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Which school rules do you hate the most

Metallic Strings

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I am in college now so most of "rules" listed here haven't applied to me for some time. But two things I hated when I was in high school are the so called "zero tolerance" policy where if you say or do anywhere close to the wrong thing you can be suspended or even expelled and all the standardized testing bullshit. Granted it wasn't the school itself that mandated the testing as that idiocy was brought to you by state and federal government but I still hated it and was pissed at all the hours I wasted on that garbage when I could have actually been learning some things that might have been useful to me instead of wasting my time "learning" how to game the system with these tests so the school won't have its funding cut. Some colleges have "speech codes" which mine thankfully dosen't though that is probably due to it being a community college as opposed to a university. Once I transfer to my 4 year and has "speech codes" I will most likely re visit this thread and talk about their BS.



I agree with this, SCS. Swearing only makes you look dumb and immature if you use it excessively. Hence why I only use it if I'm hurt, for example.

I don't think that was his point at all, i think it was that you shouldn't get in trouble for the occasional f bomb in high school and I am with him on that. There is a huge difference between the occasional swear and dropping f bombs every 2 seconds which I am also annoyed by not because I take offense to it but because I have a personal pet peave about people over using words and phrases in general no matter what the words are. I think swearing has its time and place and can make certain situations much more tolerable, part of the reason why I haven't gone completely postal at work is because although I have to watch my language in front of customers which isn't always easy once I get to the backroom I will often swear like a drunken sailor on shore leave during happy hour but tend to be much more moderate in my use of profanity in most other situations and make apologies to no one for it.

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How about all of them? I have to be there against my will or face the consequences. On Top of that they have to make me feel like a prisoner too? For what? An ineffective, wasteful system of education, that doesn't allow you to focus on any one subject at a time, so it just gives you bits and pieces all at once? Teachers act like they own the place, because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. They're not even good teachers. Other countries hire the top 30% of graduates for their teachers, us americans are scraping the bottom of the barrel. And the entire school just generates an aura of oppression & conformity. 


Y'know what I'll just simplify things. 




Watch this and you'll get my ire.



Death to High School. 4 years of my life put to waste. 

Edited by Denim&Venom
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One time my friend got really mad when the teachers told him to take his hat off.

P.s. It was a rainbow dash stocking cap, which is a hat I wish I had.

Wow guys, over 1000 views and over 100 replies. This is my best topic to date thanks to all of you!

Edited by Metallic guitar
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