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What Would it Take to make you Quit MLP?


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They'd really have to fuck up badly.

For example, if they got writers like most of the other kids shows out there, I might not watch the show. (It doesn't exactly mean I'm leaving the fandom, though.)



Well, I wouldn't say that...



This, definitely.


Imagine if all of the songs were rap?

Someone doesn't understand obvious hyperbole... :lol:

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Someone would have to give me a lot of money or promise me something amazing lol


As for things in the show...most episodes would have to be poorly written or some other form of insulting. Basically it would have to go the route of modern spongebob

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Well, with the theme of the show, it might turn out to be like Godzilla 2014. Except, instead of Godzilla being the hero, everybody's a hero! Yaay!



I am become death  




Edited by Black Mask
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If MLP directly started to preach things in its stories and morals that I morally object to as what I percieve to be as a decent human being. It's already done that at least once or twice for me over the last four seasons which I account as a fluke of bad writing. However if it began happening more and more then the likelihood of it being a fluke then would begin to wane and the potential for it being diliberate increases.


The moment the show starts to really go downhill is the moment I'm out for good and stopping any and all support of it. I support that which I believe in, in that which I can trust. The moment that trust is shattered is the moment I drop it to the wayside and kick it to the curb. No matter how long and how much I invested into it. I still have standards regardless that I will always personally uphold.

Edited by Amber Rays
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Not much, really. Unless for some reason all of the show's writers decide to leave, I think the quality of the show will linger for years to come.

Or if Gen 5 ends up doing a gen 3.5. Let's pray to Celestia that that's not the case.

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It's going to take some kind of big gigantic controversy or a big decline in show quality for me to quit watching the show I guess. I tried leaving the fandom twice because I couldn't take the stupid hate because of Alicorn Twilight and Equestria Girls. But I digressed, and got over it. I don't see anything that might cause me to stop watching, right now I can't get enough of pony. :P 

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I don't really see a reason I would leave. The mane six becoming Alicorns doesn't really bother me. Mostly because, just like with Twilight currently, there's still room for character development.

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I don't have an issue with the Mane 6 getting into relationships or even becoming alicorns.  I, personally, believe that having significant other is an important part of growing up, and considering that they have already started making their relationships to each other more mature (more of an adult female relationship vs a child female relationship), them finding significant others would be one of the next steps.  However, I wouldn't want to see an entire season devoted to it. I would like to see it as a background storyline.  Maybe something that is casually mentioned, like "how was your date last night with X"  "it was fun..."  Spike interrupts with a message from Celestia...


As for the alicorn angle....it would have to make sense.  Twilight becoming an alicorn, made sense (I saw it coming from the end of season 2 and it was cemented at the end of the second part of the Crystal Empire when Luna and Celestia shared the "look").  Especially given the amount of the stars from Twilight's cutie mark pop up all around Equestria.  However, I don't see any more alicorns being created.


What would make me "quit"?  Meh...probably won't.  Unless they ended the series in a way that left me thinking, "WTH just happened?"  Even then, I'll probably go back and watch older episodes and might avoid the final one...the the OCD side of me itches just thinking of that.  :P  At this point in time, my daughter is so into "ponies" that I probably won't be ABLE to stop watching...even if I wanted to.  XP

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Well either it would be when they put waaaay too much stuff to make the fans happy in it, or when the episodes are starting to get ridiculous... (like the power ponies one)


but most likely would be just when there's no new episodes and I've lost interest

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Emerald Shine, on 24 Jun 2014 - 12:11 PM, said: I think it would be IMPOSSIBLE (and I mean IMPOSSIBLE  ) for me to stop watching it  !!!! Nothing nor no one would make me stop watching it,NOTHING!!!       What if they put Godzilla in it?

Hmm... :huh: I still wouldn't stop watching it...( I think... :blink: ) It would be kind of weird to see Godzilla in it but also funny  :lol: !

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