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MLP Dream Experiences & Discussion

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I find I dream about ponies quite a bit myself, actually.


A couple nights ago, I had a dream Applejack, Lyra, and I, were in a treehouse behind this really fancy mansion.


I got tired of sitting in a circle with them, so I climbed down from the treehouse and went into the mansion.


There was a lot of people there, and they all looked the exact same.


I went over to a punch bowl and started drinking this purple punch straight from the ladel.


A humanized form of Rarity (Not EQG) walked up beside me and started talking ( :wub: ) but I didn't understand her all too well.


I smiled and she walked away, so I went on my way too.


Then, everyone was a humanized Rarity. 


I was just chill about it.


I then went back into the backyard and climbed back up into the treehouse with AJ and Lyra and started punching the shit out of a pillow while they just sat there like statues.


Come to think of it, I think they were mannequins; I don't recall a single expression out of either of them one time.


Regardless, it was a pretty fucked up dream :blush:


I keep a dream journal :D I'll book mark this topic and share what I wrote down whenever I have a pony dream :D

  • Brohoof 2


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Had the strangest dream this morning. Apparently I was friends with Eminem, and we were driving down the street in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Something bright and pink caught my eye as we passed by one house - it was a dude dressed up in a Pinkie Pie fursuit raking leaves on his lawn. Eeyup, you heard that right. A guy dressed like this:




...casually raking leaves on his front lawn.


Anyway, as we passed him, I kinda smiled to myself and decided not to point it out to Eminem, since I had a feeling he hated bronies. Some time passed, and I somehow found myself in the backyard of the house next the one where the guy had been raking leaves. I heard a bit of commotion out in the front, so I went to see what was going on. There was Eminem, trash talking the brony, still in his fursuit, and he (Em) eventually went up and socked him in the face. I think the brony hit him back, which prompted a couple members of Em's posse to advance on him. I stepped in and broke everything up.


Later on I was in what appeared to be my bedroom in my old apartment, and the brony guy was there - his fursuit was still on except for the head. I apologized for Eminem's behavior, telling him that Em was just intimidated by a culture he didn't understand. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught movement in the hallway outside the door, and assumed it was Em eavesdropping, so I dropped into a more hushed tone.


And that's pretty much all I remember. Kind of weird and surreal.

  • Brohoof 2
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I had a dream I was walking through a forest in the middle of the day.


I then ran into to Rarity, Patrick the friggin' starfish from Spongebob, and Yoda.


Then we were walking around the forest together until we found this shoddy wooden shed.


I sprinted towards it, and then woke up.




It wasn't long enough, but I was up late last night, so...


I just thought I'd mention it because of the Rarity sighting :D:wub:


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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I dreamed that a guy in rainbow dash furry suit was chasing me around the back room at wal mart.... How do you guys get normal mlp dreams?


I had a dream I was walking through a forest in the middle of the day.


I then ran into to Rarity, Patrick the friggin' starfish from Spongebob, and Yoda.


Then we were walking around the forest together until we found this shoddy wooden shed.


I sprinted towards it, and then woke up.

Meeting Rarity, Patrick Star, and Yoda randomly in a forest is so normal :D


Dreams are usually pretty surreal, man. At least, in my experiences with them :D


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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The other night I had a dream that I was playing Bravely Default, but all of the characters were replaced by ponies. Apple Jack was my knight, Pinkie Pie was my summoner, Twilight Sparkle was my time mage, Rainbow Dash was my Valkyrie, Fluttershy was Airy, and Rarity ran the armor shop in Norende selling gorgeous pieces of armor.

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HAd another dream where I was in a car, I think BronyCurious and Digibrony were driving, we were stuck in a traffic jam next to a big lake with a bridge over it, and right on the side walk outside was Rarity and Twilight, and Twilight was explaining to Rarity how she traveled back in time and how she was actually Rarity's mother. But then the bridge behind them exploded and I watched the bridge and all the people on it fall a few thousand feet. 


And another one where a Source Film Editor version of Twilight was standing next to a tree across from giant spider saying she couldn't remember who she was. 

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This is a weird one.

Okay so I had A dream where I was the most inept, awkward, and clumsy potential guard ever. I was still human but was in a world that was largely but not exclusively populated by Equestrians. I was the single worst guard ever and almost everyone hated me or looked down upon me. I cant say I blamed them either. I vomited on Shining armor because I decide to eat two pounds of ice-cream before training. I tripped down the stairs fell on the grass, got up, tripped again and accidently slapped Princess Cadence on the flank. She thought I was Shining Armor flirted with me before turning around and flying off super embarrassed. Shining saw the whole thing and I was so nervous that before I could explain or apologize I vomited on him again. I tripped into Luna's bath tub with a bunch of cheese curls and she smelled like cheese. So I had to get the cheese stuff off of her and realized she was naked and felt weird about it. She said she was always naked and I felt weirder so she put a towel on one of her hooves and apparently she didn't look naked anymore. However I had to clean that hoof and when I took off the towel she got all embarrassed and said I had a dirty mind. I accidently flooded the Canterlot court with milk because I tried fighting cows and accidently punched the milk out of them.

However for some reason Celestia had an crazy amount of faith in me. She ardently defended me at every turn and forgave every mistake. She seemed to strangely brimming with pride no matter what I did. Then me and Celestia had a picnic and she told me of an very important book she wanted me to protect. I asked why she chose me because I was the absolute worst choice ever. She said said "shhh trust me Im Celestia" So she announced with an amazing glee and pride that I would protect the book. We were all in a castle tower and kind of crowded so people and ponies were agitated, but not Celestia. She handed me the book and the first thing I did was casually toss it out a window. immediately I saw Celestia's glee turn to extreme sorrow as she broke down and wept uncontrollably.  Shining armor looked at me with contempt and said "are gonna vomit on her too?" I leapt from the tower grabbed the book from mid air and flew back to the tower. Yes I could fly for no reason and didn't care. Celestia regained her happy demeanor and then I vomited on the book because of motion sickness and the dream ended.

  • Brohoof 3
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I vaguely remember a dream many months ago (if not a year or more) where I was at this cabin in some remote location on a sunny day, and I think I was friends with these 3 or 4 girls around my age who were also fans of mlp:fim. And we hanged out at that cabin.......I think? I'm not certain if I've had any other MLP related dreams, if I did I've forgotten unfortunately :(

Edited by Sir Wulfington

Proud Supporter of Communism

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This is a weird one.


Okay so I had A dream where I was the most inept, awkward, and clumsy potential guard ever. I was still human but was in a world that was largely but not exclusively populated by Equestrians. I was the single worst guard ever and almost everyone hated me or looked down upon me. I cant say I blamed them either. I vomited on Shining armor because I decide to eat two pounds of ice-cream before training. I tripped down the stairs fell on the grass, got up, tripped again and accidently slapped Princess Cadence on the flank. She thought I was Shining Armor flirted with me before turning around and flying off super embarrassed. Shining saw the whole thing and I was so nervous that before I could explain or apologize I vomited on him again. I tripped into Luna's bath tub with a bunch of cheese curls and she smelled like cheese. So I had to get the cheese stuff off of her and realized she was naked and felt weird about it. She said she was always naked and I felt weirder so she put a towel on one of her hooves and apparently she didn't look naked anymore. However I had to clean that hoof and when I took off the towel she got all embarrassed and said I had a dirty mind. I accidently flooded the Canterlot court with milk because I tried fighting cows and accidently punched the milk out of them.


However for some reason Celestia had an crazy amount of faith in me. She ardently defended me at every turn and forgave every mistake. She seemed to strangely brimming with pride no matter what I did. Then me and Celestia had a picnic and she told me of an very important book she wanted me to protect. I asked why she chose me because I was the absolute worst choice ever. She said said "shhh trust me Im Celestia" So she announced with an amazing glee and pride that I would protect the book. We were all in a castle tower and kind of crowded so people and ponies were agitated, but not Celestia. She handed me the book and the first thing I did was casually toss it out a window. immediately I saw Celestia's glee turn to extreme sorrow as she broke down and wept uncontrollably.  Shining armor looked at me with contempt and said "are gonna vomit on her too?" I leapt from the tower grabbed the book from mid air and flew back to the tower. Yes I could fly for no reason and didn't care. Celestia regained her happy demeanor and then I vomited on the book because of motion sickness and the dream ended.


Holy Pegasi in a Wheelbarrow...


That's the funniest thing I've read all week.


Perhaps one of the funniest dreams I've ever heard.


Your mind is something to admired buddy. Just don't vomit on that too.

  • Brohoof 2



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I've had 2 more pony dreams since my last post in this topic.


The first was about an adventure I was on with the mane 6. We traveled over mountains, through caves, and across the ocean and eventually met a pony version of Tellah from Final Fantasy 4.


The second was a lot weirder. Portals were opening up all over the earth and killer whales that could survive on land were coming through. They were terrorizing the planet (and ate my pet bunny), and it looked like they were about to cause an apocalypse until human versions of the mane 6 appeared to fight them off.


I remember a part where I was in a library with Spike (Who took the form of a goblin in the human world for some reason.) fighting off a hoard of killer whales while Twilight was searching for a book that contained a spell to seal all of the portals, and stop any more from opening.


The spell would have stopped any portals from opening, including ones to Equestria so Twilight taught someone on earth how to perform it, and the mane 6 departed to go back to Equestria. However a killer whale we thought was dead (Hooray for horror movie cliches) went through the portal after them. Without even thinking I jumped in to kill it even though I wouldn't be able to get back to my own world.


After staying in Canterlot for a few months while being interviewed by the royal history keepers on the human world so they would have records of the human world, I moved to Ponyville. I lived out my life in peace there, and ended up developing feelings for Twilight.

  • Brohoof 1
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Had a dream the other night I was drinking with Rainbow Dash. She went on to tell me she is not a lesbian, that Fluttershy is.. and that for weeks now has been trying to get in the Daring Do's pants... then Princess Luna yelled at me.. for getting Rainbow Dash drunk.. so I got her drunk too.. was really hoping for a Spitfire dream.. oh well 

  • Brohoof 1


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I had a dream recently, that every nation in the world was in the control of ponies. The national anthem, would be the theme song, and everyone in the world would stand in honour, and with as much of a straight face as possible.

Edited by pony12343
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Alright, I'm hurr.


So, last night was big for my Rarity obsession, right? Placed an order for a shitton of awesome merch and won that little contest thing for biggest fan on the forums. (Thanks again, everyone! :D)


So, I had me a wittle Rarity dream, too.


So, time to begin.


So, there was me and 5 other dudes under a wooden walkway in the middle of the woods, leading into a YMCA center type place.


Out of the building walked the mane 6, and Rarity came right to me :wub:


So, we started talking about stuff, and then she got all upset, like, out of nowhere.


"Why does everyone hate me so much?!?! :( :( :( "


I got angry, and a sat down on the ground and put my arm around her. ( :wub: :wub:)


So, RD came over there and tried consoling her, but I just started ripping Dash a new one.


She got all wanting to fight with me, and I wanted fight RD; everyone else was holding us back from each other. I was pissed off, I remember.


Then, we all got calm, laughed, and went into the building together.


There were ping pong tables and vending machines and shizz.


Then, I woke up; I'm always up until 1 or 2 a.m., and I wake up at 7 a.m., so my dreams are usually interrupted :(

And that was my most recent pony dream :D

Edited by Champion gfk39
  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Alright, I'm hurr.


So, last night was big for my Rarity obsession, right? Placed an order for a shitton of awesome merch and won that little contest thing for biggest fan on the forums. (Thanks again, everyone! :D)


So, I had me a wittle Rarity dream, too.


So, time to begin.


So, there was me and 5 other dudes under a wooden walkway in the middle of the woods, leading into a YMCA center type place.


Out of the building walked the mane 6, and Rarity came right to me :wub:


So, we started talking about stuff, and then she got all upset, like, out of nowhere.


"Why does everyone hate me so much?!?! :( :( :( "


I got angry, and a sat down on the ground and put my arm around her. ( :wub: :wub:)


So, RD came over there and tried consoling her, but I just started ripping Dash a new one.


She got all wanting to fight with me, and I wanted fight RD; everyone else was holding us back from each other. I was pissed off, I remember.


Then, we all got calm, laughed, and went into the building together.


There were ping pong tables and vending machines and shizz.


Then, I woke up; I'm always up until 1 or 2 a.m., and I wake up at 7 a.m., so my dreams are usually interrupted :(

And that was my most recent pony dream :D


That sounds amazing, I wish I could have pony dreams. 90% of the time I don't dream at all, and that other ten percent is often strange dreams I never remember.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, I dreamed I was my "ponysona" so I guess that sorta counts. Yeesh, that one left me disturbed for a couple of days...
It was a slaughter at the hands of a different OC of mine who's actually a rule 63 of SunBurn.
But I know what she felt while she was tearing at me and dragging my wounds across dirt and rock. The place where it happened looked like this but without the snake.

I remember how we both felt. For me, I had already given up and felt that sense of redemption for getting what I deserved. For her, there was no pleasure in doing it, there was only hatred in her and you could see it in how she fought like a crazed animal. Only did she decide to finish me once that hateful energy she had been brimming with had gotten released and even then, there was no pity whatsoever; her eyes looked dead and her expression listless. Soulless.

It was death by impalement. But with the dying came a sense of relief.


It wasn't the first of its kind but it was the previous. Will it be the last? Who knows.

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I had this dream the other night. It revolved around "Rainbow Falls"


I remember being at the training grounds hanging with Dash and Fluttershy. I was watching Dash going through a course, and she got distracted like Soarin did, she messed up like Soarin, she actually fell and hit the ground. She ended up breaking her wing.So after she got picked up and taken to the hospital/infirmary. Fluttershy then turned to me and asked if I wanted to be their third flyer for Ponyville. I said sure,why not. So Me Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps went and visited Dash. Dash gave me a few pointers and help. Spitfire and Soarin then walked in and wished Dash for a speedy recovery.and before I could talk to Spitfire, I woke up.

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I dreamed I was my "ponysona" so I guess that sorta counts. Yeesh, that one left me disturbed for a couple of days...

It was a slaughter at the hands of a different OC of mine who's actually a rule 63 of SunBurn.

But I know what she felt while she was tearing at me and dragging my wounds across dirt and rock. The place where it happened looked like this but without the snake.

I remember how we both felt. For me, I had already given up and felt that sense of redemption for getting what I deserved. For her, there was no pleasure in doing it, there was only hatred in her and you could see it in how she fought like a crazed animal. Only did she decide to finish me once that hateful energy she had been brimming with had gotten released and even then, there was no pity whatsoever; her eyes looked dead and her expression listless. Soulless.

It was death by impalement. But with the dying came a sense of relief.


It wasn't the first of its kind but it was the previous. Will it be the last? Who knows.

Dude, how did you not wake up from that? That might be our first pony nightmare. 

Anyways, I'm with Michelle Crieber in some random kitchen and she hands be an apple themed wrestling belt. She told me that in exchange I would be helping her win some womens wrestling title that I happened to be holding and put on the countertop. Applejack, Big Macintosh and WWE superstar John Cena were all there to team up with us in order to take down 2 women who shot up the kitchen and some other women with a Thompson machine gun. Don't know what happened after because I flashed over to some other random location that wasn't pony related. 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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I had a very vague dream with Celestia and Luna last night. Don't remember what happened, unfortunately. 

Edited by cowbrony1991
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