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When did you stop trusting people?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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I'm sure we all heard the saying "Don't trust no one". Yeah I do NOT trust a lot of people, only a VERY few. That includes my boyfriend, my parents, and my Grandpa. I'm sure we all trust someone, or maybe not, I dunno.


Well what happened to you that made you lose trust in people, lose trust in everyone, or stopped relying?




What made me pretty much realize most people aren't trustworthy is back in Highschool, my cousin finally moved to our school. We got really close and hung out a lot. She was basically my best friend too. I trusted her because she was pretty reliable or loyal. Well someONE decided to go off and spread rumors, the usual Highschool trend, because no one else has anything better to do. They told my cousin I said all this and all that about her, when I never would. She's family and the only other decent family member I had. Rather than believing me, she decided to believe the first person to walked up to her and said something. Rather than coming up to me, she decided to ignore me and cuss me out. I tried to explain things, but never got through her thick head. Plus, my one best friend started believing rumors and spreading them about me around the same time my cousin betrayed me and did the same. 


Basically, High school made me lose trust. I mean, I know there still are trustworthy people. but it just shows that you really can't trust no one.

  • Brohoof 1

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When people do the exact opposite that I said to them mostly and when people invade my privacy

Edited by MLG4Ever
  • Brohoof 1

*Boops You Nose!*

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I still trust people, but mostly those, who offer criticism. I don't trust any compliment on any work I'm doing. I don't know when exactly it started, but now compliments are worse than insults for me.
(Seems to be a bit off topic, but... oh well)

Edited by ShadeRover
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I still trust people, but mostly those, who offer criticism. I don't trust any compliment on any work I'm doing. I don't know when exactlu it started, but now compliments are worse than insults for me.

(Seems to be a bit off topic, but... oh well)


Yeah I still trust people and I know NOT EVERYONE is untrustworthy, but seems like everyone I meet or have met, has betrayed me. I only have a few people and infact, lost trust with my childhood best friend about a month or two ago, but oh well.


I hope I meet more people I can trust  :lol:

  • Brohoof 1

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it all started for me back when i was about thirteen. idk if its a distrust but it's made me a bit anti-social although i have an illness that required me to be homeschooled til graduation. i tried chatting on a forum called ffshrine because i was lonely often and wanted some ponies to talk with and i figured since i liked final fantasy it wouldn't hurt to try. oh boy was i wrong and that was my first taste of what still remains today. i got into arguements and the members there wouldn't let off of me (my profile knew i was 13 so they i guess ganged on me for being so young) but all i wanted them to realize is that i liked the new Final Fantasy games a bit more than the older ones.


anyway that was just the start of things. before i was homeschooled  i had to put up with those jerk kids making fun of my accent because of where i'm from and because they didnt understand what i was saying because my sentences mixed up. it still makes me kinda realy sad just thinking about it but forget them. then there was the time i was going to start a blog at about 15 on different kinds of thoughts i had but the first video to youtube was just full of bullies so i gave up on that crap too. my limited outside the room experience hasn't really been that fantastic either. especially public therapy going out and having to talk to strangers like cashiers and stuff >.>


ponies out there give me looks but i guess its ok. i dont like it when somepony gives me a look after seeing my scars on my arms though. its none of their buisiness what i do in my alone time.


between all those and some more experiences i've had i just don't have it in me to trust anypony anymore. its weird because I actually socialize a bit on here but that's the extent of my socializing pretty much. sorry if a bit long or hard to read, i did my best. but its a fascinating topic to me.



Silence is a girl's best friend.


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Yeah I still trust people and I know NOT EVERYONE is untrustworthy, but seems like everyone I meet or have met, has betrayed me. I only have a few people and infact, lost trust with my childhood best friend about a month or two ago, but oh well.


I hope I meet more people I can trust  :lol:

You can trust me! Oh... That's the first thing traitor would say, isn't it?

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People who lie straight to my face aren't trustworthy.


I'll be friends with anyone, really - just never play me as a sucker. Never.

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Elementary School. Never trust students that claim to be your friend after they bullied you for a few years. I have trust issues due to bullying and even teachers.

I trust only a few in my life. My few friends and fiance.

I tend to not open up until I know for sure they won't hurt me.

  • Brohoof 1

Roleplayer, Voice Actor, Writer, Friend

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@@~Sugar Sprinkles~,


The question seems unfairly slanted. Shouldn't it be worded "do you trust people, if not, when did you stop and why?"


As it stands, at 23, in college, having traveled all around this beautiful world of ours, I trust people. So your question, is invalid.

  • Brohoof 3
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@@~Sugar Sprinkles~,


The question seems unfairly slanted. Shouldn't it be worded "do you trust people, if not, when did you stop and why?"


As it stands, at 23, in college, having traveled all around this beautiful world of ours, I trust people. So your question, is invalid.


The question makes sense to me and quite a bit to other people too. That's your opinion. Please don't be rude. I am asking the people WHO STOPPED trusting people. Simply don't answer the topic??

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I'd say sometime around senior year, I've had a very hard time trusting people. Why? Because I have no idea anymore if they're really being honest or dishonest with what they're saying.

(coming soon)

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The question makes sense to me and quite a bit to other people too. That's your opinion. Please don't be rude. I am asking the people WHO STOPPED trusting people. Simply don't answer the topic??


I was not trying to be rude. How did that come across to you?

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd say around the start of high school. Lies were abundant and I just knew people couldn't be trusted. And the internet helped with that too.



Also I haven't heard the expression "Don't trust no one." Because that right there is a double negative.


Edited by InfectedPone
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I have moved from house to house 7 times now, each time I made new friends and then I moved away again. They always promise to keep in touch but they never do. It takes me a long time to trust someone because I'm used to being disappointed by friends.

There are only 3 people in my life who I fully trust and only one of them is a family member. I only trust my brother, the rest of my family I do not trust. They let me down too many times.

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After Middle School. It pretty much wrecked me bad, in terms of friendship. I have a little phobia towards people and friendship now thanks to that, but nothing to be discussing here  -_-. 


I trust very few people, my sister, my best friend, Puck, xOkamii and then another friend of mine in school :)

  • Brohoof 1
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When my girlfriend said she'd help me through my eating disorder and then out of nowhere dumped me and said she hated me. That kinda sucked especially at a time where things were getting worse.


However, I still do trust some people, if someone can make me feel any sense of enjoyment for no matter the amount of time, then I guess the heartache of them losing my trust is worth it.

  • Brohoof 2


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I don't think it can be as simply put as trusting or not trusting everyone. As with anything else trust is not black and white and there are many shades of grey in between. Platitudes aside there's no reason one can't choose who to trust and who not to trust and with what. That's a key factor. Your trust can, and always should, be contextual.


I'd trust my brother, whom I hate more than anyone I've ever known, with my property because I know he won't do anything to it. I wouldn't trust him with my emotional state as far as I could throw him. This is because I know him and have learned to adapt my trust around our particular relationship.

  • Brohoof 3
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It's a bit of a one sided question to be honest. There are people I trust, and there are people I don't trust. As I've grown older, I've gotten better at figuring out who seems trustworthy at a glance. Generally I'm right, but sometimes I'm wrong. But there's no reason for me to suddenly stop trusting people, as there are still many good people around. I just work to be more wise about my presumptions in the future.

If anything, I don't trust people who don't trust people, because it shows that they don't think of you as on an equal level to themselves. It is rather worrying that you can't even trust your own partner. :/

  • Brohoof 1


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High school when I got bullied because I was backstabbed by someone I considered a friend. That event hurt me pretty badly, I could almost be considered an extrovert at that point and it flipped my POV upside down. I'm working on recovering that old outgoing version of myself, but it's a very slow process...

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I don't trust people.

I must say, I did, but I wasn't really backstabbed or anything, I just watched and learnt. I learnt that I can't need to trust people.


If I have to rely on someone for work or anything, of course I will :). But I don't need anyone to trust me. Why would I anyway ? You may say "isn't it what friends are for ?", well, that's true, so I may trust some people. However, that's not really the kind of trust I was talking about. I trust people, but I don't really care if they end up lying to me, I don't care if they need to act in such a childish way to prove anything, I'm over it. Basically, this means that trust doesn't mean much to me.


Signature made by Pucksterv

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I don't know exactly when I stopped trusting people but it was probably early.  I try to analyse a person's character before I can trust them.

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I stoped trusting people when someone i considered a freind led my primary school bullies to my younger brother and filmed then beating him up. To follow, the school did little about it as the person was a rich, dadies boy and our family were working class. After that i learnt that it's easier/better to trust no one! The only person i have full tust in is my brother, i have some trust in my parents and freinds, but not total trust!


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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