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If each of the Mane Six were to become wealthy, how would they spend it?


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Say they managed to win their version of the lottery, how do you think they would spend it? Or save?


For me I see it like this:


Twilight: Quite frugal with her money but spends what she does setting up schools and donating a lot to charities.


Fluttershy: Spends a lot of it on animal shelters/rescue organizations and spreads awareness of animal rights.


Rianbow Dash: Goes through it pretty quick on athletic equipment and competing in all kinds of athletic events, but also spends some on promoting athleticism.


Applejack: Spends a lot fixing up the farm and upgrading/adding new editions. Also uses it to help out several family members. While saving a lot.


Rarity: I see her moving to a large suite in Canterlot, buying lots of clothes and jewelry and other material items. However she isn't dumb and I think she would invest and save a lot, and use it to greatly expand her business while using it to help others.


Pinkie Pie: Goes through it very quickly. Spending it on a super party cannon, parties and all kinds of party stuff. I see her going through it all pretty quick; certainly faster than the others.

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Rarity: On fashion of course.


Fluttershy: On charity to animal rights organizations and animal shelters.


Rainbow Dash: On charity to "stay healthy" organizations and athletic equipment. Also some Daring Do merchandise.


Twilight Sparkle: On books.


Applejack: Farm and gardening equipment and to fix the farm, her barn, and her house.


Pinkie Pie: On decorations, DJs, and rent space for her parties.

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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AppleJack: probabaly the farm or her family XD


Rarity: Fashion XD pretty obvious i think


Twilight: Scrolls and quills XD


pinkie pie: Partys XD of course


Rainbow Dash: I am not sure.


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Twilight: More books, and some decorations for her castle.

Rarity: jewels, fabric, clothes etc.

Fluttershy: Nothing/No idea

Pinkie Pie: Food, sweets, fancy stuff to throw even more awesome parties. OR, a house for herself? :)

Applejack: She'd save her money for the barn and the farm in case there's a problem.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, athletic equipments.


We don't really know what they like, except their job...

Edited by Blobulle
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Mademoiselle Rarity: A luxurious mansion. She can own her very own mane salon. She can improve the quality of Carousel Boutique. Richer ponies might even recognize her and want to have a connection with her.


Princess Twilight Sparkle: Enhance the quality of Ponyville.




Rainbow Dash: I do not know...


Pinkie Pie: Enhance Sugarcube and maybe turn it into one of the largest bakeries on Earth.


Applejack: Her beloved family's business.

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Twilight: Buy the right to Twilight movies and remake them into good movies


Fluttershy: Make a zoo

Rianbow Dash: Make her Own Wonderbolt , RainbowBolt

Applejack: Start Orange Farm

Rarity: Buy a castle

Pinkie Pie: Drugs , don't look at me like that , it was in Fallout: Equestria

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-Rainbow Dash: I think she'll expend a good chunk of cash in workout stuff and Wonderbolts merchandize


-Rarity: I expect her to spend alot on vanity, but she's no fool, and I expect her to spend much in her career


-Applejack: Spending the necessary on the farm, and what remains be left to collect dust  :lol:


-Fluttershy: Improving her cottage and donating to animal helping organizations


-Twilight Sparkle: She was always wealthy to begin with, but don't be surprised if she spends in buying alot of books and donating to the improvement of Ponivile  :P


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Twilight would probably spend the money wisely and saving some for emergencies, but I also expect that she would buy books and stuff for  her new castle and probably donate to the betterment of schools in equestria as she values education a lot.

Applejack would also save money but would also use the money to buy new updated materials for working on the farm, update the farm's architecture to be more stable, and find other improvements to help keep the family business going strong.

Fluttershy would probably use the money to help animal charities and animal shelters, as well as for supplies to help her animals and not have to live off of social security.

Rarity would invest the money on her business such as starting a chain brand of Carousel Boutiques and or getting her shop and a new home in Canterlot.

Rainbow Dash would probably go gambling, buy wonderbolts merch and sports equipment.  Maybe get a better house.

Pinkie Pie would lose the money really quickly and go on a gigantic shopping spree and buy a crap load of party supplies and sweets.  And possibly go into serious debt.


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Twilight would most likely use it to rebuild Ponyville's public library after its recent destruction, so that all ponies had the benefit of public knowledge once again.


Fluttershy would use it to fund animal shelters and welfare organizations.


Rarity has some business sense to her, so she'd likely invest it in ways that made a good return, or into her own business. Being the Element of Generosity, though, she'd also have a fair amount set aside from her investment income to spend on her friends or other charities of her choosing.


Applejack would, first and foremost, spend it on her farm. After repairing or rebuilding or outright buying new equipment, roofs and hips, she then might spend some on a few little luxuries for her family that they might not have had before.


Rainbow Dash would quit her day job and devote herself to training full time, still intent on joining the Wonderbolts. She may also spend some on funding sports for foals.


Pinkie Pie would throw a party and invite Equestria. All of it.

  • Brohoof 3

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Twilight: I would assume she would go for the benefit of knowledge and education. She would set up funds to build and improve libraries across the land while advertising the benefits of learning.


Rainbow Dash: In one part, she would use it to help achieve her dream (in the honest sense, I mean). After that, she would probably go hoof-in-hoof with Twilight by showing the benefits of not only education, but achieving your dream and how learning and studying can go with athleticism.


Applejack: Basically just improve the farm and the apple crops.


Pinkie Pie: Probably build a confectionary empire that no rivals could match up to.


Rarity: While she has her dream in fashion, I honestly believe she would work to set-up charities and use her money to try and improve the economic standing of down-trodden ponies everywhere.


Fluttershy: Basically set-up animal rescue and care stations all over.

  • Brohoof 1

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Hmm, in my opinion I'd say...


Twilight would spend it on furthering Equestria's education system, like rebuilding schools and stocking them with the latest equipment.


Pinkie Pie would spend it on absolutely anything that would make someone happy. An Orphanage maybe?


Applejack would use it to invest in new farming equipment and maybe extra help.


Rainbow Dash would maybe open her own flight school, and use it to buy herself equipment.


Fluttershy would probably use it to help animals, like maybe making a shelter for animals and buying tons of food for them.


Rarity would use it to further her business and buy materials. I think she would also give a fair sum of it to charity, because generosity.

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While it's not bad objectively, I know one thing for certain; Rarity's element will dictate where a lot of her recently received fortune goes.


I'm glad that, if I had an element (that doesn't exist),  it would be the element of Chivalry. It might just be me, but I slightly pity the poor mare for her defining quality, in this situation. 

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Rarity: I see her moving to a large suite in Canterlot, buying lots of clothes and jewelry and other material items. However she isn't dumb and I think she would invest and save a lot, and use it to greatly expand her business while using it to help others.

The way I see it, is if Rarity wanted to move to Canterlot and buy tons more clothes and jewelry she would have. Her special talent is finding jewels! She could literally become one of the wealthiest ponies in Equestria if she wanted to. I think the only reason she doesn't is because, for one, her element of Generosity, and secondly, she doesn't care about acquiring wealth or showing it off. She loves fashion as an art, a way of expressing herself, not a way to show how much money she has. Expensive clothes and accessories would be pointless to her if she didn't design them herself. It's funny, that although Rarity might seem, without looking too closely, to be the most materialistic of the Mane 6, she's really no more materialistic than any of them are.


Anyways, I shall answer the question now:

Rarity—Would spend on dress-making materials for the purpose of expressing herself and creating art not because she's materialistic and also would give a ton of it away, like to whoever asked, though she would prefer making dresses for them.

Fluttershy—building and directing an animal orphanage or care center or something like that. Or even just expanding her cottage to allow more animals to live with and be cared by her.

Twilight—BOOKS AND BOOKS AND MORE BOOKS. And quills and scrolls and ink wells and MORE BOOKS.

Applejack—a barn that doesn't keep falling down.

Pinkie Pie—Candy. And cake. And parties with cake. And candy. Her money would be gone in a day tops, and if it wasn't for cartoon logic, she would die from the like fifty cardiac arrests from the sugar she would consume.

Rainbow Dash—This is a hard one, I don't really know... There's nothing I can think of that Rainbow would really want to spend her money on (plus judging from what her house looks like, I wouldn't be surprised if she already was pretty wealthy...) So I guess maybe she would just give it away or something?

OH, or start a flying school! Maybe. But then that would take a lot of effort on her part, and she is pretty lazy, she probably she'd PAY someone to start a flying school that she would be the lead teacher at but wouldn't have to do any paperwork or administration stuff or anything like that.

And now, for the last of the Mane 7, SPIKE—gems. Yummy, yummy gems.

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Here's my spin on how the Mane6 and Spike would spend their winnings:


Yeah, Twilight always struck me coming from a well-to-do family, given the fact she hails from Canterlot, went to a prestigious school, and being taught by Princess Celestia herself.


Since she's now a princess in her own right, I see her donating the money to education, to spread her love of learning!


Pinkie Pie, being the party pony she is, will spend her winnings on--something nice for the Cakes! After all, they took her in, so even a pony as hyper and crazy as she is would see to paying them back in whatever way she could!


Rarity, being the fashionista she is, would focus on expanding her brand throughout Equestria, but should she have any thing remaining, she would make something for all of her friends!


Applejack would put her winnings toward improvements on the Apple Family Orchard, and donate some to her extended family, as I think that after the Oranges, she, her siblings and grandmother are the most successful farmers--or at least have the largest orchard, at least!


Rainbow Dash would spend it on getting her hooves on those rare first edition signed copy of Daring Do novels, as she's a die hard fan--though it'd be her secret... for all of two seconds!


Fluttershy would doubtlessly spend the winnings on food and more shelters for her animal friends!


And Spike would no doubt blow his winnings on comics and gems-- before Twilight chastises him and forces him to save it!

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Twilight: BOOKS!

Pinkie: CANDY!

Rarity and Applejack: Put it into their businesses

Fluttershy: I imagine she might just donate it

Rainbow Dash: impulse purchases until its all gone

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Pinkie would do one of two things: spend her money on a bunch of junk food and random little knickknack items nopony else in their right mind would care about, or she'd blow all of it on a single, large, extremely ridiculous item that couldn't even fit in a regular house. Take your pick.


Twilight would likely buy an extremely rare tome of great value and full of secret knowledge, put it away somewhere because she doesn't know what to do with it, or maybe contribute much if not all of it to Ponyville for rebuilding the library destroyed by Tirek. That last option sounds the most likely to me.


Rainbow Dash would spend it on Wonderbolts and Daring Do stuffs, I think. Those are her only real interests that I think could require a bunch of money.


Fluttershy would make upgrades to her cottage and yard to accommodate her animals better or to house more.


Rarity would buy materials for making her own stuff. Nothing pre-made. She's also likely to help out any of her friends who may be lacking in any way, as she tends to do.


Applejack, being the frugal farmpony of simple tastes that she is, wants for very little. It would be just like her to save it for a true emergency or to help out somepony else in a tight spot. Alternatively, she'd use what she needed to fix up their property and tools, although I've no doubt she'd shop around for the best deals first. :P

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Applejack would be tremendously uncomfortable with the situation, since she didn't work for the money, but would penny-pinch like a fiend once she came to terms with it. Not a cent would be wasted.


Pinkie, on the other hand, I see going through the money pretty quickly. I'm sure there's some fun but incredibly expensive thing out there with her name on it. Maybe a trip to the Equestrian equivalent of Disneyland for her and everyone she knows?


Rarity would have a tightrope to walk. She enjoys the finer things in life and also likes improving the lives of the people she cares about through gifts. None of this sounds terribly conducive to saving money :derp:. That said, I think she's a fine enough businesswoman to find that proper mix of saving and spending. Promote her business, buy nice things, tuck away the rest.


Twilight is royalty and has all the money she could ever need. Would probably end up donating it all to some good cause. She also seems like the type who'd be uncomfortable with a sudden windfall.


Flutters is a wildcard. Her lifestyle seems pretty low-maintenance (dunno how she even makes money :huh: ) and she doesn't seem very materialistic or likely to buy stuff she doesn't need. That said, I could also see her getting bullied into sinking a ton of cash into things that would improve the lives of her animals. Angel might eat like a king :lol:.


As for RD, she's impulsive as hell. I don't see her being super mindful about her spending, but I also don't see her going out of her way to buy unnecessary junk. She already has a nice house and there's only so much Wonderbolts/Daring Do merch out there. I actually see her holding onto a decent amount of it, not out of discipline, but out of not caring enough to spend it.

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Twilight would burn the money to send a message.


Fluttershy would lose it all on one hoof of blackjack.


Rarity would give hers to Fluttershy, who would lose it on another hoof of blackjack.


Applejack would spend it all at an auction to buy the rotting remains of an apple owned by Smart Cookie.


Pinkie would invest it in Royal Sisters, Inc. stock.


Rainbow would use it to finance a movie about an advanced amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques, and she would call it, "Billy and the Clonosauras".


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Twilight: She'd spend it on books, and more books. (And also have more libraries built around Equestria so EVERYONE else can enjoy books, too...xD )

Applejack: Farm. Not much to be said here...

Fluttershy: Something animal related. Maybe making Animal shelters all over the place..? (Although I don't know why they'd need it. She'd probably not know what to do and so would just put it away somewhere and forget about it... XD   )

Rarity: Dresses, that sort of thing...

Rainbow Dash: I dunno, all I can she her doing is getting more of dem Daring Do books, if anything...

Pinkie: Again, no idea...She can already throw parties without money...

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Twilly- On expanding her collection of books. Also, I could see her donating to charity.

Flutters- Donation.

Rarity- On fabulous fashions, of course :D

Pinkie- I don't know. Something silly I'm sure.

AJ- No Idea. She'd probably be the most frugal of the mane six.

RD- Being that she's extremely impulsive, she'd spend it fairly quickly. Maybe on her secret egg-headed hobbies...


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I don't think Twilight would spend any of the money and instead I think she would give it to whoever needed it most. Maybe she would donate it to ponyville or some other place. 


Fluttershy would most likely end up being swindled out of her money or she would be guilt tripped into spending money on people who use her. 


AppleJack would give the money to her relatives in various places. I feel like she's more of a giver than a buyer. 


Rarity would start a bigger fashion boutique, and maybe hire some workers. (Not not laborers >.>) But eventually she would grow weary of the sudden demand of her productions and maybe give the money to other fashion designers. 


As off as it seems I think Rainbow Dash would use her money to create a school for young pegasi. 


Pinkie Pie would most definitely spend her money on creating the best parties, but I think she would also offer the money to her family (although I think they would refuse it).

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