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general Things people just don't understand about you

Not Yellow Diamond

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 The only thing I can think of is peeps not understanding why/how I can just shut up and smell the flowers. What I mean is I find myself staring at objects, animals, plants, terrain, etc a LOT. I'm not analyzing them or admiring them, just looking at them. People don't seem to grasp the concept and often call me weird or something similar when they see me do it. I don't even know why I do it, but I do and I agree it is kinda odd but after a while you start to enjoy it.

  • Brohoof 1



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Don't understand why I'm negative all the time: Excuse me for being realistic


Me not being religious: I'm sorry... But I have thoughts... And that fucks up the whole religious thing


Not being all love and tolerance to everyone: Some people don't deserve it I'm sorry... Just being real with you  

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Another thing, people don't understand that I sometimes read my books rather than talk to my friends. I just get so wound into the story! :yay:

Same thing with me, except that my friend and me are both huge bookworms, so people will be like "Why are you sitting there reading and not talking?"  

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I'm a bisexual, depressed, OCD, introverted, autistic girl with a speech inpediment. They never understand what it's like. I didn't choose to be this way. I sometimes obbsess over things, like grammar (obvious), Doctor Who (never abbreviate Doctor), Sherlock, FNAF, Firefly, Kill Bill and MLP: FIM, and they tease me for it!. It's Not my fault!

Edited by FreddiFazbear
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Some people don't understand:


  • Why I'm an antitheist. While religion fascinates me somewhat―like fairy tales―I abhor it for what it is and I wish we would just move the f*** on already. The last part may have been unnecessary. Oh well. I respect religious people who can keep religion to themselves. Like toys. Don't bring your toys to my house. I don't want to play with your toys. K thx <3
  • Why I'm introverted. My parents have a hard time understanding this. I don't like going out with friends all the time. For the most part, I rather be at home and listen to music, watch movies, documentaries, or read a book.
  • "Cassandra" is not just some "fun persona" ... it's who I wish to identify as. It's who I feel sooo comfortable being. This is the real me and this pegasister does not give a shit if you consider me otherwise. 


Nonetheless, I love you all <3

Edited by Cassandra
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I prefer my cheatos stale, however they are the only chip I prefer this way. It should also be noted that the brand of cheatos is important in this regard. I eat Jax fresh, but cheatos brand... I do not.

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People don't understand that I like to be treated gently and that I don't like shouting or arguments because they eventually make me panic.  :S

This is unfortunate because there sadly is no way around people getting upset over stuff and thus losing their temper and shouting.

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This is unfortunate because there sadly is no way around people getting upset over stuff and thus losing their temper and shouting.

When I mean "gentle" I mean getting treated carefully and not given boyish arm punches or typical boyish roughness.


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I've pretty much given up trying to be understood -- it's just impossible -- especially someone who's in constant flux as I am.


Though one thing that hasn't changed in a long while is that much of my cynicism comes from my interaction with other people. Making matters worse is when white knights with rose-tinted visors belittle if not outright attack me for it. People are simply wretched in groups.

What seems to apply is that because individuals in groups have a wide range of possible experiences and demeanors, the response you get to whatever you say will hinge on how much a person with a possible demeanor or opinion becomes triggered enough to react if not fight back -- and anything can be a trigger. Communities are like ecosystems in being composed of different groups with each group being made up of individuals and even here there is something of a food chain. The "food" here is Narcissistic Supply. If you lay yourself emotionally bare at a place like this, there WILL be someone who will exploit or belittle your vulnerability (even if unintentionally) -- especially at a place where many many people see what you write. This is why I've pretty much closed up and just vent these days.

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I wish my family would simply understand that being introverted is normal, that I shouldn't have to be a social butterfly with everyone and that if I don't talk to the girls in my grade much it's for a reason -_-


I also wish that other girls could understand that I just don't like to wear makeup, period. I don't feel comfortable with it and I also just prefer to show off my true self and not a mask. I'm dealing what I've been dealt, and if this is the face I've been given, then I'll stick with it no paint required :)


That it's okay for a girl my age to like ponies, this is something directed at my cousin. He doesn't consider it natural and that I need to grow up -_- Well newsflash for you dude, YOU LOVE AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL AND STYLING MY HAIR AND I DON'T GO AROUND CALLING YOU GAY! I go as far as defending him when others ask if he is or not, so don't criticize my interests and I won't criticize yours -_-


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My extreme social anxiety. I'm constantly pressured to do something as 'simple' as order something at a restaurant, and most of the time, I just can't. It's extremely frustrating to deal with.

Edited by twilythebookworm
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"When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation: you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball."



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People don't understand how I can be autistic because I don't 'look' or 'act' autistic. It pisses me off. Not every person with autism has to act or look a certain way. It's an invisible disability for a reason. I get misunderstood ALL OF THE TIME, especially at hospitals. This one time, a nurse set down a bag of IVs and such... and I shot off the bed in full blown meltdown mode. Well, my mom told her I was autistic, and she said "But she can communicate". It pissed my mom off, then the nurse wanted to have two security guards hold me down while giving me a shot to calm me down. >_____> I ended up refusing treatment and walking out. No way in hell were my parents going to let me succumb to more trauma.


So yeah. Also, just because I can type and talk normally doesn't mean I'm any less autistic than the next person. I've seen other autistic people with more severe forms of autism that can type just as good as me. Just saying.


People also underestimate me when it comes to what I can and can't do. For example, something as simple as calling or talking to a person on the phone can cause me to meltdown into oblivion. I have really no idea why this happens. I've always figured it was because my brain just can't process it very well or something.

Edited by sweeToxic

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


goddess of the world


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Nobody around me understands that feeling of anxiety I get when I'm around more than two or three people at a time. Makes me want to curl up in a ball and hide in a corner, and has truthfully been my biggest obstacle in pursuing a degree. Sixty to ninety people in a classroom? /anxious

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Not much, really. Since I never let people in on how I think/how I view things XD (At least not TOO often...)


But, some people may find it confusing as to why I'm choosing not going to college, maybe.

Unfortunately I can't give them much explanation apart from "Because I said so.", so it leaves them confused, but whatever, doesn't happen TOO often...XD


I'm happy to say that's all there is, since I don't exactly open up to people I don't tend to have these problems..


Lucky me I guess.

This is a signature,


and that was a post...

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This is going to be another autistic-related thing, but... another thing people don't understand about me is my need for routine. Also that I can't just stop doing something cold turkey. For example, I always have to have my laptop in front of me. I can't turn it off to read a book or 'get away' from said laptop. This is all due to my routine. People don't seem to realize that if anything changes, even the slightest, in my routine, that it can cause me a great deal of overwhelming anxiety until the routine is back in full swing. 


Yeah, I know it sounds silly to others. Well... how about you try being autistic for a week, and then come talk to me. How's that?


Oh, and another thing... some people don't understand how I can be a loner, yet still talk to people around me. Being a loner doesn't mean you are some hermit living in a shack all their life or something. I go through moments where I won't socialize at all because I just don't have the energy and stamina to deal with talking to a person I'm not interested in. Other times, I tend to like socializing with other people, especially if I'm close to them.

Edited by sweeToxic
  • Brohoof 1

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


goddess of the world


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-Why I consider myself a pan/asexual

Ya do realize those are two completely different things -.- You have to be one or the other, not both.


Thins that people dont understand about me.. uh..

-Why I HATE playing sports

-Why I HATE running

-Why I sit in my room on my computer a lot

-Why I'm drinking coffee at 14.

-Why I still love Pokemon at 14.

-Why I'm so good in school. Some people literally DON'T LIKE ME because I do well in class, and apparently I'm a "know it all" because I raise my hand a lot. :L


Deviantart- http://kaeleek100.deviantart.com/

Signature and Avatar by Pucksterv

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Ya do realize those are two completely different things -.- You have to be one or the other, not both.


Thins that people dont understand about me.. uh..

-Why I HATE playing sports

-Why I HATE running

-Why I sit in my room on my computer a lot

-Why I'm drinking coffee at 14.

-Why I still love Pokemon at 14.

-Why I'm so good in school. Some people literally DON'T LIKE ME because I do well in class, and apparently I'm a "know it all" because I raise my hand a lot. :L

Psh... I'm 26... and I STILL play pokemon. There's no age limit to people who play or enjoy it.


I also agree with the computer thing. A lot of people will jump on me about internet safety and how not everyone I talk to is who they say they are. I have pretty good judge of character, and I can sometimes tell one someone isn't being truthful. When it comes to internet safety, I never give out anything I'm not supposed to. Yet, people have always found out easy to attack me on how long I spend online, who I talk to and whatever. It doesn't happen as much as it used to. When I was younger, I often kept my online life a secret because I was always afraid someone would throw the internet safety shit at me. >_____>


Also, you can be pansexual AND asexual. I don't see why someone can't be both. It's the same was someone being asexual and gay/lesbian. I'm asexual myself, and I don't even know if I'm straight or not.

  • Brohoof 1

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


goddess of the world


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Psh... I'm 26... and I STILL play pokemon. There's no age limit to people who play or enjoy it.


I also agree with the computer thing. A lot of people will jump on me about internet safety and how not everyone I talk to is who they say they are. I have pretty good judge of character, and I can sometimes tell one someone isn't being truthful. When it comes to internet safety, I never give out anything I'm not supposed to. Yet, people have always found out easy to attack me on how long I spend online, who I talk to and whatever. It doesn't happen as much as it used to. When I was younger, I often kept my online life a secret because I was always afraid someone would throw the internet safety shit at me. >_____>


Also, you can be pansexual AND asexual. I don't see why someone can't be both. It's the same was someone being asexual and gay/lesbian. I'm asexual myself, and I don't even know if I'm straight or not.

Yeah, a lot of people judge me for it though. Like, they allow vidgames at my school, and I was playing during study hall once. One of the newest games. Some guys were pickin' on me because of it, it was like.. really.


Yeah, my parents always yell at me about it. Pretty much all of the people I trust are on here, and I KNOW they're real because I normally Skype with people or at least voice chat before I become friends with em - cause you can tell somebody's age by their voice/looks, generally at least. I ALSO have a job at 14, but they think it's such a flippin big deal. It's not like I'm overweight, obese or anything like that. It's just annoying cause I'm not a bad person because of it


And.. no you can't. Sexuality is NOT A CHOICE. You can't go one da saying "I dont wanna have sexual feelings towards anybody!!!" and then the next day go "Nah nevermind guys I'm attracted to everybody, no matter the gender or race!!!"

Like no, that doesn't work. They're the exact opposite of eachother.


Deviantart- http://kaeleek100.deviantart.com/

Signature and Avatar by Pucksterv

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