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Am I the only one who doesn't like fluttershy?


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so I've noticed that a lot of people really like fluttershy and find her very cute.


am I the only one who just feels incredibly ambivalent towards her. I just find her a bit boring. 


is there anyone else out there who also just doesn't care about fluttershy?


what about you? do you like fluttershy?









  • Brohoof 3

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you likey?

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Fluttershy is, and always has been, my favourite character. I think she is the most interesting and realistic character. Although there is a lot of things I dislike about her character and could totally see why some people would dislike her. I personally find Rainbow Dash quite boring and unlikable in some episodes.

  • Brohoof 7


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so I've noticed that a lot of people really like fluttershy and find her very cute.


am I the only one who just feels incredibly ambivalent towards her. I just find her a bit boring.


is there anyone else out there who also just doesn't care about fluttershy?


what about you? do you like fluttershy?

Can you detail what specifically you would do to make Fluttershy more interesting? Just curious because "I don't like character x" threads tend to have a short life span and I would rather the topic be approachable and allow an honest dialog about her characterization.


Hint hint

  • Brohoof 4



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I love all ponies, but of the mane six she is my least favorite. She is just that same thing in every show- shy. She is still beautiful and had a beautiful heart. I love her still!

I love all ponies, but of the mane six she is my least favorite. She is just that same thing in every show- shy. She is still beautiful and had a beautiful heart. I love her still!

Avatar by @Bakugou is my Man <3

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I used to dislike her a lot due to her weaknesses and issues reminding me a lot of my own and thus irritating me greatly whenever I had to see them play out in an episode. Like, the cringe feedback looped into my real self. Nowadays she's fine. Her character arc is very slow and subtle and goes back and forth a lot, which I feel is actually a very realistic treatise on how social awkwardness/shyness stuff tends to play out... Well, as realistic as a show with multiple writers for kids can ever carry a character arc! I get disliking her though, she's designed to appeal very strictly to a certain crowd.

  • Brohoof 4
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ok jeric i'll be more specific.


so when I watch a movie or tv progamme the main goal for me is to entertain myself. which is why a favor comedy over drama. and when I watch mlp it is easy to be entertained by most ponies. i like characters like rarity because they say funny comical things a lot like "these drapes! i have no idea whether they are tacky or not" it is moments like this where my enjoyment of a character is boosted. i can only think of two memorable entertaining fluttershy moments. (the whole "...yay" thing was fun and "you're going to love me!" always cracks me up.) fluttershy serves as the kind cute caring pony and although i can see why some people would like her i just cant get invested in the more 'realistic ponies. i like eccentricity and fun! which is why i enjoy characters like rarity and pinkie pie.

I guess this is my signature...

you likey?

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I used to dislike her a lot due to her weaknesses and issues reminding me a lot of my own and thus irritating me greatly whenever I had to see them play out in an episode. Like, the cringe feedback looped into my real self. Nowadays she's fine. Her character arc is very slow and subtle and goes back and forth a lot, which I feel is actually a very realistic treatise on how social awkwardness/shyness stuff tends to play out... Well, as realistic as a show with multiple writers for kids can ever carry a character arc! I get disliking her though, she's designed to appeal very strictly to a certain crowd.


Basically this.


I used to downright despise Fluttershy and the main reason why was because of my social anxiety, and seeing a character with the characteristics you hate about yourself can not be fun sometimes. She's honestly one of the most developed characters on the show, certain things like social anxiety or shyness cannot be gotten over in a matter of one event and I'm glad the show doesn't suddenly make her outgoing because ___ happened and I like how she slowly eases into everything. She appeals to me now because she can overcome obstacles and seeing a character like myself do such a thing is a great thing~ I can get calling her boring but maybe she just isn't meant to appeal to you? Some people hate certain characters while some love that character, opinions are a wondrous thing, are they not? 

  • Brohoof 4


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I don't like or dislike fluttershy. I just don't really care for her, she doesn't stand out. She's had her moments, but she doesn't have them often.

  • Brohoof 1
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I am not a big fan of Fluttershy mostly because I find her character boring and dry. She is a very one trick pony (no pun intended) in that her episodes always seem to center around "how can I learn to stand up for myself" with little deviation. I also just find her character stereotype to be a little TOO exaggerated for my tastes. She is so insanely shy to the point where it doesn't really feel like it would make logical sense that she has so many friends. She's very predictable in that even when she breaks her shy stereotype, she does so so very stereotypically, with overreaction.


To me it's like "Oh the shy character flips out and screams, how utterly predictable", which at first in like season 1 and 2 it was fine, but now it's just gotten to the point where that seems to be the only joke with her is that she's a pushover.

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when she breaks her shy stereotype, she does so so very stereotypically, with overreaction.


character stereotype

You're not using it correctly. A stereotype is an oversimplified, false stigma of something or someone. What you're thinking of is 'Shy's character archetype, which is the character's backdrop.


Fluttershy is anything but stereotypical. In fact, she's as realistic as the rest of the main characters in this show. Her shyness has more depth, part of it being her stage fright born out of the constant teasing seen in her flashback. That episode evolved her shyness into a crippling phobia that she has to face day in and day out.


The main problem with Fluttershy is how the staff treated her as a character. From Luna Eclipsed in season two to the end of season four, her characterization devolved into being a gag. When she's featured in any episode, she can either be really assertive or so shy that she can't even speak. The writers flanderized her character when she was as much a standout as Dash from season one. Sometimes, it's as if all of the lessons she learned didn't exist. Fortunately, season five has handled her much, much better. She's much more upfront while still being kind, and she's not afraid to call her friends out for their actions and be approachable. One of her most prominent is when, after a series of activities and denial on Dash's part, she told Dash in Tanks for Memories that her winter was going to be petless, validating the moral she learned from Breezies.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 7

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If she had the voice of Clover from My Little Pony Tales. Then it would be interesting development i think. Well i am no huge fan of flutters. I like evil flutters, but not the regular one. She is too scared and needs someone to give her a nudge. Although i think it was a good choice having a scared frightened pony in terms of giving someone in real life a nudge, speaking of real life experience some can be like that. But in general it would be interesting if she had this voice. I'd wondered how that would've worked liked :twi:




I believe the flutters thats in gen 4 is an inspiration from this one from gen 1. Its an earth pony i believe, and really loves taking care of her garden ^^.



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I have to echo a little of what DQ said here. There were times that felt she had one sole purpose and that was to be the 'Eep' character. Dialog moments like the tree bit should have happened more often with her. When she had a brilliant outing in an episode, it was never acknowledged later. I still found her best moments were enough to keep me liking the character in general, which says a lot since I never like the timid characters.


That said, the writers have been handling her deftly in Season 5. She is still sweet and kind with a strong non confrontational approach, but she has stood her ground more consistently. I always wondered if they could grow Fluttershy without taking away that timid nature the many find endearing. Looks like they can.

  • Brohoof 4



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To somewhat echo a lot of what other people have said, I think that Fluttershy can be a difficult character for some people to understand or accept. She has always been my favorite character, but she is incredibly like myself. Not only do we both have Anxiety, we also both have very similar variants of the disorder. This means that I can understand a lot of things about her character that just baffle people who have no experience with Anxiety. 


I think that what people need to see with Fluttershy is that she is an important character, whether you personally relate to her or not, whether you even like her or not. We all have our preferences, but it's undeniable that this character plays an important role as a positive representation of a group of people that are rarely represented well, if at all. She isn't entirely relatable to everyone, but she doesn't have to be. She's very relatable to certain people who desperately need a character to relate to.

  • Brohoof 4

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Not sure if I dislike her. It's more like she's my second favorite pony, after a five way tie for best pony. I think my biggest problem with her is that being shy dose'nt mean you are a pussy. I'm not particularly outgoing, partially due to social anxiety, but that dose'nt mean I'm weak, or scared. A leaf touched me "EEEK!" I once lost a tug-o-war to butterflies. Bullshit! Remember in Wonderbolt Academy when the balloon that the remane five fort caught in the tornado and flung ponies everywhere, and they had to be rescued by some wonderbolts, and the one that caught her looked at her and realized she was a pegasi, and looked at her like WTF! Yeah, that's kinda how I feel about her. Her reluctance to help her friends kind of annoys me too. I did like her in "Hurricane Fluttershy" and "Keep kind and Flutter On" and I have to agree with Jeric, that they have been better in season five.

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She use to be my favorite, but I will admit after a while she became...boring to me. I empathize with her, but I can't completely understand her problems. Maybe because I've never had social anxiety. I think it has to do with how well a person can relate to a character. More introverted/shy people can relate to her, bold/outgoing people can maybe relate to Dashie a little more and so on, (with exceptions of course). I'm very extroverted, and can't really understand the things she goes through in a way, if that makes sense? Doesn't mean I don't feel bad for her at times though.


I still like her sweet personality, but not as much as some ponies. But that's just me.

Edited by Cuddle Cakes



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I actually hate Fluttershy most of the time. She was kinda cute at first but it wore off fast and she's useless the rest of the time. I can't stand how they use her and the fact that no matter how much progress she makes with her unreasonable fears and anxieties she never actually improves since it resets in the next episode.


And much like Pinkie she's used the most in fanworks to be the most secretly psychotic because of how easy it is to spin her in that light.

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She is my least favourite of the Mane 6, and probably even below some supporting characters. I don't find her design or voice all that endearing, nor can I relate very well to her personality. I do like her, but she just doesn't strike me. However, I can respect anyone who adores her, and I do find her interaction with other characters good for the most part, especially later in the series.

Edited by TopQuark
  • Brohoof 1


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Nope, I don't care for her that much either. Which is funny, because I used to be shy in my childhood a lot and seeing her reflect on that at the starting years of me watching the show gave me a lot of respect for her. But then as it gradually carried on, I got a bit bored of the tedious growth she has. One time she takes a step forward, and then she takes a step back in another.


I find all of the ponies cute, so that being a reason for liking a character is pretty bland. I don't outright dislike her, as she does have her moments, but she hasn't been as interesting as the other characters and bumped down to my least favorite of the Mane 6.

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Eh, I don't really dislike Fluttershy, but I don't really care for her either. She's just... there for me. One of the things that always irked me is how some episodes go on to overemphasize her shyness, yet show her socializing just fine with the rest of the mane six. I know they're her best friends, but none of that crippling shyness that was shown a scene before is reflected in her interactions with the others. It makes sense for her to be much more open and comfortable with her friends, but that kind of juxtaposition to me is just jarring. Another thing that annoyed me was specifically the episode Putting Your Hoof Down. That remains to be my absolute least favorite Fluttershy-centered episode. It showed that Fluttershy is outright destined to be a meek wallflower, that even the tiniest bit of assertion on her part will turn her into a vicious, mean-spirited bully. However, I'm liking Fluttershy more and more as season 5 goes on. It seems to have retconned her previous "destined to be meek" status. She's been more stern and bold so far, but in a healthy way without turning into #FlutterBitch.

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One of the reasons why I prefer the Meghan MacCarthy Era over the Lauren Faust Era.


During the first two seasons whenever Fluttershy seemed to learn a lesson it would seem like she'd almost immediately forget it and go back to being that meek and fragile character that she always was. Come Season 4 whenever she'd learn a lesson it would stick and Season 5 is showing that off beautifully as she's showing more confidence than she used to and even played the biggest role in taking down Starlight Glimmer.

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