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S05:E05 - Tanks for the Memories


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Flutters definitely gave it to Dash straight. Like, damn. But the girl knows her animals, why question it?


At first, I felt Dash was just being really selfish about not letting Tank sleep. But then you see, she does all that because she doesn't want to enjoy a wonderful season without her pet. It hurts her that he'd be gone throughout winter, and has a toughie time coping with it. The first posts on this thread made me realize the sad turn it took with AJ.


Goodness, this episode makes you wanna tear up.


Also, lol'd at the light Game of Thrones reference they threw in there.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but was this song RD's first solo song?

  • Brohoof 4


Thank You for the Sig, Skoffee. (:

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I absolutely loved everything about this episode, it's easily one of my favorites of all of them and it's been on an almost constant loop in the background on my computer when I'm on it. The references this episode were great, but I had to explain the Abbott and Costello one to my roommate. And the song. Oh the song. It's been stuck in my head for the past 2 days and I'm still not tired of humming it

  • Brohoof 1

When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move,
your job is to plant yourself like a tree next to the river of truth, and tell the whole world
"No, you move."

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I haven't often had another forum member respond to one of my episode posts as comprehensively as you have, so I appreciate your interest and effort in doing so. I'd like to respond to some of your points. 


Rainbow Dash is acting on an emotional level.  Not a rational one.  No, she doesn’t think.  She’s in emotional overdrive, desperately trying to find somepony who will co her denial.


Nope.  Not rational.  But she isn’t rational about this.  She is desperate. “Hiding snow clouds, getting rid of ice and snow, hiding ski gear, rerouting migrating birds, putting leaves back on the trees, and the grand finale of sabotaging the Cloudsdale winter lab”  were all febrile attempts to sabotage winter. 


Seems overblown to you.  Might be way over the top to you.  But everyone is different.  Rainbow Dash is an impulsive, high-drive, single-point-focus kinda girl.  She’s not Applejack, or Fluttershy or any of the others.  She’s Rainbow Dash – and that means reactionary.


I guess the question is, where should we draw the line between a character's actions being understandable (even though I wouldn't act that way myself) and being unbelievable and out-of-character? Do all expectations of common sense, rationality, consideration of others, etc. go out the window whenever a character is having an emotional reaction? Where is the point that we should say "Okay, even though Rainbow Dash is understandably sad about the prospect of Tank hibernating for a few months, she shouldn't be this stupid/immature/etc. about it"? To me, Rainbow's actions in this episode went beyond being understandable to being unbelievable. It seems to me that Rainbow should be able to handle the prospect of Tank hibernating for a few months better than she did in this episode; she should be more willing to hear her friends out and consider what they say; she shouldn't be so blinded by her selfish desire to prevent Tank from hibernating that she either never considers or gives no more than a passing dismissal of how stupid her plan to "stop winter" is and how many problems she's causing for everyone else in the process.


Besides, we don’t know what is bringing this up for her.  She may be dealing with a reaction to past events she’s stuffed up until now. 


I guess I find this rather hard to believe. What evidence is there that Rainbow's behavior in this episode is the product of some vague off-screen traumatic events? What exactly would those events be? I know you're trying to come up with a plausible explanation for Rainbow's behavior, but this seems like an unnecessary post-hoc hand-waving rationalization, when the simpler explanation is just that her behavior is out-of-character.


Rainbow Dash has her heart set on sledding, horse-hockey, etc. She wants Tank to do winter sports with her so keeping him indoors where it’s warm won’t do.


But this year no such condition exists, and she is fixated on all the stuff she wants Tank to do with her.


Right, so Rainbow Dash doesn't want Tank to hibernate because she wants to do these winter activities with him, and in order to prevent Tank from hibernating, she tries to "stop winter" (i.e., clear away the snow and ice, prevent snow from falling, etc.), even though doing this will preclude Rainbow and Tank from doing those winter activities that she needs Tank not to hibernate in order to do; and thus the whole exercise is self-defeating. And it seems like if Rainbow had stopped to think about this for a few seconds, or said something about it to anyone else, then the futile nature of her plan should have been discovered. But I know, Rainbow apparently couldn't waste a second thinking about this in the blind rush of her emotions, and she probably wasn't about to tell anyone else precisely because they would shoot her idea down.


And Rainbow was right – Fluttershy’s book was wrong - it showed rabbits hibernating.  They don’t.


Okay, but Rainbow wasn't right about tortoises not hibernating, since Tank did actually hibernate in the end. And Rainbow didn't give this reason or any other reason why Fluttershy and her book were wrong; Rainbow simply asserted that they were wrong because she didn't want to believe them, even though the book (or Fluttershy's summary of the book, in any case) may not have been accurate about that point.


Did you never have an individual-specific wish to do something with someone? You never thought, “These three records are the best – I want to share them with this person because they are special to me and we’ve never listened to my cool collection of singles before”? Yeah, you could go listen to them with someone else, but maybe you want more than anything to share that thing with this person.


I appreciate your trying to personalize your point; in reality, I have long since discovered that essentially no one cares about or really shares my somewhat idiosyncratic music preferences, so I don't really do any song sharing (let alone planning to do so with specific individuals), and I usually just keep my music preferences (and my Billboard chart-gathering activities) to myself, unless asked specifically about them, or about what I do in my free time.


But I get the point you're trying to make. Have I ever had things that I wanted to do only with specific friends? Sure. But if, for whatever reason, I can't do those things with the people I had in mind, then I can live with doing them with someone else or (more likely) just not doing them at all. I wouldn't go commit industrial sabotage and cause harm to large numbers of other people in a vain attempt to be able to perform certain enjoyable activities only with specific friends.


My point in saying that Rainbow could perform her planned winter activities with other friends is that not being able to do them with Tank isn't a total loss. I would think that there's still fun to be had doing extreme sledding or horse hockey or whatever with other friends, and those activities seem appealing enough that she should have at least some other friends to do them with. There obviously have been previous years in which Rainbow didn't have Tank to do things with in the wintertime, so did she ever do similar winter activities with anyone else in that time span?


Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie, join in on the crying because they have empathy. You’ve heard of that, right? Do you ever cry at the end of a sad movie? Maybe, maybe not, but you get that people do get emotional when their friends are freaking out.   


Well, Fluttershy, and to some extent the rest of the Mane Six, were acting very stoic and matter-of-fact about the situation, even as Rainbow was bawling her eyes out; it seemed as though Fluttershy was helping to resolve the matter by being a mature and emotionally stable mentor. But then, in a matter of seconds, Fluttershy changes her whole attitude and starts crying with Rainbow Dash. And what happened specifically to cause this reversal of Fluttershy's behavior? Rainbow temporarily stopped crying and started again, but that doesn't seem like a particularly powerful or significant motivating factor. And right after that, Rarity and Pinkie join in, solely because Fluttershy is crying (although later Pinkie says that she's crying because Twilight isn't, which doesn't make sense to me), even though Fluttershy herself doesn't seem to have any particularly good reason to be doing so. So it doesn't seem like "empathy" is in itself a sufficient explanation for why these three join in the crying session. I would think that one can empathize with one's friends without necessarily having to physically express the same emotion as they are at any given moment.


sidetracking to get Rainbow Dash chewed out, or otherwise punished would have bent the story-arc all to hell. 


Well, the episode wouldn't necessarily have to show Rainbow's punishment directly. I'm not a scriptwriting expert, but, as one example, I think Rainbow Dash could have had a couple of lines at the end of the episode (i.e. after the crying scene) where she could mention her punishment in conversation, maybe along with an expression of regret over her actions. And that could lead to the rest of the Mane Six agreeing and saying that they hope she learned an important lesson about not letting your emotions get out of control, thinking about how your actions affect others, etc. Maybe other people who are more creative than I am could come up with other ways of indirectly working in some reference to a punishment for Rainbow's actions.


I liked this episode a lot.  I think part of the reason I liked it and Music Chart didn't is a difference in temperament.  There's a linear thought/ intuitive thought disconnect.  It's fine, we see things differently is all. 


I'm not sure what you mean by "a linear thought/intuitive thought disconnect". But it does seem to be true that I watch the show in a different way than other people do. I tend to notice a lot of little details in the episodes, and analyzing the plausibility of the events of the episode and the characters' dialogue and actions is an inherent part of the viewing experience (and the enjoyment) for me. Consequently, my opinion of the episodes is significantly affected by this analysis, although other factors (relatability, message, various little moments of humor/cuteness/etc.) obviously contribute as well. So yes, it may be the case that we see the episode differently.

  • Brohoof 4
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The real yardstick should be Rainbow Falls, but thankfully it's hard to purposefully reach that level of sheer suck.


I gotta say, to me, at least in Rainbow Falls; Rainbow Dash faking an injury to avoid making an extremely tough and potentially life-changing decision seemed a lot more plausible and believable than Dash concocting a bizarre plan, practically going insane by triggering winter early, blatantly ignoring the implications it could have on Equestria and its citizens. It was dangerous, delusional and incredibly selfish.


It was pure and utter desperation, brought on by her apparent devastating attachment issues and/or depression. I feel bad for her for that, and I feel the pain through her emotions, but her plan was just so completely implausible and nonsensical. To what extent could her emotions cloud her judgement? Was it really enough to cause her to sabotage the natural seasonal cycle? That's the question the viewer has to answer for themselves.


Rainbow yelling at her friends? I buy that. In moments of sadness and confusion I could see her lashing out. Everyone says things they don't mean to say in the heat of the moment. Crying? I believe it. Tank means a lot to her, and she has been in denial for so long. It was time to let out that bottled emotion. But her actions at the factory and certain other moments are just too far-fetched for me to invest in. She's been selfish and emotional before, but never to this extent. One could say it's an extreme case of denial, which is true, but there are other factors that are in play which make it hard to believe.


Speaking of the crying, I think they overdid it a bit. It was emotional and heartfelt to see Rainbow break down like that, and for Fluttershy to join with her, but once the others joined in it was kinda hard to sit through. It went from "this is so emotional", to "Uhh okaaay, now this is getting silly".


The song was pretty good. I loved the lyrics, though, the instrumental and singing seemed a little overproduced (if that's the right word?). Not sure exactly how to describe it.


Overall, I really don't know whether I liked this episode or not. I'd say based off my first viewing that it points towards the "meh.." side. Why did Rainbow never apologize for her actions? This episode had a lot of flaws (including the continuity error that others have pointed out), but, I still found humor and entertainment at times. It was hilarious to see Rainbow Dash attempt to pull off her ridiculous winter stunt, and during the crying scene it was awesome to see Fluttershy assert her new "Sometimes it's kindest to let someone know the truth" attitude that she learned in the Breezies episode, which shows some solid character development. And seeing Rainbow Dash pour her love and emotion out for all to see was something new and at least an interesting concept. And like I've alluded to - seeing her go completely off the rails was surprising to see.


I voted "meh", based off the first viewing. I have a feeling I'll go up and down with this episode. Loving it one viewing, despising it the next, all depending on how I feel like interpreting the storyline and characterization at the time.

Edited by Rivendare
  • Brohoof 3
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Did I like this episode?  Meh.  I give it a 7/10.  

Seeing how most of all the thread has gone to talking about RD going too far, I will use my response to that subject to show you how I felt about the episode.

First of all: I do not think Rainbow Dash was OOC.  

RD has always had emotions, and emotional issues, from the very beginning of the show.  The only way for this to be OOC would be if you believed RD is not an emotional character.

I believe she is an emotional character.  She hid her emotions early on.  She put on a front to seem tough.  She's cocky because she wants others to think she is strong.  But, hiding emotions doesn't mean she isn't an emotional character.  You're either emotional or you aren't, and hiding emotions means you are emotional.

RD has attachment issues.  She loved Tank and couldn't bare to be without him.  When she heard her friends talking about hibernation, she yelled at them not because she had anger and was mad at them, but because she was sad and didn't want to let Tank hibernate.

Anyone with emotional or attachment issues has the capacity to come to a breaking point.  

RD has emotional/attachment issues; thus, she always had the capacity to break.

Sure, what she did in trying to stop winter was insane, illogical, and stupid.  But that doesn't make it OOC.  RD's character always had the capacity for coming to a breaking point where she may do something insane, illogical, and/or stupid.  

Thus, I believe her behavior was predictable (after the fact, yes; not saying I predicted she would do that, but I'm saying her pattern of previous behavior doesn't contradict what she did in this episode).  


Before I get quoted by someone disagreeing, know this:

If I believed that RD was not an emotional character, I would say that her actions were OOC.

Therefore. if you think she was not an emotional character, then it is logical for you to think she was OOC... 

And thus, the point I would be disagreeing with you about would be whether or not she is/was an emotional character, not about whether or not she was OOC here.



Speaking of the crying, I think they overdid it a bit. It was emotional and heartfelt to see Rainbow break down like that, and for Fluttershy to join with her, but once the others joined in it was kinda hard to sit through. It went from "this is so emotional", to "Uhh okaaay, now this is getting silly".

I do agree to this.  I felt the emotions myself at first, but then it dragged on and felt silly, like you said.

I liked Fluttershy joining in... but the others?  Um, that was kinda weird.  Lol.


All in all, I loved the singing, loved the action, and loved the basis of the episode, but the sweetness came with a touch of bitterness, instead of saltiness, and that bitterness was the uncomfortably awkward scene in RD's bedroom going too far with the crying.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a sap.  I love that shit.  But, come on, I can't take it seriously when everyone but AJ and Twilight were crying on top of each other.  That just seemed silly.  If it had only been Fluttershy with RD, then I'd have rated the episode an 8/10... but since 2/3 (4 out of 6) of the crew had a sobfest on top of each other, the silliness drops my rating to a 7/10.

My vote was "meh," the middle option.

~ Miles

  • Brohoof 6



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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Tanks for the Memories is an episode that I commend more than I enjoy. Truth be told, it was one of the toughest episodes for me to get through in this show, on level with disasters like Spike At Your Service. That's misleading though, since by no means do I consider this a bad episode. But as someone who is invested in this show and characters, I found it really difficult to watch Rainbow Dash here.


All the crying at the end was actually great. I enjoyed watching Dash ball her heart out in the sick way that only rabid fanboys can. What really got to me were Dash's actions; they were extreme to say the least. The fact that she was willing to sabotage and interfere with the lives of others to keep Tank around I found to be very unsettling. Don't worry, I'm not crying "out of character!" here. It's actually the opposite: what I see in Dash's character is disturbing.


This pegasus was unhinged in this episode. Talk about stages of grief all you want, but this is not normal behavior. There is something awful ingrained in Rainbow's brain and I can only speculate as to what it is (I'll talk about that more in the video). After seeing this episode, I have to look at Dash in a whole new light. I'm not sure that I like what I see, but from a technical standpoint this episode did further develop her character. Loyalty is not merely a virtue Dash holds, it's more of an imperative that serves as a driving force behind her actions.



For more fleshed out thoughts, check out my video below:




Edited by LZRD WZRD
  • Brohoof 6

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But yeah, that's why I think this episode succeeded so well. It showed Dash being belligerent, acting the part of the bad guy, messing everything up for everyone and ultimately failing, and yet the reaction from so many people was




Me at the end of the episode:




The bronymen have been called and assembled; the Fandom remembers, Morrow and Larson.  We're coming for you all in DHX Landing, and we shall seize the Writer's Throne.





  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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I find it funny that people complain about Rainbow not getting punished for wrecking the factory.

With the way the characters spoke in the final scene, it seems like the incident was being treated as an "alls well that ends well" scenario.
Which I agree with. 

Did you see how Dash got beaten and tossed around during the chain reaction that wrecked the factory?
Did you see how she completely broke down and cried her eyes out in anguish? 

Any punishment that could have possibly been given to her would have had no significant impact compared to what she just went through.
The girl was already feeling pretty damn low, you're not going to get much of a point across by trying to impose an extra consequence. 

Thus, I can see why something more official was skipped.
Cindy Morrow thought "the poor girl has suffered enough" and I'm inclined to agree with her. 

And let's not forget, there have been many occasions in the past where a pony's reckless behavior has caused damage to property and risk to lives,
but they received no comeuppance either. You can't just randomly decide to complain about it now when it's been happening for a long time.
Yes, it was shifted to more of an extreme because Rainbow was intentionally doing something that was wrong, but I believe it's still understandable for the show to hand wave it.

Plus, in the MLP world it seems you can be forgiven for almost anything if you say you're sorry and/or that you learned a lesson.
(Trixie at the end of Magic Duel being a prominent example, as well as Applejack getting away with poisoning half of ponyville in Applebuck Season)
I'm even inclined to believe a headcanon that Twilight pardoned Rainbow on her authoirty as a Princess, after seeing for herself that she'd learned her lesson.

  • Brohoof 5
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I gotta say, to me, at least in Rainbow Falls; Rainbow Dash faking an injury to avoid making an extremely tough and potentially life-changing decision seemed a lot more plausible and believable than Dash concocting a bizarre plan, practically going insane by triggering winter early, blatantly ignoring the implications it could have on Equestria and its citizens. It was dangerous, delusional and incredibly selfish.


For me it's not necessarily about what's believable. Can I see RD struggling to make the decision to win glory with her hometown and heroes, or to settle for mediocrity and fly with her friends? Sure. I actually would've supported her changing teams if the Wonderbolts hadn't suddenly devolved into utter pricks. It's just that after her last major episode before that point, where she was prepared to reject the Bolts forever if it meant sticking to her principles, I can't find Rainbow Falls even remotely compelling. One season she's a brave, self-actualized horse who's learned from her past mistakes and is now more loyal to what is right than what she truly wants, but then they bust out the cool grey flying jackets and suddenly she's all "Twilight make my life choices for me :( "


In any case, don't wanna derail things. Suffice it to say that RD's characterization in Rainbow Falls is only the beginning of my problems with that episode.




It seems like our problems with each of our respective episodes all go back to not finding them compelling enough. Because while I think we can both understand Dash or somebody else doing something really really dumb for the sake of somebody she really cared about, it gets harder and harder to feel connected to that, which causes you to lose immersion and start questioning more and more things and... To be fair things did get pretty ridiculous, especially considering that we all knew nothing was really at stake. I can understand that, but I'm willing to mostly overlook it because I'm able to focus on what they were trying to convey about Dash's mental state and desperation. And because I know that she would never do such a thing or anything close to it in normal circumstances.


Not gonna try to convince you that you should overlook things too, but that's how I see them :)

  • Brohoof 2
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For me it's not necessarily about what's believable. Can I see RD struggling to make the decision to win glory with her hometown and heroes, or to settle for mediocrity and fly with her friends? Sure. I actually would've supported her changing teams if the Wonderbolts hadn't suddenly devolved into utter pricks. It's just that after her last major episode before that point, where she was prepared to reject the Bolts forever if it meant sticking to her principles, I can't find Rainbow Falls even remotely compelling. One season she's a brave, self-actualized horse who's learned from her past mistakes and is now more loyal to what is right than what she truly wants, but then they bust out the cool grey flying jackets and suddenly she's all "Twilight make my life choices for me :( "


I completely understand most everyone's issues with "Rainbow Falls".  That said, you know my position as well  :toldya: ; as far as I'm concerned, we learned in that episode that Derpy was the official "Alternate Element of Loyalty"  :smug: .  That will always make it amazing to me.  :comeatus:








She's the hero that episode deserved, and the one it needed right then and there.  :derp:

  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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I'm also a fan of the Mysterious Mare do well. Great batman parody.


That's a very good point as well. The idea follows too, since we never see any parental figures for RD. Or for many of the mane 6 aside from Rarity, Pinkie and Twilight. Fluttershy has none, Rainbow Dash doesn't, and Applejack seems to have been raised by her grandmother, so her parents are a mystery too.

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm also a fan of the Mysterious Mare do well. Great batman parody.


It really seems like more and more people are starting to like that episode.  Don't know why it took so long, but I guess all that matters is that folks are coming around to it.  It still boggles me that so many people didn't like it when it first aired; kind of as boggling as the fact that some people didn't like "Feeling Pinkie Keen" when it first aired because a religious message could be drawn from its underlying themes.  I'm not disputing that it could, but I don't see why some people thought that was a bad thing; in fact, as a religious person myself, that only further confirmed my love of the show as I was getting into it while first going through Season 1.  :grin2:

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Oh, And another thing I totally forgot about. They made a brilliant "Who's on first" parody.

And this isn't the first retro TV reference either. If you remember the Cherry factory scene when AJ runs away.



Edited by Midnight Scribbler
  • Brohoof 2

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Loved it! :)


That music was amazing. I was a bit zoned beforehand, but got pulled into the song as it went along.


There were tons of little references, that even I caught xD  And we saw some pretty interesting expressions, too.


My absolute favorite scene was Fluttershy's talk. Just...perfect. She completely understood what it would take to help Dash and didn't hesitate to do it. Hating to see her cry, but perfectly at peace making her do so. That is the pinnacle of kindness. I can only hope to see more of this as time goes on.


And as much as I loved that scene, having everypony cry seemed forced, so was really glad with the balance they found...AJ cries on the inside xD


As for the continuity blip everyone's mentioning, we could easily assume Tank and RD were apart that winter. After all, she was in Canterlot.



EDIT: After seeing a few posts about Rainbow's character, guess I'll say few.


She was fine. Consistent as she's always been...like everypony ever.


This controversy about being OOC comes about so easily. When we critique a character this way, it's should be when they blatantly go against what we know about them. Many times though, it's because they got swept up in the moment (a.k.a. emotional, distracted, etc).


Even if situations seem similar, you're approaching it with a whole different set of thoughts and feelings each time.

Edited by Starlight Sky
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That bizarre feel when you like Mare Do Well and yet for others it will never be anything more than a yardstick for an episode's garbageitude


This ep and MMDW fit nicely together if just for Rainbow's comment about not wanting to be alone. [insert Silver Quill Continuity clip]



Tanks for the Memories was resonant and poignant, and like many great episodes in the series that have issues with contrived story lines, odd judgement from characters, or continuity questions (Canterlot Wedding I'm looking at you), I can easily ignore them here and sit back and enjoy experience the ride. Sometimes you should just shut off your mind and open your soul, so to speak. Just like Canterlot Wedding I loved this episode in spite of any presented flaws. It fits RD, and catapults her character to heights (yes that was on purpose) that not only increased my already growing appreciation of her, but have me wanting to see more of this side of her ... 


RD finally had that moment that only a few of the other characters on the show had with me. I actually wanted to reach out and hug her at the end. When the writing and acting break that barrier ... you did something right.  


Like it or not, Rainbow Dash got a whole lot more complex as a character. 



I have seen this episode five times. A select few FiM episodes have reached that number of views and further. While Rainbow Dash won't be knocking Rarity of her pedestal (let's face it nopony could do that for me), Tanks for the Memories put her in a nice two way tie for #3 ... appropriately right along side Scootaloo.


As it stands I easily give this one a 10/10 (regardless of presented flaws). 

  • Brohoof 4



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I find it funny that people complain about Rainbow not getting punished for wrecking the factory.


I don't really need Rainbow to be punished for that, the problem is that most of the time when a character does that kind of stupid stuff they end up feeling bad about it. She was crying because the plan failed and Tank was going to hibernate, which was something that was gonna happen anyway so doesn't count as a punishment. She never seemed to feel bad because what she was doing was wrong. There wouldn't be so much time for crying if they had to fix all the damage she could have caused....


I think that just realizing you did something wrong and feeling bad a about it is enough punishment, but it didn't happen. 



Equestria's best unicorns

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If there's something I truly don't understand, it's this:

Why are several people in the fandom fretting about whether or not the next episode will be set in winter?

Since when has seasonal epiosde-to-episode continuity between the SOL episodes ever existed in the first place? 
Fall Weather Friends aired very quickly after Winter Wrap Up, and season 2 had a standalone winter episode in Hearths Warming Eve.

So it puzzles me as to why people would suddenly wonder about it. I'm pretty sure we won't see snow next week. 

  • Brohoof 4
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This episode was great, the fact Rainbow was so upset about it all really got me. It makes me sad, as her being the only Pegasus in the group that's a Cloudsdale residential Pegasus, it makes sense that Tank is her constant companion up there. Cloudsdale is her home, just as she is loyal to her friends she's loyal to her home. So she does spend quite a bit of time there, and where her friends can't really follow her, Tank was always there. It makes me think of when I had to move away from my dear friends and I wanted more than anything to take them with me. Rainbow Dash was very human in this episode, and I really appreciated that in her song she plainly admits she knows it's wrong. We've been so desperately selfish before, all for our own justified reasons, and end the end her breaking down is her acceptance. I've been there, and I love that she wasn't just running from the truth, but her own feelings too. I really liked that she needs a companion.


All and all, even though it felt a little cramped, I really enjoyed this episode!

Edited by Ninaiso
  • Brohoof 2


(sig by kyoshi)

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What are you even saying?


This episode was literally an interpretation of how Rainbow Dash handles the death hibernation of her pet.

Whinny? No. She was shown on a realistic view, because we can say we are ready for those things, but we are never truly ready when it happens.

And exactly how does that justify her actions towards her friends? Didn't you see what a bitch she was to them earlier?

The White Shinigami

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Holy shit, 26 pages?!?


If there's something I truly don't understand, it's this:


Why are several people in the fandom fretting about whether or not the next episode will be set in winter?


I for one said I was wondering that, but it's mostly by curiosity.

It's just that, after all these heartwrenching goodbyes and the fact the whole episode focuses on the beginning of winter, it would be a bit disappointing if the next episode doesn't take place in winter (and I'm pretty sure it'll be the case...)

Edited by Blobulle
  • Brohoof 1
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I gotta say, to me, at least in Rainbow Falls; Rainbow Dash faking an injury to avoid making an extremely tough and potentially life-changing decision seemed a lot more plausible and believable than Dash concocting a bizarre plan, practically going insane by triggering winter early, blatantly ignoring the implications it could have on Equestria and its citizens. It was dangerous, delusional and incredibly selfish.


It was pure and utter desperation, brought on by her apparent devastating attachment issues and/or depression. I feel bad for her for that, and I feel the pain through her emotions, but her plan was just so completely implausible and nonsensical. To what extent could her emotions cloud her judgement? Was it really enough to cause her to sabotage the natural seasonal cycle? That's the question the viewer has to answer for themselves.


This is the part that really bothers me... she DOESN'T ignore the consequences of her actions. She isn't being irrational, or acting rashly or thoughtlessly, or acting only on emotion, as others here have asserted. If she was, I probably still wouldn't like the episode, but I could at least accept it. But she's not. She quite clearly has thought this through, and knows that what she's doing is wrong. The episode isn't even ambiguous on this point, as Dash spells that out in the song. And yet for some reason, even knowing that, she goes through with her harebrained scheme anyway. She knows about the destructive potential of her actions, and she doesn't care.


At that point, Rainbow Dash loses any and all sympathy I might have had for her. Those are the actions of a villain, straight up. If I watched this episode and didn't already know Dash was a protagonist of the series, I would have assumed she was a villain. And when I can't sympathize with her situation and actions, the emotional connection that is essential to the episode's resolution is... dang, I can't even call it broken. It's pretty much just missing.

  • Brohoof 5
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