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Trapped In Equestria


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You have stumbled across a rift from our world into another.  As you drift, unable to resist, into the blue void whisking you through time and space a spirit of magic appears before you...







"You have entered a portal never meant for the likes of you."


"The portal you have entered will shortly fling you into Equestria."


"You will be stripped of your memories of home and turned into a common Earth pony of your chosen sex."


"I shall provide whatever assistance I can to your form to help you better fit."







With those words the spirit vanishes as 50 motes of Mana encircle you.  As the motes brush against you your mind is flooded with options to change who you are when you arrive at a random point in the Everfree Forest.  Choose wisely!




Choose one, you can choose your gender.
Earth Pony (0 Mana)
As an earth pony, you're pretty fast on the ground and can be quite strong.  Earth ponies have the capacity to be quite talented in many fields as well.  Lack hands, you can manipulate most items with mouth or hoof, but it will take some getting used to.
Buffalo (5 Mana)
You are now a member of the strong, tough, and proud tribal Buffalo.  Your strength and endurance are rivaled by few, and you can run cross country like a pro!
Diamond Dog (5 Mana)
Longer ears and canines betray your new form as a diamond dog.  You're a crazy good digger and your clawed paws (which means you can hold stuff) mean business.  However, most ponies will distrust you initially until you prove to be a pretty cool dog, dawg. 
Pegasus Pony (5 Mana)
You are now a pegasus pony.  You gain access to basic flight, which can be further enhanced by Flight talents below.  You tend to be as fast as an earth pony while in the air, but slower when on the ground.  What you lack in the earth pony's strength you make up with in agility and the ability to treat clouds as willowy terrain.
Unicorn Pony (5 Mana)
You've gained a fluted horn on your head.  With this horn comes access to magic and simple telekinesis allowing you to lift and manipulate items as readily as a creature with a hand does.  You start with the Telekinesis talent and you may purchase additional Magic talents.
Griffon (10 Mana)
You now belong to the species of alphas known as the griffon.  You have the same abilities as a pegasus pony, with the addition of a pair of razor-sharp claws which can easily hold objects.  Your pretty boss roar is a bonus!
Human (10 Mana)
Your form returns back to what you once were.  Your memories of who you are and of Earth flood back to you (since you are still human, afterall).  Your physical body remains precisely as it is in real life save for further talents you might buy, and you gain access to Humanity perks.  Other races will be curious or fearful as to what you are, but at least you're still human, right?
Minotaur (10 Mana)
A pair of horns and digigrade hands; you are now a minotaur!  Like the griffon, you're a member of the alpha races.  Your strength is on par with a buffalo, and you have hands with which you can hold and grasp objects.  You're also one intimidating (Shut your mouth!) and those horns aren't just for show. (We can dig it!)
Zebra (10 Mana)
For just ten mana may be bought; a zebra form and zebra thought.  With ornate prose and nomenclature; rhyming speech is second nature.  Facing hostile beast or spirit?  You're a shaman --you don't feat it.  As part of this, you get for free; the prerequisites of Alchemy (talent).
Changeling (20 Mana)
A black chitinous shell replaces your furred coat --you are now a changeling!  You're not affiliated with Queen Chrysalis, nor are you compelled to feed off love (though you can choose to be, in both cases).  In your base form you have access to both pegasus pony and unicorn pony abilities.  You can disguise yourself as any one member of a pony race that you can see, though doing so restricts your flight or magic as appropriate.  You cannot disguise yourself as an alicorn.  Most races who see your base form will view you with distrust and hatred, unless you can show and prove your good will.
Dragon (30 Mana)
As the motes vanish into your form your fur becomes hardened scales.  You realize you are now a dragon!  You get baller claws (which can hold things), firebreathing, and all the cool perks that come with being a dragon.  For an extra 5 Mana you can choose to have Flight or Magic, or for 10 Mana you get both.  Your dragon body is as old as you are, meaning you will probably be around the age of a teenage dragon, if not slightly older or younger.
Alicorn (50 Mana)
All fifty motes vanish before you as you turn into an alicorn.  As an alicorn you have all the perks of a pegasus pony and unicorn pony along with full and complete mastery of one branch of talents of your choice, you also gain the Palace perk.  You will be incredibly long lived and recognized as royalty wherever you go, but you also sacrifice any and all chance of regaining your memory or returning to Earth.  Additionally you will be endlessly saddled with royal duties (mainly revolving around the usage of the talent branch you chose).  So take this choice with caution...

You arrive in Equestria with nothing more than a single pack or saddlebag, and a bedroll laying on the ground in front of you.  However, you can have the motes grant you additional equipment from the options below.
Armor (5 Mana)
Motes gather around your body, stretching and reshaping at your wish.  You gain a suit of armor tailored as you choose, and will always be lighter than it should be.  The armor effectively protects you from most physical assaults and dangers of the land, but it is far from perfect.  Optionally you can have the motes become a shield instead, and for 5 Mana more you get both shield and armor.  For an extra 10 Mana the spirit will bless your armor and shield, making all but the strongest physical attacks bounce harmlessly off, and even deterring simple magical assault; though exceptionally strong opponents and powerful mages can overcome this blessed defense.
Bunch of Bits (5 Mana)
In addition to other starting supplies you have a bag of bits, the currency used in Equestria.  The bag contains enough bits to buy food, some basic supplies, a room at an inn, and will buy maybe one train ride; but it's not enough to say, buy a house.  For 5 Mana more this bag becomes enchanted to provide you each day with the money to purchase food and recreational items; comparable to the same rate as you would earn working a decently paying job.

Staff (5 Mana)
A magical staff of your own design materializes before your, allowing you access to magic if you're a species that normally cannot access Magic talents.  You can now choose a single talent costing 5 Mana from either the Magic talent branch or a talent from another branch requiring access to magic.  The chosen talent only function while you possess the staff as the talent is attuned through this mystical object.  Also, it makes for a pretty good walking/thwacking stick.

Survival Kit (5 Mana)
You will arrive in Equestria with all the basics for hiking, trekking, and adventure.  This includes comfortable traveling clothes for cold, hot, and temperate weather and climes; a week's worth of iron rations (plain grains, jerky, or similar depending on your diet); seven bottles of water; a compass; a small dynamo flashlight; simple lighter; twenty feet of rope; a grappling hook; a survivalist's knife; basic hygiene products; a small first aid kit; a one-person tent with bedding; a map of Equestria; and packs needed to carry this equipment.
Melee Weapon (10 Mana)
The motes coalesce into a bitchin' sword (or axe, or hammer, or whatever basic melee weapon you would want).  Your mind is flooded with knowledge to make you proficient in its use regardless of your race, making you skilled enough for self-defense and combat.  For an extra 10 Mana the spirit blesses your weapon, making it sharper or stronger than usual and empowering it with either burning fire, crackling lightning, or chilling cold and all effects and practical uses that might entail.
Ranged Weapon (15 Mana)
With a sound of a gunshot, motes break into mist leaving behind your choice of gat, son.  You'll be granted one light or simple ranged weapon of your choice, such as a bow, crossbow, pistol, revolver, hunting rifle, SMG, et cetera.  This weapon has unlimited, magical ammo.  The drawback is only a race capable of holding this weapon in hands, claws, or magic can handle it.

The following perks are available however you choose, except for two (Laptop perk and Portal perk) which require purchasing the Memories perk beforehand.

Civilized Entry (5 Mana)
You are dropped off in a single settled town or city in Equestria of your choice instead of being dropped off in the Everfree Forest. 

Memories (5 Mana)
Motes flow into your head, returning your human memories and knowledge of Earth.  You will remember who you were and where you're from, though others will have a hard time believing your tale.
Pet (5 Mana)
Motes bind together and create for you one very loyal, mundane pet --such as a dog, cat, bird, or any similar animal seen in the care of the Mane6.  This pet understands basic instructions and will follow commands to the best of its ability.  It can assist in battle, but won't be able to do much other than distract your opponent.  The pet is able to find food and water on its own, but it not invincible, and can die if neglected.  By spending an extra 10 Mana this pet can be upgraded to a much more exotic animal or beast of myth --such as a phoenix, baby dragon, or timberwolf.  This exotic pet is much more combat capable and intelligent, and might even be able to speak and communicate with you.  Regardless of which kind of pet you get, your pet cannot be larger in size or weight than you are.
Companion (10 Mana)
A companion is created before you.  The companion is one member of your species of the opposite gender (or the same, or both, if you're into that sort of thing), who is waiting for you when you arrive.  This companion will be fiercely loyal to you and will have an appearance and personality that is attractive to your desires.  The companion is an exceptional member of their race (and can be a character from the show if he/she meets the requirements), skilled in several fields --including combat and housekeeping.  Your companion regards you as a close friend, but may be romanced and married with time and effort.  Your companion is another sentient being and will have wants and desires, and will leave if abused by you or if you make too many untoward advances.
Homestead (10 Mana)
The spirit will bless you with one comfortable, decently sized home for you to reside in at the location of your choice.  This home is furnished and supplied with enough food to last a month and has plumbing, appliances, and a small book collection of Equestrian literature.  This home is magically blessed to be a safe haven wherever you place it and no monsters will attack you while within it, nor can anyone enter it without your acknowledgement.

Laptop (10 Mana)
Requires Memories perk or Human species.  The motes breach the borders back to Earth, blessing you with a small laptop easily fitting the shape of your species with an unlimited battery for all your computer information and files.  The laptop has no microphone or camera, nor the ability to ever have either added, meaning you will be limited to recording your experiences in Equestria as text. For an extra 5 Mana this magical laptop has access to the Internet, allowing you unlimited access to sites such as Wikipedia and Google to do research and study.  Any information you share about your time in Equestria is regarded as nothing more than a fanciful fanfiction.  You can contact your friends and family through the Internet, but none will believe you're in Equestria --rather believing you've only moved away to a new state or country.
Portal (15 Mana)
Requires Memories perk or Human species.  The spirit uses motes to create a permanent portal back to your home at Earth somewhere in Equestria.  This portal is located far from any settled location and will require quite a dangerous adventure to reach.  You instinctively know the general direction you must travel to reach this portal.  This portal is accessible and visible only to you and you cannot take any objects, perks, or talents with you between worlds.  You will be reverted to a human when you enter the portal to Earth, and take on your Equestrian form when you return to Equestria (assuming you weren't a human in Equestria).
Palace (25 Mana)
You are granted a bitchin' palace or castle at the location of your choice that can thematically look however you wish as appropriate for the setting and your species, should it apply (such as a palace in the sky for pegasus ponies, or an underground fortress for diamond dogs).  This palace is extremely well furnished, and has supplies to last you indefinitely.  It has all the comforts and recreational aspects you'd expect of a palace in Equestria; including a library, gym, pool, spa, workshop, garden, et cetera.  The palace is populated by a host of regular members of your court who act as loyal servants and guardians.

From the magical to the mundane, everything in Equestria is defined by its talents --such as the quintessential cutie mark, to innate prowess, to abilities harnessed through practice and training.  Talents are broken into separate branches, and 15 Mana talents require you purchasing a 10 Mana talent in that branch, and the same for 10 Mana requiring a 5 Mana talent.

Air Talent Branch
Breeze (5 Mana): You have an affinity for wind.  You can predict the weather, strong winds and altitudes don't phase you, and if you can fly, you can alter the weather more efficiently than a pegasus pony.
Nimble (5 Mana): You are much lighter on your feet, able to jump, run, and fly (if you can) at a noticeably improved rate than others.
Aerokinesis (5 Mana): Requires access to magic.  You gain use of low-powered wind and weather-based spells --such as creating gusts of wind, clearing rain in the local area, and throwing small sparks of electricity.
Quick (10 Mana): On the ground or in the air you are the fastest around.  Your reflexes improve to match your speed.
Arcane Air (10 Mana): Requires access to magic.  Your wind spells earned through Aerokinesis are upgraded; you can conjure lightning from the sky, blow away your enemies with hurricane winds, and so on.
Alchemy Talent Branch
Zebras get both Herbology and Supernaturals talents for free.
Herbology (5 Mana): You have intuitive skill with natural reagents and potion making.  You can identify basic ingredients in the wild and brew simple drinks and potions such as medicines, energy drinks, and simple healing unguents.
Supernaturals (5 Mana): You have knowledge of the dangers of the wild.  You can identify most poisonous plants and creatures, and can (with study) discern the strengths and weaknesses of wild beasts and mythical monsters.
Royal Alchemist (10 Mana): Your Herbology has improved to the point you can make powerful and mystical potions with the right ingredients --such as transmutation points, volatile bombs, love poisons, and so on.

Community Talent Branch
Professional (5 Mana): You have natural skill and special talent in one creative skill, craft, or profession of your choice (such as smithing, singing, baking, mercantile, dance, art, carpentry, or anything else).  You can earn a living off of this skill or talent in Equestria, using it to acquire a job and make money for yourself.  This talent can be chosen multiple times and applies to different crafts.
Expert (5 Mana): One skill, craft, or profession you are talented in from real life (if you have your memories) or from the Professional talent is improved to exceptional levels.  Your ability in this craft can earn you fame or infamy for your skill.

Darkness Talent Branch
You cannot purchase any talent in this branch if you have a talent from the Light talent branch.
Cloaked (5 Mana): You can tap into the powers of stealth and subterfuge.  You are a natural at hiding from your enemies, blending into crowds, picking locks and pockets, and stealthily moving about.
Warlock (5 Mana): Requires access to magic.  You gain a host of low-power dark spells --such as manipulating shadows, instilling fear and discomfort in the weak-willed, and conjuring illusions.
Assassin (10 Mana): You become a master of infiltration and assassination.  You can easily take out opponents that are unaware of your presence, robbing establishments, and making clean getaways.
Arcane Night (10 Mana): Requires access to magic.  The spells you gain from Warlock increase in strength, allowing them to emit aura of fear, grant nightmarish visions, and create harmful mists or bolts of dark energy.
Arcane Death (15 Mana): Requires access to magic.  You unlock the secrets of necromancy, can dominate and command the weak-willed, and can naturally exude an unsettling aura that weakens and hampers those around you.

Earth Talent Branch
Stone (5 Mana): You have an affinity for earth.  You are exceptionally stable on your feet, can sense nearby ores and minerals in the ground around you, and are not affected by dust and debris.
Resistant (5 Mana): You become tough and resilient.  You resist and can easily shake off poison and disease, and you have a much higher pain tolerance allowing you to weather minor injuries.
Terrakinesis (5 Mana): Requires access to magic.  You gain use of low-powered earth-based spells --such as creating small tremors and dust-storms, detecting valuable gemstones, and so forth.
The BOULDER (10 Mana): Your body becomes almost supernaturally hardened.  You are completely immune to poisons and ailments, and can practically ignore major injuries such as broken bones.
Arcane Earth (10 Mana): Requires access to magic.  Your earth spells gained through Terrakinesis can now conjure major sandstorms, create earthquakes and chasms, et cetera.

Fire Talent Branch
Ember (5 Mana): You have an affinity for fire.  You don't choke in smoke, flames take longer to burn you and what you carry/wear, and you can easily start fires using mundane methods.
Immolation (5 Mana): You have a tangible, burning, heroic aura.  With this aura active allies near you don't scare as easily, you can bolster the morale of companions, and intimidate your foes.
Pyrokinesis (5 Mana): Requires access to magic.  You gain use of low-powered fire-based spells --such as lighting fires instantly, throwing small balls of flame, et cetera.
Smolder (10 Mana): Your body becomes functionally fire-proof, can exist comfortably in hot climates, see perfectly through smoke, and can start fires in otherwise difficult conditions such as rainstorms or heavy wind.
Arcane Fire (10 Mana): Requires access to magic.  Your fire spells earned through Pyrokinesis are upgraded; you can cause explosions, start wildfires, and similar effects.

Fitness Talent Branch
Strongman (5 Mana): Your physical strength and power improve.  Your body is boosted to peak physical condition, allowing you to break concrete slabs with a well-placed punch.
Brawler (5 Mana): You instantly learn hand-to-hand (or hoof-to-hoof) combat or a martial art, allowing you to defend yourself and attack with only your body.
Hercules (10 Mana): Your physical strength and power improve even further than that gained from Strongman talent.  You can crash through walls, bend metal bars without sweating, and send enemies flying with a single punch.
Chuck Norris! (10 Mana): Your martial ability earned from Brawler improves such you can easily kill with just your body and gain mastery in your martial combat skills, able to strike fast and hard and leave your enemies in heaps on the ground.
Flight Talent Branch
You must have the ability to naturally fly (such as being a pegasus pony).
Junior Speedsters (5 Mana): You instinctively know how to take to the sky and fly around, though not to any truly impressive level.  You will have to learn to fly after you're in Equestria if you do not take this talent.
Advanced Technique (10 Mana): Your flight ability has improved, allowing you to soar and zip through the air with amazing grace and speed.  With enough strain, effort, and practice you might even be able to break the sound barrier sonic rainboom style.
Light Talent Branch
You cannot purchase any talent in this branch if you have a talent from the Darkness talent branch.
Pacify (5 Mana): You can soothe emotions and spread happiness at will.  You emit an aura that nautrally keeps moods and morale up, and with effort, can focus this aura to calm or cheer angry and saddened people respectively.
Healer (5 Mana): Requires access to magic.  You gain use of lesser healing spells such as the ability to cure lesser illnesses and posions, mend minor injuries, and dispel shadows and lesser illusions.
Tranquility (10 Mana): Your aura from Pacify improves into an aura of leadership and freedom.  So long as you remain just and kind, and your intent is pure, others will be compelled to rally and follow you.  You bring hope to the hopeless and cheer to the despondent.
Arcane Life (10 Mana): Requires access to magic.  Your spells gained by the Healer talent improve, allowing you to heal most naturally occuring illnesses or diseases, bring creatures back from near-death injuries, and combat the forces of darkness with the powers of light, amplified via kindness, love, and friendship.
Magic Talent Branch
A species must specifically be labeled as having access to this talent branch to select any of the following options.
Telekinesis (5 Mana): You have access to simple telekinesis, limited to items you can physically lift.
Blink (5 Mana): You have a short-range teleportation. You must be able to see your destination.
Cantrips (5 Mana): You have a small library of utility spells such as light, clothes cleaning, and other cantrips.  These spells have no function in combat.
Recall (10 Mana): Your teleportation improves, allowing you to teleport to locations you are familiar with without having to currently see them.  You must have purchased the Blink talent.
Mage Hand (10 Mana): The strength of your telekinesis improves by a factor of 10.
Grand Library (15 Mana): You have access to powerful universal spells such as dispelling other magical effects, teleporting groups of people or objects, manifesting barriers, reversing gravity, and so on.
Nature Talent Branch
Green Thumb (5 Mana): Plants you actively take care of will not die to natural causes and yield plentiful fruits and bounty.
Calm (5 Mana): You can communicate and soothe frenized animals.  This has no effect on beasts or creatures of myth.
Tracker (5 Mana): You have a sixth sense for finding trails and following tracks.
Soothe (10 Mana): You can communicate and calm down beasts and creatures of myth.  You must have purchased the Calm talent.
Instinct (10 Mana): You can attune yourself to natural locations with a short meditation session, heightening your senses and reflexes while in the area.
Growth (10 Mana): You have a spiritual connection with plants, allowing you to spark their growth and control their shape at will.
Water Talent Branch
Water Baby (5 Mana): You have an affinity for water.  You are a powerful swimming and can hold your breath for much longer than usual.  In addiion, cold weather such as snow and rain doesn't phase you.
Slick (5 Mana): You are exceptionally flexible, allowing you to squeeze into and out of tight spaces and bonds, better dodge attacks, and even slip out of magical charms and illusions.
Hydrokinesis (5 Mana): Requires access to magic.  You gain use of low-powered water-based spells --such as freezing small bodies of water, throwing icicles at your enemies, and so on.
Amphibious (10 Mana): You can swim against strong currents and see perfectly underwater.  Additionally you can hold your breath longer than a whale, and exist comfortably in sub-zero climes.
Arcane Water (10 Mana): Requires access to magic.  Your water spells earned through Hydrokinesis are upgraded; you can conjure water jets, create blizzards, bless others with temporary water breathing, et cetera.

The following drawbacks can be selected to earn additional motes of Mana to spend.  Greed comes at a price, however, as the drawback is not easily overcame.  You can only select a single drawback if you so choose...

Rivalry:  You earn 5 Mana for selecting this drawback.  A rival appears in Equestria who will oppose you and challenge you at every turn.  Your rival is not out to kill you, nor can you kill your rival, but your rival will show up at the most inconvenient times to challenge or duel you in a test of skill or combat.  Your rival is the same species and gender as you, and has all the same perks and talents you do, but is slightly better with them.  If you have a weapon, your rival has the same weapon and is more skilled with it than you.  If you have magical talents, your rival has the same ones and is better at them.  If you have a companion or pet, your rival's is better.  And so on.  Your only advantage over your rival is the equipment, perk, or talent selected with the 5 Mana granted by this drawback (your rival will not recieve that boon).  Also, your rival is sort of a douche. ~Gary Motherbuckin' Oak.
Solitude:  You are granted 10 Mana, but your time in Equestria will be spent alone.  Towns and cities will be empty upon your arrival, doors and windows will be locked and sealed, and animals and beasts will be prone to violence and attack you more frequently.  You cannot have the Companion or Pet perks and take this drawback.
Outlaw:  You are granted 15 Mana, but you will be immediately and flawlessly framed for a major crime.  A large bounty will be placed on your head, royal guards and bounty hunters hounding your every step.  Townsfolk who are aware of your bounty will report you to the nearest guards, and you cannot stay in one place for too long.  If you have a Companion, they will share this bounty with you but will not betray you.  The bounty hunters and royal guards will employ magical means to track you, meaning even escaping into the air or a changeling's disguise does not make you safe.  If you are captured you will be banished and then thrown into a dungeon in the place you are banished to.  Forever.
Elder Dragon: You are granted a whopping 20 Mana by the spirit, but in exchange your existence in Equestria has pissed off a very large, very powerful, and VERY ANGRY dragon.  This dragon is larger than the largest dragon seen in the show and at least twice at powerful.  Its wingspan blots out the sun.  Conventional weapons and even magical attacks bounce off its scales.  Its fangs and claws are razor sharp and deadly.  Its breath scorches the earth.  Even the all-powerful alicorns quake in fear of this creature's ire.  It will chase you to the ends of the world.  It will find you one month after your arrival in Equestria, or it will be waiting for you at the portal to Earth (if you chose the Portal perk), whichever comes first.  If you run it will catch you.  If you fight, it will very likely kill you.  It is said that only those with the truest understanding of friendship, love, and magic can stand a chance against this ancient foe.





Your choices made, the spirit puts them in effect immediately.


The portal closes, the changes are final, and you are dumped right into Equestria.




Who did you become?  What powers have you gained?  What will you do?  Where will you go?


Will you frolic and flourish in the land?




Will you make friends?  Fall in love?  Find love and tolerance in your heart?


Or will you bring chaos and destruction to the land?


Will you rise and rule it with an iron fist?  Will you kill all those who get in your way or oppose you?


Or will you do everything in your power, taking the dangerous quest to return home?



The dice are cast.



The Mana is spent.



You are on the other side and...







X-posting from over at PonyMC.  Figured our friends over this way might enjoy using this to come up with characters for all the lulz.  If you're new to a character builder, these things are crazy-popular on certain sites and people use them to come up with characters for writing, drawing, games, what have you.


No idea where to throw it on your forums 'cause it's not quite your roleplay, so this is as good a spot as any.  Hope someone found enjoyment from this.

Edited by Sintanan
  • Brohoof 4

For anyone wanting to make use of my character in their roleplaying, <a href='http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/synth-tannin-r8033'class='bbc_url' title=''>here</a> is his info.

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Cross posting from PonyMC

Unicron Pone (45 Points Left) [Male] "Cheshire"

  • Dark Grey Coat
  • Very Light blue mane and tail
  • Fetlocks (grey)
  • Blue Grey eyes


Upgraded Timberwolf (30 Points Left) [Female] "Kayalla"

  • Former Alpha Female
  • Snakewood body
  • Orange eyes
  • Talks
  • Intelligent

Companion (20 Points left) [Female] "Silver Lock"

  • Unicorn
  • Silver Coat
  • White Mane and Tail
  • Fetlocks (white)
  • Electric Blue Eyes

Survival Kit (15 Points left)

Armor (10 Points left)

  • Midnight blue color
  • Many layered
  • Tight fitting

Blink (Magic Branch) (5 Points left)


Herbology (Alchemy Branch) (0 Points left)

  • Brohoof 1


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I'll be a unicorn, with the darkness talent fully unlocked, which leaves me with 10 points. I'll then take a companion with me!  ^_^


I could also become an alicorn, and choose the darkness talent to master. I'll then select the rivalry drawback, and become a professional dancer with the extra 5 points.  :umad:

  • Brohoof 1

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Human [10]


Machete[10] (it's the melee weapons)


Armor[5] (Crimson Red) (Prime Decanii helmet)


Survival Kit[5]




Arcane Night[10]


Do bare in mind that I will likely hunt down any kingdom guards (royal guards, Changeling officers, etc)

  • Brohoof 1
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Earth Pony [No mana deducted :9]

Staff [-5 ~ 45 mana left] (Now I'm a strong earth pony with magic and a stick :3]

Arcane life [-10 ~ 15 left] (Now I can help and heal people so they will most likely join me)

Blink [-5 ~ 10 left]

Just throwing this out there, but the staff is good for a single 5 Mana "spell talent" (one that requires magic access), it doesn't make you a spell-slinger like a horn-head able to get all sorts of spell talents.



Human [10]


Arcane Night[10]

Humans aren't spell-slingers, so you wouldn't have unlocked Arcane Night.  Additionally you took no 5 Mana talent from the Darkness branch to unlock Assassin or Arcane Night.



Just pointing these out in case you're interested in tinkering with your characters; don't let me have final say in whether you can or can't do something --a system like this just exists to inspire your creativity.

Edited by Sintanan
  • Brohoof 1

For anyone wanting to make use of my character in their roleplaying, <a href='http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/synth-tannin-r8033'class='bbc_url' title=''>here</a> is his info.

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Silverhoof. (All my OC's have the same name)
white coat
blond (pale yellow) mane
Silver hooves (all four hooves appear to be polished silver)

5--Unicorn, male

5--Memories I prefer to remain ME

5--Civilized entry Ponyville

Magic Talent Branch

5--Blink short range teleport

5--Cantrips Lots of minor but useful spells, light, mending, cleaning, etc.

10--Mage Hand Telekinetic strength improves by a factor of 10

15 Grand Library access to powerful universal spells


50 points total


The new Silverhoof will appear on the outskirts of Ponyville. I chose this simply because I know it better than anywhere else, and I might get a chance to discuss things with Twilight and maybe trade a few spells. Further I won't need a survival kit or weapons to start. and I can easily find a job for a few days if I'm willing to use some elbow grease.


My initial plans will be to meet with the one pony who might believe me, earn enough bits to buy a ticket to Canterlot and beg for citizenship.

  • Brohoof 1
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Awesome idea and something I know I'm going to spend a ton of time mulling over >_>



But this thread would be more appropriate for the Forum Lounge since it's simply a character creation thread, and Forum Games is for things that require more member interaction with a bit of give-and-take in the process. I'm going to shuffle it over there :squee:

  • Brohoof 2


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Thank you.  As I said, I'm new to the forums here and which topic goes where.

I do hope this creator inspires you in the future.


I must admit, though, it surprises me how many have tried this system (it wasn't posted solely here) and how many are willing to give up their memories of who they are for more power/abilities.

Edited by Sintanan
  • Brohoof 2

For anyone wanting to make use of my character in their roleplaying, <a href='http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/synth-tannin-r8033'class='bbc_url' title=''>here</a> is his info.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is awesome :D here's my character:



Male Unicorn Pony [5]


Light Talent Branch [30]:

-Pacify [5]

-Healer [5]

-Tranquility [10]

-Arcane Life [10]



Magic Talent Branch [15]:

-Blink [5]

-Recall [10]




Total: 50

  • Brohoof 1



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  • 6 years later...

I would get transformed into an Pegasus and probably started Travels the Multiverse and seeing each different world and universe

See the source image

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