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When did you stop trusting people?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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If anything, I trust too easily.





I completely understand you there :(



By my count, being trusting and people betraying that trust, says more about them than you.

  • Brohoof 2
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I have been screwed over by people so many times with people saying one thing and doing another or saying they are going to be somewhere and they never show, people lying to my face. i stopped trusting people so long ago i can;t remember the exact moment i stopped trusting

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I have no problems trusting people, I just don't trust tenders! Haha! Dive tenders are NOT people when you've suffered hypothermia, near drowning, and electrocution as a result of topside stupidity. Other than that, I don't have problems with most people.

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It's not like I have a trusting problem, but I can't trust those who I thought were my friends (which is very few people). When I get to know a person, I wait for a bit until I get to know them before I tell them anything personal.

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When I transitioned from a high school designed for kids like me to a community college, where I don't know who to trust plus I have no confidence in talking to strangers let alone make new friends. I'm picky when it comes to making new friends. I have no idea who to trust there because I'm not sure who would understand my disability and make this new environment comfortable for me. I do have a psychologist but I'm starting to lose some trust in her because I don't get that much confidence out of plain old check-ins and I'm not a fan of her suggestions either. The only ones I trust nowadays is my family, fellow Aspies, and whoever knows me well because they understand me the most.

Edited by CC_Maud_Pie
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I can't say I ever stopped, personally I trust an individual unless they do something that warrants otherwise. I wouldn't like to be prejudged by someone new so it's only fair that I extend the same courtesy.

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Well, it's not that I don't "trust" people, it's the fact that I like to take necessary precaution. I learned there's one thing you can't trust with people, is to NEVER tell them who you like unless they  are your close, trustworthy friends. Middle school was a butt.

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Can't say I remember the exact moment I learned to be skeptical of everyone but one particular early incident stands out in my memory.


This happened in kindergarten so I was probably around 6 years old. In our classroom there was a large storage cabinet were all of the student's lunches were kept until the lunch hour. 


So one day my mom drops me off at the classroom and before she leaves she tells me she placed a can of soda in the cabinet to go with my lunch. Latter, as we were getting ready to go to the lunch room, I went to grab the soda but as I did a girl strait up tells me that it was her soda (it was the only one in the cabinet). I didn't argue with her and just let her take it because I thought I might have been mistaken.


When we got to the cafeteria I saw her snickering with her friends and looking at me (while drinking my soda) and at that moment I knew I had been had. 


Yep, I learned early on that, in general, people are dicks.

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I'm a second chances kind of guy, and i like giving people the benefit of the doubt. I believe (perhaps too optimistically) that there's an inherent good in most people and i try to see it. That being said, i have lost trust in several people before.


An incident some months ago, when a close friend betrayed me, for instance, left me with a truly bitter aftertaste. Due to various circumstances beyond my control, and through some convincing from a joint friend of both of us, we remained friends, thought we've been speaking less and less. I want to trust him, but i can't. Maybe i'm too cautious now, or maybe i really made a poor choice of a friend, but i just can't. No matter how hard i try, i now see him as an unreliable person, which saddens me because we have a long history.


I guess it's true what they say- once bitten, twice shy, right?

  • Brohoof 2
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I think I'm too trusting of people at times, yet at the same time, I don't share secrets with those that are closest to me... :( 

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You shouldn't trust unreasoningly

However, a life without true trust is a sad and empty one.

Personally, I'm not great at the trusting game either, but I do unequivocally trust one person, who I have known for... 3 years nowish? About there.

So yeah

Trust, but within reason.

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I think I have always had trouble trusting people. Even now, I cannot fully trust anybody since I know they will at some point hurt me in some way, shape or form. I prefer to just not risk it.

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Probably somewhat after high school. I changed *a lot* as a person after high school and sometimes I wish I could go through high school with how I carry myself these days. Things would have been so much better and I would have stood up for myself in so many cases in which I didn't in my high school years.

  • Brohoof 1
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i've learned to not trust anyone from learning what type of world we live in. I know some my find this to be a stupid reason to not trust people but I personally think it's a good way to filter the good from the bad. If some does wish to be friends with me, I'll give them a slight benefit of the dought, but not full trust just yet. Once it's proven that I can trust that person, then I begin opening up a bit. From that point onward I slowly become a open book.


Truthfully through, having some level caution to whom you trust and don't is always good to have. And if your not down with that... well, that's your problem not mine. Though I'm sure if you have different opinion on the whole trust thing, that's fine.

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I always consider that people might have ulterior motives in anything. I trust people with information that wouldn't hurt me much even if it came out somehow. I've always been relatively open with people, but there are only a few I'd trust with my life.

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The manga Liar's Game (which is excellent btw) has some really interesting discussion points about trust, my favorite being the idea that you cant really get to know someone until you doubt them. Blindly trusting anyone is basically the same as dismissing them or not wanting to really get to know them. 


Personally I tend to give others the benefit of the doubt, and just typically avoid relying on anyone for anything unless I have to. Trust never really comes into it, unless I actively say "i'm going to trust you on this", but then that's just a code word for "I'm REALLY giving you the benefit of the doubt, so don't disappoint me"

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  • 7 years later...

I still trust people. I don't stop trusting them unless they, as individuals, give me a good reason not to trust them anymore. And it would take more than one or two instances. They have to prove consistantly that they can't be trusted before I write them off as untrustworthy. If I give people a chance they often surprise me. 

  • Brohoof 1
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