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Blitz Boom

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17 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"A joyous memory..."

Clever listened as she told the story of the one she loved, and found himself lost in his own imagination, visualizing the angry mob, the brave stallion, the kind treatment, and the awkward proposal.  He smiled as Vivid most certainly seemed to look back fondly on that moment, and her happiness was genuine and pleasant.  Though his heart ached a bit for the loss of him, he was pleased to know she had experienced her own share of joy in her life; he was glad he asked the question he had.

But again, as he was starting to think of another one to ask her, she said it:


17 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Yet, I shouldn't expect the same point of view to fit to every situation, nor every being. Know that I genuinely only wished to pay a respectful compliment with what I said earlier, Clever, but I see that I instead dug into something painful that were not for me to bring up, and for that, I am sorry."


Now, he was at a mental crossroads: Clever had started this conversation, and had been actively seeking a friend he could talk to, so one side of him felt as though any delving into his past that came up was his own fault, and that there shouldn't be anything stopping him from simply continuing to talk.  After all, if it didn't come up agan, then he wouldn't have to think about it anymore...

However, it was apparent that Vivid was a mother as well, and therefore she held a great respect and affection for the position... which meant she was going to probably wonder what was eating at him about it.  Even if she never mentioned it again, there would be that curiosity that would linger, and he would catch sight of it or word of it on occasion... and THAT, he didn't know if he could bear.

As it was, he'd mentioned his mother more in this single conversation than he had in the past few years - it brought up the old pain, the one he shoved as far down as he was able to with no intention of EVER looking at it again, even if it meant having to lose his temper... which, by what had gone before, was something he was NOT going to allow, if he could help it.

And that was where his crossroads were: would he simply press on as if he DIDN'T have something to hide, and try to keep a friend he was so eager to make... or was he going to find a reason to leave Vivid behind in town, and thereby keeping his nirik in check?

It was NOT an easy decision.

However, his father had always told him that pain was something that could be moulded into something else; the loss of a loved one could be metamorphed into song, which was exactly what The Blues were.  It was what kept others going after their sorrows had bleached with time.  It was a type of healing, even if the pain didn't leave... it would lessen, and maybe even become something that could fortify the soul.

Clever Spark was never one to be so cruel as to just leave someone alone, especially when they were so lonesome themselves.  He might not want to irk his other side... but he just couldn't even imagine being so heartless as to get such a being's hopes up, only to dash them to pieces for the sake of his own comfort.

With a mental sigh, he took the harder path, and decided to simply be a friend - she had no way of knowing his shame, and was actually apologizing for causing him distress.  So, even if he could feel his nirik wiggling about within him for the first time in years, he chose not to break off the kinship he felt with her and decided he would be a friend, conscience be damned.

"I understand your statement held no animosity, and feel no ill will towards you for the announcement of such; Life holds numerous experiences for each individual, and the sentiment we present unto others is appreciated more thoroughly when similarities are present.  My own insecurities should be of no personal consequence for you, and your sympathy is highly regarded in my purview.  We have both experienced heartache and loss, but to hear such a tale of happiness - even for as fleeting as it would appear to a prolonged lifespan as your own - is a refreshing anecdote that sends the heart rejoicing at the wonderful nature of affection, when experienced from such a perspective."

Yes, the hard road - he would NOT abandon someone so in need of genuine friendship... especially as he saw some of himself in that perspective as well.  Though now, his Mother was in his mind again, for better or for worse.  He simply hoped beyond hope that it wouldn't nag at him as deeply as it had the last time she were brought up... because that personal pain had lasted FAR longer than he would ever have wanted.

"Perhaps it would be a fair conversation to inquire if your august personage would mayhaps have further investigative questions that I could clarify?  I would be exceedingly remiss, were I to not allow a perusal of any other possibilities of discovery upon our budding friendship... and it would also serve as a growing barrier against the doldrums of awkward silence and potential boredom we might experience on our journey."

He didn't want to STOP talking with her... he just hoped he could pack away the memories of his heartache deep enough for the nirik in him to stay dormant.

Though, already, those memories were stirring, in ways even Clever couldn't see...

He smiled.  "Please, feel free to inquire further, as I am enjoying our conversation - regardless of whatever responses I might evidence at certain intervals, the stimulaton of familiarizing oneself with another entity is a pleasantry I have not had for quite a sizeable period."


=====  ( 0=====


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On 2/9/2020 at 6:27 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Hello?! Is funny pony home?"

The booming, somewhat feminine voice would be heard down the street as a rather large, limber looking diamond dog with quite the amount of close-packed muscles rippling under her short brown grey fur, would knock on a door a few times, seemingly looking for someone.

She appeared to have a few golden teeth in her upper and lower maw, a short blue hair and tail style, and around her neck, a rather expensive looking collar of gold with precious stones in the metal. She also seemed to be wearing a vest and pants made of leather, along with a large satchel bag of the same material slung around her back.

As for the door she were knocking on, it eventually opened up to reveal a very confused elderly mare, who hadn't the faintest clue who this were, or why she were knocking on her door in the first place. The diamond dog also seemed rather confused, as this were not whom she thought she'd see when the door opened.

"Hey, this all wrong. You're no stallion."

"Hmm, perhaps we have misread the house number."

On the bag on the diamond dogs back, sat a changeling with her back legs slung towards the ground and her back leaning on the diamond dogs own, in a rather elegant manner. And elegance seemed to be the word to go with when it came to this one, as everything from her adventurers outfit with several pockets, a tool belt, and the leather saddle bag currently slung on the large diamond dog's shoulders, appeared to be if not perfectly clean, then at least as much as it could be for one on the road, and sewn together here and there if you looked really close.

This lean changeling were as dark as her normal counterparts, with a slick back horn, small fangs, and the only color in her likely on her stomach like with many other changelings of the olden kinds, though some color were possible to see in the dozen of so dark pink, glowing crystals hanging in a steel chain around her neck.

Her horn glowed to pull up a letter from the saddle bag, which she read over before looking over at the house, and then finally shake her head, somewhat demoralized.

"Appears I were right, we needed to go down around five more houses. Apologies for the intrusion miss, we'll be on our way again."

She'd give a dignified smile to the mare before they'd be on their way again, with the diamond dog more or less functioning as a mount to the changeling, who whistled a little as she looked around at the citizens. Many of whose eyes were following them. Urgh, how droll... But it were what to be expected she supposed, as per usual.

"You sure this time?"

The diamond dog scratched her head whilst the changeling waved the notion off dismissively, still back to back with the diamond dog.

"Positively. Before were just a minor fluke, nothing to be concerned abo-"

"Hey funny pony! Are you here?"

The changeling didn't get to finish her sentence before her companion started again. And this time, they should be at the right address, right outside where a certain pony had sent them both letters from over the past few wees, and they had sent some back towards.

Lulu Leila and Flaxxy had arrived for an unannounced visit.


Velvet opened the door with a confused expression. "Hello. Can I help you?"

He didn't recognize either of these two, but they seemed to know him, though he couldn't begin to place where. Then it occurred to him that these two, being unusual sights in civilized society, could be the adventurers he'd been writing to for the past several weeks. One way to be sure, really.

"Lulu and Flaxxy, I presume?" He asked, hoping he'd got it right. If he didn't, he would be out of ideas.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Haha! We found you, funny pony."

Flaxxy reached an arm out and picked Velvet up like he were little more than a rag doll, and pulled him into a hug. This close, he'd be able to tell that though she looked rather gruff, her fur were still surprisingly soft. Even if she gave off the odor of dirt.

"Don't bother attempting to wriggle away. I can personally attest to the fact that you will not escape her grasp. Just let her get it out of her system."

Lulu fluttered elegantly down from her former sitting position and brushed some dust off her shoulder, whilst Flaxxy finally let go of Velvet.

"We were in the neighborhood and thought a visit were in place."

The changeling had an ever so slightly annoyed sneer on her face as she saw the mess Flaxxy had made of Velvet's mane, and used her horn to correct it to what it had been when they had first seen him.

"As is customary, we also brought a gift. I procured some Satin Blaze Caramel Biscuits, which I told Flaxxy would serve well with some delicate slices of mountain goat cheese."

"Bah. That stuff just smelly, no bite. I found chili cheese. Smells real good, like fire."

Flaxxy padded the left of her leather bags and gave a huge grin towards Velvet, whilst Lulu let out a small sigh.

"It will suffice. We have not arrived at an inconvenient moment, have we?"





Vivid followed and listened on as Clever began to respond to things, yet something felt odd with him for some reason. She could not put her hoof on it though... Perhaps she were just imagining things, seeing as the topic they had landed on - which he seemed to accept her apology for touching upon - were still technically being mentioned, and she were paranoid about somehow insulting him, which would cause him to leave. She had a few she had recently taken contact to who had acted friendly towards her, just for them to leave her behind without a word, and it quite frankly hurt. It caused her to feel betrayed time and time again, and made her worry that Clever might do the same.

Yes, paranoia were likely what made her feel somewhat uneasy. There were probably nothing about him that were actually going on beyond that.

"Actually, I would like to hear of something that causes You joy. A memory so heartwarming that you cannot help but to look back on it, and feel uplifted. I think we could do with a tale that does not end in sadness, to bring us to a better state of mind before we get to town."

It might help her feel somewhat more at ease about things if they could move past this a little, and focus on something more pleasant. A tale of say, someone whom Clever helped, that showed him such genuine happiness for his actions, that it could not help but bring a smile to his face, were something that might do the trick. Especially if it were from a child. Be it a foal, a changeling nymph, draglett, and so forth, there were just something inherently innocent and beautiful about the joy of the young. And at least in her mind, ensuring that they got the help they needed, had often made her think fondly of things for a time, even if the young ones that she tended to help were those stuck between worlds. Poor little things that hadn't known how to let go, or were forgotten by the reapers... They too had needed help, though those whom Clever had met were likely of the live variety, and hopefully still were alive, in part because of what he could do with his concoctions.

It were a rare curse at least to see those who had passed on. Most whom she knew of, were either quite literally cursed, or as in the case of herself, had danced on the edge of death themselves, and as such had been marked by it. Not a kind tale, since it involved her mother not making it through her birth, and almost taking Vivid with her, yet it were a truth to her life that she could not avoid, and would likely have to bring up with Clever in time, as he might be curious about her profession, were he to stay around, and not be another one who left her.

...If she let him...




23 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“If it is certain that we could decide our fates, then that will be enough. We can part ways, each of us going where we wish for we are not bound beyond the confines of this orb. There are five of us here and once we are released, there will be five of us separated. The orb, however, will still need to be looked after though we can take care of it; we have plans to hopefully share the knowledge stored in it in a more efficient manner.”

"I will be honest, I assumed there would be hundreds of you there, and not just five. I've been told that soul collectives tends to be quite the legion of spirits oftentimes."

Seemed like he were incorrect i this matter. Not a big deal he supposed, and honestly, this might be better news than if there had been hundreds. In case they wished for individual bodies in the moment, it were far easier to have five crafted, rather than what he had expected. The time to prepare that might have been so great, that he were out of prison before it were even done. Quite a wait time that would have been.

Be that as it may, the path were open, and looking on it, Shrimp were still sticking to Lin, so they wouldn't have to worry about the little one being left behind and getting confused about why he were alone. Something which would likely have resulted in something being set ablaze in their absence, or him running off, trying to find Lin or Omen. Neither were a good outcome.

Going through and finding themselves in the vicinity of Scarcity's shop. it wouldn't take long to wander in there. A few heads were turned as they walked in, but one particular couple were there that had seen them the last time they entered, and started to whisper with a few of their friends. It were likely wise to keep the talk going from last time, about them being performers, as to not cause inconsistencies and potential issues.

In another part of the store, talking with a few high end socialites whilst a couple of well dressed unicorns were carefully moving a lavish looking couch behind them, stood Scarcity. If they approached her, they'd find her right at the end of her conversation, where she were giving her say on something to the two young ponies, who looked upon those approaching with brief, yet open disdain, even if they didn't say anything, Likely the sort who did not wish to sully themselves by even speaking to the lower classes.

"- simply outrageous to think that you of all beings would not notice. But you needn't worry here. I can assure you that as your skilled senses have undoubtedly picked up on, I hold myself to a far higher standard, befitting of only the most esteemed clientele."

If they tried to get too close, Brick would suddenly step out from between a few rows of items, and stand in their way, with no intent to leave before his boss were done speaking. They'd get there soon enough.




On 2/23/2020 at 4:09 AM, Pastel-chan said:

"Holy horses, look at all this! Maybe you're right, I could TOTALLY see Discord doing this, he's so cool! Or, there's a witch out there bent on the destruction of all things good and well structured! ...Wait, wouldn't that just be another Discord? Haha, oh well!"


"I've heard that Discord's a good guy now, so this might be his idea of a gift? It looks really pretty if it is. And just look at that tree! So many different fruits an- Oooh, there's pineapple!"

Jelly's eyes were fixated some on that treat in the tree, just seemingly inviting her to go and pluck it. Perhaps if she hadn't been suddenly focused on that, she would have been able to say something about what Pastel were about to do.

On 2/23/2020 at 4:09 AM, Pastel-chan said:

"Ooohh, I think this flower has a quest for us, Jelly!"

Were it smart of her to go and play with the flower? No, and that would be evidently clear when the flower got her close enough, and then sprayed a pink pollen on her face.

It wouldn't be harmful though, per se. It were more that it would cause small flowers to bloom in her mane, leaving quite a colorful trail down the filly's back, which were honestly just something rather pretty. Just a bunch of multi-colored flowers, with roots seemingly tangling into her mane to ensure they kept on.

That being said, this were still a draconequui garden, which became evident as one of the budding flowers on the very top of her head, bloomed into a large, turquoise flower, which had a message inside in green pollen, saying *My princess is a nerd*. Seemed like this garden were a gift of sort, but well... Draconequui. They couldn't do anything without having some degree of fun with it.

It would try to lure Jelly over too, but she weren't falling for that. Plus it were hard to focus on, what with her having to keep her hooves up in front of her muzzle to make sure she didn't laugh too loudly.

It seemed like the half-muffled giggles were attracting some of the small bubble creatures though, who began to swivel around her. One tried to get closer, but the others learned their lesson once a hairy spider leg came out from her mane and waved threateningly to make the creature go away. It appeared that Gary were weary of these small creatures. No wonder really. They weren't food, and they had been going towards his hiding place. Why should he like them?

As for quests, they would find that another flower further away - this one about a sixth their size and with small jaws - were puffing some glowing pollen above its head every now and again, which would roughly form an exclamation mark. Might actually be a task for them here after all.




On 2/22/2020 at 11:12 PM, Sekel said:

"I could be wrong, but I think there's a guard contingency sneaking up on you. The vision was a bit too dark to make things out clearly,"

The sphinx squinted his eyes and looked behind him, to vaguely see the guard members lurking in the shadows, holding their spears and whatever else tools they had to work with to subdue a target, standing in complete silence. Sneaky little creatures, that he would give them. He hadn't taken notice of them at all before this.

"It seems we're not trusted enough."

"Just a safety precaution."

Captain Hailstorm interjected a few words there, whilst Enzo returned his gaze towards the general. A little more sour of an expression went over his face, as he did not like this, regardless of it making sense. Though it did make him wonder what Karmic had seen that would lead to them making themselves seen. Would one of them potentially attack the general? It would certainly cause some action, and generally be an unwise decision he'd say.

On 2/22/2020 at 11:12 PM, Sekel said:

"Hello, General," Atzy smiled easily enough and shook the pony's hoof with her own. "My name is Princess Atzy. I'm a royal gemling and I wish to see if my kind are welcome here. Going off of your guard's initially stupid reactions, it seems like that's not really the case."

The general focused on this, rather than whatever happened with the others,and let out a small sigh.

"Young lady, I'd ask you kindly to not belittle my guards. We have had no less than three large attacks in the last two days, along with their new general getting into a serious accident. They are understandably on edge and more fidgety than usual.

Furthermore, changelings - whilst legal citizens now - still have a troubling history with Equestria. As does sphinxes. It's regrettable that they didn't meet you with a kinder approach, but considering everything, I understand the position those who first saw you found themselves in."

He weren't insulting or attacking Atzy, simply laying out some facts and speaking with her in a calm, level-headed tone. Nothing good came of overreacting to what were an unkind statement, likely born of the bad first impression. It were wiser to hi to simply put this out there, be pleased that things had not escalated, and then move on.

"As for matters of acceptance, the princesses would have to make the final decision, but if you are not a threat, or invading force, I foresee no real issue with it. We're in a golden age of tolerance and acceptance now, and barring any hostile action, I don't think it would cause trouble. Honestly, even then, it might still go marginally well, as your associate can attest."

Enzo gave off an annoyed snort.

"I were lured into acting against you. I would hardly consider it reasonable to keep that hanging above my head."




Last nodded and started leading the way towards the tunnel.

Honestly, she would have done so regardless of being told to though, as it would be a disgrace to her duties as the princess's protector, to let her take charge and potentially get hurt. The royals had a guard for a reason, and that reason were not to cheer on them. it were to keep them safe.

It wouldn't be long into said tunnel before they should be able to bite not in it being incredibly dark, not long after the entrance. A result that came about as no light shone through from about halfway in, which were where the spot within this tunnel that they had collapsed. A minor safety precaution to ensure that the manetids did not stab them in the back after they had passed here, though it seemed as if no movement had been made in their absence regardless. Apparently it hadn't been worth their time, or they had gotten stuck on some of the other obstacles. Hard to say.

"I'm going to need some time to remove the rocks. You can rest in the meantime, your majesty."

"I-I'll help."

The two would start on moving rocks away, with Last using regular force, and Cherish floating rocks out of three way. Unless Twilight did something magical, it'd take about twenty minutes, as there had been a rather large collapse done in here. Could take any risk, right?




"Probably a traditionalist. They're used to queens and orders, not kinds and democracy. I figure he were just used to looking to a queen for answers when something weird went on, and well, you were the only option, seeing as us two are the weird ones."

"I don't think calling us weird is fair. More... Unusual. Speaking for myself at least, I don't really know of any other changeling hive with a king, and the way we look and act on top of that makes it hard for those used to the old ways to get used to it. Responses to us from our own kind are honestly pretty bad because we're not part of the norm anymore."

Just how things were. Thorax's hive were a strange one as it had a king, and Happy were weird since... Well, look at him. For an isolated ling of any kind like Wall Render, that would be a weird one to get used to. Same reason he had automatically thought that Aurora were the ruler of this hive. That were just the way he were used to things working.

It wouldn't take them long to get outside, and as they did, get to Happy's cart, which were being looked at by some of the more curious changelings, though no one had so far seemed like they were trying to break in. Well, good for him, right? He hated when others went in there and messed things up.

The guards would get up in arms as they approached, but lower their weapons when Thorax approached with him, and waved them away from the cart.

Unlocking the door, Happy would go inside, and not long after that, come out again with a small box, and a big grin on his face. Along with a small flask in his pocket that he seemed to have slipped in there whilst he were filling the wooden box up.

"Dare I ask what's in that?"

"The finest I got to offer. Don't worry chief, I'll get a gift box ready for you once we return too. I'd offer you one too, Aurora, but we've been over that sorta thing I'm lumbering around not being your taste, so I'll figure something else out another time, eh?"

This should tell the queen what kind of thing he were talking about, which could make this an interesting meeting, depending on how the gemlings reacted to his spirited drinks.




On 2/23/2020 at 12:37 AM, Midnight said:

"You... You have a... A fritter on your face..."

Benny had looked at this one curiously as she had seemingly been on the verge of bursting into laughter. Did something funny go on behind him per chance?

But nope, as it had turned out,t he funny thing were him, who had apparently ended up getting food on his face.

"I do?"

Reaching up, he's find the apple fritter in question, and pull it off his scales with a small smooching sound from the caramel still sticking to his face.

"Huh... Well, no reason to waste it."

With that, he'd snap it up, and feel a small, joyful chill go through him as the taste danced on his taste buds. Were there anything caramel did not make better? Well, the cleanliness of his scales might be one thing, but that were alright. As he'd then show, he had a long tongue, and no issue licking the substance off his face with great delight.

A delight that then vanished as he saw that she had also misplaced something in the hit, and sadly, hers were spread all over the ground, and were unsalvageable.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry about that miss. I'll replace it, no worries, just need to get an idea about where to go..."

He'd stick his nose up and sniff around, trying to get a sense of this smell, yet sadly there was just so many smells here. So many sweet, delicious smells of food just begging to be eaten...

Wait, no. Focus here. He had to find out where the mare found these, so that he could replace it. It were only right after he had caused her to drop it.

"I don't really pick up on the scent, so many other, deliciou- I mean uhm... There's a lot of smells here, and cold treats don't give off much of a smell from afar. So that sorta makes it hard to pick up on. Could you show me where you got it, so that I could replace this for you? Please, I insist. It's only right since I'm the one who walked into you."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

[=~ With that, she did laugh a bit, a miniature blizzard forming around her wings, before it dissipated as she stopped. When he asked her to show him where she found it, she laughed again, this time for only a few seconds though. Replying happily, "Don't worry about it, I make them myself. Actually have about seventy-two of them in my storage spell." After that her horn frosted over, a flurry of snow from it, as a hole opened up in mid air next to her. She looked around in the space beyond for a second, before coming out with another in her snowy levitation. "Do you want one?" she asked, levitating another one out of the hole and holding it out to him. ~=]

"You don't have to worry about me. A magician never performs the same trick twice."

- Trixie Lulamoon


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@Blitz Boom
"Romantic partners and family." Ruby said as response to Leviathan's short story "It's one of those things I simply don't understand." even though it was clear she looked down such practices, she was being bit less rude about it "I understand the concept of power in numbers, and I acknowledge that it helps to increase the total size of a species better than my kinds system, but I don't see why you would become so close with someone who's ultimately a competitor." This was one of things that separated Ruby from most of her kind, even though she believed her kind and their ways to be superior, she could acknowledge the advantages of the lesser things. "Then if we add such things as love and friendship, it becomes a weakness, I would know, I exploit such feelings all the time."

"There's no need to apologize, it's not like I remember everything everyone has told me." Nada simply stated, she especially couldn't blame anyone for forgetting something since she knew just how much she herself had forgotten."Nor do I remember everything I have told others either." 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Catpone Cerberus

"Works differently in Dragon Land. We don't have to fight for territories since we have a dragon lord who sections it all off between earth, fire, water and wind dragons, and generally speaking, all but opposing elements tend to get along fine enough, or at least tolerate one another, so it's possible to make a kind of society function where we don't have to try and rip eachothers throats out on a daily basis.

That being said, earth and wind dragons can't stand one another, and fire and water dragons would get into a fight on sight in most cases, though water dragons gets into fights with everyone. Like I said, they get invested, and are highly territorial. Even breeding outside their own element tends to be pretty rare in parts because of this, and in parts because the others leave them alone in the ocean, rather than deal with the hassle.

A lot of raising families aren't done just by the parents either. The dragletts mostly runs around together to keep safer, have some fights which gets them stronger over time, the parents mainly helps in teaching them how to hunt, even if there's some family ties among mostly the earth and fire variants, etc. It might sound weak to rely on others, but if push comes to show, there's strength in numbers, and since we don't have to get in big fights over territory, there's no real reason for us to bash one another's head in. Beyond it being fun, or if someone gets on your nerves."

What? They were still dragons after all, violence were still there in some fashion. It just didn't result in death all that often, even though scale collection were a pretty popular way of showing off the amount of other dragons you had knocked out.

"Love though, that's a fickle thing. A fair share I know doesn't stick together because of love, but just for that family protection, and because they want a big bloodline. In some cases, it's tradition, with some couples being the sort that have one mate for life, and that's it, so they figure might as well stay together.

Others though, really do care deeply for their mate, and want to live together long as it lasts. I never felt love like that, but the things I've seen doesn't make me see any sort of weakness. There's warmth, comfort, the knowledge that you aren't alone, and that someone actually cares about you... There's a lot to be said for it.

Also, seen what happens if anything threatens a dragons loved one, and it ain't pretty. You haven't seen real, primal fury until you see someone try and hurt the one, unreplaceable creature who makes them happy. Seen a dragon half my size trounce an Ursa Major because it tried to tear apart his wife. Honestly surprised it managed to drag itself out of there before he flat out tore it to shreds.

Of course, it must be hard to believe, if you've had to take care of yourself all the time, and never felt like anyone would stand up for you but yourself."

There came the warm eyes and somewhat worry again. Something which would likely not fall in warm waters with Ruby still, but Leviathan didn't care. The more she heard her speak, the more she felt like the draconess needed to feel like someone cared even a little about her, even if it wouldn't be welcome. You couldn't go through life like this and not end up messed up, and she didn't want that to happen to a fellow dragon.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Happens with age."

For once, Nerzei gave of a somewhat amused smirk over the little joke. Not something she normally indulged in, but this one felt like it had been set up and were just begging for someone to take advantage of it. Might as well be her, right?

Lyriel did not respond to this, but by the way she suddenly seemed occupied looking away, and had a hoof lifted to cover for her muzzle, it seemed as if a certain Dryad were having fun about this too in her own way. At least until Agni started to chirp off for a time, at which point she'd turn around with a fascinated look on her face. Apparently, the bird were saying something important, or at least interesting.

"Agni says that when phoenixes gets old, they become smarter. Apparently, elder phoenixes live somewhere special, that only the smart ones can find."

"Interesting. Perhaps a future thesis of mine should be on that? Something to consider during the millennia ahead I suppose."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Pastel actually seemed pretty thrilled with the flowers work! Now she had a very colorful, stylish, flowery mane! She giggled and swayed her mane about, posing like a fashion model.

"Hey, Jelly! Whaddaya think? Think the princess would court me if I showed up like this~?"

She giggled, laughing especially at the "My princess is a nerd" message. Doesn't exactly fit her image! Maybe? Oh well. Between the messages, garden, her new stylish mane, even Gary getting involved (albeit in annoyance), this was already quite the adventure! Pastel skipped up to the flower that stood out the most; big, a huge ! like in picture books, how interesting! She wondered what this one would do... Caution to the wind, she reached put her hoof to poke it.

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@Blitz Boom

“We are a small collective, but there were more of us back when the decision was made to seal our essences away into the orb,” the scholars solemnly said. No indication of this was made long before when they met with the longma siblings or with Mother; only now did they feel they were in trustworthy company to divulge this information. “Thrice as much, actually, but some backed out at the last moment while others… didn’t make it.”

A terrible fate, to be certain of reaching the goal but fall short due to an error. That was what befell some of those who partook in this process. In some perspective, it may have been a mercy. They now know rest and could no longer be burdened by the duty being bound to the orb carried. They were each other’s crutches but wasn’t easy knowing not everyone made it, only their memories could live on and even that was not as much of a relief as some would expect. Still, there was one upside they could not deny: that having survivors among them was sufficient enough to stop them from losing it as a whole. That and having found companions, however brief, over the years to pass on knowledge on their behalf made their strange form of existence a little more bearable. 

But back in the shop, Lin and Sen would have to wait for a bit. They knew their place, much as the disparaging whispers never sat well with them, and held their tongue lest it slipped. There was something about the social elite in Canterlot that didn’t feel right whenever they were around, an aura that was one part regal and one part repulsive. There are exceptions like as Amethyst but from past experience, it seemed like there were more exceptions that proved the rule. However brief their time in Canterlot was, searching for each other among other tasks, there were some lessons that stayed ingrained.

With the longma siblings aware of what went on, they said nothing and stepped away. Fair enough to give Scarcity and her clients some room while they waited. No need to raise anymore of a scene than what they are causing at the moment. And so they resigned themselves to wait until they have the opportunity to speak to Scarcity.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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Benny didn't answer the first few seconds, as he looked at the storage spell with great curiosity. Sure he'd seen magic used before in Dragon land, but there were something special about pony magic. It were more refined, and had many wonderful, yet strange applications. Like this one, that seemed to function as a portable storage space of sorts.

He couldn't use magic personally. He had tried for a few years now, starting some time after he moved to Equestria, but it got apparent rather early on that he just didn't have the spark. No biggie though. He still had his dragon fire. That was kinda like magic, just y'know, not. More like a fire gland and some biology, but to some ponies it looked like magic.

Silly line of thought that made him chuckle a bit, whilst easing him out of his sort of transfixed gaze on the gate.

"Well... It'd be rude to decline, right?"

The hungry look in his eyes betrayed that he just honestly thought this looked delicious, yet he didn't want to seem pushy or rude. Especially since he had caused one of those she made before to get dropped. Might be he were a dragon, but that whole *I Deserve it!* attitude just wasn't him. Much to his mothers chagrin, and his sisters unending teasing, even if he knew she meant it in a good way. Wasn't like she hadn't embraced pony society fully just as much as him, just with less focus on food, and more towards relaxation. The spa just melted all her irritations away, and left her as a... Well, sort of a meanie, but mostly to him. Typical sibling love.

Benny would tentatively reach out slowly, and would gladly accept it if it wasn't taken away to sorta tease him. If it were, it'd make him feel a little hurt, but he'd muscle a smile through and try to see it more as him deserving a bit of a prank on him, all things considered.

If it wasn't though, he'd thank her, take a lick, and look like a pleasant shiver went down his spine.


A brief purring sound escaped his throat, which he unconvincingly tried to play off by clearing his throat right after that.

"So... You make these yourself, and have them in a portable storage spell? That's really impressive, miss. Never seen anything smaller than an ice cream cart take these around, and you can just store loads like that? Pony magic sure is crazy sometimes.

It looked like a really big space though. How much stuff could you store in there, if it's okay that I ask?"

He weren't questioning her in any legal capacity. He were genuinely curious about this sort of thing, though if she said she didn't want to talk of it, that'd be okay. Wouldn't be alright for him to try and wring something out of another who didn't want to talk about it.




On 2/25/2020 at 3:49 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Thrice as much, actually, but some backed out at the last moment while others… didn’t make it.”

"You have my sincere condolences for your losses."

It were not meant in a joking or sarcastic manner. Rosa knew well of loss and the pain it brought, so he would not belittle or make fun of something as somber as these five having lost some of their friends, or potentially even family, due to not being able to survive this transference into the orb. Hopefully they were resting peacefully at least, and not somehow suffering as a specter somewhere.

He hadn't always believed there to be ghosts and an afterlife in all honesty, but as time had gone by, and he eventually ran into some members of a certain clan of mediums, spirit guides, and whatever other death related profession they had to their names, it became hard to argue against the facts. A pleasant thought in some ways, as it showed him that there were a beyond to perhaps find peace in after this life were done, and yet... So too could you end up trapped here, unable to let go and wailing in your own suffering. It had been a special experience for him, trying to juggle with that.

On 2/25/2020 at 3:49 PM, EQ_Theta said:

With the longma siblings aware of what went on, they said nothing and stepped away. Fair enough to give Scarcity and her clients some room while they waited. No need to raise anymore of a scene than what they are causing at the moment. And so they resigned themselves to wait until they have the opportunity to speak to Scarcity.

In the present however, a certain mare bit notice in how her customers were behaving, and cast herself a short glance backwards to the group. A vague sense of surprise seemed to come from Scarcity as Rosa looked at her, yet it were ever so fleeting that it were barely noticeable anyway, before she went into a smile.

"Ah darlings, it seems so long since last you were here."

"You associate with That sort of creature?"

Surprisingly, the hoof and pointed words going towards the group, weren't towards either of the longma siblings, but rather at Rosa, who couldn't look like he cared any less. Which in fairness, were true. These two had no opinion worth listening to far as he were concerned, as they were nothing but spoiled brats. Their words were worthless.

"Pure-blooded thestrals of any standing have become rather favored messenger of the Pale Court in recent years, so they have begun to send an envoy such as this one to come and purview or collect some of my wares for them. You know how reluctant they are to show themselves in public."

The two higher up younglings nodded quietly, understanding the situation when it were put into that sort of context.

"As for his companions, they are rather skilled performers from afar whom I have been asked to get into contact with the court. I cannot assure that they will get an audition, yet a private show is a very exclusive event too, for both the audience and performers."

"Hmph, we know. It's impossible to get tickets for that unless you know someone."

"Normally that is the case. Yet I am in the fortunate position to be a long time provider for the court, which means that I have at times received the privileged of viewing some of the performances. As a token of my deep appreciation for your patronage, and your most gracious understanding towards me having to go and deal with this order with some degree of haste, might I offer you some tickets that I were recently gifted by them?"

This certainly seemed toget their attention, and their eyes went wide in surprise and disbelief, as they refocused on Scarcity. The mare in turn, then used her horn to teleport a delicate looking, wine-red box with an engraved moon surrounded by moths in the center.

"is this a trick?"

"I assure you that it is not."

She opened it up, and two tickets that were seemingly printed in on silver, with an eerie, magical glow emanating from them, got into view. At which point the two high end ponies nearly dropped their jaws. Even more so as Scarcity graciously closed it and floated it towards them.

"I have been told that the Dragonfly Brigade have been scheduled for this particular performance. A performance those of true class wouldn't wish to miss for the world, no?"

They'd eagerly take the box and hurriedly scamper outside, talking about what to wear, how to get to the point, the kind of status this meant they might have, etc. To them, Rosa and the others were nothing in the moment.

Back in the store, Scarcity chuckled, and waved the others closer, and towards the back where they could wander to her office, and talk in peace. Brick would remain behind and cover the path, as ordered by Scarcity with a few gestures of her hoof.

"Apologies for the deception darlings, but their kind are fickle to deal with, and I had to spin things as best I could. I assure you that they will never find out that you have nothing to do with the Pale Court."

"You lost some pretty expensive tickets for that."

"I were planning to use them as a bargaining chip in one fashion or another as it were. Dreadfully dull gathering of beings in my opinion, yet for the up and coming socialites who wish to attain influence and be seen, it is a highly valued price. One I might have been able to sell them, but a friendly gesture here will have longer term gain for me than short term profits from trying such a maneuver. To them, I am now both the one to help them on their step towards the creme of high society, as well as one who were able to help them attain a genuin authentic piece of rather expensive furniture that they had bought elsewhere, yet which turned out to be false. I foresee them being close customers of mine for a long time to come."

That said piece were false because she had replaced it without the seller knowing it were not something which needed to be brought up. A bit of s shameful act perhaps, but she did not like this other antique dealer for both personal and professional reasons, so this momentary hit to his reputation were quite honestly a delightful bonus.

"Now then, might I ask what brings you to my less than humble store?"




On 2/25/2020 at 2:37 AM, Pastel-chan said:

"Hey, Jelly! Whaddaya think? Think the princess would court me if I showed up like this~?"

At this point, it were unreasonable to expect Jelly to not laugh anymore, so she did. Falling to her stomach and just letting it out at the well placed comment from Pastel.

The sudden movement and sound however, seemed to scare the bubble creatures away, who floated off and back to their previous area, where they'd once again return to their lives as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, over at the plant, it would react to Pastel's presence by spewing out different pollen clouds, this time making out large, puffy letters.

"Bring four Posion Joke siblings. Get mystery gift."

It would keep spewing this off, word for word, a few times before it suddenly stopped, and began to spew off the word "Accept?" over and over until it would get an answer.

"W-Wait, isn't *pff* Isn't this kinda weird?"

Jelly were able to react to this one, much as she were still barely through her laughing fit, and actively looked like she were about to crack up again at any second.

"Flowers don't talk, and I dunno what Poison Joke is, but it sounds dangerous. Is it really a good idea to do what the plants want?"

Regardless of what Pastel said, the plants on the ground certainly had an opinion, as the quest flower used it's leaves to wave over some of it's friends from a few other flower rings. Once there, they'd arrange themselves to say *Totally innocent flower*, with a small arrow pointing at the quest giver.

Seemed legit.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

[=~ She tried succesfully to keep herself from laughing at his reaction to the milkshake, before tilting her head to the side, thinking about his question. After a moment, she decided to test it. So she opened a hole, and then stood in front of it. The metal feathers of her wings split open- each feather having the top half tilting up and the bottom half tilting down- and an icy blue glow came from inside what were now essentially jets. And then she was gone, quite a bit of snow in a cone behind where she was standing, a faint sonic boom as she reached the maximum speed her blizzjets would allow. After a couple of minutes, she came flying back out of the hole, the feathers closing again, skidding to a stop before ending up with her face on the ground. She then got up, closing the hole, and turning back towards him, answering his question, "Well, there isn't a limit that is ever really going to matter to me, so... Though it does take a bit more magic to open a hole when there is more stuff in it." She then managed to drink her, currently full, milkshake in about fifteen seconds. Which is precisely why she makes them in batches of a hundred. Also, he licked his milkshake? Not sure thats what you are supposed to do with milkshakes, but okay... ~=]

Edited by Midnight

"You don't have to worry about me. A magician never performs the same trick twice."

- Trixie Lulamoon


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@Blitz Boom

Pastel tilted her head as she read off the messages one by one, eyes never turning away.

"Poison joke siblings? Mystery gift? DEFINITELY weird. Why would a flower want poison joke? I remember we had a lesson like this at school in Manehattan; it's this plant that plays a prank on you if you get poked by it. There's a forest around here where we could get something like that, right? Think about it, Jelly; this mystery gift could be ANYTHING! A treasure, a new element, a giant cake, anything! We could even share with the princess and get her favor. We should totally accept it!"

Pastel nudged Jelly playfully, she was practically vibrating with excitement, like a wind up toy.

"See? They all say totally innocent, so it can't possibly be a bad flower! Let's do it!"

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@Blitz Boom


"A golden age of tolerance, huh?" Atzy asked in utter disbelief. She was shocked and appalled at the phrase. She didn't see any sort of tolerance towards her and Enzo with the way the captain and his guards were acting. Gone was the calm demeanour she had going and now she was royally angry. "What kind of tolerance of tolerance makes ponies put spears against other creatures!?"

"I think that's what sets the guards off," Karmic whispered to Enzo nervously, staring wide-eyed at Atzy's response. She didn't really see too much in her vision but at the very least, she did make out something forcing the guards to attack the three of them.

@Blitz Boom


Twilight eyed the rocks blocking their way from the ground to the ceiling and noticed little nooks and crannies the rocks had utterly filled. She let out her breath and charged her horn with magic. She helped Last and Cherish carefully move the rocks, levitating them out of the way as carefully as she could so another cave-in wouldn't happen.

@Blitz Boom


"Don't like that stuff," Aurora nearly gagged, placing a hoof over her mouth. She didn't exactly have fond memories of when she last tried Happy's brew. "I know you two say you're the weird ones, but if anything, I'm the weird one. I've lived in Griffonstone all my life and only recently I've explored Equestria and found out I was a royal changeling today!"



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

17 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"You have my sincere condolences for your losses."

“Thank you. It is good to be reminded that there are still good folk no matter how much time passes. It helps us stay true to our duty knowing there are those who will benefit from what we set out to do.”

The scholar’s appreciated Rosa’s offer of condolences. It wasn’t easy thinking about what could have been if they were still around. A small comfort that they wouldn’t bring any extra burden on the task of providing new artificial bodies to the old souls. If ghosts were real, then they probably won’t run into them as they have found their rest knowing the threat they worked hard to stop could no longer return. Their task was finished. 

But right now, Sen and Lin looked to Scarcity and back at the upper crust socialite ponies who pointed at Rosa with derision. They expected to be the subject of disrespect considering their appearances. Thestrals were thought to have more interactions with pony society, or at least that’s what Lin thought when she heard about them joining the ranks of Princess Luna’s royal guard retinue. That kind of clout would surely make the thestrals more respected than the longma siblings. As far as they knew, they were nobodies and would pretty much be convenient fodder for tactless comments. Alas, that wasn't the case.... 

Being able to think of a cover story on the spot was quite a skill to have, something that is admirable and worth being able to emulate when the time calls for it. Lin was impressed by it and would consider trying something like that when she has some free time. Or at the very least, it might be good enough for her to try and use if she could get the details down. 

“We’re looking to help out some friends with an odd request,” Sen answered as he pulled out the golden orb and showed it to Scarcity. “Rosa tells us you might know of, um… golem crafting practitioners?”

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@Blitz Boom

The mare held many of the most powerful Equestians in her hoof was all a giddy as a filly at the sight of the Good Burg Burg tray.  Triggering old memories of evening walks down the streets of Manehatten and stopping at food cart when their mother didn't feel looking cooking that night.  The tray in question floated from his control and over the lady of the manor.  Like a filly on Hearth's Warming morning, her hoof tenderly popped the seal and peeked inside.  Steam and the delicious aroma escaped the perfectly contained meal that Dawn took a good whiff of that sent shivers down her spine.  To think that in the underground, she was so respected.  Rising had been given the title Spell Breaker by the city, although he wasn't the biggest fan considering the negative undertones, but meh, not everypony gets to pick their names.  While less official, his twin also carried a similar title within her world.  Known as the Spell Maker.  A long forgotten art as so many unicorns, and princesses, take to learning magic via what another pony had already learned and logged in their books.  So rarely do ponies create their own spells anymore.  Not for his twin though.

Lily didn't seem to be embracing the warning Rising gave to her when they entered the manor.  This place was different and she wasn't going to understand much of how things were done in this land.  Let alone the type of relationship these twins had.  Lily's promises of having Twisted's artifacts crossing into the land of Equestria made the detective's hair stand on end.  It was his job to NOT let dark artifacts enter their world.  He already had the headache of the remaining cursed items the Sisters of Troy still totted around and kept in Ponyville.  Last thing Rising needed was powerful items ending up on his sister's doorstep or circulate around the underground.  

The twins winces as the bauble flashed, but was quickly resolved by Wisp laying a horrid of wicker creatures to ash.  Dawn knew of similar creatures in the Everfree Forest, but they weren't nearly as viscous. "My my, what have you fallen into bro?" ash asked, nothing actually seeing the land Rising just returned from.  Rising didn't reply, he didn't need to, the bauble painted enough of a picture.

Dawn while enticed with such an offer, could feel the reaction from her brother.  Resealing the Good Burg Burg, the tray floated away to rest up on a small table that quickly formed out of the liquid marble next to her large pillow upon her throne.  Her attention drawn to the bauble and the notion of Lily's daughter in need of some sort of aid.  The rune looked like any other to the mare, her head tilting back and forth in thought.  She couldn't see magic like her brother, but figure the witch wouldn't joke about such things when regarding family.  Straightening up, her nightie smoothed out its own wrinkles from her earlier display.  "Completely symbolic dear Lily.  You think I'd charge my own brother for such a thing?" she smiled, knowing full well her brother would never let such artifacts enter Equestian.  

For once, her horn ignited in... all the colors.  Her horn radiated the soft pale rainbow colors that rippled from her hoof steps.  An elegant flick of her horn caused a speck of the purest form starlight to winkle into existence before them.  It remained in place for mere moments before erupting into a pocket watch sized Big Bang.  Not a second later did a silver pocket watch float before the detective.  The weaves of the spell that enchanted the pocket watch laid before Rising.  Threads of pale rainbow, clean, elegant, woven into complex strands of an original spell.  Nothing Rising hadn't already seen before, except for this new matrix attached to the destination portion of the spell.  A return protocol. "Upgrade?" he asked.  Dawn's horn extinguished and she nodded, "So you don't get stuck this time.  Surprised?" she taunted.  His expression remained neutral, "No."  The mare pouted and turned her head to look away from his with an audible, "Hmph!"  A smirk appeared on his lips for a split second. Holding out his hoof, the watch slowly floated down to it, "Thank you sis, you're the best unicorn in the world."  Swollen with a bit of ego now, she faced them again, "Better."

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There it were again. That little spark, edging around his mind, dancing on his nerves...

Why did these creatures have to fight so much? Must they always be unable to see reason  and act like children?

None of them were without guilt in this. Atzy were irking them on, playing off a rude first impression towards her that then in turn, were causing the guards to be more alert and prepared for an assault. It would do nothing but spiral out of control, and the sphinx felt it grinding on him. More-

On 2/27/2020 at 10:57 AM, Sekel said:

"What kind of tolerance of tolerance makes ponies put spears against other creatures!?"

And more-

"There is no reason for this outburst. Calm yourself."

And more...

Enzo felt the anger bubbling up again, not halted by rationale as he heard the guards behind them ready themselves, and saw the ones in front tensing up, prepared to strike.

On 2/27/2020 at 10:57 AM, Sekel said:

"I think that's what sets the guards off,"

Enzo started to spread his wings as an increasing anger plastered itself upon his face. Something which Hailstorm took note of, and took a step forth, to get between this group and the general.

"Stand down."

"I have had it with you, and your insufferable arguing! Must I silence you all before your childish bickering ends?"

"We are not the ones who are trying to start a fight here."

"But you are, captain."

The voice would come from their side, where the guard who had at first fetched the general, stood at the side of one wearing outlandish clothes, whom were slowly walking towards them with a soothing tone in his smooth voice.


"We started this by showing them hostility, even if they came only to talk. And then when rightful anger came towards us, it only began to escalate. Much as the troops are rallied, that is no excuse."

"Ambassador. I thought you were-"

The stallion waved a hoof, causing the general to silence himself.

"General, please return your troops to their stations, and resume your work. I would like to speak with them without anypony here they might perceive as threats."

The general did not like this, but an order were an order, and within the next minute or so, the only guard that remained in the courtyard, would be the one following the slow-moving ambassador. One who were not armed, and judging by the cross down the bag to his side, were likely medical personel.

Once they were all gone, the ambassador would get closer, and face Karmic and Enzo with an apologetic look in his weary face. He seemed as if he weren't feeling all that well currently.

"They do their duty, yet that is no excuse for such hostilities. I am profoundly sorry that you both had to see this, as your first impression of the Equestrian Government.

I am Ambassador Golden Sun. It is an honor to meet you."

He'd try to give a regal bow, but had to stop as his head reached about ten centimeters down, with a pained expression on his face and a groan. Something his attendant reacted on by quickly reaching over and slowly pushing back on his neck, as the ambassador straightened out again.

"My apologies. I briefly forgot my current limitations."




With the princess's help, it would take about ten minutes or so to clear out a path for them, where in the distance, they could see a bit of light shine in from the other end. It would take some more work to really clear this tunnel and make it ready for proper travel, but this would suffice for their need. If there'd ever be a reason to open travel between the valley and the outside at some later point, somepony else could come along and handle the rest.

"We should get moving. If either of you need a break, now is the time to say so."

Cherish would shake her head, not feeling any more weary, and in fact, having had the time to collect herself and seem more stable in her form than when they had arrived here.

If the princess were also okay, Last would lead the way forward, towards the grand outside. Which would not be an open view of the valley, but a gnarly mountain pass, leading upwards. They still had some way to go before the valley would get into view.




"Yeah, and I'm from another dimension, and partly of a race you folks consider myths and fairy tales. Pretty sure I've still got you beat both on looks and story, Aurora."

"I suppose I'm just more of a sign of times changing than weird, but in the drone's eyes, I do think that you're the most normal of us right now. To most drones, there's a queen, not a king, and well, you look most like a regular changeling."

Her story had him beat, he'd likely give her that, but he were a colorful king, in a world of dark, many-holed queens. He were standing out like a sore hoof, whilst Happy... Well, what didn't in his case? It would be shorter to mention the reason why he wasn't the weirdest one among them, rather than the opposite.

"I'm surprised at your up-bringing though. Griffons aren't usually some that I hear a lot of changelings try to mingle with. At least among those who I have spoken with. I can imagine it being quite a change of culture to go from Griffonstone and to Equestria."

Whilst he talked, they'd start to go on their way, with all of them taking spreading their wings and preparing to take flight. They were just waiting to see if Aurora would be okay flying, considering her new form might feel awkward to her.




Benny looked on very fascinated as she went through the gate and just flew off in a seemingly endless space. At the same time, he'd stick his snout down the milkshake and start to slowly sip it. Whilst he might have licked it before, that were just to get a taste of things. This were how he preferred to drink that sort of thing, long as it wasn't fizzy drinks. The bubbles kept getting into his nose and tickling intensely.

On 2/26/2020 at 8:42 PM, Midnight said:

"Well, there isn't a limit that is ever really going to matter to me, so... Though it does take a bit more magic to open a hole when there is more stuff in it.

He'd stick his mouth out of the half finished milkshake when she returned and lick the remnants away from his face with his forked tongue.

"There's no real end to that? Wauh, that's a real impressive spell you've made there then, miss. I know loads who'd fight for a storage space that huge, even if it takes more magic out of the caster.

More impressive than dragon magic, for sure. Those I know who have any, are all elemental based. Like fire, earth, or wind magic. It's pretty strong, but the stuff you ponies can do are way more versatile. Like your storage room. It's crazy impressive.

Can it only work though, if it's being cast by a unicorn, if it's okay that I ask? My marefriend's got a candy shop, and if these sorta things can be handled with like... A push of a button or something, I'd really need to tell her about this. It would help her save a ton of storage space sometimes."




Feeling like she were really outvoted here, Jelly rather quickly caved in and started to nod excitedly.

"Okay, let's go! I have some small bags in my belt, so we could use those as gloves so we don't touch the things, maybe? Oh, we should bring a box! There's one outside where daddy and I live. We can go pick that up, and run into the forest real quick."

The flowers returned to their placements, and the one that had given them the quest stood and swayed in the wind, seemingly waiting for them to return with the things that it had sent them out for.

Unless Pastel got any interesting ideas, or somehow ended up getting distracted, they'd soon enough get to the half-rundown building that the two bat ponies lived in, with several boxes outside from when Stargazer moved in. Plenty to pick from and go into the forest, with also some bags and a rather large satchel too, where they could find an iron pipe in that had been forgotten. Seemingly part of a sink or something that were not needed, or some other kind of training equipment.

Meanwhile, back at the garden, the flower would start to shake in a motion that appeared as if it were laughing, and then sank quickly into the ground. Seemed perfectly normal.




"Golems you say? Such a peculiar request to make, but I'm sure that I could be of some service. I do know of quite a varied amount of beings after all.

That being said, what sort of golem is it that you had in mind?"

"Does it matter?"

"Most assuredly. Varied types of golems requires varied types of skillsets. Clay and stone for example, requires geomancers with a spiritual aspect, whilst the more classical ones have a need of technological traditionalists, whom have little overlay with the dirt based ones.

There's generally a professional for any kind. Be it clay, stone, metal, tech, flesh, blood, f-"

"Pardon, did you just say flesh and blood as options?"

"Yes. Not ones whom I would recommend, but it is an option nonetheless, known by some beings whom I would not claim to have a friendly relation with. Yet I find it pertinent to still be aware of their whereabouts and current abilities, just in case there comes a time where their presence is sorely needed by somepony. My personal apprehensions cannot be allowed to stand in the way of my professional obligations so easily.

Now then, as I were alluding to, there are many, varied kinds of materials that can be used to make a golem. Perhaps you could start telling me what sort you were thinking of, and I can potentially think of someone who can be of assistance."

"And your price?"

"Depends on what is required of me, but you needn't worry it will cost you greatly. My interest in what your delightful group can achieve have far more potential value to me than mere coin."

The look in her eyes as she said this, made Rosa certain that she had several proposals for a trade in favors already lined up in her head. Unsurprising really, but it would have to be something that could be handled with some degree of haste if it were. He did not have several days again, due to his court sentencing tomorrow.

"I wonder, is this orb in some way connected to why you'd wish for a golem? What function does it hold, which you wish protected?"



@Rising Dusk

7 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"Completely symbolic dear Lily.  You think I'd charge my own brother for such a thing?"

"Forty years ago, my own mother charged me for an elixir that I needed to get past a nasty flu, and I have done similar things with my cousins in meager days. Family is important, but some things are hard to make, or times are tough, and you don't have the option to make anything without gaining something in return, lest you wish to starve.

But I suppose, things change, and Equestria isn't as downtrodden and scarce of resources as Harrowmark have long been. Something tells me that you don't have these moments of desperation here."

This was not a comment on this mare's personal wealth in any way. It were more on the entirety of the kingdom they were in. Certainly, Lily hadn't seen much of it, but what she had seen, she didn't see anyone starve in the streets, looking longingly at anyone who had even a scrap of food. Nor a single being keeling over from diseases, or folks crippled by damages that could not be treated as there simply weren't anything they needed to get a proper treatment. Whatever this country's infrastructure were, it were apparently far stronger than that of Harrowmark, even if that were no surprise. Hopefully the queen were still as benevolent as she once were, so that she may make use of the riches that'd be returned to her, to quickly get resources from the outside to help her ailing country better. The iron hoof not being pressed metaphorically down on her throat anymore were certainly going to help her press some things through too.

Who knew? Perhaps in a few years, they might be getting closer to this ideal, than their long standing nightmare.

The magic that were presented by Dawn shortly after she had finished her own words, were something that drew Lily away rom memories, and more towards observing this strange magic with a curious glance in her eyes.

That she were creating something were a marvel in itself, but what really caught her, were the many colors. She had never seen a unicorn - or any caster for that matter - have more than two colors in their aura at most, unless they were making use of borrowed power. Dawn did not appear to have any necklace of gems on her, or anything else of the like, so this had to be her own magic then, yes? So many, potential schools of magic...  This were a mare that were best not kept as an enemy. Something that were just getting clearer and clearer with every new thing that the Harrowmark resident saw, even though she would potentially be a good teacher of sorts, provided that she found the right kind of student. ad to be someone with strong enough potential for her taste out there somewhere.

Oh well, not her issue, as she were not one with that great of a potential, nor would she want to be a pupil again anytime soon, due to her experiences with Twisted. There were little reason for her to seek tutelage, despite the master maybe being a kinder one.

7 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"Hmph!"  A smirk appeared on his lips for a split second. Holding out his hoof, the watch slowly floated down to it, "Thank you sis, you're the best unicorn in the world."  Swollen with a bit of ego now, she faced them again, "Better."

"I know not if you are the best there is, but you are clearly a powerful mare, Dawn. More so than most that I have known, or even read of, and I thank you for using that strength to help me return home. I owe you greatly for that."

Lily bowed deeply before Dawn. Much as she considered the mare strange in a way, and did not fully get the dynamic between her and Rising, the mare were helping her return to her daughter. That were something which demanded gratitude, and in classic, Harrowmark fashion, acknowledgement of a debt because of it. One whom Lily were more than willing to honor, were Dawn ever to find herself in Harrowmark for whatever reason, or if she sent a message. Soon as the gates in Harrowmark began working again, there might come a time when they'd get a message through a courier passing through those, asking for a favor, or something else their country might offer, and if it were within her power to get it, Lily were obligated to try and procure it.

It were curious when Rising would remember though, that he had yet another prisoner from Harrowmark trapped somewhere. A certain stallion that had attacked a workshop just outside of town, and talked about the doom that were going to befall him for his failures, before being apprehended and dragged off. He were probably chained up somewhere, and ignored as he grumbled on about failure.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

[=~ As soon as she heard the word button relating to the spell, she immediatelly smiled, before her horn frosted over, glowing, snow forming around it, and then a cube of ice formed in the air in front of her, the snow around it showing that she was also levitating it. Slowly, while she stared at it, a design began forming inside the ice cube out of less pure ice. Because less pure ice isn't as clear, and the rest of the ice cube is completely pure, well, I would hope you get the idea. She closed her eyes every so often while forming the design, calculating numbers and dimensions. Once she had finished, she opened the hole again and simply tossed the cube in before closing it again. "I think I can make something with the same general idea, yeah," she responded in an excited but somehow also calm tone. A little blizzard swirling around her wings.

"You don't have to worry about me. A magician never performs the same trick twice."

- Trixie Lulamoon


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@Blitz Boom

Pastel was in full protagonist form now. She looked around the area, bags, satchals, even a pipe! This place was kinda convenient. If they were gonna find the poison joke before sunset they couldn't spend too much time contemplating which ones to bring.

"Hmm, the satchel would be perfect for you I think! Maybe I should carry the box, since earth ponies are stronger, so they say; and oho~ what's this..."

Pastel approached the pipe as if it were some kind of legendary item. She grabbed the pipe and...

Dramatically held it above her head, with her hoof no less!

"Never fear, fair maiden! For as long as I, the legendary heroine Pastel Heart, hold my courage and my trusty sword, Bahamut, I will protect you! I will slay any beast and conquer the most tyrannical of kingdoms to stay at thy side~"

...She almost sounded cool, if she weren't pint sized and holding a pipe. It made her look more like a thug than a heroine, but the heart was there atleast.

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On 2/25/2020 at 3:02 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Haha! We found you, funny pony."

Flaxxy reached an arm out and picked Velvet up like he were little more than a rag doll, and pulled him into a hug. This close, he'd be able to tell that though she looked rather gruff, her fur were still surprisingly soft. Even if she gave off the odor of dirt.

"Don't bother attempting to wriggle away. I can personally attest to the fact that you will not escape her grasp. Just let her get it out of her system."

Lulu fluttered elegantly down from her former sitting position and brushed some dust off her shoulder, whilst Flaxxy finally let go of Velvet.

"We were in the neighborhood and thought a visit were in place."

The changeling had an ever so slightly annoyed sneer on her face as she saw the mess Flaxxy had made of Velvet's mane, and used her horn to correct it to what it had been when they had first seen him.

"As is customary, we also brought a gift. I procured some Satin Blaze Caramel Biscuits, which I told Flaxxy would serve well with some delicate slices of mountain goat cheese."

"Bah. That stuff just smelly, no bite. I found chili cheese. Smells real good, like fire."

Flaxxy padded the left of her leather bags and gave a huge grin towards Velvet, whilst Lulu let out a small sigh.

"It will suffice. We have not arrived at an inconvenient moment, have we?"


"Uh no, no. But I am surprised to see you both here so soon. I was given to understand adventuring was a long process. At least, that's what I got from many of the stories and biographies I read. Aside from it being dangerous but potentially rewarding. To be honest, I had figured it would take you another week or two to arrive, but I guess I underestimated transport and how long it actually takes, didn't I?"

He was glad that they came, though he wondered if his house was big enough for the two of them. He only had one bed and one couch, after all. Would they be comfortable sharing? Or would he need to buy a sleeping bag? The conundrum only deepened, since he only had pony food and nothing for meat eaters or changelings, not that shops around the area would stock things for changelings anyway.

"Would you like to come in? It's a bit small, but I hope it's cozy enough."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@Blitz Boom

“We are curators of information spanning thousands of years, a vessel of magic that wishes to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. Only… we believe it may be time to lay that purpose to rest and live outside of this orb before we choose to go for good. A golem shell may be what we seek.”

“They’re ancient beings from a now-extinct race; the last of their kind, if you can call them that. I suppose it may not even be entirely accurate if they’re disembodied voices residing in an inanimate object.”

The distinction between golem types would be valuable to know but Sen and Lin knew nothing of the sort. The scholars had an idea about what they wanted but that is determining the difference between practicality and accuracy. They could, in theory, choose with flesh golems to give themselves a semblance of having an organic body but the nature of the process is repulsive. Hypothetically, it would require ample amounts of flesh to even construct one body usable and that is disregarding ethics. It is highly doubtful anyone will want to donate the materials needed to create one golem.

Stone bodies are hardier, sturdy, and resistant. They would be traveling for a while and it will be nice to have some form of protection without worrying about materials. Steel presents the same benefits but if oxidation was a factor, then they’d need to be dealt with before the joints start locking up. Seems like their choice isn’t too difficult.

“We have chosen the stone golem shells. The orb itself will remain as is, a repository for information but we believe it is best to begin moving our stored knowledge elsewhere. It has served its purpose but experience has shown it has done enough harm over the years to warrant its decommission.”

“That is about the long and short of the matter,” Lin concluded, somewhat anxiously awaiting what Scarcity will want in exchange. They didn’t really have much to bargain with, though the scholars probably have something the unicorn will want. Regardless, it will be interesting to find out. “Would you know where we can find those… um, geomancers you mentioned?”

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@Blitz Boom

 Blither's gaze lingered on Chop's retreating, silent form with a somewhat worried grimace on his muzzle. There was a vague, unsteady respect akin to when a timberwolf passes a cragadile in the deep woods, a sort of violent camaraderie between major predators based only on the fact that both sides know that even if a tussle happened and they came out victorious it would have dealt too much of a toll on either side to be worth picking a fight. Or something like that mused in the much smaller stallion's head, at least nothing too much trouble had happened. To no one in particular, He said out loud hestitantly. "...well, best to make use of what comes. Can't have wanton acts of violence and destruction."

 Turning to the mayor as if to reassure her and hopefully deter to a less tense topic, he questioned her. "Society can't be built without structure or agreed upon harmony. You'll have to forgive me, but in my reading and research I've not heard much of Ponyville. Most who talk of here treat it as idealic a place to live... but a bit, uhm, chaotic. I guess the reputation of a cityplace becomes infamous when it requires montly visits from the nation's ruler, heh? You have much trouble here?

 I don't mean to gossip, but Ponyville is often talked of as a place where all are accepted?" Blither aimed a sheepish, nervous smile in an attempt to disarm any further negative opinions of himself. Afterward he turns to regard Alonsus to comfort him as well.

 "Oh, my condolences Sir Alonsus! I don't mean to correct you! It's just a bit of second habit for me! Most of my family disregard the effort I've put into reading up on the annuals of pony history, storytelling and moreover, scientific history. It often falls on me to correct them of... well, heh, they don't usually listen to me~They say I have a bad habit of pontification.  I suppose you know if you've ever had to run with any brothers of your own?

 Oh! And this all seems so much for a teatime repast! Is this much customary in these parts of ponydom?"


 Sunny Flush remained blissfully unaware of any awkwardness to holding a superior officer in front of one of his recruits. But she did as she was asked and gingerly and softly placed Stargazer back down on the ground as if placing a stuffed pony doll on a shelf. For a bit, she chittered in a motherly voice to him to excitedly cover a lot she wanted to know in what turned out to apparently be very little time.

  "D'oh-Kay!" She chirruped as his hooves touched lightly back down. "You betta get youself some good rest then! Get youself someone to tuck you in at night an' maybe give you a glass o' warm milk! Maybe I can help you with that some night!! And we can talk about what even a Batty Horsey is! Like, if ya sleep at the day or suck the Juices of the Living like Big Brother Flit says! Flit talks ALOT about juices! Think it's one of his favorite words!"

"An' you bet that sounds like Shorty!" The mare cheerfully agreed to Scarcity, skipping along behind lightly after the running forms of the two policeponies. "Tossin's what he do best! But he wouldn't REALLY wanna hurt nopony! He might break a few walls down or talk alot about crushing skulls but we haven't done that recently! He's justa big softie, really! A good hug will straighten anything out!"



 The stream of lightning hit Shortstack full in the face like a high powered hose and he hadn't blinked. Singed a trifle, yes, but Shortstack had ran his head through some rather rudimentary broiler ovens before and tended to eat coal for a snack. He didn't really need to do that, but he liked the attention doing so publicly got him. The little stallion was rather fireproof and the bristle short, boarlike hair stood as one testament to that. More importantly though, he was grandstanding right now and couldn't let a little thing like a beam of energy to his face get in the way of hurling judgement. Many who prized argument over sanity or their well-being tended to do that, but perhaps not quite so specifically.

 "OY! Missy gots ah gun in 'er t'roat an' asks why sum'un gats tae come alon' an BREAK IT OFF?!" With that perfunctory verbal punch, the tiny red stallion lunges forward a short meter like a small billy goat and firmly lodges his head underneath the dragonpony mare's chest... and bucks her to his right into a wall of a nearby building. Roaring after her, audibly proud in justification of his own volume Shortstack fires back.



  *~And otherwise and otherplace~*

 "So long as you know of my dragon superiority." Kaltrop attempted to flex his wing muscles with somewhat unreliable results. "hunted for my own food out in the wild. I do doubt you city-bound ponies would be capable of that. I would be good to keep around for that matter at least, since I have no idea how you forage for your own food. What, do you stalk the wild, roving herds of grass patches?

 ...Or... wh-whatever you mean by "Boyfriend" anyhow. If it means Protector, than i'm likely better at a fight than you there." 


@Catpone Cerberus

 Widdershins rolled his body around Cerberus as he fluttered about the catpony as he walked to his destination.

 Well, to remind you, we're going in a loop! I was saying you're the Weather Station!

 But don't worry about it! I'm a Thingywhopper, your a Feline-Equine, Little Cathorse. There's horses here that can shoot energy out of their head-bumps. There's too many ways to talk of things! The world is a silly place!

 So what's your lead on where Parasprites are these days?!!? The little cuties can't be that much trouble!

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom


"Forgive me for not extending the same jovial accordance you have," Atzy spoke up from the side of Enzo and Karmic. Karmic looked down at the group before taking a breath.

"I think everything will be fine," Karmic told Enzo before sliding down his leg to be with Atzy on the ground. "Ambassador Golden Sun. What are you the Ambassador of, exactly? You look like a regular pony to me."

@Blitz Boom


Twilight acknowledged Lasts' suggestion with a nod and followed along behind her. She turned her head to the side and noticed Cherish gazing around as they walked. "Cherish, you look a lot stabler here than back in my castle," Twilight said thoughtfully, noticing how Cherish was more opaque than she has been as of late. "It's possibly because we're heading towards a graveyard. Maybe where ponies' spirits are resting you get stronger by it?"

@Blitz Boom


"I'm used to flying as a changeling, if that's what you're worried about," Aurora told them. She did wince when her chitin separated along her to reveal her wings though. "Although I guess I'm not used to them enough, even in this larger form. I was only a nymph when I was taken to Griffonstone so I've mostly been a griffin all my life. It's what I'm used to. But I have practiced flying as a changeling .... maybe I should be a griffin for the flight?"



Dazzle gasped and groaned, feeling herself fall to the ground from her impact against the wall. She felt like a couple of her ribs had broken upon standing and wobbled on her hooves for a bit. "You are really something else, Shortstack," Dazzle huffed. "I would have never expected such power to come from something so small and teeny," she grinned.



"Why would we hunt?" Dawn questioned with narrowed eyes. "It's not like ponies can digest meat like you dragons can. Besides, we don't stalk the grass patches. We stalk wild grocery aisle foods for foodstuff and buy it," she huffed only to get a decent blush going. She turned her head away again and coughed into her hoof. "Protector. That ... I guess you could call it that. I'm not really ... welll ... I haven't fought at all in my life so ... yeah, protector boyfriend."



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom
"If you rely on someone else for something, you will be worse at doing that, thus you're weaker." "We...or well, our predecessors used to have a civilization not much different to what you describe, not much is know about is since it was long before any currently existing species were as they are now, if they existed in the first place, and the writings about it have been lost to time." "But what is known is that it all came crashing down, most likely due to our natural greed, and with time that species separated to three different species, my kind, violent and powerful variant that stopped using magic and relies more on strength and intelligence, other kind that though being called dragons too, are quite the opposite, as they are long wingless creatures that are highly magical and peace loving (eastern dragons), and last and least, Wyverns, not much is known about their current lifestyle, but they once shared territory with my kind, they are malformed, weaker subspecies of my kind, and they were chased away by us long before I hatched." 

"And when it comes to family....well, there's no fathers, as females just choose a fitting partner and when they're done they get either killed or chased away, how they are chosen and what happens to them depends on the female, as like in every species, there's different individuals. And for mothers..the hatchling will be taken care of until they are old enough to hunt, then they get chased off the mother's territory, and usually that's the last time they see each other, but then there's situations like mine, where the one attacks the other for reason or another." 

Ruby just ignored the look Leviathan gave, making it pretty clear that she ignored it on purpose, as she didn't feel the need to repeat telling about her distaste for what she thought to be pity. She wasn't entirely sure why she told what she told, since she didn't really care for conversations, but she figured it was because she finally had a change to boast about her kind without worrying about her cover being blown.

Nada just nodded in agreement to Nerzei, she could tell it was a joke but it was probably true, one of the reason for her memory trouble could be the fact she was over 1000 years old.

"Doesn't every creature become smarter with time?" she asked, it would only makes sense right? since older you are, more you have learned "Though I find it interesting there's a place that they only learn about when they get older." 



"Don't forget the horses that can fly regardless of the fact that their wings are way too small for them to actually fly."  Cerberus added "And regarding parasprites, I haven't actually seen them since the chaos in Ponyville, not that I have been looking for them either, since they don't listen what I have to say." "But I have a reason to believe they're 20 minute walking distance away in the direction we are going." 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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Benny Almost jumped out of his scales in joy when he heard that she might actually be able to make something like that place, which could be used by non unicorns. His marefriend would be ecstatic about news like this.

It did strike him as a little odd how this pony seemed to be having a small blizzard ring around her when she had done this though, but she seemed to just have a sort of magical reaction of her own with this, maybe? She appeared to be pretty good with ice magic, so it sorta made sense. At least to someone who didn't understand the ins and outs of magic all that well, but could just evaluate from what he had seen with a few other unicorns. Not all though. More of a gimmicky sort of thing. Or perhaps he just wasn't paying attention that much? Didn't matter he supposed.

"I hope it's not pushing it, miss, but do you think I could take you to my marefriend so you could maybe chat about doing this sorta thing? She'd be thrilled about having an option like this for her storage. Please? It's only a few hundred meters from here, and it's pretty easy to spot. Biggest candy store in town."

Also rather colorful, and marked as Circle Pop's Specialty Candy and Confectionery. Which were more in regards to the special stuff she made, though she also crafted a lot of regular candy. Had to have something for the foals, and not just high end gift options, or she'd never make it in this area.




It did look a little silly, with pastel standing there holding the pipe like some sort of video game character, but it were pretty entertaining to Jelly. Infectious too, as she played along and gave a halfway decent ladylike bow.

"Oh, to have my great heroine protect me. Surely I shall face no harm with you at my side."

It were rather different than how she usually had play times with others, though it were kind of similar to one she had known in Canterlot. A bit of an odd foal three years older than her, that were part of some roleplaying group. She weren't sure what it were, but he invited her along once, and they dressed her up as a dragon. It were honestly pretty fun to go in that costume and chasing them around, pretending to spit fire at them,and running away whenever they got their foam swords out. A shame he had moved a week or so after that so she didn't get to see more of this stuff, but Pastel were throwing her back into it with a vengeance. Silly filly made it real hard not to just get suckered into it, despite the fact that the filly were now holding a pipe, which could be dangerous. Only if used wrongly though, and Pastel wasn't violent. Right?

Grabbing the satchel and strapping to her tool belt, Jelly spread her wing and flew a few inches up above the ground, whilst pointing towards the edge of town, where the border would go right into the infamous Everfree Forest.

"Come then my knight. Let us seek glory!"




On 2/29/2020 at 9:28 AM, EcstaticWind said:

"Uh no, no. But I am surprised to see you both here so soon. I was given to understand adventuring was a long process. At least, that's what I got from many of the stories and biographies I read. Aside from it being dangerous but potentially rewarding. To be honest, I had figured it would take you another week or two to arrive, but I guess I underestimated transport and how long it actually takes, didn't I?"

"It changes depending on a few factors. I this situation, I had a solid infiltration going towards a rather annoying group of cultists. Ones who had something in their possesion which I found were best kept away from them. Yet in the middle of a planned weeks excursion, Flaxxy suddenly arrives and begins her own scheme, which were quite a bit more direct than my approach."

"Bad ponies had a real nasty shiny, so I dig in and start to make with the punches."

Flaxxy looked really proud of herself as she said this, whilst Lulu were a bit harder to read, but did get a fleeting, amused smile on her face.

"As said, quite a bit more direct.

So I got her attention, and she resumed distracting them whilst I went in to steal the artifact. Something which I did successfully mind you, just as originally planned. The addition of a superior fighter outside throwing ponies left and right though, certainly did help to speed up the process."

"Hehe. Silly ponies use rope, I grab rope, and start swinging them around real easy. Scrawny little ponies thrown everywhere."

Lulu elegantly waltzed past Velvet as Flaxxy spoke, into his house as he offered them to come inside.

"After dealing with the worst of what it were capable of, It were a quick matter of delivering the thing to a responsible police unit with an affinity for handling magical artifacts after that, and then as we were already gathered and in the area, we assumed we may as well see if you had some free time for a visit. Letters are fine, but they do not give an impression of another as well as a personal visit in my opinion. Also, Flaxxy were rather insistent to show off her prized possession in person."

The diamond dog stood proud and exposed her neck, pointing to the valuable collar she had on.

"See? Is veeery shiny, yes?"

"Might I remind you that it also caused all your hair to fall out, among other things?"

"Bah, you fix issue real quickly, is fine now."

Flaxxy could come inside, though she'd have to wander on all fours, close to the ground. Pro of being limber, yet con of still being rather large. She had to wait for Velvet to step aside though, or transport him like a mother cat did with her kittens. The first option would be preferable, but it depended on whatever or not he might move soon.




Chop didn't respond to what were said to him. He focused his efforts on getting the food ready for serving, as well as ensuring that it would be kept like this, and not gobbled down before the ones supposed to arrive for the feast were even here. Might be he weren't a guard anymore, but the training still stuck, and he hadn't slacked off with that, just because he weren't wearing the armor anymore. Never knew when there might be a rowdy customer, or a monster attacking town that needed a proper beating.

20 hours ago, Widdershins said:

"Society can't be built without structure or agreed upon harmony. You'll have to forgive me, but in my reading and research I've not heard much of Ponyville. Most who talk of here treat it as idealic a place to live... but a bit, uhm, chaotic. I guess the reputation of a cityplace becomes infamous when it requires montly visits from the nation's ruler, heh? You have much trouble here?

 I don't mean to gossip, but Ponyville is often talked of as a place where all are accepted?

"We strive to accept others, but as you said, it can become chaotic. And not only because of the frequent visits from Discord. Seeing as we also had recent situations of seemingly harmless figures turning out to be disastrous antagonists, I have had to adopt some degree of skepticism and concern when it comes to new arrivals, especially when I get the impression that I do not see the real face of whomever I am talking to."

Whilst the comment were not said with malice, the look in her eye as she said this, should make it abundantly clear that Mayor Mare were not trusting that Blither were a pony, regardless of what he might claim, or even look like. The things he had said earlier just didn't swing with that, though it remained to be seen if he were an actual danger, or if she were just being paranoid. Considering the recent attack on town, paranoia were a likely culprit in all honesty, but she'd wait and see.

"And yes, we have some infrequent issues, with one recent one being the reason why we are repairing town, but we have great defenses and I can still proudly say that we have a record of no casualties for many years now. Mostly due to our towns great defenders. Princesses Celestia and Luna have yet been needed to handle these things themselves, and their visits are mostly related to keeping track of Discord, and personal meetings with Princess Twilight."

20 hours ago, Widdershins said:

"Oh, my condolences Sir Alonsus! I don't mean to correct you! It's just a bit of second habit for me! Most of my family disregard the effort I've put into reading up on the annuals of pony history, storytelling and moreover, scientific history. It often falls on me to correct them of... well, heh, they don't usually listen to me~They say I have a bad habit of pontification.  I suppose you know if you've ever had to run with any brothers of your own?

 Oh! And this all seems so much for a teatime repast! Is this much customary in these parts of ponydom?"

"Worry not yourself, Mr. Blither. Even though I have never known any brothers, I know well of those who wishes to keep things corrected. Perish the thought of it in any way hurting somepony like Alonsus."

He did have a sister that he hadn't been in contact with for years at this point, but that were mostly his own fault, and not something he'd bring up. Perhaps one day, when he didn't feel as if he had to hide from his past, and manned up enough to go visit her and try to make amends for the past, that might change. That day however, were most certainly not now, and he did not feel like sharing memories of his past. including the one he most knew of who had corrected him, as that were another part of the gang he had once been in, which should not be brought up. He liked being here in town without others starring at him like he might all of a sudden change in a whim and resume his old work as a gang's muscle. Such a reaction were one of the reasons why he left his old home in the first place.

"Regarding the feast, you yourself said that you and your family needed sustenance, and I would not have it stain our reputation that we did not think of it being a rather large flock whom needed to be fed. At worst, some will remain afterwards, and due to the fire crystals underneath the bowls and plates, it will remain warm, and can go towards some others who could use a warm meal earlier than we had informed them it would be ready in. The great Alonsus have thought of it all."



@Widdershins @Sekel

20 hours ago, Widdershins said:


An interesting thing to yell for sure, yet perhaps not the smartest considering that a guard were rapidly approaching, and due to his sensitive ears, were able to pick up on this threat. Something which might just be overblown, but there was a certain risk that didn't seem wise to take when it came to unknown parties. Especially the sort who threw ponies around.

As such, when he got there, he'd waste no time in swooping down from the sky and forcefully tackle the small pony that seemed to be the originator. It fit the description well enough, and he most certainly did not look like he were about to dance. Plus, the way the other locals kept a solid distance from him told a story that this were not one they wished to mess with. Best bet were that he were the perpetrator.

Unless Shortstack were able to react to the muscle mountain of a bat pony that suddenly approached from behind him, he'd find said pony putting all his weight into this attack, which would cause Shortstack to be dragged across the ground with Stargazer on top of him, for quite a few meters. He'd then try to pull some cuffs out of his helmet to put around the small one's hooves, before he had a chance to retaliate. A bit brutish of an approach perhaps, but it seemed like the best option.

Of course, in case he did somehow react in time, this would likely turn out different. They'd see how it would go down.

Meanwhile, a few minutes earlier, Scarcity would keep on moving as a fair pace in the direction where the officer had flown off to, with Sunny either in front of, or behind her.

"Well then, we best make sure that his streak of not seriously harming another is not broken today then, hm? It would not endear you to the locals, were any you to get into all sorts of messy things such as that."

Whilst the officer had taken off, likely not biting much notice in what Sunny had said, Scarcity had, and drawn some interesting conclusions from that. Mainly regarding how another of Sunny's family members talked about sucking the juices of the living from others quite frequently, and how Shortstack undoubtedly had crushed some skulls, even if not recently. Violent streaks like this were something that one would be foolish to not take notion of and take into consideration, and especially when she were the sort who liked to find some background information on others. This meant that she likely had to tell her sources to look at hospital and morgue records to find a pattern, which were disturbing, yet a clue were a clue. They'd see if this clouded her opinion on what this family might be useful as, when it came to her business. Sometimes, a good skull cracking for example were a welcome notion, yet they'd see. It depended on how easy it might be to keep said cracked skull from being her own.

"Perhaps you should start running dear, and get to your dear brother soon? It sounded as if he could desperately need a hug from his favorite sister, right about now. You needn't worry about me, I'll be nearby."

She'd teleport, which would keep her there, though it depended on whatever or not Sunny were going to take off, so that she might stop a bad situation from becoming worse. It would be preferable more than likely, before somepony got seriously injured.





"Huh, I guess Pinkie's lurking around the backroom again."

Berry Swirl had come around to the back alley to get an order picked up that Sloppy Joe's had put down to the bakery, for a few boxes of doughnuts. The cakes had informed her boss that they might be ready about this time a day, but since the front door had been locked, she figured this just meant they had to pick it up the other side. Not too unusual honesty, since customers tended to be up front, and they couldn't have their partnership with the cafeteria messing up the regular flow in the bakery, so she had just wandered around here when it were. Yet she hadn't found a box here, but instead a swinging door. Pinkie had probably run inside again to pick the boxes up or something, so she could just stand here and wait.

Buuuut, on the other hoof, if she had a peek, she could perhaps see if the backroom had listening devices like she had suspected a few times before, which would cement this bakery as being a prime seat for The Conspiracy in the area. An important thing to know if it were, as it would also bring into question why they were working with her place of work. Were they perhaps preparing to strike and have her unjustly thrown back into the nut house again? It were a possibility, and such a thing were best not risked when a perfectly good opportunity like this presented itself.

So, she'd wander in through the door, all innocent like, and look around as she seemingly casually just waltzed in, innocently looking for somepony. At least that were going to be her defense currently, in case she were spotted. Might be best off talking out loud too, to sell it better. Y'know, in case there were any hidden microphones or the like.

"Pinkie? You in here?"




22 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“We are curators of information spanning thousands of years, a vessel of magic that wishes to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. Only… we believe it may be time to lay that purpose to rest and live outside of this orb before we choose to go for good. A golem shell may be what we seek.”

“They’re ancient beings from a now-extinct race; the last of their kind, if you can call them that. I suppose it may not even be entirely accurate if they’re disembodied voices residing in an inanimate object.”

Scarcity raised an eyebrow in surprise as it turned out that the orb had residents within. And some with vast amount of ancient knowledge no less? Oh my, the possibilities that this could present were staggering. What could not be learned? What profits, or power were there not to be gained from even a sliver of what they may hold?

Yet, at the same time, she were a somewhat benevolent pony, and understood that as there were possibilities, one had to steer away from those that would cause unjust harm. Even if there were a good deal to gain from it. If she threw caution to the wind like that, she'd have to pass a threshold which she'd prefer not to, as she enjoyed her current position as a necessary evil, rather than a villain in need of retribution. She also did not much care for the thought of hurting the innocents if it could be avoided. That were best left to others more deviant than herself.

22 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“We have chosen the stone golem shells. The orb itself will remain as is, a repository for information but we believe it is best to begin moving our stored knowledge elsewhere. It has served its purpose but experience has shown it has done enough harm over the years to warrant its decommission.”

“That is about the long and short of the matter,” Lin concluded, somewhat anxiously awaiting what Scarcity will want in exchange. They didn’t really have much to bargain with, though the scholars probably have something the unicorn will want. Regardless, it will be interesting to find out. “Would you know where we can find those… um, geomancers you mentioned?”

Weighing a few pros and cons in her head, Scarcity would at this point go into a delighted smile, with a glimmer in her eyes that said that she were rather intrigued with this whole prospect, as well as the potential gains from going with this, and dealing more directly with the spirits themselves, rather than Sen, Lin, or Rosa. The last of whom showed some degree of concern from that glimmer in Scarcity's eyes. It made him feel as if he were prey, starring into the maw of the being destined to chase him down and devour him.

"Why of course dearie. In fact, I can even bring you there myself, and handle the negotiations and costs that comes from such a thing. Professionals such as this does not easily work with those they do not know, nor sell their services for cheap, yet I would be most intrigued by a trade with our dearly departed, whom wishes to inhabit a new shell.

It's a reasonable deal I'd say. All I ask, are two things.

First is that I might procure a historian to hear your tale, and have it recorded for posterity's sake, so that I might have it transported to a proper place for this thing. History should not be forgotten so easily in my opinion, and you are of course free to leave out any details of things that caused your ultimate demise. A mere mention will suffice, rather than details on any magic used, which I take it you would prefer were not reused, lest the past repeats itself.

As for the second part, which would benefit me personally, I do have a few options, though I'd have to ask first: Of your seemingly extensive knowledge, have you any experience with primordial magic, or guiding energy in some fashion at all? I can assure you that I have no intention of doing something which would harm the country with this knowledge, yet a mare eventually gets to a point where she looks at the future and wonders what it might hold of possibilities, and how many years she have left in this world to go through them all. I personally find that my purpose spans longer than my natural years would suffice, yet with a proper application of primordial energy, a certain ascension scenario can take place which would negate this ramification of time, and present me with the option to do much of what would otherwise be me denied."

"You... Are you talking about alicornification?"

Rosa looked on the mare in disbelief. This were pretty old magic that were in place that she were talking about here, with the knowledge of how to become an alicorn seemingly being lost to the ages, and having to do with special events, or something which only the princess Celestia knew how to deal with, seeing as Twilight had become one. And yet, here she were, apparently having plans about it, and it involved primordial magic? Were this why alicorns were so strong? Because they had even a flicker of the magic reserved for gods?

"In a manner of speaking, yes. My issue have been that I have yet to find a way to refine the energy and have it properly applied without causing something unintentional, such as madness and mutation, or even grizzlier things, like exploding. Neither theoretical scenario being some that I have any lust to test out on myself. Yet if your dear friends here have ancient experience and are as said, a vessel for magic, their assistance might be the final piece to this puzzle of mine.

Again, as mentioned, I do not intent to rise as a conqueror, nor a ruler. I am not a monster hellbent on destruction, and as a matter of fact, would prefer Equestria to proper for millennia to come. I would simply like to be part of seeing this prosperous time, and help guide it towards it from my own perch within the shadows, and this seems far less disgusting of an option than something like turning into a lich. Urgh, such horrendous things one have to do to oneself to go that route."

She'd await an answer now, and then see what would come of this. Perhaps she might get nothing from it, yet she'd never find out if she didn't ask. And if they had questions or wished to prod her to see if she were indeed thinking of this in a benevolent manner, she'd be open towards the idea. It were a risk to go through after all, and she understood that. Were she in their position, she most assuredly would want to know more at least, yet they'd see. Thankfully, not everypony were like her. What fun would there be to find, were that the case?




"I completely understand, miss. You have not seen the Equestrian hospitality that you deserve, and neither have you, sir. As for my position, I am an ambassador of Equestria. Most often my duties involve dealing with foreign delegates, or to negotiate peace and ties with peculiar guests when they come here, and our princesses have not the time to address it themselves. Which I am afraid, is taking place now, as they had to rush off on an emergency from which they have yet to return. I assure you though, that they take my advice on what should happen when it comes to others in high regards, and I will do my outmost to speak you case, to ensure that we can live harmoniously, rather than have more situations like that which you were unjustly faced with before.

Please, might I offer you a better welcome? There is a balcony above us, where I could procure us some tea and delights whilst we talk more civilized about your interest in our country."

He'd start to move to point at where he meant, but were stopped by his medical personel, who instead pointed upwards at a large, open balcony rather far up the castle. Seemed to be enough room for Enzo there, which were likely why this one had been mentioned by the ambassador.

"...What kind of tea?"

"We have many kinds, and I will try to accommodate your wish as best I can. And worry not, I assure you we will ensure a properly sized container for one of your impressive stature."

"Hmph. My answer will depend on that of my companions. Karmic? Atzy? What say you?"




"I feel like I used to before, but I guess... W-Well, I can change how solid I am. Sometimes I don't even know that I've done it."

The more solid she were, the less see through, even if she didn't walk on the ground. At this current point, she were able to be touched like any regular pony, which she proved by poking the princess. It would feel somewhat cold, but what could you expect from a ghost? The chilly touch sadly came with the territory.

After that, she'd become more see through again and started to float next to them besides the narrow mountain path, as she lost her solid state. It were best that they had the room, seeing as they wouldn't fare well were they to fall down for some reason, and there wasn't any reason to risk that by her trying to pretend to be normal. 

"I didn't really need to be solid at the castle, so I guess that had something to do with it. Although, uhm... I don't know if things might change when we actually get to the graveyard. P-Please keep an eye out if I start to act weird, okay?"




"Yeah, go for it. Long as they see you like this when we get there, I don't see the issue."

Soon as she were ready, they could all take flight and be on their way to the ruin in question, which were a rather fitting name, as all they'd find were an overgrown, set of half-crumbled walls in a rather large area, speaking of what might once have been a mansion of sorts. Likely before the changelings ever got to this area, or it were occupied before that, and the inclusion of the changelings caused it to become abandoned. There were probably not anypony around who could still answer that.

Upon arrival, they would find that they would be alone, signalling that they had gotten there first, which would give them a little time to prepare if they needed it. For example, for Aurora to change back if she so wished to.




@Catpone Cerberus

"I think I met a wyvern once. Very aggressive little thing that tried to tear off my tail. Pretty easy one to beat into submission."

She had not enjoyed it, seeing as the wyvern were still somewhat draconian, but he hadn't left her with much of an option. It were either her beating him up, or him potentially causing her some serious damage, and she were not one to just accept that sort of thing. So she had taken the less bad path and covered him up with some camouflage once he passed out, to make sure no random beast came around and figured him an easy snack. Considering she could have made him into a pile of fine ash, it were a very merciful way she had dealt with him, in her own opinion.

The other sorts of dragons Ruby talked off, she had never heard about. Sounded a little like Refractions, but that seemed weird if it were, seeing as they had been around varied places in the world for thousands of years, even though they tended to hide themselves to avoid conflict. Might be some other, more reclusive or foreign breed that were just too far away from anyplace she had been. Maybe somewhere in the east? She had never really gone far in that direction. Perhaps she should ask though.

"The long, wingless ones you speak about... Do they tend to have beards of varied sizes, be white and with golden claws? I know of a sub-species of dragons called Refractions that sort of sounds like what you are describing, but they're very specialized. They got glittering breath that confuses others, and drain the color from gems. Completely vegetarian beyond that."

4 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

"And when it comes to family....well, there's no fathers, as females just choose a fitting partner and when they're done they get either killed or chased away, how they are chosen and what happens to them depends on the female, as like in every species, there's different individuals. And for mothers..the hatchling will be taken care of until they are old enough to hunt, then they get chased off the mother's territory, and usually that's the last time they see each other, but then there's situations like mine, where the one attacks the other for reason or another." 

"You're right, your version of a family life wouldn't allow for weakness. Anyone who showed that, wouldn't survive neither mating time, nor growing up in general.

That being said, I still think it is too harsh, and takes away the potential of a growing society. It might have collapsed on you before, but I don't think it works well to go from one extreme to another like this. That way, your kind won't grow and expand into more areas, and it is easier for say, the equine society to bloom and remain the predominant one.

Still, more than anything, I just think it sounds lonely. You're born knowing your're only as good as your own survival skills, and you're cast aside like you're nothing soon as you show them. Something which you will then pass on to others when the time comes for you to breed, perpetuating the same cycle of abandonment and loneliness.

Have anyone actually ever cared about you in the slightest, Ruby? Not this false hide you're preying on them in, but the real you, lying beneath this borrowed fur."

The more she heard, the worse it just became, and this were likely going to overstep the boundaries, but she had to ask this. She needed to know if Ruby had ever felt what she so vehemently detested, or if she just hated it because she saw it as a weakness. A view which one couldn't blame her for, since with an upbringing like that, love wasn't a factor. Bitterness and stubbornness were, and seeing others happy with another wouldn't exactly help you to get out of that mindset. If anything, it might just make you angry.



@Catpone Cerberus

"It depends. At a certain point, dementia becomes an issue for varied races, as the mind deteriorates along with the body. Unless magic helps to keep renewing yourself at the same rate, it is inevitable, though it happens mainly in your twilight years. Considering dragons and seemingly sirens can live for tens, if not potentially hundreds of thousands of years, it is unlikely to be something we would have to worry about anytime soon though. Natural death through getting hunted down or eaten by something bigger is more likely to happen in that time."

Wasn't natural for something like ponies, but when you lived for as long as their races did, and potentially got into more scuffles, since the draconic areas were more violent. Combined with the ocean being quite dangerous too, the odds of being eaten or something rose up.

"As for the phoenixes... I assume it might have something to do with not wanting to risk outsiders suddenly falling over the area all that often. As can be seen with Agni, he seems to like you quite a bit, and it that is a trait normal for his kind, a smaller intellect phoenix might try and lead someone they like to their sacred area to try and impress them. An older, smarter one could instead evaluate the risk associated with it and then decide if it were wise, or even legal, if they have laws regarding this, to bring an outsider.

It's just a theory though, based on very little evidence. I might well be completely wrong."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom
"The species you're talking about may be a subspecies of them, like with Wyverns, my kind hasn't really interacted with our more magical cousins in millenniums besides maybe some possible fights between individuals, so I don't know what they look like other than a vague description and I have no information on their current situation, but as far as I could gather from few texts I found, they were carnivores like my kind and weren't specialized to any certain type of magic." Ruby explained "But it is possible they would have evolved to be vegetarian at some point, after all, Equestrian dragons eat rocks." 

"I don't disagree with your point about my kinds expansion, and most of do realize our way of life's effect on our spread, but the thing is, we don't care, in fact, I'm sure that if you managed to ask my kind about it, most would say it would be great if they were the last one of our kind." "I of course disagree with most of my kind on this one, as I realize why our kind disappearing would be unwanted end result, but luckily we are still growing, if bit slowly." 

"And for your question, the answer is no, sure the bird I'm travelling with claims he cares about me, he knows the truth, but I don't believe it to anything more than wanting to keep our mutually benefiting partnership alive." 

Nada was thoughtful for a second "I'd say it makes sense, though I have to also point out that I know nothing about this kind of things,so my opinion isn't backed by anything more than what you said." she hadn't studied animals ever in any way so all she knew about them was based on experience, and this was one of the things she had no experience on. 




“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

"Hehehe, let us go, my princess~!"

Pastel was happy that Jelly was playing along, or atleast tolerating her antics; this was around the time that most other foals would call her weird snd and or flee the scene. Full of joy, Pastel put the pipe in her mouth; it barely fit, making for a silly image, similar to the "Gentlemen" meme, only it was a pipe in her mouth. She used her hindleg to scoot the box onto her back. It was kinda surprising how much she could handle for her size. 

She would follow Jelly into the unknowns of the Everfree Forest, where the real quest would soon begin...

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