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When did you stop trusting people?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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Nobody outside my immediate family has ever really cared about me. Eventually I just learned to stop trusting other people and to try to find my own happiness.

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Friendship isn't always easy. But it's definitely worth fighting for.


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  • 4 months later...

My family was never the emotional support type so I never trust them to open up. As for friends, friends never stick with ya. I’m loyal so that’s my weakness. Always feel like I’m the last one  of the gang. So never keep friends only acquaintances. For stranger never. Overall yeh I got trust issue, to the point I don’t remember when I stop trusting.

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♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Hmmm I had trust issues thanks to  family when I was younger and it’s been hard to recover since. Strangers or friends I can see trust issues occur and everyone’s thoughts on that, but when family does it to you, it sticks. 

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The world was always so harsh, so it's difficult to trust anyone after experiences like that. But.. keep is silky, silly... 

You can either use the woes of the world to contribute to its bitterness, or you can try to be the best version of yourself to remind others that there's always hope and we're all secretly wanting to connect on a human level despite our fears....

it's best to show strength by still exercising the will to trust and open up... even if just to people who have proven themselves to be trustworthy. It's certainly not an easy thing to do... so it's far from weak. 


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It is difficult to trust the YouTubers that chose to take sponsor deals, since they try to keep their personality while giving you a fake message. And since it is the same fake message that most YouTubers fall for, it feels even less trustworthy and it’s cheap.

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What i want to know is when did people stop trusting me.... 

Maybe its when i start trolling them 🤔

Did i stop trysting people? Or was there not enough time for people to trick me since i ended up trolling them and avoiding me? .... 🤔


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High school crushed my trust in people. My friend group from middle school turned on me. Then I tried to make friends time and time again only for the same thing to happen. It felt like everyone hated me. Certainly a large number of people did. I was very sociable and chatty in early high school, I learned to tone that down, I learned to minimize myself greatly to not annoy people, because many people called me "annoying". (Unfortunately, I feel like that has minimized my socialization to arguing and making points and I hate that!)

There was this one girl in particular that hurt me a lot. I don't know why it was her in particular. I've talked about her before, as she is a large influence behind my choice of this username (a very, very long time ago). She played the bassoon back when I didn't and I thought it was so cool. As shouldn't have to be said, I suppose, I was very envious of her, as she played the bassoon, was really talented at it without practicing much, and was much prettier than me. But for some reason I felt compelled to want to be friends with her, and it didn't work. I could not understand why, there was some time there where I thought we were friends, but then she gave me the "You're annoying" line and I suppose that was the point where I officially stopped trusting people. She was far from the first, but she was the breaking point for me.

My social confidence has been zero ever since. I'm still very much like this... Rarely contact people. I will sadly probably eventually lose complete contact with some of the people I today call my closest friends once I move, because I'm so terrible at socializing.

The person I opened up to after this was... my ex-BFF, ex-girlfriend. And look at that, she's an ex now and disappeared from my life without warning. So trusting her was a mistake, too, I guess...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ehhh I haven’t not. I won’t trust much if my “ticket” is on the line if they let me down or worse.


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  • 6 months later...

When I had family members lie to me. If the people closest to you can lie to your face, what's stopping a stranger?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got spoiled with one of my best friends @Hugs SilkALot - he taught me to open up a lot more when I was so closed off and distrusting of the entire world. I can pretty much tell him ANYTHING and he's one of the least judgemental people you'll ever meet or know. He has no snarky commentary or anything mean to say about anyone apart from just observing facts.

Then, I learned, it's a rare thing to find someone like that that you can truly open up to.

So many people are hearing you but they're not actually listening, not on purpose, of course. It's not even personal. Some are simply incapable of understanding such realities, or they're projecting their own biases or mental health or points of views on you due to culture or personal preferences, etc. I've had to deal with people who don't understand "directness" -- so if you say something as simple as "that rubber ducky is yellow -- " they will SWEAR there's some hidden illuminati code behind your words rather than understanding that you mean what you say -- literally -- nothing to "beat around the bush in." It's literally a rubber ducky. And it's yellow. @.@  

I've had people give me tons of sob stories so that I can have empathy for them and give them leniency but when they were doing damage and I explained to them that it was hurting me and others -- they only deeply pushed their sob stories to justify the destruction -- and didn't care to have any empathy towards others... then pointed an accusing finger when proper action was taken to keep people safe from it -- then placing the blame on you for why they had a such a sob story way back before you even met -- hngghhh -- it can be too exhausting so I've learned to just be a listener rather than someone who opens up too much. You never know what someone's storyline is or how they project whatever you're telling them to be -- it feels like they're warping your version or the very fabric of reality as it's perceived, but to them, it's very real and that's just how it is. 

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I have never trusted people, but today I've become even more distrustful. Today I read the book by Nestor Makhno "Rebellious Youth" and my parents noticed it, they called everything I read nonsense and said that Anarchism and fascism are the same thing. Today I realized that it is better to hide my interests from some people.

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45 minutes ago, Planeswalker Silky said:

I got spoiled with one of my best friends @Hugs SilkALot - he taught me to open up a lot more when I was so closed off and distrusting of the entire world. I can pretty much tell him ANYTHING and he's one of the least judgemental people you'll ever meet or know. He has no snarky commentary or anything mean to say about anyone apart from just observing facts.

Then, I learned, it's a rare thing to find someone like that that you can truly open up to.

So many people are hearing you but they're not actually listening, not on purpose, of course. It's not even personal. Some are simply incapable of understanding such realities, or they're projecting their own biases or mental health or points of views on you due to culture or personal preferences, etc. I've had to deal with people who don't understand "directness" -- so if you say something as simple as "that rubber ducky is yellow -- " they will SWEAR there's some hidden illuminati code behind your words rather than understanding that you mean what you say -- literally -- nothing to "beat around the bush in." It's literally a rubber ducky. And it's yellow. @.@  

I've had people give me tons of sob stories so that I can have empathy for them and give them leniency but when they were doing damage and I explained to them that it was hurting me and others -- they only deeply pushed their sob stories to justify the destruction -- and didn't care to have any empathy towards others... then pointed an accusing finger when proper action was taken to keep people safe from it -- then placing the blame on you for why they had a such a sob story way back before you even met -- hngghhh -- it can be too exhausting so I've learned to just be a listener rather than someone who opens up too much. You never know what someone's storyline is or how they project whatever you're telling them to be -- it feels like they're warping your version or the very fabric of reality as it's perceived, but to them, it's very real and that's just how it is. 

I think the trick with that is to see who is using their sob story as crutch and who is using it as a determinate to better their lives. 

Also, we all have had bad or traumatic experiences in our lives but unless yours is something very very dramatic and it's been at least 5+ years since it happened well it's time to move.

Now, if it actually is something that horrible than just try to do what you can day by day.

I had someone steal my stuff, a former co worker I let stay at my house because he was "going through a hard time" and to put it mildly they tried to take over MY house and kick me out. 

Was I mad about those things when they happened? Yes.

Was I an emotional wreck when I had to deal with it that time? Yes.

Do I care now? Nope, I even don't remember the name anymore hardly. 

I've moved and could not care less.


THAT'S the difference, yes it happened, it was unfair , I was mad about it but it's been years since and I have moved on.

You're never going to even hear talk about such things anymore. I only said here so it could be used as example to help @Planeswalker Silky 

Now, as far as myself goes unless your family I trust cautiously and will always try to help out others I just do so more carefully from now on after learning from my mistakes in the past. 

You never should stop opening up to help others in need.

For example,  if a friend were to tell me that they really need money because they really need to get "x" medicine, or whatever then I'd say "Okay, cool take me to the pharmacy and I'll pay for it there."

And if they try to refuse that then I just say bye and good luck.

It's about love not enabling. 


Edited by Earth Prince StarHeart
Redundant word elimination
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I don't think I've ever stopped trusting people. I'm a very open guy, what you see is what you get. :mlp_yeehaa:

So I never needed to hide anything about myself, my interests, my personal life or even my things. Yeah I've had some people abuse this to some extent, but I just cut them out, because trust has to be earned and kept. :darling:

I think the bad things that happended to me or that others have made me feel has just reinforced my desire to surround myself with people I enjoy being with. :mlp_pinkie:

I always try my best to be interested in others and to pay attention to them, and to make them feel the best that I can. And so in turn, people trust me and I trust them. It's a virtuous circle that I love to contribute to, for the greater good of everyone I interact with. :blush:

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4 hours ago, Hadrien said:

I don't think I've ever stopped trusting people. I'm a very open guy, what you see is what you get. :mlp_yeehaa:

So I never needed to hide anything about myself, my interests, my personal life or even my things. Yeah I've had some people abuse this to some extent, but I just cut them out, because trust has to be earned and kept. :darling:

I think the bad things that happended to me or that others have made me feel has just reinforced my desire to surround myself with people I enjoy being with. :mlp_pinkie:

I always try my best to be interested in others and to pay attention to them, and to make them feel the best that I can. And so in turn, people trust me and I trust them. It's a virtuous circle that I love to contribute to, for the greater good of everyone I interact with. :blush:


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  • 1 month later...

Well I started to in 5th grade after realizing everyone I knew out side from school didn’t like me or atleast in front of people then I went to high school and no one talked to be. In 7th I finally found 2 people that would talk. 
but now it depends on my paranoia. If it’s a good day I feel like everything’s nice but on a bad day everyone’s following me staring at me reading my mind. 

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I think this is the year where I've finally come around to stop trusting people. Too many close friendships and people ended up turning their backs on me for the most asinine of reasons. I can't really blame them, because in the end it was my fault for trusting the wrong people. After the mess of 2022 and 2023, I have to say, I'm going to be far more guarded about how I interact and project myself.

I can't afford any more messes. I'm done. I've accepted the reality that not everyone is going to like me. I'm done trying to please everyone. I'll only trust people who have been there in hard times and not turned their back on me. 

  • Brohoof 1



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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