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Random Useless Facts


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Hello and Welcome to the Random Useless Facts thread!


Here is the place to post about the random bits of trivia you know!



Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.


All the swans in England are property of the Queen.

All porcupines float in water.
Benjamin Franklin was the fifth in a series of the youngest son of the youngest son.
Have fun!
Edited by SixShooterOutlaw

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A shipment of kiwi fruit uses more than its weight in airplane fule when traveling from new zealand to europe.


Human is the healthiest meat for humans to eat.


Pork is secod due to how similar it is to human.


In 1567, the man with the longest beard in the world, tripped over his beard and died while running away from a fire.


There is enough room between the earth and the moon to fit every other planet in a row, but not enough room for just the sun.


Earth is the only planet in our solar system not named after a god.


There is very little evidence that says that humans ever thought the earth was flat.


Earth has 5 moons.


Strawberries aren't a berry, but oranges are.


In 1911, 3 men were hanged at Greenberry hill, the surnames of the men were Green, Berry and Hill.

Bible has been said to stand for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, but there is no evidence to support this assumption.

I have more but I think this is enough from me :P


I made a signature :3

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The pressure hull of the Lunar Landers used in the Apollo missions was very thin to save weight. How thin? If a technician dropped a screwdriver and it landed point first, it would (AND DID!) punch a hole! 


Julia Child once fried eggs in a solid gold frying pan.


The original script for Back to the Future had the time machine built into a refrigerator, and powered by a a nuclear explosion at a test site in Nevada!

  • Brohoof 2


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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The unit for fuel efficiency for cars, Gallons/Mile or Litres/Kilometer is technically a unit of area, since the units cancel Volume/Distance = Area.

This area unit would indicate the cross-sectional area of how much fuel would be passing through the fuel line every moment of the drive. It would be like a long undulating tube of fuel that would get thicker where your car was consuming more.



Earth has 5 moons.


Earth has one natural satellite, two trojans, three  nominal close co-orbitals, several thousand regional asteroid co-orbitals and several dozen thousand man-made satellites.

Edited by Blue
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If you place your hand on a flat surface, then put your middle finger underneath your hand from the tip to the joint halfway bit, it's very difficult to lift your ring finger. 

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The Brawn GP Formula One Team...


...is the only team to have competed in the Formula One World Championship and had achieved a 100% success rate after winning both championships in the single season it competed. (2009)




(Brazilian driver Rubens Barrichello (on right) passes Brit Lewis Hamilton (on left).)

Edited by Dawning Demon


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Cornsnakes are named so for their habit of hiding in cornfields and silos to prey on mice.


Bagheera Kiplingi is a species of jumping spider unique for being the only spider with a mostly vegetarian diet.


The Bullet Ant has been described as being the insect with the most painful sting of them all. The bite is so painful that it's considered equal to being shot, hence the name. If you wanted to be considered a warrior by the Satere-Mawe people of Brazil, then you would have to wear a glove made of bullet ants while their stings render your hand paralysed for several days... 20 times.

I'm not a medical expert, psychologist, psychiatrist, teacher or love doctor. Take my words with a pinch of salt, yeah?


I am an experienced cook, musician and care worker though, so that's something.

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Dr. Pepper is in fact the only soda with 23 flavors! 

  • Brohoof 1
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A polar bears skin is black, only its fur is white.


An "Alicorn" was originally the word for a unicorns horn, not a unicorn with wings.


Hitler never gave an order himself to kill a civilan Jew.


The Vatican City in Rome, where the Pope resides, is technically its own country.


The US only had two nuclear bombs built in the entirety of WW2.


English is the most widely spoken language in the world, followed by Spanish, and Mandarin


Goosebumps are supposed to keep you warm, but do nothing for humans as out hair is so thin.


You can survive without your spleen.


The pain you feel when sick is not the virus itself, but your body fighting the virus


Your heart can naturally be born on the right side of your chest.


The first thing that is created during human development is the anus.


The car company Porsche was originally created because Hitler wanted a faster way to get around.


Internet explorer is actually as fast as both Firefox and Chrome It got its bad rap from IE6, when Microsoft didnt update it for 5 years.


Einstein proved time travel is possible if you can travel fast enough in a given direction.


The original United States flag could be considered a rebel flag as the land was previuosly founded by another nation.


More Canadians died in WW2 than Americans.


A giant hollywood balloon army was created in south Britain to trick Hitller into sending his army there, and it worked.


Genghis Khan and the Mongles were the only military able to conquer Russia during Winter


A Panda's Stomach acid can melt iron.


Dinosaurs are more closly related to chickens than any reptile.

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If you subtract 5 from your age, it will give you the age you were 5 years ago!


Actual facts:

Doctors' sloppy handwriting is responsible for 7,000 deaths in the world every year.

92% people type things into Google to see if they're spelled correctly.

Bubble wrap was originally designed to be used as wallpaper.

In human years, Hello Kitty is 41 years old.

Bubblegum is pink because it was the only color left at the time.

2% of the world's population has green eyes.

The default Windows XP background is a picture of a real location with no digital enhancements.

Ketchup was sold as medicine in the 1830s.



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California Raisins paid a lot of money to have raisins appear in Back to the Future, hoping the exposure would do for their brand what E.T. the Extra Terrestrial did for Reese's Pieces. They got pissed because the only exposure they got in that movie was a bench poster being slept on by a homeless guy and demanded a refund.

  • Brohoof 2


Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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-Anatidaephobia is the fear of a weird duck somewhere watching you. 

  • Brohoof 1


              By MiniKirby123                

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If you have ever wondered what genetics tastes like (and let's be honest, who hasn't?), cucumbers have an unusually high level of RNA (which, like DNA, is a nucleic acid and is involved in gene expression etc). So, the majority of what you are tasting when you eat a cucumber is RNA!

*Insert deep, intelligent and witty signature here*



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Pogonophobia is the irrational fear of beards. Margret Thatcher, former British Prime Minister, was a pogonophobe and wouldn't allow any bearded men on her cabinet.

I'm not a medical expert, psychologist, psychiatrist, teacher or love doctor. Take my words with a pinch of salt, yeah?


I am an experienced cook, musician and care worker though, so that's something.

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Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the fear of long words. It's 35 letters, which is one letter more than the word coined by Mary Poppins, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, and only ten letters shorter than the longest word in the dictionary, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Its alternate spelling, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, is 36 letters.


The longest word in the dictionary is not the longest word ever recorded, though. The technical name for Titin, a protein encoded by the TTN gene, is an incredible 189,819 letters long. You can see its full name here. (There is no way in hell I'm copying it here, it's that damn long.)

Edited by Luigi
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Earth gains 500 tons in mass every day. This is due to dust and small meteroids being swept up by its large gravitational field and large facing area as it orbits the Sun. We don't notice because all of it is incinerated or dissolved into the upper atmosphere, and resolves itself as extremely fine dust in clouds and rain. The Earth isn't getting bigger as a result of this because hydrogen and other lightweight gasses are escaping into space as they're pushed around by cosmic rays interacting with the magnetosphere and charged particles in the air.



The Chelyabinsk Meteor, the one that exploded over Russia in 2013 is not an unusual event, astronomically speaking. Meteors and asteroids of this size strike Earth approximately once a year-- even releasing the same amount of energy in doing so, comparable to a small nuclear weapon. People rarely notice because the vast majority of Earth's surface area is uninhabited, and only an extremely small fraction is urban where populations are concentrated, would attract large attention.

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I gave you a few facts related to words, let's have some facts related to Nintendo.


  • Did you know that Luigi's green color originated from the color of the Koopa turtles? He reused the same colors as them in order to save space on the cartridge, since at the time it was more limited. (This space is also the reason why he was just a palette swap of Mario at the time.)


  • Shigeru Miyamoto originally wanted to be a manga artist. Even now, he supports the manga industry from time to time.


  • Kid Icarus: Uprising's box art is tougher in the US. In Japan, KIU is known for its humor and lightheartedness, but this doesn't fly well with the market in the US, so they changed his open, happy mouth into a determined frown for the box art. Kirby's box art (and even Sonic's!) suffered from this same change.


  • Luigi originally appeared in a Game & Watch game, not in Super Mario Bros., as some may think. Super Mario Bros. was likely in development earlier, hence his color scheme.


  • Luigi's Mansion was once planned as a 3D game. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon was developed mostly to test the 3D in the 3DS.


  • Star Fox was not originally developed by Nintendo, but in fact by a developer company in England by the name of Argonaut. They worked closely with Nintendo in order to develop Star Fox.
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ERIC CLAPTON is the only person to ever hold three places in the Rock 'N' Roll Hall Of Fame at the same time:


Once for playing with Derek & The Dominoes


Once for playing with Cream


And once as a solo artist

=====  ( 0=====


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