pinkbubbles 57 June 7, 2015 #1 Share June 7, 2015 I hope that I'm posting this in the right section of the forums. But I was wondering if the show has a special place in anyone's heart. It really holds a special place in my heart because I have depression, and when I feel sad or anxious, I just watch MLP: FIM and I feel better. I feel so happy and at peace. It's hard not to smile when I watch it because it makes me so happy. And even though I am a fairly new pegasister, I really LOVE my little pony. I get really excited when I find new pony merch and I find friends who love the show as much as I do. Plus, I fell in love with a brony and he and I used to talk about MLP all the time. Having pony dates and making Pinkie promises to each other. I know it may seem silly, but my little pony means a lot to me since it brings me so much joy. 14 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 June 7, 2015 #2 Share June 7, 2015 If it didn't I wouldn't be here. I watch it because it's funny and not serious. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
碇 シンジン 27,433 June 7, 2015 #3 Share June 7, 2015 It holds a special place in my hear too. It is a very happy show and it always makes me smile =) I love the tiny ponies and the community I found after following the ponies is awesome =)=)=) so many happy pony friends =)=)=)=) and It's like a dream come true for a lonely boy like me =)=)=) It really brightens my day and gives me reason to be happy everyday =) 7 Rarity Fan Club Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmony Spark 265 June 7, 2015 #4 Share June 7, 2015 (edited) Well, not only does this show have a special place in my heart, but it taught me a lot of valuable lessons about friendship and that it was something to look forward to each Saturday You see, i have Asperger's syndrome, and of course I don't have friends during both preschool and secondary school. But when I first came across MLP:fim, I never really liked MY little pony from the past as they looked too creepy and weird. But when I watched the pilot episodes, I was hooked ever since. Mlp brought me back to the wonderful world of animation and cartoons. And not only that but I have bronies and pegasisters to talk to about the show. If it wasnt for MLP:fim, I wouldn't have wanted to become an animator. I was watching popular trend after popular trend since I wanted to have friends like Twilight or Hunger Games, but when MLP came into my life, it made me grow as a person And MLP actually got me involved in other cartoons that I watched as a child and I still watch them today, Powerpuff Girls, Dexters Lab, SpongeBob, Sailor Moon, Pokemon etc. So MLp doesn't just have a place in my heart, but has a certain magic inside that brings me happiness every Saturday. It makes me emotionally invested as I want to see these ponies interact, I love to see the World of Equestria and its fantasy elements, I love the ponies rainbow-nuking enemies to the ground even if it's a deux ex machina This show is amazing and it's power to make so many people smile, to break gender roles and society stereotypes and bring together every generation and gender together. This show has an energy that will shine bright, even if the show is off the air. Lauren Faust is my Jesus Edited June 7, 2015 by Harmony Spark 6 Harmony Spark: Fellow Brony and Devoted Student in Animation Devoted HIM Fangirl. He is my husbando. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ponylaces 1,870 June 7, 2015 #5 Share June 7, 2015 I actually find that MLP can be serious sometimes, but that's why I love the show. It's so happy and optimistic, but at the same time, it can do serious and emotional stuff. The show is definitely something very important to me. The fandom is amazing too. 3 hello Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JacelynUSB 288 June 7, 2015 #6 Share June 7, 2015 I love this website. I love the people on it (including Melody Word) and I love the content. 2 Jacelyn USB Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xenozfan3 189 June 7, 2015 #7 Share June 7, 2015 I would say yes because when I first saw the show it connected with me the way nothing really has before. It's what drove me to find this site and actually be active online. It also came into my life during a very dark period and kicked a little life in me. I just love the feeling of happiness I get from watching it and that it stays with me a couple days after. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheJLeeTeam 914 June 7, 2015 #8 Share June 7, 2015 Kind of. I like the show because of the relaxing innocent tone to it. Though I don't like how the show is analyzed so much. There are other shows I watch too. But this one is special because it has some good life lessons, while there are a few stories that don't execute them very well, most of them do. I also really like the songs. I don't watch it for the story because I can watch other shows such as Gravity Falls or Regular Show for a deeper story. But still it reminds me of childhood shows on PBS Kids, Disney, and Nick Jr. I feel I would enjoy this show more if I started watching it when I was around 5 years old. I have aspergers syndrome and it helped my social skills as a late teen. There are some aspects of this fandom I dislike but I enjoy art. And I actually do think Twilicorn is a good idea and I feel Twilicorn would grow on more with this fandom as time goes on. 2 My blog post on Starting Fresh with MLP:FiM: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LittleMac 3,085 June 7, 2015 #9 Share June 7, 2015 Indeed it does The morals shown in the show have helped me to be a better person and have even help me grow closer in my relationship with God 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nightfall Gloam 18,267 June 7, 2015 #10 Share June 7, 2015 Of course MLP: FiM has a special place in my heart. There is no doubt about it! Compared to most other shows, MLP has (in some ways) been inspiring and I always cannot wait to see a new episode. The smiles it usually puts on my face as I watch our favourite lolly-coloured, mini horses go on adventures now across the kingdom of Equestria, as well as some of the uplifting songs that play throughout the cartoon, which I am listening to as of the typing of this post. Once MLP: FiM ends, I will cherish every moment of it, and the moments I've had with the fandom, and I'll be sure to revisit and marathon the show sometime in the distant future. I dunno, I think those lolly-coloured, mini horses are on to something, by the way. 3 Aspiring animator/illustrator, founder of MLPF's Lighthoof and Shimmy Shake fan club! "The magic of friendship grows" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alto 437 June 7, 2015 #11 Share June 7, 2015 mlp made me realize that i should value my friends so i went out and reconnected with them so yeah it has a special place 3 What is broken can be reforged Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kerberossz 1,929 June 7, 2015 #12 Share June 7, 2015 I had a hard time when I have started to watch the show. This was one of the reasons I liked the show. It made me feel better, I could forget my problems even for a few hours and change the subject focus. The happiness, innocence and the show itself impressed me so much I started to search for fanmade stuff and contact with other fans. It does not seem like a big deal but before this there were no shows, games or anything that could motivate me to sing up a forum and be active on it. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wind Chaser 4,768 June 7, 2015 #13 Share June 7, 2015 The one thing that astounds me, as someone who has been watching cartoons for a while, is how wide this show's appeal is. Look at the many bronies today and look at how many of them don't normally watch cartoons. That really says something about this show's quality and the work of the fanbase. For the show itself, I just came for a good cartoon. At first, I felt a lot of nostalgia for the writing and art styles of Saturday morning cartoons from the 90s. I considered the show a "natural evolution" of what had been learned about the animation medium and its appeal since then. Over time, the show became grander in scale and had done more complex and subtle morals than before, constantly pushing the boundaries for what is to be expected not only from My Little Pony show, but a Western animated show in general. It shows that cross-generational appeal is still possible today and can sustain a show, despite what industry executives think. I met some of my best friends in this fandom, and gained the confidence to express myself through art, writing, and reviews for the first time. As a creative enthusiast with many ideas of my own, I have never seen a group more open and supportive than this fandom, especially on this forum. I can think of no other time in my life when I have made so much progress in my social life than learning from this fandom and this show. The success of MLP and the scale, support, and creativity of the fandom has inspired much of my art and writing style and helped to redefine what I'd love to see from cartoons and stories in general. The show and fandom have combined to serve as a great inspiration to me and I'll never forget to give credit where it's due. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 June 7, 2015 #14 Share June 7, 2015 Yup. Right next to my left ventricle. :S I like to pick on society's illogical, figurative use of the word "heart". In the dark ages, they actually thought that's where emotions were felt. And it stuck for phrases like "I love you with all my heart". It's my job to pick on stuff like that. It's kind of what I do. I say "I love you with all my brain". FIM definitely has a very special place in my brain. The show and the community are very important to me. I don't think I would have gained the confidence to dress the way I want had it not been for the show, and more so the community. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King Sejong 859 June 7, 2015 #15 Share June 7, 2015 Absolutely, MLP has given me the integrity the care more for others, after I finished my enlistment in the navy, I was confused and stressed, I was trapped and unable to think about others, much less make friends, now with MLP in my heart, I have friends now and wish I had more people, I want companionship, with those as sensitive as myself, to talk about ponies, Equestria, and any topic that comes to mind. MLP has connected me to people, who think and feel as I do, plus MLP has blossomed my imagination, I want to go back to artwork, and making music, I know how to compose sheet music, and conduct a orchestra, with new music and new art, I feel inspired to share my artistic talents with everyone, to hopefully inspire someone else's talent, it's amazing a cartoon with magical talking ponies, poised at young girls could make such an impact, so for me My Little Pony will always have a special place in my soul, for it directed me to those, who equally have My Little Pony close to their hearts, thus I feel honoured. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gestum 2,493 June 7, 2015 #16 Share June 7, 2015 Not really. It's just a decent show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MAIKUN 262 June 7, 2015 #17 Share June 7, 2015 I found myself interested by watching episodes of MLP:FiM on YouTube, like back in 2013. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EquestriaGuy 1,074 June 8, 2015 #18 Share June 8, 2015 It does, because it makes me happy to be aware of the existence of both these beautiful characters, and their world, and also the animators and voice actors who bring them to life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chip Circuit 1,842 June 8, 2015 #19 Share June 8, 2015 Yes it does, as a child I was raised under the impression by my mother and father that men should not be emotional and shouldn't show their emotions. They should be unmoving... a rock for others to hold onto, shouldn't cry or laugh. So I was a very apathetic child up until my teens. I got better when I met my best friend, he helped pull me out of that a little. Eventually he introduced me to MLP which really helped get me in touch with my emotions better and I am grateful for what it has done for me... granted I still look apathetic just because I've spent my whole with that kind of expression but now if you get to know me you will realize that I will cry now, I can have squee moments, I will laugh(not as much as I'd like to but I'm working on that one as well as just carrying myself as looking happier ) 4 I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from. I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas. OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuteycindyhoney 13,315 June 8, 2015 #20 Share June 8, 2015 I think it does, actually. If I watch any episode, even if it's one I've seen multiple times, I'm always smiling at the end. MLP:FIM is very uplifting. I've seen posts where people talk of it helping with depression. I can see how it would. The show is a perfect storm of pleasing color, delightful character design, music, and well crafted scripts. Yes, I hold a special place in my heart for the citizens of Equestria. 2 Thank you Sparklefan1234!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shy0wl 484 June 8, 2015 #21 Share June 8, 2015 My Little Pony definitely does strike a huge chord and have a special place in my heart. I'm so thankful this show exists. It's not just any cartoon. This show is my go-to show for when I feel depressed, happy, tired, bored, mad, sad, or any feeling really. This show has does so much to my life and changed who I am as a person. I'm not exaggerating that in the slightest. I'm a much more open minded person and my heart is much more gentle. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Attack of the Pwns 894 June 8, 2015 #22 Share June 8, 2015 It's my first ever fandom, really. So yeah, it'll hold a special place in my heart for that Signature by the ever-awesome Overdrive! Pinki Pie FTW! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Violet_S 785 June 8, 2015 #23 Share June 8, 2015 Well this show pretty much saved my life at one point so I really have a place for it in my heart <3 Let the rainbow remind you, that together we will always shine~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidral Mundet 1,666 June 8, 2015 #24 Share June 8, 2015 Yeah, mostly because it's the first fandom I've really interacted with and produced content for. I'm a fan of a lot of things but I've never been as involved with them as I have with the brony fandom. Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashen Pathfinder 16,162 June 8, 2015 #25 Share June 8, 2015 To say it holds a special place in my heart, and the only other franchise of any sort that can say that is Spyro. For me, MLP:FiM has been a gateway to a wondrous community, great friends, a series that evolves and entertains, and much more; it's hard to put into words. Yes; it has a special place in my heart. 2 Pathfinder I Sojourner I Corsair | Zu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~ Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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