Shou 100 January 2, 2015 Share January 2, 2015 I don't really hate anything but I am not that fond of the brony dubstep or house remixes. "Silly shrine maiden, your two-colored powers are a mere twenty-eight-point-five-seven-one-four percent as powerful as mine!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 January 2, 2015 Share January 2, 2015 (edited) I also guess I'm not one to just criticize every single thing the show puts out. Whinnjng about continuity errors or using buzz words such as OOC or flanderized thinking they're using the words correctly. Also, all the whining in the fandom in general gets annoying. When people whine about how, "EQUESTRIA GIRLS DESTROYS THE SHOW AND SHOULD BE RETCONNED CAUSE I DONT LIKE IT AND ITS FACTUALLY BAD!" Or, "CLOPPERS ARE RUINING THE FANDOM AND SHOULD BE ELIMINATED CAUSE THEY MAKE US LOOK BAD!" Yet they're ok with constantly mentioning the show in every non pony video thinking that doesn't make the fandom look bad. Edited January 2, 2015 by ChikoritaBrony 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
remove p l e a s e ? 800 January 2, 2015 Share January 2, 2015 Brony music: Honestly, I would rather listen to this: out of my swamp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phill 1,287 January 2, 2015 Share January 2, 2015 Pinky Pride (I don't hate it, but I don't love it either) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VitalSpark 1,830 January 2, 2015 Share January 2, 2015 I don't much like electronic music, nor computer games. But it would be a bit of a stretch to call these hates. I don't see the point in wasting energy hating something that I can simply avoid exposure to. 1 ~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odyssey 5,717 January 7, 2015 Share January 7, 2015 I'm unsure if this is liked by bronies, but... I don't like Jerry Peet. As a matter of fact I find him to be one of the biggest pricks. And that's not just because of his Glass of Water videos! You should check out the things he did in Tumblr. It's disturbing. Plus, he's a supporter of Pinkiepony. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cwanky 17,602 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Time to let some steam out for the new year: The unequivocal neglect and pity party against earth ponies, or rather the poorly misguided worship of pegasi and unicorns. Then there's the whole damn escapist dream about Equestria. Its 1 thing to admire Equestria for its magic and fantasy feel, but its another to fantasize about it like its a utopia. A lot of people talk about concepts like flanderization, but really when you put the show on a pedestal, you're in essence flanderizing it. The ponies and characters become nothing more than namby pambies when you treat their world as some G1 utopia. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
True Rarity 1,240 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Just when the fandom takes a character and gives them some strange character development. Like the whole Derpy and muffins thing, or Pinkamena, or Lyra is obsessed with humans, or Time Turner = Doctor Whooves. (This means a lot, because I LOVE Doctor Who.) It's for this reason that my support for the Rarilane ship has crashed. I also don't like the fanmade music very much. I used to love it, but now... Eh. Fancomics or fanfictions that have the ponies cursing all the time or have a mature rating. If you want your fanfiction to be in-character, no cursing and no mature content! That being said, sexual themes as far as fanart and fanfiction goes. I'm not against furries, but I try to avoid mature fanart when I can. Fausticorn. She's cool and all, but she makes no sense in the canon. Trixie, Lightning Dust, Gilda, Trenderhoof, etc. They were not cool characters. I don't know why everypony likes them. 2 My deviantART Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plageius 263 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Eh, could be many reasons, maybe they don't like the art, the idea or the more...raunchy side of the fandom(which is just one side of the same coin, the furry fandom is generally non-sexual. But I don't really have a problem with the more erotic side, as I realize that sex exists) Actually I have a furry friend and we can both agree that furries are much more raunchy than furries [or atleast more furries are] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CandyStrike 603 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 I hate r34 stuff and I'm not a fan of the anthro/furry mlp fanart. I don't like the name Derpy or the way she was portrayed in The Last Roundup. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KatonRyu 1,033 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 (edited) I don't like brony music all that much because I feel that for a large part they're just tunes the makers had lying around, then updated with minimal MLP and maybe a three second hook to draw in bronies. (I apologize to any and all who try to make music that actually fits the show) It's just the whole Eurobeat stuff and many dubstep things that I hate. I don't like the idea of loving and tolerating everyone. Hell, the ponies themselves don't, so why should we? (They preach forgiveness when there is remorse; otherwise they're no more tolerant than us, 'less lethal' at the very best) I don't like fans who go completely nuts over every planned change to the show, like Princess Twilight. Change is necessary to keep the show from becoming stagnant, and with that comes trial and error. Perfection will never be attained, so just judge each episode or spinoff by its own merit and you'll be much happier for it. I don't like Pipsqueak for some reason. Can't even put my finger on why, since he's only been featured prominently in Luna Eclipsed. Speaking of which, Pinkie in that episode. She was just obnoxious, even though I normally like her. That's about it, really. I'm not all that involved in the fandom so I haven't read any well-known fanfics (except Cupcakes...which I also didn't like much, although I believe GrimDark can be good) EDIT: Just saw something I also dislike: the whole waifu thing. I hate the word and while I like the characters the waifu part goes too far. Edited January 28, 2015 by KatonRyu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mesme Rize 15,687 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 (edited) Fallout: Equestria sucks and every single side story that associated with it. It's just popular, because it has edgy stuff in it that the ponies in the show don't do and because Equestria Daily pushed it, eventhough they claim to be a "family friendly" site. And since we're on the subject, i hate Equestria Daily. Edited January 28, 2015 by Hypnosparkle 3 My OC Mesme Rize: > Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
whitetiger187 197 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 (edited) I can't say I "hate" this, I just don't understand it, but I never got Flutterbat. I mean the concept is so random, even her appearance in the show was off the wall. But there is this appeal to her with tons of fan art. Again I'm not hating, I'm just saying I don't get it. Edited January 28, 2015 by whitetiger187 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 I'm unsure if this is liked by bronies, but... I don't like Jerry Peet. As a matter of fact I find him to be one of the biggest pricks. And that's not just because of his Glass of Water videos! You should check out the things he did in Tumblr. It's disturbing. Plus, he's a supporter of Pinkiepony. He seems mixed by the fandom. He can make some good points on his glass of water videos but when you look on his Tumblr, he says questionable things. I will say, he's a more tolerable SJW. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Queen Sparkle 104 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Flash Sentry, for him to be a love intrested for Twilight is just not right I don't feel like he should even be cannon because they didn't put enough development 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odyssey 5,717 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 He seems mixed by the fandom. He can make some good points on his glass of water videos but when you look on his Tumblr, he says questionable things. I will say, he's a more tolerable SJW. I'm kind of mixed on his GoW videos. Some of his points are true, but I feel as if they're a little too... negative? Or at least in my eyes. Sure, the fandom isn't perfect, but that applies to many others. As for the Tumblr thing - he does seem pretty tolerable at first glance, but when you dig further he really does have questionable morals. Tenaflyviper, a Tumblr user, has exploited many of his actions, even though Jerry attempted to cover himself by calling Tena "insane" - and in a public video, no less. I'm unsure which video, so I can't say for sure. But if you like Jerry Peet, that's cool. He may be not my cup of tea, but I can definitely see why people like his Glass of Water videos. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coco before Pommel 679 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Is Jerry Peet the one who did Top Ten Worst MLP Songs? Because I remember watching one of those and just getting so annoyed - okay so a lot of my favourites were on there, but it's not so much the songs he picked as how he "justified" them. I remember a lot of random Rarity bashing. ...But then I almost never agree with top ten worst/best anything type of videos, or the MLP analyst videos in general - I've never seen one that I liked, even the ones that had somewhat interesting points just always seem so smug and "my interpretation is 100% fact and canon and if you disagree you're just dumb". 1 wonderful signature by Blue Moon & Wheatley! | cosplay | deviantart | fimfiction | johari window | pm me for 3DS friend code, or just to talk/make friends/whatever! <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phill 1,287 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Flash Sentry, for him to be a love intrested for Twilight is just not right I don't feel like he should even be cannon because they didn't put enough development Most Bronies hate Flash. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Queen Sparkle 104 March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 Simple, Derpy, Ditzy, and RD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 More. -Most brony fan made content. (This doesn't mean the fan art. I love the fan art. Also,exceptions for Turnabout Storm,Turntable Turnabout,and Radiarc.) -The word "brony." I prefer MLP fan or Fan of MLP. -The English intro of the show. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hocus Pocus 636 March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 (edited) Brony music... to an extent Don't get me wrong, the songs themselves sound great, but the lyrics are often.... cringe worthy at best... It sounds like they're putting down lines of lyrics just to make them rhyme, I mean, what the horse apples do "Howlin' at the moon" or "Sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon" have to do with Discord? But hey, at least the songs themselves sound nice, even if I have to listen to the instrumentals (which sound AWESOME when you take out the cheesy lyrics)... But this kinda leads me to number 2 on my list -------------------------------------- The Living Tombstone... Come at me, internet! (again, to an extent) I don't necessarily hate him, but I don't understand the hype. He's pretty talented, sure, and his remixes sound good, sure... but they are nowhere close to the originals. Again, let's use the example of Discord. Eurobeat Brony's version is better.... MUCH better! Not that Tombstone's is bad or anything, because it really is good! Really good! but I just don't understand why nopony else prefers the original! -------------------------------------- Alicorn Twilight No.... Just no.... Hasbro, look. No matter how many episodes you cram down our throat that say "Twilight isn't any more important than her friends", we will know better. You've god-modded a main character that you've already established as the most powerful of the mane 6 (wielding the "rarest and most powerful" element of magic), and then making her royalty and an Alicorn on top of it all, what were you thinking?!?! A character with a level of power that is completely in-proportionate to the rest of the main characters is meant to be a guiding force (Like Celestia and Luna) not an acting force! Sure, main characters are supposed to be more important, sure there is usually a main protagonist out of these main characters that is often a little stronger, but not to this extent... Never to this extent... The closest thing to that is DBZ, but even then, at least it was established that main characters OTHER than Goku could provide a match for the antagonists; and while it always fell on Goku to save the day, Piccolo, Krillin (as many times as he gets owned), Gohan, and Vegeta still provided decent challenges for the antagonists on several occasions... With Twilight, though.... I mean look at Tirek! Effortlessly mowing down literally every pony in Equestria, and even Discord, and his only equal match was Twilight... Sure they defeated Tirek "Together" with rainbow power, and the other alicorns stored the rest of their magic in Twilight before that, but through the entire episode, Twilight did literally ALL THE WORK! Hasbro should admit that they dun goofed, have Twilight give up her alicorn ascention as some sort of noble sacrifice in order to save everypony, push her into the background like Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, or give the other main characters power-ups to compensate (which is what DBZ did pretty much at the beginning of every season). -------------------------------- Alicorn ponysonas... If you want to make an Alicorn OC, okay, that' fine as long as you can make it right, not make it a snowflake or Mary-Sue, and admit that it isn't canon.... But don't make it your ponysona! I don't want to offend anypony, so I'll put the rest under a spoiler tag with the warning that I'm not going to sugar-coat what I think of alicorn ponysonas. I don't mean to make a personal attack directed specifically at you if you have one, understand that I know your ponysona's design doesn't directly reflect your personality, and you can be a great person with a creative mind and an alicorn ponysona, but as a DM to many people, my patience is worn very thin when it comes to character designs that are made specifically to be not only better or more special than the average Joe (because most adventurers HAVE to be), but better or more special than the average adventurer. My thoughts on Snowflake Player Characters in Pathfinder are parallel with that of Alicorn ponysonas in MLP If you make your ponysona an alicorn, I can't think of a more pretentious way to say "I think I'm better than everypony else". Don't try to deny that you made your ponysona an alicorn for any other reason than to be more special than anypony who isn't one. Now there are two reasons that somepony would make this choice in my honest opinion. The first is the more pretentious reason: That somepony has such an inflated ego that they believe an alicorn is the only choice that can suit them, however, these ponysonas are very rare, and most are created for the second reason.... the exact opposite: insecurity. If you have such a low sense of self-worth that you feel you have to make your ponysona better than anypony else's, you should really work out your own self-esteem issues before trampling everypony else with your OC's sheer magnificence just to make you feel a little better about yourself. Your problems, whatever they might be, that caused your insecurities will not go away because your ponysona is an alicorn, and in the mean time, everypony else is having to put up with you on what you want so desperately to be a high horse. I see many that deny that their alicorn is a Mary-Sue because they have trouble with flight or magic (or other things); but in that case, just make yourself a pegasus if you have trouble with magic, or unicorn if you have trouble with flight (or just choose earth pony, unicorn, or pegasus if anything else), because the only reason you would have chosen to be an alicorn in that case is for the title, just so that you can march around hoping to get more attention for yourself. -------------------------- And last but not least, Bat Ponies Seriously, the only reason one even existed in the first place was due to a botched spell, and it only happened to Fluttershy. Bat ponies are not a real race. If you feel I need to explain myself further, please re-read the last paragraph in the spolers tag about alicorns, and think about bat ponies instead of alicorns. ========================= My apologies if I sounded rude during any of this, and please keep in mind that I do not mean to offend anypony, but my feelings are very strong on these last two subjects, and I do not feel I can properly convey that message without being as blunt about it as I have been. Edited March 13, 2015 by Hocus Pocus 2 ~Hocus Pocus Ya weni mareh mirekyarahireJuri yu mirekerason Kire hyari yoriherahe nyuraheraNunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cosmik Vek 764 March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 (edited) series (Come at me bros ):I watched every videos from the series and find it hard to watch honestly, there was some parts who made me giggle a bit but the humour in general of this series was really just too harsh for me, the references were not really well placed and the crush kill destroy swag thing is kind of overrated (and they stole it from Sarcofago *sarcasm*). Fan music:A lot of the fandom made music is not all that good even the Metal content. There was only one song from the fandom that I kinda enjoyed and it's this one: Cosplaying:I do not hate it like crazy, but it surely does not appeal to me all that much. Rarity:No need to explain. Edited March 13, 2015 by ObliveonBr0ny 1 Former name(s): ExperimentalMLPguy, ObliveonBr0ny, ObliveonRapt0rBr0ny, ObliveonVortex Angelus Corruptus (My OC) My PMVs and YTPs channel 100+ Underrated Metal Bands in 100+ Days (Blog) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inertia 4 March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 Tortillas, cause who doesn't? Ehh ehh????????? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 -Pony memes. Oh god,kill me now. series (Come at me bros ):I watched every videos from the series and find it hard to watch honestly, there was some parts who made me giggle a bit but the humour in general of this series was really just too harsh for me, the references were not really well placed and the crush kill destroy swag thing is kind of overrated (and they stole it from Sarcofago *sarcasm*). Oh god. That series is awful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baba_booey 4,303 March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 Hating on the Mane 6 - Without any of the Mane 6, the show wouldn't be the same. Sunset Shimmer - Annoying in the first movie, bland as hell in Rainbow Rocks. Sonata Dusk - She's just an evil version of Pinkie Pie and Derpy to me. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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