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gaming Any MTG playing Bronies out there?

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  • 4 weeks later...


ย What The Hay is Magic: Arena?

ย But a gameโ€™s a game, bro! Iโ€™d love to, if you can explain it! Shoot me a PM if ya want to walk me through it! ...though... cheap comp I got now so, legs crossed in good luck, eh?

ย (What do you cross for good luck if you donโ€™t have fingers?...)

Alsoโ€ฆ. Who gave Pinkie Chandraโ€™s firepower? Thatโ€™s mad on so many levels! Hilarious too, Spike as Nicol Bolas! Opposite ends of the dragon personality spectrum, eh?

ย And! As new-to this thread! Let me ask...

ย Didnโ€™t they say โ€˜18 was the last coreset? What Up witโ€™ dis new 19?!!?ย 

ย I see they wholesale erased old, ugly Garruk with yet another pretty, young teenager. Yeh, sure youโ€™ve โ€œsurvived so muchโ€ what with your flawless skin & no muscle tone or structure stress from random bouts of starvation or taming wild animals. Very natural for a green planeswalker.ย 

Least I still got hope in Vraska, Kiora, Chandra and... minotaur guy for the โ€œtraveller whoโ€™s journeys have actually effected them.โ€ย 


ย Oh, and as to the effect of โ€œhow am I into MTG?โ€ :

ย I got me a persona character in there too! Loosely based off of my hydra. ... Mutant Hydra Wizard. ย ...heโ€™s in the Simic guild. I hesitate to make him a planeswalker, but Iโ€™m vying for a fanfic, lol!

ย Me, iโ€™m causal. Primarily Temur colors as I see White & Black as mainly fancy icing compared to the more natural elements. If I wanted magicky hooplah... Iโ€™d use islands... even then Blue is more of an aid & protection than my loyalty to the Mountains & Forrests.ย 

.... though I will dabble in Black Magic if it means pirates! ...yarrr~

Edited by Widdershins

ย  ย Beatings & Salivations Everybeing! ย ย Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Threadย ย and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!ย ย Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to!ย Doย Youย have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't!ย Hew-Hew-hew!

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  • 2 weeks later...

ย Just bought a box of the new Return to Return to Ravinica! Can't say I'm too terribly impressed... artwork is still as amazing as ever but... it seems like the theme nowdays with MTG is boring card draw & graveyard bonuses like everything these days in cardgames. There doesn't seem to be nearly anywhere as much humor in the cards' themes like Ravinica used to. It's all just "Let's talk about how skilled & epic we are without actually talking about what we actually do."

ย This self-importantย take works well with Golgari, as that was kinda what they started out with, & Boros is expected to have pride, but... Dimir all about showing off their skill? Wearing shared attire & being visible? What was great about Dimir was how not even THEY knew what their goals were! Literally anybody could be a sleeper agent since it was the natural progression of what any crook would do with the capacity to erase memories. Plus, all the inexplicable Horrors. Because Dimir WANTS to be inexplicable.

ย Least I'll buy the hay out of the next set! Orzhov, Azorius, Simic, Gruul & Rakdos are my all favorites! And being grandiose, self-promoting jerks was what all five did to begin with, so as long as Orzhie keeps its black/white regal attire, I'm fine! Gruul were always along the lines of "I don't like this thing. I'm gonna punch it." rebels & Rakdos's were always dumb thugs, so not much can go wrong with blind bloodthirst!ย 

ย  ...Simic would lose something if they were just regular scientists rather than Mad-scientists & Azorius's was fun because of those doddering old codgers that could stalemate a game out. This set doesn't seem to care so much for tatics & keywords that snowball out of control in the lategame.ย 

ย Worried, but optimistic!

ย I swear, if "Hydra Wizard" becomes a thing...

ย  ย Beatings & Salivations Everybeing! ย ย Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Threadย ย and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!ย ย Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to!ย Doย Youย have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't!ย Hew-Hew-hew!

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Hi Widdershins,

Unfortunately there's a bit of a shift at WotC, i guess that comes from trying to pump out four main sets a year and then milking the cash cow through the reprints and arguably only a finite number of mechanics to have and a finite number fo times we'll tolerate going back to Innistrad or returning to the return to Ravnica.

At my club there was a bit of hype for Ulitmate Masters and the youngsters were dewy eyed for the box topper and we proposed to have a draft night with the topper as the prize, but at ยฃ10 per booster there were only two people interested so it never happened. The whole, "Iconic Masters and Magic 25 didn't sell well and looks like UMA might do the same ...we'd better do something" *shoehorn toppers into the boxes*

"We're giving masters a rest" ...Because the recent ones didnt sell well? Shurely not :)



Last night we had the first "Old School" tournament at my club.

I allowed proxies as the youngsters havent the means to even make a budget deck for what might be a one off.

Some printed b&w, some in colour and one proxied up a Legacy lands deck :l I thought "cards from ABUR, Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends and The Dark or any reprint with the original border and artwork" was explanatory enough :)

I loaned out my BR aggro/mid-range deck and I played White Weenie.

Round One was against my BR deck and my efficient small creatures bolstered by Crusade and Copper Tablet were able to take two games. My opponent wasnt helped by a lack of familiarity with my deck although both games left me on 6 and 1 life respectively, so they were close. 2-0

Round Two was against a Tron Artifact deck and their deck failed to do much in either game (no lands) and sadly they scooped out of frustration. So we played a third game and of course their deck fired and they were able to get out a couple of Trislkelions to ping my creatures and swing in with Su-Chi and a Juggernaut :) (typical how the universe woks like that - in a rush so all stop signs on red :l )

Round Three pitted me against a Control deck. All three games were very close. My opponents plan was to Jalum/Jayemdae Tome through their deck to find Fireball and finish me with that. Once again single and double Copper Tablets did a lot of work for me, although dropping my own life total and helping my opponent. He was running four colours (a little difficult to tell with b&w proxies :) ) and saw a few misplays "In response, I cast Counterspell" '1) that's a 1997 counterspell :l and more importantly, 2) how is your Plateau making Blue mana?'

Game one left me on 4 life, Game two I was killed by my own Copper Tablets after my opponent Swords to Plowshares'd his own Mishra's Factory and finished on 1 life and Game three left me on 3 life, thankfully he didn't have a Bolt and I top decked a Crusade to give me a 2/2 and swoing to leave him on 1 life and then pass the turn and let my Copper Tablet take that last point of life from him for a 2-1

Three wins with one game loss, very happy with that :)

My awesomeness is only second to my modesty B)


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  • 4 weeks later...

anyone cares to share the deck they're playing, or just their favorite decks if they play many different
here's my latest creation
https://manastack.com/builder/454100ย (side-deck is just cards i was considering, not an actual side deck)
i know ponders and preordains are banned, it's extreme budget build(i spent around 10$, not counting the cards i already owned(like ponder/preordain) and i play it casually with my friends who make less budget-y decks so it's a way to ballance things. and damn it it's hard to find bolts these days, i had to put incinerate instead of a fourth one(maybe i should start switching bolts back and forth from my other red deck)

My Shopย ย My Galleryย ย Ask Zecora

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Std -

Mod - 8Rack, 8Whack, Affinity, Burn, Kind, UB Mill, Stompy

Leg - Burn

Vin - nothing built at the moment

9394 - RB Aggro, White Weenie, Flying Menย 

PPR - Affinity, Burn, Delver, Extort, Slivers, Suicide Black, White Weenie

Tiny - Grenzo, Skullbriar

EDH - Kami of the Crescent Moon, Yeva (bear tribal)


Work in progress

EDH Nekusar

Tiny Kami otCM

9394 Big Red, Budget Black aggro


My awesomeness is only second to my modesty B)


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  • 2 weeks later...

:mlp_yeehaa: another victory for the chubby little Kami.


We're down to three players from four, my Psychic Corrosion has been doing a lot of work at milling when I draw a card

Image.ashx?multiverseid=447204&type=card (and it only went in my deck this last week :) )

Player B beats me down to 2 life and has plans to finish me on his next turn.

Player C decides to Living Death giving B and C very good board states as there were quite a few creatures in their Graveyards

I getImage.ashx?multiverseid=214063&type=card and Image.ashx?multiverseid=394&type=card (there were no more than 10 or so cards in my G'yard)

The Clone copies C's Blood Artist Image.ashx?multiverseid=240178&type=card which gains me a few life over the rest of C's turn as he Sacc'd/destroyed creatures.

Play then passes to me, right, what can we do about this?

Image.ashx?multiverseid=430854&type=card Pay (2) and make Mirage Mirror a copy of my Consecrated Sphinx

and this has been sat in my hand for a while, seems deec... Image.ashx?multiverseid=7168&type=card


...I have 14 cards in hand :umad:, we each discard our hands, then I draw my 14, B draws 14 and C draws 14.

So thats 14 triggers of Psychic Corrosion for B and C from my draws,

Each of their draws gives me a trigger off of each of my Consecrated Sphinx's, allowing me two draw two or four for each of their draws,

Those draws will give me another two or four triggers off of my Psychic Corrosion.

Basically B and C conceeded that there were more than enough triggers to mill them out, so they turned their libraries into their g'yards and I passed the turn

*BOOM* went Player B

*BOOM* went Player C

...sorry :lie:








...I think this is part of the reason why we banned Consecrated SPhinx in our playgroup a long time ago, there was a game with three of them out ...it was complex :crackle:


My awesomeness is only second to my modesty B)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I still play it, but not as much as I used to. Nowadays, I'm more of a collector, really.

I have an MLP version of MTG idea called Friendship: The Gathering. It's basically the same as regular Magic, but instead of getting mana from Lands, you get it from the Elements of Harmony themselves. I based the playing styles of each Element (color) on the personalities of the Mane Six.ย :mlp_yeehaa:

  • Brohoof 1
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Iโ€™ve made a green/black sustain-stall deck with defenders thatโ€™s really annoying with lots of players. I took it up against this guy with a white lifelink deck and we eneded up in a stalemateย because he had 100 something life points and he couldnโ€™t get past my defenders. :lostit:ย However, my Golgarian sustain deck has a few tricks to burst or even one-shot my opponent, but they require a LOT of setup. One of my combos involve having to use cards with Morbid, which means a creature card has to die for its effect to occur, some of which are โ€œMorbid: Gain 5 lifeโ€ and โ€œMorbid: Gain +4/+4โ€. Another combo i have is to flood my field with defenders, have one or both of my Axebane Guardians, tap them and gain two black mana equal to the amount of defenders i have (in which at that time i usually have maybe six or seven defenders already on the field, which brings the net mana from their effect at 12 or 14) as well as all my swamps and some forests, and i play Consume Spiritย which has the effect of โ€œDeal X damage to target creature or opponent and gain X life where X equals the amount of black mana used (not including initial spell cost)โ€ย 

I also have two very cheeky cards that basically negate all forms of damage from both players for the turn, allowing for more setup. :Dย 

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
  • Brohoof 1
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I haven't played in a while, I move around a lot with work and currently there isn't anyone around that plays so my decks are just gathering dust.ย  Never really been a format player as such, just play casually although I suppose most of my decks would be legacy legal and a few would be modern.

I don't have a particular favourite colour, I play a little of everything and have a pretty wide variety of decks of every major kind.ย  I generally find combo decks are the most fun to play, nothing is quite as satisfying as pulling out an insanelyย ridiculous combo like having a couple of Mirror-Sigil Sergeants,ย a couple of Paradox Hazes and a Tobita, Master of Winds on the table.

  • Brohoof 1


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Welcome aboard @Millennium Shadow, @Kronos the Revenantย & @Concerned Bystander

@Millennium Shadowย how developed is your FtG? Any cards?

@Kronos the Revenantย sounds annoying :D

@Concerned Bystanderย Legacy? That sounds interesting, any particular decks/styles?

Combo?ย :mlp_gag:ย :)



  • Thanks 1

My awesomeness is only second to my modesty B)


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Just now, Dawnchaser said:

How developed is your FTG? Any cards?๏ปฟ

I'm just about done with the template. When I'm finished, I'll make some sample cards.

I have figured out the play styles of each color, or Element, in this case because you get mana from the Elements of Harmony instead of Lands. Plus, there's 6 instead of 5 colors.

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Another thing that my sustain/stall deck has is a few cards with Extort and a Poitiff of Blight, which gives ALL of my creatures Extort and creatures that already have Extort are allowed a second proc of Extort. For those who donโ€™t know, Extort is an Orzhov ability (white/black) that basically steals life from your opponent for every instance of Extort you proc. With Poitiff of Blight, two Axebane Guardians and a crap ton of defenders on the field, i can have a cheaper Consume Spirit effect just by having this Zombie Cleric card out. :Dย 

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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Shame Pontiff isn't Common

I have a WB Pauper Extort deck :)

...with a life gain sub-themeย 

Bump In The Night ...extorted twice you lose 5 life, I gain 2 for 3mana :)

(Maybe I should include Spirit Link / Vampiric Link ๐Ÿค” )


Sounds good @Millennium Shadow, I hope to see the fruits of your labours in the future. You say you're more of a collector these days, any particular things you're collecting?



Edited by Dawnchaser

My awesomeness is only second to my modesty B)


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3 minutes ago, Dawnchaser said:

Sounds good,ย @Millennium Shadow. I hope to see the fruits of your labours in the future. You say you're more of a collector these days. Any particular things you're collecting?

We can discuss FTM, if you're interested.ย :P
The main reason is, I don't have anypony to play with me. Also, I don't buy the cards much anymore because they're expensive, and since I don't have anypony to play with,ย buying the cards in the first place ultimately pointless.
I do have Magic 2014 -ย Duels of the Planeswalkers, a game I bought on Steam, but that's the only way I can play Magic. Now, I could play my by self, but that's no really that easy; since you're playing against yourself, you already know what each "player" is gonna do, which makes it rather awkward...
ย :sunny:

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I remember attending a Two-headed Giant event and a friend ended up running two decks by himself, seemed a bit unfair as all the discussion was internal :/

I have DotP 2015 on my phone so I can play against the AI whilst at work.

I've been playing a bit of Arena (certainly not as much as @Basย though) have you tried it? I like it for the fact that r and m rarity can be 4x in your deck. Best of One is a bit odd.

I know that some of my Old School chums play over Skype and @Bas has a Discord channel

My awesomeness is only second to my modesty B)


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*New Mulligan Trial*


The London Mulligan

"The rule we'll be testing in London is as such:

When you mulligan for the Nth time, you draw seven cards, then put N cards on the bottom of your library in any order.

So, for example, let's say you're taking your second mulligan of a game, what we often call a mulligan to five.

You would draw seven cards, select two, and place those two on the bottom of your library in any order.

Then you would decide whether to keep or mulligan again."


Hmm, how can this be abusedย :mlp_huh:

Obviously some strategies will like this more than other. Post-Dispatch could be people mulliganing to purely find their Leylineย :okiedokieloki:

My awesomeness is only second to my modesty B)


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