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Blitz Boom

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@Rising Dusk

On 2021-11-22 at 6:04 AM, Rising Dusk said:

Dawn trotted over to the sales desk where a cerulean colored mare with a bright pink mane done up into a bun sat dressed in a white collared blouse with pine trees dotted around the fabric.  The two exchanged pleasantries in short order.  "I'm looking for formal attire, stallion.  Light trim for law enforcement," Dawn ordered up in a charming tone.  The salespony nodded and adjusted her spectacles as she slid a clipboard from under the desk.  Running her hoof long the list of their inventory.  Finding what she was looking for, she dropped her glasses to dangle around her neck on a crystal string.  Departing behind the drapes into their store room.  

"Can it~  No.  What about~  Nope.  How about~ Nuh uh.  Maybe~  That's fine.  Fair enough," Rising resigned himself to taking a seat on one of the stools.  The salespony shortly returning, pushing a dressing racking into the lobby where a dozen different formal stallion suits dangled.  Dawn moved over to the rack, "Your assistance, Lily?" Dawn requested as she reached up to move outfits along the rack for better viewing.  Most were a mix of black, white, golds and silvers with different kinds of buttons, pockets, cuffs, ribbons and sashes.  Some with more, some with less.

Quite the flashy place this were, compared to what she were used to. And not a weave in sight either. Maybe they had that in the back room instead? Had to be somewhere at least. Along with several seamstresses, to make all of these clothes. As for what she thought of them, she'd still keep to herself. Though she did like the look of some of the more modest things, that made one stand out in a less flashy, and potentially damaging way.

When they came up to the clerk, or whomever this were, she would remain respectfully silent, and let her speak in peace with Dawn. Instead simply looking over the mare's attire. Not bad all things considered, but a little too bright still, for her taste. Much of the clothes here in Equestria seemed to be however, so it were hardly a standard to hold her against. Least it were functional, rather than overindulged in nature. There were something good to be said about that.

Lily had a short moment of amusement, as the conversation between the siblings proceeded. Well, parts of it. As close siblings, they seemingly knew what the other meant in full, before it were fully discussed, so there were not much to take from it. Rather than entertainment, that were, as this were a fun little display to see, which ended in Rising seemingly accepting his fate.

And then, it were her turn, to go and find something on the racks that would show off Equestrian style, without being scoffed at at the royal court in Harrowmark.

"Let's see then.

Hmm... Too colorful. Too much extra cloth. Too stuffy. This one-"

She'd hold out an honestly nice looking formal suit. White, with gold rims and buttons, glittering along with the tasteful usage of dark, clean cloth in selected places. It looked like whoever would be earing that, and the matching tie, would stand out from any evening party, like a radiant star.

"- Would make him barred from meeting with the queen, for the sake of his own dignity. If you wandered anywhere outside of the city with this, you'd be eaten within ten minutes.

What else is there... Aaah, this one looks interesting."

What she had picked out, were not the most fanciful one. It were a sleeveless, onyx-dark suit, with a night-sky, purple-black'ish tie, sporting a few, tastefully downplayed specks of something pale, and silvery. The tie were of the sort meant to go into the suit, which would give a nice, professional look to whomever wore it, provided they had tended to their mane well enough. There were also a breast pocket, and a dark, faux-leather belt, where she saw a way to simply attach a pouch, if they could find one that matched. Unless there were one already. Nothing too big, but functional to have around the hip, and able to carry a few things.

It would end on his hip, before going down to his legs, and the matching pants were nicely matching in coloration. They also had pockets, and did not flutter about, but sit nice and snugly on whomever wore it, so that there were no chance of something getting snagged easily on a twig, or rock. The only gold that seemed to be present on this, were a little on the shirt, beneath the suit itself, but it were barely visible. Delightfully subtle even.

"Yes. A nice color, that would blend in nicely with the dark, if need be. Formal, but functional, and not restricting movement. Pockets to have things in, helps too, and the belt gives it a nice touch too.

I think this would do well. It have a formal look, that gives off a notable presence, without acting as a beacon for anything dangerous to easily see. Do you perhaps have a matching, small pouch for the belt?"

She'd ask the mare who had rolled the rack in to begin with, as she appeared to be the one who most likely knew. Though again, it might already be there, and she had just missed that it were on the other side of the suit, somehow.

"I'd suggest a necklace too, with something useful with it. A canteen for water, or some sort of magic crystal. Don't go there without having something on you, that'd be useful, in case something didn't go according to plan. I don't know if I would advice a hat though... Might be going too far. What do you think, Dawn?"

Sure she could ask Rising, but he were the subject right now, not the one making decisions. And really, he should be somewhat relieved. She hadn't put him in the finest, tightest business suit this side of Manehattan. This were more casual. For a suit anyway. And he'd be able to breathe, and get his hooves dirty. Who knew what Dawn would put him in, had she free reigns?




13 hours ago, Magnolia said:

Upon Zeehva's tears there Magnolia would walk up to her and put a hoof around her neck as she allowed Zeehva to lean onto her if she needed it. "Things change, life changes...we are living witnesses of that, and not every plan one makes happens. If I manage to get into the family so to speak, I would obviously want you to be there with me and maybe you could be a Royal Alchemist in the Crystal Empire or something? If any place, I would be willing to stay there but I'd be willing to settle down with you anywhere you wanted. I am fairly easy going in terms of locations and I can survive just about anywhere so I don't really have too much preferences in terms of where I'd like to settle down. I want you to be happy." she said with a gentle pat.

"I think Royal Alchemist might be too grand of a title, and would indicate I'd mostly be doing it for the royals. I'd prefer not to. It's part of the code in Zebrica, that we do what we do, to help others. We don't get to decide to some aren't worth helping, or we bring shame on the profession. I wouldn't mind helping them of course. That's uh... T-That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying it can't only be them. There's a lot who'd need help.

I don't know if I'd settle down up there, but it's nice knowing that if it happened, I'd have company. *sigh* I'm sure my family, and old friends would like it. And I don't mind the snow really... I'll think about it, and then if it becomes actual, I'll give you my answer to it then, okay? Though your family would have to be spoken to first. That's the most important thing first, before there's too many plans put out there."

Zeehva were a little oblivious right now, when it came to the other meaning of what were being put forth by Magnolia. She thought of it as just a pair of friends, bunking up in a house, and not what Magnolia were likely thinking of. That realisation might hit her later on, but for now, she just thought of this as a nice, potential thing to do. Though she'd need to think long about this. It were quite a bit different, from what she had been used to think her life were. Then again, most things since the incident had been that...

14 hours ago, Magnolia said:

"Hello, it is nice to meet you. I am Magnolia and this is Zeehva." she spoke and gestured to Zeehva. "You know now that I think about it, I'd like to see what kind of weapons you got on hand here. If you have a suit of armor or anything I'd be willing to look at it. I am fairly rough and wild mare in some aspects, and I need some weapon on my person at all times while I am capable of defending myself with my magic, I'd like something physical, y'know?" she began with that. 

"If it's weapons you seek, I'm afraid you need another craftsmare of my clan. Wailing Willow is the one who does it best, but she stays at home, to help our family. Others are around, yet none here in town. Not many of us have taken root in Deltrot.

I work more in trinkets, and knick-knacks. As well as photography, of a special variant."

"What kind, if I can ask?"

"The kind where spirits may show upon. By the looks of it, there is several that would be there to join in, were you to try."

"That's uhm... I'll think about it. A-Anyway, we actually went looking for you, because we were looking for a stand. Nut Cracker said you might be able to help?"

"The old stallion send you? Pray tell, how's he doing? Is his wound easing up?"

"I gave him a potion that helped. It seemed he were in a good deal of pain before that, the poor stallion, but it should be all better now. Long as he doesn't mainlines coffee. It will burn through him again in just a few weeks."

Dread seemed to brighten up as she heard the news.

"Oooh, that's good to hear. My uncle is a stubborn old fool sometimes, and despite my warnings, he refused to stop working, to go to the hospital. I trust your words, since he wouldn't send you, if you were con ponies. Let's see if we can't get something ready for you then."

Dread would go behind her own stand, and pull out some table legs, a table, and a currently blank sign, along with a white pen.

"I keep a spare and some space, for when my shelves are abundantly full. Just put it together, and set up. And don't mind me if it seems like I speak with myself. Hmhmhm. We're not alone here."




16 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“With the longma’s history going way back and them not remembering all of the details, it will take a lot of work to get the full story. Maybe there might be some benefit in figuring out how that mistrust came to be. No one seems to be interested studying our history, and understanding just why that may be could go a long way to helping the longma. They know the what, but not the why, and that is just as important.” 

“Discord is a sore topic for the longma as well. The folks back home didn’t meet him directly, but his influence was felt. They describe it as a ‘derangement,’ a kind of dread and unease when nature doesn’t behave they way it normally does. Discord once took over Equestria and allowed his chaos to cover the land. His magic reached far and wide, even to the longma. No one back home felt anything like it before, and knowing more about it could make things complicated. It’s something we’ll keep to ourselves, especially if that knowledge could hurt Omen.”

“One village knowing about Discord may not be much to worry about, but word can travel fast. It’s what the folks back home may conclude if they find out that worries me. Our village is going through some strange times, and big changes means the longma from other villages will be watching us closely. I don’t suppose you had an experience like that, Angie? Big changes happening so fast that no one is sure what to make of them?”

"Not back home, neit. But in de vorld, I saw things. Leetle place I come frohm, not have much. Den I go, to see vhat was in de books, yes? De vorld was nothing like dat. It was bigger. Scarier, and full of dangerous theengs, for a mahre like me. First few months? Aah, mihnd blown, all de time. Is hard to adapt to ahll of it, yes?

Your town, it will have periohd too. The mohre you show, the stragner it will be. Vas the same when I last visit home, yes? Showed and told mahny things. Not all to hear. Say it was not needed.  Is my ohwn fault. Came with too mahny things. Take advice, yes? Start slow. Give dem time to accept one thing, den cohm vith de next, yes? Dey will not like beeg change. I am sure you are right wvith dat. So give them looks of de vorld. Offer small change, by letting dem see it leetle by leetle. Maybe it get easier, if dey see it like dat, yes?"

A small thing to start with, would be Omen. If they could accept her, that would be a start to show that not all outsiders were bad. And as she had helped them too, despite her not being able to remember it, it should carry some weight. Long as they kept the Discord thing to themselves. And if they could accept her, maybe they could begin to slowly accept that the world at large, were not filled with just evil. There were also some who'd like to help them. And even some things there, which could benefit them.

"Dreadful business, dealing with draconequui. I do my best to avoid anywhere they may be. Discord in particular, as he wants nothing I can offer, and can unravel the nice web of things I have worked so hard to maintain, simply for a laugh. Or force me into one of his dreadful games.. So I avoid them best I can. Even Fright, whom I hear is at least reasonable among them. Yet she is still of their kin, and I have little need for taking risks with them."

"I've met her. I had a... Less than pleasant time in my life, that flared for a period of a few weeks, after I defected. Fright's temple helped me get my mind focused again. It's a lovely, non-judgemental area. Though if you don't need her help, I see why you wouldn't want to go there."

"I would like a written report of what you saw there, at your leisure."

Rosa would nod, and finish the biscuit he had been gnawing on up until that point. He assumed as much, as he brought this up, but it seemed pertinent to the conversation.

19 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I’ll do what I can to make sure things don’t go there, Omen. Living among the longma means learning to accept you as one of our own, as an equal. There’s enough mistrust going around, and we should show them that there is nothing to be afraid of. Not every outsider is out to get them, and you are proof of that.”

"It does help that she simply isn't dangerous."

"Yes, from what I have gathered, they are taught complete pacifism, from their mysterious Mother. Though it sounds as if not all will follow that, as they grow more individuality. I assume that is why she is scrutinizing those who wish to be their masters. How Discord passed that, is curious though."

"Master Discord never hurt me."

"Her judgement were sound then, even if I wonder what made her risk such a thing. Ah, but I suppose, some things just can't be answered. Though I do think that if you had the want, you could be rather dangerous, via those portals. They may be worried about that, darling."

"I know a fairly good way to prevent her from seeming threatening. Would you mind?"

He asked this of Angie, whilst pointing at a roughly half meter string of yarn, that he saw poking out of a drawer. Angie shrugged, and nodded, which made him get that, and then throw it calmly towards Omen. Three seconds later, she were somehow hogtied on the ground. It were honestly surprising how effective this were against her, as well as how Shrimp hadn't woken up this time.

"Tell me that after that, you can in any way find her threatening?"

"I am stuck."

"I know. Lemme get that for you. And sorry for the lack of warning. I were just trying to prove a point."

Angie had a good chuckle, trying not to make too much noise now, in case the little one woke up annoyed again, as Rosa went over to untie Omen. Of all the things that proved to be a weakness, for a thousands of years old, seemingly immortal being, with quite substantial power, it had to be something as simple as string. A creature of chaos indeed.



@Kujamih @Thunder Light @Starforce

On 2021-11-22 at 8:54 AM, Kujamih said:

~Cali and the spider~

Cali was still on edge and in High alert. as the spider spoke the only thing that registered to her is it's master is Light and it has traces of him in it. her only conclusion... kill it.

" you'll find out right now."  Cali said as she attempts to quickly stab the spider.

THis time, Puff hadn't an issue seeing this were a threat, and as quick as Cali came in, the automatic reaction from her kind set in. So she'd find herself not stabbing the spider, but instead stab right into a gate, leading to the dark place. She could stab away much as she wanted there. Nothing had form, so all it would do really, were the same as trying to cut water. Though she'd surely get the attention of the creatures in there, who seemed to flock from near and far in this place. Though you could only really tell, due to the increase in eyes.

If she stayed, she'd find voices in her head, offering her servitude, in exchange for being embodied.

If she left, she'd find that Molotov were on his knees, running a hoof gently across the back of Puff. It were clear he were trying to comfort her, but she didn't get fear, so this were confusing her.

"What the hay, Cali? Puff's a living, innocent being. Ya can't just go and stab her, just because you got a grudge against Light. That ain't right."



@Kujamih @Loud Opinion

On 2021-11-22 at 8:54 AM, Kujamih said:

"umm... you can have that blood." Light awkwardly smiled at the shark.

he then tries to pat the creature.

if successful he would sneak in a scan on her body.

" hmmm you and me in a way are kind of similar..." Light said with sadness while forcing a smile.

She wouldn't mind getting patted. Although she thought that this were a pony greeting of some kind, and as such, rose a leg up, and patted him too. More stiffly though. In fairness however, she had legs for less than two days. It took time to get used to.

As for the scan, he'd find there were some lingering threads of chaos in her mixture, but nothing major, as it were just fizzling out of her system, a little by little. It had been a substantial change that made her, so it took a bit ti filter through fully. Beyond that though, she were functionally just what were seen: A shark pony. She had lungs, a heart, a brain, ovaries, several rows of sharp teeth, gills, and basically, the anatomy of a pony, with aspects of a shark mixed in. Except for the wings. Those had more of a whimsical, odd nature to it. Leave it to a draconequui, to make things odd, rigth?

"Siii-miii-laaar. Similar. We are similar? You have creator too? Were you metal thing, before becoming a friend?"

7 hours ago, Limbo Dreams said:

Seeing the seance begin to settle, Limbo's perspective followed suit. However, Shark's admission to being friends with chaos didn't sit well with her. Perhaps she misspoke or doesn't understand what chaos is. She wasn't ready to accept that her new friend was dangerous yet.

"Ahem," She cleared up in an attempt to steal some attention, "Well, what do you want?"

"Me? Me want to... Yes. Me want to be like friend. Special one said to help with frog. I hunt frog. Now big frogs all gone, but I am still friend too. Long, long from ocean. So now I want to be like friends. Live in strange... Reeeeeef-f. Reefs. In town. Have mate, like friends. Have little pups, and be happy, in strange, dry place."

Basically, she were created to solve an issue, but that didn't mean she were thrown back. Now she were here, and had to find out how to live like this, so she wanted to have the things ponies did eventually. A home, a husband, and some kids. Granted, her method of trying to find a mate so far, involved finding one that seemed alone, bite into his tail, and drag him off with a happy humming sound, until she were stopped and told he might want to get loose. So her dating tips and tricks needed some major refinement. But one step at a time, right?

Suddenly, she seemed to light up, and would flitter over behind Limbo. At which point, she'd use her snout to try and push her a little forward, towards Light.

"Friends both alone, so need mates? You can have this friend. Have many, healthy pups."

She might also need some help to not try and marry off beings she barely met, to one another. There were a chance that the two of them weren't interested in the idea, after all.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

It didn't take long for Ginger to come galloping into the room, leaping into the air, giving Howl very little time to brace for impact as she tackled him.

he sighed as he got up, dusting himself off. 

"hey there Cheeze weevil." he said, helping Ginger up.

"Hi ladybug! These are my new friends!" She said happily.

"I can see that."  he said looking around.

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@Blitz Boom

Sen and Lin still couldn’t wrap their heads around Omen being susceptible to string. Even now, it was still a mystery. Perhaps Discord might have something to do with that. Or it could be just some odd history between the Ki’Nathar and… well, string. How that came to be, they may never know, but they would reserve commenting on it. As funny as the whole display was, the siblings didn’t really seem to chuckle or illicit any response. The novelty of the sight wore off on them, serving as a reminder to keep the strings away. 

As for Angie’s response earlier, it was good advice, and something that would come in handy when they will be summoned by the elders. Taking things too fast will seem scary, especially with changes as big as showing what the outside world can offer to creatures accustomed to isolationism. The more they knew, the less longma they felt. Some part of them was now attached to the world beyond, and that can be frightening. Some would be curious, but it was just as likely for others to respond to the unknown with hostility. There was something about fearing the unknown that makes anyone act in an untoward manner. The longma of the siblings’ village were slowly getting used to Omen being around them, and though it will take time, a similar strategy could work for other matters. 

“Small changes and slowly… Yes, that could help. Without going too fast, the longma could be more open to hearing more.”

“Little by little, stoking their curiosity. They won’t be overwhelmed with new things that could make them scared. Just need to be careful about what we say.”

Sen drank some of the tea, but by now, it has gone fairly cold. The temperature didn’t bother him as the taste was still delectable. The bitter tastes back home definitely contrast the sweetness of Angie’s brew, and spending time like this began eating away his worries. It began bringing back good memories of home, of good moments. Maybe he could do something like this some time.

By now, the siblings didn’t seem to have anything left to ask. Angie and Scarcity gave them some advice worth considering, sound options that could help ease things back home. It was still worrisome for the siblings when they couldn’t say what would come about when they and Ghilan would be summoned to talk about this matter, but there was still hope. 

“I believe we shouldn’t be taking up more of your time, and I don't have any more questions. Thank you, Ms. Angie and Ms. Scarcity, for the tea and biscuits, your hospitality, and your advice. They’ve certainly given us some insight on future events and ease our worries. Rosa? Omen? Are you ready to go? Any last minute questions you’d like to bring up to Ms. Angie or Scarcity?”

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7 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Small changes and slowly… Yes, that could help. Without going too fast, the longma could be more open to hearing more.”

“Little by little, stoking their curiosity. They won’t be overwhelmed with new things that could make them scared. Just need to be careful about what we say.”

"Everything works better, if you go at it with a plan in mind. A sensible one like the one you are embracing now, are a fine example of that. It will of course take longer, but as the alternative would be to perhaps bring some kind of outside threat upon your village, and let them see the folly of their isolation, you're doing by some margin, the most reasonable thing. The alternative is dreadfully uncertain too, as it might just make them even further isolated."

"I hope this is not a tactic you have made use of before."

"I have not personally had a reason to, no. I do know of others who have however. And before you ask, I am not personally a fan of that. Too many innocents put in danger, for at best, a tentative perhaps. It's reckless stupidity. The plan you seem to have settled upon now, is a far more usable one, which should leave you out of potential backlash. It only requires some tenacity, and patience. As well as minor examples, but you're smart beings. I'm certain you will think of some things."

Scarcity were many things, but she did still have her standards. Those came through in her business as well, as she would not indulge to run an auction for endangered species, or normal, higher sentience beings, like ponies. The rare exception had been in a recent one, where she allowed for the sale of one, but it were only for the interrogation of the detective, who had infiltrated their auction. The highest bidder had beaten the information out that he wanted, the detective's wounds were tended to throughout, to ensure there were no permanent damage, and a mind wipe later, he were on his way back to his precinct.

The few times some had been brazen enough to still bring others to her auction for sale, she had made them aware of the rules, before confiscating the one(s) brought in, and had them safely released. The offender would be harshly reprimanded, given a fine, and various threats then. Except for one time, where she had sent off the offender to a particularly nasty area, to work off his karmic debt, more or less. He had brought along a cage with kitsune pups...

Trying to sell adults were one thing, but kids, were a line that no sane creature would dare to cross in her vicinity. He should be thankful she had not simply given him to Le Perinne, as the elder dragon shared her view on this matter, and would likely have eaten him.

After his punishment were dealt with, she had promptly gotten the kits out of their cage, ensured they got proper care, and then sent an expedited message to one of the kitsune she knew of, that she needed to come into contact with their primary village, about some stolen kits. She provided descriptions, names, and then had them given only the best, though isolated safe space that she could get hold of, until she heard back.

It had been a painless exchange afterwards. She had met with them on their terms, with only Brick there for company on her side, along with the kitsune that had gotten her in contact with the village. The kits had all been handed over safely to their happy parents, who had them stolen from them, after they were put in a trap, and she made herself some new, interesting friends that day. The parents for one of course, but the kits had been thankful as well, and seeing as she had treated them well, and attached no strings to the return of the kits - as well as punishing the offender - the elder who accompanied their guards, were pleased. Hopefully something would come of that eventually, though she were mostly just pleased things had worked out okay, for everypony involved.

Well, not everypony, but the *seller* were not somepony whose happiness she cared much for.

10 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I believe we shouldn’t be taking up more of your time, and I don't have any more questions. Thank you, Ms. Angie and Ms. Scarcity, for the tea and biscuits, your hospitality, and your advice. They’ve certainly given us some insight on future events and ease our worries. Rosa? Omen? Are you ready to go? Any last minute questions you’d like to bring up to Ms. Angie or Scarcity?”

"Nah, I am okayh, leetle friend. YOu go. Have much fun, and theenks on vhat you will do, yes? If you vant to speak vith me on things again, come speak. We have nice tea, and leetle chat, yes? Be safe, comrades."

The large mare would raise a hoof, and pound it three times against her chest, then rise it up above her head. A common greeting where she were from, which she still used, despite it confusing folks who only just met her. She tried the Equestrian way with hugs, but her bear hugs were a little strong for some, so she used those sparingly.

"I have nothing in mind currently. Enjoy yourselves, darling. We'll be in touch again in a few days."

"I have something."

Omen would make a gate and go through, then return shortly after, with a small, baker's bag, lifted between her teeth.

"A gift for brother."

"Awh, isn't that lovely? A moment then, I'll get him here for you, darling."

Scarcity closed her eyes and concentrated. Elsewhere, Hammond would perk up his ears, and jump through, to end back at her, standing on the table, and looking up. He'd signal *Yes, master?* with his paws to her, before she'd signal for him to turn around, and face Omen. The two of them would exchange an unblinking glance for a moment, before he would slowly blink, and she put the bag down on the table.

"Something for you to taste, brother."

He'd open the bag, and see the cake that she had bought to him, but he didn't eat of it yet. Instead, he'd rise his paws, and slowly hug his larger, older sister's snout. After that though, he'd go and start sniffing the cake, before turning to sign something at Scarcity. IN turn, she would simply nod, and he would take the bag between his own teeth. Lest there were something the rest wanted to say, he would then jump through a gate again, after a slow wave, at the gathered beings.

As for what he asked? If he could share this with someone, though who exactly wasn't specified. It seemed to have gotten approval though.




On 2021-11-24 at 2:43 AM, Magnolia said:

Looking to Dread she would smile at her. "Ah I see, perhaps we'll go meet with her after our encounter here. I've never met anyone who specializes in those things. I suppose you could say that I specialize in shadows, while my friend here is an Alchemist. I am currently learning from her and we had some hiccups earlier but we're working on that." Magnolia playfully nudged Zeehva.

"What kind of trinkets do you have? Maybe you could take our pictures too, I think that'd be a pretty nice memento of this moment if you would be down for that. I am also one for trinkets and nick-nacks, even the small things can make a difference." Magnolia added calmly, ready to see what Dread has to offer.

"Go to the Moonlit Thicket then, some evening, and see if she may help you. She live close to that town, so they can lead you further. Some at home would be happy to meet an alchemist too, as well as her student. Though I know not what you mean, by trading in shadow. I hope you do not mean necromancy? The magic of death, can be a dangerous craft, for those who doesn't know it well.

Ah, as my trinkets, I have many. Most are just for show, but I have engraved ones, that can help ward off some specters, or glow in the dark. I can have other things done too, but I reserve that for those I find to need it."

"Don't get too excited yet, Magnolia. We still need to sell some things before you can afford a trinket, or a picture."

"You helped my uncle. I wouldn't mind giving you a picture on the house. And I think you'd find this one interesting."

Zeehva would stop setting up the stand momentarily, and move to a spot that the mare would point out. She'd then go under her stand, and withdraw an old camera. Engraved with glowing runes, and a lens that seemed almost spectral in design... No, that must be the light playing tricks on them, surely. That couldn't be a real thing.

She'd try her best to put on a nice smile for the picture, and stood still with Magnolia, in whatever manner the mare wanted to look like, as the blitz went off, and a small sound came. It almost sounded like a... A laughter of some kind? It had been pretty faint, but she could've sworn she heard that.

As for the picture itself, once it had slid out, and given some time to settle, would show the two mares. Along with two, see-through beings.

The one behind Magnolia would be a griffon, that she probably didn't know. He had a torn off wing, and a spear through his chest, and were wrapping one arm around her, with a big grin on his face. The arm behind her, were used to make bunny ears above her head. He were dressed oddly though. Clothes on griffons were rare enough, but that sort of style he wore, hadn't been used for at least three hundred years.

The one behind Zeehva though, made the color drain from her face, and her lower lip began to wave.

It were a zebra. Early thirties likely, and seemed like he had a fracture on the back of his head, that seemed pretty severe. Fatal in fact.

His mane were long and braided, and had a large, sharp hook at the end. His body had a fair amount of old scars, and he wore a tacky looking costume, that only covered his torso, with various symbols around the faux-leather piece of garment, and multicolored feathers strapped on, that made it look like he had tried to glue self-made wings to the side. On his back were a well worn harpoon, with a chain at the hilt, connected to the belt at the bottom of his costume.

He were embracing Zeehva from behind, lovingly holding her in his hooves, around the neck loosely. His eyes were open, and looking at the camera with such deep-rooted love and tenderness, that it almost poured out of the picture. It looked as if he embraced her like you would somepony very close to you. As did the position of his head, almost touching his own.

Meanwhile, the more Zeehva looked at it, the more she cracked, and seemed to fall apart. She's take a shaky few steps back, then her knees would fail her, and she'd end up up the ground, sobbing profoundly, without any words being said. Though what really were there to say? Magnolia shouldn't have a hard time to guess who this were. After all, Zeehva had the ring in his ear, in the chain around her neck.




What he'd also see as he looked around, at the excited faces, were one changeling in particular who stood with a camera, and a giant smile on her face. Evident by the two pictures that had slid out, she had managed to get a pair. Though she'd barely be able to move towards picking them up, before a joyful tune flowed through the theater.

Suddenly, a stage light would turn on, and focus on the dazzling look of Cheshire, in her glittering, red dress.

"Hello let's pull out the guitar-"

The next voice was also hers, but would come from behind the changeling siblings, as Cheshire was now also at the door, stringing a guitar as she sang a little jingle, seemingly in tune with herself.

"- and greet the friend that's from afar."

four more lights popped up, and more Cheshire's were there, moving closer, whilst walking with the rhythm of the changeling queen's musical voice.

"Through rain-

And snow-

And sunny days!"

More and more of her popped up, with stage lights dancing down upon them, moving ever closer, as they surrounded the siblings, in a large circle, giving them plenty of room tro move in.

"We wish you well upon your ways.

But don't try anything bad becaaaaaaause-"

The lot would take a step forth, and point a hoof towards Howl, as they dragged out the last word.

"There's always less of you, than us!"

They'd only get through that, then start laughing. Pair by pair, would then vanish into thin smoke, along with the light popping down on them. Illusions the lot of it, until the only one left, were the real queen of the hive, getting closer with a big, friendly grin on her face, looking down on Howl.

"Aaah, I know you said not to play tricks on him Ginger, but it was just too tempting. Welcome to Hive Cheshire's theater, Howl. I'm Queen Cheshire. It's lovely to finally meet you."

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Starforce @Thunder Light

~Cali in the realm of darkness!~

Cali found herself inside the darkness. she would try stabbing and slashing randomly, but to no avail. she'd notice that more and more eyes are staring at her, so she'd quickly try to escape that realm. as she exits she throws 5 flash grenades inside the portal.

" stare at this..." Cali said in a bad ass way.

then she herself plugged the portal with a portal that throws anything that goes in it back where it came from.

she'd noticed that Molotov is petting the weird spider.

" what are you doing?" 

On 2021-11-24 at 7:07 AM, Blitz Boom said:

What the hay, Cali? Puff's a living, innocent being. Ya can't just go and stab her, just because you got a grudge against Light. That ain't right."

".... I'll stab what I want Molotov.... I didn't see you having a problem with light?" Cali starred at Molotov.


@Loud Opinion @Blitz Boom

~awkward shark and Light.~ 

Light could only stay awkwardly silent to everything the shark is saying and trying to imply with the other strange pony.

he would then boop the shark to make her stop.

".... maybe you and I aren't that similar...." Light blushingly said.


Edited by Kujamih
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On hearing Billowing's voice she jumps happily out of bed. "Billowing! You're awake!" she trots to the bed and nuzzles him affectionately, relieved that he sounded recovered. Billowing would see a bright pink earth pony with merry smiling sun-flowers on her flank and a brightly coloured mane/tail - a little bed-maneish after the night, but still very full and flowing. As she goes in to nuzzle him he smells the familiar scent of his exotic soaps and scents. The muddy, smelly adventure-grimey pony he had known was transformed. 

For a brief moment, there were horror in Billowing's eyes, as he gazed upon the fluffed up, pink pony standing near him. Until her face registered more clearly, and he calmed down again.

"By the gods. For a moment there, I feared somepony had invited Pinkie Pie into my room."

Pinkie were a... Challenging pony to be around, in his opinion. He could usually tolerate her in minor increments, where there were others she could focus on too, and he were at a good, mental and physical health. Right now however, he were not, and would have potentially gotten her undivided attention, as she'd try to *cheer up the sick pony*. What a horrifying thought that were.

Why she'd be here? He didn't know for sure, but it wasn't as if he knew many pink ponies, and she did still have manners to attend in this town, due to the princesses. It may well have been that she had been to do that, heard about him being ill, and figured she'd come to cheer him up. What security he had,. couldn't keep her out. Quite frankly, he wasn't sure what exactly could. She was an unknowable force, beyond comprehension sometimes.

Fuchsia was an unknown force too, but one whom had helped him, were a fellow adventurer. And judging by the aroma, as she leaned in to gleefully nuzzle him - an unusual, but welcome gesture, if he were to be honest - one whom had taken the offer of getting a bath, and enjoyed it. Which were just good. Some of the oils and such might not be cheap, but they were there to be used, and enjoyed. And he had offered her a visit. If he did that, but then dictated what she could and could not use in the bathroom, Grim would rightly smack him in the back of the head.

  On 2021-08-07 at 12:55 PM, Fuchsia said:

"After you cast that spell, the thing was trapped but you collapsed. I was afraid you'd never wake up. You told me you lived in Canterlot so I brought you back, asked around, and found out you lived in this crazy mansion. I never doubted you for a second..." she babbled with relief (incidentally she had very much thought Billowing might have been exaggerating about his home-life :P but if anything, the stallion had undersold it). 

"You're not the first to be surprised. Adventurers rarely make it so, but I got lucky on some trips, and made some sound investments, that have compounded quite well. It's not as impressive as all that though. Most furniture and such are replicas, as antiques seemed like a bad investment in my eyes.

Regardless, I thank you for getting me back here, and to hear that our actions were not in vain. I hope Grim were hospitable to you? Ah, or perhaps more accurately, I hope you did not encounter my cousin. She gets overly worried when I return home in a less than perfect state, and can get a little emotional then."

He'd start to get out of bed, and grimace a little, as he still felt his head ache some. He were going to need some water, and an aspirin. That would help. But one thing at a time. First he had to take stock of the new look of his companion in the wild.

"You're looking like a whole new mare, Fuchsia. It's wondrous what a nice, relaxing bath can do for a pony, after a long trip into the world, wouldn't you agree? It really helps loosening up those aching muscles.

*yawn* But we can't sit here all day. Surely you must be hungry. I know I am at least. Would you like to join me in the kitchen, Fuchsia? Ah, after I get a brush through this mane. I look like an unkempt racoon, next to you."

Fuchsia saw the dark stallion go through the shock of returning home, and tried to be comforting as he adjusted. She wasn't happy about the initial reaction to her pink form - not that she hadn't had to become used to it... but she knew she would have to begin again with him, to make him take her seriously.

She rests her pink forelegs on the bed and smiles, "You sure have a lot to fill me in on." she gestures to the grand homestead. "But sure, I could do with eating something other than coconuts and tropical grasses. Let's plan our next move over breakfast."

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@Blitz Boom

Seeing Hammond was always a delight to the siblings, and this instance was no different. Him hugging Omen will always be cute, but Sen and Lin wouldn’t interrupt this moment, giving the little one space to do what he needs to do. The two smiled and waved back at the little creature before parting ways once more. This moment had a strange feeling where everyone had some manner of saying farewell. Simple hugs and chest pounding were apparent, and the siblings followed that up by bowing at both Angie and Scarcity. It may not be the same gesture, but the intent and message were clear. They were thankful for the time they spent in each other’s company and looked forward to their next meeting. 

“Thank you once more for the tea and snacks, Angie.”

“And there is no doubt we will be seeing you again soon, Ms. Scarcity. I’m looking forward to meeting our golem friends and learning about their plans for the future.” 

Though Lin could theoretically open gates anywhere, she didn’t do so in Angie’s home. It didn’t seem right to do something like that in another’s home. Perhaps she could open a gate back home whenever she wished, but this wouldn’t be the time to start being rude. The longma led the others out through the door, and only then did she open a gate a fair few steps away from the entrance. This gate will take the group back to the front door of Rosa’s home. It still feels a little odd to walk into someone after opening a gate, and the reaction could go any number of ways. Lin hoped the vicinity on the other side would be clear, because opening gates directly into a home other than her own didn’t sit right with her. 

Once across, there might be some moments for downtime or more exploration. The longma somewhat favored doing the latter, as they will be meeting Uddo and Kiba later that evening. Then again, Scarcity left something for Rosa, so they could also check that out as they had some downtime. Ultimately, the final word would rest on Rosa.

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@Kujamih @Blitz Boom

Mate: Limbo wrestled with the word. She had seen ponies use the word and assume a particular position. Those dreams always ended then and there. Perhaps it was a way of ending the world or how ponies woke up.

Shark was a good pony that probably didn't want to end the world, so Miss. Dreams discarded that possibility. Did that mean she was in a dream? She grew pale at the idea, but shark had pushed her, so that couldn't be it.

Then she mentioned pups, which Limbo correctly translated to 'babies' with even more confusion.

This lack of sense was starting to frustrate, and that bled through her tone toward , "What are you talking about? And why babies?! They just sit around wanting to be held, and sometimes become giant monsters! Why would we risk that?!"

  • Brohoof 2
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@Blitz Boom (you missed my OOC post)

"I have learned that even paranoia has some reality behind it, so it shouldn't be totally dismissed, we should keep our senses sharp just in case, though one needs to be foolish to attack a group with two dragons." three actually, but obviously whoever was or wasn't following them would be unlikely to know Ruby's true identity. Ruby did observe their surrounds, though she did it in subtle way, and she identified few potential stalkers and locations, among which the real one was, but she didn't do anything further, for several reasons.

Just to mention some reasons, one was because what exactly would she have done? she couldn't kill someone in middle of a town just because they were looking at them weird, and speaking didn't do anything as much as ponies so wanted to believe, there was also the fact that regardless of her senses, tracking the individual wasn't a realistic option, they most likely could tell if the group started to approach them, and while Ruby would be able to trace a scent even days later, the problem was that she didn't know the scent she was supposed to follow, it was hard to locate something when you didn't know what you were looking for exactly.

And lastly, there wasn't really a reason to bother, if the individual didn't attack them, it didn't really matter that they followed them, and if they did attack, they would be against two to three dragons, depending on if the situation got serious enough for Ruby to be needed. Also, if she would go after the individual, they would miss the train that Marley already paid for, and wasting money wasn't good. 

She also forwarded the message to Charir, who started observing the surrounding area from top of the wagon.

"But since the topic came up, unsurprisingly I too have some enemies, or well, Ruby Shine has, and unfortunately not all are....dealt with, yet. Not saying this because they are dangerous, I'm not stupid enough to leave loose ends like that, but if you spot someone giving me a mean stare, that's probably it." this was mainly because not everyone was an idiot, if someone invited her to their room, and then woke up few hours later with all of their expensive stuff missing, assuming they aren't too drunk to remember her like in most cases they are, it doesn't take genius to figure out what happened, but since she knows what she's doing, only evidence of it would be the word of the individual against hers, and usually it was her word that won, because as stated, there was no evidence, and in cases the other side kept trying, she just had to put on a small act and it was her victim who was in trouble with the law. Then of course there was the cases where the victim while knowing she was to blame couldn't do anything due to fear of losing face or due to her knowing something that would ruin them in other way, though those ones usually didn't stare her down as it was best for them to avoid her.

Naturally the few things she said were said in quiet voice. 


Scarecrow just shrugged at Lyriel's suggestion, his guess was the former, mainly because he faintly remembered the pieces of clothes that had rotted away so long time ago, he didn't remember exactly what they had been, most likely something to hide his worsening physical state, but he knew they were quite basic, and one would think that if he was a clothes maker, he would have had quality clothes on, there was also the fact that he had no idea how clothes were made, and one would think that at least some of that knowledge would have stayed if he had been an expert. 

He noticed Crows alarm but didn't react to it, mainly because of Lyriel's actions, he didn't guess what it was, but he assumed the two were related, and thus didn't see a reason for alarm. 

Scarecrow noticed the pony's confusion, and decided to help out with it "She's a being of nature, she can communicate with animals and plants." his neutral tone fit his words, as it gave the impression this wasn't the first time he had to 'translate' things to ponies, not necessarily a truthful impression, but it did give a small illusion of normality to their relationship. 

Granted Lyriel was more than what Scarecrow said, but in his eyes that was beside the point and thus not relevant, besides, it would probably just confuse the pony more. 


The kobolds weren't trying to hide their emotions form Onache per say, they were just burying them from themselves, a skill they had learned from being in so many life and death situations where wild emotions could be lethal, granted it wasn't a healthy skill, quite the opposite, bottling up emotions wasn't good, and it showed up as bursts of emotions, mainly anger, and as almost nightly nightmares. Neither commented on that topic though, mainly due to stated reason, they had no need to defend themselves when they didn't feel they were doing anything worth defending. 

They were happy to change the topic, though before that, Trox wanted to say something "It's very much appreciated that you promise to not pry, though It's not a secret what happened, just an unpleasant topic to talk about, and I am willing to give you the summary of it if you ask when Sheska is not around to hear." Sheska lowered her head slightly but didn't seem to disagree, Trox comforted his sister a bit as he continued "She got the worse of it and it would be wrong to make her live it through again." he let out a sigh "Honestly it could be helpful to be able to talk about it at some point." he being lot more emotionally reserved than his sister, he hadn't really had the chance to let his feelings out

"But for better topic." Sheska finally declared "fun." though she then fell silent as realization hit her "It has been a while hasn't it." Trox rubbed his neck as he thought about it "Yeah, we haven't really had the chance to have fun since then have we." "We used to do lot of fun things with our community, but there's no community here, no young kobolds to play with." "After we left home closest thing to fun has been learning useful skills, I spend my time tinkering while Sheska studied medicine, healing magic and other such things." "All fun things we did were connected to the community, a lone kobold is bored kobold." that was the downside of kobolds' close knit communities, everything they did was build around that, so when they were separated from those communities, they became lost and sometimes even helpless. "Is there any taverns around? we could go sit down and look at these maps bit closer, they also tend to have nice atmosphere to help to forget one's worries." 




“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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15 hours ago, Limbo Dreams said:

@Kujamih @Blitz Boom

Mate: Limbo wrestled with the word. She had seen ponies use the word and assume a particular position. Those dreams always ended then and there. Perhaps it was a way of ending the world or how ponies woke up.

Shark was a good pony that probably didn't want to end the world, so Miss. Dreams discarded that possibility. Did that mean she was in a dream? She grew pale at the idea, but shark had pushed her, so that couldn't be it.

Then she mentioned pups, which Limbo correctly translated to 'babies' with even more confusion.

This lack of sense was starting to frustrate, and that bled through her tone toward , "What are you talking about? And why babies?! They just sit around wanting to be held, and sometimes become giant monsters! Why would we risk that?!"

Light's worries of misunderstanding has vanished, as he has found out that the strange mare beside her was as gullible as the shark. now only questions and doubt swirls around his head.

" ...errr...." Light would then not continue his reply to them as it would seem to be the proper route of action for this.


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On 2021-11-27 at 12:47 AM, Fuchsia said:

She rests her pink forelegs on the bed and smiles, "You sure have a lot to fill me in on." she gestures to the grand homestead. "But sure, I could do with eating something other than coconuts and tropical grasses. Let's plan our next move over breakfast."

"Delightful. If you would excuse me for a few moments."

He felt fairly fatigued still, as he rose from the bed, and wandered towards the adjoining bathroom, but he simply could not be looking like this. He were in the presence of a now well-groomed mare, and n comparison, he looked like somepony who had crawled out of a trash can. Utterly disgraceful.

It would be about ten minutes until he returned. His shower were hasty, and his fur still somewhat damp, but as he finished combing his coal-grey hair, he'd at least feel like he were more presentable to his adventuring companion.

"Much better. Now I don't disgrace your radiant presence as much anymore. Now then, please follow me, and feel free to ask anything you will, as we move along, if you have questions."

The path out of the room and towards the kitchen would take some time to traverse, as they had to get through a few, long halls. Through which were more of the audacious looks of a very well off, high society pony. Though even if that were the case, the only pictures were of himself, Grim, various close friends, and of course, his family. None of them overly pompous in nature, as he didn't much care for that. And the staff seemed nice to, as every time he passed somepony cleaning, or doing something else, they'd greet him kindly, and he'd in turn, do the same. This also added time, as he halted to properly wish them a good day, and other things, but it should hopefully show that he were not the sort of rich pony who considered himself so far above others, that they deserved to be disrespected.

Eventually, they'd get to the kitchen. Grim would be at the counter, chopping up some tomatoes into cubes with surprising speed, and add them to two porcelain bowls, as the salads were being made.


"Sit down. You're in no condition to overexert yourself right now, young man."

Oof, he were in for a talking later it sounded like. Grim usually didn't call him that, unless he were sorely disappointed in him. Best to do as he asked.

A squash chopped up and added later, Grim would come over with the bountiful bowls of fresh salad, and put the cutlery down next to them. Then he'd go over to the fridge, and bring along two large, crystal glasses.

"What might the lady wish to drink? We have milkshakes, orange juice, apple juice, a more exotic mixture as well, if that would hold interest. Twelve kinds of soda, sparkling water, and lemonade. My apologies for the sparse selection, and simplicity of the meal. I will ensure that by dinner time, there will be a proper meal. Have you any preferences for that as well, madamme? You need only mention it."

He'd be galant and smiling towards Fuchsia, as he waited for her drink preference. But Billowing would have to wait until she had picked, before he would get an option. First came the one who had brought him safely home.




On 2021-11-27 at 3:19 AM, Magnolia said:

Bending down a bit to Zeehva she would embrace her again lovingly and rub her hoof through her mane calmingly. "See...? He is always here with you. He loves you and he will never, ever give up on you. While you may not have seen him in a very long time, he is always here with you. Whether it be around you in a spirit form you cannot see...or within your heart - he loves you and he is still with you." she spoke, continuing to rub her hoof through Zeehva's mane. Along with some other comforting measures, she would turn back to Dread.

"C-can you tell us how these pictures are taken and how they capture spirits? Are these spirits, indeed around us? Or were they only captured in the photo? This is really interesting..." she spoke, shaking a little bit. A few tears fell from her eyes but mostly for Zeehva's sake.

"He s-shouldn't... *sob* He s-should be at r-reheest."

She could barely get the sentence out, and were unable to gather the strength to raise her hooves up to give back on the comfort she felt from Magnolia. She needed to cry this out, before she'd be able to get back on track.

Meanwhile, Dread would let out a sigh, and lower her head some. She would not respond, until spoken to, but she would lay down the camera.

"I'm sorry that this is one you knew, who still lingers. It is not easy to know they have not moved on peacefully. I sadly cannot help with that, as I am not able to do what have to be done, but when you feel ready, I will give you a note, and directions on whom to talk with, in my family's estate. They will help you to get another chance at speaking to him, and say your goodbyes.

*sigh* It never gets easier to face those whom are haunted, by the loved ones who deserved better for their afterlives. That is what my camera shows. It can picture those who remains along with us. Most being simply wayward spirits not yet ready, or able, to move on, as the one with you seemed to be. I can imagine have moved along to other places in town already, but not the one, whom sounds like they were your friends dearly departed.

Spirits are everywhere, and larger towns draws them in, as it presents sights that they may have wished to experience before they died, and could now resolve. Most are simply not prepared to move on, for minor things as such, and will pas on in their own time, without ever having an impact on us living. Others are not so fortunate, and need help, before they lash out. That is what me and my family does. We are mediums, to varying degrees of power, with the goal of assisting spirits, and those hurt by their passing. Such as your friend here.

If you wish to know how my camera works, it does from duality. Let me show you."

She turned the camera to take a picture of herself. And when it were cleared up, it would show her, with a mare standing seemingly on her. Larger than Dread herself, and intertwined with the chains. She also seemed very old, as the mare looking at her then, were wearing armor that had not been in use for at least the last seven hundred years, and were rather intimidating. Cause of death, seemed to have been something shot in her head, as she had a hole between her eyes, going all the way through.

"Her name is Lunari Ruby. An old soldier who were stuck, and got the help she needed to come to her senses. Now she wanders with me, and vanquishes the dark spirits we encounter, until she feels she have done enough to deserve rest. We are connected, so she takes the picture, as much as I do. Therein lies the link. Together with the special lens."




The groups would say goodbye to one another, and soon after, the lot of them would be back, home at Rosa's place. And soon as he had unlocked the door, he'd go for the first seat he could find, and sink down in it with an elongated sigh.

"What a day it's been. I feared worse, but it at least seems like thinks went benign. And that we will for once, have a few days away from that angle of things. Though once that have passed... I am not thrilled to think about her with so much added power. She may have a vested interest in doing well, but she is already substantially powerful, via influence. If Scarcity goes further, and becomes magically, and physically, more powerful too, I wonder if she will remain in lane...

*sigh* But the dice are thrown. I know her well enough by reputation, to know that when she say she had precautions, it is likely some degree of a kill switch. Golems have historically been creatures that could go wild, and be dangerous. Difficult to handle too, so there would be certain things imprinted into them, that could work to undo the work, if need be. I can imagine she holds one of the simplest variants of that, if she means to relinquish control again of it which would be a scroll with a sentence engraved into their chem. If she destroys it, there will no longer be a mechanism for her to do anything, so it would be a matter of her doing so, when they had fulfilled their bargain.

We should inform them of this, before the event itself, so they know what to expect. But I see this going only one way. And after she have effectively become immortal... Who knows?

*sigh* I suppose it's just a matter of accepting it. I should go and find what she left in my room."


Whilst he had been talking, and lounging back, mentallyt exhausted, Omen had gone to his room to pick up something she saw sit on the bed. An elongated, oversized jewelry box from the looks of it. Omen would put it down on Rosa, and as he opened it, he would find an exact replica of the belt he had given to Elder Ghilan. Except brand new, and with all the pockets filled with the correct objects. There were also a note, simply saying-

No excuses now, slacker. Get to work.

C. G.

"C. G.? Oh, you have got to be kidding me. This is where she went? Of all the reasons for her to vanish, it were to end up with Scarcity..."



@Loud Opinion @Kujamih

On 2021-11-26 at 11:49 PM, Kujamih said:

Light could only stay awkwardly silent to everything the shark is saying and trying to imply with the other strange pony.

he would then boop the shark to make her stop.

".... maybe you and I aren't that similar...." Light blushingly said.

Shark would wrinkle her nose as she got booped, and take a step back. She remembered a diver doing this to her once, back in the ocean. It had been very confusing. then too. She hadn't hurt him either. He had just swum off right afterwards, and she had taken off to hunt some sardines.

On 2021-11-27 at 9:52 PM, Limbo Dreams said:

Then she mentioned pups, which Limbo correctly translated to 'babies' with even more confusion.

This lack of sense was starting to frustrate, and that bled through her tone toward , "What are you talking about? And why babies?! They just sit around wanting to be held, and sometimes become giant monsters! Why would we risk that?!"

"I see friends go into their reefs, with their pups. To be friend, having pups is important,, yes? Important for sharks too. Many, many dangers in the ocean, but here? Much safer. Good place to find a good mate, and have many pups, that can then have more pups, and make many, many more. Is naaa-tuuu-raaal. Natural. Yes. Is natural, yes? Without mate and pups, you not been here. No one would. Is important to have pups.

I hope to get many, many pups. All special too. I can teach them many things. Like hunting frog, and swim fast Just like tasty fish."

Considering her genes were more evolved, and rather strong, if she did find a mate, and could procreate, her genes would likely be dominant, so there'd be more shark ponies around. And there really were no reason why she couldn't mate with ponies, so someday, when she found a hapless stallion, that didn't know how to fight her off, she'd begin muddling the gene pools. On a small scale at least. And she looked forward to having kids. It was the natural way of things, as she knew it. Besides, it always looked so nice when she saw ponies with their foals. She'd like that too.

"Do friend pups sometimes get really big? How? What happen?"

10 hours ago, Kujamih said:

" ...errr...." Light would then not continue his reply to them as it would seem to be the proper route of action for this.

"You two not want pups, because they can be big? Be monster? Is very sad. You look like you would make healthy, strong pups. With strong teeth."



@Kujamih @Thunder Light @Starforce

On 2021-11-26 at 11:49 PM, Kujamih said:

~Cali in the realm of darkness!~

Cali found herself inside the darkness. she would try stabbing and slashing randomly, but to no avail. she'd notice that more and more eyes are staring at her, so she'd quickly try to escape that realm. as she exits she throws 5 flash grenades inside the portal.

" stare at this..." Cali said in a bad ass way.

then she herself plugged the portal with a portal that throws anything that goes in it back where it came from.

she'd noticed that Molotov is petting the weird spider.

" what are you doing?" 

 The grenades wouldn't really do anything. The shadows didn't get hurt, or displaced by the light. In fact, they were enthralled by it. Coming from a world where there were only darkness, colors and light fascinated them greatly, and they'd watch enthralled at the show. Though before she left the dimension, she'd be able to hear a whisper, dancing upon a cold breeze her way, saying but one word.


Mother's judgement, on her potential to be a master. Cali were far too violent, for her to want her children near her.

As fore what she did to the portal, nothing in this dimension could leave, lest they had been embodied by a master, so nothing that went in would be able to leave regardless. Well, Hammond left for a little while, but he opened a new portal he jumped through. For their kind, there were many holes they could make between their worlds, as the other dimension ran between many other dimensions. Theirs with Equestria, were but one of them. But as they weren't hostile, it shouldn't be something to worry about.

As for Molotov, he'd actually be somewhat annoyed at her question.

"What I'm doing? I'm protecting this here innocent lil' soul. Sure you scared her right badly with that stunt."

"Scared... What is that?"

On 2021-11-26 at 11:49 PM, Kujamih said:

".... I'll stab what I want Molotov.... I didn't see you having a problem with light?" Cali starred at Molotov.

"Hey, I don't agree with Light stabbing ya. If you wanna beef it out with him for that, that ain't none of my business. Not sure where he ran off to, after Blitz got hitched on my noggin, but your beef's with him. Powder Puff here's just being right confused. Ain't a reason to chop her down. Poor thing haven't even been alive for ten minutes."

"No more fighting!"

Blitz would raise her voice, and then a small pouch over her head.

"Or everypony gets itching powder in their tails."



@Catpone Cerberus

11 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

"But since the topic came up, unsurprisingly I too have some enemies, or well, Ruby Shine has, and unfortunately not all are....dealt with, yet. Not saying this because they are dangerous, I'm not stupid enough to leave loose ends like that, but if you spot someone giving me a mean stare, that's probably it." this was mainly because not everyone was an idiot, if someone invited her to their room, and then woke up few hours later with all of their expensive stuff missing, assuming they aren't too drunk to remember her like in most cases they are, it doesn't take genius to figure out what happened, but since she knows what she's doing, only evidence of it would be the word of the individual against hers, and usually it was her word that won, because as stated, there was no evidence, and in cases the other side kept trying, she just had to put on a small act and it was her victim who was in trouble with the law. Then of course there was the cases where the victim while knowing she was to blame couldn't do anything due to fear of losing face or due to her knowing something that would ruin them in other way, though those ones usually didn't stare her down as it was best for them to avoid her.

Naturally the few things she said were said in quiet voice. 

"I'd prefer to keep the details to myself, but I have... Reasons, as to why I am concerned, when I find a lot of attention being on my person. It makes me think that I were not as thorough as I had wanted to be."

He'd refuse to speak more of the matter, in case he were overheard by someone. As *law abiding* as he were, he had a past that he assumed were gone and buried, that he did not want to come up to the surface. It would prove to be very disruptive to the life he had made himself, and quite frankly, he liked things as they were. He had a well paying job, tolerable enough creatures around him, and a griffon whom he were feeling increasingly certain off, were the mate for him. He would hate to leave all of that behind, because of how things once were.

Especially his potential mate. A flawed diamond to some, but he admired her feral attitude, and delightful mixture of aggressive huntress, and somewhat shy social bird. How long would it not take him, to find one even half as alluring as her? Whom were not a changeling, mind you. Urgh. Had he a bit for every time that happened... Well, he wouldn't be rich, but he'd still have a surprising amount of pocket change, considering the circumstances.

"I find the feeling have vanished for now. Perhaps it was nothing, and speaking of it have eased my mind. Just in case though, I will inform you if I feel something similar again."

For the time being however, the train would roll into the station, and it were time for them to board the back one.

He'd have two personal of the train service come in and help him secure the wagon, while the others could go back and board the last part of the train, that were tagged on just before this. A more spacious one, meant for larger beings. Of which there were none others right now, so they'd have privacy. Should be room for all of them, provided that Ruby didn't *hulk out* in here. She'd probably smash the entire thing to pieces then.

After all were secure, the train would start to rumble out, and Marley would come wandering back to them, shaking his head.

"Everything should be secure now. I could've sworn though, that for a moment... No, foolish talk. Think nothing on it. It wouldn't be possible, and I am merely feeling slightly rattled. How are you finding the accommodations thus far?"

It would be a pretty simple train wagon, with some - in this case - large benches, with red cushions on, and a table one could flap down from the wall, if they so wished for it. Otherwise, one could always look out of the window, as the train began to pick up speed. Or put your head out through it like a dog, he supposed, if that were your thing.



@Catpone Cerberus

11 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

Scarecrow noticed the pony's confusion, and decided to help out with it "She's a being of nature, she can communicate with animals and plants." his neutral tone fit his words, as it gave the impression this wasn't the first time he had to 'translate' things to ponies, not necessarily a truthful impression, but it did give a small illusion of normality to their relationship. 

Granted Lyriel was more than what Scarecrow said, but in his eyes that was beside the point and thus not relevant, besides, it would probably just confuse the pony more. 

"I'm afraid I am still somewhat confused."

"I am a Dryad. I stand here before you, with the shape of an equine, yet I rose from the ground, and follow the Earth Mother's guidance."

"...Dryads are real? I thought them a fairy tale."

The snake would slide further out, and place her heavy body upon Lyriel's back. She did not mind though. Not with such a beautiful animal, who would hold her head above the height of her own. Quite a proud one this one. She could imagine, this place had something to do with that.

She would wander closer to him then, carrying the snake with her, and let him have a chance to examine her in a little more details. At which point, he'd have the chance to see her mossy exterior more closely, and get big eyes over that.

He'd attempt to go closer to Scarecrow and do the same, but the risen wings, and narrowing eyes of Crow, brought him pause. Though as the bird threatened him, the snake would turn her head towards the *bird* and open her mouh up high, whilst hissing. Which made Crow turn to her, and raise its wings further, and prepare to let out a shriek in her general direction. Until Lyriel intervened.

"Please, calm yourselves. No fighting needs to happen. He were but curious. And my friend here is not as I. He is an evergrown. Of nature in his own way, but not the same as I."

"They are reemerging? Oh my. My several times great grandmother were a farmer when they first showed, hundreds of years ago. She were... Not kind to them. Her diary spoke of the joy she felt when she harvested them, and felt no remorse, as she did not think of them as creatures, but just plants. I know that kind of action, were a large part of why your kind retracted from equine society.

I'm ashamed of her actions, and I do not condone it, for the record. It were a disgusting attitude to have. It is good to see that your kind still remains though. What brought you back into the world? Have something changed?"



@Catpone Cerberus

11 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

They were happy to change the topic, though before that, Trox wanted to say something "It's very much appreciated that you promise to not pry, though It's not a secret what happened, just an unpleasant topic to talk about, and I am willing to give you the summary of it if you ask when Sheska is not around to hear." Sheska lowered her head slightly but didn't seem to disagree, Trox comforted his sister a bit as he continued "She got the worse of it and it would be wrong to make her live it through again." he let out a sigh "Honestly it could be helpful to be able to talk about it at some point." he being lot more emotionally reserved than his sister, he hadn't really had the chance to let his feelings out

"I am not a shrink, but if you want an unbiased ear, and honest opinion, I can provide that. Brutal honesty is not always a kind response, yet it can be necessary. But we will see what happens when that time arrives. I stand ready when it is, and whatever is told, will remain between us.

Full disclosure on something tangible however. If your emotions or mental state begins to cause trouble, such as lashing out against civilians, I may tamper and dull things briefly. It is in no interest for any of us, if the locals begins to connect us with violent tendencies. Though I find it unlikely, as you appear able to reel one another in to some extend, I'm merely stating a fact. One that I do not normally, warn others of in advance."

She'd offer some advice too, on more constructive ways to get some of their emotions out of their system, and deal with some of the underlying issues they had, but it didn't seem the time, in her opinion. Besides, she were not a professional. She knew how the mind worked, and how emotions worked, but she hadn't a diploma, hanging on a wall somewhere. Merely experience from life, and her own training. As well as what came from looking into other creature's head long enough. Certain patterns began to emerge, once you did so long enough.

11 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

"But for better topic." Sheska finally declared "fun." though she then fell silent as realization hit her "It has been a while hasn't it." Trox rubbed his neck as he thought about it "Yeah, we haven't really had the chance to have fun since then have we." "We used to do lot of fun things with our community, but there's no community here, no young kobolds to play with." "After we left home closest thing to fun has been learning useful skills, I spend my time tinkering while Sheska studied medicine, healing magic and other such things." "All fun things we did were connected to the community, a lone kobold is bored kobold." that was the downside of kobolds' close knit communities, everything they did was build around that, so when they were separated from those communities, they became lost and sometimes even helpless. "Is there any taverns around? we could go sit down and look at these maps bit closer, they also tend to have nice atmosphere to help to forget one's worries." 

"There are several taverns. I inspected those when first I got to town, and found them wanting. But for the cleanest among them, I would suggest Bubble Tea's Inn. It seemed spacious, and welcoming enough, all things considered."

She would neglect to mention how she had then instead mind-tinkered with a mare, to stay in her house, and be serviced instead, as it would not be a good look for her. No need to tarnish her own reputation so easily, lest they began to pry. She could tell then, as it seemed minor. Wasn't as if she had harmed the mare, after all. Just made her welcome the queen into her house, and serve her food. Hardly a crime.

She would begin wo wander from this place, and back towards the noise town, wherein the inn laid. It wouldn't be far, but they did need to go down a few streets first. Then they'd eventually reach the largest inn in Ponyville. Which did well these days, regardless of potential monsters attacks, as things like the castle, lured in tourists. As did the mane 6 too, of course.

"Your kind are intriguingly close to function, like us changelings do, just so you are aware. We are social creatures, and do rather poorly on our own. It is why exile is a harsher punishment than death, for most changelings. Being in a hive provides protection, socializing, understanding, and easier food. Those who become hiveless, for one reason or another, sometimes struggle to do well. Those who do acclimate well, are those who blends in seemingly with society, but you can usually spot them, as being very forthcoming creatures, in a community. If you find one being unusually friendly, and the type to always go to places where many are, and mingling, it may be a changeling. A social butterfly, as the ponies tends to call social ones.

Not as extreme as their Pinkie Pie though. It would be too erratic to work efficiently, as a disguise.

To return to the topic, it is interesting to hear that kobolds, and changelings, have similar ideals. A community is just another variation for a hive, and though your goals in said community are not the same, there are tangible similarities.

As for your studies, I would keep those medical studies, and healing magic skills sharpened. There are usually a good market for either. It may well prove an efficient livelihood for you."

When they'd eventually get to the inn, it was a nice, rustic looking, wooden in, in two floors. Most of the top were rooms for the guests, whilst the ground floor were mostly for eating and drinking.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

On 2021-11-29 at 6:21 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"What a day it's been. I feared worse, but it at least seems like thinks went benign. And that we will for once, have a few days away from that angle of things. Though once that have passed... I am not thrilled to think about her with so much added power. She may have a vested interest in doing well, but she is already substantially powerful, via influence. If Scarcity goes further, and becomes magically, and physically, more powerful too, I wonder if she will remain in lane...

“It’s going to be something, I suppose. Wielding power alone without magic is already something big and difficult to wrap our minds around, but having the magic of an alicorn… I don’t know, and not knowing scares me.”

“I trust our golem friends will know what they’re doing, and they did mention that the magic they’ll give Scarcity is a copy. I doubt they’ve met an actual alicorn, so anything they’ll come up with is a simple imitation. They’ve been honest with her so far, but I can’t help but feel like they’ve got something in mind when they said they’ll agree with her terms. After all, they mentioned they had some experience working with Scarcity’s type before.” 

“Still… could it really be true? That alicorns are immortal? Being long-lived is different from being immortal, and have there been any actual alicorns who are proven to be immortal?”

Celestia and Luna are long-lived, and given how they look like they’re closer to the younger side, it’s hard to believe that beings like them can maintain some degree of youthfulness despite being more than a thousand years old. When, or if, Scarcity is immortal, it would still pose a lot of questions from the siblings and probably the rest of Equestria. Regardless of what would become of the mare, the bigger question lies in whether Scarcity could live up to her word. She may have standards now, but what about later? Would there be a point when she’d jump off the slippery slope? Perhaps this is a question that would remain unanswered for a long time. 

But, one source of concern made way for another, and while this one didn’t directly affect the siblings, it was still enough to get them worried about their friend. A belt like the old one now with Ghilan, but the Rosa’s response toward the letter didn’t spark confidence. They had no knowledge about this, but there were some guesses floating around about who this “C.G.” was. Judging by the reaction, it didn’t sound good. 

“Rosa? I take it those initials don’t sound good? Is this stuff from someone you know?”

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@Blitz Boom

@Thunder Light

~Irritation of Cali~

Cali would again feel the heavy presence near them. 

" hehehe."

A whisper of laughter could be heard.

Cali would pause and recollect herself.

she would then go near to Blitz and drop her bag of itch.

" no need for that Blitz..." 

she would then go near the spider and Molotov.

" this has Light's energy you know.... anything touched by Light is highly questionable... I guess that includes me..."

she would analyze the spider and get more curious. it not only has Light's energy in it but Molotov's as well. 

he would then look at Molotov remembered that Light healed him.

She would then quickly check if Blitz was tampered with. luckily Blitz was clean.

but Molotov was another problem.

" crap.... Luna, Blue are you guys okay! did Light do anything funny to you?" 



@Loud Opinion @Blitz Boom

~ Light and the pervert shark.~

"wait!..... you watched others.... making pups.... never mind...."

Light had a feeling that if he continues this path he would be forced to teach privacy and sex education to the shark, which he does not want right now.

looking at her, she does have the looks. And if her awkwardness wasn't so upfront, alot of ponies would fall in love with her.



  • Brohoof 1
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15 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“It’s going to be something, I suppose. Wielding power alone without magic is already something big and difficult to wrap our minds around, but having the magic of an alicorn… I don’t know, and not knowing scares me.”

“I trust our golem friends will know what they’re doing, and they did mention that the magic they’ll give Scarcity is a copy. I doubt they’ve met an actual alicorn, so anything they’ll come up with is a simple imitation. They’ve been honest with her so far, but I can’t help but feel like they’ve got something in mind when they said they’ll agree with her terms. After all, they mentioned they had some experience working with Scarcity’s type before.” 

“Still… could it really be true? That alicorns are immortal? Being long-lived is different from being immortal, and have there been any actual alicorns who are proven to be immortal?”

"You may misremember things somewhat. Scarcity have the magical source ready. What she needs is assistance in filtering it in safely to her being, which is what the spirits are seemingly able to do. I don't know what their idea is, but remind me next we meet them, to strongly urge them from not trying something disastrous. I do not want to be in her black book, and experience the worst of what might befall us, by incurring her wrath like this. I have seen enough examples of what happens if you slight, or annoy her. Wrath is another matter entirely.

*sigh* But be that as it may, we will see eventually.

As for your other question, perhaps the more appropriate wording isn't immortal, but ageless. Which for many seems the same. The difference most doesn't think of, is that immortal means impervious to damage, whereas ageless, or effectively immortal, means impervious to age, and most time, disease. I hear it theorized the lesser degree of disease, and complete lack of more ingrained ones, comes from them regenerating so rapidly, as part of being ageless. I haven't read enough into it to know though. But I assume since that's what happens to dragon, the similarities means there is a chance it is the same thing. Just without the increasing size. To some degree, anyway. Alicorns do grow somewhat.

Alicorns also die. None so far having been from old age, but there have been others who have been killed, or imploded during the creation. Don't let the propaganda fool you. There are not only 4 alicorns, known to Equestria. There are others, but stories of them are often covered up, as they are not done correctly, most of the time. How exactly it happens haven't been recorded, but best assumptions are intense magical fluxes, that strikes an unfortunate being, and forces them through the process. Most of the time, that makes them mad, and they have to be taken out, lest they go on a rampage. Others simply doesn't survive the process.

Yet there are a few outliers. They are either quietly living for themselves, have mysteriously vanished, or willingly left Equestria. I know only of one who are in a self imposed isolation now, within this country's borders. Well, I heard of the general area, but wherein he himself is, is another matter entirely. As for others... Most are presumed to be dead, if they're not visible. The process is apparently rather traumatic, when it happens in uncontrolled circumstances, so they go away to be alone, and deal with it in peace.

How the princesses does this, without some kind of issue happening, is a secret that not even the agency I worked for, have the faintest idea about. I just assume it have something to do with Celestia finding a safe haven where it can be channeled, and that for some reason, the process only works on mares. Most of the *unsanctioned* alicornifications, have involved stallions. Yet correlation, is not causation, so the jury's still out on that."

15 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Rosa? I take it those initials don’t sound good? Is this stuff from someone you know?”

"A fellow spy, that I dread meeting again. C.G. is a ludicrously effective infiltrator. You could look right at her, and you'd have no idea who she were, even if you met her time and time again. Which for a non-changeling, is rare. The teachers had issues at times figuring out if she had even come to class, just to find out she impersonated another student, or had managed to disguise herself as part of the interior.

She were also one who enjoyed to torment me, and make me the butt of many of her pranks throughout the years. Last I heard, she had gone missing during a mission to Saddle Arabia, six years ago. All they apparently found, were her kit, coaxed in blood and hair. It seems she instead faked her own disappearance, and shifted employer instead.

She isn't a threat I think, but she's rather annoying. And now she knows where I live. *sigh* This is gonna be a hassle down the road.

And don't ask me what C. G. actually stands for, as I have no idea. Her parents were forgers, and taught her well. She had new, official paperwork seemingly all the time, and the only common thread were the initials in her name. It became easier to just call her C. G."



@Kujamih @Thunder Light

4 hours ago, Kujamih said:

she would then go near to Blitz and drop her bag of itch.

" no need for that Blitz..." 

she would then go near the spider and Molotov.

" this has Light's energy you know.... anything touched by Light is highly questionable... I guess that includes me..."

"Yeah, well, it ain't like we're mind controlling Puff or anything. From what their mother said while guiding me through the whole thing, we give 'em some magic so they can be whole, and they'll serve, and learn, so one day they can go do their own thing. They're not allowed to hurt anypony, and their mother's words, are above ours. Ain't that right Puff?"

"Yes. Mother knows... What is best. We... Live by her words."

She were still trying to get used to formulating these words, even if they were telepathic in nature. So there were some minor gaps in stuff, as she went talking into their heads with her skittering voice.

"Hear that? even if Light have gone truly off the deep end, she ain't gonna join him in like, sending folks into a volcano."


With this sorted, Blitz would now have more time and focus, to go over to Puff, and rise up on her back hooves to hus the spider on her face. Puff simply stood motionless in response, not sure what to do. She tried moving a leg to hug back, but the motion seemed unnatural for her body. Like her leg didn't want to bend that way, so she stopped.

Molotov just grinned, and let his sister have a go at this. Maybe seeing how harmless Puff were around his sis, would convince her this were alright.



@Kujamih @Loud Opinion

4 hours ago, Kujamih said:

"wait!..... you watched others.... making pups.... never mind...."

"Nooo. I watch friends have many pups. One reef, have maaaaaaaany pups. Big reef with the... Beee-ll. Bell. Big reef with bell, yes?"

She were talking about the school, wherein she saw some adults, and a lot of foals. The act of actually making a foal was utterly alien to her, but she'd figure it out sooner or later. First she had to find a mate, and then she could make him teach her. Not this on. Metal friend was not mate material for her. She wanted one with less metal, and more shiny. Shinier coat, should mean healthier friend, and therefor, healthier pups, yes? She were sure friends and sharks had that in common. If they looked big and strong, that would be good too. Strong pups survived longer.




On 2021-11-29 at 12:39 AM, Magnolia said:

"I am most afraid that my words may not suffice for such interesting things you dabble in...Thank you for providing this knowledge to us. It will not go forgotten I can assure you that. I believe it would be best for the two of us to visit the one you speak of at your family's estate. My friend here had gotten some...important files as to how her husband had...passed. I think that since we are in the area it would be a good chance, and an opportunity that would best be taken." she said calmly, shaking slightly as she gave Zeehva some gentle pats to emphasize her word.

Upon seeing Lunari in the photo Magnolia was quite intimidated but would hide that - still, she'd shudder a bit. Given that she were dealing with things she didn't understand and her mask of being strong, and uncompromising was completely gone, she were a lot more true to herself. "...Wow. That is quite something...once again my words likely won't match the merit of your own but this is all very fascinating. Lunari is from a time long ago I can already tell. I don't know a lot about the past, I should have read and studied more. That's my fault for not knowing more." she admitted. 

"It isn't near here, but the train can get you close. From there, it is just a matter of dinging the town, and then ask the locals to show you the way. Most there are bat ponies though, so there is not much life to find during the day hours. I think it important that you go there somewhat soon though. Your friend seems as if she would need it.

I'm sure she will say something herself soon. This is one of those things where she needs to shed her tears first, it seems.

As for Lunari, you would be unlikely to have found out much of her. Her kind of guard have been forgotten to the pages of history. And those who does remember them, insults their names, and call them fanatics. They were not. They were simply loyal without fault, to the throne of night."

It wouldn't take long after she said that, before Zeehva would stop crying as profusely. She'd then grab towards Magnolia, and - still sobbing slightly - would hug the mare tightly, for about ten seconds, in otherwise complete silence. As if she needed this to attain strength, she'd then slowly get back on her hooves, and try to dry the tears from her puffy eyes.

"If w-we're going I... W-We need to sell p-potions. I must... T-Thank you, Magnolia, f-for..."

"Ease your words, friends. Focus on setting your craft on the ready, if that is what you can muster, and I will entertain your friend here. Most of my customers doesn't tend to show for another half hour or so.

Ask what you will, glamorous one. It sounds as if you are curious of death."

  • Brohoof 3


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"You know Jelly, I think you're right." Plum Blossom said to Jelly, glancing at Blitz nervously. However, since it seemed like the crowd was still mostly milling around by the sphynx, Plum Blossom wasn't sure what to do. "Maybe we should just leave before Blitz does something crazy with explosions." Plum Blossom whispered to Jelly not so subtly.

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@Blitz Boom

On 2021-12-01 at 12:07 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"You may misremember things somewhat. Scarcity have the magical source ready. What she needs is assistance in filtering it in safely to her being, which is what the spirits are seemingly able to do. I don't know what their idea is, but remind me next we meet them, to strongly urge them from not trying something disastrous. I do not want to be in her black book, and experience the worst of what might befall us, by incurring her wrath like this. I have seen enough examples of what happens if you slight, or annoy her. Wrath is another matter entirely.

*sigh* But be that as it may, we will see eventually.

“Our friends say they could handle it, and I don’t have any reason to doubt them. Honestly, I wouldn’t know exactly how they’d filter magic, but I’m sure they know what they’re doing. If that knowledge is not theirs, they probably learned it from somewhere. They’ll be careful, because if there’s something we learned from them, it’s that playing with magic can lead to disaster, but it wouldn't hurt to talk to them about what's to come.”

“It’s even worse if that magic is unstable. Sen and I have been on the wrong end of unstable magic before, and getting out of that was one of the most painful things we ever experienced. I wouldn’t wish that kind of hurt on anyone, and coming from a history of being cleansed from harmful magic, it was rough. Now that I think about it, I don’t want this kind of experience to become a habit.”

Lin chuckled at herself in the hopes that this serious matter isn’t going to lead to more similar experiences. Despite how nonchalant she sounded, being cleansed of hostile and dangerous magic from Legion and Malvernis still left some reminders of the pain she went through. Spending five years in the wellspring and later undergoing another painful purging didn’t make things easier; they were reminders of the dangers of dark magic, the kind that left enough scars to give her pause when dealing similar situations. 

Alicorn magic was a different breed. The spirits only need to handle it, yet there was always something more about that kind of magic. A lot of unknowns left a lot of room for error, but that was neither here nor there. Unknown and hidden alicorns didn’t strike confidence in Lin, which went back to the dangers of magic. It was still a point of curiosity even if the longma didn’t have any aspirations for more power. Only the princesses had the know-how to make more, and that is about the only thing the spirits knew about. Well, that and the magic had to have come from somewhere. 

But, there was another more pressing subject. Omen bringing in Rosa’s new belt with a message elicited quite an annoyed response from the thestral. If this C.G. knew about Rosa now, that may also mean she knew about them, and that could spell trouble down the line.

“She knows about this place and about you…. Who’s to say she knows about what we’ve all been up to? You think we might be in danger from someone like her?”

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10 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Our friends say they could handle it, and I don’t have any reason to doubt them. Honestly, I wouldn’t know exactly how they’d filter magic, but I’m sure they know what they’re doing. If that knowledge is not theirs, they probably learned it from somewhere. They’ll be careful, because if there’s something we learned from them, it’s that playing with magic can lead to disaster, but it wouldn't hurt to talk to them about what's to come.”

“It’s even worse if that magic is unstable. Sen and I have been on the wrong end of unstable magic before, and getting out of that was one of the most painful things we ever experienced. I wouldn’t wish that kind of hurt on anyone, and coming from a history of being cleansed from harmful magic, it was rough. Now that I think about it, I don’t want this kind of experience to become a habit.”

"All magic can be harmful. It's how it's being applied that matters. I'm sure you'd be able to use your expertise to avoid the same kind of malady, where you to find yourself in a similar situation again.

But yeah, best to approach things like that with some caution. I cannot fathom how painful of a process it have been for you to go through, to be cleansed like you have. A rousing endorsement, your words are not."

He'd chuckle slightly, and stretch his legs ou. A nice comfy seat he were in right now, but he could certainly feel he were a bit crumpled up, with everything that's been going on. Had he been alone, he'd have just closed his eyes, and had a nice, silent nap. But as he had visitors, that were not advisable. It'd also mess with his sleep pattern, so best to wait regardless, as tempting as it sounded to just lay back, and have it done right away.

"The future is certainly going to become interesting though, but I hope we're over the worst. No more treason for me, or magical mishaps for you, Lin. Nor any more potential mind control in yours, Sen.

...It's been a strange journey actually, hasn't it? Yours more than my own, I'd personally say. Yet it's been a relentless amount of oddities for days now, culminating in this brief reprieve. I hope there is time for us to savor it, though I feel there will come something. A call from your town perhaps, with ominous, or urgent news. Or Omen will wander into a yarn shop, and we'll spend the next seven hours untangling her.

Though perhaps I am just being paranoid. Just seems a lot of things have happened for us all for some time now, and not slowed down, but rather escalated, and this pause seems... Tentative."

12 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

But, there was another more pressing subject. Omen bringing in Rosa’s new belt with a message elicited quite an annoyed response from the thestral. If this C.G. knew about Rosa now, that may also mean she knew about them, and that could spell trouble down the line.

“She knows about this place and about you…. Who’s to say she knows about what we’ve all been up to? You think we might be in danger from someone like her?”

"You have little to fear. It were always me who were her preferred target for her little pranks. And even then, she is annoying at worst, not dangerous to us. As she is employed by Scarcity, and said mare have both me now employed, and a vested interest in staying on your good side, it would be illogical for her to send C. G. to cause damage, or anything of the sort to us. It'd be akin to buying a brand new fridge for a friend, and then attack it with a hammer, whilst laughing at said friends.

Just ignore this for the time being, and we'll deal with it as it comes up. I'd prefer not taking this chance to breathe, and spend it on being paranoid about being listened in on currently.

Let's focus on something more pleasant. The meeting with Uddo and his family later. What thoughts have you made on that?"

He'd lean back as best he could in the chair as he awaited an answer, and let his limbs go limp. A mere moment to relax might be all they'd get, but if it were so, he'd at least try to be as relaxed as he could be, in that time.



@Zoom Jetstream

"Uhm... Well, they're probably fine. Lots of adults here.

Hey, wanna do something fun? I bet there's something we can do around town. Maybe you know something? I haven't been a lot of other places than school, the bakery, and the edge of the forest. And the prison. But that's where I live, with my dad, since he's a Night Guard. Well, we did, before the hydra crushed it. That was kinda bad, but the nice mayor put us in a new place until they rebuild. And everypony came out okay. Even if Gary's snacks got out. I gotta remember to catch more crickets for him when we get a new cage. It's nice when he can't go out and hunt food. Bad weather isn't nice for that sort.

Do you have a pet?"

Jelly were asking a little of this, and a little of that, since she wasn't sure what to go with here. She didn't know that many, and things hadn't been that she could just skitter around. What with first moving here, then getting school and various official papers ready, and then that hydra smashing up their home from the inside... It had been a huge mess. But today was a new day, and it were looking up. School had been okay, she had a new foal to speak with now, and she there was a friendly sphinx in town. What could go wrong?

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom & @Sekel 

Kaltrop  wordlessly accepted the candyshop mare's bagged gift with a worried, quizzical expression. The sort of intense glazed look Benny was likely familiar with when alot of the simpler dragons encountered the notion of making things for enjoyment rather than for picking fights with. Dragons too had a racial habit of being stuck in old, archaic traditions that would put most country Earth Ponies to shame. To be sure, dragons were no strangers to "snacking" even if they generally ate only two or three things. Dragons were brutishly simple creatures, as exemplified best by what few holidays they had were pretty much just excuses to tell stories of who fought fights best.

The young drake was taken aback. Wordlessly accepting both the candied gift and the elder couple's advice left him weak for a response. Indirectly during the conversation, he stammered in a smaller than normal tone. "It's just... all new. I'm a dragon. We don't get along well with others."

Questions filled his head that were too much and embarrassing to have time to articulate into a response. Such thoughts were badly dashed as Dazzle and Long Stare entered into the store's room to much surprise. Having been jarred out of a funk of thought and derailed, the bronzed sunset colored dragon stood with blank expression of detached puzzlement sitting back on his haunches and one claw still upraised holding the candy pouch staring at Dazzle as she talked.


You four haven't tried uh," Dazzle coughed into her hoof and grinned awkwardly at them. "Ya know ... do it? With each other? It works a lot ninety percent of the time. That's like how all of everyone here came from, right? A mummy and daddy pony? But I don't think that's what you wanted to know so ..." Dazzle chuckled a fair bit and rubbed her hoof over the bac of her neck, paying particular attention to Pop and Benny. "My parents are most definitely a dragon and a mare. Just like you two. They didn't exactly mention how but ... yeah, it's true. Maybe a demonstration would help? I can fire electric breath!"

Egotistical as Kaltrop tended to be, anything pony-shaped was pony. If it was dragon shaped, then it was worth thinking more about. Usually how to best pose to frighten them off; Kal wasn't the best at fighting when it came to it. The new "pony" had mentioned only two subjects he cared to comment on: an "action" involving two members & showing off one's breath weapon. Clearly, he could let his guard down now and talk about what he did know, fighting ability. Without much tact and confidence bluntly returning to his voice, he loudly commented to the room at large.

 "Of course, we can do it. We do it all the time. Why me and Dawn here were doing it out in the middle of the street the other day...."

 He paused to idly inspect the pouch and try cautiously opening it with his other claw, unaware of what "It" he was referring to.

 "I'm quite good at it. This mare won't keep her hooves off me."




@Blitz Boom


"You had your voices stolen? IS there more to that story? Like, why would so many go to visit a place, that would do such a thing? Did you fear your emotions rising that high, that the fire would be too dangerous, and thought it a worthwhile tradeoff, maybe? I'm s-sorry if it's a dumb, or personal question. I'm just curious, as it sounds like taking on a curse, and my culture have enough curses in it, to know that it shouldn't be taken lightly. I'm sure it made a lot of sense to do that for your kind, at the time.

Also, how uhm... Bad are the flames? I'm really hate to be burnt alive. Not that I'm saying you'd do it on purpose, sir. O-Of course not. Just uhm... Accidents happen, r-right?"

The conspiratorial arm-... *cough* Hoof, left Cover Up's shoulders having felt like a warm hot-water bottle. The kind of body heat that could likely only surpass dragons'. Kindle sat down with a perfunctory, if explaining movement. Pondering, he replied.

 "Uh. Where to begin...

 It's not really fire-heat. That's more the Element; ours is a more... uh, sort of mental... "Aura" effect. It doesn't really burn so much as apply force. I'm... not really the best at explaining it. Ours was not the best family in the Kirin race.

  See, Kirins have a purely verbal history and language. Even when it's, like, chiseled in stone we have a history of... uh, not being kind to physical structures. ...  We're good at plays with mobile stages though! So... like... Though a good amount of our history is kind of forgotten, there are a few scattered stories of Kirins showing up at crucial points as heralds to important leaders, bringing good luck and such. Solitary, lone figures of mystery.

...there's reason for that. Kirins don't get along well with each other. As far as we know, mine was the last tribe in existence. There might have once been more of us, but since we only keep to ourselves and our population only goes steadily down... its kind of obvious every Kirin is their own worst enemy. Maybe its instinctual in every Kirin to take it personally that we might very well be the most Discordant race on Equestria. Maybe we once had our own empire but fell to in-fighting till we were reduced to living in hovels like we are and how could any species let that happen to them? *

We can only build stuff out of non-burnable leaves, and near water. We could only build so high or so much before tiny issues flared so high that we'd lose days in each other's faces, locked in one emotion. Even postive emotions, I've spent so much time talking to rocks and sticks! hah!"

Whett giggled at himself suddenly, flipping from the worried tone he had been narrating in, a brief, small crackle of cinders floating above him like dust for a brief moment. 

"Anyway. That's what our queen noticed. We couldn't coexist so badly that we were going extinct! So, we found the Spring of Silence and took the road of just keeping silent. So, we would talk and... and hurt each other again. And so often. Just... keep it inside. Sometime a curse is needed. To help... help control ourselves. I guess. ..... I don't know. I was too young at the time to understand when we walked in. All I cared about was that the yelling stopped. From each other and inside."

Whett Kindle looked down as he was talking, frowning at the memory and retelling of history.


Before looking right back up in another heartbeat, beaming a broad smile in spite of the charcoal, glowing-black form same as before and even his whited eyes smiling back up at Cover Up in cheerfulness.

 "Then the Orange Horse showed up and said we ought to just try talking things out and not stifle our emotions so much! WIERD how we hadn't THOUGHT of that before! Guess it's hard to control yourself and not just blurt for an hour! Learning new Social Skills, huh? Important stuff!

 But yeah! Totes fine now! Know what I say, focus on the Now, man!"

 Whett Kindle radiated emotional warmth at Cover Up like he was a lifelong friend meeting an old friend at the train station after years apart, even if this pony's "warmth" felt an awful lot like sticking your face a few inches too close to your room's space heater in the winter. Some said there were ponies who put so much energy into their emotions that it made you tear up from wincing at the sheer volume, in Whett, it was a fair bit more literal. ~



 *Like the Gryphon Kingdom. Or the Hippogryph Kingdom. Or numerous pony cities. Odd how so many cultures in Equestria keep falling into disrepair from missing one, key social aspect. Moral teaching or realistic commentary, who can tell?

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


"KALTROPS! SHUSH!" Dawn cried in embarrassment for the dragon as well as herself, her face turning much redder than her fur was coloured. She had no idea if he was doing it on purpose or not but the way he said made it seem like he was toying with them. "W-W-WE NEVER HAVE UH ...." she trailed off and simply hid behind Kaltrops as best she could.

Meanwhile, Dazzle stared at the shop when she heard the cries and merely shrugged to herself. She looked at Benny and nodded. "We're outside, so I can show you but I don't think you want to stand too close to me," she smiled at him. When she was certain the dragon had taken some steps away, a blue light traced the scales under her fur. Electricity built up in the air and Dazzle tilted her head up to let out her lightning breath, zapping the air all the way up into the clouds before shutting her jaws to stop any more lightning from escaping her.

@Blitz Boom


"What is even going on here anymore?" Aurora asked at large, simply staring at everything that moved and not really taking anything in.

@Blitz Boom & @Zoom Jetstream


"It sounds like you've been through a lot of adventures, Blitz," Atzy giggled at her. She loved hearing the filly talk about her explosions and appeared to be gaining a fascination for the explosives. She gasped when she realised she could ask something. "Could you teach me about explosives!?"

"Oh no, this won't end well," Karmic groaned to herself, looking between Atzy and Blitz from Enzo's other shoulder.

@Blitz Boom


"We ... have to find ..." Twilight began before faltering, clearly still reeling from the effects of Cherish's near-possession of her. "Alright ... uh ... I know I did the spell right ... but ... maybe I didn't just concentrate enough? We need to figure out what went wrong I doubt two souls sharing the same body is common so it can't be that hard to find right?" she added in a quick rush, her words spilling over each other as she began to panic in spite of Last's authoritative voice.

  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

“We take what moments we can, rest when we could spare the time. It feels like a lot is changing now, but I suppose that’s what we’ve gotten ourselves into, right? Never thought I’d see this happening to myself as a youngling, and I guess the same is true for the future. “

“Strange journey is about right. A lot of what we’ve been through isn’t normal, but what if all this strangeness is becoming normal to us? Going back to a normal life would be just as strange as leaving a normal life behind.”

“Great, now normal and not normal are up for debate!” Lin sighed for a moment and pondered on what they’ve been through over the past days. Aside from that wonderful night at the carnival, it was true that a normal life reminiscent of her childhood just wasn’t coming back. If anything, living alone, then meeting some unlikely friends was becoming routine. It would be difficult to go back to a simpler lifestyle, not when she knew just how much larger her world has become. 

The siblings would still find the idea of sitting on couches to be unfamiliar and odd, but they’d use this moment to relax as well. Being used to caves and huts made the floor a more prospective choice, and it was pretty cold as well. That kind of combination always worked best before body heat warmed took that feeling away, but it was something they were accustomed to after years of doing it just because. And while they were at it, there was still something to look forward to in the day: dinner with some familiar faces.

“I still don’t know what to make of Uddo, to be honest. I’m surprised we ran into someone father knew and even more surprised that he recognized us despite never meeting them before. He seems nice, and he was open with us earlier at his shop. I really didn’t think he was the kind that struck me as a strict perfectionist, but he must’ve been different back then. I’m looking forward to meeting him later and learning more, but I think you’ll like him. You, uh… feeling nervous about meeting him later?”

“Maybe with all this talk of strange journeys, he could be help bring something normal to life here in the old town for you, Rosa. And speaking of pleasant things and being paranoid… you could use something that can ease your tension. Sen used to get these body massages after training, and he sometimes did that for me. Seems like you could use one.”

“Only if you want, my friend. Only if you want.”

At that moment, Sen sat up and started cracking his claws while stretching his legs. It’s been a long time since he did this, but he wouldn’t mind spending a moment meant for relaxation doing this for a friend. He still has that feeling that he should be doing something with his time, but giving a massage could be just as relaxing as getting one. 

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@Sekel @Kujamih

On 2021-12-03 at 2:01 AM, Widdershins said:

The young drake was taken aback. Wordlessly accepting both the candied gift and the elder couple's advice left him weak for a response. Indirectly during the conversation, he stammered in a smaller than normal tone. "It's just... all new. I'm a dragon. We don't get along well with others."

Questions filled his head that were too much and embarrassing to have time to articulate into a response. Such thoughts were badly dashed as Dazzle and Long Stare entered into the store's room to much surprise. Having been jarred out of a funk of thought and derailed, the bronzed sunset colored dragon stood with blank expression of detached puzzlement sitting back on his haunches and one claw still upraised holding the candy pouch staring at Dazzle as she talked.

"Don't let the traditionalists back home fool you into thinking otherwise. Even if there's not a lot of couples between our kinds, there's more of us getting along with them than you think."

Benny would try and be a little uplifting here. It seemed like Kaltrops had his guards dropped a little now, and draconic pride were a fickle thing. It might make him suddenly put up his barriers, to not seem weak, rather than keep going. Trying to be supportive helped sometimes. He knew that from experience, though he wasn't the best to judge by really. He were less prideful than your average dragon, so not everything would work as well on others, as on him. Worth a shot though, right?

On 2021-12-03 at 2:01 AM, Widdershins said:

Egotistical as Kaltrop tended to be, anything pony-shaped was pony. If it was dragon shaped, then it was worth thinking more about. Usually how to best pose to frighten them off; Kal wasn't the best at fighting when it came to it. The new "pony" had mentioned only two subjects he cared to comment on: an "action" involving two members & showing off one's breath weapon. Clearly, he could let his guard down now and talk about what he did know, fighting ability. Without much tact and confidence bluntly returning to his voice, he loudly commented to the room at large.

 "Of course, we can do it. We do it all the time. Why me and Dawn here were doing it out in the middle of the street the other day...."

 He paused to idly inspect the pouch and try cautiously opening it with his other claw, unaware of what "It" he was referring to.

 "I'm quite good at it. This mare won't keep her hooves off me."

Throughout what Kaltrops were saying, Pop had a hoof risen in front of her muzzle, and chuckled slightly, with a still obvious smile on her face. It were pretty clear to her that the dragon had no idea what were being said, but as she did, this were just golden comedy for her. Especially with Dawn's reaction behind him, as she got extremely flustered over what he were brazenly popping off. She were lucky nopony were nearby enough to hear it. If there had been, they would've have something funny to tell their friends about later.

Benny on the other hoof, had both his gauzed hands up around of his mouth, clamping down to prevent the laughter from escaping. He was doing a poor job of the other effects though, as he went down to his knees, then the ground, with muffled sounds coming out of his mouth. Though seeing as he were having tears coming out of his eyes, and seemed to be a free hand away from hammering one of those into the ground, and going into a fit of out-of-breath-laughing, it wasn't going well.

On 2021-12-03 at 8:51 AM, Sekel said:

"KALTROPS! SHUSH!" Dawn cried in embarrassment for the dragon as well as herself, her face turning much redder than her fur was coloured. She had no idea if he was doing it on purpose or not but the way he said made it seem like he was toying with them. "W-W-WE NEVER HAVE UH ...." she trailed off and simply hid behind Kaltrops as best she could.

"I believe you, but I don't think he knos what he's saying right now. Hey Kaltrops? Lend me an ear for a moment."

Pop would wander closer, and giggle ever so slightly. Oh, this were going to be perfect.

Once she were close enough, she'd lean in, and whisper into his ear what it were they were talking about. It were going to be priceless to hear his next words, after he got some context to what he had been saying, and why they were laughing, whilst Dawn were nearly blushing into a tomato.

On 2021-12-03 at 8:51 AM, Sekel said:

Meanwhile, Dazzle stared at the shop when she heard the cries and merely shrugged to herself. She looked at Benny and nodded. "We're outside, so I can show you but I don't think you want to stand too close to me," she smiled at him. When she was certain the dragon had taken some steps away, a blue light traced the scales under her fur. Electricity built up in the air and Dazzle tilted her head up to let out her lightning breath, zapping the air all the way up into the clouds before shutting her jaws to stop any more lightning from escaping her.

(getting confused by placement now. Will go on the assumption the rest is inside, whilst Benny is in the doorway, and Stare and Dazzle outside. Please correct me, if wrong)

Benny's eyes lit up as he saw the electric breath, like a foal watching fireworks. It'd draw some attention from nearby pegasi especially, as they thought there were a stray thunder cloud, but nothing would seem to be there when they arrived. It'd cause some confusion, and talk around town later. Nothing that'd go back and hurt any of them though, likely. Just another weird little bloop on the Ponyville radar.

"Ooooh. That's very pretty. Y'know, I'm not that old, but you're still only the second dragon I've seen being able to do this. And the other one's way older than you. And a pure dragon, but y'know, that probably doesn't matter.

Do you know if this is biological, or magical? Y'know, with us dragons having the biological fire breath, and then some with magic properties pumping that one up. Just wondering if this is a natural thing, or magical. Because if it's the latter, you could probably end up doing all sorts of wind and electric related stuff."

While all this went on, Stare just stood about, near Dazzle, and observed. Thus far, it didn't seem like she were really needed anywhere, so she went into her habit of just laying low.




Anomaly would swivel around as she heard the sound, and the two oddities would refocus from one another, to their guests as well.

"Oh, just siblings fighting. Kids sometimes, right?

Now both of you behave in front of our guests.

Anyway, you met Rose. She's my oldest. Got her when I lost a kidney down at some harbor a few years back, and it mutated into her. Heh, silly hook accident. Anyway, Henry here's my youngest. He's about... Three months old. Lost an ear somewhere, and things went a little bonkers, hehe. Don't mind him being a big guy. He's really gentle, when him and Rose isn't fighting."

"ⱧɆⱠⱠØ, ₲ɄɆ₴₮."

"...I'm waaaay too sober for this, but alright. Hello there, big guy. Wanna bump?"

Happy would raise a hoof up for a fist bump, then watched as Henry cautiously clutched his meaty, left hand into a fist, and carefully bumped it against said hoof. Seems like he got the greeting alright, so there were some culture going on in this household.



@Sekel @Zoom Jetstream

"Ooooh, yes I can! But not in here. Nononono. Mayor Mare doesn't like it when there's kaboomies in town. Gotta go to my workshop. It's in the forest. That way!"

She'd point in a direction towards the Everfree, at which point, Enzo would let the filly go on top of his back with the others, and begin to wander that way. It seemed as interesting a thing to do as any now, and he figured it best he did not overstay his welcome for now. He had plenty of time to come back to this town later.

As for Blitz, she would have just been let go off, when she'd rush straight over to Atzy, and gave the gemling a massive hug.

"Hehe. You feel like a giant beetle. With sparkly bits."

In case Atzy could still feel out emotions, despite not needing to feed on them, she'd feel a great amount of joy and love, radiating from Blitz. Though even if she couldn't, just looking at the filly would say that much. She wore her emotions pretty obviously on her sleeves.




Last would put another, firm hoof on the princess, and not let go of her currently. She could see how this were going, and whilst her foremost duty were to protect her princess, the Shrine Maidens had not grown up, thinking that meant never laying a hoof on their princess. Being loyal, meant knowing when to step up, and take action beyond just shielding them from things, and right now, she needed to take some action, before the princess would end up doing something dumb.

"Your majesty, take a deep breath. If you panic, you won't be able to figure this out. You're not in any immediate danger, so calm down, and think carefully about this. Otherwise, you might end up hurting yourself."

Not before Last would knock her out by force. Which would be regrettable, but if the alternative were more death magic, but now done with the princess weakened, and in a panic, it would be the best thing to do, to protect her.




On 2021-12-02 at 11:36 PM, Magnolia said:

Looking to Dread she would look her in the eye. "It is most surprising to me that it isn't more widely known. In all my travels I haven't encountered those who dabble in such arts. I have no doubt you may be, as well as others like you, frowned upon by the others in this world. I hope that isn't the case. As a matter of fact, I thought for the longest time that these arts are impossible. But at least I know now that they not only are possible, but are part of what the world is. There is life after death." she paused.

"What do you know of the afterlife?" she asked further.

"My family harbors back to the time when Discord fell the first time. For a long time, we suffered persecution, and mistrust. They saw us as misfits and freaks at the best of times, and evil about to rise at the worst. Especially the more powerful amongst us.

Generations had to prove time and time again, that we were there to help, and not hinder, before it were accepted. As much as our craft can be. There will always be those who fears us, or think we are phoneys, as they do not believe in spirits, nor the afterlife. To us that matters little. We are not meant to force others to subscribe to our believes, but rather do what we are supposed to, and be pleased in the knowledge that we have done right. Some take to that better than others.

As for why you see few who as you say, dabble, it is because most fear being persecuted. Even of our family, most who go the more extreme routes, remain at home, where we are the guards and protectors of the three villages, that makes up the area. There is less judgement there. Besides, it is only the mares of our family who are like this. The stallions do not possess the gift. All but one, yet he forced himself to straddle that line, through forbidden knowledge. For a good cause though, so I do not blame him. Desperate beings rarely make long, thought out plans.

Regarding the afterlife, I can only tell you that there is more beyond Tartarus. A place of beauty, in which all but the most rotten of souls will end up. I cannot tell you more of it though, nor why some souls seems to reincarnate. We can only see glimpses as we help them pass on, to whatever awaits them after death. The way it functions, and what lies ahead in full, is only known to the reapers. And they speak with nopony.

Do you fear the afterlife, friend?"

While this went on, Zeehva would slowly, and in silence, set up the booth next to Dread's. She needed to get this done. They'd need the bits, so she had to get to work. Which would start with her having a place to put things.

She were saddened, and feeling despair to some degree right now, but sadly, she were familiar enough with that, and how to push that down, whilst working. There'd be time to cry more tears later. For now though, she had to focus. For him.



@Kujamih @Loud Opinion

"Naaaa-me. Name... I am... Shark? Friends now call me Shark. So I am Shark, yes?

But friend have two name. Pretty names too. Whiii-te. White. And Liiii-ght. Light. White Light. Is sounding good.

If friend can have two name, I can too? So... Shark... Shark..."

She seemed to really struggle with this one as she were attempting to find a word that she thought sounded like it were good with Shark. But that required being creative with words, and she were still new at this. She had a tough time guessing what to say here.

"...Hunt? Frog? Does friend have idea? Friend sounds smart."

Maybe Light could think of something. Though he wouldn't have a cutie mark to go by. She were a blank flank, and it were questionable if she even could get one.




Cover Up listened with great care to what he were being told. Of a culture, and a history, that erupted so much that it nearly destroyed itself, and they had to take to a curse to stop their inevitable demise. A sad tale, and one with a rich history behind it He felt sure he were just being given the highlights now, as for example, it did not speak of what happened in the silent years, but it still felt as if he were learning quite a bit about the kirin. A race whose emotions flared so high, that it had actual, applied force to it... To think such a thing possible, were crazy, but with what he had seen, did it not make sense? Maybe if it was an emotional fire, that would explain why it did not burn Whitt when he flared up.

Though it didn't seem like such a thing were a boon. Surely he couldn't have been the first to be scared of this display, and it must make it hard for the kirin to connect to others. Though his reasons were different, Cover Up could understand how difficult it were, when that sort of thing happened. Trying to connect to others that were, among those who couldn't always understand you. He had tried coming in with his own cultural background and blend in, and the more he spoke of it, usually, the less others wanted to do with him. Equestrians had a weird attitude towards death that just seemed to alien to him. Like the most natural of all things, were taboo.

Whitt sounded like he had it worse though. A long, personal history of emotional distress, then wandering into a world where he didn't even have to talk to get feared. And as a clearly very emotional being, he could imagine the kirin also had his bouts of for example, being rather obsessive. The situation he mentioned with the rock would indicate as much at least.

When the next spout of flame came up, it wasn't bravery that made Cover Up slowly raise a hoof, and reach it towards Whitt. It were curiosity, and whilst it felt warmer, he wouldn't retract it unless he felt it got too warm. It would tell him how bad this were, and if perhaps, the flames were not as harsh as he had first gotten the impression of.

"...M-My family were made of settlers. Them and a few dozen more, came from a far away country called Harrowmark, when I was a toddler.

We settled here, but I haven't grown up with the same culture as Equestrians. I grew up with that of Harrowmark, and there, our culture revolves around death.

We worship gods that governs the peaceful afterlife, and the state of undeath. We openly talked about, and plan what to do, in case someone dies. We celebrated holidays, based around the pinnacles of death's powers, in various forms. It's a culture that respects, and reveres it, but Equestrians don't. Most of them, doesn't want to talk about it, and the more I did, the less they wanted to listen. They just want to think of here and now, and live carefree, and with kindness. But I grew up in an environment, where we were taught to be suspicious, and fear the up rise of witches. We didn't hug often, and our lives were simple.

After... A-After something destroyed Ormenthal, and took everyone away, I had to go out into this world, and I don't understand it. There's so many dangers, but Equestrians doesn't even think about their own mortality. And they're so... I dunno. Both open to things, but really paranoid about stuff they don't think is normal. It's not easy to connect to them.

I went out here, because I were told a rumor that someone had seen ponies, that looked like my parents, and my brother. But I've yet to hear anything since I got here. It's been over a week, and still nothing. I kept having some hope, but now, I... I don't know what to do, if I let go of it. What would I do? I don't have a home, and I can't go back to Harrowmark. It's closed off, and too dangerous, with the gods out of balance. But I don't know what to do here either, and...

...I-I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to switch it on to me. We're talking about your history here, and that sounds like a tragic tale. One that's better now, I hope? At least it sounds that way, after the pony came to help you. It must have been weird though, yes? To suddenly speak again, after being silent for so long? I can't imagine how that must've felt for you all.

Have there been any kind of problems since you've all been talking again? Besides the uhm... E-Eruptions?"




8 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“We take what moments we can, rest when we could spare the time. It feels like a lot is changing now, but I suppose that’s what we’ve gotten ourselves into, right? Never thought I’d see this happening to myself as a youngling, and I guess the same is true for the future. “

“Strange journey is about right. A lot of what we’ve been through isn’t normal, but what if all this strangeness is becoming normal to us? Going back to a normal life would be just as strange as leaving a normal life behind.”

“Great, now normal and not normal are up for debate!” Lin sighed for a moment and pondered on what they’ve been through over the past days. Aside from that wonderful night at the carnival, it was true that a normal life reminiscent of her childhood just wasn’t coming back. If anything, living alone, then meeting some unlikely friends was becoming routine. It would be difficult to go back to a simpler lifestyle, not when she knew just how much larger her world has become. 

"Equestria is a place where normal* isn't something with a set definition. It is a land of oddities and weirdness, and that is even if we don't include the draconequui. But yes, even for this country, what we hav been through currently, is rather strange. Educational though, yes? The chance of encountering such oddities as we have regularly, is so minute, and yet, we now have them. From crystal beasts, to the Kitsune, there's a lot to digest."

"..:Digest the kitsune?"

"It was a figure of speech. It just means we have a lot to think about, with what we have seen.

Though I doubt it will cause our lives to suddenly go topsy turvy. I'm sure we've been through the worst at this stage, and that we'll have more breaks from the abnormal, than partake in it. Which would be good. We'd need some stability, to focus on what matters, such as helping your Elder Ghilan."

This being a thing that still needed to be done eventually, though that'd be hard, if they were juggling abnormal things constantly. It were probably less severe for a time now though. They had to meet with Uddo, and in a few days, see the spirits inhabit their new bodies, but beyond that, they did not have any obligations. There were a degree of peace over things now, where one could reflect, and contemplate. Or simply relax as best as possible. Whatever might work the best.

As for the floor, they could lay down on it if they wished to. There were some carpets around, and the floor itself were not cold, but pretty luke warm, so it wouldn't be the worst experience imaginagble.

8 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I still don’t know what to make of Uddo, to be honest. I’m surprised we ran into someone father knew and even more surprised that he recognized us despite never meeting them before. He seems nice, and he was open with us earlier at his shop. I really didn’t think he was the kind that struck me as a strict perfectionist, but he must’ve been different back then. I’m looking forward to meeting him later and learning more, but I think you’ll like him. You, uh… feeling nervous about meeting him later?”

“Maybe with all this talk of strange journeys, he could be help bring something normal to life here in the old town for you, Rosa. And speaking of pleasant things and being paranoid… you could use something that can ease your tension. Sen used to get these body massages after training, and he sometimes did that for me. Seems like you could use one.”

“Only if you want, my friend. Only if you want.”

"...Actually, a wellness center might not be a bad idea. Massages, a proper bubble bath, a sauna, everything else along those lines... I haven't tried so for a long, long time, but it would be pleasant. We'd have to find one that were not overly expensive though, as I've yet to go on a gig for Scarcity. I can probably think of a few, if you just give me a moment."


Omen would tilt her head to the side, then stand completely still for around 48 seconds. At the end, she'd get her tongue out, wrapped around some papers. A little wrinkled up, but they were still mostly fine, as she hadn't placed it in the stomach she usually used for digestion.

"Dragon I got the fire sauce from. Were someone going around there, giving these out. Said it were wellness? Is that what it says?"

Unwrapping them, it did indeed seem to be related to a wellness center. One that he knew of, in Manehattan. It seemed to be part of a promotion, from what the text said. A collaboration between *Rose Tint's Wellness Center*, and *The helpful members of the esteemed Macabre Clan*. before the details of what the center offered, there would be a brief description of what the collaboration entailed. Which seemed to be a new kind of skincare treatment, generously donated to them. Which would be part of what one would get through this voucher. Along with a massage, a trip to the bubble baths, and then the sauna.

"Huh... Promotional material for a free, limited spa treatment. From the looks of things, one does agree to try the new treatment when making use of this, so I am assuming this is meant to work as promotional material. Must mean it is an unorthodox thing, that they need to have promoted. Fascinating.

How come you got in possession of three of these, Omen?"

"The pony asked if I wanted to try. She held three. I said yes, and ate them. The paper tasted like flowers."

The pony had been mighty confused at the voice, then the tongue, and finishing off by Omen then eating these vouchers, so she had been lost for words. Otherwise, she could've explained she just held a hooffull, rather than them being supposed to be distributed like this.

"Well then. A delightful opportunity. Maybe something to think about taking advantage off. Though I'm curious, what is your massage option, Sen? I did not take you for a masseuse, or have skills in that kind of thing. Do tell. I'm curious."

  • Brohoof 4


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom
Ruby didn't say anything regarding the topic anymore, though she did narrow her eyes a bit at Marley's last statement, not because she distrusted him, rather, she wasn't big fan of something being stated as impossible, as she had learned during her life that nothing is impossible, and thinking something is usually guarantees it will happen and take you off guard. She could have asked more, in fact, it would have been good to know more details, but it was clear Marley wouldn't tell more, and she respected him enough to accept that, even if she couldn't relate to the exact reasons to it, sure it would be inconvenient to her to lose what she had gained too, again, but due to the combination of her world view and the fact that it had already happened before, it would be an annoying inconvenience at worst to her, you really couldn't go lower than the rock bottom after all.

Ruby looked around "For space meant for bigger creatures, this is awfully small." big size was matter of perspective, and obviously for Ruby, anything smaller than her was small "But I guess it only shows the lack of perspective from ponies, or they see anything above certain size as a threat, could be either and both." she knocked on one of the outside walls of the cart "Flimsy build, good, easy to get out if something goes south." again a matter of perspective, for most creatures it was probably very durable, but for a dragon that could probably break the thing by her weight alone, it was quite flimsy.

Charir probably agreed with Ruby though, as he, being curious as ever, ran his claw against one of the walls and accidentally made a small hole, he may have lacked the strength to break the cart open like Ruby could, but his claws were equally sharp and hard, and with claws capable of damaging stone, most materials were easy to break. He then moved next to a window and looked outside through the glass. 

For a moment Ruby's thoughts went to darker place, not as in, dark for her, but dark morally speaking, as she thought about how easy it would be to kill bunch of creatures, mainly ponies, by attacking a moving train during the busiest time of the day, this thought lead to nothing, and was forgotten as quickly as it appeared, but it was just how her mind worked, because regardless of what she may do or say, in the end she was, and would always be a predator who believed in the survival of the fittest. 


Scarecrow was surprised to hear this, he knew ponies weren't the always friendly perfect creatures as many believed, but something like that sounded quite non-pony like, though then again, it may have just been the past, after all, non-ponies being openly allowed among ponies was relatively new thing as far as he had heard, though then again, as far as he knew, he could have heard it yesterday or millennia ago. He didn't have much reaction to the animal argument happening partly on top of him, mainly because Lyriel was there, he knew she would deal  with it. 

That aside, it seemed it was time to act a bit again "I....don't know." since he had hard time with expressions still, he faked emotion with his tone and things like pauses "or more accurately, don't remember." "Long story short, I may have hit my head or something, I... my memory has been bit hazy lately." "But I haven't seen others of my kind, so I may be the only one around." 


The kobolds just nodded regarding Onache's disclosure, they had expected as much, in fact, they had accepted that even now they may not be in full control of their own minds, it wasn't mistrust, but the thing with dealing with those that can affect your mind was that, trusting them was a paradox of sort, no matter how much you trusted them, there was no real way to be sure that trust wasn't planted by them. This wasn't a problem of course, it was a risk they were willing to take, besides, even if they would have been under Onache's influence, this was certainly lot better compared to where they came from, what's wrong with bit of mind trickery if it made them happier?

"Some say that kobold community is the next best thing from a hive mind." Sheska stated "And it isn't far from truth, even though we are all individuals, our way of thinking matches so well that if you take thousand kobolds and tell them to do something, everyone will split for each task perfectly without need to utter a single word to anyone." "The sense of togetherness goes for everything, you want to fight a kobold? you'll have to fight every kobold who hears about it, you want to kill one of us? you have an army to fight." "It goes so far that even kobolds who hate each other enough to wish that the other didn't exist, would die defending each other against an outsider." "In our history, only kobold to ever be exiled is Sheez, sure there has been bad apples, but even bad apples are part of the community." "This togetherness is why Nightmare Moon had to personally come to the battlefield when attacking our home, her army was superior in all ways an army can be, but it couldn't break through, it required the attendance of the goddess of nightmares herself to make us surrender." "It's also why even after generations of slavery our bonds hold." sure there was those who left their communities, mainly to seek out something new, but even they weren't alone long, and usually ended up with at least one other travel partner, sure it wasn't always another kobold, but connection didn't look at species, and if those who left were to ever return, they would be welcomed with open arms. "It is indeed interesting to hear the similarities, though, there's one big difference, we don't have queens, or any type of rulers in that matter, every decision is made together, more specifically, between those affected by said decision." ideal system as far as they were concerned, but they were aware that it was pretty much impossible to get working for any species that lacked their kind of community focused mindset.


They would seek out a place to sit in the inn, curious about a group that had gathered around a single table, seemingly to look at something, there was a female voice coming from middle of the group "...speaking of interesting individuals, I met these kobolds from the sea, they had gills and fins, can't say I had ever met someone like them before, they had lot of stories to tell, but this one really stuck with me..." there then was a sound of guitar and the voice started to sing (something like this but in 3rd person.). as the singer got more into the song, her head came to view as she presumably jumped on the table, it was a purple head of either a kobold or a dragon, hard to tell from only the head, but one could probably guess from the reaction of Sheska and Trox, as the both looked at her in surprise "Is that?..." "Chega?" the singer also spotted them and seemed surprised, but she didn't cut the song short, and thus had no further reaction yet. 






“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom @Kujamih

Limbo narrowed her eyes at the suggested name. The pieces were coming into place for Limbo. First, he avoided answering what he wanted, proving that he was aimless, and now he is adding a word she didn't recognize onto a Limbo's perfectly descriptive name. A suspicion had locked into Limbo's mind: this stranger was a force of chaos.

"Unacceptable!" Limbo bights but does not let her excitement go beyond her voice, "Shark is the most descriptive name! An ambiguous name like," She pauses to mimic his pronunciation, "Yeager, only serves to confuse and befuddle."

So focused was Limbo on her persecution that she only now registered the question of her name. Not wanting to copy Light's rude deflection, she answered, "I'm Limbo Dreams, so long as we're on the subject."

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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