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Rainbow Rocks


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'Twas at least 25% cooler

math reference to Rainbow's 20% less cool ref

20% less cool is 4/5 so this one is 5/4 as cool




I wasn't thrilled with sonata.  But [totally minor spoiler] she didn't Starscream or overshadow the others.


The Dazzlings kept up a lot of the spirit of the clip we first met them.


The references were done correctly here.  In EQG1 they just made references without any purpose. 

EQG1 reference "Hey Big Mac can say yup! yay!"

RR: his line actually pushes the scene forward.


EQG1 reference: Great and powerful purchase of crackers.

Here: Great and powerful references in the songs.


Totally minor nitpick


Pinkie, I love you but the second "she's gone" was just 1 time too many in my opine.


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Totally minor nitpick


Pinkie, I love you but the second "she's gone" was just 1 time too many in my opine.



Really? I thought both were equally hilarious myself  :lol:

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I just saw it coming, and I think the facial expression/voice acting meant me to, which ruined the joke for me.


Fair enough. It could be a preference thing. I enjoy stupid jokes like that.

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Well, this movie was awesome as i wanted it to be, i'll give it a 9/10 for being very good, i liked how it turned everything that could have gone wrong (like Sunset Shimmer and the whole band business) into something not only watchable, but actually pretty great. Also i loved the new Sunset Shimmer. My personal favorite scene was when Twilight and Sunset Shimmer were talking in the middle of the night (loved the dialogue), also i liked Sunset Shimmer, Sunset Shimmer was great. Have i said how much i love the new Sunset Shimmer?


Nice movie, can't believe i'm saying this, but can't wait for the next one! I think i'd be ok with 3 or even 4 movies, but i still don't want EqG to be a series, but just yesterday i was not sure if a second movie was a good idea so well played McCarthy, you (almost) never disappoint me...

  • Brohoof 1



Equestria's best unicorns

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What I thought about the movie, it was Sonic underground mixed with power rangers in a way, mixed with one of thoes animes, mixed with ponies...


End result, it's was good... Better than the first!





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I really liked this movie. Everything that made the first movie bad is gone, Sunset Shimmer is a great character now, and most of the song were good (especially the credits one). My only gripe of the whole movie: Twilight is useless from the start to the end. Jesus Twilight you defeated a giant worm and fought against an overpowered centaur in past. I even had a dream where you kicked Mario, Sonic, Megaman and Pac-Man at once (I know that dreams don't count as canon, but hey I can only dream right?). And magically now you get kicked so easely? OH COME ON! 


What bothers me the most is that Twilight's Kingdom was the best apparence of Twilight in the entire show, while this movie is her worst apparence in the entire show (even thought FiM and EG don't get many influence each other).... and they come one after the other.... and are written by the same person...

Edited by MK15
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This movie made me reconsider Snips and Snails. Mic Drop. Hillarious.
My only problem with this movie was Sunset Shimmer. Her redemption was... eh, since their wasn't any benefit to her switching sides. It was either help the Rainbooms or get brainwashed with everyone else. Also, despite their attempts to make her welcome, she still ends up playing second to Twilight by the end. Maybe they thought it would be a good contrast, but it somewhat drives home how much of a copy she's supposed to be. She really needs a movie without her.

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Just finished watching. My first reaction was: "Wow.... that was actually pretty good!" :P  I mean, at least a lot better than the first, granted, my expectations were not high. I found Sunset Shimmer's redemption plot line especially well done. Its hard to come back after you screw something up like that and everyone knows it. And the villain songs and the way they affected the other students: Brilliant! It really captures how moved they are by the negative energy and distrust! I LOLed so hard at the snips and snails rap! :lol: If they keep up the quality, I wouldn't mind seeing another movie, but I still prefer ponies... Maybe a Pony Movie!!!?? :o

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It seems like a good number of people have seen the movie, so I wouldn't mind getting peoples' opinions on this: I'm someone who didn't really like the original Equestria Girls. While it certainly wasn't awful, it was on what you might call the 'bottom tier' of MLP episodes for me. I can't remember a lot of specific things, but my main complaints were plot holes, songs largely sounding the same and what seemed like a really big 'lull' in the middle. I wasn't planning on watching it, but a lot of people are saying it's much better than the first. Given what I said about the first, would you honestly reckon it's good enough despite what I've said about the first?


For the record, the humanisation thing itself doesn't bother me, just what we actually got with the first film.

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Ok Am I one of the only few people who thought this movie sucked?  (Yes I saw the cam rip on Youtube, so sue me)  Anyway I liked the first one way better! I thought this plot was too predictable and a bit childish, the ending I feel was tacked on and rushed.  Yes I know this movie is made for little girls but c'mon you can do better!

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Just watched Rainbow Rocks, and I loved it. I'm 95% asleep right now and about to get a whole 1 hour and 30 minutes of sleep for Monday, which also happens to be the busiest day of the week for me (yay), so I'll have to save an in-depth review type thing for later.
But, in short, it was awesome. Great to see more development of Sunset Shimmer's character, and it was great to see some more stuff about rainbow power during the long wait for season 5.

  • Brohoof 2



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It seems like a good number of people have seen the movie, so I wouldn't mind getting peoples' opinions on this: I'm someone who didn't really like the original Equestria Girls. While it certainly wasn't awful, it was on what you might call the 'bottom tier' of MLP episodes for me. I can't remember a lot of specific things, but my main complaints were 1 plot holes,

2 songs largely sounding the same and 

3 what seemed like a really big 'lull' in the middle. I wasn't planning on watching it, but a lot of people are saying it's much better than the first. Given what I said about the first, would you honestly reckon it's good enough despite what I've said about the first?


For the record, the humanisation thing itself doesn't bother me, just what we actually got with the first film.


1. There are no more plot holes that I can see than in a regular episode.  I do wonder some things, but they aren't glaring truck through the movie screen plot holes [not as bad as {off the top of my head} Discord is helping Tirek, so you should take all the magic so that Tirek doesn't know that you exist unless Discord tells him]

Or Wait, she turned into a She-Demon. . . Why?  Did we need a she demon to tell us that she's evil?

Actually RR puts patches on many of the plot holes of EQG. 

2. fixed (In my opinion)  [if you liked the dazzlings preview song you'll probably not find yourself unhappy with the rest, but generally their song was the best]

3. fixed.  The plot didn't stop (not that plot for any pervs out there)

4. pretty much everything that I felt was poorly made with the first was fixed with RR.





where is the "Bulk BicepsxSunset Shimmer" Fan club?  Not that I personally ship the two, but I saw the scene in the credits and expected the shippers to go crazy


Edited by paradoxical
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Now let's talk the villains. I heard someone say that Meghan McCarthy's biggest weakness is her villains and this talking about the ones she created herself and not ones created by someone else like Tirek or Discord. It's that her villains seem typical. Like your typical take over Equestria villains. And yeah, the Dazzlings kind of fall into that category. At least they have a nice backstory.


If there's something I didn't like, I kind of wish Spike did more in this one. He kind of just faded into the backgrond and was just there in most scenes. Which is weird since Spike was portrayed amazingly in the first one.


Villains for this show are typically going to be one shot deals aiming for the most common goal being complete conquest. It does get tiresome when it's the same typical villain with a different gimmick that does about the same thing as every other villain and will lose in a similar fashion.


FIM hasn't had a villain where the Mane 6 just have them give up in the end without resorting to magic blasting.

Edited by Singe
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Now, here are more of my thoughts and personal reactions to RR.


About Twilight


If you know me, Twilight is the character I feel I relate to the most. Still, while some Twilight fans must have been disappointed with her "weak singing" after having recently defeated a power-hungry centaur, I see it as understandable and acceptable. She's never wrote a song before and felt very pressured to save Canterlot High again.

You know what I see? I see this as proof that even after becoming an Alicorn Princess, she ISN'T going to have all the answers as some complained. Also, to see her and Sunset bonding over the fact that they feel like they'd let everyone down is very heartwarming!



About Spike


While Spike doesn't do much plot-wise other than getting help for our trapped heroes, I didn't expect him to. In the 1st movie, he was the one to help Twilight the most and provide most of my personal heartwarming moments. (In this one, it's more Sunset that provides the heartwarming discussion with Twilight).

He may have been downplayed here in RR, but when he helps, it really meant something!



About the Dazzlings


OMG! These girls were a great improvement over Sunset as the 1st film's big bad! Yes, these banished-from-Equestria Sirens had an evil plan and the means to get their unholy desires much better than when Sunset was the villain.

First of all, instead of causing everyone to fear them, they instead turned everyone in very competitive groups with their OWN power and NOT into teenage zombies using magic from a stolen Element of Harmony.

Second, they brain-washed the principals twice. Once to turn an innocent musical showcase into a Battle of the Bands full of competitors distrustful of one another; the other time: to make our heroes seem to move onto the finals just to manipulate another jealous band to trap them right where the villains want them!

Thirdly, they preyed on Sunset's fear of never being accepted by the school. It's a little minor, but worked in their favor in the long run.

Their designs when they go "Final Boss" on us is creative in my opinion. Astral Projecting their original Siren Forms into the sky was quite enjoyable.

Also to note: despite their arguments among themselves, the Dazzlings actually come close to winning! If it wasn't for the one other student who was unaffected by their spell, they would have won!



About the portal and 5 minutes of Equestria


Back when the teaser trailer came out months ago showing Twilight, I was very wary thinking, "How could Twilight be back there?" It was really the only concern I had. Thankfully in the final film, they did provide a reason of how Twilight could get back to CHS, and it didn't feel like an Ass Pull. She used a device to manually open the mirror portal using a book that contain a little magic to power it. As soon as I saw how she'd get back, I retracted my one compliant! It may be a weak explanation to some, but to me, it's an explanation nonetheless.

Also, we got to see a little of Equestria here.About 5 minutes of screen time, but still. Also, my question about the placement of the film's events were answered: This takes place shortly after the Season 4 Finale, complete with showing Twilight's new castle. I am still looking forward to what the rest of the castle could be in Season 5.



About the songs


Most of the songs were catchy, in my opinion!

I would like to point out that when the Rainbooms tried to sing "Shake Your Tail" only to be sabotaged by the other bands, the filmmakers actually made it sound consistent when one singer is pulled away from the mic or when one instrument is played half-heartily.

The song at the climax was awesome, especially when Sunset started to sing for our heroes and helped provide the last thing needed to create the magic of music to defeat our foes!



Hmm....There's still a little more I want to say, but for now, I'll add this post to the topic. See you next post!

Edited by WiiGuy2014
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A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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I just saw this thing last night...


I'll have to say that I felt the pacing of the first act and a half or so to be a bit slow, with a big share of expository dialogue and extreme interpretations of the characters (Pinkie Pie's antics were a bit hit or miss and Rainbow Dash's arrogance and control freak attitudes could rival Trixie, you could give them a pass being that they're alternate versions of the familiar characters and in a different social situation that could develop them as characters differently).


The movie does get going midway through the second act, and it genuinely did feel like it was building up to a big, epic, bombastic finale, which it more than delivered on.


The Dazzlings as villains do, in my eyes, portray a real threat to the Mane 6 in terms of raw powers and abilities (especially in the climax), however their threat is dampened a bit by their antics. They add some really cool backstory as well.



Sonata seems to be the Pinkie Pie of the group, and her bickering with Aria was hit-or-miss and did detract from their threat.



This movie did excellently use the callbacks to past characters help itself further the plot.


The songs were great, not top-tier for the series, but they stood well for this movie.


Overall, this movie balanced out its flaws pretty well. I didn't expect it to be that good, but it turned out better than I expected.


And then spoilers...



That part where they all locked hands and Twilight yelled a title drop to the show...I found it 10 times funnier than it was intended to be. :lol: :lol: :lol:




One has to wonder what those Dazzlings are like now that they're "harmless teenage girls".




I did have the post-credits scene slightly spoiled, but not enough to ruin it. I spent most of the movie anticipating it and it turned out to be another comedic highlight of the movie for me and a nice Brick Joke from the first one. Now it opens a whole new can of worms. :lol:


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So I saw this movie yesterday, and I will have to fall under the people who did not like it.


I mean I tried not to go in too bias or cynical towards it because of the first one, but I kept smacking my forehead over and over throughout.


The biggest reason why I didn't like this movie was again, like the first one, it revolved on shallow "high school" clichés. The main villains were basically animated versions of "Mean Girls."  Everything centered on gossipy things like "The whole school is talking about you Sunset, ect."


The interactions between Twilight and Flash throughout the movie was torture.


Also, the Mane 6 were a little out of character as well. They were like poorly done satires of the their pony counterparts.


There were a few highlights I guess. The animation was good, and I was pleasantly surprised by the nice art in the credits.


I can go on further, but I will just say that Equestria Girls still does no justice to its source material at all.

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Touching on things I missed in the first post: aside from the poor characterization and instances of somewhat stilted and/or expository dialogue, another thing that was really grating about the first act and a half was the bleventeen times they brought up the "incident" to Sunset Shimmer. That running gag really started to get old at about the third time they used it. >_>


I did forget to mention that Sunset did get some really nice character development in this one, you could even see the way she reacts to mentioning Twilight's status as a princess that she is still getting over her envious feelings from the first movie. Subtle things like that mean a lot!


Now let's talk the villains. I heard someone say that Meghan McCarthy's biggest weakness is her villains and this talking about the ones she created herself and not ones created by someone else like Tirek or Discord. It's that her villains seem typical. Like your typical take over Equestria villains. And yeah, the Dazzlings kind of fall into that category. At least they have a nice backstory.]

I don't really find this to be a McCarthy-specific problem. Aside from Nightmare Moon's envy and Discord's love of chaos, most of the other villains have backstories but unclear motivations. It was never clearly said what exactly King Sombra's motivation was for taking over the Crystal Empire in the first place, or where he even came from. Similarly, Tirek's only backstory was that Tirek and Scorpan arrived to steal Equestrian magic for their own land, the purpose of which was never actually stated.


I'd say that Sunset Shimmer had a good motivation in having played second fiddle to Twilight in Celestia's school, however it was only stated in the movie that she was invading Equestria wholesale and not targeting Celestia specifically.


For the Dazzlings, we could use their mythological origins to say that they're monsters and that's what they do. They're power-hungry and are bent on generating more of that power to feed themselves, and like most of the other villains in Equestria (the Changelings come to mind specifically), their power escalates more and more until they're on such a power trip that they can't help but think of taking over the world.


The motivations are there, it's just that the narrative doesn't really communicate them all that well and leaves much of it up to viewer interpretation. That could be a good thing if you're into headcanon, but a bad thing if you want the story to fill its own holes.


But I do see @Singe's point that it is essentially the same stuff over and over again. I too would like to see a change in the villain's goals. Maybe instead of trying to take over Equestria, they could just direct their revenge at the Princesses and/or the Mane 6.


They could be like Syndrome from The Incredibles, instead of trying to take over and enact their agenda on the world or simply feeding off of its power they instead could just aim at forcing the world to appreciate them over the heroes because of a personal grudge.

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Nightmare Moon and Sunset Shimmer are just envy villains associated with Celestia who want to control Equestria.


Changling Queen and Dazzles are eaters who masquerade around in disguise and use mind control.




Edited by Singe
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Great movie, loved it, especially the music.  :maud:

  • Brohoof 2

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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It seems like a good number of people have seen the movie, so I wouldn't mind getting peoples' opinions on this: I'm someone who didn't really like the original Equestria Girls. While it certainly wasn't awful, it was on what you might call the 'bottom tier' of MLP episodes for me. I can't remember a lot of specific things, but my main complaints were plot holes, songs largely sounding the same and what seemed like a really big 'lull' in the middle. I wasn't planning on watching it, but a lot of people are saying it's much better than the first. Given what I said about the first, would you honestly reckon it's good enough despite what I've said about the first?


For the record, the humanisation thing itself doesn't bother me, just what we actually got with the first film.


Ok, if I were to honestly fit RR in some sort of ranking order with actual show episodes it would likely fall near the top of the middle section of the episodes. It's a decent addition to the the series as a whole, and was thoroughly enjoyable in it's own right. But again, this whole universe is like a pastel Rorschach ink blot and we all take different things from it. I say give it a shot.  

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