardian before. Since he had been there, had he perhaps been supposed to go into the well too? Might be he knew something then?


"Did you go into the waters when you saw it?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, @@Hazard Time,  "I should be fine, Thanks Ziggy." Serenade keeps walking, determined to make it to her house, get Succulent her key and then curl up and sleep until Princess Luna rose the sun. She turns to the Crystal Pony, "The outhouse is being used for storage, mostly just boxes of unused scolls and junk. It's not much, but it should help you get on your feet here in Ponyville"

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@@Blitz Boom, Astral pulled out the map checking it, letting out a quiet sigh. "We aren't too far from Ponyville."


"Hey Astral?" Misty pulled a bush back showing that Ponyville was shrouded in a dome. "Is it supposed to have a dome around it?"


Astral walked towards the dome and pressed a hoof against it. "No it's not. There is no reason it should."


Misty looked at Null and Void, then leaned to Astral's ear and whispered. "Maybe you can get in with your magic." 


Astral's eyes widened, she turned to Misty. "No, that wouldn't work." She whispered back. She turned around to Null and Void. "We should see if the train station is within the dome." She said turning to look at Misty again. "Before we try to get in."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom,

@@Seamore Sandwich,

Lonk suddenly realized the fact about the large spider creatures soaring through the air. He jumped back in shock, wonder, and disgust all at the same time. Why had he never seen that before? Has his mind been so overflown that it tunes out all the other weird things around it?

He decides to make himself more visible. He slowly walks toward the fight scene. Whom or whatever sees him first will probably not think much of him, but who knows? Heck, he could secretly be a demon with all the delusions and strange powers he's been getting lately.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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Bill spun his paper bag mask in a 360 before answering with...

"Am Bill Statue, centuries old magic horse. Have great power, my knowledge is that of..."

Bill trailed off. He knew he knew a lot but what level of knowledge did he have? He wasn't really up with the times... He'd heard of a Molestia though, and the people speaking of her seemed impressed...so...

"...Higher than that of the great, Molestia!"

Bill stood in a heroic pose, waiting for praise.

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"Ok thats good that you have room...and the mare...that was DJ PON3 or Vinyl, she is a very popular DJ...and hopefully she is getting me the room she promised," he told the colt before looking around. "This is a nice place," he said. He then summoned a comb to comb his hair back again, "this thing is so hard to maintain but it's worth it to catch mare's eye," he laughed...he didn't need to look good but he liked to...it made him feel clean.

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@@Seamore Sandwich, @@Blitz Boom,

Ginger Lightning barely got off the ground as she tried to fly.. and when she got into the air she was flying kinda sideways before falling back to her hooves...She then started vomiting up everything she ate. She definitely wasn't  feeling well at all.

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@Summer Breeze

@Blitz Boom



Frosty thought it was a bit odd that Blitz had amnesia at such a young age, but then again, everything has to happen somewhere sooner or later, eh?


He frowned when he heard Blitz talk about the cat-snake man.

"Woah, that snake-cat-snake guy sounds really weird and suspicious. Well, at least he didn't eat you."


Frosty grinned when Blitz described chasing bullies with an unlit bomb.

"Cheerilee has no sense of humour, nothing bad was going to happen. Bombs don't light themselves. Silly Cheerilee."


He gave Summer a not-unfriendly bump back, frowning a bit.

"It was a serious magic experiment, you know, and I wasn't messing around! If you're messing around with magic you'll impale yourself with giant ice-spikes sooner or later, which is literally my least favorite thing to do. Hmpf."

Magic was serious business, and messing around with it is the fastest way to get seriously injured. He hated when people thought he was joking around. He very rarely joked around. It only appeared that way to everyone else.


Frosty didn't pay much attention to Lyriel because he was already being salty because Summer said that he was messing around with magic. Even if he payed attention to Lyriel, he probably wouldn't have noticed her discomfort anyway.


His saltiness went away when Lyriel reminded them that Summer also had a story to tell.

"Oh, oh! Summer, tell the story! Smacking Timberwolves with cookies sounds really cool! I wanna hear your story!"


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Frosty Frost,


summer sighed deep when she heard blitz tell she run around with unlit bombs, and that frosty approved of it. she shook her head "listen blitz. cheerilee knows bombs don't light themselves but most normal ponies are scared of explosives. and a school is not a place where you should take a bomb in the first place. not to any place actually." she said to blitz with a calm yet strickt tone. like a mother would talk to her filly.


she sighed again and looked at lyriel wit a thankfull look and she started her story


"long long ago there was a little filly named Breezy. Breezy lived with her granny greenwoods in a little house at the edge of the ever free forest. Breezy didn't live with her father because he was a mean colt, she had ran away and lived happily with her Granny. Granny greenwoods was always nice and she loved Breezy a lot, she always baked cookies and other delicious things for Breezy. Breezy also loved her granny a lot, she helped her in the garden and watered the plants for her and went to ponyville to buy the ingredients to bake cookies.


One day Breezy told her granny that she wanted to go camping in the ever free forest. Breezy always loved adventuring there and often returned home late in the evening but this time she wanted to stay the night out in the forest. Granny said that it was okay and she gave Breezy saddlebags, they were made of soft brown leather and they had pink stitches. It was the most beautifull present Breezy had ever gotten. She put everything she needed in them, a tent and a sleeping bag and food and water, and grannies cookies.


The next day Breezy left early in the morning, she walked the whole day to find the perfect place to set up her tent. In the evening she came on a beatifull clearing in the forest and she set up her camp there. She made a fire to keep the animals away and then she went to bed in her tent. The next morming she wanted to go back but she realised she was lost. She had never been that deep into the forest and she didn't know how to go back. She packed her stuff and decided to walk back in the direction she came from and hoped that she would find the way back.


when she had walked a few hours she had gotten deeper and deeper into the forest, the leaves were so thick that she couldn't see the sky anymore and the trees were so close together she couldn't fly. suddenly she heard a growl from behind and she turned around to see two timberwolfs slowly walking towards her. She tried to fly away but she didn't have enough space. She searched in her saddlebags for something to help her but she didn't have much things other as her tent, sleeping bag and a few cookies that she had saved for later. Breezy got an idea and grabbed one of the cookies. they smelled delicious and she had to try her hardest not to eat it herself. she threw it at the timberwolves and it landed right before their feet. One of the timberwolfs sniffed it and then ate it. the other growled at him because he wanted too so Breezy threw another cookie. The other timberwolf ate it too and then the looked at Breezy again with a hungry look in their eyes.


Breezy thought it was done with her and the timberwolfs jumped closer towards her but they didn't eat her. instead they started to sniff her and they made friendly noises. Breezy grabbed another cookie and gave it to the wolves. carefully they grabbed it from her hoof and they asked for more. but Breezy didn't have any cookies left. She told the timberwolfs that she had more cookies at home and that they could get more if they brought here there.


the timberwolfs understood Breezy and they showed her they way home. Breezy was really happy to be home again and she ran inside and grabbed the cookie jar. She fed all the cookies to the wolves and from then on the timberwolfs were breezies friends. the end"


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom


Although Sen said he would leave for a while, he stayed for a while and eavesdropped on the conversation between Omen and the guardian. When it came down to it, the guardian was right: he didn't know what he wanted to do after everything is done. Maybe he would join Omen's search for Discord; it passes the time and he owes her. It was his way of showing his gratitude.   


I wish you well on your search, the guardian replied. Though I must make a mention of something important. It would be wise not to linger here for too long. Malvernis is still a risk even if he is sealed here and by all means, do not let others know of this place for their sake. Besides, your friend may take longer than expected to heal and you have that wisp. She'll find you when the time comes.

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@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


Blitz pouted a little when Summer told her that the school was not a good space to run around with bomb in. She hadn't wanted to use it or anything, and she hadn't the fire with her to do so even if she did, but Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had been meanies to her and the CMC and needed to be taught a lesson. Sure, it just made them call her crazy more directly than before - when they weren't busy doing anything they could to avoid her out of fear - but it had worked on the day, even if Cheerilee didn't think it okay.


Yet, that expression went away as Summer began on her story and she stood transfixed and listened. And it wasn't just her, Lyriel stopped walking to listen as well, and even Nerzhei paused in her walk forward and further away from the camp to better hear this story too.


As the story came to it's end, Lyriel found herself smiling at what she had found the best tale of the three. It was beautiful in it's entirety, told like it were taken from a fairytale book, and had a sweet message in it. If it were a true tale about Summer she didn't know, but if it were, she were both impressed with the story telling abilities of Summer and the connection she had gotten to some of natures hunters in the process.


The silence that had fallen over them didn't last long after the tale though before Blitz broke it by clapping with her front hooves and going *Yey*. Seemed like she were a great fan of this as well.


She didn't really say anything specific about what she liked, she just jumped around Summer and giggled before jumping over and trying to grab for Frosty's tail with her hooves - missing horribly - and then stop to clap again.


In front of them, Nerzhei didn't say anything, but as she started to move forward again, Lotus was pointing at her face from her shoulder and making happy faces at the others without her friend noticing. It seemed like she wanted to say that the dragoness had liked the story, and that she could see it, but it wasn't something that the dragon would openly admit herself.


"It were not the sort of stories I had expected to hear today, but I think this were better. It have been enlightening and intriguing to hear my friends."







Cover-up's jaw visibly dropped when he were told who the mare from before were.


"W-What? That was DJ PON3?!"


He seemed to know the name very well, that was for sure, though whatever or not he were a fan were up for-


"Oh sweet Celestia above, I actually met her? Here of all places? And she... T-This is..."


Okay, scratch that, he were rocking the fancolt train after all, which were specially visible as it took him a minute to compose himself enough to say something more and just stand and stumble over his words.


"I'm sorry, it's just... I like her music. A lot. It have helped me get through some tough times and seeing her like this is- Wait, catching a mare's eye?"


A light seemed to go off in his eyes and his eyes widened.


"So you and... I-I mean are you and Vinyl... Together?"


A mixture of not knowing what to think and awe seemed to go over Cover-up's eyes as he processed the chance of him looking at his favourite DJ's coltfriend. He might be jumping to conclusions, but it just seemed like this could be the case, and if it were... Well, he didn't exactly know what to do. What were he supposed to do in that situation? Bow before Silver? Ask him questions? What was the proper way to handle something like that?







"Okay. I will find Sen then."


Omen rose her muzzle up sniffed the air before turning around slowly and move towards where she knew Sen were now, stopping only briefly to say "Goodbye, spirits. Perhaps we come back one day." but didn't halt her walk to wait for answers, even if her slow walk meant that she'd be able to hear them regardless.


In all honesty, she never really needed to sniff the air like she did to find anypony. She had an initiate tracker that worked more like a kind of *feeler*, but Master Discord had implemented her with some bad habbits in his time, and this were one of them. He had found it funny to see her sniff out others like she were a hound of some kind, and though she didn't do this often anymore, the thought of her master before had made her do this sort of per instinct.


It wouldn't be long before Sen would find Omen to be right in front of him, having gone as directly a route as possible without breaking down something.


"They say it's not safe to stay, and that she finds us. The wisp shows her the way."








"Her name is actually Celestia, and I would suggest you remember that. Your version could likely get you imprisoned for saying it near her or one of her guards."


It wasn't said as a threat, just a friendly reminder more than anything. Celestia were not a cruel being or one prone to go after ponies for a little name calling - although what did she knew? She hadn't spoken with her before her imprisonment, and only twice since. Mostly when she had to deliver messages from Cadence - but this particular name was of a certain... Nature, so to speak, that was unlikely to be taken well in any company.


It seemed strange that this one were not able to keep the name in check as the princess had been in control of Equestria for several thousand years, minus the years where Discord took over. Especially as the youngster said that he had been around for some centuries, though to be fair, he were undead. The influence on his memory might be faulty, which in a sense could explain his way of talking too. But she'd see.


And yes, she said youngster. A few centuries were but a drop in the ocean for the demonic mare, even if the vast majority of that had been spent captured in crystal. Not something that she usually spoke about unless asked, but it depended on the being she were speaking with.


"That aside, you say you have knowledge spanning centuries? Anything interesting you could share? Spending three millennia trapped in crystal have left me dreadfully behind on some things."


It was not her entire age, as she were actually nearing her 4000'th birthday in a few years, but the years before that was something she could mention later on. It would be boring if the conversation was one-sided, and if she were going to have an honest conversation with this one about him being undead, it was likely going to take some time and a lot of talking. Not that she didn't have the time - unless she were called upon by Cadence and/or Shinning Armor - but she'd rather have it be at least somewhat entertaining in the build up. And who knew? Perhaps this one knew a thing or two that was of some interest.


Thinking on Cadence and her husband left her trying to feel out if there was something just to be sure, but there wasn't. Ever since their child had entered the world, there were more of a use for her than in the years before that. Not so much with the more covert things, but more in the way of having questions in how to handle a highly magical foal like theirs. Vivid didn't have the experience about alicorn children, granted, but she were a unicorn and once had children of her own, so she knew a few pointers that seemed to help when they didn't know who else to ask, although she, understandably, had not held their child thus far.


She didn't know if they would even let her if she attempted, but she had deliberately not tried. She didn't think she had been around enough to prove her loyalty and trustworthiness to the house of love completely, and call her paranoid, but she would prefer not to try something when it came to the child unless she were asked to by them. A mothers displeasure was a ferocious thing that nopony should want to face.







When they turned to look at the sisters, they would only be able to see Void, standing nervously and looking towards the dome of wind. The dome that Null were currently running towards.


The winds didn't seem to touch her in the slightest, which would just prove what she had thought when she saw it: That it were all magical. Wind guided by magic would loose strength when it touched her and bare even be felt by her, so she got to the dome fast enough, and when she did... Well, she stuck her head through the wall and looked in, creating a small hole around her that seemed to almost fizzle. Like the spell was getting more power in to close the hole, but got destroyed when near enough to her.


She didn't stay her head in there for long before pulling back out again and running back to the others, not stopping before she stood at them again with a half-scared look on her face.


"If the train station is in the dome, we wait it out."


"W-What did you see in there?"


"I am not even sure about half of it, but I can tell you this: Whatever's going on in there? I don't want any part in it. It makes Troy look like a holiday in paradise."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Silvermoon turned red, "w-what no no no...I don't like her that way...not yet anyway, I like to get to know a mare before falling for one," he said the red disappering, "what made you think that," he asked, confused. He didn't like her that way she was too party for him but that could change...he just didn't know.

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Bill, stopped for a second, but regained his composure, stating,

"Will speak to you over tea, tea and crumpets are good conversation food."

Bill was intrigued, the pony he was facing seemed to be legitimately powerful, in fact, he was sure he'd met her at one point. Regardless, he wasn't actually hungry, he honestly just wanted to be around more people, just in case this woman did anything spooky. Bill never felt hungry, actually, he never felt anything, he knew that things like needing to eat and drink were normal for living things, but for some reason, a healthy magic... No. He WAS a magic horse, there was no doubt about that, they'd all told him so.

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@@Lonk Chase



@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy




Sissilia rubbed her head against the side of Ginger's neck in an effort to make her feel better. The love of friendship hopefully may alleviate some of the hate sickness. As she did this, she purred softly, but blocked the bucket Meeko was under with her tail. She wanted all the attention for herself.


The Forgotten One had wasted energy making himself corporeal for that moment, when he had struck at Penny. Charlie took the opportunity to attempt to break free. He could be seen trying to reach out of the creature's back for the stick Priestess was holding, but he could not reach far enough. The creature covered him over again before disappearing from view once more, Charlie screaming in pain all the while.


"Though I do know the answers to the questions you seek, I cannot answer them for you myself. If you wish, I will however bring you back far enough that you may find these answers. Though, I would like to stay to ensure the outcome of this battle first, Traveller said to Zhu. The look in his eyes were like he were looking into the eyes of someone that looked like his long lost son, remembering a better time, and a great loss, yet being aware that he would never be able to get that back.


Meanwhile, the board that Penny clung to snapped, and she began to fall toward the ground.


@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy



"His soul is still connected, so he isn't actually dead, but if his soul doesn't return, he'll end up staying in a coma until it does," Seamore responded to Brittle's question. Probably not the best thing to make a child stop worrying, but at least it might help get rid of the fear of death.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom, Astral had never heard of troy before, or had any idea what that place was. Neither did Misty. "We should encircle the entire dome to make sure the station isn't inside it." Astral suggested.


Misty took in how Astral wasn't able to go through but Null was able to. "Hey, how did you put your head through, but Astral couldn't put her hoof through?"


Astral looked at Misty. "They cancel out magic. Must've done so for the dome."


"Then could they open a hole so we could go in?"


Astral looked at Null's scared face for a moment. "Best that they don't, whatever is in there mustn't be good."


Misty glanced at the gem on Astral's necklace, which was glowing more visibly, perhaps even Null and Void could see it glow. "Perhaps you could."


Astral let out a fake scoff. "I'm an earth pony I can't open holes in domes like this." She was lying of course, she could with a powerful enough spell.


Misty was confused for a moment she wanted to correct Astral, but then remembered Null and Void were there. If she said to Astral she could use magic, Null and Void would hear and that would get them in trouble. "Right." She tried to sound embarrassed, she started rubbing the back of her head, she had to play along with situations like this. She didn't want other ponies to put them in prison for the magic they use.


Astral smirked. "I don't know how you forget I'm an earth pony all the time." Misty growled, she knew Astral was lying about that but it still felt like an insult. "Anyways, I'll lead the way around the dome." Astral unrolled the map and grabbed some chalk out of her backpack, the backpack which nopony noticed prior ((OOC: Unless I forgot)), and drew a circle on the map to symbolize the dome. "That should help."


Misty took a look at it. "But we have no idea how big it is."


Astral nodded. "Yes we don't but this is only assuming the train station isn't within the dome." Astral looked at the map and walked in a  circle until the dome was to her right. "This way." She said pointing out a hoof directly ahead of herself.

Edited by Frannis

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Lonk Chase @GingerLightning @Melke @Blitz Boom  @Quinch



"Charlie?" Allure saw the apparition emerge, reaching for Priestesses position. Meanwhile, Priestess finally reached the clock tower. She busted down the door and leapt from stairwell to stairwell, clearing it in less than half a minute. She punched the access door down, and had a clear view of the pandemonium, as well as the forgotten one.


"This isn't just an embittered ghost. This thing is now using it's own malice to taint the world around it.  It has now become desiccated spirit. A member of the Banes. And not just any Bane. This thing is resembling the murderous Psychomachiae. Spirits that thrive on killing sprees. Oh how I had hoped to have finally been rid of those things."  She grabbed another venom tipped black arrow. "If I know chaos venom like I think I do, then it shouldn't do the same thing twice. If this doesn't work, then the beast courts will try to 'handle' it.  


The last time they handled something, we ended up with the badlands."


Allure meanwhile buzzed to the pony hanging onto the ruined balcony. "Hey! You still alive up there?"

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Lonk Chase



@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy




The Forgotten One, after having returned itself to the spirit plane, slammed the ground with full force in an attempt to both imbalance its foes and shake off Ashta and Ko. The ground shook, sending cracks growing up the sides of the clock tower, which slowly began to fall apart. It knew it had to keep the stick away from itself. Otherwise, Charlie would use it to separate himself from The Forgotten One, thus removing its ability to hide in the spirit plane.


At that time, Penny was falling from the balcony, and would soon meet her demise if nobody intervened.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom


Sen didn't have anything to eat but he immediately dismissed this as not being hungry anymore. He heard everything in the chamber and walked out into the light and into the presence of the guardians again, very likely to be the last time. 

"Thank you, all of you," Sen meekly replied, looking up to each of the guardians and took each prominent feature of theirs into account. "If I ever happen to go back to the clan, they should at least know they were wrong even if they don't get to see this place."


The eldest guardian approached Sen and took one long, stern look at his face. I appreciate your concern but it is best for them to remember things the way they are. I fear they will forget their lesson if they come looking for us. Know that you are among the very few who know what is true, and be proud that when you pass, you will be among the best of our kind. Tell your other friend the same thing.

Sen looked back to Omen somewhat happily, though still troubled, and said "We should go back and let your mother know of what happened. She should be told."   

As they were just by the edge of the cavern's entrance, the stones that littered the ground shook and formed a wall that blocked all view from Sen's end to the inside. Whatever magic they used was able to transform a seemingly breakable wall into a dead end.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,



@@Lonk Chase,



@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Zhu heard the words spoken by the Creator, but as he saw the scene unfolding in front of him, he knew that there was something else that he had to do before answering it.


With a thought, the winds blew around Penny and took the dangling pony away from the ledge and safely floating towards safer ground. A thing he had assumed he had not needed to, but the odds had worked against what seemed plausible, and gone towards a path that would end with her broken on the stones below her, which were not a thing that should pass. She had things ahead of her that could prove important, both in this fight and in times past that.


Harder it were for the second and third thing he had to do, and if you could have seen his face, the furrow that went over him at the added concentration needed for this were visible. Yet, as he saw the ananasi starting to fall of the Forgotten One, he had to catch Ashta, that managed to bury a poison-soaked sword halfway into the thing before he were tossed off and headed towards a rather unfortunate end at the end of a broken off pole.


At the same time, he put pressure on Ko, which helped him to get a grab in a few of the several daggers he had stabbed his target with and stay on, though he ended up dropping the bag of poison he had with him, leaving him with now just one dagger that had toxin on them. Still, he stayed on and the one he had attacked with landed quickly on the ground, slightly confused as to how his rolling tumble down had been softened so.


He did not have the time to enlighten the being though, as he blew a wind towards Preistess that carried his words to her ears "If they are connected, they will never fall, yet the part of one can drive them apart. Lay down the arrow, Kitsune, and let the Everfree fly. "


When all of this were said and done, Zhu looked back at the Creator, looking a little more worse from the wear. Between this and keeping up the dome - which were not easier as somepony had tried to negate part of it briefly - it had taken some toll on his magic, even if the wind was not one that usually took much from his reserves. Not enough so that he could not keep this going for a good while longer, but it was a small dent in his armor, so to speak.


"Already I have needed to interfere too much. The scene is set and the strings dance in my paws, yet I also find myself on the scene, when the play should not include me. It is not my role. Not my purpose."


He let out a small sigh. This were really not the way he had prepared for this day to come, and even in his backup scenario, he had not been needing to do as much as he had so far done.


He had seen the pieces on the board all present, and not some of them lacking and needing him to fill in. Heroes that would protect and those that would fight had filled his vision, and yet now it was up to him to do one, and push towards the other. This day should not have needed him, just like any other day should not have. He were supposed to always be a ghost writer, unknown and untraceable, and yet now he had become one of the characters in a story that would reach further than this town.


It was something he knew would happen one day, and he felt the time to walk out of the shadows were approaching, but he had not wanted to be part of this tale. It was too soon, but there was no escaping the lights now.


"What is to come, and what have already passed, will be things to seek when the battle is over. Though I require a little time after, to ensure the eventual rebirth of the mare of demons, before she returns on her own. She cannot be allowed to evolve further, at least for now."


As this talking went on, three beings were on the war path, ignoring the little chatter near them.


Ashta were one of them, who now charged towards the Ancient One again, remaining blade in hand and using his free hand to aim for the dropped bag of toxins that were between him and his target. It were the only one they had left now, and though it didn't seem to have done much yet, it were a big creature and more dosages were likely needed before it had much of an effect. It was the strongest toxin Ko had let him get near, and he believed that enough to stake his claim on them needing this.


Ko were thinking he could use that too, but he could also really use a chance at not being near tossed off. He had been lucky before when a wind had blown him close enough to reach a dagger, but this luck wouldn't last in the long run, and with his dropping of the venom bag...


He briefly look at his last, poison-tipped dagger before jamming it as well into his opponent. It was all he could still do beyond hanging on and seeing if something wouldn't soon happen now, though he were starting to loose a little faith in the venom right now. It was not something he often did with his handy-work, but so far it had barely seemed to do anything but smoke a little from the wounds, and if it had worked, then why wasn't there a bigger effect? Had he... Failed?


Last barely noticed them, and certainly didn't care as she rushed towards Nemo, sword risen and ready for another slash to the monstrous thing in front of her. She knew what was inside him now, but the only thing she could think about that would do anything were to keep attacking and hopefully weaken the being. She could seek forgiveness another time, but right now there wasn't that time. She just hoped that it would start to do something soon so that he could have the strength to pull away. Preferably before her stitches began to explode. It was starting to feel a little.. Uncomfortable, on her belly.


As for Ginger and Sisilia... Well, The later would feel some claws scratching her soon and a low growling from Meeko that did not like being stopped by... Whatever had stopped him. He didn't actually see it under his bucket, he just had it lifted up enough to see that there was a tail, and began to try and get whoever it belonged to to remove it by scratching into it. Considering it was a scaled tail, this might not work as well as he wanted it to though.







"It's just... You talked about catching a mare's eye and fixed yourself up when she was gone, and... W-Well you came here with her. I just thought... I'm sorry."


Cover-up started to feel rather small in it as he was faced with the results of him making assumptions. It was stupid of him to have said anything about this and he should have just kept silent about what he thought. Now Silver was all flustered and he himself looked like a complete-


"Yo, what's shaking?"


Vinyl popped her head out of the door she had gone into with Bubble Tea before and looked over to see that both Silver and the colt with the tats were still there. They looked a but funny in it though, what with Silver looking all flustered and the colt having sunk down and looking a bit off - well, at least until she spoke and he made a little jump before turning to look at her with a mixture face of *I'm sorry* and slight fear - but eh, might be they had spoken about something that wasn't meant for her ears. Guy talk of some kind likely.


"Vinyl, no scaring my customers."


Bubble Tea - a simple blue mare with a light-blue mane and tail in a style reminiscent of Applejack, and sporting a cutie mark looking like a knife and a fork crossing over a bed - walked out of the room and bopped Vinyl slightly on the head.


"Sorry, wasn't on purpose."


Bubble Tea rose an eyebrow slightly, showing that she did not completely believe in that, but she let it hang in the air as she approached the desk and the two that had been left out there whilst she went off to speak with Vinyl.


"I apologise for the hold-up gentlecolts. If you would follow me please, we'll get you settled in your rooms."


Cover-up had already gotten a key before, so she only reached one forth towards Silver after taking it out of the slot in it's place on the wall behind her. Looked like a dusty one, so not a place she went often, but that shouldn't come as much of a surprise considering what Vinyl had said about it being mainly storage.


"We'll take yours second. There are some things we need to move out of there first."


She would wait until the key had been taken, but wouldn't wait longer than that before heading towards the stairs leading up, expecting the others to follow shortly after.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Brittle didn't look too good after hearing that Xeno might end up dying because of what had happened to him. She had been faced with many variations of threats, injuries, anger, pain, etc. before, but death weren't ever something she had to be around, which were one of the few things she were thankful for. She were broken enough as it were. Being faced with death on top of that, would likely have made her crack completely, and right now she could feel something on her mind like that at even the potential of it happening.


"S-So h-he... It... what w-will..."


She tried to speak, but failed miserably in the task before slinking back again to the small spot she had before and close her eyes. She didn't want to look at somepony if they were potentially about to die, even if it might take some time. Seamore had said eventually, so how long it were she hadn't a clue about, but... 5 minutes? An hour? Something like that? Without knowing, how could she take the chance?







"Nuhuh, I might be able to make an hole, but I'm not opening up to that again. Way too much going wrong in there."


Void thought about asking her big sister what was going on considering she hadn't seen her this scared since... Well, Troy, but back then a lot of things had happened. What could be in there that made her say that it would be worse than that? A black hole or something?


She wished she knew, but she wouldn't ask her. Whatever it were, it was likely for the better that they just left it be, and got far away from here. Preferably with a train that hadn't a station inside this dome, but that were up to Astral to find out as she were circling the map. She sounded like she thought the train station wasn't in there, but weren't sure as it was hard to get a scope of exactly how big this dome were, and that they... T-They should get around and see for themselves.


It was not a comforting thought, but as Null jumped back up on her back it felt a little less bad. Long as she still had her sister with her, it should be okay. Null were always the smart one that kept them safe, so if she were there with her, it was going to be okay... Right?


"L-Let's hope it isn't in t-there then."


She could at least hope so as she started to follow Astral and Misty. It wasn't a convincing thought just yet, but it would hopefully get there eventually, and she could at least pretend to be as okay with it as those two were.


Looking at the two, she noticed something odd though: The gem that Astral had seemed to be glowing. She hadn't really taken notice of the jewellery more than at the initiate meeting, but she were pretty sure that it hadn't been like this back then. Was it something magical? And if so, why was it glowing? Was it a sort of light?


"What's uhm... W-Why does your g-gem glow? If I can ask t-that is."







"Very well. There should be a café or something nearby I believe."


With that, Vivid turned around and calmly began to walk down the street to look for a place fitting the apparent need of the undead. And herself in a sense. It had been a bad week thus far with her having been killed and everything, and she could really use at least something to make things seem less horrible. Something bitter and spicy would do well.


The thought about what she were actually doing almost made her laugh. Here she were with an undead that she had wandered over to to try an learn what he were doing here, and now they were going for a tea break. Life - and unlife - really were bizarre sometimes.







Omen tapped the wall that had appeared a little, not knowing what to think of this sort of barrier they had set up, but thinking she should just leave them alone then. Seemed to be what they wanted to, at least for now, so she'd leave them be. She had more important things to do anyway it sounded like, as Sen wished for them to return to Mother and letting her know what had happened.


She wasn't sure if Mother would answer if they did go back, as it could sometimes take a while between her seeing anypony, and especially the same, but Sen were right: Mother would want to know, so they should at least try.




A gate opened some way from them, which closed nearly instantly again whilst Omen looked at it with a tilted head. She had gotten into the distance difference in the cave now, so it took her a few seconds to think on it right again before a new one opened where she actually had wanted it to. That being, directly in front of them.


Not much would seemed to have changed as theyeventually passed through. The world were still a mess, though beyond a few curious eyes that always popped up whenever somepony got in here, they didn't seem to get much attention. That including from Mother just yet, as no voice reached them as they passed through or a door appeared.




Omen *spoke* out, trying to see if she would find an answer, but getting nothing back. If Mother were watching, and listening, then her voice wasn't something that drew her out. Perhaps she were sleeping, but then again... Could it be she wanted to hear another voice? It had been much about Lin the last there were here, so she could be waiting for her. But she wasn't her, so how...


A small light flickered in her head and she turned to look at Sen.


"Perhaps Mother will answer you?"

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Astral lifted her gem up to look at it, her eyes widening a bit, she cast spells way more often under 'normal' circumstances which would lead to her draining it a lot more, she had no idea what would happen if she didn't cast spells and let the magic build up. "I guess you could say it's magical, I got it long ago from my mother. It protects me by casting a warding spell around me." Astral hadn't spoken a single lie while saying that, other than not mentioning it provided her the magic to cast the warding spell. But still, she did receive it from her mother and it did have a warding spell cast on it.


Misty was worried a bit less than Astral, she had no idea what would happen if the magic built up either, but that was because she had less experience with the gem. "It does?" Her curious tone was honest. She really didn't know if it did cast the warding spell.


Astral turned her head to Misty. "My mother was a unicorn, she cast the warding spell on the gem in order to protect me, right before she-" She was a tough mare, but something's she couldn't handle. "-died, agh I hate it when that topic comes up!" She wipped away her tears quickly, she didn't want to look unprotected around other ponies. "Sorry about that, let's just focus on what direction to take around the dome; clockwise, or counterclockwise?"

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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