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Ask Lady Kiriness


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18 hours ago, Duality said:

How simply slanderous of you to imply that I don't already. I am quite frankly shocked and disappointed, my good sir. :mustache:

horse puns yesssss


Why is orange?

What is the single largest quantity of soil you have carried with you at any one time?

How would you describe your relationship with frogs, as a species?

Do you intend to watch the MLP movie?

SIR?!?! *triggered on triggered in triggered* 

Because yellow and red said so. :P

Fifteen or so pounds (moving a pot of soil for my mother). ^^ 

They're cute, but I don't like touching them since they're slimy. I like little toads more (especially the babies that pop up everywhere around this time of the year). :) 

Hmm...Possibry! My interest in the show is on the decline, though the movie sounds like it'll be pretty fun. :fluttershy: 

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15 minutes ago, Lady Kiriness said:

SIR?!?! *triggered on triggered in triggered*

Actually ad-lib referencing this:



It doesn't come in a 'Madam' version. :catface:



Can you give me some examples of your favourite art pieces and styles (especially pony-related, but can be anything)?

What is your favourite substance/material?

How many dimensions does a sheep have, in your opinion?

What are your thoughts on plasma?

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1 hour ago, Duality said:

Actually ad-lib referencing this:

  Hide contents


It doesn't come in a 'Madam' version. :catface:



Can you give me some examples of your favourite art pieces and styles (especially pony-related, but can be anything)?

What is your favourite substance/material?

How many dimensions does a sheep have, in your opinion?

What are your thoughts on plasma?

*grumblegrumble* :P 

Oh my gosh, yes! I LOVE equine-styled ponies/fantasy horses! Probablyfakeblonde is one of many artists I look up to: 

I also love anime art. Hyanna Natsu can nail hair like no one's business: 


Favorite material? Art creation wise, pen and tablet! In general...Silk or soft fur? I don't believe I've ever been asked that before. :adorkable:

Sheep transcend the concept of "dimension". Their wool gives them limitless abilities. :proud: 

Plasma is essential to the human body, so I'd consider it to be pretty darn important. :P 

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4 minutes ago, Lady Kiriness said:

I LOVE equine-styled ponies/fantasy horses! Probablyfakeblonde is one of many artists I look up to:

I see why you like them. ^_^  Have they drawn a Kirin for you at any point?

15 minutes ago, Lady Kiriness said:

Favorite material? Art creation wise, pen and tablet! In general...Silk or soft fur? I don't believe I've ever been asked that before. :adorkable:

Good, good. I like to think I'm asking fairly original questions here. :proud:

16 minutes ago, Lady Kiriness said:

Plasma is essential to the human body, so I'd consider it to be pretty important. :P 

Well, I was talking about plasma as in plasma lamps, magnetically confined plasma, etc., but that works too. :toldya:


To what extent does your day-to-day life depend on the continued existence of paperclips?

What is your favourite colour of rock?

What do you normally keep in your pockets?

If you were building a house for you to live in 20 years in the future, what shape would you make the roof, and why?

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On 6/26/2017 at 8:59 PM, Duality said:

To what extent does your day-to-day life depend on the continued existence of paperclips?

What is your favourite colour of rock?

What do you normally keep in your pockets?

If you were building a house for you to live in 20 years in the future, what shape would you make the roof, and why?

I'd say that in my line of work, paperclips come in handy quite often. :P 

My favorite rock color is pink, of course! :proud: I also like purple and blue ones as well. ^^ 

I usually don't wear clothing with pockets, but when I do, I usually usually keep my phone and chapstick in them. ^^ 

I think I'd have a normal hip roof. My tastes are not that eccentric, so I'd go for something with simplicity and practicality. :) 

On 6/26/2017 at 8:59 PM, Duality said:

Well, I was talking about plasma as in plasma lamps, magnetically confined plasma, etc., but that works too. :toldya:

I'm not very familiar with that kind of plasma, so I don't really have an opinion on it. :rarity: 

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5 hours ago, Lady Kiriness said:

I'm not very familiar with that kind of plasma, so I don't really have an opinion on it.

Plasma guns? Cinematic (albeit fictional) energy-pulse explosion things? Pewpewpewcracklyfizznoiseboom? No?



What do you think your middle name might be if you were born into a Spanish family?

Have you seen the MLP movie trailer? If so, what are your thoughts thereon?

Stainless Steel Rivets: Blessing or Curse?

What's your favourite species of bird?

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On 6/29/2017 at 6:08 PM, Duality said:

Plasma guns? Cinematic (albeit fictional) energy-pulse explosion things? Pewpewpewcracklyfizznoiseboom? No?



What do you think your middle name might be if you were born into a Spanish family?

Have you seen the MLP movie trailer? If so, what are your thoughts thereon?

Stainless Steel Rivets: Blessing or Curse?

What's your favourite species of bird?

They're cool, I guess? I wouldn't say I'm well versed in that, though. Supernatural abilities are more my thing. :) 

My middle name is actually quite close to one you might expect from a Spanish person, so it wouldn't really change much. Valencia is a pretty name, though, and I'd definitely like to have one. ^^ 

A friend showed it to me earlier and it seems alright. The art style is nice. ^^

I suppose they're practical, so a blessing?

The American Goldfinch. They're so tiny and cute! I love going outside and birdwatching. :love:


On 6/30/2017 at 10:59 AM, Coffee said:

*tapes paper tube unto forehead*


"It is quite pleasant! As a Kirin, you are tasked with keeping peace and protecting nature, so we spend quite a bit of time getting to know the animals around the forest. Kirin take quite a bit of pride in their scales and some go to the lengths of having them buffed twice a day. It is nice being able to use both healing and fiery magic, which comes in handy when we need to defend ourselves!

One downside is that many do not know what we are, since we are quite elusive and shy creatures. Given our seclusion, there is quite a bit that we do not know beyond our territory. The younger generations are a starting to become more adventurous, though, and I've done a bit of exploration myself as well!"  

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1 hour ago, Lady Kiriness said:

I suppose they're practical, so a blessing?

but they're eeeeeeviiiiiilllll~



What is your most favourite quote or phrase to say out loud? What situations do you most commonly use it in?

Why is the sky blue?

What is your favourite physiological feature of any creature on Earth?

What interesting birds do you see most often when birdwatching?

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On 7/3/2017 at 11:35 PM, Duality said:

but they're eeeeeeviiiiiilllll~



What is your most favourite quote or phrase to say out loud? What situations do you most commonly use it in?

Why is the sky blue?

What is your favourite physiological feature of any creature on Earth?

What interesting birds do you see most often when birdwatching?

I often say "What are you doing?" in a high pitched voice when my dogs are doing something weird (which occurs quite frequently). They usually wag their tails and come right over! :P 

The sky is blue because actual scientific explanation the cake is a lie. :orly: 

Hmm...Long legs? I tend to like slender and lanky creatures. :) 

I see a lot of wrens! They're interesting because their tails are pointed upwards and they're quite curious and courageous birds. They've built nests in low flower pots and constantly explore my patio. XD

Others are the goldfinches, cardinals, and painted buntings. ^^ 


On 7/4/2017 at 1:36 PM, Frostgage said:

What are your plans for the 4th of July? (or what did you do depending on when you see this)

My extended family came over and we chowed down on some BBQ! During the evening, my parents and I visited one of my grandparents, who is living at a nursing home. All of the residents were rolled outside to watch fireworks in the park nearby. :) 



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12 minutes ago, Lady Kiriness said:

The sky is blue because actual scientific explanation the cake is a lie.

Sounds pretty scientific to me. :orly:


What are your favourite things to do in your spare time?

What's your favourite insect (or annihilation thereof)?

How messy is your handwriting?

Zips or buttons?

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On 7/5/2017 at 11:19 PM, Duality said:

Sounds pretty scientific to me. :orly:


What are your favourite things to do in your spare time?

What's your favourite insect (or annihilation thereof)?

How messy is your handwriting?

Zips or buttons?

Huehue. :P


I love to do artwork! I also keep a journal and like spending some time outside writing in it and daydreaming. Reading and watching anime are also pretty fun as well. :) 

Erm...Probably a dragonfly. ^^

Coincidentally, there was a handwriting thread I participated in at one point, so here's my post. I'll let you be the judge, though I personally think mine is messy. :please:

Zips. They're easier. :orly: 

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2 minutes ago, Lady Kiriness said:

Coincidentally, there was a handwriting thread I participated in at one point, so here's my post. I'll let you be the judge, though I personally think mine is messy.

Pretty much everyone that I've heard talking about their handwriting seems to think it's messy. I wonder if anyone's done psychological analyses on the subject of how messy people think their handwriting is...

10 minutes ago, Lady Kiriness said:

I also keep a journal and like spending some time outside writing in it and daydreaming.

What sort of things do you write? Things about your life or just stories?



How many middle names do you have?

If you could have one thing out of anything in the solar system, what would it be?

Can you raise a single eyebrow?

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21 hours ago, Duality said:

Pretty much everyone that I've heard talking about their handwriting seems to think it's messy. I wonder if anyone's done psychological analyses on the subject of how messy people think their handwriting is...

What sort of things do you write? Things about your life or just stories?



How many middle names do you have?

If you could have one thing out of anything in the solar system, what would it be?

Can you raise a single eyebrow?

I'm sure that there are, though none come to mind right now. I'd think it boils down to perfectionism. There are times when I feel the same way about my artwork no matter what anyone else says. We also have such varying perspectives of what is and is not aesthetically pleasing, which is why some have a deep appreciation for splatter paintings, while others consider realism to be the "true standard" of art. :P 

I pretty much document my life, including the thoughts and feelings I'm having at the time. ^^

I have only one. 

If I could have one extraterrestrial thing, a rock from another planet/moon would be more suitable. Nebulae are pretty cool, but I wouldn't know what to do with one. If we're talking about anything, including something from earth, I suppose I'd like a horse and a place to keep it. :) 

Yes, my left one. 


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20 minutes ago, Lady Kiriness said:

I pretty much document my life, including the thoughts and feelings I'm having at the time.

Would you ever write an autobiography if there was a reason for people to buy it?

20 minutes ago, Lady Kiriness said:

Yes, my left one. 

me too we must be secretly related  :love:



What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

What's your favourite berry?

Is there any event in your life that you wish had never happened?

Is there any event in your life that you wish had happened more than once?

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What would you do if you found a kirin statuett?

(I tried to draw one, but I can't seem to get it right).


Edited by Artimis Whooves
slow internet
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Avatar by me, I'm finally okay at drawing x3

If you like helping peeps, you should check out GoG! [ clicking the picture takes you there :P


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On 7/10/2017 at 7:52 PM, Duality said:

Would you ever write an autobiography if there was a reason for people to buy it?

me too we must be secretly related  :love:



What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

What's your favourite berry?

Is there any event in your life that you wish had never happened?

Is there any event in your life that you wish had happened more than once?

You journal as well?! Ahh, let's make a journal clubhouse for journalling individuals! :D 

Oh gosh...I would be pretty amazed if people wanted to buy it. ^^; I mean, I guess if I became famous for something, then sure. :) 

Hmm....There are many pieces of advice that I hold dear, but not letting fear control me is one of the most impactful for me. I used to be (and still am to an extent) extremely timid and afraid to try something new because I feared failure and rejection. There are many opportunities that I would have missed (including joining the forums and meeting you guys) had I not been encouraged not to talk myself out of new experiences. 

Strawberry, hands down! They're sweet, juicy, and superb with whipped cream or chocolate. ~

I am so tempted to say yes. There are some painful experiences I would rather not remember, but in the end, they made me stronger. Therefore, I wouldn't change a thing. :proud: 

I leased a horse back in grade school and would not mind owning leasing one again. :orly:  


On 7/12/2017 at 11:29 PM, Vulcan said:

What art program do you like using and why? :wacko:

Oh gosh. I have been through the ringer with art all sorts of art programs! I finally settled on Clip Studio Paint because it is very inexpensive and has all of the bells and whistles of SAI, Photoshop, and other popular programs. I do have Photoshop, but I don't like the brushes as much. :) 

On 7/14/2017 at 5:39 AM, Artimis Whooves said:

What would you do if you found a kirin statuett?

(I tried to draw one, but I can't seem to get it right).


If I did, I would hug it and weep tears of joy probably take a picture with it and put it in my journal. :P 

(You should totally share it if you find it! :)

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2 minutes ago, Lady Kiriness said:

You journal as well?! Ahh, let's make a journal clubhouse for journalling individuals!

No, no, I can raise my left eyebrow.

I feel like I've left you abjectly disappointed now. ^_^

3 minutes ago, Lady Kiriness said:

Hmm....There are many pieces of advice that I hold dear, but not letting fear control me is one of the most impactful for me. I used to be (and still am to an extent) extremely timid and afraid to try something new because I feared failure and rejection. There are many opportunities that I would have missed (including joining the forums and meeting you guys) had I not been encouraged not to talk myself out of new experiences. 

Wow, you don't come across as timid at all:wacko:

Obviously, you're doing something right. :smug:



What's the most beautiful place you've ever visited?

What is your favourite physical unit of currency (whether a coin or a note)?

How much do you like scarves?

If you could understand any single concept known to mankind, which one would you choose?

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18 hours ago, Duality said:

No, no, I can raise my left eyebrow.

I feel like I've left you abjectly disappointed now. ^_^

Wow, you don't come across as timid at all:wacko:

Obviously, you're doing something right. :smug:



What's the most beautiful place you've ever visited?

What is your favourite physical unit of currency (whether a coin or a note)?

How much do you like scarves?

If you could understand any single concept known to mankind, which one would you choose?

Staying strong...Trying not to cry.....


In all seriousness, it's all good! :P Different slopes for different folks. ^^

Ah, good good. Let that illusion flow through you. *snrk* Nah, I am very similar to Fluttershy in many ways, though my confidence has increased significantly, especially in the past year. ^^

Well, thankye! :) 


I'd have to say Bermuda. The beaches and sand were super pretty! 

Hmm...The one-dollar (USD) coin is very rare, which makes it special! I like it for that reason, though prefer to use a card instead of cash for convenience.

I LOVE scarves! I'm always wearing them in the cooler months. ^^

It would be pretty neat to suddenly wake up and understand quantum theory everything about quantum physics. I would then attempt to create a teleportation device! 



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Here is a question that would look rather interesting for me to ask (a rather unusual question perhaps?)

If you would be a commander in an army, how high would your concern to your soldier's life be?

(And we are talking in a scale where someone dies every second in a massive galactic scale)

Also, would you like to hit them with your sword?




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On ‎17‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 5:32 AM, Lady Kiriness said:

Staying strong...Trying not to cry.....


There, there. *pats shoulder* :unsure:

On ‎17‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 5:32 AM, Lady Kiriness said:


Ah, good good. Let that illusion flow through you. *snrk* Nah, I am very similar to Fluttershy in many ways, though my confidence has increased significantly, especially in the past year. ^^

Aw, that's good. :kindness:

In what way have you been increasing in confidence?

On ‎17‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 5:32 AM, Lady Kiriness said:


Hmm...The one-dollar (USD) coin is very rare, which makes it special!

Oooooh! I have one of those in my coin collection! So shiny and gold! :D

On ‎17‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 5:32 AM, Lady Kiriness said:


It would be pretty neat to suddenly wake up and understand quantum theory everything about quantum physics. I would then attempt to create a teleportation device!

How likely do you think it'd be to work? :dash:



If you had the superpower of telekinetically hitting people with an object, what would that object be?

If you could have a single pocket-sized pony in real life, which one would you choose, if any?

What is the single most physically painful event you've ever experienced?

What is the most interesting pattern you've ever seen?

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On 7/17/2017 at 6:29 PM, Duality said:

Aw, that's good. :kindness:

In what way have you been increasing in confidence?

Hmm...I'd say that I now have a lot of confidence when it comes to speaking up/putting my foot down. There are many things I used to tolerate that I shouldn't have. ^^ 

On 7/17/2017 at 6:29 PM, Duality said:

Oooooh! I have one of those in my coin collection! So shiny and gold! :D

You collect coins? Nice! I did for a little while as a kid, but I don't remember which coins I had. :muffins:

On 7/17/2017 at 6:29 PM, Duality said:

How likely do you think it'd be to work? :dash:

My Senpai, Shia LaBeouf, says that nothing is impossible. Therefore, I shall make my dreams come true! 

On 7/17/2017 at 6:29 PM, Duality said:

If you had the superpower of telekinetically hitting people with an object, what would that object be?

If you could have a single pocket-sized pony in real life, which one would you choose, if any?

What is the single most physically painful event you've ever experienced?

What is the most interesting pattern you've ever seen?

Probably a Snicker's bar so that angry people would calm down. You're not you when you're hungry. :orly: 

Most likely, I'd take Sunset Shimmer around with me. She's mature and would have some nice advice. 

Most painful...One time, I was riding my bike down a pathway (downhill) and lost control. I fell onto my stomach and skidded, which left some painful burn marks on my tummy, arms, and legs. I remember it being very painful to move. :/ 

I don't have a "most interesting" pattern, but argyle is one that I enjoy. 


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6 hours ago, Lady Kiriness said:

Probably a Snicker's bar so that angry people would calm down. You're not you when you're hungry.

Agreed. :proud:

11 hours ago, Lady Kiriness said:

Most likely, I'd take Sunset Shimmer around with me. She's mature and would have some nice advice.

Interesting choice. :sunbutt:




What's your favourite quote for any and all situations?

What's your favourite character in the English language?

How often do you allow yourself to become sleep deprived?

What's the densest item you own?

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