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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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Satin's eyes lit up. "Oh, i don't know if any good plays would be going on here in Ponyville, and I got an offer to go to a spa, but," Satin touches Vivid's cloak, "with your cold situation, we both wouldn't be able to enjoy that...." She sat there pondering for a few moments, muttering. "A nice library trip is always enjoyable, but not much for bonding. Nothing too fancy or new, I want both of us to enjoy it. Umm... Why don't we just walk around for a bit and find something you like? I also hear there's an amazing confectioner here. We could stop there if you want."

She finally dropped her guise and smiled, hoping Vivid would enjoy the idea."I would like to run back to the inn and dress up a bit if you don't mind. It feels odd not wearing anything."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit

"I'm not a poltergeist. Those poor creatures are in constant pain and lash out, I was just... There was so much screaming and confusion. I just needed a moment to think, but it just kept on and I... Had an episode."

Cherish were not proud of this, but it didn't make her into a poltergeist. If she had been, she wouldn't have stopped until there was nothing left to lash out at. She just had her small episodes fueled by negative emotions now and again perfectly fine. Nothing that made her inherently unstable and needing to be put down.

"Emotions fuel a lot of things when you're a spirit. Sometimes it can boil over if things goes wrong."

Meanwhile, Last wanted to ask more about who this Traveler were, how he moved things in time, and why such a creature was not to be considered a threat, but the princesses were occupied now, so her questions would have to wait.

Twilight were talking with Cherish, Luna with the Siren, and Celestia... Hmm, perhaps she could inquire some things from her actually.

"If you say he is not a threat, then so be it your highness. Though perhaps I could ask for a few more details on this Traveler, in case I encounter him at some point?"




"You don't see it? It seems our sights are not the same."

He would not deny that Karmic knew things, but it seemed that perhaps her sight were not as encompassing or controlled as he had thought, and the surprise had managed to find it's way into his words too.

Still, there were other ways than glancing at others. Visions were an example, though what he knew of them, he hopes for her sake that it wasn't so. The unpredictable flashes seemed like a grave burden.

"The guard will be fine, but the odds are in favor of him standing to take a loose brick to his helmet soon. Nothing dangerous, but it will knock him out, and mark the point where I will leave this cell.

Before such a time however, more time will pass that needs to be filled. Perhaps tell me who you are, mare who can see the unwritten? I am Zhu."

Technically it was his last name, but the only living beings who knew his first name were the Traveler, and Celestia. The former were told not too long ago, and Celestia had given him the name Dolly, so she would know better than any.

He had taken the moniker Zhu instead after leaving Canterlot, to have some anonymity while he did his work in the shadows. He didn't wish to let his adoptive mother know that he were still around, as painful as it were to deceive her like that. It was just easier and felt more merciful to do than tell her of what he had to do, and why.



@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

As Sen turned, he'd look directly into Rosa's eyes, who had stepped closer after the response that the longma gad given, to make sure that he could not be missed when he gave his two bits on the misinformed statement the longma had given.

"I repeat: 

On 2/2/2018 at 1:56 PM, Blitz Boom said:

I am going with whatever group takes the refraction to the mine. Perhaps seeing one of the foals she abandoned will cause Filigree to stagger enough for the refraction to attack her.

If you hear that as there being foals trapped in a mine, your kinds ears are worse than an elderly pony's.

Filigree is my mother, and she abandoned me once my father became useless to her goals. The same goes for a brother of mine years prior, whom I have yet to find. Those are the foals I speak of.

She uses everypony to get to what she wants, but don't insult me and say I would be okay with doing the same to foals. I am not her, and after what I learned about her during my hunt, you should thank your princess for that. Equestria does not need Filigree, or anypony like her."

Rosa had gotten a slightly angry tone at the end, betraying his otherwise neutral outlook. It was simply that being compared to the same thing which Filigree would have done, had hit a nerve he tried to dull. Emotions running high would compromise his ability to think rationally over things, so he tried to avoid it when possible.

"Should we go now?"

Omen wasn't sure what was going on, beyond Rosa apparently being Filigree's foal, so she focused on what she had been told before that.

"I made myself clear, we should get moving."

Omen nodded and opened a gate for the three of them to wander through. She would go first, then Rosa would follow, leaving it open to be used by Sen when he was ready.

When he would eventually get in there, Omen would be told some details about the area near the mine by Rosa, as he were attempting to give her some pointers as to where they were going, whilst also cautiously looking around himself. The realm didn't make him comfortable, convenient as it may be.




Having done nothing to stop it, Lucid would be tossed directly into the same tree crown were Anomaly were.

"Oh hey, did the author smack you around too? Weird guy, right?"

To be more exact, Anomaly's head were here. The rest of her had climbed down and left tge pumpkin behind since it had been a bit stuck, and when down there, confronted the bull.

A snap of the tail, and the charging creature shrunk down to the size of a rabbit, making it functionally harmless to them. Still annoying though.




"His breathing seems stable, just like the other one. I'm thinking that the two of them are just exhausted. Seems like getting possessed takes a lot out of you.

Could be there's some sort of magic holding them down too,  but that's not my area. You want to check on them to make sure? Scarcity told me that you'd have more experience with magic mumbo jumbo than a regular earth pony."

They had gotten some way before Blackbeak said this, and she enjoyed having some momentum, but if Astral wanted to check the two up, she wouldn't mind getting them off her back for a bit. They were getting heavy.

She rolled them down on the ground, ready to be checked on in advance, and if Astral didn't see something, she might make a small check herself. It'd give her an excuse to ease her back a little, and it wasn't like checking for vital were hard.




Scarcity looked at the books stacked up so far, chuckling slightly under her breath.

"Dearie, this is hardly a way to gather information. You stay here and search through this, and I will start making some contacts to find what is not written anywhere in here."

She began to wander away, then stopped and turned her head, gazing at Sapphire with a teasing look in her eyes.

"I will have somepony here to escort you to the forbidden archieves soon. Happy reading darling."

Scarcity relished in holding information, but she found reading through stacks of books like this to be tedious. She had workers for that kind of thing, and Sapphire would gain more from her absence than attendance if she made them work for their pay.

It would not be more than ten minutes later roughly, when an elder unicorn stallion with a bushy, grey mustache blooming beneath his large glasses, would get into view of Sapphire.

His coat were faded yellow, eyes pale-green, and though the worn vest and boots covered him well, you could clearly see the parchment with an ink stain that made his cutie mark. His mane and tail were both short and white, befitting of the dusty librarian look he had over him.

"I'm sorry for the wait madam, but things have been hectic today. Almost missed that a scholar from Saddle Arabia had been written in to come and help us. Quite a pickle we're in. Quite a pickle.

I understand that you have been given access to the forbidden section to find specifics about the dreadful pony from earlier? Quite the rare occurrence, but I'm sure the ambassador picked one from his homeland for a reason."

Scarcity had used her influence to both have Sapphire registered as an expected visitor from Saddle Arabia, and have her given access to the area she needed, all while making things appear legal, and even a sight for sore eyes. Here was hoping that Sapphire could play along a little.




It was an interesting plan, but there was two minor issues with it: One being that Ponyville was some way from him, and that would slow his absorption  going by former attempts, and the second being that something quickly approached that were far more hungry than he were.

Still, that would only cut between the flow and interrupt it, and he'd still be able to get a mixture of some of the inhabitants magic. For a minute or two more, the others would still need to keep Warlock contained.

"You think I fear your puny little magic tricks, pony? Sphinx-kind cannot be brought down by the tricks of a party clown!"

He might not be able to hit Warlock himself with his cloth, but with all the trees around, he were well able to pull a few of them down around him and towards his head, whilst jumping forward, ready to slash at the little magician. One way or another, this was going to end, and if it were up to him, it would not end with Warlock walking away from here unscathed.

Meanwhile, Brick were having an... Unusual issue. With the magic being drained towards them, the Path had settled on feasting on the incoming stream, and then try and follow it back towards Ponyville. With little other choice, Brick would have to disrupt this stream constantly to stop it whilst being on his way, both costing them time and allowing some energy to reach Warlock. Thankfully for Ponyville, he probably wouldn't be able to drain them all from here right now regardless. He'd likely need the Element of Greed for a fast flow that could drain from that far, though of course, nothing was certain. perhaps his hatred for those who were gaining on him now, and the betrayal of Enzo, would fuel something within him that might power things up. It should still not devour Ponyville, but this half of town were not going to be pleasant to live in, and even some uneven flow in magic from the rest of town, considering the rebuilding, could be catastrophic. Warlock might be a bigger menace just from attempting this rather than actually attacking the beings in his sight right now.




Dandy did not spread his wings, or see on the general with glee. Like all other times, he simply glanced towards the general with a feeling of uselessness from seeing a changeling he had not been able to serve well either. Sure, he might be able to infiltrate and spy on others, but what was that when you couldn't be part of a fight? When the ponies would soon become friends, and spying on them would be taboo?

He felt the dread of self-loathing loom ever closer, and spread his wings slowly.

"I'm... Not coming. T-The queen wanted me ready to take the guards in from the station. You should go meet them alone. The general... He'll need fighters."

With that, he'd rise into the air, and start to flutter away towards the station, head hung and pondering on about his impending irrelevance. If Francis wanted to interfere with that, he'd have to move soon, though if he aimed to go with the general, he should just go there instead. It was a long way to the Everfree Forest, and if he wanted to help against Warlock, he couldn't stay behind for long.




Benny reached over a piece of blueberry before he napped some chili cake himself, dying to know what this tasted like.

There were some silence after that, where the most sound came from the chewing of cake. From the slow pace of Jet, to the more methodical Jade, sensibly chewing Pop, munching Benny, and Toxen, who had taken a slice of the spice cake nopony had touched yet and flung pieces of it into the air to catch it with her mouth.

"... Tastes good."

Jet was the first to reply to things, around halfway into his slice. It seemed to help the rings around his eyes a little, but nothing short of actual sleep would be able to truly get him up. Well except for perhaps ice down his spine, but that was a little mean.

"Yeah, tasty stuff. Bakerchick here got a good pallet."

"It is... Better than I had expected from pony food."

The fact that she reached for another piece after giving her review of Victoria's baking seemed to indicate that Jade liked it a whole bunch, but reluctance with ponies took time. Not with Toxen, who actively held her hand out to meet Victoria in a knuckles-again-hoof brohoof, yet that were another blend entirely.

"It's delicious Victoria. You can be proud of yourself."

"Awh man, this is Awesome! I wanna try 'em all."

Benny gulped down and cut some blueberry cake next, whilst Pop teased him slightly by insinuating that he might not be able to fit in his uniform if he got too greedy. Something that almost made Benny choke on a piece of cake from laughing, though thankfully Jade quickly reached over and hit him with a hard palm in the chest, causing him to dislodge it.

"You're a grown dragon Benny, chew your food like one."

The blush on Benny's cheeks after that made a vague *hah* come from his father, before he returned to slowly chewing through his piece of chili cake.



@Lil' Lovebug

Vivid's cloak would feel cool to the touch for Satin, though it were scorching for the demon mare. A small, if unsatisfactory bonus from being clad in the Veil, rather than something forged in hellfire. That sort would have burned her hoof, and likely all vegetation that Vivid would get within 10 centimeters of.

"I miss the feeling of water on my fur, but until I have found a spell that can help me regulate my own body heat, such a thing as a spa will not be possible for me."

She hoped that soon enough, Twilight would be informed about her plight by Shining Armor, and perhaps then things could proceed. Yet that didn't help them right now, and she had to work with her limitations in mind, as well as the limitation of the small town they were within reach of.

"You don't need to be limited to Ponyville you know. I can take you with me as I wander in the realm clinging to our own, and a trip to Canterlot could seem less than a minute in Equestrian time. You'd have to stay close though, but it does open up possibilities that this little town does not possess. My arrangement with the Everfree spirit can wait for a day if needed.

Ponder it whilst we retrieve your clothes at least. Fillydelphia, Neighpon, Saddle Arabia, nothing is truly out of reach, as long as we are willing to put a little effort into it, and I'm willing to try new things. The world have changed greatly since I was last around, so you would know better than me what happens, and what can be considered fun."

Their trips would be safe too, as long as the Bishop were not wandering the path... In such a case, the would have to immediately leave the realm she traversed, even if they'd end up in the middle of an ocean. It was safer than being near the crazed demoness.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The tiny bull ran into Lucid's good, obviously not doing much. No one messes with a reality warper, especially one that not only can break the fourth wall, but can completely annihilte it.

"Alright, so before we continue into the cottage, allow me to return something to someone."

Lucid opened a portal and threw the tiny bull into the author's room. He then closed the portal.

"Alright, let's head into the cottage now."


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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

"But I... I didn't mean to..."

Sen's hearing was fine; it was his more of his inability to comprehend that left him stunned at what he just heard that left a bigger impact. Filigree having children was unexpected and Rosa being one of them even more so. It definitely touched a nerve on the latter and seemingly convinced Sen that he's learned next to nothing from his travels, hearkening back to the abrasive attitude everyone showed him. It was a pathetic display but he found himself shrinking away from vision and walking farther and farther behind everyone else once he entered the gate and through the mines further. Such a creature who learned to protect, fashioned to be tough, now the very opposite of those things.

He'd still want to continue and at least stop Filigree but he was considering on ending things there and going home. He wanted to be away to think things over despite hearing how Rosa's brother was missing. He wanted to help but at the same time, that's a third time he nearly messed things up and assumed things he hadn't completely thought over. If that's a trend to continue, perhaps Lin and Omen could do that without him. Maybe time away from Lin and Omen would do him some good, travel alone so he wouldn't have to be in this situation again. If what Fiddler said was true, that heroes would be treated well in Las Pegasus, then maybe he'd ask either of them to help him disappear before the ceremonies. He wouldn't like the attention on him anyway. 

"I'm sorry." He quietly muttered, just away from everyone but maybe enough to hear something. "I'm so sorry."

Sen would keep those thoughts in mind while wandering through the mines. He kept a dejected look on him that drained away any enthusiasm he had earlier and knows all of it was on him. Everyone reassuring him that it wasn't his fault; now it was, he was owning up to his actions and convinced of that as absolute truth. Maybe it would've been better of Legion's magic was still on Omen now. He's be fine with someone else doing the thinking for him, all things considered.

He would stay within earshot of the others once in the mines but far enough not to cause anymore inconvenience for anyone else. He was ready to hear what Rosa would have to say even if it isn't directed at him. He wouldn't blame him if he doesn't want to look him in the eye after nearly causing an outburst. 

As for Lin, she wanted to rush in an confront Rosa but at the same time, knew they were running out of time. She was angry at his outburst but had to concede to the fact that even she was confounded by the revelation. It must've been how he worded his statement but she was also aware of just how fragile Sen is coming out from one traumatizing experience only to come in and be burdened with another. She would have to put that prospect on hold for now; a gate opened closer to Clayton's destination first. Spelt can wait for a little while longer. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

Warlock looked at the sphynx, lifting up a hoof as if to defend against the trees flung to him, a sphere of magic forming around him, acting as a shield, and upon impact the ground would crack beneath him, a small crater formed, one the diameter of the sphere of magic. "Stop this now Warlock, and you can leave unharmed!" Iron Wing declared.

He looked at Wing as he stood back up, then he started levitating upwards as Iron extended his wings, rushing over to grab onto Warlock, right as he flew closer to Ponyville, faster than before. Grabbing Iron Wing and throwing him away, but the feathers ended up cutting his leg as they grazed him, gripping it tight he winced in pain as Wing would tumble down a road. "Too late for me to stop then." The cut flesh pulled itself together, burning as it healed.

The General stood up as his wings reassembled. "I'll make you."

Warlock formed two constructs, a sword, and a shield, flying at iron wing with the sword forward, and the shield up against a wing as it came in from the right. The left wing cutting off a good chunk of Warlock's mane as it barely missed his ear. With Warlock's sword barely getting to the general's chest as the feathers formed a shield, slicing into the construct and cutting it in two, the half heading to Iron quickly disintegrated, the rest of the sword impacting the shield and sending it upwards, along with the hoof that was holding it, Warlock turning into the impact as his body caused the feathers to break formation, tumbling into Iron wing, and then down the dirt road with him. "Gah!" Warlock opened his eyes. "What the heck?"

A spear was held to Warlock's neck, being held by Nectar. "Surrender now." Above her formed an army of changelings, hovering around Warlock.

He narrowed his eyes at them, grinning. "What makes you believe I will surrender?" He teleported away, Nectar jamming the spear into the ground as Warlock teleported in front of her. "When you deliver such a fine source of magic?"

Nectar pulled her spear up and threw it at Warlock, the spear freezing in the air as Warlock lifted a hoof up to it, barely touching it. "I didn't deliver it to you, And I don't plan to."

"Don't exactly need the consent." The spear fell to the ground as the magic of Nectar poured out of her into Warlock, along with the magic of all the ponies around him. But strangely enough, only the love magic remained in the changelings.


(Still a few minutes ago)

Francis looked to Dandy. "Right, forgot you were told to do that, well you do your thing, I am sure the queen will appreciate it!" He extended his wings out and soared down to the Everfree Forest.

(Few minutes later)

He barely missed the armies arrival to the new battle in Ponyville when he had to grab his spear, and with that spear in his hooves grasp, he was diving in behind Warlock, who was clearly focused on those in front of him, and if anypony noticed him, hopefully they'd let him take the change to end this.


Sapphire already started reading, and almost didn't notice the pony talking until she looked to them. "Ah yes, about time somepony let me in there, would've spent ages reading these books if nopony came." She said with a slight chuckle as she walked over to the pony, putting her book back on the shelf, with her hooves, as to not show the magic she was using.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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Anomaly seemingly looked into nowhere and then started laughing so hard that her head fell down the tree.

"Oh man, you should see this. He's all over the place whilst this little ankle biter keeps trying to knock him down. Oh, oh! He's defending himself with an empty soda can! Ahahaha!"

If there was one thing Anomaly liked to see, it was something happening that messed with the author. Ever since he had suddenly popped into her life a few days ago, it had been all nagging and controlly, but these moments where he was at their whims? Priceless.

Her head kept on rolling, straight into the house, whilst her body stayed behind and wriggled around on the ground from laughing spasms.

Inside the cottage, there would be nopony. No Fluttershy, no Discord, and no Angel for that matter. It appeared as if she had left for a trip or something similar, and forgot to lock the door.



@Storm Shine @EQ_Theta

Being a bat pony, Rosa heard Sen just fine, and turned around to face him. The longma seemed down after their little altercation before, which were something that he had not wanted to happen. He had just wanted to correct him so that none of them would think of him as some kind of monster, not be seen as somepony that caused these kinds of emotions without reason.

"I accept your apology, and offer my own. I got too emotional in my response.

But what's done is done. We make mistakes, we correct them, and we move on to what is important, yes? Nopony is perfect."

He certainly wasn't. The things he had done, even without knowing the consequences, were not something that sat easily on him some days, and he had to keep telling himself the same thing that he now told Sen. Even if it seemed a bit hypocritical, considering that digging into the past is what brought him here in the first place. Wherever this place were.

Behind him, Omen took some random gates and popped open, looking to see if she could find the place they were looking for. So far, it seemed like she'd need a bit of time, so the two others would have some time to sort their awkward situation. Or to wholeheartedly ignore it, make it worse, or a few other options too, though none of them seemed to be destined to end well.

"Do you know what this place is? It seems unnatural."




Enzo did not like to see an entire changeling army, but they seemed to be on their side currently. Or at least they were more opposed to Warlock than the rest of them. However, they weren't going to be much help if they went on getting seeped up like this, so he might have to do something distasteful: Save their queen.

He'd use his cloth magic to attempt to pull her away whilst the tree he still carried started to pummel down towards Warlock once again. It was likely not gonna survive the next hit, as it already had quite a dent, but that'd be fine. Next up came fangs and slamming the witch with the dragon-bone wristbands, so he had a plan to go with, though he really hated being in this fight. He might be physically stronger than these, but this were a harsh magic battle, and the only magic he had got negated by Warlock more often than not.

And speaking of negating, a few Solar Guards had gotten closer whilst the army fought, trickling in a little by little and charge directly for Warlock. They themselves would not be an issue for the magic user, but the pony that would soon follow were going to be when he showed up.

For the time being however, Warlock sat with a lot of good cards here. The changelings fed him magic, and most of his opposition here were down to physical attacks that wouldn't do much unless his defenses got pierced. Perhaps they could use Enzo as a distraction?




"Yes, follow me please."

The pony would lead the way towards the section that was off limit, and covered in both runes and bars alike, to keep unwanted *visitors* out of there. Unless you had a key of course, which the elderly pony drew from a chain around his neck and used to unlock the place. The wards didn't go away because of it, but they'd remain inactive as the bars rose and the stallion pushed the heavy door slowly to the side.

"There are certain rules that I don't know if you have been informed about, so I will go over them just to make sure."

He lead the way in, as light flickered to life on the walls in the slightly dusty hallway.

"The books are not allowed to leave this area, no beverage or food are to be consumed, and most importantly-"

The door closed behind them while he opened a new one up, leading inside a round room with shelves lining the walls. Every book there were carefully kept in small glass boxes in said shelves to preserve and protect them, each needing a key that the elderly archivist likely had with him.

"- Be gentle with them. Some of these books are ancient in nature,a nd cannot handle a careless hoof well. Though I'm sure that as a scholar chosen for this, you would know better than to ruin the books.

Now then, do you know what book you are searching for, or is it more of a category of them that you need to examine?"

Everything from fabled beasts to military papers were sectioned by signs, so it should be fairly easy to find what she were looking for. Sapphire just had to be careful not to raise alarms from the stallion that were clearly going to stay there during her research, and she could learn a bundle. Perhaps even about things not connected to Warlock himself.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

Rosa's apology managed to soften the already tense situation between the two of them present, though Sen still believes he had been partly at fault and all that he has thought of prior to hearing Rosa extending an apology towards him remained. Had he fully realized this, he would've just asked Omen to leave him behind, but that wasn't the case. He was determined to stop Filigree through and through but will later insist on being alone for a long time. Growing up believing something he did was wrong instilled a belief that he was to blame no matter how small or insignificant it is; it's a hard thing to break. As for Rosa, he didn't wish to make things worse and let his self-loathing become a self-fulfilling prophesy. 

"No one is... It just makes me wish I could believe in that sentiment as much as you do. It's my fault too. I should've been thinking clearly before I opened my mouth but thanks. For not letting this devolve to violence." Sen paused for a moment to see Omen taking a bit longer with finding the right place to exit but it was partly comforting as well. He's come to see this sort of chaos as a revitalizing place to stay in, if only because it reminds him of the friendly face of Mother etched into his memory. It was a reminder that for everything that has gone wrong since he took his first breath, there were a few things that went right. 

"This place? It's... a realm between realms? I don't have the right words for it but when Omen opens gates to different places, we go through here first. It takes some getting used to even if it seems strange at first. Is what I'm saying accurate, Omen?"

From Lin's perspective, the gate she opened only led to the general area for her to search and unlike Omen's current predicament, she remembers the square right in the middle of Canterlot, a bustling place in the morning but come night time, a silent haven for her to romp through. That is, minus the guards who occasionally wander down the streets, which prompted her to hide. Streets lined with upper crust gourmet restaurants and boutiques showcasing only the latest fashions were everywhere, sights overwhelming yet familiar enough to let her find the right gate needed to walk through with little trouble. 

She was the first to go through but not before gesturing Clayton and Discord to walk in. Between them and the exit was once again the dark and chaotic realm but they didn't linger in it long enough. Lin was out first on the other side and looked around for a street sign to help her out before returning to the still open gate. She had a weak sense of direction with only the sun for her reference and may require Clayton to show her the rest of the way. That mostly because she wasn't sure what Clayton's, or anyone's home in a city like Canterlot, would look like.

"Alright, central Canterlot. Or about as close as I can get to remembering if this is the center of Canterlot. West it is but what is your business called? Any landmarks or features I should keep an eye out?"

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@Blitz Boom


"A bit on the nose but my name is Karmic Fate, Zhu," Karmic introduced herself. She tilted her head, bobbing it about like she was listening to a beat only she could hear. "I may see the unwritten, but it comes and goes. Whenever I see somepony new, a barrage hits me and I spout and babble nonsense. Makes me look like an airhead," she told him, her tail flicking in annoyance. She sat down, still gazing out the bars and the guard. "Perhaps the brick hits him on the head, or back between his wings. Hard enough, and he'll be paralysed and knocked unconscious. Soft enough, he'll look in your direction and demand you be moved somewhere else. Which one will happen? Both sound fun. I prefer the one where you get moved though."



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom


"The best part is that he can't control anything inside his reality, which is pretty inconvient when I can do whatever I want anywhere I want too a certain point."

Lucid thought about putting legos on his floor, but he wasn't that cruel. It seemed to him that Anomaly was at the mercy of this author guy. Although Lucid's range is limited to a continent level, he could still wreak havoc in other places with portals.

Lucid's "creator" doesn't seem to know that he put such a memory into his head. It's funny because he will never be able to take a hint when it comes to this

"Do you think he's here?"

Lucid took a quick look, but there seems to be no one there.

"This place is empty, so where else could he be?"


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@Blitz Boom

A combination of not being used to compliments, and having her mouth filled with cake lead to Victoria producing a sort of spluttering sound rather than actual words. She chewed a little more and swallowed the cake before trying again.

"I'm glad it can be appreciated even by the less enthusiastic among us. My sister really deserves most of the credit though, I was more of an obstacle when making these. You saw how I reacted to getting a little icing on me."

She giggled a little at the thought of how silly she must have looked, glad that she was no longer that pony.

"And there's nothing wrong with gobbling down your cake Benny, I'm glad its that good. Though it's always nice to savour the flavour."

She chuckled at her unintentional rhyme.

"That should be my catchphrase. Better than Battenberg's having your cake and eating it too."




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@Blitz Boom (( Sorry about lateness of post, flu ))

Lance gave Berry a look saying something along the lines of 'You are one weird pony.' 

"I'm pretty sure if he threw them away-- whatever. I'll keep quiet about this, thanks for the info."

If he had fingers, he would probably be crossing them behind his back right now. Sure, he wouldn't go around town telling everypony on the street that Alonsus is on parole, but he definitely wasn't done sticking his snout into this.

I might be able to help him. Or at least figure out what's going on.

He tried to make his way out of the claustrophobic closet and make his way towards Straw's office to ask about any further deliveries, though Berry or somepony else could stop him on the way.

Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

"There were fault on both sides, and you shouldn't worry about me hurting you. I reserve violence for the situations that can't be resolved effectively without it."

Rosa's job had long involved mainly just infiltrating, examine/steal, and then get information away. Violence made things more difficult, as it often left clues that he had been there in the first place, yet sometimes it had not been an option. At times, the only way he could get to some information or get somepony away on the rare mission where he had to help somepony escape, there had been guards to knock out or something similar to that.

Things were different now, but violence were still a requirement at times. The changeling he had to keep from Chrysalis's goons were so far the only one, but if it had happened once, it were likely to happen again.

Yet he still wouldn't cause pain unless it was the only way to get something done right. He may be trained to fight effectively, but information was his game, and stealth the way he preferred to gain it. Violence were... Messy, and often uncalled for. Such as it would have been if he had suddenly gone over to kick Sen or something similar.

Honestly, he could do some damage if needed. Even if this was not a pony he were facing, there were several ways that should work as effectively, such as a headlock to stop the air flow enough for him to pass out, or use one of the tools of his trade that he carried around with him, but he didn't think that it would be needed. They had an interest in stopping Filigree as much as he did, and if they then turned on him, he'd be more focused on escaping, rather than fighting them off effectively.

"Mother said we can travel from here to anywhere in the worlds we were given form, but we need to return home. Rare ones don't need to go home to go elsewhere, like Lin.

"Given form? What do you mean?"

"We start unformed, until somepony with magic comes here and picks one of us. Mother tells us to make a deal with them. We serve, they give us form, gender and purpose. Never bad masters. Mother doesn't let us go with bad ones."

"It still sounds like she makes you slaves to be indoctrinated by somepony else."

"Mother is wise. She knows best."

Rosa shook his head slightly. Whatever the system here were, it seemed wrong to him, but he also knew that he wouldn't get an answer out of Omen. Whoever her mother were, she had indoctrinated her to only think of it this way, and listen to her words. If he were to understand this, he were going to need information from somepony more wise in it. Considering everything, that gave him incentive to turn towards Sen again.

"Can you provide any information about their kind to me in a way that does not make their mother seem like a horrible creature?"

Behind him, Omen finally had found roughly where she needed to, and kept a gate stably open as she looked at it some more to make sure it was the right mine.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Clayton took a deep breath and looked around, just to orient himself.

"Quartz Construction. Follow me please."

Lin had hit pretty well actually, and they barely had to wander a minute before they stood at a sturdy looking building with a sign above the door proclaiming that this were indeed the construction business they had been looking for. Looked to be around the size of the bakery in Ponyville, but he didn't need it to be grander either. He had warehouses to store the materials he used in, with this just being where he was hired to do the projects that others paid him for.

The store was still open when he pushed the door open and wandered into a room that seemed fitting fr or a salespony. That meaning that the walls had pictures of projects that had been done (mostly houses) some folders laid around where prices, materials, etc. could be found in, and there was a desk with a bell on it, in case nopony as there when you entered.

However, currently there were one there. A mare that looked up from the papers she were sorting with a smile that admittedly, stiffened slightly as she saw the state Clayton was in and his... Entourage.

"Mr. Quartz, i did not expect you to be back from Ponyville so soon. Is everything okay?

Clayton shook his head at the lavender-colored mare with the horn-rimmed glasses.

"It have been a trying day, but it's hopefully getting better a little by little. I wanted to ask if somepony had been around looking for me?"

"Only Belladonna. She were here about an hour ago to make sure you hadn't returned yet."

"Where is she now?"

"By all accounts, she should be home. She said she needed to sort through some of your financial papers to make sure your taxes were paid correctly."

Clayton lead out a small sigh, whilst the mare looked a small bit nervously on things. So far, she weren't sure whatever to call in the guards or not, considering who else was here. It might be a kidnapping situation for all she knew.

"We'll have to check in on her then. You don't need to worry though, Mrs. Pencil. Everything should be fine, I just need to make sure everything is in order before I can go home and change. And if anypony else comes looking for me, tell them I have an appointment in Saddle Arabia and won't be back for a few days. I don't wish to be disturbed."

"...As you wish sir."

"Would you perhaps be so kind as to fetch me a damp cloth though, before we leave? I'd like to get rid of the worst of all this dirt."

"Yes sir, just a moment."

She'd wander off to the back room, while Clayton would sit down and took off his glasses. They were getting rather hard to look out of, so he withdrew a handkerchief from one of his pockets and started to clean them a little with the part that weren't covered in dust and dirt.




"You sound like an untrained oracle."

Zhu's gaze went to her, and he went silent for a few minutes as he wandered through the strange paths of her unwritten future. A confusing mess of what she saw mingled in made it troubling, but he managed to see some of what could be at least, though not all the consequences were visible. As somepony who attempted to ensure that light and darkness stayed balanced, this were honestly annoying, and slightly unnerving. At least with blank spots he could simple wander on and know that he could see nothing, but seeing some of the greater picture were different. Worse really.

"...Perhaps you will stumble upon direction one day."

There had been a glimpse of something before he had averted his eyes again. A flicker of a few frames, showing her in front of some kind of large construction or creature covered in shadow, and then what looked like Karmic working with books and crystal balls. He didn't know what this entailed, but it seemed to show that she could find direction in her visions one day. Either by stumbling over a place that had knowledge, or making a deal with some kind of large creature.

Whatever the reason, if she were able to control her visions, it could become a large boon, or a grave threat, and not knowing more were testing him.

He could not even say for sure when this encounter might happen. Somewhere within the next twenty years were his best estimate, but it may as well happen on the last day of that, or in a hour. The questions were many, but without any answers, he didn't know for sure what to do. He could simply eliminate her now and not risk it, but then again, what if this would be a boon to the balance? Or what if it never came to pass regardless? Then he would have either ended a perfectly innocent pony for no reason, or made Equestria more unstable.

*sigh* Uncertainty were not his strong side... But for now, he guessed he should simply let it go as it would, and then attempt to keep tabs on her. It was the best idea he had currently.

"As for the guard, he should not get the brick to hit someplace vital, unless he moves backwards soon. If so, I will re-position him. There is use for him in the times ahead."

Sometimes Zhu tried to remember what it was like to care that nopony got hurt, and actually follow some kind of moral code along with his task. Sometimes he managed to scrounge back some of it, but currently, the best he had were the vague ideal that unless it served a purpose, he didn't see why he should harm others permanently.




"No idea. Discord's like, the bestest draconequus from what I heard, so if he doesn't wanna be found, we won't."

That was the truth of things too. Lucid could try and find Discord, but at best, he'd end up just summoning a bubble with a projection of Discord singing Rick Astley, with the same being the case with Fluttershy. Dissy didn't want anypony to mess with his pony it seemed.

The pumpkin head grew hairy spider legs whilst she talked, and crawled back over to her body, where she'd climb up and plop down again.

"So, with them not here, we could just leave it in peace and find something else to do, oooooor -"

A snap of her tail, and a bundle of toilet paper rolls and some saran wrap got summoned next to her, whilst a mischievous grin spread on her face..

"We could could wrap some things together and then TP the house."

If her author had the time right now, she would've gotten an anvil in the head for that idea, but he were still busy trying to do something against the aggressive little thing that had been thrown back at him, so she were safe for the time being.




"That slogan makes no sense. If you eat your cake, it's gone. You can't have both."

"Yeah, I'm with mom on this one. This is some tasty stuff though, so I'll be lenient on the silliness."

"I suppose."

Jet seemed to be about to say something, but just as he opened his mouth, he slumped down and against his wife, whilst a low snore escaped from his mouth. His arm was still up, clutching the half slice of cake he had yet to finish, but for now he had fallen asleep again. Something which made Jade give another concerned look towards her husband, though she tried to hold it back. She didn't want to show weakness in front of the ponies.

"Man, dad's really out of it right now... Perhaps we should finish this up quickly then, and see if he can get some rest? Mo-"

"No, not today."

Jade rose a hand and put it down on Jet's neck, whilst Benny looked on confused.

"Your father wished to have his opinion on your choice of mate be heard, and he's not in mind to do so now. We will discuss that another time."

Pop felt both relief and dread at the same time, as she realized that this meant that they would have to meet up with the two dragons again another time, and this time, it might be with both of them judging her in relative silence, instead of just Jade.

"Guess that makes sense. Though I don't really think that he will m-"

Toxen took a hand over and closed her brothers mouth before he went on.

"Do you really wanna challenge mom on this on her own? Use your thinker, baby bro."

"Are you trying to say something Toxen?"

"You're a harsh lady when you wanna be mom, and without dad given his two cents, this is gonna end with yelling. No need to make it even harder for dad to sleep."

Jade gave her daughter a bit of a look that got returned by a big grin. Toxen tended to get away with being honest to their mom most of the time, so she hadn't wanted to beat around the bushes here. Long as she didn't poke at what Jade should think about Pop. That was a hornets net she had no business shaking her hand around in.

"Now that we're all chill and to the ground, you said your did had a part in making this Vicky? Where's her base of operations rolling around?"

Toxen had been in roughly three bakers in town ever since she had arrived, mainly to see what was what, but there was some competition in the large city for certain, so she might've completely missed that one. If she did figure out where it were though, she'd swing around sometime. It could be fun to see the other side of this here pony, that by all accounts, were more shy in it when it came to the less businessy side of life. Might be fun.




"Great. I don't wanna spook him and cause him to just wander away again. He's fun to have around."

She waggled her eyes at Lance to implicate that she thought a few more things on him, though really, it was just for fun. She considered Alonsus a good pony and a friend, but she didn't have him, or anypony else for that matter, in mind as somepony special. Who had time for that with all the strings of the conspiracy still playing through Equestria? You'd have to be crazy to try and be in a relationship when you didn't knew how deep it went. Why, lance might up being an agent without her knowing it, and he'd kidnap Alonsus to make her silent!

...Okay, that seemed far fetched, but he might get somepony else to do it for him. Oh, how she looked forward to examining his bins and getting to know what sort of pony she were dealing with.

She wouldn't try and stop him from leaving the room, and would herself go back to the counter once they got out, and she heard a bell chime, leaving Lance free to go towards the office.

Once he'd get there, he'd find the owner in the office with his back turned, door opened, and putting a folder into a drawer. Straw wouldn't notice him straight off the bat, unless the new member of their staff made some noise, so if he wanted, Lance could cosplay as Stare for a little.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom "I'll find him eventually, but for now... I think wrecking the place is a perfect idea!"

Lucid then proceeded to fill the duck pond with dish soap. Doing this from such a distance was pretty easy, considering his abilities have a way longer reach than that.

"I'd suggest wrecking Discord's place too, but I'm pretty sure that's outside of Ponyville. Well... I reckon I could open a portal and release another bull there... but he'd probably like it."

Lucid thought for a moment

"Wanna put baby powder in Fluttershy's hair dryer?"

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom

Discord decided to try and explain a bit of the motivation behind Omen's Mother to Rosa, "Omen and her siblings all start out in this realm, without form and without any way to learn that beyond the basic knowledge which their mother can give to them." He began, "Their Mother finds appropriate guides who can teach and protect them outside of this realm, so that they can experience life like what you ponies have. After all, they don't truly have any sort of experiences or any way of exploration in their realm- though they do always have each other." He chuckled, "They are naturally curious beings who start out with little to no knowledge - Imagine being formless and, while aware of yourself and the others around you, you have little to no knowledge about anything that you might normally take for granted - emotions, speech, concepts, ideas, even basic movement and functions in a physical body." Discord waved an appendage towards Omen, "And on top of that, they can't survive in another land without some sort of bond or physical form. Omen may be bonded to me in a way that would refer me as her 'master' but she is my responsibility - My magic gave her form to survive outside of her home-realm, and she is someone that I have both been obligated and happy to teach, guide, and protect. She's really come a long way from when she first left the realm."

Having said his piece Discord chuckled and poofed away back to where Lin was, leaving behind a cloud of smoke shaped like himself.

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

Lance would remain silent for a few seconds, but quickly shook his head-- he didn't want to look like he was spying.

"Hey, Mr. Straw. Are there any other deliveries today?"

He decided not to ask further about Alonsus right after he had said he wouldn't. Plus, he needed some time to think about this.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

Discord's explanation is a very accurate one, something Sen could always keep in mind when someone from the village asks, though how Discord even got there considering he was going with Lin is anyone's guess; he is Discord, after all. Even now, his fellow villagers don't seem to know what to make of Omen and he hates having to hear anyone call her an unnatural aberration. She's fine the way she is, something they would have to accept whether they like it or not. They're all part of a bigger world now that they've seen just an inkling of it. It's not something they are comfortable with but seeing just what it really is, and being a wanderer of sorts, opened Sen to the many possibilities out there. As much as he hates to admit it, he still cares for home, even if he was shunned from it for a long time. 

There was still a bit of hesitation from him to add more to what Discord said. The part where he and Lin were Mother's adopted children was a point of contention that would take several tries to explain, mostly because it would be hard to imagine just how that could be. There would be a need to explain context, likely requiring a long story just to explain how they even met. Despite having the time to do so, it would be better to just leave it be until Rosa asked. 

"Mother... she is a kind and reasonable sort. I've met her and while I admit she is scary when she's angry, she is genuine in wanting to see her children grow and learn outside their realm of origin. I didn't like the idea at first because I never see Omen as servant but over time, I came to see it less as a bad thing when Mother is careful with whom her children go with."

As for the lull in the moment, Lin decided to have a look around. She'd admit to herself in silence that pretty much everything inside the room she is in was interesting. From the pictures on the walls to how things were run in a place like this, she never would've thought she'd see anything like it. Lin ogled at the little things and may consider working some of these into her own home, maybe offering a few of these for Omen's room. Pictures really could lighten up the mood back home with a few photographs of everyone looking much happier now. Clayton, Amethyst, and everyone affected by their history with Rose could use one, if only to let them know things can get better. 

Lin walked by each of the photos of various projects, taking long looks at each with wonder and interest. Clayton probably knows or worked on a few of those.

"Which one's your favorite? Among these pictures of buildings?"  

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

Warlock almost poured out magic, which was partly torn away when Nectar was. A flash of red across his body as a warding spell activated, and right behind him was a spear wielding Changeling, throwing his spear at Warlock's back. With a loud crack it frackered as Warlock turned around, forming a sword to run at the changeling, as this brief bit of ignorance towards Enzo passed, he'd be hit by the tree, smacking him into the ground. Warlock teleporting next to the tree, looking to Enzo. "GAH!" Another spear hit his body, cracking and deflecting, soon followed by the numerous spears thrown by the other changelings, starting to deflect off his warding shield, breaking and sending splinters everywhere. Warlock lifting up a hoof and forming a shield to defend against them as the warding spell started flickering.

Wing flew behind Warlock, and threw several feathers to him, Warlock looking to him as more magic poured into him. "You'll weaken eventually."

Warlock narrowed his eyes and wing and charged at him, lowering the shield behind himself as he prepared to strike, a single spear slicing through his ear right as the warding spell flickered off, Warlock looking at the spearhead as it flew past his view, lifting a hoof to his ear while the spear embedded itself into the ground. He looked to Iron Wing, wincing in pain as the blood flowed down. Looking down at the small pool of blood forming on the ground, panting from exhaustion. "I-" He paused for a moment, almost thinking over if he should surrender. "No!" He stomped his hoof down in anger, stumbling onto the ground. "Y-you won't, defeat me!"

"I believe we have." Wing said with narrowed eyes.

Warlock growled as he drew upon all the magic he could, charging a blast of magic as he put his hooves together. The changelings flying at him as he lifted a hoof up to them to draw their magic, Iron Wing knocking the back of his head. "GAH!" Warlock fell forward onto the ground, the ball of magic dissipating into the air safely as Warlock felt the back of his head.

"You relied so heavily on an element that you are easily defeated in battle, yet you still believe you can win without it?" He said as he prepared to hit Warlock again.

Warlock looked at him, his the wound on his ear healing as he narrowed his eyes. "I don't need to win, I only need to survive long enough. Fire burned around Warlock as he prepared to teleport while he spoke, the time he takes during this would be enough for an opening, whether for attack, or grabbing onto him.

"Coward!" Francis cried out, Warlock pausing his preparation, grinning at the changeling as he resumed the teleportation.


Sapphire followed the pony to the location, looking around the place as they spoke. "I will be careful, I am with any book. And I am looking for the category that refers to ancient earth pony magic. With hopes of uncovering something about that dreadful pony, as you put it."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom


"Probably. Who knows? I could be an oracle, fortune teller, reality warper ... maybe not that last part," Karmic shook her head and stared at Zhu with narrowed eyes. She felt something poke in her mind as well as see some discoloured tendrils work their way through the various futures she saw at any given glance. It unnerved her and didn't seem to bode well for her sense of calm.

"You peered into my future. What about me makes me so special to you? Huh? Am I just some sort of specimen to you?" Karmic's eyes clouded over for a brief second only to go back to being a brilliant electric blue. She saw Zhu looking at her in confusion to the future she had been chosen for.

"Why are you looking at me like I will summon some kind of demon?"

Edited by Dji



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom @Lucid_Nightlight

Coming back from a stroll through town, Fluttershy was just coming around the bend and up to her cottage when several blue jays intercepted her. It wasn't the usual greeting she's been accustomed to when the animals would enthusiastically come to look for her. The sounds of their chirping suggested distress with a hint of anger. It seemed like a minor incident to her since very few ponies would come around her way, unless they were her friends. 

"Oh? Somepony's at the cottage? They're doing what?" The birds' incessant chirping hinted at some disastrous thing happening at home but the pegasus found that rather difficult to believe. She's been in her quiet part of Ponyville for a long time and for anypony to really take things a shade too far is unlikely.

"I think you're all overreacting. There's no way anypony would... would...." 

Fluttershy slowed down upon reaching closer to her home and seeing what looked like paper towels draped over her roof, falling down to the sides and rolling away in many different directions. Meanwhile, a brace of angry, sudsy ducks waddled to her to file their own complaint about trespassers making a mess of things including the pond bubbling with dish soap. Indeed, the one duck leading the rest let out a soapy bubble after it finished venting. Much to Fluttershy's horror at what she's seeing before her, he had suspicions that it could possibly get worse. Without delay, she immediately ran to her home, with the animals in tow, where she proceeded to enter and find out if the intruders are still around. 

There was also the suspicion that there was more going on; namely skimming over everything that isn't nailed to the ground expecting some form of joke gone too far. It was either another prank or the ones behind them, one of which would be known sooner or later. Thankfully, she didn't have to look far, what with her home being small with nooks and crannies meant to accommodate her animal friends. Upon finding those she reasonably suspected were responsible, she raised her voice just short of exploding in anger: "WHAT IN CELESTIA'S NAME ARE YOU DOING?!" 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

"It's just a saying, more of an optimistic thing I suppose. Not really my style, probably why I prefer my savour the flavour comment."

She gulped down some more cake enjoying its sugary goodness.

Feeling the tension in the air Victoria managed to hold back any comments on the issues floating about the table, something she possibly wouldn't have been able to do had Benny and Pop not shown her this new, nicer way of living. Instead she smiled awkwardly and looked to the only other pony in the room, analysing her responses. She could see Pop was nervous and reached a hoof towards her, hesitating for a moment before awkwardly patting her on the back.

"I'm sure he'll like you... maybe. He seems a little more lax than his wife, that may of course be the exhaustion... Sorry I'm not helping... Uhh... I'd be happy to accompany you again if needs be, so you're not the only pony, if that would make you feel better."

She gave Pop a warm smile. Though she wasn't sure if she was doing this friendship thing correctly, she felt pretty good about her attempt.

It was nice to see this change in the cake sister, from when she had first met Pop and angrily got in her face to now where she had lost her mascara and her mane had become messy and looser, giving her a much more natural and kind look, accentuating her big purple eyes and much warmer smile.

Hearing her name she turned suddenly to Toxen.

"My sister runs the Battenberg Bakeries chain, there's only two currently, one in Fillydelphia and one right here in the city, but she plans on expanding. It's a family business, she runs it, my mother manages it and I work in it, just a lowly baker at this point but I'm sure if I'm nicer Battenberg will promote me to vice president or something."

She laughed excitedly, she'd never really wanted to work for her sister in the past but now for the first time she was actually excited about going further with her job at the bakery.

"The Bakery isn't far from here, we just walked from there now, it's just down the road from Rarity for You... if you know where that is. If not I'm sure Benny can show you."




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@Lucid_Nightlight @EQ_Theta

"Nono silly, we don't wreck it, we just have some fun. Destroying is bad, pranking is fine. Like the hairdryer, let's do that."

The two of them were gonna have a good deal of fun the next ten minutes. The hairdryer, saran wrapping things, putting some buckets of glitter over doors, etc. Putting soap in the pond was a bit wonky to her though, since fish normally couldn't handle that, but a quick snap of the tail and they were able to live in it fine. Plus they got tiny little green mohawks.

Hehe, wasn't mutations fun? Perhaps she could give them all legs later so they could walk on water? Oooh, that'd be cool, but first, she had a certain object to meddle with.

She were standing in the living room with said brush when Fluttershy returned to find the two pranksters in the act of messing up her place a little. Well kind of anyway. She'd see Lucid, and next to him, a cardboard cutout of Anomaly licking a toilet brush.

There was no indication where the draconequus had gone off too, so either she had hightailed it out as soon as she heard the door open, or she had hid herself in plain sight.

...Okay. the cardboard just blinked. Nice disguise dummy.



@Storm Shine @EQ_Theta

Rosa turned and instinctively went for one of his knives as he heard Discord speak behind them all of a sudden. Even if he had been there to educate them some on what was going on, Rosa didn't notice he had been there before that, and had reacted as if there was an attack happening, and he'd needed to defend himself.

Once the draconequus had stopped talking, he left without giving the chance of a rebuttal, leaving the group as before, whilst the bat pony slowly put his knife back in his belt. It irked him somewhat that he couldn't offer questions in return since there were still things that seemed strange about this arrangement to him, but he couldn't ask the lord of chaos about it when he wasn't here.

Thankfully, Sen were still there, and he elaborated on something regarding the Mother character herself, which had been one of his other questions, had Discord stuck around long enough to hear it.

"her Mother sounds strange, but so does their kind in general. Formless and needing others to be complete sounds unnatural."

"Master told me that being normal or natural was boring and pointless. It as better to be unique. Like chaos."

Omen remembered her old home, back when Discord had pulled her through with as much joy as she could produce without being in the presence of Mother. It might have been horrid for ponies, and she understood that it wasn't good now, but she still missed it. It was what she had learned from and lived in, and the order everywhere now just never stopped feeling wrong.

Perhaps Discord had someplace where there were still some chaos she could see someday.

"That's a matter of opinion. I value being my own, but that isn't the same as being chaotic. Regardless, it seems like you found the mine, let's go."

Rosa jumped through the gate first to the immensely large quarry on the other side that from down where they would pass through, would spread below them on multiple layers, with workers seemingly everywhere, hacking away or controlling machines that did some of the harder work.

There would be a staircase near them chiselled into the rocks that they could follow, and long as they stayed within the railings, they should be able to get to somewhere with somepony they could talk to that wasn't carrying a pick. From there, they had to hope that they could warn whoever was in charge, since it seemed like Filigree had yet to arrive here.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Clayton put his glasses on and with a smile, pointed towards what was likely the least impressive building on the walls.

It was a large, but simple, two story house with a rather standard garden and fence to it. The building were solid and looked well in it's simplicity, sure, but compared to something like the manor covered in jade that was on the opposite wall, it seemed like nothing.

"The first house I was commissioned to build after starting the company. It seems so simple now, but back then, it had been either what made me or broke me in this business. Getting it completed and letting others know that I could do this is the most satisfying thing I have ever done, and I will never forget that one.

If we speak the least favorite, that is likely the jade house on the other wall. It is difficult to work with compared to mortar and stone, but the eccentric pony had been very clear in what they wanted, so it had to be done. Two tons of jade were used to cover than place like that, and the only reason I keep a picture of it up, is to show the diversity we can provide. I quite frankly don't like how it looks.

Anyway... Could you follow me ple-Eeease?"

The sudden reemergence of Discord caused his heart to skip a beep, and a very unstallionly sound had escaped him because of it.

"P-Please don't do that again. Now c-come on, I need to check in on Belladonna. Her home is right next to mine, so we can examine if Filigree have been around after. She haven't been here at least, t-thankfully."

The flustered stallion with the flush of pink going over his cheeks from embarrassment, started to make his way out and towards the west, hopefully still with his companions in tow.




Straw turned around when he heard Lance there. Once upon a time, he had gotten startled at the sudden appearance of somepony, but after a few years of having Stare here, he didn't really get riled up from turning around and seeing somepony there anymore. It had gotten too common at this point.

"Ah, I see you're back. Far as I'm, there aren't anymore deliveries, but you should ask Chop about that. He knows who is on the list better than anypony, and with the tourists and the tent camp, we can get busy. Though if it turns out that there's no more, could you take him back here? I have something to discuss with you both when there is time."

He could have said that he wanted it pronto, but Chop was another pony he knew too well by now to do something like that. The stallion would get food done before he'd attend anything, which really were fair enough. The former Coast Guard had warned him that he took his duty first and foremost when he was hired, and here it wasn't to talk, but to cook. Admirable dedication really, but like with everypony else here, certain compromises in how you approached him then had to come into the equation.




The assault on Warlock seemed somewhere between pointless and ridiculous. Every time one of them seemed to be ready to hit him properly, there would be another ward, another shield, or another avoidance. I felt like trying to fight water with a fork, except the splinters from the ponies weapons actually were dangerous instead of just ineffective.

Enzo were somewhat thick skinned, so he were somewhat safe, but a few good slices did come in on him and caused him some pain. Which just made him hit the annoying witch even harder with now his fourth tree, after the rest of them had broken on his annoying wards. Oh how he hated those irritating things.

There were hope on the way in the form of Brick however, who would soon after get into view and- Not find a target. Warlock would have managed to teleport away by then, whilst the former Sergeant landed and looked around himself. The changelings that did have magic might want to stand a few meters away with him, or at least not activate any. The Path feasted on either very high dosages of semi-inactive magic, or active magic being used. Anything small, dormant, inactive or passive wasn't interesting for it.

"Oh joy, the cavalry is here."

The tree Enzo carried hit the dirt with a somewhat loud *thud* while he looks annoyed at the newcomer, then the changelings in general, and honestly, wWing's too. He didn't intend to hurt them, but he was an emotional being and he hated to loose. It hurt his pride, and made him feel like smacking something down to let off some steam.

"Now what? Can any of you track him?"

Some sphinx's had great talent for following magic trails, and could have located Warlock within a heartbeat, but Enzo was not that kind. Most of what he could were instinctual or learned when he was small, before he got caught, so anything advanced or special that he might have the talent for, he'd need to be taught. By another sphinx mind you, which could take decades.




"Ah, the heresy shelf, I see."

The pony wandered over and grabbed hold of a ladder, and pushed it with him to the other side of the room. He'd go three rows up there, before getting to a box marked with what he had proclaimed it to say.

The jingling of many a key would ring through the room whilst he opened it and gently took out a few of the books, though the majority would stay. Heresy had many faces, and earth pony magic were but one of them. In some ways, one of the kinder ones too, though Warlock made that a hard one to defend.

"The Twisted Paths of the Earthbound, How To Embrace the Potential, and Caramel Platinum's Codex of the Self. Please remember to have some breaks between reading that one, or you're going to hear things."

He had been putting the books down gently, one by one, and pointed at the last book with his warning. The book didn't sound too bad, but a good scholar or deranged lunatic who knew something about this subject should be aware of her legacy, and be vary of reading the words of one of the rare books of hers that had not been burned. Considering how even the words of the pages could eventually try and twist your mind, he could not say that he wished this one had been burned too, but sadly, in cases of emergencies, they sometimes had to find out what they were dealing with from unsavory sources.

There was still one book in his hooves. Or well, not much of a book really, more of twenty page filler piece, that looked like it was bound with paper clips mostly.

"I didn't know if I should bring this too, but... Perhaps you should evaluate that for yourself."

The book or what you would call it, were a bundle of research papers done some years ago, which had been insightful and helpful at the time, but there had been concerns that the findings could be used against them, rather than help them, so it had been locked away too. It had been put in the heresy box by his predecessor, and why exactly was somewhat lost on him. He suspected it might have a connection with one of the other books, but he wouldn't dare reading these, so he couldn't know for certain.

"A Study of Harmony and Disharmony. With what he took from this place, perhaps this have some usage for you."

He had no idea that Sapphire already knew about the Elements of Disharmony, but who knew, perhaps there were still something in there she could use.




"Because I cannot know for certain that isn't going to happen."

Zhu looked above her, not wanting to see more of what might come for her right now.

"I were picked for the task of balancing, because I could see behind the curtain. Actions leading to consequences, consequences leading to light or dark, either side balancing the delicate scale of good and evil. But with you, all I get is uncertainty, in a world where I either have all the answers, or none of them.

I see a time when you find clarity and control, but when or what it leads to are hidden, with only glimpses showing, floating in time. I cannot even say when this may occur, just that it will, and that if it does, it will be something tremendous. A boon for somepony, though who? For what side? What needs to be done if the balance starts to waver?"

Zhu shook his head.

"I have been bound to this painful service for nearly a millennia. Far longer than I even should have lived, and in that time, I have come to either find out all that I need, or be completely blanked by the blank spots. You? Your path taunts me, and it is... Unnerving."

Behind him, the sound of a rock hitting plate armor were heard, and the guard slumped down to the side. The piece of the ceiling that he had seen would fall had done so, and landed upon his helmet. Nothing that would cause permanent damage, but enough for him to be knocked out cold.

Using his wind magic, he began to float the keys from the guard, and slowly towards them. Mostly he could do better, but this place were dampening his magic, so he needed to get this done more carefully to get it over and... There, the door were open now.

"It is time to leave. I you wish to talk further on this, you can follow. If not, know that yes, I will keep eye on you. I don't have a choice with a being that might impact the scales with potential, all-changing clarity, such as yourself."




"I've lived in town for a few years now, I know my way here and there. Just ain't every place I've stopped at since unlike baby bro, I'm not drawn to everything that smells edible."

"Hey, I don't eat everything."

"You smell of caramel, cake, apples and dragon lord knows what else. I'm not buying it Mr. Sweet Tooth."

Toxen Quickly grabbed over the table and flicker her brothers nose, which caused Benny to sneeze. She knew what buttons to press to get to him, be they figurative or literal.

Meanwhile, Pop leaned in to Victoria a little closer, trying to see if she could avoid being heard.

"I mean, if it isn't any trouble, that might be a good idea. You made a good impression on Jade, so perhaps I can hide behind that if his dad is cranky too usually."

Speaking of the devil, a small jolt went through Jet, and he rose up from his very short nap, looking around confused and disoriented.

"Huh, when did Benny get here?"

"About ten minutes ago, Jet. Finish your cake."

The dragon looked around to see what she meant, and his tired sight then fell on the half slice in his hand. He hadn't any idea when that had arrived there, but it seemed like he had been eating it before, so he just continued with that for now.

"I-I'm sorry for asking, but have you considered getting Jet some sleeping pills?"

Jade snorted and growled slightly, making Pop regret she had asked the question.

"I am not giving him pony medication."

"Yeah, that stuff can react weirdly with dragons. And I've tried mixing up something, but it just isn't taking."

"Have you tried asking a zebra?"

Benny had gnawed a piece more of blueberry cake down when things had gone on, and now a lot of eyes were sat on him with varying emotions behind them.

"I'm just saying, they know their stuff. If there was one in town, I'm sure he or she would know how to take height for treating a dragon. And it's not like they have bad history with us, right?"

Jet didn't seem able to grasp much or answer in his groggy state right now, but Jade let out a begrudging agreement, whilst Toxen and Pop both face-hoofed/palmed over not thinking about that before.

"Heh, nice reactions. So... Victoria? Do you know if there's anypony like that around? We could swing by when we're done here if it is and pick up something that could help dad sleep."

"Sleep? ..Sounds nice."

"See? He agrees."

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta

"Looks like she's back, got any i-"

Lucid noticed the cardboard cutout and the blinking.

"Seriously, that's how you're going to hide?"

Lucid looks at Fluttershy, he thought about getting out of there, but a lightbulb appeared above his head. He had a better (or worse) idea.

"Alright, I'm looking for Discord and he likes you on a platonic level, so I'm just gonna try and hold you for ransom so that he appears."

Lucid then proceeded to make a cage appear around the pegasus, oblivious to the potential trouble he may be getting himself into.


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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta

"Looks like she's back, got any i-"

Lucid noticed the cardboard cutout and the blinking.

"Seriously, that's how you're going to hide?"

Lucid looks at Fluttershy, he thought about getting out of there, but a lightbulb appeared above his head. He had a better (or worse) idea.

"Alright, I'm looking for Discord and he likes you on a platonic level, so I'm just gonna try and hold you for ransom so that he appears."

Lucid then proceeded to make a cage appear around the pegasus, oblivious to the potential trouble he may be getting himself into.


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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta

"Looks like she's back, got any i-"

Lucid noticed the cardboard cutout and the blinking.

"Seriously, that's how you're going to hide?"

Lucid looks at Fluttershy, he thought about getting out of there, but a lightbulb appeared above his head. He had a better (or worse) idea.

"Alright, I'm looking for Discord and he likes you on a platonic level, so I'm just gonna try and hold you for ransom so that he appears."

Lucid then proceeded to make a cage appear around the pegasus, oblivious to the potential trouble he may be getting himself into.


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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta

"Looks like she's back, got any i-"

Lucid noticed the cardboard cutout and the blinking.

"Seriously, that's how you're going to hide?"

Lucid looks at Fluttershy, he thought about getting out of there, but a lightbulb appeared above his head. He had a better (or worse) idea.

"Alright, I'm looking for Discord and he likes you on a platonic level, so I'm just gonna try and hold you for ransom so that he appears."

Lucid then proceeded to make a cage appear around the pegasus, oblivious to the potential trouble he may be getting himself into.


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