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Is Discord a dangerous sociopath?


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I noticed that in recent episode Discord went into full psycho mode. He threatened Fluttershy friend to remove her from this universe. When Mane5 challenged him then he didn't back down or care if he's going to be turned into stone, he just removed them from the picture with Smooze and his antimagic ability. He also thought that after getting rid of Treehugger in that way, Fluttershy would just be okay with it and continue their relationship. He didn't thought that she would be upset or would he just force her? Entire situation was kind of creepy. I won't even mention the amount of jealousy and possesivness over Fluttershy or the fact that he treated Smooze as object that only serve him a certain purpose.


It was clear that Discord was ready to flip back into villain if his friendship with Fluttershy ceased to exist. He isn't scared of Mane6, Princesses or Rainbow Power which still makes him a potential threat and a ticking bomb.


  • Brohoof 2
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Lol, Discord played one of these on Treehugger.



I agree that Discord is dangerous.  The smart thing to do would have been to leave him stone, then chuck the stone into the fires of Mt. Doom.  But then we wouldn't have Discord in the show, and that would suck.  He's just too much fun to leave as stone.  He's not evil, but he is dangerous.

  • Brohoof 3


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Lol, Discord played one of these on Treehugger.



I agree that Discord is dangerous.  The smart thing to do would have been to leave him stone, then chuck the stone into the fires of Mt. Doom.  But then we wouldn't have Discord in the show, and that would suck.  He's just too much fun to leave as stone.  He's not evil, but he is dangerous.

I also want to stress out how much he didn't care if the mail pony was eaten my a monster or if Twilight and Cadance were eaten by giant worm in Three's a Crowd. He literally doesn't care about anyone dying in front of him with the exception of Fluttershy. This guy will need dozen of seasons to be fully reformed.

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Lmao what do you expect, his name is discord. he is like the god of chaos! Whenever I see him on screen I expect him to do whatever he want, whenever he want. if not he will need a name change and may even lose his chaotic powers. I was so hoping he would have thrown treehugger into the void. That would have been the best moment in MLP history

  • Brohoof 2


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Actually, Discord might be more of a psychopath since he's innately predisposed to this behavior.  :lol:


Frankly though, even though what he does can be considered morally wrong, I know it's hard for him because:


1. He is the spirit of chaos. His nature is inclined towards disharmony and spontaneity. He can use this for good or in a neutral way, but he needs help with this and some time for reformation.


2. His ideas and philosophy of life have gone unchallenged for thousands of years save for when he was forcefully abdicated (at least) twice from his throne and the first experience didn't change him whatsoever except to be more wary of the Elements. He doesn't understand Equestrian society and concepts held dear to the ponies like friendship and empathy and, as such, during his reformation, he has a great deal to learn and will make a lot of mistakes. Combined with his nature, these mistakes can be as drastic as threatening to send someone to the dreaded Mexican Puppet Realm.


3. Fluttershy is one of the first ponies to show him genuine kindness and to trust him--even when he was lying. She's been compassionate and understanding towards him in spite of how her friends treated him and because of that, he feels very close to her and almost relies on her in a sense. Seeing Tree Hugger made him feel alone and abandoned, which clearly gnawed away at him to such an extent that he lost his better judgment and started acting irrationally--more so than usually.  :derp:


He is still dangerous but I think he's much more willing to be reformed (I mean after all his repentance at the end of last season was a lot more heartfelt and seemed sincere as compared to his almost begrudging one in "Keep Calm and Flutter On") and to try to understand a new way of life that will allow him to still be himself while enjoying some of the benefits of "pony life". He's not being villainous, he's just being Discord.  :umad:

Edited by estoc
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Discord's just gotta learn the Magic of Friendship ^^


Nah, but for real, he does. We never got to see how the Discord/Fluttershy friendship REALLY plays out and this episode gave us a chance to. We get to see just how much Discord still needs to learn. His  selfishness in this case reminds me of Rainbow Dash... he just happens to be ultra-powerful.

I'm certain he wasn't going to truly go villain! Notice that his aim the WHOLE time was to get Fluttershy's attention because of his jealousy. I don't think that's evil, but I do think he went *way* far with the transdimensional portal. Again, just his jealousy.


I don't think he should be banished/turned to stone or anything; he's just not ready to take off the social training wheels.

  • Brohoof 1

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This topic reminded me of Bride Of Discord for some strange reason. dx. 


I don't think they can turn him to stone any more with the elements being stuck on the tree. (But than again, I could be wrong. They defeated Tirek without it.)


And I think sociopath is pushing it a bit. He's more like selfish, immature and doesn't realize the full consequences of his actions. (No pony has been seriously hurt yet. I don't know how he'll react if he's calm and realizes he seriously injured somepony. He even tells Treehugger he won't hurt her, just send her away.)


I do agree that he can be dangerous with so much power and so much immaturity though.  Fluttershy's friendship means A LOT to him. (That soft side is so adorable to be honest. xd.) If she hadn't stopped Discord, and he sends Treehugger away, than she breaks their friendship, I could totally see him go into full villain mode. (Maybe even forcing her to be his friend or even his bride. dx. Than Bride of Discord would really be canon. dx. )


 I was so hoping he would have thrown treehugger into the void. That would have been the best moment in MLP history


And a great fanfic idea! All about Treehugger's adventures in Puppet Land. xd 

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Discord is the spirit of chaos which makes him highly unpredictable and as lapses both in this episode and in the season 4 finale have shown is still vulnerable to turning back to evil. He is not entirely good or evil yet, he is chaotic neutral though is starting to slowly go toward chaotic good. This is entirely consistent with chaos as it is neither intrinsically good or evil and the same could also be said for order as both can be used for good or for evil.

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Dangerous, yes.


Sociopath, no, as there are some boundaries Discord won't cross and Fluttershy happens to be one of them.


Emotional immature as far as the concept of friendship is concerned, that is a major yes.


However there are limits to his power, and Discord avoid a conflict with Twilight by distracting the Smooze, so he is more than aware of the possibly power that can be used against him in order to stop him.

Edited by UnknownFry
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Well while he did go through a range of emotions but psychotic wasnt one,


Anger, jealousy, obsessive, posssive. Yes


Hell i give him props for keeping his cool. Could you imagine what he COULD, have done had he really gone postal on the place

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Discord's whole life revolved around chaos, we have to expect that things are going to get a little tense when he's upset. Besides, he didn't want to kill Treehugger, just throw her into another dimension. There's a difference. :umad:

Edited by Attack of the Pwns



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Well, he's not exactly a good guy, and this friendship business is new to him, and it WAS his friendship with Fluttershy that pulled him out of full blown villain mode.

Lol, Discord played one of these on Treehugger.




Name wise at least, I think this fits better:



  • Brohoof 1


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I kind of loved how Discord dispatched of the mane 5 with the Smooze.


If not for his "error", he could have very seasily be a worthy adversary for the ponies. Like, if he'd really snap and want to take back Equestria, this episode showed that he can be pretty resourceful to counter the mane 6.

I kind of love this thought about him.

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He went a bit crazy in this episode because there were things about friendship he still didn't know. He didn't understand what was going on.

But yeah you could say he was a bit psycho in this episode, but he's progressively being cured...

Edited by Blobulle
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I don't think he's a sociopath. To me he's more like a kid with crazy powers who never had friends or family to raise him right. Not to mention, he has real emotions and can empathize with others. He's just taking baby steps towards becoming a "normal" person.

  • Brohoof 3

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He was a sociopath but now he is dangerous and unpredictable but he means well. Clearly Fluttershy has been working on him to make him a better whatever the hell he is.


Plus he is the master of chaos so you would expect him to try and send ponies into another dimension just because they pissed him off. It is just who he is.

  • Brohoof 1



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I wouldn't think of Discord as a sociopath.... He was locked into stone because what he thought was funny others thought was rude. (with the exception of Pinkie Pie because of her love of "chocolate rain") He can be dangerous sure but sometimes when you get jealous you can do crazy things. I believe he was just mad and took it a bit far on Tree Hugger. Cutting to the chase, no I do not think he is sociopath but he can be dangerous.

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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I do not believe Discord is a sociopath.  Why?  Let's do a little thought experiment.  Say you have virtually unlimited power, like Discord.  What would you do and how would you act?  I don't know about you guys, but I would do stuff that is close, if not on the level of Discord.  I'd have it rain Dr. Pepper from the sky every day and turn the trees into chocolate or something like that.  The point I'm trying to make here is that Discord is a normal guy.  He's just a normal guy with too much power.

"Life is not about success or making others happy, but about being happy in the process" - Plato's Pony


"Only the dead have seen the end of war" - Plato


"Night.  Fear and Darkness in one sense.  Peace and Tranquility in another" - Plato's Pony

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I do not believe Discord is a sociopath.  Why?  Let's do a little thought experiment.  Say you have virtually unlimited power, like Discord.  What would you do and how would you act?  I don't know about you guys, but I would do stuff that is close, if not on the level of Discord.  I'd have it rain Dr. Pepper from the sky every day and turn the trees into chocolate or something like that.  The point I'm trying to make here is that Discord is a normal guy.  He's just a normal guy with too much power.

Normal guys, would know basics like having more than one friend or being concerned that people are suffering around him. Without basic emotions of empathy and understanding he seems like a person with serious cognitive problems.

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Sociopath? No, I don't think so. He just comes off as misguided and doesn't know any better.


Confession time: I've never had many friends and I can recall feeling neglected and jealous when I feel as though I'm pushed to the side when a friend is more caught up with another friend. 


What it means is that I understand what Discord was going through and I'm confident that over time, he too will understand it's nothing to feel threatened over. This... wisdom, if you can call it that... should eventually become internalized where he will learn to control these feelings merely on instinct.

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He is a socially inept fellow with reality warping powers. I really, really hope they allow him to forge friendships with different ponies now, it's the best approach to expand his character and ensure he grows out of the socially inept state. Fluttershy is the only one he actually considers a true friend...and this episode kind of portrayed how that limits him and cause him to go loco because he hasn't been given the chance to experience more of friendship.

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