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Say Hasbro Really Did Piss Us Off. How Would You Want Them To Make it Up To Us?


Hasbro is gonna make it up to us Bronies  

38 users have voted

  1. 1. What is the one wish you would want Hasbro to grant you regarding FiM/EQG

    • Fan VA's for background ponies become official VAs (Nowacking as Vinyl Scratch, etc)
    • A certain character gets an episode made about them (please state who and about what?)
    • Hasbro begins development of a Brony supervised MLP video game
    • A fanfic gets it's own episode(s)/ move (which one?)
    • All toys have to be show accurate
    • Hasbro cannot press any legal action on fan projects
    • A fan character becomes cannon, makes an appearance, gets it's own toy,etc (which one?)
    • The Bronies get to write and direct their own episode
    • A guest celebrity voice actor (who?)
    • Community songs get voted upon by the community to be featured in an episdoe
    • Hasbro enters a licnesing agreement w/ the Bronies to market fan works such as music, games, plushie, etc. to the masses.
    • A discount to all registered mlp convention goers, forum members & community celebrities for Hasbro stock.
    • Hasbro must make an "X" amount donation to "X" charity of Bronies choice
    • MLP gets a crossover (preferably with another Hasbro licensed brand(s)) (but what?)
    • New Episodes of FiM forever!
    • A certain pony x pony relationship is made cannon (which one?)

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Say Hasbro really did something to cross us, something that either involves the show to cause a ratings drop, and or something involving the community that outrages us enough to cause a significant drop in MLP & EQG product sales as well as overwhelming hate mail for months on end. 


Hasbro extends the olive branch to it's most important demographic, the fanatical adult males w/ disposable income. It opens discussion as to what you would want to see happen regarding the show, the merchandise, what's legal and not legal regarding fan works, what types of MLP related products & media you would want made, etc.


Basically, you get one wish from Hasbro regarding FiM. What would you ask for? What would you like to most see from the show, it's merch or hasbro itself? What fan work or character would like to see referenced, canonized or completely focused on? How would you like to see the community helped, supported and acknowledged?


Up in the poll are just a few ideas. If you've got any of your own, please do list them. But try to be reasonable, and make sure it pertains to MLP, kay? 

  • Brohoof 1

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Canonise TwiShy, and I'll forgive them for murder.  :wub:


Seriously though, it'd be nice for them to give a lesbian/bisexual couple as an example for kids- to show them that there's nothing wrong with swinging that way and all :squee:

Edited by Edwardo_Brony
  • Brohoof 2


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This is hard for me to choose, but I chose Hasbro entering license agreement with the bronies to market fan works because I've seen what bronies can make and that they've earned the licensing agreement.

  • Brohoof 1

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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It would be very odd for them to do such a thing since bronies are a minor portion of their MLP fanbase but if I were to choose, it would likely be the video game one or the fan character becoming canon (as long as it's mine).

How minor are bronies?  Maybe the traditional fanbase is bigger, but they'll grow up and perhaps move on to something else while we'll be the lifelong cash cow.  I only wish they would just continue making quality episodes and content forever!  They need to think beyond just the toys.  There's much more money to be made here.

  • Brohoof 2


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Well quite simply they should give us all plane tickets to a deserted island and build an exact model of Ponyville (life sized) where we would all be allowed to live in for as long as we like, with all food and whatnot paid for! Then MAYBE I'd think of forgiving them ;) Also they should buy me a cat ;) But if they limited me to just a show? Promise to release DVDs quicker and in MORE COUNTRYS :( Like... Ohhh I don't know... NEW ZEALAND!

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I don't really want all that much.  I'd just ask for Hasbro to make an episode in which Discord reveals that he in fact spawned the entire Daring Do universe in Daring Don't, and that none of it happened.  (Basically I just want Hasbro to play the takey-backsey card).  Give me that, and I'm happy as a clam.


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To be honest, it is not ours to say, bronies are just a portion of the fanbase, we did not create the series nor do we write the plots or sub-plots, not that there are not any creative people out there in the fanbase, there are. But my feeling is they would make no move as to piss any one off, bronies are free advertising for merchandise and the series itself, would they endanger that?

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It would be very odd for them to do such a thing since bronies are a minor portion of their MLP fanbase but if I were to choose, it would likely be the video game one or the fan character becoming canon (as long as it's mine).

are bronies really such a minority, in regard to who watches the show?


personally, i would not care if hasbro would completely screw up the show.

then i´d at least have no excuse anymore to not move on to other things.


a guest celebrity voice actor would probably be awesome, though.

not sure who, but my god, there are so many possibilities.

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a guest celebrity voice actor would probably be awesome, though.

In addition to the ones that already participated, it would be nice to have a few do so and that probably likely to occur anyway.



are bronies really such a minority, in regard to who watches the show?

Well, certainly a distinct minority. I don't know the specifics though.

:wub: Silver Letter!!! :kirin:
Silver Letter's MLP collection
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I say The hasbro cant claim fan projects one would be the best, realistic thing =)



Even tho..a small lil' voice in me (its actually a pretty loud and thunderous scream) tells me that a Sunny Episode would be fab <3





Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The problem with this however is Hasbro have no obligation to do anything for the bronies, if they annoy us in any way they shouldn't do anything for us since it is their work and not ours.

However I did select the one about giving a background character their own episode (Octavia) because out of all of the options that seems the least problematic, saying that Hasbro should work with bronies or anything of that matter would be way too problematic as bronies would argue, be indecisive and also may ruin the mlp universe.

Honestly though why should Hasbro do anything for us? It's their work of fiction and don't owe us anything for their plot or implements.

"One of the greatest mental freedoms is not caring what others think of you."

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Realistically, this wouldn't happen. Hasbro wouldn't show weakness and give us anything in return in the event of a major conflict between the company and fanbase, but in the event it did for some reason, I'd really like the idea of them not being able to press legal action against fan projects. Remember Fighting is Magic? It caused quite a stir when Hasbro called a cease-and-desist on the project, and the ability to freely alter their product to our liking without such an occurrence again would be nice :)

Ponies ponies ponies /).3.(\

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Optimally; nothing because bronies aren't entitled to anything from a huge corporation. We're spit in a bucket as far as Hasbro is concerned.


If this did happen; Twilight Sparkle is now voiced by Gilbert Gottfried and Princess Celestia is now voiced by Morgan Freeman.

  • Brohoof 2


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it would be awesome be able to design our own episode. I would love to see the CMC get their cutie marks.(but I don't think anybody would agree with each other on how and what.)

I hate people who are redundant and repeat themselves.- Me

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MLPFIM Fighting Game. Bring back Fighting Is Magic. And upload a video of whoever nonlethally ordered that Cease and Desist Letter to be nonlethally slapped with a wet fish. A big fish, like a Bass or something.

  • Brohoof 1

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

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They wouldn't have to do shit for us.


They're the providers.

We're the audience.


Bronies need to learn to know their place.

  • Brohoof 3
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They wouldn't have to do shit for us.


They're the providers.

We're the audience.


Bronies need to learn to know their place.


And Bronies aren't even the target audience. So that makes this concept of entitlement even more absurd.

  • Brohoof 6

Everything needs more woodwind!

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The only people who would get pissed off at anything Hasbro did are dumbasses. If Hasbro does something unfavorable most people will express dislike, accept that it happened, and move on.

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