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Do you think any of the Mane 6 (or anyone else) have any mental disorders?

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Twilight: OCD


Pinkie Pie: ADHD


Trixie: Depression


Rainbow Dash: Possibly some learning disabilities


Sig made by Kyoshi.

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Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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I generally dislike diagnosing fictional characters with RL conditions (unless it's specifically stated in canon), especially non-human ones because our definition/understanding of these terms can't really be applied to them in any meaningful way with a completely different setting and biology...And I think certain terms (particularly OCD and ADD and sometimes Asperger's Syndrome (which I have so I'll admit some personal stuff comes into that one) get thrown around way too much anyway. Of course people are free to interpret characters how they like, if they're not hurting anyone that's fine, but I can't help but be kinda wary of this stuff because I've seen so many people arguing and insisting that X OBVIOUSLY must have Y mental condition and if you don't think that you're wrong/a terrible person...


I could potentially see Pinkie having some form of bipolar disorder, I guess...? But mostly I just think of it "she's Pinkie Pie" and that defies any kind of diagnosis :P


Trixie: Depression


Interesting, never heard that one before! Care to elaborate~? :) my headcanon for Trixie tends towards her being secretly really insecure and desperate for attention/acceptance, so she puts on the facade of believing she's been she's the best and superior to everypony else for so long she's kinda tricked herself into really believing it...? So she has this constant need to prove herself and make everypony notice her (but in the most obnoxious Trixie-like ways, of course, which only makes other ponies dislike her more), as well as maintaining the delusion that she's the best - but she feels very threatened when somepony else (i.e. Twilight) is obviously better than her at magic and proves it. (And, as per Magic Duel, she builds up a LOT of resentment towards Twilight for that, because she pretty much has everything that Trixie wants but has never been able to get). So yeah, I could kinda see where you're coming from with Trixie having a secret self loathing/depressive side...and damnit I just gave myself unexpected Trixie feels :(

  • Brohoof 3



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Fluttershy has severe anxiety.

Rainbow Dash and Trixie have narcissistic personality disorder.

Pinkie has ADHD.

Twilight has OCD.

Edited by ScumCandy
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Interesting, never heard that one before! Care to elaborate~?


It's somewhat difficult for me to explain, but I basically came to associate her character with a troubled pony that doesn't really know what to do with her life. Mostly, my conclusion involves my own headcanons and back stories that I've projected onto the character, but I do have a few points:


  • She performs traveling magic shows, in small towns, implying that she is not very privileged economically speaking.
  • She is very eccentric and power hungry, suggesting that she is not very satisfied with her lifestyle.
  • She really did seem pretty depressed at the end of her last episode.

Notice also that she does not seem to travel with any friends or family, and seems reluctant to deal with anyone socially outside of her magic shows.


But to be entirely honest, I prefer your headcanon over mine.

  • Brohoof 2


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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In my opinion, the mane 6 are all within the normal range (with one possible exception).


Twilight Sparkle is particular, yes, but not anywhere near obsessive enough to call it a disorder.


Fluttershy is shy, but shows too much empathy for the other characters to have any kind of autistic spectrum disorder. (A key feature of autism is the inability to recognise or understand other people's emotions.)


Pinkie Pie could possibly be diagnosed with cyclothymic disorder, which is a mild form of bipolar disorder. So that's the possible exception.


Outside of the mane 6, Trixie is a sociopath, but Derpy I think probably just has a lazy eye.

  • Brohoof 2

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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Wrong idea - set human diagnosies to ponies. They are very different creatures.


Looks like ponies are almost non-inttelligent animals, they have not choiches like humans have. Only that choice, what show their cutiemarks. All they looks like autists, all they can do perfectly only one craft. And make food, give birth foals and nourish them (that can do any animals)


Anyway, very interesting civilization and culture and world.

high octane nightmare fuel

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I normally avoid formally diagnosing fictional characters but Twilight has such and obvious OCD case with over the top OCD fueled freak outs like those depicted in Lesson Zero and Its About Time that I think I can safely saw that Twilight has OCD.

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No. None of the characters in this show have any disorders. If they ever act out of character, its because of this thing called STRESS!


Fluttershy is shy. She has no problem talking to people once she gets to know them, but is shy when she first meets someone. That is normal behavior.


Twilight is a studious neatfreak... not OCD. OCD would be she has to knock on doors three times, has a strict schedule of when things need to happen, and if they don't go according to plan would be unable to function. I know she has done this in the past, but at the same time she has gotten over it for the greater, more important things. She is very organized but it doesn't run or control her life.


And pinkie pie is just immature. When things don't go her way she overreacts. If she was depressed she would be pinkamina all the time. She isn't bi-polar because she only turns into pinkamina when something bad happens. Bi-polar is unpredictable. One second a person could be happy as can be, next second are crying, then next second angry, and then a few minutes later completely back to normal. Pinkie Pie does do that, however, she needs something to get her back on track. She doesn't turn into pinkamina and then next second turns back into pinkie pie. It usually involves other ponies to cheer her up. Pinkie Pie is just immature and doesn't have a good grasp on her emotions.

All this talk of "Is this character gay/bi/asexual" or "Does this character have x or y disorder" really tick me off. This is a KIDS SHOW! WRITTEN FOR KIDS! BY PEOPLE TRYING TO MAKE MONEY/A LIVING! There is no secret agenda to push gay rights or mental disability rights onto the public. I used to feel that there were small nods, but for every true nod at something, the fans make up 99 others.

These are little colorful ponies that lead normal-ish lives and are completely normal. No diseases, no sexual orientations, and no secret agendas written for them. 

Edited by Thespian
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I think Derpy have some kind of dissorder. Please do not take this wrong, I love Derpy,I don't know enough to judge that but if she just is not very clumpsy, Think she has something. But either way I like her as much :D

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I don't think any of them really have anything of the sort, with the possible exception of Fluttershy having some extreme anxiety. Twilight doesn't quite freak out enough to be OCD. Dash has a kinesthetic learning style, not a learning disability. The rest of them are fine.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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No. Not only for make money.

More for joy of creating good stories and good art. Only for money, not with joy and herat, cant be make too good show like MLP is. :)
If i meet some Lyra x BonBon etc gay or love themes, then i imagine, what if they have "those" feelings only once of year like other animals? Then i see only deep and clear friendship.
Edited by Soobel

high octane nightmare fuel

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As a sufferer of social anxiety to a degree that it's crippling, I can relate to Fluttershy a lot. She's not my 'best pony' but she is the one I relate best to.


Everything she does makes perfect sense to me. One of my favorite lines in the entire series is in Dragonshy, when asked why she had not mentioned her fear of dragons sooner she replies "I was afraid to." That line perfectly encapsulates how I've felt on many occasions. My fears and anxieties just keep building on each other and cause me to be afraid to confront even a simple issue, and it just turns into a downward spiral where I'm just creating more and more problems for myself and in turn giving myself even more things to be anxious about that I still can not confront.


In "Filli Vanilli" Pinkie Pie acts as a sort of mouthpiece for Fluttershy's fears. I've experienced exactly the same kind of internal monologue where I have this feeling that everything I do is going to make people upset and no matter how illogical I try to tell myself the idea is, I still can't shake the feeling that everyone is judging me and will "turn on me, becoming a seething angry mob!"


In "Putting Your Hoof Down", Fluttershy's attempts at being assertive backfire horribly because she is so not used to acting that way, that she's unable to tell the subtle difference between being assertive and being a jerk. Upon realizing how she had been acting, Fluttershy is so horrified that she calls herself "a monster" and is so afraid of hurting others more that she simply withdraws entirely and doesn't want to leave her home and feels that this is in the best interest of everyone else because she "knows" that she is a terrible person/pony, and she doesn't want to hurt anyone else. I've experienced all of this. I actually am afraid to leave my house after a very severe nervous breakdown I had a few years back, which was largely in part due to me feeling incredibly guilty about some horrible social mistakes I made. I felt like I WAS a monster, and have become a shut in as a result.


It actually really kind of hurts me when people say they don't like Fluttershy is a door mat who can not learn from her mistakes. It hurts because that's who I am.

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I seriously think Pinkie was driven insane because of the shock of the events in Cutie Mark Chronicles.  Manic Personality Disorder or whatever they call it these days. This is sort of like the manic phase of bipolar disorder, but extreme, short mood swings.  I also think she is getting somewhat better (Events in Baby Cakes, Too Many Pinkie Pies & Pinkies Pride)


In Testing 1, 2, 3... Dash was shown to be dyslexic.  I wouldn't call that a mental illness, just a learning disability.


Twilight has a check list for making check lists.  I think she was borderline OCD (like Monk, or Sheldon in Big Bang

Theory).  But I think this was more a defensive mechanism, a way to deal w her uncertainties about the world.  By making lists, she asserted control of an out of control world.  She is gaining confidence & coming to rely less on this, though.


Fluttershy is NOT a helpless doormat!  As shown in Dragonshy & Hurricane Fluttershy, she can assert herself.  In the Cutie Mark Chronicles, she is bullied because she was a poor flyer.  IMO, this happened a lot.  Now, she absolutely hates bullies.  While Fluttershy is around if you pick on the weak, then you have picked a fight w Fluttershy.  Under those conditions, she is absolutely fearless & fairly ferocious.  She has faced down a cockatrice, a dragon, & Discord, among others.  Yes, for herself she tends to be (or not to be) a pony Hamlet & let "I dare not wait upon I would", but she isn't helpless.  I'd rather have her than Rarity at my back in a crisis.


Yeah, I'd agree both Dash & Rarity have Narscism 

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Twilight: OCD

Fluttershy: Social anxiety

Rarity: OCD

Rainbow Dash: Self confidence issues

Applejack: ?

Pinkie Pie: ADD, ADHD, Schitzophrenia, multiple Personality Disorder, Subconcious depression, .......

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Fluttershy is NOT a helpless doormat!  As shown in Dragonshy & Hurricane Fluttershy, she can assert herself.  In the Cutie Mark Chronicles, she is bullied because she was a poor flyer.  IMO, this happened a lot.  Now, she absolutely hates bullies.  While Fluttershy is around if you pick on the weak, then you have picked a fight w Fluttershy.  Under those conditions, she is absolutely fearless & fairly ferocious.  She has faced down a cockatrice, a dragon, & Discord, among others. 


I think that too and this was reason, why in "Putting your hoof down" things went wrong. Actually, Iron Will was cool guy and her mission helping out nerds and doormats, was not bad. But inside are Fluttershy very strong (maybe strongest of these 6.. ok 5, we cant be compare him with alicorn) and Iron Will lessons boost her inside strenghts too much.

high octane nightmare fuel

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My opinion on character disabilities is virtually the same as my opinion on whether or not Rainbowdash is a lesbian. I would rather that be left in the grey area, so that fans could choose what to believe and form their own headcanons around it. That way, people who are offended by these things for whatever reason, won't be, but people who want to see these traits in certain characters, can. As for my personal headcanon:


Twilight: A severe case of OCD, likely a result of her years as an academic.

Rarity: Her own form of OCD geared more towards her resources. Being dramatic is not a medically recognized disorder, as far as I know.

Fluttershy: As a person with aspergers I've dealt with issues my entire life such as speaking too quietly, being too much of a pushover, being shy and being fearful of things. As an adult, any and all issues I have, will still there, are far less pronounced and I can work around them, but they were big hurdles when I was younger. Therefore, I think Fluttershy might be an aspie.

Rainbowdash: Hyperactive ADHD and a learning disorder, though that could mean she has a combination of both hyperactive and inattentive ADHD.

Pinkie Pie: Both forms of ADHD and schizophrenia. Possibly bi-polar.

Applejack: Nothing medically recognized, but she deals with a form of pride a lot of men seem to deal with, where she's too proud to ask for assistance at times when she needs it, and likes to shoulder burdens alone. She's also a bit of a workaholic, but in our world that's considered a blessing under global capitalism.

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Twilight seems to have an anxiety disorder.

Spike and Rainbow Dash both seem to have emotional deprivation disorder.

Pinkie Pie seems to suffer from schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, and severe depression.

Rarity seems to suffer from OCD.

Fluttershy and Applejack both seem to have a problem with caring too much about others and not enough about themselves.

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