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gaming Do you have any shiny Pokemon?!?


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Haha I actually have a lot more now. Some wonder traded, and a few that were given to me by a very nice artist on Instagram by the name of Iceicafrost.

Traded to me are- croconaw, hariyama, ducklett, kyogre, rapidash, bellossom, zoroark, fraxure, linoone, slurpuff, trevenant, rotom, snorlax, shaymin, arceus. (I also had a darkrai, but I traded it away on the gts)


Caught by shiny hunting/ breeding- gyrados, drifblim, mr.mime, clauncher, octillery, corsola, altaria, goldeen, tangela. (Also had a shiny poliwag but traded it to my boyfriend) I've only breed a shiny manectric. Currently at about 300 eggs for a shiny onix.


Event- shiny xerneas, shiny yveltal.


Oh and I found a shiny emolga by complete random chance a few weeks ago. Restarted Y and it was the first Pokémon I ran into on the route before Geosange.

Edited by iceestarz
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I've caught quite a few Shiny Pokémon over the years, and I've also been given some to me as gifts through the various events that Nintendo have done. Only on two occasions have I hatched a Shiny from an egg although I wasn't expecting it to happen. I believe that I have at least twenty different Shiny Pokémon although I haven't checked the exact number in a while now.


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I've gotten the following from random encounters.

Kecleon (Emerald)

Golbat (Emerald)

Gloom (Emerald, from Safari Zone, too lucky)

Psyduck (Soul Silver)


The rest are ones that were made accessible.

Gyarados (Soul Silver)

Haxorus (White 2)

Dratini (White 2, not too useful since it doesn't have its hidden ability)

Dialga, Palkia, Giratina (White, White 2, event)

Gengar (X, Gamestop event)

Metagross (Omega Ruby, event, started as Beldum)

Rayquaza (Omega Ruby, event)

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Okay guys. I'm literally screaming lmao. My boyfriend bought me sun as an early Christmas gift and I literally just ran into a shiny alolan diglett. Like it was the first Pokémon I ran into after finishing the first trial and I nearly dropped my 3ds lol.

  • Brohoof 2
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I have the event exclusive shinies of Yveltal and Xerneas. In addition to them, I have shinies of Metagross, Phantump, Lucario, Clefable, Slurpuff and Cacturne.

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I have a shiny Gloom which I caught on Pokémon Emerald when I was young. At the time I didn't know why it was a different color. In the same game I got a shiny Loudred.

I also have a shiny Buizel in Pokémon Diamond


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I was lucky on Pokémon X when I happened upon a shiny Carbink. It was the first time I had seen the Pokémon, actually, so I was lucky that I noticed the sparkling animation to recognise it as a shiny and therefore ensure to catch it! :o

I only have one other shiny, which, if I remember rightly, I got on Pokémon Y (or one of the newer, 3D games most certainly): a Gallade, which I received from a lucky Wonder Trade as a Ralts. :squee: So I suppose I have obtained four shinies in total. :adorkable: Not too impressive, but I'm really happy with them; Carbink looks amazing especially: post-34781-0-82845900-1479840155.gif



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I've played almost every game since Gen III, yet I've never encountered a single shiny until somewhat recently in X, when I found a shiny Seviper in a Zangoose horde. Unfortunately they don't get along very well, so the Zangoose ended up killing the Seviper before I could take them out. Since then, I haven't encountered any, nor have I gotten any from my attempts at shiny breeding.


So no, I don't have any shinies, though I might try my hand at 'ally chaining' in Moon at some point.


Oh but of course my brother has one. Not even 100 hours into his first game, he goes and catches a shiny Wurmple/Silcoon in Omega Ruby ...

3rd Eye | To suffer hate in search of love, or lose them both forever? 🎔 ~


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I had the shiny garados in Silver and in Omega Ruby I got a shiny charizard from an event and I randomly stumbled upon (and caught) a shiny spinda (I think I was EV training at the time and came across 5 of them at once, and one just so happened to be lucky XD)

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